1 SG Soul Shift Worksheet for April 2021 THE ALCHEMY OF THE MOON - TELLING YOUR MOON STORY FOR MORE FLOW, CREATIVITY, AND NATURAL RHYTHM INTRODUCTION TO APRIL AND DISSOLUTION - SWIMMING TO THE DEPTHS AND EXPLORING THE “CAVES OF POSSIBILITY” “MYSTIC MERMAIDS OF MAGIC” This month, we continue our work with the Dissolution phase. Some of this material will be the same because we’re working with the same alchemical phase in March and April. In 2021 Soul Shift Alchemize, we’re working with seven alchemical stages of spiritual transformation. Alchemy is the process of rebirth, and to birth anything you must take it (and yourself) first back to its source, its origin, and help it discover who it is separate from anything and anyone else. Mothers always feel reborn when their children take their first breath, and so you will feel when you do this work. Reborn, in every moment of awakening. Coming new to what is old. Engaging the Beginner’s Mind to find universal and timeless wisdom. In this phase of alchemy, we metaphorically gather all of the ashes of the first phase and dissolve them in water, which produces iron oxide (the ancient Egyptians, the parents of modern alchemy, used iron oxide in their ceremonies as a purifier of energy). The theme of immersion here, led by the most watery of signs Cancer, offers us a rite of rebirth in the form of bliss, flow, creativity, and expansion. This is our phase of regaining our strength after breaking down the prima materia and examining it under the microscope in the calcination phase. Now that we know who we are, where we came from, and what we have always been, we can more effortlessly and fearlessly explore our goals and creative endeavors without fear, doubt, or hesitation. Our fate becomes powerfully centered in our own hands. And here in Cancer’s tender hands, we find something of a nurturing embrace despite the challenge of the work before us. This watery Cancerian energy comes at the height of spring, when most of nature is preparing to birth new life and glorious rainbows of flowers are ready to emerge from the dry branches of winter. Diving deep into the waters of the unconscious will allow us to explore and swim into the underwater caves of our inner desires, our inner fears, and our inner


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1SG Soul Shift Worksheet for April 2021




This month, we continue our work with the Dissolution phase. Some of this material will be the same because we’re working with the same alchemical phase in March and April. In 2021 Soul Shift Alchemize, we’re working with seven alchemical stages of spiritual transformation. Alchemy is the process of rebirth, and to birth anything you must take it (and yourself) first back to its source, its origin, and help it discover who it is separate from anything and anyone else. Mothers always feel reborn when their children take their first breath, and so you will feel when you do this work. Reborn, in every moment of awakening. Coming new to what is old. Engaging the Beginner’s Mind to find universal and timeless wisdom.

In this phase of alchemy, we metaphorically gather all of the ashes of the first phase and dissolve them in water, which produces iron oxide (the ancient Egyptians, the parents of modern alchemy, used iron oxide in their ceremonies as a purifier of energy). The theme of immersion here, led by the most watery of signs Cancer, offers us a rite of rebirth in the form of bliss, flow, creativity, and expansion. This is our phase of regaining our strength after breaking down the prima materia and examining it under the microscope in the calcination phase. Now that we know who we are, where we came from, and what we have always been, we can more effortlessly and fearlessly explore our goals and creative endeavors without fear, doubt, or hesitation. Our fate becomes powerfully centered in our own hands. And here in Cancer’s tender hands, we find something of a nurturing embrace despite the challenge of the work before us.

This watery Cancerian energy comes at the height of spring, when most of nature is preparing to birth new life and glorious rainbows of flowers are ready to emerge from the dry branches of winter. Diving deep into the waters of the unconscious will allow us to explore and swim into the underwater caves of our inner desires, our inner fears, and our inner

1 2emotions. All of us are human, and to be human requires us to undergo many challenging and sometimes impossible experiences. To survive, sometimes we plow ahead and push down our needs and feelings in order to keep our heads above the water and just “get through.” But then, at some later point, we realize that wholeness is our goal: To create space for a union between who we felt we have had to be and become and who we secretly (or not-so-secretly) desire to be. The Waters of Rebirth come to cleanse away what became muddied or unclear last month and rinse it downstream.

