Dresden, 23.09.2011 Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting

Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

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Page 1: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Dresden, 23.09.2011

Introduction to Matlab

Pouyan R. Fard

Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel

Dresden, 27.04.2017

Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting

Page 2: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 2 von XYZ

Seminar overview


Date Topics Projects

06.04. Intro, basic operations, First Exercise (Morse Code)

13.04. First Exercise Continued(Morse Code)

27.04. Second Exercise (Game of Life)

04.05. Second Exercise Continued (Game of Life)

05.05. Third Exercise (Drift-Diffusion Model) Project Distribution

11.05. Third Exercise Continued (Drift-Diffusion Model)

30.05. - Project Deadline (6 PM)

Page 3: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 3 von XYZ

Matrices and Vectors


• Thinking in a matrix way

Page 4: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 4 von XYZ

Matrices and Vectors


• Initializing vectors and matrices in MATLAB

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Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 5 von XYZ

Matrices and Vectors


• Size of matrices

• Usage of spaces, commas, and semi-colons

• Dimensions must be consistent.

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Matrices and Vectors


Page 7: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

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Initializing Matrices


• Initializing an empty matrix

• Initializing an identity matrix with size n

• Initializing a matrix whose all elements are 1 • n= number of rows , m= number of columns

• Initializing a matrix whose all elements are 0

• n= number of rows , m= number of columns

• Initializing a matrix of random integers magic(n)

• n= number of rows and columns

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Page 9: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 9 von XYZ

• Accessing single elements in matrices

• Accessing multiple elements in matrices



Page 10: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 10 von XYZ

• Accessing multiple elements in matrices

• Deleting rows or columns of a matrix



Page 11: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 11 von XYZ

• Deleting rows or columns of a matrix

• Deleting one single entry in a matrix is not possible!

• Deleting one single entry is possible in vector.



Page 12: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 12 von XYZ

Matrix Operations


Page 13: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 13 von XYZ

Matrix Operations


• Element-wise addition with a single-element matrix

• When dimensions don’t agree:

Page 14: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 14 von XYZ

Matrix Operations


• Element-wise operations

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Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 15 von XYZ

Matrix Multiplication


• 𝐴 is a 𝑚 × 𝑛 matrix • 𝐵 is a 𝑛 × 𝑝 matrix

• (𝐴𝐵)𝑖,𝑗= 𝐴𝑖,𝑟 𝐵𝑟,𝑗𝑛𝑟=1

Page 16: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 16 von XYZ

Matrix Multiplication


Page 17: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 17 von XYZ

Matrix Multiplication


• Example 1: Application in linear algebra

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Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 18 von XYZ

Matrix Multiplication


Example 2: Suppose you have five different products in your shop being sold with five different prices, and you sell them in five different quantities. How you can compute your revenue using matrix calculations?

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Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 19 von XYZ

Example: General Linear Model


General Linear Models (GLMs) are widely used to localize brain activity in functional imaging. A standard GLM can be written as:

𝒀 = 𝑿𝜷 + 𝜺 Where:



1 𝑋111 𝑋21


⋮ ⋱ ⋮1 𝑋𝑛1 ⋯ 𝑋𝑛𝑝





BOLD Data Design Matrix Regression

Coefficients Noise

Page 20: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 20 von XYZ

Bar Plots / Histograms


Page 21: Introduction to Matlab - TU Dresden...Introduction to Matlab Pouyan R. Fard Prof. Dr. Stefan J. Kiebel Dresden, 27.04.2017 Matrices, Random Numbers, Plotting Titel der Präsentation

Titel der Präsentation Folie Nr. 21 von XYZ

Random Numbers


• Uniform Distribution • Pseudo-random uniformly distributed integers

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Random Numbers


• Normal Distribution

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Random Numbers


• See MATLAB help for my for details.

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Random Numbers


• See MATLAB help for my for details.

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Basics of Plotting


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• MATLAB for Psychologists (2012), Borgo, M., Soranzo, A., Grassi, M., Springer-Verlag, 2012, ISBN. 978-1-4614-2196-2. • Chapter 1. Basic Operations, pp. 1-23. • Chapter 2. Data Handling, pp. 25-46

• MATLAB for Neuroscientists, 2nd Ed: An Introduction to Scientific Computing

(2014), Wallisch, P., Lusignan, M.E., Benayoun, M.D., Baker, T.I., Dickey, A.S. and Hatsopoulos, N.G., Academic Press, ISBN. 978-0123838360. • Chapter 2-3. pp. 7-114.

• MATLAB help:

• http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/random-number-generation.html • http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/random.html • http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/subplot.html