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Introduction to BizTalk Server 2009

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The presentation on BizTalk Server 2009 discusses how it goes beyond traditional integration paradigms of hub and spoke and provide a hybrid architecture that takes advantage of key aspects of both models, namely scale-out for throughput and centralized management. It is discussed that the basic functions of BizTalk server includes: document transportation, document conversion and business process management.

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  • Introduction to BizTalk Server 2009

  • OverviewBizTalk and application integrationBasic BizTalk Server functionsBizTalk Server componentsDocument transportationDocument conversionBusiness process managementHow BizTalk Server processes messagesCase study: an enterprise application integration scenario

  • How Do Enterprises Work Today?

  • Point-to-Point Integration ArchitectureCRM SystemPurchasingSCM SystemOrder EntryERPAdvantagesHigher performanceTighter integrationEasier to implement (but not always) DisadvantagesIncreased complexityDifficult to modifyChanges affect many systemsFinancial SystemsMarketing

  • Hub-and-Spoke Integration ArchitectureCRM SystemPurchasingSCM SystemOrder EntryERPAdvantagesCentralized ManagementTransforms documents Simpler integration

    DisadvantagesRequires communications brokerInvolves more complex communicationsFinancial SystemsMarketingHub

  • Comprehensive Integration SolutionSWIFTXMLEDIEDIRosettaNet

  • BizTalk ProvidesIntegration development environmentIntegration runtime environmentIntegration framework

  • Basic BizTalk Server FunctionsBusiness Process MgmtDocument ConversionCompany BCompany ADocument TransportationCompany BCompany AMessagingOrchestration

  • BizTalk Server ComponentsBizTalk Server 2006 EngineOrchestrationBusiness Activity MonitoringBusiness Activity ServicesBusiness RulesEngine Health and Activity TrackingEnterpriseSingle Sign-onManagement And Operation Tools

  • Document TransportationCRM SystemERPDatabaseSCMMainframeFinancial SystemAdaptersAdaptersConnect applications to an integration systemProvide a fast no-coding integration solutionBizTalk native adaptersWeb Services, File, FTP, HTTP, MSMQT, SMTP, SQL, EDIMSMQ, WebSphere MQ, POP3, WSS

  • Document ConversionXSLTStyle sheetItemIDUnitPricePOStatus OrderPO NumberDate TimeItem NoWeightOrderStatusDestination SchemaSource SchemaDateChar to NumericTotal AmtMultiply+TimeQty Message translationBizTalk Server is XML centricConversion between XML and native formats (non-XML)Message transformationConversion between 2 XML documentsPerforms computational and other data operationsAutomatically inserts the data from one message into another during runtime

    TerminologiesParsing: native -> XMLSerialization: XML->nativeMap: defines the correspondence between records and fields in two schemas

  • Business Process Management Orchestration Designer

    BizTalk ServerOrchestrationOrchestrationShapesCompile

  • How BizTalk Server Process Messages?1-2-3

  • Case study: Enterprise Application IntegrationBizTalk Server 2006 EngineOrchestrationSend order Request1Warehouse Inventory System

  • BizTalk Solution Design ConsiderationsHow many applications involved?WarehouseERP SystemWhat are the document formats?Inbound Request from Warehouse in XML file formatOutbound Request to ERP System in XML formatOutbound ReqDecline to Warehouse in XML formatWhat are the transportation methods?File TransportWhat is the workflowIf Quantity > 500, send ReqDecline to WarehouseIf Quantity
  • BizTalk Solution Development ProceduresCreating BizTalk projectsCreating schemas, maps, orchestrations, pipelines and other artifactsCompiling BizTalk projectsDeploying BizTalk projectsTesting BizTalk projects

  • ReviewCompany BCompany AInternetApplicationApplicationApplicationApplicationApplicationBizTalk ServerBizTalk Server 2006 provides:Orchestration and Messaging EngineIntegrated development toolsWeb services integrationBusiness Rules FrameworkSingle sign-onHealth and Activity TrackingBusiness Activity ServicesBusiness Activity Monitoring

  • Creating Schemas Using BizTalk Editor

  • OverviewLesson 1: Introduction to BizTalk schemasLesson 2: Using BizTalk Editor extensions (Optional)

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to BizTalk Schemas What is BizTalk schema?Uses of BizTalk schemasUnderstanding BizTalk Editor interfaceCreating XML schemasInserting records and fieldsPromoting propertiesDemo: creating schemas

  • What is BizTalk Schema?XML Schema

  • Uses of BizTalk SchemasValidating documents Translating documentsfrom XML to nativefrom native to XMLTranslation (Parsing/Serialization)Transformation

  • Understanding BizTalk Editor InterfaceBizTalk EditorIntegrated with Visual Studio.NETBecome active when a schema is opened or added to a projectGenerating XSD schemas

  • Creating XML SchemasCreating schema from scratchCreating FF schema using wizardCreating schema from non-XSD sourceWell-formed XML documentXDR schemaDTD schema

  • Inserting Records and FieldsSchema nodeRoot nodeRecord nodeElement field nodeAttribute field nodeSchema node at top of hierarchyRoot represents type of documentRecord denotes collection of dataRecord can contain other records and fieldsField represents the dataField can not contain child nodes

  • Demo: Creating SchemasCreating schema for Request documentCreating schema for Request Decline document

  • Lesson 2: Using BizTalk Editor ExtensionsBizTalk Editor ExtensionsFlat File ExtensionCreating a flat file schemaDemo: creating a flat file schema using the wizard

  • BizTalk Editor ExtensionsFlat file extensionEDI extensionCreate custom extensions using the Microsoft.BizTalk.SchemaEditor.Extensibility namespace

  • Flat File ExtensionSupports positional and delimited flat filesFlat file viewFlat file specific properties

  • Creating a Flat File SchemaSpecify the Schema Editor Extensions property for the schema as Flat File ExtensionDelimited recordsSpecify the Structure property Delimited or PositionalSpecify the Child Order, the Child Delimiter Type and the Child Delimiter properties for the node containing delimited child elementsPositional RecordsSpecify the Positional Offset and the Positional Length for the child elements of a positional record

  • Using BizTalk Flat File Schema WizardUsing real flat file instances as inputVisual design surface for working with delimited and positional flat file schemasPreview capabilities for the file format

  • Demo: Creating a FF Schema Using WizardCreate schema for Request document in flat file format

  • Review

    What is BizTalk Schema?What is the BizTalk tool for creating schemas?How to create a schema for a flat file?