Our Sacral Chakra takes over for the Root this month, and we leave the domain of home and origins to explore passion, desire, and creative potential. Questions like “What are my soul gifts?” and “How can I activate my deepest potential?” arise here for your consideration. This is a juicy phase of alchemy, ripe with energies of flow and expansion. But like the Great Flood, this phase reminds us that water can purify or destroy us. We must be mindful to honor the power of the element of water and remain grounded from our early work, so that the waves cleanse us rather than wash us away. All things in moderation, dissolution reminds us.

When we dive into our soul caves we will no doubt discover some things about ourselves that we’d rather keep hidden. Everyone feels this way. But there is gold hidden in those dark corners of the psyche and soul, underneath all the things about you and your past that you feel ashamed of or reluctant to integrate. You are worthy of love and you are valuable not in spite of your past, but in many ways because of it. You are a being of divine power not in spite of your challenging aspects, but in many ways because of them. Into the waters of dissolution, we lean way back and learn to float, to be easy and effortless, to allow and to be, to trust and surrender.


Chapter 1: Your Moon SignThe Moon in the Birth Chart

The Moon is the closest astronomical body to Earth, giving it strong influence over us. The Moon’s gravity pulls on Earth’s oceans, causing tides, and its movement affects our emotions, reactions, and even our bodily cycles. The Moon in astrology reflects our desire to nurture,

2 3protect, belong, and connect with our roots. It’s also our mysterious nature and some call it the home of our heart and soul. The Moon corresponds with The High Priestess in the tarot who teaches us to explore our subconscious lunar landscape to receive our deepest sense of self and inner wisdom.

The Moon in the birth chart reveals your inner, private sense of self. It’s also your emotional nature in general, and the way you instinctively react or respond to life. The Moon holds our memories - some say we go back to the Moon between incarnations. It’s a nighttime planet (technically a satellite), so it represents the light in the darkness and all the things we see and feel in the absence of sunlight. The Moon’s realm is feelings, images, and symbols. It connects us to archetypes shared by all; the language we all know. Working with the Moon helps you recognize what you need to feel emotionally stable, safe, comfortable, and at home. It also reflects your habits, natural rhythm, and the way you nurture yourself and others. The Moon is also connected to your inner child, and ways you can best parent yourself. Overall, loving and feeding your Moon is a key to feeling good all over.

Your Moon

Find out which sign your Moon is in by running a free chart at astro.com.

My Moon is in _______________ (sign).

Aries Moon: Emotionally tough. Quick to defend and protect. Naturally independent, active, and impulsive. Needs freedom and space to do new things and a physical outlet for emotions. Challenges self and others to be strong and go after what they want.

Embrace this: Your courage, strong body, and warrior’s heart. Opportunities to make your own path.

Be cautious of this: Taking everything as a fight. Letting others take the lead instead of breaking out of the pack.

Crystal Allies: Red Jasper and Dragonstone

Taurus Moon: Emotionally grounded. Slow to change, especially when secure and comfortable. Naturally earthy, sensual, loyal, and determined. Needs stability, physical touch, and to count on things. Nurtures self and others through the body and tangible ways.

3 4Embrace this: Your good instincts, peaceful heart, and ability to create and enjoy pleasure.

Be cautious of this: Refusing to budge no matter what. Forgetting to meet your own needs first.

Crystal Allies: Carnelian and Garnet

Gemini Moon: Emotionally communicative. Tends to intellectualize feelings and take comfort in knowledge. Naturally social, curious, and interested in learning. Needs variety, stimulation, and to talk things out. Nurtures and heals with words.

Embrace this: Your ability to communicate from the heart and use stories to help us feel.

Be cautious of this: Searching for words when it’s time to listen. Not expressing your feelings, especially if they don't make sense.

