INTRODUCTION to MSME Sector Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the last five decades. MSMEs not only play crucial role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than large industries but also help in industrialization of rural & backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth. MSMEs are complementary to large industries as ancillary units and this sector contributes enormously to the socio-economic development of the country. The ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006’, came into force from 2nd October 2006. The Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development in all over the world. Let there be any category of countries (Developed, Developing and Under Developed), the existence of MSMEs is inevitable. The major advantage of the sector is its pivotal role through its contribution in Industrial output, Exports, and majorly in Employment generation at low capital cost. The labour intensity of the MSME sector is much higher than that of the large enterprises. The MSMEs constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and account for a major share of industrial production and exports. In India, the MSMEs contribution is highly remarkable in the overall industrial economy of the country. In recent years the MSME sector has consistently registered higher growth rate compared to the overall industrial sector. With its agility and dynamism, the sector has shown admirable innovativeness and

Introduction to Msme Sector

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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the last five decades. MSMEs not only play crucial role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than large industries but also help in industrialization of rural & backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth. MSMEs are complementary to large industries as ancillary units and this sector contributes enormously to the socio-economic development of the country.

The ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006’, came into force from 2nd October 2006.

The Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) have been accepted as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development in all over the world. Let there be any category of countries (Developed, Developing and Under Developed), the existence of MSMEs is inevitable. The major advantage of the sector is its pivotal role through its contribution in Industrial output, Exports, and majorly in Employment generation at low capital cost. The labour intensity of the MSME sector is much higher than that of the large enterprises. The MSMEs constitute over 90% of total enterprises in most of the economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and account for a major share of industrial production and exports.

In India, the MSMEs contribution is highly remarkable in the overall industrial economy of the country. In recent years the MSME sector has consistently registered higher growth rate compared to the overall industrial sector. With its agility and dynamism, the sector has shown admirable innovativeness and adaptability to survive the recent economic downturn and recession. In Indian market, MSMEs rapid growth could be seen as Indian entrepreneurs are making remarkable progress in various Industries like Manufacturing, Precision Engineering Design, Food Processing, Pharmaceutical, Textile & Garments, Retail, IT and ITES, Agro and Service sector. The sector not only serves for urban market but also helps in industrialization of rural and backward areas, reducing regional Imbalances and assuring more equitable distribution of national income and wealth. MSMEs complement large industries as ancillary units and contribute enormously to the socioeconomic development of the country. MSMEs account for 45% of India’s manufacturing output, about 40% of India’s total exports; employ about 73 mn people in more than 31 mn units spread across the country, manufacture more than 6,000 products ranging from traditional to high tech items (MSME report 2011). The report also projects the total production coming from the

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MSME sector at 10,957.6 bn in FY11, an increase of more than 11% over the previous year contribution.

Though, MSMEs contribution is phenomenal in the growth of Indian economy, Simultaneously, MSMEs are facing intense pressure and constraints to sustain their competitiveness in globalized world. Some other issues such as recession, low demand, finance, heavy competition from MNCs etc. are becoming conspicuous dilemma to MSMEs in India. In this competitive world, MSMEs need to be able to confront the increasing competition from developed and emerging economies and to plug into the new market opportunities, provided by these countries. There is a direct link between internationalization and increased MSMEs performance. International activities reinforce growth, enhance competitiveness and support the long term sustainability of companies. Yet Indian MSMEs still depend largely on their domestic markets despite the opportunities brought by the enlarged single market and by globalization at large. De-reservation of items which were earlier reserved for MSMEs, increasing competition by liberalizing the policies and allowing foreign companies to operate in Indian market are some of the emerging challenges before MSMEs.



An ACT to provide for facilitating the promotion and development and enhancing the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

The conceptual and legal framework for small scale and ancillary industrial undertakings is derived from the industries Development and Regulation Act, 1951. The Act provided the necessary powers to the central govt. to amend the provisions of this act from time to time so as to encourage small scale and ancillary undertakings. The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Bill, 2005 which was enacted in June 2006 was renamed as “Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006” aims at facilitating the promotion and development of small and medium enterprises. Various notifications issued by the Central Government from time to time relating to increase in slap rate of investments in plant and machinery for manufacturing enterprises and equipments in service enterprises provides a clear cut proof that the economy of our country is striving towards achieving the economies of scale by increasing the volume of production of goods. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMEDA) extends the scope to accomplishes many long standing goals of the government and stakeholders in the MSME sector including the service sector.

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Ministry of AGRO and RURAL Industries and Ministry of Small Scale Industries have been merged into a single Ministry, namely “Ministry of Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises”

Definition of MSME is given by MSME Act, 2006-

In India, the enterprises have been classified broadly into two categories:

(i) Manufacturing; and(ii) Those engaged in providing/rendering of services.

Both categories of enterprises have been further classified into micro, small and medium enterprises based on their investment in plant and machinery (for manufacturing enterprises) or on equipments (in case of enterprises providing or rendering services). The present ceiling on investment to be classified as micro, small or medium enterprises is as under:

Types of Enterprises Eligible to be Registered under MSME Act, 2006

All classes of enterprises, whether Proprietorship, Hindu undivided family, Association of Persons, cooperative society, Partnership firm, Company or Undertaking, by whatever name called can apply for the registration and get qualified for the benefits provided under the Act.

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Registration of MSME :

1) Voluntary and not compulsory with respect to Micro and Small Enterprises.2) DIC is the primary registering centre.3) Two types:

Provisional Registration. Permanent/Final Registration.

Continuous Disclosure –

a. Change in the investment in plant and machinery or in equipment, the enterprise who have already filed Entrepreneurs Memorandum should inform the District industries Centre of the same in writing within 3 month of the change in investment.

b. Change of products and that of services or addition in products or services. The enterprises which have already filed Entrepreneurs Memorandum should inform the District industries Centre of the same in writing within 3 month of the change.

Note- EM PART – II to be filed within 2 years or else the EM PART – I filed by a person will become invalid.

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ON-LINE Registration of MSME-

The online service is introduced mainly to help the entrepreneurs to obtain acknowledgement to EM. Part 1 readily without contacting the General Managers of District Industries Centres (DIC) and Regional Joint Director.

MSME Registration

MSME stands for micro, small and medium enterprises and any enterprise that falls under any of these three categories can apply for registration. MSME registration that falls under the MSMED Act facilitates promotion and development of enterprises and improves its functioning. Any type of enterprise can apply for SME registration. These includes proprietorship enterprises, enterprises managed by Hindu undivided family, enterprises run by association of individuals, co-operative societies, partnership firms and enterprises managed by companies or undertakings etc. After registration, an enterprise becomes eligible to get the benefits under the MSMED Act. There are two stages of registration-provincial and permanent (final). An enterprise is granted provincial registration when it is at a pre-investment stage. After getting provincially registered, an enterprise can apply for permanent registration just before launching its production facilities. However, an enterprise that is already functioning need not have to apply for provincial registration as it is eligible to apply for permanent registration.

