Particle and Nuclear Physics Handout #1 Introduction Problem Sheets Appendices Lent/Easter Terms 2021 Dr. Tina Potter

Introduction Problem Sheets Appendiceschpotter/particleandnuclearphysics… · Many models of Nuclear Physics. Historically, Nuclear Physics preceded and led to Particle Physics

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Page 1: Introduction Problem Sheets Appendiceschpotter/particleandnuclearphysics… · Many models of Nuclear Physics. Historically, Nuclear Physics preceded and led to Particle Physics

Particle and Nuclear Physics

Handout #1

IntroductionProblem Sheets


Lent/Easter Terms 2021Dr. Tina Potter

Page 2: Introduction Problem Sheets Appendiceschpotter/particleandnuclearphysics… · Many models of Nuclear Physics. Historically, Nuclear Physics preceded and led to Particle Physics

1. IntroductionParticle and Nuclear Physics

Dr. Tina Potter

Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 1

In this section...

Course content

Practical information



Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 2

Page 3: Introduction Problem Sheets Appendiceschpotter/particleandnuclearphysics… · Many models of Nuclear Physics. Historically, Nuclear Physics preceded and led to Particle Physics

Course contentThese lectures will cover the core topics of Particle and Nuclear physics.

Particle Physics is the study of

Matter: Elementary particles

Forces: Basic forces in natureElectroweak (EM & weak)Strong

Current understanding is embodiedin the

Standard Modelwhich successfully describes allcurrent data∗.

Nuclear Physics is the study of

Matter: Complex nuclei(protons & neutrons)

Forces: Strong “nuclear” force(underlying strong force)+ weak & EM decays

Complex many-body problem,requires semi-empirical approach.

Many models of Nuclear Physics.

Historically, Nuclear Physics preceded and led to Particle Physics.Our course will discuss Particle Physics first, and then Nuclear Physics.∗ with some interesting exceptions!

Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 3

Practical informationWebsite holds course information, notes, appendices and problem sheets



Introduction to High Energy Physics, Perkins

Introductory Nuclear Physics, Krane

Lecturing material provided as three handouts.

Lectures will cover additional examples – please attend!!

Problem sets in 4 partsPart 1: Chapter 1-2Part 2: Chapter 3-8Part 3: Chapter 9-12Part 4: Chapter 13-16

My availability: before/after lectures, via email ([email protected]), in-person chats are

always welcome

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Zooming into matter

Atom Binding energy ∼ Rydberg ∼ 10 eVElectrons bound to atoms by EM force

Size: Atom ∼ 10−10m, e− < 10−19m

Charge: Atom is neutral, electron −eMass: Atom mass ∼ nucleus, me = 0.511MeV /c2

Chemical properties depend of Atomic Number, Z

Nucleus Binding energy ∼ 10 MeV/nucleonNuclei held together by strong “nuclear” force

Size: Nucleus (medium Z ) ∼ 5 fm (1 fm= 10−15 m)

Nucleon Binding energy ∼ 1 GeVProtons & neutrons held together by the strong force

Size: p, n ∼ 1 fm

Charge: proton +e, neutron is neutral

Mass: p, n = 939.57 MeV/c2 ∼ 1836me

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In the Standard Model, all matter is made of spin 12 fundamental particles.

There are two types, each with 3 generations:

Consequence of relativity and quantum mechanics (Dirac equation)Antiparticle for every existing particle: identical mass, spin, energy,momentum, but has the opposite sign of interaction (e.g. electric charge).

Particles and antiparticleselectron e− & positron e+

up quark u (Q = +23) & antiup u (Q = −2

3)proton udu & antiproton ud u

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Matter The first generation

Almost all the matter in the universe is made up from just four of the fermions.

Particle Symbol Type Charge [e]

Electron e− lepton −1

Neutrino νe lepton 0

Up quark u quark +23

Down quark d quark −13

The proton and neutron are simply the lowest energy bound states of a systemof three quarks: essentially all an atomic or nuclear physicist needs.



Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 7

Matter Three generations

Nature is not so simple.There are 3 generations/families of fundamental fermions (and only 3).

1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation

Electron e− Muon µ− Tau τ−

Electron Neutrino νe Muon Neutrino νµ Tau Neutrino ντ

Up quark u Charm quark c Top quark t

Down quark d Strange quark s Bottom quark b

Each generation is a replica of (e−, νe, u, d).

The mass of the particles increases with each generation:

the first generation is lightest and the third generation is the heaviest.

The generations are distinct

i.e. µ is not an excited e, or µ− → e−γ would be allowed – this is not seen.

There is a symmetry between the generations,

but the origin of 3 generations is not understood!

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Matter Leptons

Leptons are fermions which do not interact via the strong interaction.

Flavour Charge [e] Mass Strong Weak EM

1st generatione− −1 0.511 MeV/c2 7 3 3

νe 0 < 2 eV/c2 7 3 7

2nd generationµ− −1 105.7 MeV/c2 7 3 3

νµ 0 < 0.19 MeV/c2 7 3 7

3rd generationτ− −1 1777.0 MeV/c2 7 3 3

ντ 0 < 18.2 MeV/c2 7 3 7

Spin 12 fermions

6 distinct flavours

3 charged leptons: e−, µ−, τ−.

3 neutral leptons: νe, νµ, ντ .

Antimatter particles e+, νe etc

e is stable,

µ and τ are unstable.

Neutrinos are stable and almost massless. Only know limits on ν masses, but have

measured mass differences to be < 1 eV/c2. Not completely true, see later...

Charged leptons experience only the electromagnetic & weak forces.

Neutrinos experience only the weak force.

Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 9

Matter Quarks

Quarks experience all the forces (strong, electromagnetic, weak).

Flavour Charge [e] Mass Strong Weak EM

1st generation

u +23 2.3 MeV/c2 3 3 3

d −13 4.8 MeV/c2 3 3 3

2nd generation

c +23 1.3 GeV/c2 3 3 3

s −13 95 MeV/c2 3 3 3

3rd generation

t +23 173 GeV/c2 3 3 3

b −13 4.7 GeV/c2 3 3 3

Spin 12 fermions

6 distinct flavours

Fractional charge leptons:(







) (+2




Antiquarks u, d etc

Quarks are confined within hadrons,

e.g. p=(uud), π+=(ud)

Quarks come in three colours (colour charge) Red, Green, Blue.

Colour is a label for the charge of the strong interaction.

Unlike the electric charge (+−), the strong charge has three orthogonal colours (RGB).

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Matter Hadrons

Single, free quarks have never been observed. They are always confined inbound states called hadrons.Macroscopically, hadrons behave as almost point-like composite particles.

Hadrons have two types:

Mesons (qq): Bound states of a quark and an antiquark.Mesons have integer spin 0, 1, 2... bosons.e.g. π+ ≡ (ud), charge = (+2

3 + +13)e = +1e

π− ≡ (ud), charge = (−23 + −1

3)e = −1e; antiparticle of π+

π0 ≡ (uu − dd)/√

2, charge = 0; is its own antiparticle.

Baryons (qqq): Bound states of three quarks.Baryons have half-integer spin 1

2, 32... fermions.

e.g. p ≡ (udu), charge = (+23 + −1

3 + +23)e = +1e

n ≡ (dud), charge = (−13 + +2

3 + −13)e = 0

Antibaryons e.g. p ≡ (ud u), n ≡ (d ud)

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Matter Nuclei

A nucleus is a bound state of Z protons and N neutrons.Protons and neutrons are generically referred to as nucleons.A (mass number) = Z (atomic number) + N (neutron number).A nuclide is a specific nucleus, characterised by Z ,N .

Notation: Nuclide AZX.

e.g. 11H or p: Z=1, N=0, A=121H or d : Z=1, N=1, A=242He or α: Z=2, N=2, A=420882 Pb: Z=82, N=126, A=208

In principle, antinuclei and antiatoms can be made from antiprotons,antineutrons and positrons – experimentally challenging!

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Matter The Periodic Table

Periodic table classifies elements according to their chemical properties.

Only hydrogen, helium and lithium were formed in the Big Bang.All other elements are formed in stars.Natural elements, H(Z=1) to U(Z=92).

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Matter Chart of the nuclides

Many morenuclidesthanelements.

Colourcodedaccordingto decaymode.

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Forces Classical Picture

A force is ’something’ which pushes matter around and causes objects tochange their motion.

In classical physics, the electromagnetic forces arise via action at a distancethrough the electric and magnetic fields, ~E and ~B .

~F =q1q2~r

r 2

Newton: “...that one body should act upon another at a distance, through a vacuum,

without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their force may be conveyed

from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who has, in

philosophical matters, a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it. Gravity must be

caused by an agent, acting constantly according to certain laws, but whether this agent be

material or immaterial, I leave to the consideration of my reader.”

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Forces Quantum Mechanics

Matter particles are quantised in QM, and the electromagnetic field should alsobe quantised (as photons).Forces arise through the exchange of virtual field quanta called GaugeBosons.

This process is called“second quantisation”.

This process violates energy/momentum conservation (more later).However, this is permissible for sufficiently short times owing to theUncertainty Principle

The exchanged particle is “virtual” – meaning it doesn’t satisfyE 2 = p2c2 + m2c4.

Uncertainty principle: ∆E∆t ∼ ~ ⇒ range R ∼ c∆t ∼ ~c/∆Ei.e. larger energy transfer (larger force) ↔ smaller range.

Prob(emission of a quantum)∝ q1, Prob(absorption of a quanta)∝ q2

Coulomb’s law can be regarded as the resultant effect of all virtual exchanges.Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 16

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Forces The four forces

All known particle interactions can be explained by four fundamental forces.

Carried by the gluon.Holds atomic nucleitogether.

Carried by the photon.Acts between chargedparticles.

Carried by the W andZ bosons. Responsiblefor radioactive decay.

Carried by the graviton.Acts between massiveparticles.

Dr. Tina Potter 1. Introduction 17

Forces Gauge bosons

Gauge bosons mediate the fundamental forces

Spin 1 particles i.e. Vector Bosons

Interact in a similar way with all fermion generations

The exact way in which the Gauge Bosons interact with each type oflepton or quark determines the nature of the fundamental forces.This defines the Standard Model.

Force Boson Spin Strength Mass

Strong 8 gluons g 1 1 massless

Electromagnetic photon γ 1 10−2 massless

Weak W and Z W +,W−,Z 1 10−7 80, 91 GeV

Gravity graviton ? 2 10−39 massless

Gravity is not included in the Standard Model. The others are.

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Forces Range of forces

The maximum range of a force is inversely related to the mass of theexchanged bosons.

∆E∆t ∼ ~, E = mc2

⇒ mc2 ∼ ~∆t∼ ~c

r⇒ r ∼ ~


Force Range [m]

Strong inf

Strong (nuclear) 10−15

Electromagnetic inf

Weak 10−18

Gravity inf

Due to quark confinement, nucleons start to experience the strong interactionat ∼2 fm.

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Particle vs nuclear physics

Matter: generations, quarks, leptons, hadrons, nuclei

Forces: classical vs QM, fundamental forces, gauge bosons, range

Up next...Section 2: Kinematics, Decays and Reactions.