Crystal Allies: Larimar and Amazonite

Cancer Moon: Emotionally sensitive. Takes things personally and hides in a self-protective shell. Naturally empathic, moody, and intuitive. Needs emotional stability, to be felt, and quiet time to restore. Helps the helpless and nurtures inner growth.

Embrace this: Your ability to feel the energy, your caring heart, and your inner mystery.

Be cautious of this: Blaming everyone else for how you feel. Taking care of others while neglecting yourself.

Crystal Allies: Chrysoprase and Pink Opal

Leo Moon: Emotionally excitable. Wants to be seen and loved, but afraid of embarrassment. Naturally warm, creative, generous, and fun. Needs to feel special and share something personal in the world. Brings out the inner light and gifts in self and others.

Embrace this: Your performer’s heart and passion. How you move the room when coming from the heart.

Be cautious of this: Keeping people in your life just to have a fan club. Not letting yourself shine and do what you love.

Crystal Allies: Ruby Zoisite and Red Aventurine

4 5Virgo Moon: Emotionally cautious. Sensitive to getting it “right” and what isn’t working. Naturally thoughtful, helpful, and practical. Needs to feel useful and contribute toward making things better. Nurtures through service and creating systems for improvement.

Embrace this: Your healer’s heart and willingness to figure things out. Your devotion to being your best self and helping others do the same.

Be cautious of this: Letting fear of imperfection keep you from moving forward. Overworking to avoid feeling and doing what’s really important.

Crystal Allies: Variscite and Iolite

Libra Moon: Emotionally regulating. Uncomfortable with conflict, tension, and anything too messy. Naturally social, cooperative, and a good listener. Needs to keep the peace, partner with others, and experience harmony. Nurtures by bringing beauty and the art of relationship.

Embrace this: Your kind heart, ability to bring things and people together, and psychic sense of what’s a good fit.

Be cautious of this: Pretending to be nice when you’re really not into it. Creating false emotional balance by over-compromising.

Crystal Allies: Lemurian Blue Calcite and Blue Kyanite

Scorpio Moon: Emotionally intense. Deep feelings and strong desires are hard to ignore. Naturally seductive, secretive, psychological, and suspicious. Needs physical and emotional intimacy, privacy, to uncover the truth, and transformative experiences. Catalyzes soul growth in self and others.

Embrace this: Your strong heart, gut sense of what’s true, and emotional endurance to face and move through anything.

Be cautious of this: Getting entangled in so much drama you lose yourself. Refusing to trust anyone or be vulnerable.

Crystal Allies: Agatized Coral and Rutilated Quartz

Sagittarius Moon: Emotionally expressive. Extreme highs and lows that swing up and down. Naturally confident, adventurous, and drawn to the unknown. Needs room to roam, to be natural and free, and seek experiences. Inspires self and others to follow dreams and be fully alive.

5 6Embrace this: Your wild heart, honesty, and the wisdom that it’s all about the journey, never the destination.

Be cautious of this: Overcommitting with no follow-through. Keeping yourself in a cage when it’s crushing your spirit.

Crystal Allies: Chrysocolla and Pink Topaz

Capricorn Moon: Emotionally guarded. Sense of responsibility and need to keep things safe and under control. Naturally hardworking, disciplined, and serious. Needs to pursue goals, take charge, and feel respected. Nurtures by supporting professional growth and celebrating excellence.

Embrace this: Your committed heart, integrity, and ability to channel emotion to manifest results.

Be cautious of this: Bearing burdens that aren’t yours to carry. Waiting for permission from someone other than yourself.

Crystal Allies: Brecciated Jasper and Green Aventurine

Aquarius Moon: Emotionally objective. Tends to detach from feelings and observe from outside. Naturally idealistic, deep thinking, and curious about human nature. Needs emotional breathing room and an authentic place to belong. Supports and nurtures diversity and individuality.

Embrace this: Your rebellious heart, love of humanity, and unique ways that open our minds to something new.

Be cautious of this: Over-rationalizing feelings and separating mind from body. Conforming inauthentically.