Enterprises falling under the three categories (micro, small and medium) are further categorized into two types of industries- manufacturing industry and service industry. The status of an enterprise under the MSMED Act is determined according to the investment slab under which an enterprise falls. Benefits of MSME Registration in India

The MSME registration process in India has been conceptualized to provide maximum benefits to all types of enterprises. After registration, any enterprise becomes qualified to reap the benefits offered under the MSMED Act. For example, after provincial registration an enterprise can seek financial credit and also other facilities like land, industrial set-up, and water/electricity/telephone connections. After getting registered under a competent authority, an enterprise is allotted a MSMED registration/entrepreneurs memorandum (EM) number. The concerned enterprise should get the number printed on letter heads, invoices, bills, supply order sheets and other necessary documents. The EM number helps in identification of MSE suppliers and in this case an enterprise becomes an authorized MSE supplier after registration.

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The registration scheme has no statutory basis. Units would normally get registered to avail some benefits, incentives or support given either by the Central or State Govt. Benefits available under the MSMED Act Registration of Micro, Small and Medium (MSM) Enterprises under MSMED Act is a very powerful medium to enjoy the regime of incentives offered by the Centre generally contains the following:

Micro and Small Enterprises:

Easy finance availability from Banks, without collateral requirement Protection against delay in payment from Buyers and right of interest on delayed

payment Preference in procuring Government tenders, Stamp duty and Octroi benefits, Concession in electricity bills Reservation policies to manufacturing / production sector enterprises Time-bound resolution of disputes with Buyers through conciliation and

arbitration Reimbursement of ISO Certification Expenses Credit prescription (Priority sector lending), differential rates of interest etc. Excise Exemption Scheme Exemption under Direct Tax Laws. Stamp duty and Octroi benefits, Statutory support such as reservation and the Interest on Delayed Payments Act. Subsidy on ISO Certifications Subsidy on NSIC Performance and Credit ratings Participation in Govt. Purchase registrations Registration with NSIC Counter Guarantee from Govt. of India through CGSTI Waiver in Earnest Money (Security Deposit ) in Govt. tenders Stamp duty and Octroi benefits, 15% weight age in price Preference. Reduction in rate of Interest from banks (Subject to ratings) Free of Cost Govt. tenders

(It is to be noted that the Banking Laws, Excise Law and the Direct Taxes Law have incorporated the word SSI in their exemption notifications. Though in many cases they may define it differently. However, generally the registration certificate issued by the registering authority is seen as proof of being SSI).

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States/UTs have their own package of facilities and incentives for small scale. They relate to development of industrial estates, tax subsidies, power tariff subsidies, capital investment subsidies and other support. Both the Centre and the State, whether under law or otherwise, target their incentives and support packages generally to units registered with them.

Medium Enterprises:

Easy finance availability from Banks, without collateral requirement Preference in procuring Government tenders Reservation policies to manufacturing / production sector enterprises Time-bound resolution of disputes with Buyers through conciliation and


The Buyers have to ensure whether those suppliers of goods and services are under the purview of MSMED Act i.e. the Buyers have to confirm the registration of the suppliers under the MSMED Act.

The Buyer should ensure the payment before the end of credit period decided else the interest would be payable.

In case of disputes, application to Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council (MSEFC) would trigger the conciliation and arbitration process. Once the application is done under MSEFC, there is no provision to withdraw the proceedings. Therefore, the Buyer should ensure the best ways to resolve the disputes, if any, instead approaching to MSEFC in the initial stages of dispute.

The Buyers need to ensure that the Buyer does not owe any outstanding amount including interest due to MSM Enterprises for more than 15 days. Otherwise, the Buyer needs to disclose this non-payment in the Annual Financials of the Buyer.


The evolution of the policy framework and support measures of the Government can be broadly grouped into the following three periods:

1948-1991: In all the Policy Resolutions from 1948 to 1991, recognition was given to the micro and small enterprises, termed as an effective tool to expand employment opportunities, help ensure equitable distribution of the national income and facilitate

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effective mobilization of private sector resources of capital and skills. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organisation [earlier known as Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO)] was set up in 1954 as an apex body for sustained and organized growth of micro, small and medium enterprises. Within next two years, the National Small Industries Corporation, the Khadi and Village Industries Commission and the Coir Board were also set up. The era provided the supportive measures that were required to nurture MSEs, in the form of reservation of items for their exclusive manufacture, access to bank credit on priority through the Priority Sector Lending Programme of commercial banks, excise exemption, reservation under the Government Purchase Programme and 15% price preference in purchases, infrastructure development and establishment of institutes for entrepreneurial and skill development. MSME – Development Institutes [earlier known as Small Industries Service Institute (SISI)] were set up all over India to train youth in skills/entrepreneurship. Tool Rooms were established with German and Danish assistance for providing technical services essential to MSEs as also for skill-training. At the State level, District Industries Centres were set up all over the country.

1991-1999: The new Policy for Small, Tiny and Village Enterprises of August, 1991 laid the framework for government support in the context of liberalization, which sought to replace protection with competitiveness to infuse more vitality and growth to MSEs in the face of foreign competition and open market. Supportive measures concentrated on improving infrastructure, technology and quality. Testing Centres were set up for quality certification and new Tool Rooms as well as Sub-contracting Exchanges were established. The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) and a Technology Development and Modernization Fund were created to accelerate finance and technical services to the sector. A Delayed Payment Act was enacted to facilitate prompt payment of dues to MSEs and an Industrial Infrastructure Development (IID) scheme was launched to set mini industrial estates for small industries.

1999 onwards: The Ministry of MSME [earlier known as Ministry of Small Scale Industries and Agro & Rural Industries (SSI & ARI)] came into being from 1999 to provide focused attention to the development and promotion of the sector.

The new Policy Package announced in August, 2000 sought to address the persisting problems relating to credit, infrastructure, and technology and marketing more effectively. A Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme was launched to encourage technology up gradation in the MSE sector and a Credit Guarantee Scheme was started to provide collateral-free loans to micro and small entrepreneurs, particularly the first generation entrepreneurs. The exemption limit for relief from payment of Central Excise

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duty was raised to Rs.1 crore ($0.25 million) and a Market Development Assistance Scheme for MSEs was introduced. At the same time, consultations were held with stakeholders and the list of products reserved for production in the MSE sector was gradually reduced each year. In 2006, the long-awaited enactment for this sector finally became a reality with the passage of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act. In March, 2007, a third Package for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises was announced which comprises the proposals/schemes having direct impact on the promotion and development of the micro and small enterprises, particularly in view of the fast changing economic environment, wherein to be competitive is the key of success.


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 seeks to facilitate the development of these enterprises as also enhance their competitiveness. It provides the first-ever legal framework for recognition of the concept of “enterprise” which comprises both manufacturing and service entities. It defines medium enterprises for the first time and seeks to integrate the three tiers of these enterprises, namely, micro, small and medium. The Act also provides for a statutory consultative mechanism at the national level with balanced representation of all sections of stakeholders, particularly the three classes of enterprises; and with a wide range of advisory functions. Establishment of specific Funds for the promotion, development and enhancing competitiveness of these enterprises, notification of schemes/programmes for this purpose, progressive credit policies and practices, preference in Government procurement to products and services of the micro and small enterprises, more effective mechanisms for mitigating the problems of delayed payments to micro and small enterprises and assurance of a scheme for easing the closure of business by these enterprises are some of the other features of the Act.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy

With the promulgation of the MSMED Act, 2006, the restrictive 24% ceiling prescribed for equity holding by industrial undertakings, whether domestic or foreign, in the MSEs has been done away with and MSEs are defined solely on the basis of investment in plant and machinery (manufacturing enterprises) and equipment (service enterprises). Thus, the present policy on FDI in MSE permit FDI subject only to the sectoral equity caps entry routes and other relevant sectoral regulations.