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GlossaryStrong force - force which binds quarks into hadrons; mediated by gluons.Electromagnetic Force - force between charged particles, mediated by photons.Weak force - force responsible for β-decay. Mediated by W and Z bosons.Gauge boson - particle which mediates a force.Lepton - fermion which does not feel the strong interaction.Neutrino - uncharged lepton which experiences only weak interactions.Quark - fundamental fermion which experiences all forces.Hadron - bound state of quarks and/or antiquarks.Baryon - hadron formed from three quarks.Meson - hadron formed from quark+antiquark.Generations/Families - three replicas of the fundamental fermions.Nucleus - massive bound state of neutrons and protons at centre of an atom.Strong nuclear force - strong force between nucleons which binds atomic nucleus. Mediated by mesons,such as the pion.Nucleon - proton or neutron.Nuclide - specific nuclear species with N neutrons and Z protons.Mass number - total number of nucleons in nucleus, A.Atomic Number - number of protons in nucleus, Z .Neutron Number - number of neutrons in nucleus, N .Isobars - nuclides with the same Mass Number A.Isotopes - nuclides with the same Atomic Number Z .Isotones - nuclides with the same Neutron Number N .

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2. Kinematics, Decays and ReactionsParticle and Nuclear Physics

Dr. Tina Potter

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 1

In this section...

Natural units

Symmetries and conservation laws

Relativistic kinematics

Particle properties





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The usual practice in particle and nuclear physics is to use Natural Units.

Energies are measured in units of eV:

Nuclear keV(103 eV), MeV(106 eV)

Particle GeV(109 eV), TeV(1012 eV)

Masses are quoted in units of MeV/c2 or GeV/c2 (using E = mc2)e.g. electron mass me = 9.11× 10−31 kg = (9.11× 10−31)(3× 108)2 J/c2

= 8.20× 10−14/1.602× 19−19 eV/c2 = 5.11× 105 eV/c2 = 0.511 MeV/c2

Atomic/nuclear masses are often quoted in unified (or atomic) mass units

1 unified mass unit (u) = (mass of a 126 C atom) / 12

1 u = 1 g/NA = 1.66× 10−27kg = 931.5 MeV/c2

Cross-sections are usually quoted in barns: 1b = 10−28 m2.

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Units Natural Units

Choose energy as the basic ...and simplify byunit of measurement... choosing ~ = c = 1

Energy GeV GeVMomentum GeV/c GeVMass GeV/c2 GeVTime ( GeV/~)−1 GeV−1

Length ( GeV/~c)−1 GeV−1

Cross-section ( GeV/~c)−2 GeV−2

Reintroduce “missing” factors of ~ and c to convert back to SI units.

~c = 0.197 GeV fm = 1 Energy ←→ Length~ = 6.6× 10−25 GeV s = 1 Energy ←→ Timec = 3.0× 108 ms−1 = 1 Length ←→ Time

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Units Examples

1 cross-section σ = 2× 10−6 GeV−2 change into standard unitsNeed to change units of energy to length. Use ~c = 0.197 GeVfm = 1.

GeV−1 = 0.197 fm

GeV−1 = 0.197× 10−15 m

GeV−2 = 3.89× 10−32 m2σ = 2× 10−6 × (3.89× 10−32 m2)

= 7.76× 10−38 m2

And using 1 b = 10−28 m2, σ = 0.776 nb

2 lifetime τ = 1/Γ = 0.5 GeV−1 change into standard unitsNeed to change units of energy−1 to time. Use ~ = 6.6× 10−25 GeV s = 1.

GeV−1 = 6.6× 10−25 s

τ = 0.5× (6.6× 10−25 s) = 3.3× 10−25 s

Also, can have Natural Units involving electric charge: ε0 = µ0 = ~ = c = 1

3 Fine structure constant (dimensionless)

α = e2

4πε0~c ∼ 1137 becomes α = e2

4π ∼ 1137 i.e. e ∼ 0.30(n.u.)

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Symmetries and conservation laws

The most elegant and powerful idea in physicsNoether’s theorem:every differentiable symmetry of the action of aphysical system has a corresponding conservation law.

Symmetry Conserved current

Time, t Energy, E

Translational, x Linear momentum, p

Rotational, θ Angular momentum, L

Probability Total probability always 1

Lorentz invariance Charge Parity Time (CPT)

Gauge charge (e.g. electric, colour, weak)

Lorentz invariance: laws of physics stay the same for all frames moving with a uniform velocity.

Gauge invariance: observable quantities unchanged (charge, E , v) when a field is transformed.

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Relativistic Kinematics Special Relativity

Nuclear reactionsLow energy, typically K.E. O(10 MeV) nucleon rest energies.⇒ non-relativistic formulae ok

Exception: always treat β-decay relativistically(me ∼ 0.5 MeV < 1.3 MeV ∼ mn −mp)

Particle physicsHigh energy, typically K.E. O(100 GeV) rest mass energies.⇒ relativistic formulae usually essential.

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Relativistic Kinematics Special Relativity

Recall the energy E and momentum p of a particle with mass m

E = γm, |~p| = γβm γ =1√

1− β2, β =


c= v

or γ =E

m, β =

|~p|E and these are related by E2 = ~p2 + m2

Interesting cases

when a particle is at rest, ~p = 0, E = m,

when a particle is massless, m = 0, E = |~p|,when a particle is ultra-relativistic E m, E ∼ |~p|.

Kinetic energy (K.E., or T ) is the extra energy due to motionT = E −m = (γ − 1)m

in the non-relativistic limit β 1, T = 12mv 2

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Relativistic Kinematics Four-Vectors

The kinematics of a particle can be expressed as a four-vector, e.g.

pµ = (E ,−~p), pµ = (E , ~p) and xµ = (t,−~x), xµ = (t, ~x)

µ : 0→ 3multiply by a metric tensor to raise/lower indices

pµ = gµvpv , pµ = gµvpv gµv = gµv =

1 0 0 00 −1 0 00 0 −1 00 0 0 −1

Scalar product of two four-vectors Aµ = (A0, ~A), Bµ = (B0, ~B) is invariant:

AµBµ = A.B = A0B0 − ~A.~B

or pµpµ = pµgµvpv =∑



pµgµvpv = g00p20 + g11p2

1 + g22p22 + g33p2


= E 2 − |~p|2 = m2 invariant mass

(t, ~x) and (E , ~p) transform between frames of reference, butd 2 = t2 − ~x2 Invariant interval is constantm2 = E 2 − ~p2 Invariant mass is constant

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 9

Relativistic Kinematics Invariant Mass

A common technique to identify particles is to form the invariant mass fromtheir decay products.

Remember, for a single particle m2 = E 2 − ~p2.

For a system of particles, where X → 1 + 2 + 3...n:

M2X = ((E1, ~p1) + (E2, ~p2) + ...)2 =










In the specific (and common) case of a two-bodydecay, X → 1 + 2, this reduces to

M2X = m2

1 + m22 + 2 (E1E2 − |~p1||~p2| cos θ)

n.b. sometimes invariant mass M is called “centre-of-mass

energy” ECM , or√


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Relativistic Kinematics Decay Example

Consider a charged pion decaying at rest in the lab frame π−→ µ−νµFind the momenta of the decay products

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 11

How do we study particles and forces?

Static PropertiesWhat particles/states exist?Mass, spin and parity (JP), magnetic moments, bound statesParticle DecaysMost particles and nuclei are unstable.Allowed/forbidden decays → Conservation Laws.Particle ScatteringDirect production of new massive particles in matter-antimatterannihilation.Study of particle interaction cross-sections.Use high-energies to study forces at short distances.

Force Typical Lifetime [s] Typical cross-section [mb]

Strong 10−23 10

Electromagnetic 10−20 10−2

Weak 10−8 10−13

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Particle Decays Reminder

Most particles are transient states – only a few live forever (e−, p, ν, γ...).

Number of particles remaining at time t

N(t) = N(0)p(t) = N(0)e−λt

where N(0) is the number at time t = 0.

Rate of decays dN

dt= −λN(0)e−λt = −λN(t)

Assuming the nuclei only decay. More complicated if they are also being created.

Activity A(t) =



∣∣∣∣ = λN(t)

Its rather common in nuclear physics to use the half-life (i.e. the timeover which 50% of the particles decay). In particle physics, we usuallyquote the mean life. They are simply related:

N(τ1/2) =N(0)

2= N(0)e−λτ1/2 ⇒ τ1/2 =

ln 2

λ= 0.693τ

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Particle Decays Multiple Particle Decay

Decay Chains frequently occur in nuclear physics

N1 λ1−→ N2 λ2−→ N3 −→ ...

Parent Daughter Granddaughter

e.g. 235U → 231Th → 231Paτ1/2(235U) = 7.1× 108 yearsτ1/2(231Th) = 26 hours

Activity (i.e. rate of decay) of the daughter is λ2N2(t).Rate of change of population of the daughter


dt= λ1N1(t) − λ2N2(t)

Units of Radioactivity are defined as the number of decays per unit time.Becquerel (Bq) = 1 decay per secondCurie (Ci) = 3.7× 1010 decays per second.

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Particle Decays

A decay is the transition from one quantum state (initial state) to another(final or daughter).

The transition rate is given by Fermi’s Golden Rule:

Γ(i → f ) = λ = 2π |Mfi |2 ρ(Ef ) ~ = 1

where λ is the number of transitions per unit timeMfi is the transition matrix elementρ(Ef ) is the density of final states.

⇒ λ dt is the (constant) probability a particle will decay in time dt.

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Particle Decays Single Particle Decay

Let p(t) be the probability that a particle still exists at time t, given that itwas known to exist at t = 0.

Probability for particle decay in the next time interval dt is = p(t)λ dtProbability that particle survives the next is = p(t + dt) = p(t)(1− λ dt)

p(t)(1− λ dt) = p(t + dt) = p(t) +dp



dt= −p(t)λ

∫ p



p= −

∫ t


λ dt

⇒ p(t) = e−λt Exponential Decay Law

Probability that a particle lives until time t and then decays in time dt is

p(t)λ dt = λe−λt dtDr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 16

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Particle Decays Single Particle Decay

The average lifetime of the particle

τ = 〈t〉 =

∫ ∞


tλe−λt dt =[−te−λt



∫ ∞


e−λt dt =







τ =1

λp(t) = e−t/τ

Finite lifetime ⇒ uncertain energy ∆E , (c.f. Resonances, Breit-Wigner)

Decaying states do not correspond to a single energy – they have a width∆E

∆E .τ ∼ ~ ⇒ ∆E ∼ ~τ

= ~λ ~ = 1 (n.u.)

The width, ∆E , of a particle state is therefore

Inversely proportional to the lifetime τProportional to the decay rate λ (or equal in natural units)

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Decay of Resonances

QM description of decaying statesConsider a state formed at t = 0 with energy E0 and mean lifetime τ

ψ(t) = ψ(0)e−iE0te−t/2τ |ψ(t)|2 = |ψ(0)|2 e−t/τ

i.e. the probability density decays exponentially (as required).

