Introduction to Automated Theorem Proving CS3234 Lecture 2 Martin Henz and Aquinas Hobor

Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

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Page 1: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Introduction to Automated Theorem Proving


Lecture 2

Martin Henz and Aquinas Hobor

Page 2: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed


• What is an automated theorem prover?p

• Advantages and disadvantages

• Introduction to Coq


Page 3: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Automated Theorem ProversAutomated Theorem Provers

• Computer program that can generate and checkComputer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems

• Theorems are expressed in some mathematical l i h i i l l i dilogic, such as propositional logic, predicate logic, first‐order logic, …

• Many different theorem provers out there: y pIsabelle/HOL, TWELF, Coq, Metamath, Nuprl, …


Page 4: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Theorem Prover Overview

Math (in some logic)Provided by user(not to scale) g(not to scale)

Provided by Theorem Proverdeveloper

(not to scale)


Page 5: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Differences Between ProversDifferences Between Provers

• The logic the prover uses– Isabelle/HOL : Higher Order Logic (HOL)– TWELF : Logical Framework (LF)– Coq : Calculus of (Co‐)Inductive Constructions (CiC)Coq : Calculus of (Co )Inductive Constructions (CiC)– etc.

• Some logics are more powerful (can express and prove more theorems) than others, e.g.,– Propositional Logic is usually the weakestp g y– CiC is more powerful than HOL

M f l l i b h d t• More powerful logics can be harder to use


Page 6: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Differences Between ProversDifferences Between Provers• The task a prover handles

– All provers can check theorems in their logic– Automated proof generation is much harder

• Different provers have different trade‐offs b t d f t ti d thbetween degree of automation and the power of the logic they handle

The more powerful the logic the less automatic– The more powerful the logic, the less automatic generation of proofs

– Many automated theorem provers are really moreMany automated theorem provers are really more automated theorem checkers


Page 7: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Proof Checking vs. Proof GenerationR ll th t f l f i li t f f l h f• Recall that a formal proof is a list of formulas each of which is justified by an axiom or an inference rule applied to earlier formulas

Formulas JustificationF1 AxiomF2 Rule 3 and F1… …Theorem …

• Formal proofs are very easy to check mechanically– Just make sure the justifications are applied correctlyJust make sure the justifications are applied correctly

• However, proof generation is harder – have to generate a list of formulas, each of which has valid justification, and where the last formula is the desired theorem. 7

Page 8: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Differences Between ProversDifferences Between Provers

• Practical differences– Or, “Oh, yeah – it’s a piece of software!”

• Some provers have:• Some provers have:– More support if there is trouble (mailing lists)– Bigger user base– More frequent new versions– Tool support– Better library support (e.g. built‐in definitions of the realBetter library support (e.g. built in definitions of the real numbers, etc.)

• It’s possible to have bugs! Which are more trustworthy?• It’s possible to have bugs!  Which are more trustworthy?


Page 9: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

What does the user provide?What does the user provide?

• Depends on which prover!p p

• All provers: statement of theorem expressed in the logic of the system

F thi i h ll d i i• For some provers, this is enough – all you do is give the desired theorem and push “Go”

• Fully automatic provers can’t prove nearly as many theorems as “semiautomatic” provers


Page 10: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

What does the user provide?What does the user provide?

• So the user must provide some kind of hintsSo the user must provide some kind of hints that help the prover (often provided in the same file)same file)

L f l hi “A f i h• Least useful hint: “A proof exists – search forever until you find it”

• Most useful hint: “Here is the proof: …” p


Page 11: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Intermediate Hints• Most provers take a middle path and require hints between the two extremes– Statement of key lemmas (useful intermediate results)– Proof outline (how the lemmas connect)– Key idea in proof (“prove by induction on n”)– Proof script (list of medium‐sized steps in the proof)

• One advantage of providing hints is that if the theorem is not provable the prover can providetheorem is not provable, the prover can provide better error reporting as to why the proof failed.– Most error reporting is still pretty difficult (worse than aMost error reporting is still pretty difficult (worse than a typical compiler error report)


Page 12: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Theorem Prover Overview

Statement of Theorem

Hi tProvided by user(not to scale) Hints(not to scale)

Provided by Theorem Proverdeveloper

(not to scale)


Page 13: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

LibraryLibraryMany theorems share commonly used definitionsd land lemmas

• Natural numbers• Natural numbers– Definition (zero & successor)– Facts about naturals (a + b = b + a) and their proofs( ) p

• Integers– Definition (naturals & negative naturals & zero)– Facts about integers (e.g., a + (‐a) = 0) and their proofs

• etc.13

Page 14: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Theorem Prover Overview

Statement of Theorem

Hi tProvided by user(not to scale) Hints(not to scale)

TheoremProvided by  Theorem Theorem Prover

developer(not to scale)



Page 15: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed


• What is an automated theorem prover?p

• Advantages and disadvantages

• Introduction to Coq


Page 16: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Why are theorem provers used?