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Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act, 2008The salient features of the proposed LLP Act, 2008 are as under:

(i) LLP shall be a body corporate and a legal entity separate from its partners. It will have perpetual succession. Indian Partnership Act, 1932 shall not be applicable to LLPs, since LLP shall be in the form of a body corporate.

(ii) An LLP has to be incorporated with a minimum of two persons. The Act does not restrict the benefit of LLP structure to certain classes of professionals only and would be available for use by any enterprise which fulfills the requirements of the Act.

(iii) The LLP will be an alternative corporate business vehicle that would give the benefits of limited liability but would allow its members the flexibility of organizing their internal structure asa partnership based on an agreement.

(iv) On registration LLP shall be capable of: (a) Suing and being sued; and (b) Acquiring, owning, holding and developing or disposing off property.

(v) A person may cease to be a partner of a LLP in accordance with an agreement with the other partners or in absence of agreement with the other partners, by giving a notice in writing of not less than 30 days of his intention to resign as partner.

(vi) In the event of an act carried out by a LLP, or any of its partners, with intend to defraud creditors of the LLP or any other person or for any fraudulent purpose, the liability of the LLP and partners, who acted with intend to defraud creditors or for any fraudulent purpose shall be unlimited for all or any of the debts or other liabilities of the LLP.

(vii) A contribution of a partner may consist of tangible, movable or immovable or intangible property or other benefits to the LLP including money, promissory notes, and other agreements to contribute cash or property, and contracts for services performed or to be performed.

(viii) While the LLP will be a separate legal entity, liable to the full extent of its assets, the liability of the partners would be limited to their agreed contribution in the LLP.

Further, no partner would be liable on account of the independent or unauthorized actions of other partners, thus allowing individual partners to be shielded from joint liability created by another partner's wrongful business decisions or misconduct.

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(ix) An LLP shall be under obligation to maintain annual accounts reflecting true and fair view of its state of affairs.

(x) Provisions have been made in the Act for corporate actions like mergers, amalgamations etc.

(xi) There is a provision of voluntary winding up as well as winding up by the Tribunal.(xii) There are provisions for inter conversion of LLP into private company etc.

The LLP Act should pave the way for greater corporatization of the Small and Medium Enterprises – thereby enhancing their access to equity and funds from the market.

De-reservationThe issue of de-reservation has been a subject of animated debate within government for the last twenty years. The Approach to the Eleventh Five Year Plan notes the adverse implications of reservation of products for exclusive manufacture by the MSEs and recommends the policy of progressive dereservation.

To facilitate further investments for technological up gradation and higher productivity in the micro and small enterprises, 654 items have been taken off the list of items reserved for exclusive manufacture by the manufacturing micro and small enterprises in the last few years – reducing it to 21 at present. This has helped the sector in enlarging the scale of operations and also paved the way for entry of larger enterprises in the manufacture of these products in keeping with the global standards.

Credit/FinanceCredit is one of the critical inputs for the promotion and development of the micro and small enterprises. Some of the features of existing credit policy for the MSEs are:

Priority Sector Lending —Credit to the MSEs is part of the Priority Sector Lending Policy of the banks. For the public and private sector banks, 40% of the net bank credit (NBC) is earmarked for the Priority Sector. For the foreign banks, however, 32% of the NBC is earmarked for the Priority Sector, of which 10% is earmarked for the MSE sector. Any shortfall in such lending by the foreign banks has to be deposited in the Small Enterprise Development Fund (SEDF) to be set up by the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI).

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Institutional Arrangement The SIDBI is the principal financial institution for promotion, financing and development of the MSE sector. Apart from extending financial assistance to the sector, it coordinates the functions of institutions engaged in similar activities. SIDBI's major operations are in the areas of : (i) Refinance assistance (ii) Direct lending, and (iii) Development and support services.

Commercial banks are important channels of credit dispensation to the sector and play a pivotal role in financing the working capital requirements, besides providing term loans (in the form of composite loans). At the State level, State Financial Corporation’s (SFCs) and twin-functional State Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs) are the main sources of long-term finance for the MSE sector.

Recognizing the importance of easy and adequate availability of credit in sustainable growth of the MSE sector, the Government has announced a 'Policy Package for Stepping Up Credit to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)', with the objective of doubling the flow of credit to this sector within a period of five years. To ensure better flow of credit to MSEs, the Ministry of MSME is also implementing the following major schemes:

Credit Guarantee Scheme- To ensure better flow of credit to micro and small enterprises by minimizing the risk perception of banks/financial institutions in lending without collateral security, the Government launched Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises in August 2000. The scheme covers collateral-free credit facility extended by eligible lending institutions to new and existing micro and small enterprises for loans up to Rs.100 lakh ($250,000) per borrowing unit. The guarantee cover is up to 75 per cent of the credit sanctioned [85% in respect of loans up to Rs.5 lakh ($12,500) and 80% for loans provided to MSEs owned/operated by women and all loans in the North- East Region].

Performance & Credit Rating Scheme The Performance & Credit Rating Scheme for manufacturing MSEs was launched in April, 2005 with the objective of assisting the MSEs in obtaining performance-cum-credit rating which would help them in improving performance and also accessing bank credit on better terms if the rating is high. Under the scheme (implemented by the National Small Industries Corporation in conjunction with reputed rating agencies), 75% of the

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fee charged by the rating agency is reimbursed by the Government subject to a maximum of Rs.40,000 ($1,000).

Emerging Sources Faced with increased competition on account of globalization, MSMEs are beginning to move from an obsession with bank credit to a variety of other specialized financial services and options. In recent years, the country has witnessed increased flow of capital in the form of primary/secondary securities market, venture capital and private equity, external commercial borrowings, factoring services, etc. More advanced MSMEs have started realizing the importance of these alternative sources of funding to raise resources and the need for adopting better governance norms to take advantage of these funding sources. The enactment of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 is expected to provide a thrust to the MSMEs in their move towards corporatization.

Competitive Technology In today's fast paced global business scenario, technology has become more vital than ever before. With a view to foster the growth of MSME sector in the country, Government has set up ten state-of-the-art Tool Rooms and Training Centres. These Tool Rooms provide invaluable service to the Indian industry by way of precision tooling and providing well trained craftsmen in the area of tool and die making. These Tool Room are highly proficient in mould and die making technology and promote precision and quality in the development and manufacture of sophisticated moulds, dies and tools. The Tool Rooms are not only equipped with the best technology but are also abreast with the latest advancements like CAD/CAM, CNC machining for tooling, Vacuum Heat Treatment, Rapid Prototyping, etc. The Tool Room & Training Centres also offer various training programmes to meet the wide spectrum of technical manpower required in the manufacturing sector. The training programmes are designed with optimum blend of theory and practice giving the trainees exposure on actual jobs and hands on working experience. The Tool Rooms have also developed special training programmes to meet the requirements at international level, which are attended by participants from all over the globe.