The frequencies (i.e. energies, since E = ω if ~ = 1) present in thewavefunction are given by the Fourier transform of ψ(t), i.e.

f (ω) = f (E ) =

∫ ∞


ψ(t)eiEt dt =

∫ ∞


ψ(0)e−t(iE0+ 12τ )eiEt dt


∫ ∞


ψ(0)e−t(i(E0−E )+ 12τ ) dt =


(E0 − E )− i2τ

Probability of finding state withenergy E = f (E ) ∗ f (E ) is P(E ) = |f (E )|2 =

|ψ(0)|2(E0 − E )2 + 1

4τ 2

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Decay of Resonances Breit-Wigner

Probability for producing the decaying state hasthis energy dependence, i.e. resonant when E = E0

P(E ) ∝ 1

(E0 − E )2 + 1/4τ 2

Consider full-width at half-maximum Γ

P(E = E0) ∝ 4τ 2

P(E = E0 ±1

2Γ) ∝ 1

(E0 − E0 ∓ 12Γ)2 + 1/4τ 2



4 + 14τ 2

P(E = E0 ±1

2Γ) =


2P(E = E0), ⇒ 1


4 + 14τ 2

= 2τ 2

Total width (using natural units) Γ =1

τ= λ

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Partial Decay Widths

Particles can often decay with more than one decay modee.g. Z → e+e−, or µ+µ−, or qq etc, each with its own transition rate,

i.e. from initial state i to final state f : λf = 2π |Mfi |2 ρ(Ef )

The total decay rate is given by λ =∑

f λf

This determines the average lifetime τ = 1λ

The total width of a particle state Γ = λ =∑

f λf

is defined by the partial widths Γf = λf

The proportion of decays to a particulardecay mode is called the branching fractionor branching ratio

Bf = Γf

Γ ,∑

f Bf = 1

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Reactions and Cross-sections

The strength of a particular reaction between two particles is specified by theinteraction cross-section.

Cross-section σ – the effective target area presented to the incoming particlefor it to cause the reaction.

Units: σ 1 barn (b) = 10−28m2 Area

σ is defined as the reaction rate per target particle Γ, per unit incident flux Φ

Γ = Φσ

where the flux Φ is the number of beam particles passing through unit area persecond.

Γ is given by Fermi’s Golden Rule (previously used λ).

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 21

Scattering with a beamConsider a beam of particles incident upon a target:

Beam of N particles perunit time in an area A

Target of n nuclei perunit volume

Target thickness dx issmall

Number of target particles in area A, NT = nA dxEffective area for absorption = σNT = σnA dxIncident flux Φ = N/ANumber of particles scattered per unit time

= −dN = ΦσNT = NAσnA dx

σ =−dN

nN dxDr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 22

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Attenuation of a beamBeam attenuation in a target of thickness L:

Thick target σnL 1: ∫ N




∫ L


σn dx

N = N0e−σnL This is exact.

i.e. the beam attenuates exponentially.

Thin target σnL << 1, e−σnL ∼ 1− σnL

N = N0(1− σnL)

Useful approximation for thin targets.

Or, the number scattered = N0 − N = N0σnL

Mean free path between interactions = 1/nσoften referred to as “interaction length”.

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 23

Differential Cross-sectionThe angular distribution of the scatteredparticles is not necessarily uniform** n.b. dΩ can be considered in position space, or

momentum space **

Number of particles scattered per unit time into dΩ is dN dΩ = dσΦNT

Differential cross-sectionunits: area/steradian


dN dΩ

(Φ× NT × dΩ)

The differential cross-section is the number of particles scattered per unit time and solid angle,

divided by the incident flux and by the number of target nuclei, NT , defined by the beam area.

Most experiments do not cover 4π solid angle, and in general we measuredσ/ dΩ.

Angular distributions provide more information than the total cross-sectionabout the mechanism of the interaction, e.g. angular momentum.

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Partial Cross-section

Different types of interaction can occur between particlese.g. e+e−→ γ, or e+e−→ Z ...

σtot =∑



where the σi are called partial cross-sections for different final states.

Types of interaction

Elastic scattering: a + b → a + bonly the momenta of a and b change

Inelastic scattering: a + b → c + dfinal state is not the same as initial state

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 25

Scattering in QM

Consider a beam of particles scattering from a fixed potential V (r):

~q = ~pf − ~pi

“momentum transfer”

NOTE: using natural units ~p = ~~k → ~p = ~k etc

The scattering rate is characterised by the interaction cross-section

σ =Γ


Number of particles scattered per unit time

Incident flux

How can we calculate the cross-section?

Use Fermi’s Golden Rule to get the transition rate

Γ = 2π|Mfi |2ρ(Ef )

where Mfi is the matrix element and ρ(Ef ) is the density of final states.

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Scattering in QM1st order Perturbation Theory using plane wave solutions of form

ψ = Ne−i(Et−~p.~r)

Require:1 Wave-function normalisation2 Matrix element in perturbation theory Mfi

3 Expression for incident flux Φ4 Expression for density of states ρ(Ef )

1 NormalisationNormalise wave-functions to one particle in a box of side L:

|ψ|2 = N2 = 1/L3

N = (1/L)3/2

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 27

Scattering in QM2 Matrix Element

This contains the interesting physics of the interaction:

Mfi = 〈ψf |H |ψi〉 =

∫ψ∗f Hψi d3~r =

∫Ne−i ~pf .~rV (~r)Nei ~pi .~r d3~r

Mfi =1


∫e−i~q.~rV (~r) d3~r where ~q = ~pf − ~pi

3 Incident FluxConsider a “target” of area A and a beam of particles travelling at velocityvi towards the target. Any incident particle within a volume viA will crossthe target area every second.

Φ =viA

An = vin

where n is the number density of incident particles = 1 per L3

Flux = number of incident particles crossing unit area per second

Φ = vi/L3

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Scattering in QM

4 Density of States also known as “phase space”For a box of side L, states are given by the periodic boundary conditions:

~p = (px , py , pz) =2π

L(nx , ny , nz)

Each state occupies a volume (2π/L)3 in p space (neglecting spin).

Number of states between p and p + dp in solid angle dΩ

dN =



d3~p =



p2 dp dΩ ( d3~p = p2 dp dΩ)

∴ ρ(p) =dN




p2 dΩ

Density of states in energy E 2 = p2 + m2 ⇒ 2E dE = 2p dp ⇒ dEdp = p


ρ(E ) =dN










For relativistic scattering (E ∼ p) ρ(E ) =



E 2 dΩ

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 29

Scattering in QM

Putting all the parts together:

dσ =1

Φ2π |Mfi |2 ρ(Ef ) =





∫e−i~q.~rV (~r) d3~r

∣∣∣∣2( L


pf Ef dΩ





e−i~q.~rV (~r) d3~r


pf Ef

For relativistic scattering, vi = c = 1 and p ∼ EBorn approximation for the differential cross-section


E 2



e−i~q.~rV (~r) d3~r


n.b. may have seen the non-relativistic version, using m2 instead of E 2

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Rutherford ScatteringConsider relativistic elastic scattering in a Coulomb potential

V (~r) = − Z e2

4πε0r= −Zα


Special case of Yukawa potential V = ge−mr/rwith g = Zα and m = 0 (see Appendix C)

|Mif |2 =16π2Z 2α2


~q = ~pf − ~pi

|~q|2 = |~pi |2 + |~pf |2 − 2~pi .~pf

elastic scattering, |~pi | = |~pf | = |~p|

= 2|~p|2(1− cos θ) = 4E 2 sin2 θ



4E 2Z 2α2


4E 2Z 2α2

16E 4 sin4 θ2

=Z 2α2

4E 2 sin4 θ2

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 31

Cross-section for Resonant Scattering

Some particle interactions takeplace via an intermediateresonant state which thendecays

a + b → Z∗→ c + d

Two-stage picture: (Bohr Model)

Formation a + b → Z∗

Occurs when the collision energyECM ∼ the natural frequency (i.e.mass) of a resonant state.

Decay Z∗→ c + d

The decay of the resonance Z ∗ isindependent of the mode offormation and depends only on theproperties of the Z ∗.May be multiple decay modes.

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Resonance Cross-SectionThe resonance cross-section is given by

σ =Γ

Φwith Γ = 2π |Mfi |2 ρ(Ef )

dσ =1

Φ2π |Mfi |2 ρ(Ef ) ∗∗


vi2π |Mfi |2

p2f L3

vf (2π)3dΩ



(2π)2vivf|Mfi |2 factors of L cancel

as before, M ∝ L3

** same as Born Approx.

incident flux Φ =viL3

density of states ρ(p) =dN




p2 dΩ

→ ρ(E ) =dN













The matrix element Mfi is given by 2nd order Perturbation Theory

Mfi =∑



E − EZ

n.b. 2nd order effects are large since

E − EZ is small → large perturbation

where the sum runs over all intermediate states.Near resonance, effectively only one state Z contributes.

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 33

Resonance Cross-SectionConsider one intermediate state described by

ψ(t) = ψ(0)eiE0te−t/2τ = ψ(0)e−i(E0−i Γ2)t

this describes a states with energy = E0 − iΓ/2

|Mfi |2 =|MiZ |2 |MZf |2

(E − E0)2 + Γ2


Rate of decay of Z :

ΓZ→f = 2π |MZf |2 ρ(Ef ) = 2π |MZf |24πp2


(2π)3 vf

= |MZf |2p2



Rate of formation of Z :

Γi→Z = 2π |MiZ |2 ρ(Ei) = 2π |MiZ |24πp2


(2π)3 vi

= |MiZ |2p2



nb. |MZi |2 = |MiZ |2.

Hence MiZ and MZf can be expressed in terms of partial widths.Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 34

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Resonance Cross-Section

Putting everything together:dσ



(2π)2 vivf

|Mfi |2

⇒ σ =4πp2


(2π)2 vivf






(E − E0)2 + Γ2




(E − E0)2 + Γ2


We need to include one more piece of information to account for spin...

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 35

Resonance Cross-Section

Breit-Wigner Cross-Section σ =πg



(E − E0)2 + Γ2


The g factor takes into account the spin

a + b→ Z∗ → c + d, g =2JZ + 1

(2Ja + 1)(2Jb + 1)

and is the ratio of the number of spin states for the resonant state to the total number of spin

states for the a+b system,

i.e. the probability that a+b collide in the correct spin state to form Z∗.

Useful points to remember:

pi is calculated in the centre-of-mass frame (σ is independent of frame of reference!)

pi ∼ lab momentum if the target is heavy (often true in nuclear physics, but not in

particle physics).

E is the total energy (if two particles colliding, E = E1 + E2)

Γ is the total decay rate

ΓZ→i and ΓZ→f are the partial decay rates

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Resonance Cross-Section Notes

Total cross-section σtot =∑


σ(i → f ) σ =πg



(E − E0)2 + Γ2


Replace Γf by Γ in the Breit-Wigner formula

Elastic cross-section σel = σ(i → i)

so, Γf = Γi

On peak of resonance (E = E0) σpeak =4πgΓiΓf

p2i Γ2

Thus σel =4πgB2



, σtot =4πgBi


, Bi =Γi



By measuring σtot and σel, can cancel Bi and infer g and hence the spin of theresonant state.

