Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture Prof. Vastala Misra Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur Lecture-27 Chotto matte kudasai ( Just a minute please) (Refer Slide Time: 00:16) Hello everybody and welcome to the class we have been doing a lot of things in class over these lectures and our past lectures and every time I tell you something new of course today also we will learn something new we will learn about culture about how the Japanese behave about how the Japanese interact in our coming lessons and lectures. But today we will do how to say politely how to use the polite expression in Japanese. And how to request people to do something, so well before that I will as usual as always I do the assignments with you we will do the assignments today before we actually start with our class. So, well are you ready, all of you geared up for more Japanese, so well let us begin now (FL) the first assignment that I had given you last time was circle the correct spellings. (Refer Slide Time: 01:39)

Introduction to Japanese Language and Culture Prof ... · watch sakura fowers that time you makes special dango that is called hanami dango. There is goma which is sesame, sesame

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Introduction to Japanese Language and CultureProf. Vastala Misra

Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur

Lecture-27Chotto matte kudasai ( Just a minute please)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:16)

Hello everybody and welcome to the class we have been doing a lot of things in class over these

lectures and our past lectures and every time I tell you something new of course today also we

will learn something new we will learn about culture about how the Japanese behave about how

the Japanese interact in our coming lessons and lectures. But today we will do how to say

politely how to use the polite expression in Japanese.

And how to request people to do something, so well before that I will as usual as always I do the

assignments with you we will do the assignments today before we actually start with our class.

So, well are you ready, all of you geared up for more Japanese, so well let us begin now (FL) the

first assignment that I had given you last time was circle the correct spellings.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:39)

Spellings are extremely important because in Japanese we have the long sound, so thus we need

to concentrate on spellings as well. The first one is tanaka san wa (FL) na kata desu, na over here

is for (FL) which is a na adjective. Watashi wa (FL) ni kuni e kaeru masu, ni over here is for this

time expression (FL), kino no (FL) ame ga furimashita, ta is for the past is for kino, watashi wa

Tokyo ni sumitai, (FL) please remember in English we write Tokyo where in Japanese it is


So, please it is a double sound nihon-go kurasu wa (FL) ni hajimarimasu, ni over here is for time,

eki kara (FL) de kaerimashita, takusiee please that is the long sound over there, watashi wa

sensei ni tokei o sashiagemashita, sensei ni over here is for 2 sensei. Then we have anata wa

mainichi nan-ji-ni (FL) o shimasu ka, so this was spellings over here.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:39)

This is a simple exercise where you have to ask price, look at these objects here they are given in

English you have to write in Japanese you know all the words over here I do not need to tell you

anymore you can use kore, kono, koko to ask price, you can use dare also for who posses what

over here whose watch it is, whose book it is, is tanaka san’s book and ikura of course is for

price, so you can do small conversation, important conversation by just looking at this picture.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:15)

Then we have match the kanji column A with pictures in column B. so, let us see these are the

kanjis given simple kanjis over here with some pictures for you. So, well the first one hon, ue on

top of this, ookii (FL) san ookii desu, te watashi no te desu, hito, miru tanaka san wa deribi o

mimasu and kuchi. So, well these were some of the kanji characters given I hope you did it all


(Refer Slide Time: 05:12)

Tick the correct kanji characters from the readings given, well you have the readings over here

you have to tick the kanji corresponding to the readings. So, well this is han, kan is time period

kan han means half. This is tsuki meaning moon, me eyes, karada body, chichi father, hanasu to

talk, yomu to read and pun is muintes. So, well this was readings and kanji for you please try to

remember these kanjis.

These are important you can do lot of games with kanjis, jumble them up put them on a table try

to match kanji characters, try to match the readings it is interesting and you learn as well.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:25)

Then we have assignment 5 which is make proper questions to fit the answers given below. So,

well the question is given over here, the answer is given here, read the answer first and then try

to fit in the question words or whatever fits in best. Sensei anata ni nani o kuremashita ka,

watashi ni jisho o kuremashita give it to me. Kono shatsu wa tanaka san no desu ka, iie, tanaka

san no dewa arimasen. Ginko no saba ni nani ga arimasu ka, hana-ya ga arimasu.