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The Ministry of MSME implements the following schemes and programmes for the up gradation of technology of the MSMEs:

ISO 9000/14001 Certification Fee Reimbursement Scheme

To enhance the competitive strength of the MSEs, the Government introduced a scheme to incentives technological up gradation, quality improvement and better environment management by the MSEs. The scheme reimburses 75% of the fees, subject to a maximum of Rs.75,000 ($2000), for acquiring Quality Management System (QMS)/ISO 9000 certification and/or Environment Management System (EMS)/ISO 14001 certification by the MSEs.

Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme

The Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSECDP) is implemented for holistic development of clusters of MSEs. The programme envisages measures for capacity building, skill development, technology up gradation of the enterprises, improved credit delivery, marketing support, setting up of common facility centers, etc., based on diagnostic studies carried out in consultation with cluster units and their collectives and management of cluster-wide facilities by the cluster collectives.

Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme

The Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) aims at facilitating technology up gradation by providing 15% upfront capital subsidy w.e.f. 29th September, 2005 to manufacturing MSEs, on institutional finance up to Rs.1 crore ($0.25 million) availed of by them for induction of well established and improved technologies in the specified sub-sectors/products approved under the scheme.

National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme

The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme is the nodal programme of the Government of India to develop global competitiveness among Indian MSMEs. Conceptualized by the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council, the Programme was initiated in 2007-08. There are ten components under the NMCP targeted at enhancing the entire value chain of the MSME sector. These are:

(a) Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights for the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): The scheme for “Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), for the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) has been launched to enable Indian MSMEs to attain global leadership position and to empower

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them in using effectively the tools of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of innovative projects.

The main features of the scheme are: (i) Awareness/Sensitization Programmes on IPR; (ii) Pilot Studies for Selected Clusters/Groups of Industries; (iii) Interactive seminars/Workshops;(iv) Specialized Training; (v) Assistance for Grant on Patent/GI Registration; (vi) Setting up of IP Facilitation Centre (IPFC); and (vii) Interaction with International Agencies. These initiatives are being developed through Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode.

(b) Scheme for Providing Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators:

The scheme aims at nurturing innovative business ideas (new/indgenious technology, processes, products, procedures, etc.), which could be commercialized in a year. Under the scheme, various institutions like Engineering Colleges, Research Labs etc. will be provided funds up to Rs.6.25 lakh for handholding each new idea/ entrepreneur. The incubator will provide technology guidance, Workshop and Lab support and linkage to other agencies for successful launching of the Business and guide the entrepreneur in establishing the enterprise.

(c) Enabling Manufacturing Sector be Competitive through Quality Management Standards (QMS) and Quality Technology Tools (QTT):

During the year 2008-09, GoI launched a scheme, 'Enabling Manufacturing Sector be Competitive through Quality Management Standards (QMS) and Quality Technology

Tools (QTT)' in order to improve quality and productivity in the MSE sector. The scheme

is aimed at improving the quality of the products in the MSE sector and inculcates the

Quality consciousness in this sector. The major activities under this scheme are: (i) Introduction of Appropriate Modules for Technical Institutions; (ii) Organizing Awareness Campaigns for MSEs; (iii) Organizing Competition-Watch (C-Watch); (iv) Implementation of Quality Management Standards and Quality Technology Tools in selected MSEs; (v) Monitoring International Study Missions; and (vi) Impact Studies of the initiatives.

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(d) Mini Tool Rooms under PPP mode:

Under the scheme, 'Mini Tool Rooms under PPP mode', 15 Mini Tool Rooms will be set up during the 11th Plan period. Competitive bidding from entrepreneurs and Associations will be invited to set up Tool Rooms with Government support up to Rs.9 crore. They will be more competitive and user friendly as they will not be bound by the Government procedure and competitiveness will be the only criteria for selection of promoters of these Tool Rooms. The approved Plan expenditure under the Scheme is Rs. 135 crore

(e) Marketing Assistance/support to MSEs (Bar Code):

The objective of the 'Marketing Assistance/ Support to MSEs' scheme of NMCP is to popularize the Bar Code registration and motivate the Small and Micro- Manufacturing Enterprises to adopt the Bar Code Certification on large scale and to sell their value added products worldwide and enable higher export price realization. It also helps in domestic marketing (wholesale & retail). 75% of annual fee (recurring) of Bar Code certification for the first three years are reimbursed to Micro & Small Entrepreneurs, under the Scheme.

(f) Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme for MSMEs:

Under the Lean Manufacturing Programme (LMP), MSMEs will be assisted in reducing their manufacturing costs, through proper personnel management, better space utilization, scientific inventory management, improved process flows, and reduced engineering time and so on. LMP also brings improvement in the quality of products and lowers costs which are essential for competing in national and international markets. The total GoI contribution is stipulated as Rs. 28.60 crore (approx.) for this scheme. The broad activities planned under the scheme include Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 5S, Visual Control, Standard Operation Procedures, Just in Time, Kanban System, Cellular Layout, Poka Yoke, TPM, etc. The Scheme has been approved as a pilot project for Lean Techniques interventions in 100 Mini Clusters.

(g) Promotion of Information & Communication Tools (ICT) in Indian MSME Sector: The objective of this programme envisages that some of those clusters of SMEs, which have quality production and export potential, shall be identified & encouraged and assisted in adopting ICT applications to achieve competitiveness in the national and international markets. The total GoI contribution is stipulated as Rs. 160 crore (approx.) for this scheme. The broad activities planned under the scheme include, identifying target clusters for ICT intervention, setting up of e-readiness infrastructure, developing

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web portals for clusters, skill development of MSME staff in ICT applications, preparation of local software solutions for MSMEs to enhance their competitiveness, construction of e-catalogue, e-commerce, etc. and networking MSME cluster portals on the National Level Portals in order to outreach MSMEs into global markets.

(h) Design Clinics Scheme for MSMEs:

The main objective of the scheme is to bring the MSME sector and design expertise into a common platform and to provide expert advice and solutions on real time design problems, resulting in continuous improvement and value-addition for existing products. It also aims at value-added cost effective solutions. The GoI contribution is stipulated as Rs.50 crore for this scheme. The broad activities planned under the scheme include creation of Design Clinics Secretariat along with regional centers for intervention on the design needs of the MSME sector.

(i) Marketing Assistance and Technology Up gradation Scheme for MSMEs:

The objective of this scheme is to identify and encourage those clusters of MSMEs, which have quality production and export potential and assist them to achieve competitiveness in the national and international markets. The scheme aims at improving the marketing competitiveness of MSME sector by improving their techniques and technology for promotion of exports. The GoI contribution is stipulated as Rs.19 crore for this scheme. The broad activities planned under the scheme include technology up gradation in packaging, development of modern marketing techniques, competition studies, etc.