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 37

Resonances Nuclear Physics Example

Can produce the same resonance fromdifferent initial states, decaying intovarious final states, e.g.

σ[60Ni(α, n)63Zn] ∼ σ[63Cu(p, n)63Zn]

n.b. common notation for nuclearreactions:a+A → b+B ≡ A(a,b)B

Energy of p selected to give samec.m. energy as for α interaction.

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Resonances Particle Physics Example

The Z boson

ΓZ ∼ 2.5 GeV

τ =1

ΓZ= 0.4 GeV−1

= 0.4× ~

= 2.5× 10−25 s

(~ = 6.6×10−25 GeV s)

Dr. Tina Potter 2. Kinematics, Decays and Reactions 39

Resonances π−p scattering example

Resonance observed at pπ ∼ 0.3 GeV, ECM ∼ 1.25 GeV

σtotal = σ(π−p → R → anything) ∼ 72 mb

σelastic = σ(π−p → R → π−p) ∼ 28 mb

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Resonances π−p scattering example

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Units: MeV, GeV, barns

Natural units: ~ = c = 1

Relativistic kinematics: most particle physics calculations require this!

Revision of scattering theory: cross-section, Born Approximation.

Resonant scattering

Breit-Wigner formula (important in both nuclear and particle physics):

σ =πg



(E − E0)2 + Γ2


Measure total and elastic σ to measure spin of resonance.

Up next...Section 3: Colliders and Detectors

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T. PotterLent/Easter Terms 2021

Part II Particle and Nuclear Physics

Examples Sheet 1

Matter and Forces

1. Particles, Tripos A-style question.Explain the meaning of the terms quark, lepton, hadron, nucleus and boson as used in theclassification of particles.

Relativistic kinematics

2. Natural Units, Tripos A-style question.Explain what is meant by natural units and the Heaviside-Lorentz system.

(a) The reduced Compton wavelength of a particle can be written in natural units as

λ =1


where m is the mass of the particle. Estimate λ for a pion (mπ = 139.6 MeV/c2). Quoteyour answer in natural units and then convert to SI units.

(b) The total cross-section for e+e− annihilation can be written in natural units as

σ =4




where α = 1137

is the fine structure constant and√s is the centre-of-mass energy. Estimate

σ at a centre-of-mass energy equal to the Z mass (mZ = 91.2 GeV/c2). Calculate youranswer in natural units and then convert to barns.

(c) Use dimensional analysis to add the appropriate factors of ~, ε0 and c in the formulae forλ in (a) and for σ in (b), and then do the calculations directly in SI units.

[Note that ~c = 197 MeV fm; 1 barn = 10−28 m2]

3. Relativistic Kinematics, Tripos B-style question.Consider the decay of a particle X into two particles a and b.

(a) Show that, in the rest frame of X, the energy of particle a can be written in natural unitsas

Ea =m2X +m2

a −m2b


where mi is the mass of particle i. What is the equivalent expression for the energy ofparticle b ? What is the energy if the final state particles are the same (or antiparticlesof each other)?


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(b) Show that the magnitude of the momentum of particle a can be written in natural unitsas

pa =

√m4X +m4

a +m4b − 2m2

Xm2a − 2m2

Xm2b − 2m2




What is the equivalent expression for the momentum of particle b ? What is the value ofthe momentum if the final state particles are the same (or antiparticles of each other) ?Show that if one of the final state particles is massless, e.g. mb = 0, then the expressionfor the momentum simplifies to

pa =m2X −m2



[Note: replacing mX by the centre-of-mass energy,√s, in the above gives the equivalent

expressions for collision processes.]

(c) The HERA collider at DESY provided head-on collisions between an electron beam of27.5 GeV and a proton beam of 920 GeV. What energy of electron beam colliding with afixed target would be required to obtain the same centre-of-mass energy? Would HERAhave had sufficient energy to have produced a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV?

4. Ω Decay, Tripos A-style question.The figure shows a photograph and line diagram of the event corresponding to the first obser-vation of the Ω− baryon (Ω− → Ξ0π−, Ξ0 → Λ0π0) in a K−p interaction in a liquid hydrogenbubble chamber (from Barnes et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 12 (1964) 204):


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(a) The two photons from the π0 → γγ decay are both seen to convert to e+e− pairs. Showthat the process γ → e+e− is kinematically forbidden in vacuo. Explain why the con-version process can take place in the presence of matter, and draw a Feynman diagramrepresenting photon conversion in material, as seen in the figure.

(b) The π− and Ξ0 from the Ω− decay have momenta of 281 MeV/c and 1906 MeV/c respec-tively. Their spatial opening angle is 71. Calculate the mass of the Ω− and compute itsmomentum.

(c) The length of the Ω− flight path is 2.5 cm. Calculate the proper lifetime of the Ω−.

[m(π−)=139.6 MeV/c2, m(Ξ0)=1315 MeV/c2]

Decays and Reactions

5. Radioactive Decay, Tripos B-style question.A sample of gold is exposed to a neutron beam of constant intensity such that 1010 neutronsper second are absorbed in the reaction

n + 197Au→ 198Au + γ

The nuclide 198Au undergoes β decay to 198Hg with a mean lifetime of 4 days.

(a) How many atoms of 198Au will be present after 6 days of irradiation?

(b) How many atoms of 198Hg will be present after 6 days assuming that the neutron beamhas no effect on the Hg?

(c) What is the equilibrium number of 198Au nuclei?

6. Caesium Decay, Tripos B-style question.The decay chain 139Cs→139Ba→139La is observed for an initially pure sample of 1mCi of 139Cs.The half life of 139Cs is 9.5 minutes and that of 139Ba is 82.9 minutes; 139La is stable. Writedown the rate equations for this system, and show that the number of Ba atoms present attime t is given by

NBa(t) =λCsNCs(0)

λBa − λCs

[e−λCst − e−λBat


in an obvious notation, where the λ values represent the corresponding decay rates. What isthe maximium 139Ba activity (i.e. rate of 139Ba decay), and at what time does it occur?

[1 Ci= 3.7x1010 disintegrations per second.]

7. Kaon Decay, Tripos A-style question.

(a) Calculate the branching fraction for the decay K+ → π+π0, given that the partial widthfor this decay is 1.2× 10−8 eV and the mean lifetime of the K+ meson is 1.2× 10−8s.

(b) A beam of K+ mesons of momentum 10 GeV is produced. What fraction of them willremain undecayed 100 m downstream?


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(c) When the K+ mesons decay to π+π0, what are the minimum and maximum laboratoryenergies of the produced π+ mesons?

8. Cross-sections, Tripos B-style question.Define the terms total cross-section and differential cross-section for scattering processes.

A beam of neutrons with an intensity 105 particles per second traverses a thin foil of 235U witha ”thickness” of 10−1 kg m−2.1

There are three possible outcomes when a neutron interacts with a 235U nucleus:(i) elastic scattering of the neutron, with a cross-section 10−2 b ;(ii) the capture of the neutron followed by the emission of a γ-ray., with cross-section 70 b;(iii) the capture of the neutron, followed by the resulting nucleus undergoing fission with cross-section 200 b.Using this information, determine:

(a) the intensity of the neutron beam transmitted by the foil;

(b) the rate of fission reactions occurring in the foil induced by the incident beam;

(c) the flux of neutrons elastically scattered out of the beam at a point 10 m from the foil,assuming that the neutrons are scattered isotropically.

9. Breit-Wigner Formula, Tripos A-style question.The Breit-Wigner formula for a reaction cross-section is given by

σ(E) =πg


ΓiΓf(E − E0)2 + Γ2/4


Explain the meaning of the symbols in this equation, and outline its derivation.

The maximum value of the cross-section for radiative capture of neutrons in 123Te (i.e. theprocess n +123 Te −→124 Te + γ) is 75 kb and is reached at a neutron energy of 2.2 eV, wherethe elastic width Γn is 0.0104 eV and the radiative width Γγ is 0.105 eV. The spin of 123Te inits ground state is J = 1

2. What is the elastic cross-section at resonance and what is the spin

of the compound nucleus formed?

1To determine the number of particles that interact one must know the density of target particles and the thicknessof the target. Instead of giving two numbers which simply have to be multiplied, it is common practice to quote thetarget thickness multiplied by the target density. This gives a target “thickness” in units of mass/area.


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Numerical answers

2. (a) 7.16× 10−3 MeV−1, 1.41 fm; (b) 2.68× 10−8 GeV−2, 0.0104 nb

3. (c)√s = 318 GeV; 54 TeV.

4. (b) 1689 MeV/c2, 2015 MeV/c ; (c) 70 ps

5. (a) 2.7x1015; (b) 2.5x1015; (c) 3.46x1015

6. (a) 0.087 mCi; (b) 33.5 minutes

7. (a) 21.8% (b) 0.25, [0.88, 9.18] GeV.

8. (a) 99,311 particles s−1; (b) 510 s−1; (c) 2.03x10−5 particles m−2 s−1

9. 7.4 kb; J = 1

Suggested Tripos Questions

Relativistic Kinematics: 2017 1(a), 2014 3, 2004 (3) C12(b)

Breit-Wigner resonances, production and decay rates: 2018 A1(a), 2015 3, 2005 (3) A3


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T. PotterLent/Easter Terms 2021

Part II Particle and Nuclear Physics

Examples Sheet 2

Colliders and Detectors

10. Detector Signatures, Tripos A-style question.For each e+e− process below, sketch the signature in a typical cylindrical detector e.g.

Muon Spectrometer





(a) e+e− → µ+µ−e+e−

(b) e+e− → µ+µ−γ

(c) e+e− → ννγ

(d) e+e− → τ+τ−, where the taus decay as τ− → e−νeντ and τ+ → π+π0ντ

(e) e+e− → π+npπ0K+K−

Draw the lowest order Feynman diagram for (a)-(d).

11. Detector Resolution, Tripos A-style question.

(a) In an experiment, the momentum measurement accuracy of the tracking detector is 1% for1 GeV muons. What is the momentum accuracy for 20 GeV muons in the same apparatus?


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(b) The energy resolution for 1 GeV electrons in the electromagetic calorimeter is 0.5%. Whatis the energy resolution for 10 GeV electrons?

Feynman Diagrams and QED

12. QED Feynman Diagrams, Tripos A-style question.Draw the lowest order Feynman diagram(s) for each of the following processes:

(a) γ → e+e− (in matter)

(b) e− + e− → e− + e−

(c) e+ + e− → e+ + e−

(d) e+ + e− → µ+ + µ−

(e) e+ + e− → γ + γ

(f) γ + γ → γ + γ (“Delbruck scattering” – forbidden classically)

13. π0 Decay, Tripos A-style question.