So, this is the answer hana-ya ga arimasu, ginko no soba ni nani ga arimasu ka. Kesa dash o

yomimashita ka, iie zashi o yomimashita, so what should the question be over here kesa shinbun

o yomimashita ka, iie, zashi o yomimashita. Anata no ototo wa dash desu ka, Amerika ni imasu,

so what should the question be anata no ototo wa doko desu ka, Amerika ni imasu. Mainichi

okaasan ni dash denwa o shimasu ka, san-kai desu.

So, the answer is san-kai what should be the question mainichi okaasan ni nan-kai enwa o

shimasu ka, how many times san-kai desu or san-kai shimasu.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:14)

Now fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs well you have itadaku,ageru, morau, sashiageru, so

let us see what all verbs are going to fit where.watashi wa sensei ni denwa bango o itadaki

mashita or itadaita for plain form and ni over here is from. Tomodachi wa watashi ni takai tokei o

kuremashita, give it to me, watashi wa Rao san ni shastu o ageta, agemashita, ageru, agemasu or

moraatta morai mashita.

So, this sentence over here can have any of these as the answer, watashi wa Rao san ni shatsu o

agemashita I gave it to Rao san, Watashi wa Rao san ni shatsu o morai mashita I received a shirt

from Rao san, so any of these can fit in over here. Okaasan wa watashi ni okane o kureta, gave it

to me, okaasan is older, so kureimashita. Watashi wa ototo ni ii kamera o ageta or agemashita or

again you can use moratta I received from my brother.

Tanaka san okusan ni kirei na doresu o ageta over here it is only ageta because of dress, so well

tanaka san gave a dress to his wife, it cannot be moratta because it is a dress. So, you have to

remember when to use moratta and when to use ageta, watashi wa taro kun ni omoshiroi

shotsetsu o moratta or ageta again both can be used over here, kanai wa watashi ni atarashii

nekutai o kureta again it is nekutai thus kuremashita and kanai.

Watashi wa buchoo ni wain o sashiageru, ageru, itadaku, so it can be any of these buchoo is

obviously higher in rank, so sashiageru if you are informal ageru and itadaku of course you are

receiving from buchoo then you have to say itadaku informal morau.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:06)

We have another assignment for you look at the pictures and answer the questions, well let us see

what the pictures are. This is something you had you have done when we did hanami if you

remember this is called (FL) this was a listening comprehension for you there is one kind of (FL)

here in the plate and there is another kind of (FL) which is being roasted (FL) is made out of rice

sticky rice and it is over here it salty.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:54)

So, well this was passage that I had read out to you, you can read it now dango kore wa dango

desu, kore mo dango desu. Dango wa nihon no yumei na tabemono desu. Kodomo-tachi mo

otona mo dango ga dai-suki desu. Dango wa amakute oishii tabemono desu. Hihon ni iroiro na

dango ga arimasu, tatoeba, Amai dango, kuri no dango, hanami-dango, goma dango, hanami

dango wa hanami no toki ni tsukurimasu.

Watashi wa kino gakko no shokudo de tomodachi to issho ni oishii dango o tabemashita.

Oishiikatta kara watashitachi wa ashita mo dango o tabemasu.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:53)

The answers are given over here, new word over here for you is takegushi, takegushi is if you

look at the picture again you have the dango stick, dango is our the dango is or or as in English

or put into it and roast it, over here you can see the meaning it is given this is the new word for

you hanami dango is another one, hanami dango is made when you celebrate hanami or you go

watch sakura fowers that time you makes special dango that is called hanami dango.