(j) Technology and Quality Up gradation Support to MSMEs:

The objective of the Scheme is to sensitize the manufacturing (MSME) sector in India to upgrade their technologies, usage of energy efficient technologies to reduce emissions of Green House Gases, adoption of other technologies mandated as per the global standards, improve their quality and reduce cost of production, etc., towards becoming globally competitive.The major activities planned under the scheme include Capacity Building of MSMEs Clusters for Energy Efficiency/Clean Development Interventions, Implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies in MSME sector, Setting up of Carbon credit aggregation centers and encouraging MSMEs to acquire product certification licences from National/International bodies.

Skill Development: The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises promotes the development of micro and small enterprises in the country with the objective of creating self employment opportunities and upgrading the relevant skills of existing and potential entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurship and skill development scheme is implemented by

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Office of the DC (MSME) through its network of 58 MSME-DIs and their branches. The programmes are conducted include Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurship and Skill Development, Management Development and Business Skill Development. These programmes are of short duration and the curriculums based on needs of the industry and are customized, if required by the clients. 20% of the targeted training programmes are conducted exclusively for the weaker sections of the society (SC/ST/Women/Physically Handicapped), for which no fee is charged. Besides, a stipend of Rs.500/- p.m. is provided. The office of the DC (MSME) also conducts vocational and educational training through its Regional Testing Centres, Field Testing Stations and autonomous bodies like Tool Rooms and Technology Development Centres (TDCs). This long term, short term, trade/field-specific and industry-specific tailor-made courses also include specialized programmes for Engineers, Diploma holders so that their absorption by the industry is immediate. A good number of trainees have set up their own enterprises in creating employment opportunities. The Ministry is at present training about 3 lakh persons per annum both for business and technical skill development, which is among the largest programme by any single Ministry in India. The Ministry is also focusing on socially backward groups and on least developed areas under its 'Outreach Programme'.

Marketing and ProcurementUnder Government Stores Purchase Programme, various facilities are provided to enterprises registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) in order to assist them for marketing their products in competitive environment. These facilities are: (i) issue of Tender Sets free of cost; (ii) Exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit; (iii) Waiver of Security Deposit up to the Monetary Limit for which the unit is registered; and (iv) price preference up to 15% over the quotation of large-scale units. In addition to these facilities/benefits, 358 items have also been reserved for exclusive purchase from the MSE Sector. However, as these guidelines were/are not of a mandatory nature, the same has failed to achieve the desired results. To assist the MSEs in marketing of their products, Section 12 of the new MSMED Act enjoins the formulation of a scheme of preferential procurement of goods/services produced/rendered by MSEs both at the Central and State/UT levels. Once formulated, the procurement scheme may be more effective in providing the much-needed marketing support that MSEs seek so desperately. Each Ministry/Department, CPSU, etc., would have to make specific mention of the compliance of the preference policy in its Annual Report to be tabled in Parliament.

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Export PromotionExport promotion from the MSE sector has been accorded a high priority. To help MSEs in exporting their products, the following facilities/incentives are provided: (i) Products of MSE exporters are displayed in international exhibitions and the expenditure incurred is reimbursed by the Government; (ii) To acquaint MSE exporters with latest packaging standards, techniques, etc., training programme on packaging for exporters are organized in various parts of the country in association with the Indian Institute of Packaging; (iii) Under the MSE Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme, assistance is provided to individuals for participation in overseas fairs/ exhibitions, overseas study tours, or tours of individuals as member of a trade delegation going abroad. The Scheme also offers assistance for :(a) Sector specific market study by MSE Associations/Export Promotion Councils/Federation of Indian Export Organisation; (b) Initiating/contesting anti-dumping cases by MSE Associations; and (c) Reimbursement of 75 per cent of the one time registration fee and annual fee (Recurring for first three years) charged by GSI India (formerly EAN India) for Adoption of Bar Coding.

Infrastructure Development

For setting up of industrial estates and to develop infrastructure facilities like power distribution network, water, telecommunication, drainage and pollution control facilities, roads, banks, raw materials, storage and marketing outlets, common service facilities and technological back up services, etc., for MSMEs, the Integrated Infrastructural Development (IID) Scheme was launched in 1994. The scheme covers rural as well as urban areas with a provision of 50 per cent reservation for rural areas and 50 per cent industrial plots are to be reserved for the micro enterprises . The Scheme also provides for up gradation/strengthening of the infrastructural facilities in the existing industrial estates. The estimated cost (excluding cost of land) to set up an IID Centre is Rs.5 crore ($1.25 million). Central Government provides 40 per cent in case of general States and up to 80% for North East Region (including Sikkim), J&K, H.P. and Uttarakhand, as grant and remaining amount could be loan from SIDBI/Banks/Financial Institutions or the State Funds. The IID Scheme has been subsumed under the Micro and Small Enterprise Cluster Development Programme (MSECDP). All the features of the IID Scheme have been retained and will be covered as “New Clusters” under MSECDP.

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Fiscal Concessions

Under the General Excise Exemption Scheme, full excise exemption up to turnover of $375 thousand per annum is provided to enterprises having annual turnover of up to $1 million. However, the limits of excise exemptions has encouraged tendency among MSEs is to go in for horizontal expansion (i.e., fragmentation) rather than vertical expansion and upward graduation into medium and large enterprises. For incentivizing such graduation of small to medium/large enterprises so as to enable them to achieve economies of scale, extension of excise exemptions to the graduating medium enterprises on a tapering scale is under consideration of the Government.

Strengthening of Database

A reliable database is the key input in any policy decision-making process. This is more so for the MSME sector in view of its large size and wide disparity among the enterprises within the sector. The Ministry has so far conducted three Census in the year 1971-72, 1992-93 and 2002 03 for strengthening/updating the database on MSE sector. However, the long gap between the Census has limited the reliability of the MSE database. To strengthen the database for the MSME Sector, statistics and information will now be collected in respect of number of units, employment, rate of growth, share of GDP, value of production, extent of sickness/closure, exports and all other relevant parameters of micro, small and medium enterprises, including khadi and village industry, through annual sample surveys and quinquennial census. The quinquennial census and annual sample surveys of MSMEs will also collect data on women-owned and / or managed enterprises.


The Ministry of MSME launched a special programme, namely, 'Outreach Programme for Skill Development in Less Developed Areas' in September, 2006. Under this programme, the field offices of the Ministry organize short-term skill development programmes in the less developed areas. Such short-term courses are tailor-made for these areas so as to enable trainees to get employment or start self-employment ventures. These programmes are of short duration of 1-3 weeks and the activity selected for trainees are relevant to the local requirement. The target group consist wholly or partly of disadvantaged sections. Further, under the recently announced Promotional Package for MSEs, 20% of Skill Development Programmes have been reserved for weaker sections along with the provision of a stipend of Rs.500 per capita per month exclusively for SCs/STs, women and physically handicapped. In case of the regular EDP/MDP/Skill Development programmes, a nominal fee of Rs.100 is charged. However, there is no fee for SCs/STs, women and physically handicapped candidates.

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India's pioneering policies for the development of MSEs offers case studies for the developing world. Government has moved away, though not yet fully, from its role of direct interventions to that of a friend and facilitator. There is growing realization that protection in the form of reservation needs to be replaced with easy access to capital, technology and skill development to integrate the MSMEs more firmly with the domestic and global economy. And these are now the specific target areas of the Ministry of MSME.