(a) The π0 (JP = 0−) decays predominantly to γγ but is also seen to decay to e+e−γ (“Dalitzdecay”), to e+e−e+e− and to e+e− with branching fractions of 1.2%, 3.2×10−5 and 2×10−7

respectively. Draw the leading order Feynman diagrams for each of these decays. Basedon the coupling constants involved (ignoring propagator effects etc.), give rough estimatesof the branching fractions for each decay.

(b) The ρ0 (JP = 1−) decays to e+e− with a branching fraction of 4×10−5. Draw the Feynmandiagram for this decay and comment on the difference between the π0 → e+e− and ρ0 →e+e− partial widths.

[The π0 and ρ0 lifetimes are 8.4× 10−17s and 4.4× 10−24s respectively.]

14. Drell-Yan, Tripos A-style question.The Drell-Yan process, which is the production of charged lepton pairs in hadron-hadron in-teractions (πN→ µ+µ−+ anything, for example), proceeds via quark-antiquark annihilationinto a single virtual photon. Draw a typical Feynman diagram for this process. Show that theDrell-Yan cross-sections in π+p, π+n, π−p and π−n interactions would be expected to be inthe ratio 1 : 2 : 8 : 4.

What would you expect to be the Drell-Yan cross-sections for pp and pp collisions comparedwith the Drell-Yan cross-section for π+p interactions ?

QCD and the Quark Model

15. Spin and Parity, Tripos A-style question.When π− mesons are stopped in deuterium they form “pionic atoms” (π−d) which usuallyundergo transitions to an atomic s-state (` = 0), whereupon the capture reaction π−d→nn


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occurs and destroys them. (The fact that capture normally occurs in an s-state is establishedfrom studies of the X-rays emitted in the transitions before capture). Given that the deuteronhas spin-parity JP = 1+ and the pion has spin 0, show that these observations imply that thepion has negative intrinsic parity.

16. Hadron Masses, Tripos A-style question.

(a) Verify the quark model predictions given in the lectures for the following meson masses:

Meson Calculated Observed(MeV) (MeV)

π 140 138K 484 496η 559 549ρ 780 776ω 780 783K∗ 896 892φ 1032 1020

[Assume mu=md=310 MeV, ms=483 MeV and that the spin-spin interaction coefficientA= 0.0615 GeV3 in this case.]

What would the model predict for the mass of the η′ meson (measured mass 958 MeV)?

(b) What must be the total spin of any pair of quarks in the baryons in the JP=32


Hence predict the masses of the decuplet baryons and compare your predictions with themeasured values.

[Assume in this case mu=md=360 MeV, ms=540 MeV and the spin-spin interaction coefficientA= 0.026 GeV3.]

17. p and n Moments, Tripos B-style question.Derive the magnetic moments of the proton and neutron in the quark model as follows:

(a) Assuming all the quarks are in `=0 states what must be the total spin of the two u quarksin the proton? (Give reasons for your answer).

(b) Hence show that the wave function for a proton in the sz=+12

state can be written as


(2u↑u↑d↓ − u↑u↓d↑ − u↓u↑d↑)

and derive a similar expression for the neutron.

(c) Assuming u and d quarks have equal mass, write their magnetic moments in terms of thisquark mass.

(d) Hence predict the ratio of the proton and neutron magnetic moments. Compare with theobserved values: µp = 2.79µN , µn = −1.91µN . What value for the quark mass is neededto give these values? Is this sensible?


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(e) Consider now the magnetic moments of the Σ+ (uus) and Σ− (dds) baryons, which arealso members of the spin-1

2octet. Show that

µΣ+ − µΣ− =4

5[µp − µn] .

Test using measured values: µΣ+ = 2.458± 0.010µN , µΣ− = −1.160± 0.025µN .

18. ρ0 Decay, Tripos B-style question.

Consider the decay of the ρ0 meson (JP = 1−) in the following decay modes:

(a) ρ0 → π0γ

(b) ρ0 → π+π−

(c) ρ0 → π0π0

(d) ρ0 → e+e−

In each case, draw an appropriate Feynman diagram and determine whether the process isallowed or forbidden. By considering the strength of the forces involved, list the decay modesin order of expected rate.

The ratio of partial widths Γ(ρ0 → π0γ)/Γ(ω0 → π0γ) is approximately 0.1 while the ratioΓ(ρ0 → e+e−)/Γ(ω0 → e+e−) is approximately 10. Suggest an explanation for these observa-tions.

[The quark wavefunctions for the mesons are 1√2[uu− dd] for both π0 and ρ0, and 1√

2[uu+ dd]

for ω0.]

19. J/ψ Meson, Tripos B-style question.The figure shown below (from Boyarski et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.34 (1975) 1357) shows the orig-inal e+e− annihilation cross-section measurements from the Mark II Collaboration which con-tributed to the discovery of the J/ψ meson. The measurements were made during a fine scanof the e± beam energies at the SPEAR storage ring at SLAC which consisted of oppositelycirculating e+ and e− beams of equal energy. Figure (a) shows the cross-section for the processe+e− →hadrons, (b) shows the cross-section for e+e− → µ+µ− and (c) shows the cross-sectionfor e+e− →e+e−. The latter two were measured in a limited acceptance | cos θ| < 0.6, where θis the polar angle of the produced leptons.


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The observed width (a few MeV) of the J/ψ resonance peak is predominantly caused by theenergy spread inherent in the e+, e− beams at each measured point. The relative centre-of-mass energy between measurement points is however known very precisely (to about 1 part in104). The actual J/ψ width is much smaller than the observed width, but can be extractedfrom the data as follows:

(a) The Breit-Wigner formula for the scattering of two particles of spin s1 and s2 in the regionof a resonance of spin J is:

σ(E) =λ2

(2J + 1)

(2s1 + 1)(2s2 + 1)

ΓiΓf[(E − E0)2 + Γ2/4]

where λ is the de Broglie wavelength of the incoming particles in the centre of mass frame,E is the centre of mass energy, E0 is the resonance energy, Γ is the total width of the


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resonance and Γi (Γf ) is the partial width for decay into the initial (final) state. Showthat, for the production of the J/ψ resonance in e+e− collisions, the integrated elasticcross-section under the resonance peak is given by

σ′ ≡∫σel(E)dE ≈ 3


where B is the branching fraction for the decay J/ψ → e+e−.

(b) Assume that, at each scan point, the beam energy spread produces a spread of centre ofmass energies E ′ distributed about the average centre of mass energy E according to aprobability distribution f(E ′ − E). Show that the measured area under the resonancepeak,

∫σmeas(E)dE, is equal to the true area under the peak,


(c) Given that the differential cross-section dσ/dΩ for the process e+e− → J/ψ → e+e− isproportional to 1+cos2 θ where θ is the angle between the final e− and the beam direction,calculate the fraction of J/ψ decays contained within the acceptance region | cos θ| < 0.6imposed for the e+e− and µ−µ+ channels.

(d) Use the data in the figure to estimate the quantities σ′ and B defined above1. You shouldobtain σ′ ∼ 500 nb MeV and B ∼ 0.065 for the leptonic decays, after correcting for thelimited acceptance. Hence estimate Γ and Γee for the J/ψ.

(e) The corresponding widths for the φ meson are Γ=4.4 MeV and Γee=1.37 keV. Discusswhy the J/ψ and φ mesons have similar leptonic widths Γee but very different total widthsΓ.

1Note that the measured cross-sections contain a significant non-resonant contribution which must be subtracted.Note also that the scales of the graphs are logarithmic.


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Numerical answers

11. (a)20%; (b)0.16%.

13. (a) 1, 0.028, 5× 10−5, 5× 10−5 (just counting powers of α); (b) 1.56 µeV, 6 keV

14. σ(pp) = 17σ(π+p)

16. (a) m(η′) = 349 MeV/c2; (b) S=1, m(∆) = 1.230 GeV/c2, m(Σ∗) = 1.383 GeV/c2, m(Ξ) =1.535 GeV/c2, m(Ω−) = 1.687 GeV/c2

17. (a) S=1; (d) µp/µn = −1.5, Mass of quark = 330 MeV/c2

19. (c) 50.4%; (d) using σ′ ≈ 500 nb MeV, B ≈ 0.065 should obtain Γ ≈ 70 keV, Γee ≈ 4.6 keV

Suggested Tripos Questions

Feynman Diagrams: 2016 3(a), 2010 3, 2008 A4 2008 (3) A4, 2009 (3) A1(b), 2010 (3) A1(c)

QCD: 2018 B3 last part, 2014 3, 2013 1(b)

Hadron physics and quark model: 2018 B3, 2017 4, 2016 1(b)


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T. PotterLent/Easter Terms 2021

Part II Particle and Nuclear Physics

Examples Sheet 3

Weak Interactions

20. Tau Decay, Tripos A-style question.Draw a Feynman diagram for each of the principal decay modes of the τ−. Show that the τlepton decay branching fractions should be approximately in the ratios

(τ− → e−ντ νe) : (τ− → µ−ντ νµ) : (τ− → hadrons) = 1 : 1 : 3

The actual ratios are approximately 1.02 : 1 : 3.5. Suggest a possible explanation.

Estimate the mean lifetime of the τ lepton, given that the branching fraction for τ− → e−νeντis 18%, and assume the total decay rate is given by Sargent’s Rule

Γ =G2




[You may use mτ = 1.777 GeV/c2, mµ = 0.106 GeV/c2 and take the mean µ lifetime to be2.197× 10−6 s. ]

21. Threshold Energy, Tripos A-style question.In a beam of antineutrinos, it is proposed to search for ντ via their interactions on nucleons ina stationary target to produce τ -leptons.

(a) Draw the Feynman diagram for the simplest such production process.

(b) Calculate the minimum energy of the ντ which would permit τ -lepton production.

(c) What is the energy of the produced τ -lepton when the ντ has this threshold energy ?

(d) How far will the τ -lepton travel on average before decaying, given that its mean lifetimeis 290 fs ?

[The masses of τ+, proton and neutron are 1.777 GeV/c2, 0.938 GeV/c2 and 0.940 GeV/c2


22. Omega Decay, Tripos A-style question.The Ω− baryon (sss), produced in the event shown in Q.4 is seen to decay weakly through thedecay chain Ω− → Ξ0π−, Ξ0 → Λ0π0 and Λ0 → pπ−. Draw the Feynman diagrams for thedecays of the Ω−, the Ξ0 and the Λ0.

Draw a Feynman diagram for the strong decay Ω− → Ξ−K0 and explain why the decay is notobserved. With the aid of a Feynman diagram explain why the weak decay Ω− → Λ0π− isstrongly suppressed.


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[ The strange hadrons have quark compositions and masses Ω−(sss) 1.67 GeV, Ξ0(uss) 1.31 GeV,Ξ−(dss) 1.32 GeV, K0(sd) 498 MeV, Λ0(uds) 1.12 GeV]

Electroweak Unification

23. Z Mass Peak, Tripos B-style question.

(a) In lectures we deduced that the couplings of the Z boson to fermions should be of theform:

gZ [I3 −Q sin2 θW] where gZ =e

sin θW cos θW.

