Introduction to C++ Prof. David Tanzer [email protected] Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved

Introduction to C++ Prof. David Tanzer [email protected] Copyright © 2003 All Rights Reserved

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Introduction to C++Prof. David [email protected]

Copyright © 2003All Rights Reserved

General Points about C++

• Widely available

• Standardized, highly portable

• Powerful abstractions

• Generates efficient code

• Strongly typed

• Less flexible than interpreter


• C features

• C++ features

• Application

Compilation Model

• Source code

• Header files

• Compiler

• Object code

• Libraries

• Linker

• Executable

Simple Program

#include <iostream.h>main(){ int x,y; cout << “enter x,y” << endl; cin >> x; cin >> y; cout << “average = “ << (x+y) / 2.0 << end;}

Basic Types

• int

• bool

• float

• double

• char


int x;

cin >> x;

if (x > 0)


cout << “positive input!” << endl;

cout << “value = “ << x;

} else

cout << “error: negative input!” << endl;

While Loop

// estimate the square root of n

int i = 0;

while (i*i < n)

i = i + 1;

cout << “square root is near” << i << endl;


// print the first 99 squares

int i;

for (i = 1; i < 100; i++)


cout << “i: “ << i;

cout << “squared: “ << i * i << endl;


Loops – General Form

• while (expression) statement;

• do statement while (expression);

• for (init; test; update) statement;

• x = y + z; // simple statement

• {x = 1; y = 2;} // compound statement


• x + y, x – y, x * y, x / y, x % y

• x == y, x != y, x < y, x > y, x <= y, x >= y

• ~x, x & y, x | y, x ^ y

• x << nbits, x >> nbits

• !exp, exp && exp, exp || exp

• test_exp ? then_exp : else_exp

Increment Operators

• x = x + 100;

• x += 100;

• x *= 2;

• x++;

• x--;

• ++x;

• --x;

Break Statement

while (1)


cin >> nextval;

if (nextval< 0)




cout << “error: negative input” << endl;

Continue Statement

while (1)


cin >> nextval;

if (nextval< 0)

continue; // skip the bad input




float avg(float x, float y){ cout << “computing the average...” << endl; return (x + y) / 2.0;}float avg4(float x, float y, float z, float w){ return avg(avg(x,y), avg(z,w));}

Local and Global Scopes

int x = 5;

int y = 6;

float funct(float arg) {

int y = 7; // shadows the global y

cout << x << endl; // prints 5, from global

cout << y << endl; // prints 7, from local

Argument Passing

void avg(float x, float y, float &z)

{ // x,y are passed by value; z by reference

z = (x + y) / 2;



float outval;

avg(1.3, 2.2, outval); // outval is modified

Function Overloading

float funct(int x) { ... return z;}

float funct(int x, int y) { ... return z;}


funct(20); // uses the first definition

funct(20,30);// uses the second

Type Conversion (casting)

int x = 55;

float y1 = (int) x; // explicit conversion

float y2 = x; // implicit conversion

float f = 3.4;

x = (int) f; // now x = 3

int* iptr = &x; // iptr = address of x

void* ptr = (void*) iptr; // typeless pointer


struct {float x; float y;} vec;

vec.x = 10.0;

vec.y = 20.0;

float mag = magnitude(vec);

struct {float x; float y;} vec2;

vec2 = vec;


typedef double real;

real x = 1.1;

typedef struct {float x; float y;} vector;

vector v, w, x;

v = inputVector(“enter v”);

w = inputVector(“enter w”);


addvector -- implementation

vector addvector(vector v, vector w)


vector result;

result.x = v.x + w.x;

result.y = v.y + w.y;

return result;



int x[10]; // create storage for 10 ints

x[0] = 111; x[1] = 555;


int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

sum = sum + x[i];

vector buffer[10];


char name[100];

name[0] = ‘A’; name[1] = ‘L’; name[2] = 0;

cout << “name = “ << name << endl;

cin >> “what’s your name?” >> name;

for (int i = 0; name[i] != 0; i++)


cout << “# of chars = “ << i << endl;


int x;

int* y; // pointer to an integer

x = 5;

y = &x; // now y points to x

cout << “value = “ << *y; // prints 5

(*y)++; // increments x

Pointer Arithmetic

int stringlen(char* charbuf) // array converted to ptr{ int count = 0; while (*charbuf != 0) { charbuf++; count++; } return count;}

Pointer Crashes

int* x;

x = 0;

*x = 55; // crash!

int buf[10];

buf[10] = 99; // crash!