India benefited immensely from experience of several countries, especially in the field of technology. However, the rich Indian experience gained in the last sixty years in the MSME sector could also be of equal use for both developing as well as developed countries. Some of the areas that offer ample opportunities for cooperation in the MSME sector are:

Fee-based consultancy services and training in the following areas:i. Capacity Building of Entrepreneurs and Technical Manpower of SMEs;ii. Policy & Institutional Framework for SME Promotion, Development and

Enhancing Competitiveness;iii. Entrepreneurship Development; andiv. Business Development Services.

Establishment of Turnkey Projects for setting up manufacturing MSMEs on commercial terms.

i. Skill up gradation programmes in selected areas such as CNC Machining, Sheet-Metal Technologies, CAD & CAM Designing, Wool Processing & Weaving, Leather Technology, Plastic Technology, Wood Working, etc.

ii. Conducting surveys and studies to identify the tooling and related skill requirements in specific areas or regions like hilly/backward/indigenous.

iii. Providing turnkey assistance to set up Tool Rooms & Training Centres.iv. Providing consultancy to existing manufacturing SME in upgrading their

production facilities, selection of machine tools, design consultancy for tools, moulds, dies, jigs & fixtures, etc.

v. Providing specialized/tailor-made training courses for specific target groups.vi. Providing consultancy to existing training institutes in course design and

curriculum development including trainers training programmes.vii. Assistance in product design, tool design and manufacturing of intricate toolings.viii. High precision tools, moulds, die, jigs & fixtures etc. as per design/specifications

of local industry.ix. Product development & rapid prototyping services.


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1. Promulgation of MSMED Act, 2006

In a significant policy initiative, the Government has enacted ‗Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006‘, which aims to facilitate the promotion and development and enhance the competitiveness of MSMEs. The Act, which came into force from 2nd October 2006, fulfilled a long-cherished demand of this sector. Apart from giving legal strength to the definitions of micro, small and medium enterprises, this Act also contains penal provisions relating to the delayed payment to these enterprises.

2. Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act, 1956

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act, 1956 has been comprehensively amended in 2006, introducing several new features to facilitate professionalism in the operations of the Commission as well as field-level formal and structured consultations with all segments of stakeholders. A new Commission has also been constituted in Nov. 2011.

3. Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme

A national level credit linked subsidy scheme, namely, ‗Prime Minister‘s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) ‘was introduced in August 2008 by merging erstwhile PMRY and REGP schemes of this Ministry. Under this programme, financial assistance is provided for setting up of micro enterprises each costing up to Rs.10 lakh in service sector and Rs.25 lakh in manufacturing sector. The assistance is provided in the form of subsidy up to 25 per cent (35 per cent for Special category including weaker sections) of the project cost in rural areas while it is 15 per cent (25 per cent for Special category including weaker sections) for urban areas.

During 2012-13, disbursements were made in 56,997 cases utilizing Rs.1078.61 crore as margin money subsidy. The estimated employment generation is 4.28 lakh persons. An amount of Rs.1418.28 crore including Rs.1380 crore margin money subsidy has been provided in BE 2013-14.

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4. Procurement Policy for MSEs A Public Procurement Policy for MSEs was notified in March 2012. The policy envisages that every Central Ministry/PSU shall set an annual goal for procurement from the MSE sector with the objective of achieving minimum 20% of the total annual purchases from MSEs in a period of three years. Of this, 4% will be earmarked for procurement from MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. The policy will help to promote MSEs by improving their market access and competitiveness through increased participation by MSEs in Government purchases and encouraging linkages between MSEs and large enterprises.

5. Task Force on MSMEs A Task Force under the chairmanship of the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister was constituted to address the issues of MSME sector. The Task Force, in its Report, has made recommendations in the areas of credit, marketing, labour, rehabilitation and exit policy, infrastructure, technology, skill development, taxation and development of MSMEs in the North-East and Jammu & Kashmir. A large number of recommendations have been implemented. A Council on MSMEs under the chairmanship of Hon‘ble Prime Minister has been constituted to lay down the broad policy guidelines and review the development of the MSME sector. For ensuring timely/speedy implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force and follow-up on the decisions of the Prime Minister‘s Council on MSMEs, a Steering Group under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister has also been constituted.

6. 4th All India Census of MSMEs The 4th All India Census of MSMEs (2006-07), which was launched in May 2008, were released during 2011-12. The results reveal that there are 36.2 crore MSMEs in 2006-07, providing employment to over 80 crore persons. This is the first Census after the enactment of the MSMED Act, 2006 and includes, for the first time, medium enterprises also.

7. Enhanced Credit Flow to the MSE Sector

For strengthening the delivery of credit to the MSEs, the Government announced a ‗Policy Package for Stepping up Credit to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)‘ in August 2005 for doubling the credit flow to this sector within a period of five years. This has resulted in a significant increase in the credit flow from Public Sector Banks (PSBs) to the micro and small enterprises (MSE) sector — with the outstanding credit of public sector banks increasing from Rs.1,02,550 crore at the end of March 2007 to Rs.2,78,398 crore at the end of March 2010. It has further enhanced to Rs.3,96,343 crore at the end of March 2012. With constant monitoring and efforts made by the Government, the credit flow from Public Sector Banks (PSBs) to the MSE sector has

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registered a growth of 47.4%, 26.6% and 45.4% during 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 respectively — higher than the stipulated 20% in the Policy Package. The growth of credit during 2011-12 and 2012-13 have been 5% and 25% respectively.

8. Credit Guarantee Scheme

The Government has set up a Credit Guarantee Fund to provide relief to those micro and small entrepreneurs who are unable to pledge collateral security in order to obtain loans for the development of their enterprises. The guarantee cover provided is up to 75% of the credit facility up to Rs. 50 lakh(85% for loans up to Rs. 5 lakh provided to micro enterprises, 80% for MSEs owned/operated by Women and all loans to NER)with a uniform guarantee at 50% of the credit exposure above Rs. 50 lakh and up to Rs. 100 lakh. A composite all-in annual guarantee fee of 1.0 % per annum of the credit facility sanctioned (0.75% for credit facility up to Rs. 5 lakh and 0.85% for above Rs.5 lakh and up to Rs.100 lakh for women, micro enterprises and units in NER including Sikkim) is now being charged. As a result, the scheme has been able to overcome the initial inhibition of bankers and is steadily gaining in acceptance. Further, efforts made to enhance the awareness have led to the coverage of 14,19,807 proposals ( for guarantee cover for a sanctioned loan amount of Rs. 70026.28 crore) at the end of March 2014. The Government is making concerted efforts to further enhance the awareness of the scheme throughout the country for enhancing the coverage of the Scheme.

9. National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme

Ensuring the growth of Small Scale Sector at a healthy rate is crucial for the overall growth of Manufacturing Sector as also the National Economy. For this to happen the small scale sector has to become competitive. In the 2005-06 Budget, the Government announced formulation of a National Competitiveness Programme, particularly to support the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in their endeavor to become competitive. Accordingly, the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCP) has finalized a five year National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP).The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) highlights the needs for enhancing the competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing sector. This is determined by measuring the productivity vis-à-vis the use of its human capital and natural resources.