In this expression, Q is the electric charge (in units of e), I3 is the weak isospin of thefermion species and helicity state being considered and the weak mixing angle is givenby sin2 θW ≈ 0.23. The decay rate into ff (assumed massless compared with the Z) isproportional to (g2L + g2R) where gL and gR are the couplings to left-handed and right-handed fermions respectively. Compare the Z decay rates to pairs of charged lepton pairsof each species, neutrino-antineutrino pairs, and to u-like and d-like quark-antiquark pairs.Hence predict the branching fractions for Z decay to τ+τ−, to neutrinos and to hadrons.

(b) In the OPAL experiment at LEP the cross-section for e+e− → τ+τ− was measured atvarious centre-of-mass energies. Some of the results are shown below. Plot these data

Ecm/GeV σ(e+e− → τ+τ−)/nb

88.481 0.2769± 0.0235

89.442 0.4892± 0.0091

90.223 0.8331± 0.0368

91.283 1.4988± 0.0213

91.969 1.1892± 0.0235

92.971 0.7089± 0.0105

93.717 0.4989± 0.0276

and make estimates of the Z boson mass, mZ , the total width of the Z boson, ΓZ, andthe partial decay width to τ+τ−, Γτ , (assuming lepton universality of the Neutral Cur-rent). Compare the branching fraction for Z→ τ+τ− with your predictions from (a), andcomment.

Why is the measured resonance curve asymmetric? Indicate what other effects need to betaken into account when accurately determining mZ , ΓZ and Γτ

(c) Estimate the total decay width, ΓZ, and the lifetime of the Z boson using the resonantcross-section ratio,

σ(e+e− → Z → hadrons)

σ(e+e− → Z → µ+µ−)= 20.7,

and the measured values of the Z partial decay widths, Γ(Z → µ+µ−) = 83.3 MeV andΓ(Z → νµνµ) = 166.5 MeV. Make clear any assumptions you make.


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24. W Width, Tripos A-style question.The number of neutrino species can be estimated from the total width of the W boson. Usingthe Standard Model prediction of the partial width for W− → e−νe decays,

Γ(W− → e−νe) =GF√




the mass of the W boson, MW = 80.385 ± 0.015 GeV/c2 and the total width, ΓW = 2.085 ±0.042 GeV, estimate the number of light neutrino species. Make clear your assumptions.[GF = 1.2× 10−5 GeV−2. ]

25. ν Scattering, Tripos A-style question.Draw all possible lowest order Feynman diagrams for the following neutrino scattering or an-nihilation processes:

(a) νe e− → νe e−

(b) νe e− → νe e−

(c) νµ e− → νµ e

(d) νµ e− → νµ e−

(e) νe n→ e− p

26. Weak Force & Conservation, Tripos A-style question.Consider each of the groups of processes given below. In each group, with the aid of Feynmandiagrams using the Standard Model vertices, determine which processes are allowed and whichare forbidden. By considering the strength of the forces involved, rank the processes in eachgroup in order of expected rate.

(a) π0 → γγ π0 → π−e+νe and π0 → νν;(b) e+e− → τ+τ− νµ + τ− → τ− + νµ and ντ + p→ τ+ + n;

(c) B0(bd)→ D−(cd)π+ B0 → π+π− and B0 → J/ψK0

(d) D0(cu)→ K−π+ D0 → π+π− and D0 → K+π−.

Neutrino Oscillations

27. ν Oscillations, Tripos B-style question.

(a) Show that if there are two neutrino mass eigenstates ν2 and ν3 with masses m2 and m3

and energies E2 and E3, mixed so that

νµ = ν2 cos θ + ν3 sin θ

ντ = −ν2 sin θ + ν3 cos θ

then the number of muon neutrinos observed at a distance L from the muon source is

|νµ(L)|2 = |νµ(L = 0)|2 ×[1− sin2 (2θ) sin2

(E3 − E2






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(b) If m2 and m3 are very much less than the neutrino momentum, p, show that

|νµ(L)|2 ≈ |νµ(L = 0)|2 ×[1− sin2 (2θ) sin2



2 −m23)L



where A is a constant.

(c) In 2005 the MINOS experiment started to study neutrino oscillations by pointing a beam of1-5 GeV/c muon neutrinos from Fermilab, Illinois, at the 5400 ton MINOS far dectectorin the SOUDAN mine in Minnesota, 730 km away. The experiment aimed to make aprecise measurement of m2

3 −m22.

Sketch the expected energy spectrum of muon neutrinos at the MINOS far detector ifsin2(2θ) = 0.90 and m2

3 −m22 = 2.5× 10−3 (eV/c2)2. Assume that the energy spectum of

neutrinos produced by the beam at Fermilab is of uniform intensity in the range 1-5 GeVand zero elsewhere (i.e. a top-hat function).

(d) If muon neutrinos oscillate into tau neutrinos, will any τ leptons (produced by chargedcurrent interactions) be observed in the MINOS far detector ?Hint: You may find the result of qu.21 useful.

[A = 1.27 s−1 if m2 and m3 are measured in eV/c2, p in GeV/c and L in km. The massof the τ− is 1.777 GeV/c2.]


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Numerical answers

20. 0.3 ps

21. (b) 3.47 GeV; (c) 2.88 GeV; (d) 110 µm; (e) ∼ 20%

23. (a) 0.034 (e±, µ±, τ±); 0.068 (for each neutrino flavour); 0.118 (each up-type quark); 0.152 (eachdown-type quark); 0.692 (all hadrons) ; (c) 2.47 GeV, 2.66× 10−25 s

24. 3

Suggested Tripos Questions

Weak interaction: 2018 B4, 2017 1(c), 2011 3

Electroweak unification: 2018 A1(b), 2015 3, 2013 1(a)

Neutrino Oscillation: 2009 (3) A4


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T. PotterLent/Easter Terms 2021

Part II Particle and Nuclear Physics

Examples Sheet 4

Basic Nuclear Properties

28. SEMF, Tripos B-style question.The Semi-Empirical mass formula (SEMF) for nuclear masses may be written in the form

M(A,Z) = Zmp + (A− Z)mn − aVA+ aSA23 + aC



+ aA(A− 2Z)2

A+ δ(A,Z)

where mp and mn are the masses of the proton and neutron respectively. Fitted values for thecoefficients are given at the end of the question.

(a) Explain the physical significance and functional form of the various terms.

(b) Treating the nucleus as a sphere of uniform charge density, show that the constant

aC =3e2


= 0.72 MeV .

(c) By reference to the SEMF explain in physical terms why nuclear fission and fusion arepossible.

(d) Use the Semi-Empirical mass formula to predict that the value of Z of the most stableisobar of mass number A is

Z =mn −mp + 4aA

2aCA− 1

3 + 8aA/A.

Predict the Z for the most stable nuclei with A = 101 and A = 191. Compare withnuclear data, which you can find on the web (e.g. http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/chart/).Predict the most stable super-heavy nucleus with mass number 300.

(e) Show that the effect of gravitational binding in the nucleus may be accounted for by adding

a term −aGA53 to the SEMF (neglecting the proton-neutron mass difference). Show that

aG is given by

aG =3Gm2



≈ 5.8× 10−37 MeV.

Use the SEMF, so modified, to estimate that the lightest “nucleus” consisting entirely ofneutrons (i.e. a neutron star) has a mass approximately 10% that of the sun. Amazinglyenough, this reckless extrapolation over more than 50 orders of magnitude turns out togive more or less the right answer!

[Take the mass of the sun to be 2 ×1030 kg]


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[Use the following data:mp = 938.3 MeV, mn = 939.6 MeV, me= 0.511 MeV; aV = 15.8 MeV, aS = 18.0 MeV, aA=23.5 MeV. Nuclear radius R = R0A

1/3 with R0 = 1.2 fm]

29. The Fermi Gas model, Tripos B-style question.We can predict the form of the asymmetry term, and estimate its magnitude, using the FermiGas model. This involves treating the N neutrons and Z protons as free fermions of mass mmoving in a box of volume V = 4


0A. The model therefore only accounts for the kineticenergy of the nucleons, and not their potential energy.

A standard calculation, which you have done before (at least for a cubic box), gives the densityof states for each species (including spin degeneracy) as

g(ε) = BAε12 where B =





You need not prove this unless you want to practice. Show that the Fermi energy for theneutrons is

εF =



) 23


Calculate the Fermi energy εF and the corresponding nucleon momentum for the symmetriccase N = Z = 1


Show that the total kinetic energy of the nucleons is given by





) 23 (N

53 + Z



Expand about the symmetric point N = Z = 12A by writing N = 1

2A(1+α) and Z = 1


to show that the asymmetry energy has the form:

aA(N − Z)2

Awhere aA =


3εF .

Note that this underestimates the empirical value, because this model does not take accountof the potential energy, which also depends on (N − Z).

One contribution to the pairing energy can also be estimated from this model, reflecting thestepwise increase of the kinetic energy resulting from the exclusion principle. This would beexpected to be approximately equal to the energy spacing of levels at the Fermi level, i.e.1/g(εF). Show that this is, for the N = Z = 1

2A case:



Evaluate and compare with the fitted value in the SEMF for a typical value of A. Note thatthe Fermi Gas model again gives an underestimate because it does not take account of theadditional potential energy arising from the spatial overlap of two nucleons in the same energylevel.


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30. Nuclear size, Tripos B-style question.A spherically symmetric nucleus has a radial charge density ρ(r) which is normalised such that∫ρ(r)d3r = 1. Show that in this case the form factor is given by:

F (q2) =4π


∫ ∞


r sin qrρ(r)dr

which can then be approximated by

F (q2) ' 1− 1

6q2R2 + . . .

in natural units, where R2 is the mean square radius of the charge distribution. When elasticscattering of 200 MeV electrons from a gold foil is observed at 11, it is found that the scatteredintensity is 70% of that expected for a point nucleus. Calculate the r.m.s. radius of the goldnucleus.

For larger scattering angles (> 50) it is found that the scattered intensity, instead of fallingoff monotonically with angle, exhibits definite (oscillatory) structure. What does this suggestabout the form of ρ(r) ?

31. Mirror Nuclei, Tripos B-style question.One method of estimating nuclear radii is from the mass difference between a pair of odd-Amirror nuclei (A,Z) and (A,Z + 1) for which Z = (A ± 1)/2. Use the Semi-Empirical massformula to show that the difference in Coulomb energies between these nuclides, ∆EC, can bewritten as

∆EC =3



where the fine structure constant α = e2/4πε0 in natural units and R is the nuclear radius.

The atomic mass difference between two mirror nuclei can be determined from the β+ spectraof the (A,Z + 1) member of the pair,

M(A,Z + 1)−M(A,Z) = 2me + Emax

where me is the mass of an electron and Emax is the maximum kinetic energy of the positron.Calculate the radius of the (A,Z + 1) member of each of the following pairs of mirror nuclei

(a) (115 B, 116 C), Emax = 0.98 MeV;

(b) (2311Na, 2312Mg), Emax = 2.95 MeV;

(c) (3919K,3920Ca); Emax = 5.49 MeV;

and comment on the results.Be careful when using atomic mass vs nuclear mass.