There is goma which is sesame, sesame dango is also made all these dangos are very special very

tasty and this was the assignment and you can go through the answers and say whether you have

done them correctly or not. There is one thing which is new over here this bon, bon is the counter

and I am going to discuss about bon very soon.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:07)

We have been doing counters for quite some time now and you have done a number of counters

like counting people, counting small objects, counting big objects and counting dates, counting a

lot of other things. One more counter today for you that is hon or bon this is use to count

specially long cylindrical things, long cylindrical objects like bottles, logs you could have

pencils, you could have brushes, pens all these long cylindrical brooms, long cylindrical objects

are all counted using this counter over here.

So, well we will practice this very very quickly and then go ahead with our lesson you could

repeat after me ippon, ni-hon, san-bon, yon-hon, go-hon, roppon, nana-hon, happon, kyu-hon,

juppon and of course when you have to ask how many there are nan-bon arimasu ka. So, well

you will see over here ichi ippon, roppon, happon and juppon are in pon all the others are in hon

or bon some bon.

So, well you will remember them slowly, gradually when to use pon and when to use hon, so

well now you will be able to count how many takei (FL) over there on the plate very easily.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:20)

You can also practice over here hon, pon or bon for long cylindrical objects. Over here you can

see some bottles bin, so bin wa nan bon arimasu ka can you tell me we just practiced hon, bon

and pon how many ippon, nihon, san-bon, yon-hon and go-hon. So, we have go-hon arimasu you

have another picture over here you have brushes over here, well fude wan an-bon arimasu ka; so,

well let us count ippon, ni-hon, san-bon, yo-hon, go-hon, roppon, nana-hon, happon, kyu-hon

and juppon.

So, let us see how many there are juppon arimasu. Then we have another picture for you well

you have a lot of pencils enpitsu ga arimasu de koko ni ja nan-bon enpitsu arimasu ka (FL) hai

pen to enpitsu wan an-bon arimasu ka how many are there ippon, ni-hon, san-hon, (FL), go-hon,

roppon, nana-hon, happon and kyo-hon and this is just the cap kyu-hon arimasu. So, I am sure

now you can practice your pon, bon and hon easily with your partner you can show number of

things, long cylindrical objects.

And you can ask how many they are and answer as well but please remember one thing it is very

very essential that you have to count whenever you count or whenever you speak in Japanese in

fact always speak loudly and practice loudly what can be heard very clearly by you that is most


(Refer Slide Time: 18:28)

Now today we will do this matte kudasai in afct we will do te kudasai verb in te kudasai form,

this is requesting people to do something for you, well let us see the conversation first we will

listen to the conversation and then go ahead.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:55)


(Refer Slide Time: 19:24)

Wakari mashita ka minasan (FL) kono shsetsu o yomimashita ka, iie mada desu, omoshiroi

shosetsu desu yo, yonde kudasai, hai, imasu kaimasu, Rao san watashi wa okane harau kara,

harawanaide ne, arigatou gozaimasu. So, well this is a simple conversation between yamada san

and Rao san they are at the book shop and yamada says kono shosetsu o yomimashita ka, have

you read this book, iie mada means not yet.

Omoshiroi shosetsu desu yo, it is a very interesting novel, yonde kudasai please please read, hai

imasu kaimasu. So, he says I buy it right away Rao san watashi wa okane harau kara,

harawanaide ne Rao san I am going to pay for this book, so do not pay. So, Rao san obviously

will say arigatou gozaimasu thank you very much. So, there are couple of things which are new

matta is I told you means not yet, yonde kudasai please read.

You have already done this kudasai earlier, we will discuss it right away and then harawanaide

kudasai, so, well we will do it right now.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:33)

Now you can I am sure read we have done hiragana and katakana also you can read I am sure

you will be able to read quite a few of this easily whatever you cannot you can look up a

dictionary and see the word meaning.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:53)

This is a translation of what we just read sometimes it is not exact translation it is what one

would say in English, so please keep that in mind when you are reading.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:14)

Now we did te kudasai just now verb in te kudasai form you can read what is given over here I

will explain right away.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:28)

You remember do you remember doing this word kudasai we did it in the beginning with noun o

kudasai please give the noun to me. For example if it is a hon, hon o kudasai please give the

book to me or ringo o kudasai meaning please give the ringo to me I am going to buy it. So, well

over here noun o kudasai, now this kudasai is being used with verb kudasai verb in te


Basically this te form is new te form actually with the help of te form you can say a lot of things

you can express better you can join a lot of a verbs together and say what you want to say in a

better way, you can convey more ensure. So, thus te form is extremely essential it is important

and we will be doing a lot of te form using a lot of te form in different combining it with

different things and saying, learning new ways of speaking in Japanese.