Crystal Allies: Yellow Hematoid Topaz and Green Zebra Jasper

Pisces Moon: Emotionally immersed. Absorbs energy all around and can be overwhelmed with too much feeling. Naturally psychic, artistic, and romantic. Needs solitude and time off the clock to recover, imagine, and dream. Nurtures imagination, spirituality, and all things magical.

Embrace this: Your compassionate heart, understanding we’re all one, and a sense of wonder.

Be cautious of this: Having no boundaries and trying to save others. Giving up on your dreams.

Crystal Allies: Dream Amethyst and Natural Labradorite

6 7Chapter 2: Your Moon Phase

Moon Phases in the Birth chart

The phases of the Moon, technically the phases of the relationship between the Sun and Moon, represent the entire cycle of life – fromthe birth of a new moon to the blooming or manifestation of the full moon to the completion and releasing of the dying moon. There are 8 phases: New, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent. The Sun represents your sense of purpose and spirit, and the Moon is how that light of spirit and purpose is reflected on Earth in daily life. Your lunar birth phase is the best energy you can engage to live your purpose from moment to moment. Working with it helps you harness your natural rhythm and go with the energetic flow.

Your Birth Date Moon Phase

You can find the moon phase (of the Moon in the sky) when you were born in your birth chart, but it takes a little calculation. Each phase is 45 degrees of the 360-degree zodiac. Technically, you find your Sun in the birth chart and its degree and count by degree from your Sun to your Moon counterclockwise. Your phase is determined by the number of degrees between the Sun and Moon counterclockwise. OR, there are websites that make it easy, but I find they’re not all accurate. This one looks good - find your Moon Phase for free at moonglow.com.

My Moon Phase is _______________.

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New Phase - Go, Go, Go!

The new moon is the beginning of the waxing phase and the entire lunar cycle. A new moon is when the Moon and Sun come back together in the sky after completing their previous cycle. The Moon is dark or just a sliver, being infused with the light of the Sun. This is the most potent time to initiate new ideas, projects, and all kinds of new beginnings. The dark moon is full of possibility – you don’t need to know how things will unfold, you just need to take action to get it started. This is the time to set intentions based on your deepest desires, release fear, lean into faith, and trust your inner vision.

Embrace this: Trust your instincts, start new projects, and run with your ideas and inspiration.

Be cautious of this: Not making a move, waiting too long, not being direct, and overthinking things.

Crystal Allies: Labradorite, Black Moonstone, and Black Obsidian

Imagine anything is possible. What would you create?

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Waxing Crescent Phase - Show Us What You’re Made Of

In the waxing crescent phase, the Moon grows brighter, one step closer to fullness. What was initiated in the new phase is starting to take shape and we can see it. This phase reflects a commitment to intentions. Time, effort, and determination are required to establish roots and build a strong foundation. The process is still in the early stages and it’s a challenge to let go of old beliefs and patterns that block new growth. It’s time to keep going forward, putting one foot in front of the other.

Embrace this: Stay with what you’ve started. Remember change takes effort and it’s worth it!

Be cautious of this: Giving up too soon. Using being tired as an excuse to stop trying.

Crystal Allies: Rainbow Moonstone, Emerald, and Nuumite

What can you do to make your vision and ideas a reality?

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First Quarter Phase - Lights, Camera, Action!

When the Moon is in its first quarter phase, it’s half full. The Moon is bright, but we only see part of it. This halfway mark in the sky reflects the process of actualizing intentions and letting plans unfold. Once you’ve gone this far, a push can be needed to keep it up. This part of the cycle demands your full-hearted effort. You may not get everything right the first time, but you won’t know unless you try. The new visions you set forth at the new moon reach the height of creative momentum. This is the time to courageously work hard for what you want, so you attract all that you’ve asked for and more.

Embrace this: Test things out and go for it. Have the courage to put yourself out there.

Be cautious of this: Not expressing yourself to avoid humiliation. Pretending you don’t want to be seen when you do.

Crystal Allies: Lapis, Onyx, and Jet

How are you trying out your vision?