32. Deuteron, Tripos A-style question

The deuteron has spin-parity JP = 1+. Assuming that the deuteron is dominated by the orbitalangular momentum state ` = 0, and noting that no excited states exist, what can be concludedabout the nature of the np force and about the existence of nn and pp bound states?


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The Nuclear Shell Model

33. Spin & Parity, Tripos A-style question.What are magic numbers ? Outline the basis of the Nuclear Shell Model and show how itaccounts for magic numbers. How can the shell model be used to predict the spins and paritiesof nuclear ground states ?

Using the shell model determine the spins and parities of the ground states of the nuclides listedbelow and compare them with the experimental values given. Comment on any discrepanciesyou find.

32He 9

4Be 73Li 12

6C 136C 15

7N 178O 23

11Na 13154 Xe 207


+ 32

− 32

−0+ 1


− 12

− 52

+ 32

+ 32

+ 12

Assume the following ordering of levels:

1s 121p 3

21p 1

21d 5

21d 3

22s 1

21f 7

21f 5

22p 3

22p 1

21g 9

21g 7

22d 5

22d 3

21h 11

23s 1

21h 9

22f 7

23p 3

21i 13

23p 1

22f 5

2· · ·

34. Energy Levels, Tripos A-style question.The diagram below shows the low-lying energy levels for the nuclides:

1810Ne 166

68Er 189F 208

82Pb 188O

The schemes are drawn to the same scale, with energies (in MeV) with respect to the groundstate and the spin and parity (JP ) values given for each level. Identify which scheme correspondsto each nuclide and explain as fully as you can which features of the levels support your choices.


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Nuclear Decay

35. Alpha Decay, Tripos B-style question.Discuss the factors which affect the lifetimes of nuclei decaying by α-decay. You should includea description of the Geiger-Nuttall law.

(a) A nucleus with A=200 can decay by the emission of α particles. The α particles areobserved with two different energies, 4.687 MeV and 4.650 MeV. Neither of these decayspopulates the ground state of the daughter nucleus, but each is followed by the emissionof a γ ray, whose energies are 266 and 305 keV respectively. No other γ rays are seen.

• From this information construct an energy level diagram for the states involved, andindicate on it the decay scheme.

• The decaying parent state has JP = 1− and the daughter has ground state JP = 0−.Explain why there is no direct α decay to the ground state.

(b) The values of the energy release, Q, and the measured α-decay half-lives of some isotopesof Thorium are as follows:

Isotope Q / MeV Half-life / s22090 Th 8.95 1.0× 10−522290 Th 8.13 2.8× 10−322690 Th 6.45 1.9× 103

22890 Th 5.52 6.0× 107

23090 Th 4.77 2.5× 1012

23290 Th 4.08 4.4× 1017

Estimate the α-decay half-life of 22490 Th, given that the Q-value for this decay is 7.31 MeV.

What is the approximate uncertainty in your estimate?(Part II 1995)

36. Beta Decay, Tripos A-style question.Outline the Fermi theory of β decay and explain the principal assumptions made.

Explain the difference between Fermi and Gamow-Teller transitions and between super-allowed,allowed and forbidden decays. Explain the significance of ft values.

Classify each of the following examples of β decay according to whether the decay is super-allowed, allowed, 1st forbidden etc., and whether Fermi or Gamow-Teller matrix elements areinvolved.


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(i) n→ p

(ii) 62He(0+)→ 6

3Li(1+) (ft=830s)

(iii) 146C(0+)→ 14

7N∗(0+) (ft=3300s)

(iv) 3516S(3


+)→ 35


+) (ft=1x105s)

(v) 3617Cl(2−)→ 36


(vi) 7635Br(1−)→ 76


(vii) 13755Cs(7


+)→ 137



37. Fermi Theory, Tripos A-style question.Show that the electron momentum spectrum in β-decay using Fermi theory can be written as



2π3(E0 − Ee)

2 p2e

where GF is the Fermi constant, Ee and pe are the energy and momentum of the electron andE0 is the total energy released. You may treat the electron and neutrino as massless.

Show that the average kinetic energy carried off by the electron in β decay is E0/2 when theelectron is highly relativistic, and E0/3 when the electron is non-relativistic.

When the electron is highly relativistic, show that the total decay rate is given approximatelyby

Γ =G2



The E50 dependence is sometimes known as Sargent’s Rule.

38. Gamma Decay, Tripos B-style question.A nucleus in an excited state at 2.51 MeV can decay by emission of three γ rays as shown below.The transitions labelled γ1, γ2 and γ3 are known to proceed via magnetic dipole, electric dipoleand electric quadrupole transitions respectively. No other transitions to the ground state, ofcomparable intensities, are observed. Given that the ground state has a spin of 3


+what are

the most probable spins and parities of these three excited states?


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Fission and Fusion

39. Fission, Tripos B-style question.

(a) Graphite (i.e. 12C) is sometimes used as a moderator in nuclear reactors. Compute themaximum fractional energy loss which a non-relativistic neutron can undergo in a singleelastic collision with a 12C nucleus. Hence calculate the minimum number of collisionswhich would be required in order to bring a 2.5 MeV fission neutron down to a thermalenergy of 0.025 eV.

(b) Experiments are being performed using a mixture of 235U and graphite. The graphitecontains a fraction of 10−6 by weight of 10B. The neutron absorption cross-sections for12C, 10B, and 235U at thermal energies are 0.04 b, 3800 b and 700 b respectively, wherefission accounts for 580 b of the cross-section in 235U. What is the maximum fraction byweight of 235U which could be allowed in the mixture if the multiplication factor at infinitevolume is not to exceed unity? Assume that 2.5 neutrons are produced per fission, andthat all reactions take place at thermal energies.

40. Fusion, Tripos A-style question.Estimate the size of the Coulomb barrier between two 16

8 O nuclei which needs to be overcomebefore they can undergo fusion, and thus estimate the temperature needed to bring aboutfusion in this case.


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Numerical answers

28. (b) 0.7 MeV; (d) 44 (10144 Ru is stable); 77 (19177 Ir is stable); 114 ; (e) 150 MeV.

30. 5 fm.

31. (a) 3.4 fm; (b)4.2 fm; (c)4.6 fm.

35. ∼ 10 s

36. (i) superallowed, F/GT; (ii) superallowed GT; (iii) superallowed F; (iv) allowed F/GT; (v) 1st

forbidden GT; (vi) 1st forbidden F/GT; (vii) 2nd forbidden F/GT.

38. From the highest level downwards: 72

+, 9


+, 9


−or 7



Suggested Tripos Questions

Semi-Empirical Mass Formula: 2018 B2, 2010 A1(a)

Nuclear Forces & Scattering: 2016 4, 2012 1(a)

Shell Model: 2017 1(b), 2016 1(a)

Nuclear excitations: 2017 3 (last part), 2015 1(a)

Nuclear decay: 2017 3, 2013 1(c)

α-decay: 2010 A1(b), 2007 A3

β-decay: 2016 3(b)(c)(d), 2015 4

γ-decay: 2015 A1(b), 2014 4

Fission and Fusion: 2018 B2 (last part), 2011 4


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Summary of the physical constants and conversion factors used in this course:

Electron charge, e = 1.602× 10−19 Chc = 0.197 GeV fmh = 6.58× 10−25 GeV sFine structure constant, α = 1/137.04Bohr magneton, µB = 9.3× 10−24 JT−1

Nuclear magneton, µN = 5.1× 10−27 JT−1

1 eV = 1.602× 10−19 J, 1 MeV = 106 eV, 1 GeV = 109 eV1 fermi(fm) = 10−15 m1 barn(b) = 10−28 m2

1 Curie(Ci) = 3.7× 1010 decays s−1

Atomic masses are often given in unified (or atomic) mass units:1 unified mass unit(u) = Mass of an atom of 12

6 C/121u = 1g/NA = 1.66× 10−27 kg = 931.5 MeV/c2

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From the Review of Particle Physics, C. Amsler et al., Phys. Lett. B667 1 (2008)http://pdg.lbl.gov/

Quarks (spin 1/2)

Name Flavour Mass Charge (e)(GeV/c2)

up u ≈ 0.35 +2/3down d md ≈ mu −1/3charm c 1.5 +2/3strange s 0.5 −1/3

top t 171.2(2.1) +2/3bottom b 4.5 −1/3

Leptons (spin 1/2)

Lepton Charge Mass Mean life (s) Lepton Branching(MeV/c2) Decay Mode Fraction (%)

νe 0 < 2 eV/c2 stableνµ 0 < 0.19 stableντ 0 < 18.2 stablee ±1 0.511a stableµ ±1 105.658b 2.197× 10−6

ce−νeνµ ≈ 100

τ ±1 1776.8(2) 291(1)× 10−15 µ−νµντ 17.36(5)e−νeντ 17.85(5)hadrons +ντ ≈ 65

a The error on the e mass is 1.3× 10−8 MeV/c2.b The error on the µ mass is 4× 10−6 MeV/c2.c The error on the µ lifetime is 2× 10−11 s.

N.B. Numbers given in brackets correspond to the error in the last digit(s).For example, mτ = 1776.8(2)MeV/c2 ≡ (1776.8± 0.2)MeV/c2.

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Gauge Bosons (JP = 1−)

Force Gauge Charge (e) Mass Full Width Decay Mode BranchingBoson (GeV/c2) (GeV) Fraction (%)

E-M γ < 5× 10−30 < 10−18 eV/c2 stable

Weak W± ±1 80.40(3) 2.14(4) eνe 10.7(2)(Charged) µνµ 10.6(2)

τντ 11.2(2)hadrons 67.6(3)

Weak Z0 0 91.188(2) 2.495(2) ee 3.363(4)(Neutral) µµ 3.366(7)

ττ 3.370(8)νν 20.00(6)

hadrons 69.91(6)

Strong g 0 0 stable

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Pseudoscalar Mesons (JP = 0−)

Particle Quark Mass Mean Life (s) or Decay Mode BranchingContent (MeV/c2) Width (keV) Fraction (%)

π± ud, du 139.5702(4) 2.6033(5)× 10−8 s µ−νµ ≈ 100

π0 (uu− dd)/√

2 134.9766(6) 8.4(6)× 10−17 s γγ 98.80(3)η see note a 547.85(2) 1.30(7) keV γγ 39.3(2)

π0π0π0 32.6(2)π+π−π0 22.7(3)π+π−γ 4.6(2)

η′ see note a 957.7(2) 0.20(2) MeV π+π−η 45(2)ρ0γ 29(1)π0π0η 21(1)

K± us, su 493.677(16) 1.238(2)× 10−8 s µ−νµ 63.5(1)π−π0 20.7(1)π+π−π− 5.59(4)π0µ−νµ 3.35(4)π0e−νe 5.08(5)

K0,K0 ds, sd 497.61(2) K0S: 0.8953(5)× 10−10 s π+π− 69.2(1)

π0π0 30.7(1)K0

L: 5.12(2)× 10−8 s π0π0π0 19.5(1)π+π−π0 12.5(1)π±µ∓νµ 27.0(1)π±e∓νe 40.5(1)

D± cd, dc 1869.3(4) 1.040(7)× 10−12 s e− + anyb 16.0(4)K− + any 26(1)K+ + any 5.9(8)K0 + anyplus

K0 + any 61(5)

D0,D0 uc, cu 1864.8(2) 0.410(2)× 10−12 s K− + anyc 55(3)K+ + any 3.4(4)e+ + any 6.5(2)µ+ + any 6.7(6)

K0 + anyplusK0 + any 47(4)

D±s cs, sc 1968.5(3) 0.500(7)× 10−12 s seenB± ub, bu 5279.1(3) 1.64(1)× 10−12 s many

B0,B0 db, bd 5279.5(3) 1.53(1)× 10−12 s many

B0s ,B

0s sb, bs 5366.3(6) 1.47(3)× 10−12 s many

B±c cb, bc 6276(4) 0.46(18)× 10−12 s manyηc cc 2980(1) 27(3) MeV hadrons

a η and η′ are linear combinations of the quark state (uu + dd)/√

2 and ss (see lectures).b D− decay modes; c D0 decay modes.