Saying more complicated things, making more difficult sentences trying to say what we actually

want to say. So, well over here you can see noun o kudasai and verb in te kudasai form. Now

what I want to do first is I want you to practice this.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:25)

And then I will tell you what exactly it is, well oyoide kudasai, kaette kudasai, atte kudasai, katte

kudasai, migaite kudasai, hanashite kudasai, kaite kudasai, yonde kudasai, waratte kudasai,

tabete kudasai, mite kudasai, nete kudasai, akete kudasai, shimete kudasai, shirabet kudasai,

okita kudasai, dete kudasai, kangaete kudasai. So, well you will see that in this section you have

te as only te+the verb and kudasai.

But over here in this column you have ide, tte, ite, nde, shite, so you have a lot of te form over

here which is different from what we have been talking about. Well that is there is a reason for it

and I will just tell you what the reason is.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:31)

Column 2 is group 2, so it is very simple all verbs in eru and iru are in group 2 and by just

removing the masu form and adding te to it you can get the te form for group 2. For example

mimasu, tabemasu, mite, tabete remove the masu form over here, it is easy to do it thus we are

doing like this but there is also different way of doing it. Then for group 1 there are a lot of

exceptions in group 1, besides the normal group 1 verbs all verbs ending in u and ru are in group

1. Now what you have seen over here is ide, nde, shite, ite and tte the verb is over here.

So well the reason is that there are a lot of exceptions in group 1, there are lot of verbs which end

in ku, gu, bu, su, mu, nu 2 vowels and su. So, there are a lot of verbs ending in this and thus we

have all this variation over here that is the reason you will see that they are lot of different

endings over here. But well you do not have to be worry, it is looks very difficult but it is not that

difficult at all, the sound is very simple you just get used to the sound and you start using it in


(Refer Slide Time: 28:50)

So, well let us see we will practice and you will get to know what is he doing the verb is kiku,

kitte kudasai, sensei ni kitte kudasai. The verb is suru there is a denwa over here and the verb is

to do denwa well shite kudasai and what is it denwa o shite kudasai, well the next picture is kaku

is writing over here, so kaite kudasai namae o kaite kudasai. Then miru sensei is teaching in

class, teaching kanji in class and then mite kudasai. And kokuban o mite kudasai, kokuban is the

blackboard kokuban o mite kudasai.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:55)

Well we can practice more now, there is more practice for you, you can see 2 gentleman over

here he is giving money to tanaka san well what is it kashite kudasai, okane o kashite kudasai, so

please lend me some money. Kiku she is looking at the menu a little (FL) what do you do

waitress ni kitte kudasai, kore wa nan desu ka, kitte kudasai, kiku also means to listen, to hear as

you have done in your previous lessons kiku also means to ask.

Ireru, he is putting it in the post well irete kudasai and posuto ni irete kudasai. Then we have

nomu and nonde kudasai, ko-hi nonde kudasai.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:08)

So, well now I want you to practice let us see whether you remember your verbs well or not. So,

we have this gentleman going to the post office for what tegami o kutte kudasai o ku rimasu is to

send, what do we over here people watching a film. So, what is watching, watching is can you

tell me watching is miru eiga o mitte kudasai. Then we have someone just one just gotten up, so

well shiken aru kara go-ji okite kudasai.