• Very high assurance due to mechanical checking

• When possible, automatic proof generation can significantly improve program development– Earlier detection of bugs

– Better code/design coverage than testing

– Frequently tools can locate errors faster than debugging


Page 17: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

High assurance• In general, highest assurance that there are no mistakes in proofmistakes in proof– Checkers are very thorough: don’t get tired, don’t get bored, don’t make mistakes

– If anything, the problem is the opposite – trying to convince a checker that a true thing is true can be frustratingfrustrating.

U d i h t i iti l• Used in areas where correctness is critical– AerospaceD f– Defense

– etc. 17

Page 18: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Right tool for the job…Right tool for the job…

Better at some kinds of tasks than othersBetter at some kinds of tasks than others

• Best: proving behavior of real programs• Best: proving behavior of real programs

B d• Bad: – Cryptography: often we rely on guesses (P = NP ?)P th T l d lib i t ti l t– Pure math: Tools and libraries are not practical yet

– Design: How to prove one user interface better than another?than another?


Page 19: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Uses for proof generationFor problems that are simpler, proof generationis very useful as wellis very useful as well

• T pe inference & checkers (e ML Ja a C#)• Type inference & checkers (e.g., ML, Java, C#)

• Safety of web applications (e.g., Java)

• Static analysis tools– Buffer overrun analysis– Safety property analysis


Page 20: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Disadvantages of d hAutomated Theorem Proving

For proof generation:For proof generation:

• Only useful for certain kinds of “simple” problems• Only useful for certain kinds of  simple  problems

T l f tl diffi lt t d l• Tools are frequently very difficult to develop

f h b d• Often can have very bad worst‐case running time– e.g., Hindley‐Milner type inference is O(22


– Sometimes the average running time is much better


Page 21: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Disadvantages of Automated Theorem ProvingAutomated Theorem Proving

For proof checking:

• Developing the hints / proof by hand can be veryl b i t ilabor‐intensive

I b diffi l f li• It can be very difficult to formalize correctness– “correct” operating system?“correct” web browser?– correct  web browser?

– “correct” compiler?

• Learning curve to use systems can be steep21

Page 22: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

One more advantage… they are fun to use!

• A bit like writing software in a scripting language

they are fun to use!

A bit like writing software in a scripting language

“Building such scripts is surprisingly addictiveBuilding such scripts is surprisingly addictive, in a videogame kind of way…”

‐ Xavier Leroy‐ Xavier Leroy

• The advantage of never having to worry about bugs• The advantage of never having to worry about bugs in the finished product

• Can work on math at 3 AM without fear22

Page 23: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed


• What is an automated theorem prover?p

• Advantages and disadvantages

• Introduction to Coq


Page 24: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

CoqCoq• Theorem prover developed in France

– Name is the French word for rooster(The French have a distressing lack of regard for the way their words sound i h l )in other languages.)

– Lots of library & tool support– Large user baseLarge user base

• Calculus of (Co‐)Inductive Constructions (CiC)– We will just use a small portion

// /• Available on the web at http://coq.inria.fr/– Windows, MacOS, Linux/UNIX 24

Page 25: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Tactic‐based systemTactic based system

• CiC is quite powerful so automatic proofCiC is quite powerful, so automatic proof generation is quite limited

• Instead, a user provides hints in the form of f iproof scripts

• Proof scripts are lists of tactics, which guide Coq in generating the proofq g g p


Page 26: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed



Page 27: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed


Current GoalProof Script

Current GoalProof Script

Error Reporting


Page 28: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed


hi i ll h i filNote: this presentation as well as the script file we

will go over now will be available to you online.  


Page 29: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Homework, due next week

A file has been added to the online course workbin.


St t l• Start early. I am very unlikely to help with installation problems the night before the homework is due Also the learning curve for Coq can be steepdue.  Also, the learning curve for Coq can be steep.

• I am available for help most afternoons.  Feel free to knock pon my door or write me email if you have questions.

d h i did i l• You are encouraged to go over the script we did in class before starting the homework.


Page 30: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Homework, due next week

A file has been added to the online course workbin.


St t l

If I could make it flash bright orange I would.

• Start early. I am very unlikely to help with installation problems the night before the homework is due Also the learning curve for Coq can be steepdue.  Also, the learning curve for Coq can be steep.

• I am available for help most afternoons.  Feel free to knock pon my door or write me email if you have questions.

d h i did i l• You are encouraged to go over the script we did in class before starting the homework.


Page 31: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed

Individual Work OnlyyBecause of the nature of the machine checked partBecause of the nature of the machine‐checked part

of this assignment, you should not collaborate with

any of your classmates.  The handwritten part of the

assignment can be discussed with your classmates. 

Do the machine‐checked part on your ownDo the machine‐checked part on your own.

If you have questions about this, please email me.31

Page 32: Introduction to Automated Theorem Provingcs3234/cs3234-lec02b.pdfAutomated Theorem Provers • Computer program that can generate and check mathematical theorems • Theorems are expressed


1 Start Early1. Start Early

2. We have a local copy of the downloads (much faster!) on the websitefaster!) on the website

3. Email Aquinas with questions if you get stuck

4. Tutorials:1. http://coq.inria.fr/V8.1/files/doc/Tutorial.pdf

2. http://cel.archives‐ouvertes.fr/docs/00/33/44/28/PDF/coq‐hurry.pdf