Arguments from the O.S.

int main(int argc, char** argv)


cout << “nargs = “ << argc << endl;

char* progname = argv[1];

int arg1 = atoi(argv[1]);

cout << “double the input = “ << 2 * arg1;

return 0; // tell the o.s. there was no err



• C-structure plus member functions

• Encapsulation

• Inheritance

• Polymorphism

• Access control

• Modular design

• Software reusability


class vector { float x, y;public: vector(float xval, float yval) {x=xval; y=yval;} void vector scale(float scaleval) { x *= scaleval; y *= scaleval; }};vector v(10,20); // calls the constructorv.scale(5) // calls the encapsulated funct

Using Object Pointers

class vector { ... vector* scale(float scaleval); ...};vector* vector::scale(float scaleval) { return new vector(x*scaleval, y*scaleval);}vector* v = new vector(10,20);vector* w = v->scale(10);delete v;

A Class for Images

class image { int npoints; vector* points;public: image(File* datafile) { npoints = linecount(datafile); points = new vector[npoints]; for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) points[i] = parseRow(i,datafile); } ~image() {delete points;}

Image Class Cont’d

void shift(float xoff, float yoff); void scale(float scaleval); void dump(char* outfname);}; // end class void image::shift(float xoff, float yoff){ for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) points[i].shift(xoff,yoff); }

Using the Image Class

File* f = new File(“/home/dave/input.img”);

image* i = new image(f);




delete i;


• Create a new class which extends another

• Base class, derived class

• Derived inherits members of base

• Example: student is a person

• Derived class is more specific

• Hence may introduce special members

Application of Inheritance

• Want a class for images with a focus point

• Don’t want to disturb or complicate the existing image class

• Solution: derive a class from image

• Derived class will store the focus coords

• Which methods should be inherited?

• Which methods should be overriden?

Class for Images with Focus

class image2: public image {

float xfoc, yfoc;


image2(File* datafile, int xf, int yf) :

xfoc (xf), yfoc (yf), image(datafile) {}

void scale(float scaleval); // reimplement

// we can inherit shift(xoff,yoff)

Overriding a Method

image2::scale(float scaleval)


for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {

float deltaX = points[i].getx() – xfoc;

points[i].setx(xfoc + scaleval * deltaX);

... [similarly for Y]



• Function is polymorphic if the types of its arguments may vary

• Example: length of an array

• Polymorphic functions may be defined in terms of other polymorphic functions– nitems(matrix) := nrows(matrix)*ncols(matrix)

Virtual Functions

• For implementing polymorphism in C++ • Base class contains “virtual functions”

– Not implemented in the base class

– Implementation given in each derived class

• Calls to virtual functions are resolved at runtime• Higher-level polymorphic functions may be built

using calls to virtual functions

A Virtual Base Class

class num {

virtual num* scale(num* x) = 0;

num* power(int exponent) {

num* result = this;

for (int i = 1; i < exponent; i++)

result = result->scale(this);

return result; }


Realizations of the Virtual Class

class doubNum : public num {

double val;


doubNum(double v) {val = v;}

num* scale(num* x) { //

doubNum* d = (doubNum*) x; // assumption

return new doubNum(d->val * val); }

Using the Number Class

doubNum* d = new doubNum(1.234);

doubNum* d_cubed = d->power(3);

complexNum* c = new complexNum(3,1.2);

complexNum* c_cubed = c->power(3);

// the SAME power code is executed for both

Extending an Intepreter

• C++ generates fast code• But lacks runtime flexibility of interpreter• Synthesis: write primitives in C++ and link

into interpreter• Writing the interface code is fairly tedious• SWIG can automatically generate:

– Interpreter interface code– Shadow classes

Real Application

• Financial variables represented by large matricies:– organized by stock, date

• Too large to fit into memory• Want to do matrix transforms, like:

– n-day moving average– n-day returns

• Design a flexible and efficient system