So, well you have a test tomorrow go-ji ni okute kudasai, someone just about to drink tea kocha

o nonde kudasai, so it is a request for someone to do as the verb is saying, so I am requesting you

to do something for me is te kudasai or de kudasai form. This is shinbun o yonde kudasai,

another one is writing shigoto o shite kudasai or (FL) o kaite kudasai any of these you can use or

benkyo o shite kudasai any of this you can use and practice te kudasai.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:06)

Well there is a small dialogue over here, irasshaimase, sumimasen, ano kutsushita o misete

kudasai, dore desu ka, asoko no akai kusushita desu, okuyaku sama, kore desu ka, hai so desu.

So, I am quite sure that you would have understood all of it over here and I do not need to

explain anything except irashaimase, irashaimase is a phrase which is used when you either go to

someone’s you enter someone’s house or you enter a shop meaning welcome.

Irashaimase most of the time it is used shops in hotels in restaurants in all these places. Okuyaku

sama it could have been san also over here sama is under feet meaning exactly the same,

okuyaku sama means guest or customer. So, well instead of kutsu ta you can use kustu, boushi,

tokei, kaban, jisho any of this and instead of akai you can use shiroi, ookii, kawaii, chiisai and

misete kudasai please show it to me it is a request to show something to you/

So, when you say please tabete kudasai, mitte kudasai, atte kudasai, itte kudasai, swate kudasai,

nonde kudasai, matte kudasai it means that you are requesting the person to do something for

you that is for the verb is saying, please do this for me, that is what tekudasai means.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:17)

Well now we have this is an exercise for you I hope you remember this picture we did it in one of

our lessons. Look at the picture carefully try to remember where you saw it I have something to

say about the picture listen to it carefully and then answer the questions that are given. So, well

yoku kite kudasai (FL: From 35:56 to 38:49) or doll festival desu nihon no (FL).

(Refer Slide Time: 39:12)

Wakari mashita jagan watte uchi kaie dekusai, hai koko ni sen bukai de arimasu kara (FL).

(Refer Slide Time: 39:25)

(FL) shitsumon mo arimasu, kotai mo arimasu, hai dozo nigyo, nihon , hinamatsuri, nihon,

shangatsu to hinamatsuri or doll festival desu. You can also look up the net and see about the doll

festival you can write a small very small essay maybe 10 lines, the small composition on

hinamatsuri that could be your shukudai, well we have other things to do now.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:01)

So, there is a small expression over here.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:06)

You have tanaka san and mariko san over here and tanaka san is giving something to mariko san

what is the expression, anoo, tsumaranai mono desu ga, meshiagatte kudasai. Anoo this is when

you start a conversation tsumaranai means something very small, it is a small thing. So, when

you give a present to someone however big it maybe it is always tsumaranai mono desu ga it is a

small thing but please meshiagatte kudasai.

So, meshiagarimasu is polite for tabemasu and thus this is a cake, so meshiagatte kudasai, please

have it please eat it and the reply is arigatou gozaimashita. So, please remember whenever you

visit someone you take a present and when you give the present this is the phrase to be used

tsumaranai mono desu ga, meshiagatte kudasai.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:22)

Then as we always do we are going to katakana.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:28)

And the sha series sha you can see how the stroke order is 1, 2 and 3 and there is a slide slant

over here, so please keep that in mind sha.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:46)

Shi and with shi it is very important it goes from here towards the top over here and not the other

way round it is from bottom to top sashi you can see it very clearly now.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:09)


(Refer Slide Time: 42:18)

Se and please notice the first stroke is this and the second stroke is this and not the other way

round, well sometimes we do learn incorrect method of writing.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:37)

But well you have it given right here and you can practice and learn.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:46)

And then you have it all in front of you all in one you can see very clearly what stroke to write


(Refer Slide Time: 42:55)

Now we have some kanji characters over here.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:59)

Some kanjis you have done, some kanjis we will do today we have this kanji over here na kanji

you know the word you have done namei and we will do the kanji right away.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:18)

1, 2, 3 this ka this character you have done kuchi isn’t it do you remember doing kuchi all of you,

no like this okay my drawing is very bad. Well 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1, 2, 3,4, 5 and 6 it is a 6 stroke

character na, namei no na namei is name the first letter in namei is the first kanji character na.