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10. MICRO & SMALL ENTERPRISES CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (MSE-CDP) The Micro and Small Enterprises – Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) is being implemented for holistic and integrated development of micro and small enterprises in clusters through Soft Interventions (such as capacity building, marketing development, export promotion, skill development, technology up gradation, organizing workshops, seminars, training, study visits, exposure visits, etc.), Hard Interventions (setting up of Common Facility Centers) and Infrastructure Development (create/upgrade infrastructural facilities in the new/existing industrial areas/ clusters of MSEs). Assistance is provided for the following activities under the scheme- (i) Preparation of Diagnostic Study Report with Government of India (GoI) grant of maximum Rs 2.50 lakh (Rs.1.00 lakh for filed offices of the Ministry of MSME).

(ii) Soft Interventions with GoI grant of 75% of the sanctioned amount of the maximum project cost of Rs 25.00 lakh per cluster. For NE & Hill States, Clusters with more than 50% (a) micro/ village (b) women owned (c) SC/ST units, the GoI grant will be 90%.

(iii) Detailed Project Report (DPR) with GoI grant of maximum Rs 5.00 lakh for preparation of a technical feasible and financially viable project report.

(iv) Hard Interventions in the form of tangible assets like Common Facility Centre having machinery and equipment for critical processes, research and development, testing, etc. with GoI grant upto 70% of the cost of project of maximum Rs 15.00 crore. For NE & Hill States, Clusters with more than 50% (a) micro/ village (b) women owned (c) SC/ST units, the GoI grant will be 90%. 7

(v) Infrastructure Development with GoI grant of upto 60% of the cost of project of Rs 10.00 crore, excluding cost of land. GoI grant will be 80% for projects in NE & Hill States, industrial areas/ estates with more than 50% (a) micro (b) women owned (c) SC/ST units.

(vi) The GoI assistance shall also be available to Associations of Women Entrepreneurs for establishing exhibition centres at central places for display and sale of products of women owned micro and small enterprises @ 40% of the project cost.

Cluster Development: A total of 921 interventions in various clusters spread over 28 States and 1 UTs in the country have so far been taken under the programme for Diagnostic Study, Soft Interventions and Hard Interventions (CFCs). Further, 170 projects have been taken up for infrastructure development under the scheme.


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11. Technology Centre Systems Programme (TCSP)

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India have established 18 Technology Centres (TCs) earlier known as Tool Rooms (10 Nos) and Technology Development Centres (8 Nos) spread across the country. The Technology Centers’ primary focus is to support industries particularly MSMEs in the country through access to advanced technologies & providing technical advisory support as well as skilled manpower by offering opportunities for technical skill development to the youth at varying levels ranging from School Dropouts to Graduate Engineers.

Recent evaluation studies of TCs have found a strong need to replicate them at more places. In view of important role played by these Centres for providing thrust to manufacturing sector, Government is considering to upgrade and expand network of MSME Technology Centres at an estimated cost of Rs. 2200 crore with World Bank funding.

Towards achieving this objective, Ministry of MSME, Government of India is in the process of establishing 15 Technology Centers (TCs) and upgrading / modernizing the existing TCs under Technology Centre Systems Programme (TCSP).

The Programme is expected to improve the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in key manufacturing industries across India by facilitating improved access to technology and business advisory services as well as skilled workers through systems of financially sustainable Technology Centres.

The Proposed Program will reinforce the technical capability of the Technology Centers as well as industry sector to perform well at both National and International levels.

12. Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is operating a Scheme, namely, Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) for technology up gradation of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). The Scheme aims at facilitating technology up gradation of Micro and Small Enterprises by providing 15% Capital Subsidy (limited to maximum Rs. 15.00 lakh) for purchase of plant and machinery. Maximum limit of eligible loan for calculation of subsidy under Scheme is Rs. 100.00 lakh. Presently, 51 well established and improved technologies/Sub-Sectors have been approved under the Scheme. For effective and transparent implementation of the Scheme, Ministry has started ―online Application and Tracking system‖ w.e.f 01.10.2013 for online lodgment of subsidy claims by nodal banks. Since inception of the Scheme, 28,287 units have availed subsidy of Rs. 1,619.33 crore up to 31.03.2014.

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13. Entrepreneurship and Skill Development

In today‘s fast paced economic and industrial scenario, technology has become more vital than ever before. Its development and absorption are key ingredients for the overall economic development of a nation. This is even more relevant in the context of developing countries like India where technological development and employment generation have to go hand to hand. Thus the Ministry of MSME, which has the overall mandate for the development of MSMEs, has been undertaking a number of programmes for encouraging entrepreneurship and skill development amongst youth to fulfill the need of skilled manpower by the industry. These programmes are conducted through a nationwide network of establishments under office of Development Commissioner (MSME), Khadi and village Industries Commission (KVIC), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Coir Board and various other organizations under the Ministry.

14. Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana

The scheme aims to promote and support establishment of new micro and small enterprises through handholding of potential first generation entrepreneurs, who have already successfully completed Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)/ Skill Development Programme (SDP) / Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programme (ESDP) of at least two weeks‘ duration, or have undergone vocational training (VT) from ITIs. One of the main objectives of handholding is to guide and facilitate the potential entrepreneurs in dealing with various procedural and legal hurdles and completion of various formalities which are required for setting up and running of enterprise successfully and to save them from harassment at the hands of various regulatory agencies for want of required compliances. It will not only increase the proportion of potential entrepreneurs trained under various EDPs/ SDPs/ESDPs/ VT in setting up their enterprises, more importantly, it will also enhance survival / success rate of newly set up enterprises.

15. Performance and Credit Rating Scheme

To sensitize the MSE sector on the need for credit rating and encourage the MSEs to maintain good financial track record enabling them to earn higher rating for their credit requirements, the Government in April 2005 launched the ‗Performance and Credit Rating Scheme‘. The implementation of the scheme is through National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC). Reputed Rating Agencies have been empanelled by NSIC from which the MSEs can select the one to be engaged by it for obtaining the rating. The

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Ministry of MSME subsidises the cost of rating by sharing 75% of the fee charged by the Rating Agency, subject to a ceiling of Rs.40,000.

16. National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)

National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), is an ISO 9001:2008 certified Government of India Enterprise under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). NSIC has been working to fulfill its mission of promoting, aiding and fostering the growth of small industries and industry related Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the country. Over a period of five decades of transition, growth and development, NSIC has proved its strength within the country and abroad by promoting modernization, upgradation of technology, quality consciousness, strengthening linkages with large medium enterprises and enhancing exports – projects and products from small enterprises.

NSIC operates through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centres in the country. To manage operations in African countries, NSIC operates from its office in Johannesburg, South Africa. In addition, NSIC has set up Training cum Incubation Centre & with a large professional man power; NSIC provides a package of services as per the needs of MSME sector.

NSIC carries forward its mission to assist small enterprises with a set of specially tailored schemes designed to put them in a competitive and advantageous position. The schemes comprise of facilitating marketing support, credit support, technology support and other support services.