    Today we will look atBizTalk and application integrationBasic BizTalk Server functionsBizTalk Server componentsDocument transportationDocument conversionBusiness process managementHow BizTalk Server processes messagesCase study: an enterprise application integration scenarioSo How do Enterprises Work Today?For example Company Contoso has multiple applications to serve their business needs.Hr SystemErp SystemEcommerse systemAn CRM applicationEach application requires data from every other applicationEach application has different data formatThe challenge is to integrate data in different format from Heterogeneous application.---------------Further Contoso also deals with entities from external environment like Customers, Supplier , Banks, and Logistics.The data exchanged between the Customers can again be in different format like EDI, Xml SWIFT.-------------------So this is the current scenario of How Enterprises Work Today.To address the Integration of different applications.One option is to have Point to point Integration Architecture.The Advantages as u can see on the sides isHigher performanceTighter integrationEasier to implement (but not always)The DisadvantagesIncreased complexity (With increase in the no of application the complexity further increased)Difficult to modify if we make a change at one point the other peers also required a change as such one change affected many systems.In a small Organization with five applications , the number of possible ways to directly connect these applications with all the permutation combination be 10.This leads to the so called spaghetti Problem.

    To reduce the increasing complexity with increasing number of application an alternative was to use the Hub and spoke Integration Architecture.With a Hub at the center of the architecture this is a centralized processing machinery, the hub, accpept requests from multiple application, the spokes.Applications interact with the hub throuh adapters deployed on the hub, and as such, hub and spoke does not require any modification to the existing applications and supports a wide variety of transports.The major problem with this model was Central machine was a single point of failure. The scalability was limited to scalability of the central machine resource.The New BizTalk Server 2006 topology goes beyond traditional integration paradigms of hub and spoke and point to point message bus described earlier. Biztalk server provides a hybrid architecture that takes advantage of key aspects of both models, namely scale-out for throughput and centralized management. The key is that although Biztalk server includes hublike properties such as centralized management, its internal architecture is bus like.BizTalk ProvidesIntegration development environmentIntegration runtime environmentIntegration framework

    The basic functions of BizTalk server include: Document Transportation: Connecting applications within an organization or betweenorganizations.Document Conversion: Converting documents from one format toanother format. Manage business process through Orchestration: The automation, management, and monitoring ofend-to-end processes.

    These are the basic Biztalk server components that revolve around the Biztalk server 2006 engine.Information Worker services adds layers outside BizTalk server to provideextended functionalities. These services include Business Activity Services(BAS), Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and Human WorkflowServices (HWS). Enterprise single sign-on. Maintains user context and automatically sign onto receiving applications Business Rules Engine. Enabling developers to design BRE-enabledapplications so that information workers can change policy withoutinvolving developers.Biztalk server Management and operation tools oversees business more effectively and forecastsimprovements by continually analyzing process performance.

    Adapters are software components that connect application resources with anintegration system so that the application resources can interoperate with otherconnected applications.Adaptersoffer a no-coding approach to integration by providing simple, automatedmapping of third-party technologies and data formats.BizTalk Server includes native adapters by default Web Services, File, FTP, HTTP, MSMQT, SMTP, SQL, EDIMSMQ, WebSphere MQ, POP3, WSS. Document Conversion includes Message translation and Message transformationMessage translation is the conversion between XML to and from native formats (non-XML)Message transformation is the conversion between 2 XML documentsYou can Performs computational and other data operationsAutomatically inserts the data from one message into another during runtime

    Some important Terminologies.Parsing: conversion from native to XMLSerialization: conversion from XML to nativeMap: defines the correspondence between records and fields in two schemas

    BizTalk Server lets you orchestrate your business processes by combining aruntime engine with a design-time tool called Orchestration Designer. Ratherthan expressing the steps in a programming language, this tool connects a seriesof shapes in a logical way.A message is received through a receive adapter.The message is processed through a receive pipeline. This pipeline cancontain components that perform tasks such as converting the message fromits native format into an XML document.3. The message is delivered to a database called Message Box database, whichis implemented by using Microsoft SQL Server.4.When a message arrives in the MessageBox database, that message isdispatched to its target orchestration, which takes whatever action thebusiness process requires.5. The result of this processing is typically another message, which isproduced by the business process and saved in the MessageBox database.6. The new message is processed by a send pipeline, which may convert itfrom the internal XML format used by BizTalk Server 2004 to the formatrequired by its destination7. The message is sent out through a send adapter, which uses an appropriatemechanism to communicate with the application for which this message isdestined.

    The warehouse inventory system is a stand-alone system that operatesseparately from the ERP System. The inventory system notices that the stockof an item is low and so issues a request to order more of that item. Anyinventory request that comes from the warehouse should be declined if itexceeds 500 items. A request declined document is sent back to the inventorysystem if the order doesnt meet the requirements. Otherwise, the order requestis forwarded to the ERP system to prepare a purchase order.