Once again for you over here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 it is a 6 stroke character as is given over here.

Then we have done this word soto opposite taka is opposite of naka is soto, naka and soto.

Similar character and to it is a 5 stroke character 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 like this now the word that I am

going to give you, you already know the word you have already being using that word simple

word over here.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:00)

Well the word is namae as we just now did.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:06)

Namae na mae, na mae and the other word is gaikoku, soto means outside, naka means inside

another reading for soto is gai and this character if you remember we did koku means country.

So, gaikoku koku meaning foreign country, country which is outside yours, so, gaikoku once

more for you gaikoku. And of course if you add gin over here hito over here it becomes gaikoku

gin meaning a foreigner.

(Refer Slide Time: 46;36)


So, please remember these are 2 characters namae, then gaikoku and gaikoku gin over here have

foreigner over here. So, these are words that you have already done now you can remember them

as kanji characters anytime you see them you will know how to pronounce it and namae of

course is very very important because anytime you need to fill a form in Japanese the first place

that you need to full fill and to concentrate on is namae.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:23)

There are some words over here mei butsu the meanings are given these are just some words

which you can remember make sentences with and feel more comfortable mei butsu, gaikoku-go

of course as we are doing it in India for us Japanese as a gai-koku-go which is a foreign

language. Gai-rai-go any Japanese word is a foreign word for us mei-jin as you can see is a

master or an expert at something, igai is beyond or besides and soto kabe, soto one reading is

soto outside kabe is a wall.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:12)

Then we have been doing kotowaza in each lesson a quite some time now.

(Refer Slide Time: 48:18)

Today this is very interesting a simple kotowaza over here makeru ga kachi, makeru means to

loose kachi means to win. So, if you want to win you actually have to really really work hard and

loose sometime because when you lose you want to work more you work very hard and your row

to victory is clear. So, well for us also we are doing Japanese we are working very hard it is

difficult, it is not simple.

But you do not have to feel bad at all when you make mistakes it does not matter you should not

feel bad because when you make mistakes you learn and you want to work hard and do better.

So, the more mistakes you make the better it is the more you learn, makeru ga kachi anytime you

make a mistake do not feel bad this is when you are actually going to work very very hard and

learn more.

So, please remember this kotowaza this kotowaza is very very important for us for all of us here,

we should not feel bad about mistakes or making mistakes we should not feel shy just keep going

ahead, defeat is the first step towards victory. So, anytime remind yourself of this and things will

seem better, well now let us see what we have next.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:04)

There is vocabulary you can do this vocabulary at home I will just read it out once for you to get

the pronunciation you could also repeat after me kasu, kariru, ireru, irasshaimase, meshiagaru,

okuyaku san and please remember okuyaku the ku in the end is silent okuyaku san, miseru,

okuru, okoru, shitsumon and kotae. So, the meanings are given over here you can repeat it also at

home and practice.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:15)

And now my time is over your time begins you have to do your shukudai at home and go over

the lesson.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:26)

The first one is of course is as we always do match group A with group B.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:35)

Then we have these sentences for you over here you have to join these sentences and make a

single sentence out of it.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:46)

There is fill in the blanks.

(Refer Slide Time: 51:52)

And there is these pictures and what you have to do is you have to practice how to request people

to do something for you.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:04)

And then there is counters please write about these counters and try to see which is going to be

used where.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:19)

Then we have match group A with group B make good sentences, make proper sentences they

are all jumbled up and this is going to give you good practice to speak as well, that is all for

today. We have a done a lot of things new things you can practice te kudasai, you can practice

numbers, you can practice counters over here, you can do simple small conversation over here

and rest we will do in our next lesson till then sayonara.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:54)

Arigatou gozaimasu mira san mata aimashoo.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:58)