17. Khadi Reform Development Programme (KRDP) In order to revitalize and reform the traditional khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi, increased artisans welfare, increased incomes and employment opportunities for spinners and weavers with lesser dependence on Government grants, a Khadi Reform and Development Programme was formulated by the Ministry of MSME in consultation with Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) and M/s Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC). This programme is proposed to be implemented in 300 selected khadi institutions willing to undertake the identified reforms. The DEA has arranged a sum of US$ 150 million equivalent to Rs.717 crore (approx.) from ADB to be given to KVIC as grant in four tranches over a period of 36 months. After completion of procedural formalities, and signing of necessary agreement and announcement by ADB, the first tranche of Rs.96 crore was released to KVIC in February, 2010. ‗Khadi Mark‘, a mark to establish genuineness of Khadi was launched in September 2013 under the KRDP.

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18. Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme

The scheme has been introduced w.e.f. 01.04.2010 and envisages financial assistance @ 20% on value of production of khadi and polyvastra which will be shared among artisans, producing institutions and selling institutions in the ratio 25:30:45. The scheme has been introduced on the basis of recommendations of several committees constituted during the past few decades and after running several pilot projects in the past. The need had arisen because Khadi production so far was not based on market demand or performance and the rebate system did not benefit the spinners and weavers. Also KVIC was constrained to devote most of its resources for administration of rebate; to the detriment of its remaining responsibilities regarding development of the sector. MDA seeks to rectify this imbalance and provide flexibility/ freedom to the khadi institutions to take innovative measures to improve its marketing infrastructure such as renovation of outlets, training sales persons, computerization of sales, design improvement, publicity, discount to customers, improved equipments of production, training of artisans and capacity building so that khadi can attract more customers not just because of discount, but because of its quality design and appeal. Most importantly, for the first time a definite share of 25% of MDA has been earmarked for spinners and weavers which will give them a prominent role in the entire khadi chain of activities. An amount of Rs.126.94 crore has been released to KVIC during 2013-14 towards MDA.

19. Workshed Scheme for Khadi Artisans

Under this scheme, assistance is provided for construction of Worksheds for Khadi artisans for better work environment. Financial assistance of Rs.8.23 crore for establishment of workshed has been provided to 4444 artisans in 2013-14.

20. Scheme for Enhancing Productivity & Competitiveness of Khadi Industry and Artisans

The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to 200 of the ‗A+‘ and ‗A‘ category khadi institutions of which 50 institutions would be those which are managed exclusively by beneficiaries belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes to make them competitive with more market driven and profitable production by replacement of obsolete and old machinery and equipment.

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21. Scheme for Rejuvenation, Modernization and Technological Up gradation of Coir Industry

Under the scheme being implemented since 2007-08, assistance is provided to spinners and tiny household sector for replacement of outdated ratts/looms and for constructing work sheds so as to increase production and earnings of workers.

22. Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)

This Scheme was launched in 2005 for regeneration of traditional industries identified clusters in khadi, village industries and coir sectors with a view to make these industries more productive and competitive and increase the employment opportunities in rural and semi-urban areas. The objective of the Scheme is to establish a regenerated, holistic, sustainable and replicable model of integrated cluster-based development of traditional industries in khadi, village and coir sectors. So far 96 clusters (khadi – 29, Village Industries – 47 and Coir - 20) have been developed under SFURTI.It is proposed to develop 800 clusters during the XII Plan.

23. Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI)

A national level institute named MGIRI has been established at Wardha, Maharashtra as a society under Societies Registration Act, 1860 by revamping Jamnalal Bajaj Central Research Institute has in association with IIT, Delhi for strengthening the R& D activities in khadi and village industry sectors. The main objectives of the institute are as under: To accelerate rural industrialization for sustainable village economy so that KVI sector co-exists with the main stream.

Attract professionals and experts to Gram Swaraj

Empower traditional artisans

Innovation through pilot study/field trials

R&D for alternative technology using local resources

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24. National Board for MSMEs

The Government has set up for the first time, a statutory National Board for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises so as to bring together the representatives of different sub-sectors of MSMEs, along with policy-makers, bankers, trade unions and others — in order to move towards cohesive development of the sector. The Board has been meeting periodically. The Board has recently been re-constituted on 27th May 2013.The deliberations and directions of the National Board pave the way to guide and develop enterprises in this sector — to become more competitive and self-reliant.

25. Announcements for MSME sector in Union Budget,2013-14

Hon‘ble Union Finance Minister, while presenting Union Budget 2013-14 to the Parliament, made various announcements specifically for MSME sector, as under:

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) have a large share of jobs, production and exports. Too many of them do not grow because of the fear of losing the benefits associated with staying small or medium. To encourage them to grow, the benefits or preferences enjoyed by them will now stay with them for upto three years after they grow out of the category in which they obtained the benefit. To begin with, the non-tax benefits would be made available to an MSME unit for three years after it graduates to a higher category.

To provide greater support to MSMEs, the refinancing capability of SIDBI has been enhanced from the current level of Rs.5,000 crore to Rs.10,000 crore per year.

SIDBI set up the India Microfinance Equity Fund in 2011-12 with budgetary support of Rs.100 crore to provide equity and quasi-equity to Micro Finance Institutions (MFI). An amount of Rs.104 crore has been committed to 37 MFIs. Earlier Rs.100 crore were allocated to the IME Fund in the budget and now another sum of Rs.100 crore has been provided in present budget for the Fund.

The Factoring Act 2011 has been passed by Parliament. A provision of a corpus of Rs.500 crore to SIDBI has been made in the present budget to set up a Credit Guarantee Fund for factoring.

Tool Rooms and Technology Development Centres set up by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have done well in extending technology and design support to small businesses. Finance Minister has proposed to

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provide, with World Bank assistance, a sum of Rs.2,200 crore during the 12th Plan period to set up 15 additional Centres.

Incubators play an important role in mentoring new businesses which start as a small or medium business. The new Companies Bill obliges companies to spend 2 percent of average net profits under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The Ministry of Corporate Affairs will notify that funds provided to technology incubators located within academic institutions and approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology or Ministry of MSME will qualify as CSR expenditure.

Appropriate action has been initiated by the concerned Govt. agencies for implementation of these announcements.

26. Launch of MSME Virtual Clusters An initiative of Ministry of Micro, small and Medium Enterprise, Virtual Clusters during the Presentation Ceremony of National Awards to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises at a function organized in Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. An Initiative of Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, virtual Clusters conceived as supplementing Physical Clusters, is a dedicated Web-portal which will enable the small businesses located anywhere in the country as well as the other stakeholders; Banks and other financial institutions; Central State and other Government bodies; NGO, Industry Experts, Consultants and trainers; Academia; Research & Technical Institutions etc. to register instantly thereon and avail prompt linkages with each other. This Web-platform would facilitate the stakeholders to leverage the expertise of each other for their mutual growth and benefit. The web portal would be administered by the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), an organization of the Ministry of MSME.

27. Inter-Ministerial Committee for Accelerating Manufacturing in MSME An Inter-Ministerial Committee for Accelerating Manufacturing in MSME was set up under the Chairmanship of Secretary (MSME). The Committee submitted its report in September 2013. The Committee has made a number of recommendations covering issues of regulation, finance, infrastructure, technology and market through the different stage of the life cycles of MSMEs.