Waxing Gibbous Phase - The Dress Rehearsal

The Moon is now almost full and the growing intensity is powerful. This is the last chance to make changes before the final result is revealed. The waxing gibbous phase can be stressful, like getting ready to unveil a work of art. What if it’s not perfect? Now’s the time to stay focused and look at all the details to decide what needs rework and adjustment to bring everything together. This building energy can be tireless and it’s important not to get fixated on things that don’t matter.

Embrace this: The beauty in perfecting the details. Use a critical eye without losing sight of the bigger picture.

Be cautious of this: Being consumed by problems. Never going anywhere because you don’t feel ready.

Crystal Allies: Fluorite, Carnelian, and Citrine

What is missing to make your vision a reality?

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Full Phase - Get Your Glow On!

When the Moon is full, it’s in its whole radiance and the only time we see all of it. The full phase is a metaphor for fulfillment and completion. This is the phase of manifestation! When the Moon is new, we set intentions. When it’s full, we birth our creations into the world. Whatever you’ve been working towards is ready to be revealed in the spotlight of awareness. Much of the full moon awareness comes from relationships and seeing in the mirror of “other.” This is the culmination of results from the entire waxing cycle. It’s time to kick up your heels and express joyful gratitude to the universe and yourself.

Embrace this: Celebrate everything you’ve created in life. Share it and yourself with others.

Be cautious of this: Not realizing you’re blooming and repeating work you’ve already done to get there.

Crystal Allies: Moonstone, Selenite, and Clear Quartz

Your creation is already a reality! What does it look and feel like?

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Waning Gibbous Phase - Make It Count

The waning phase began with the full moon and now the Moon is visibly receding. This phase is sometimes called “disseminating” which alludes to the importance of sharing the results of your efforts with the world. How are your manifestations helping others and serving a purpose? In addition, all the creative effort from the waxing phase left some cleaning up to do. It’s time to take responsibility for yourself and your accomplishments, tap into the deeper wisdom of the cycle, and anchor the energies. Express gratitude to your elders and ancestors and ask for their guidance as you gather tools to begin the descent of the entire moon cycle.

Embrace this: The wisdom of experience. Take ownership of your life and find ways to contribute to your communities.

Be cautious of this: Getting sucked into society’s rules. Waiting for someone else to step up.

Crystal Allies: Blue calcite, Angelite, and Unakite Jasper

How is your creation helping others and serving a purpose?

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Last Quarter Phase - The Breakthrough

The last quarter phase is the waning half-moon. It symbolizes the expanding consciousness about who we are and what we’ve created in the world. It can feel like a crisis because the end is drawing near. There’s not much time to change the final outcome which includes the results of our efforts, their wide-reaching impact, and everything learned from them. Soon, the dying moon will take over, symbolically disintegrating our illusions of reality as we surrender to be reborn. The last quarter moon reflects those moments when you finally see the bigger picture. There’s so much potential for vision and prophecy if you’re willing to let go of old attachments to make room for the future.

Embrace this: Be objective - especially about yourself, release the past, and open your third eye.

Be cautious of this: Staying trapped in old beliefs and refusing to move from the past to the future.

Crystal Allies: Rose Quartz, Bronzite, and Sodalite

How is your creation a reflection of you?


Waning Crescent Phase - Ending to Begin Again

There’s powerful magic in endings, including the birth of beginnings. When the Moon reaches the waning crescent, it’s at the end of its entire cycle. It’s time to surrender what isn’t needed and let go with grace. Be present to the emptiness ahead and remember that what empties will eventually fill. In this phase, the Veil grows thin, making it easier to receive messages and signs. By leaning into faith and honoring the darkness within and without, you discover the greater truths of existence. This phase compels you to sacrifice for future generations, including your own rebirth. Leave the best of yourself through service, love, and compassion.

Embrace this: Forgive, love, seek closure when you can, accept what is, and embrace the Mystery.

Be cautious of this: Losing faith, blocking psychic senses, and clinging to the material world.

Crystal Allies: Black tourmaline, Petalite, and Black Obsidian

What are you releasing?