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Vector Mesons (JP = 1−)

Particle Quark Mass Full Width (MeV) Decay Mode BranchingContent (MeV/c2) Fraction (%)

ρ± ud, du 775.5(4) 149(1) ππ 100

ρ0 (uu− dd)/√


ω (uu + dd)/√

2 782.6(1) 8.49(8) π+π−π0 89.2(7)π0γ 8.9(2)π+π− 1.5(1)

φ ss 1019.46(2) 4.26(4) K+K− 49.2(6)K0

LK0S 34.0(5)

K∗± us, su 891.7(3) 50.8(9) Kπ ≈ 100

K∗0,K∗0 ds, sd 896.0(3) 50.3(6) Kπ ≈ 100D∗± cd, dc 2010.3(2) 0.096(22) D0π−a 67.7(5)

D−π0 30.7(5)

D∗0, D∗0 uc, cu 2007.0(2) < 2.1 D0π0b 62(3)D0γ 38(3)

D∗±s cs, sc 2112.3(5) < 1.9 D±s γ 94(1)D±s π

0 6(1)B∗ ub, bu, db, bd, 5325.1(5) Bγ dominant

sb, bsJ/ψ cc 3096.92(1) 93(2) keV hadrons 87.7(5)

e+e− 5.9(1)µ+µ− 5.9(1)

Υ(1s) bb 9460.3(3) 54(1) keV τ+τ− 2.6(1)e+e− 2.4(1)µ+µ− 2.48(5)

a D∗− decay modes; b D∗0 decay modes.

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Baryons (JP = 1/2+)

Particle Quark Mass Mean Life (s) or Decay Mode BranchingContent (MeV/c2) Full Width (MeV) Fraction (%)

p uud 938.27203(8) > 2.1× 1029 yearsn udd 939.56536(8) 885.7(8) s pe−νe 100Λ0 uds 1115.683(6) 2.63(2)× 10−10 s pπ− 63.9(5)

nπ0 35.8(5)Σ+ uus 1189.37(7) 0.802(3)× 10−10 s pπ0 51.6(3)

nπ+ 48.3(3)Σ0 uds 1192.64(2) 7.4(7)× 10−20 s Λ0γ 100Σ− dds 1197.45(3) 1.48(1)× 10−10 s nπ− 99.848(5)Ξ0 uss 1314.8(2) 2.90(9)× 10−10 s Λ0π0 99.52(1)Ξ− dss 1321.7(1) 1.64(2)× 10−10 s Λ0π− 99.89(4)Λ+

c udc 2286.5(1) 2.00(6)× 10−13 s manyΛb udb 5620(2) 1.38(5)× 10−12 s many

Baryons (JP = 3/2+)

∆ uuu, uud ≈ 1232 ≈ 118 MeV Nπ > 99udd, ddd

Σ∗ uus, uds, dds ≈ 1385 ≈ 36 MeV Λ0π 87(2)Σπ 12(2)

Ξ∗ uss, dss ≈ 1533 ≈ 9 MeV Ξπ 100Ω− sss 1672.5(3) 0.82(1)× 10−10 s Λ0K− 67.8(7)

Ξ0π− 23.6(7)Ξ−π0 8.6(4)

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APPENDIX C: Scattering from a Yukawa potential

Consider relativistc elastic scattering from a Yukawa potential

V (~r) =g e−mr


The matrix element is given by

|Mif |2 =∣∣∣∣∫

e−i~q.~r V (~r) d3~r


In order to perform the integral, choose the z axis to lie along ~r. Then ~q.~r = −qr cos θand

∫e−i~q.~r V (~r) d3~r =

∫ ∞


∫ 2π


∫ π


V (r) eiqr cos θ r2 sin θ dθ dφ dr


∫ ∞


∫ +1

−12πV (r) eiqr cos θ r2 d(cos θ) dr


∫ ∞


2πV (r)

(eiqr− e−iqr


)r2 dr


∫ ∞




(eiqr− e−iqr


)r2 dr


∫ ∞


2πg e−mr(eiqr− e−iqr




∫ ∞




(e−r(m−iq)− e−r(m+iq)





m− iq− 1

m+ iq





m2 + q2


m2 + q2

The matrix element is then

|Mif |2 =16π2g2

(m2 + q2)2

The Yukawa potential is a general potential, and can be extended to other potentials, e.g.for the Coulomb potential

V (~r) = −Zαr

using g = Zα and m = 0, the matrix element for Rutherford Scattering is

|Mif |2 =16π2Z2α2


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Appendix D: Interaction via Particle Exchange

We need to evaluate the following integral in order to determine the energy shift when instate i when a particle of mass m is exchanged between particle 1 and particle 2,

∆E1→2i = − g2


∫ ∞



p2 +m2

eipr− e−ipr


Start by rewriting

∆E1→2i = −1




∫ ∞



p2 +m2

eipr− e−ipr


using the fact that the integrand is even in p. The integrand has poles at p = ±im (seethe figure). The integrals with the eipr and e−ipr terms are performed separately. This isbecause one chooses an infinite semi-circular contour to do the integration over, in sucha way that on the circular piece the contribution from infinity vanishes. This happens ifthe integrand contains a decaying exponential in |p|. For eipr, this happens for p = +i|p|and so one closes the contour in the upper half plane (C1 in the figure). For e−ipr, wewant p = −i|p|, and so close the contour in the lower half plane (C2 in the figure).

The whole integral is thus:

− g2





p2 +m2





p2 +m2




The residue of the pole at p = im in the first integrand is:


(p− im)

(p− im)(p+ im)


ireipr =



and the residue of the pole at p = −im in the second integrand is:


(p+ im)

(p− im)(p+ im)

−p e−ipr

ir= − 1

2ire−mr .

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Cauchy’s residue theorem tells us that the contour integral over an anti-clockwise contouris 2πi multiplied by the sum of the residues of the poles enclosed by the contour. Fora clockwise contour, there is an additional minus sign. Noting that C1 is anti-clockwise,and C2 is clockwise, one has:

∆E1→2i = − g2







= − g2



as given in the notes.

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Consider a non-relativistic charged particle in an electromagnetic field:

F = q (E + v ×B)

where E and B can be written in terms of the vector and scalar potentials, A and φ:

B = ∇× A and E = −∇φ− ∂A


The classical Hamiltonian,

H =1


(p− qA

)2+ qφ,

can be used along with Schrodinger’s equation to obtain

Hψ =


2m(−i∇− qA)2 + qφ

]ψ(x, t) = i


∂t(x, t). (1)

where we have substituted p→ −i∇. We now need to show that Schrodinger’s equationis invariant under the local guage transformation

ψ → ψ′ = eiqα(x,t)ψ

A→ A′ = A+∇α

φ→ φ′ = φ− ∂α


Substituting for ψ′, A′ and φ′ in equation (1):


2m(−i∇− q(A+∇α))2 + q(φ− ∂α


]eiqαψ = i



2m(−i∇− qA− q∇α)2 + qφ− q∂α


]eiqαψ = i



∂t+ iqψ




The last terms on either side of the above equation cancel.Now consider the (−i∇− qA− q∇α)2 term. In order to show local gauge invariance, weneed to show that

(−i∇− qA− q∇α)2 eiqαψ = (−i∇− qA)2 eiqαψ

or, equivalently,(−i∇− qA′)

2ψ′ = (−i∇− qA)2 eiqαψ.


(−i∇− qA− q∇α)2 eiqαψ = (−i∇− qA− q∇α) · (−i∇− qA− q∇α) eiqαψ


)= eiqα (∇+ iq∇α)ψ.

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(−i∇− qA− q∇α) eiqαψ = eiqα (−i∇+ q∇α− qA− q∇α)ψ

= eiqα (−i∇− qA)ψ


(−i∇− qA− q∇α)2 ψ′ = (−i∇− qA− q∇α) eiqα (−i∇− qA)ψ

= eiqα (−i∇− qA)2 ψ.

Hence,(−i∇− qA′)

2ψ′ = eiqα (−i∇− qA)2 ψ

and Schrodinger’s equation is invariant under a local gauge transformation.

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Calculation of the cross-section for νe +n→ p+ e− using Fermi theory. The cross-sectionis given by Fermi’s Golden Rule

Γ = 2π |Mfi|2 ρ (Ef )

where the matrix element, Mfi, is given by the 4-point interaction with a strength equalto the Fermi constant, GF ;

|Mfi|2 ≈ G2F .

There are a total of 4 possible spin states for the spin-12e and ν. These correspond to

a singlet state S = 0 (Fermi transition) and three triplet states S = 1 (Gamow-Tellertransition). Therefore, the matrix element becomes

|Mfi|2 ≈ 4G2F .

The differential cross-section is then given by,

dσ = 2π4G2F



where Ee is the energy of the electron in the zero-momentum frame. It follows that




The total energy in the zero-momentum frame,√s = 2Ee. Hence, the total cross-section

can be written as

σ =


dΩdΩ =




F s


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From Appendix F, the differential cross-section in Fermi theory is




The correct theory involves exchange of a massive vector boson of mass MW , which leadsto a propagator in the matrix element


q2 −M2W


Fermi theory is equivalent to neglecting the q2 term in the denominator. Hence, treatingW-boson exchange correctly, we have






M2W − q2



Now, for elastic scattering, q2 = 0− |q|2, where

|q|2 =

(2Ee sin





2s(1− cos θ) ≡ u

and so

du =1

2s sin θ dθ =


4πdΩ .

We can thus integrate the differential cross-section in terms of u:

σ =


G2F s




M2W + u





∫ s



(M2W + u)2




[ −1

M2W + u








− 1

M2W + s



FM2W s

π(M2W + s)

At small values of s this reduces to the Fermi theory result, while for s M2W the

cross-section tends towards the constant value

σ =G2



and is no longer divergent.

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The probability for an α particle to tunnel through the Coulomb barrier can be writtenas

P =∏



where G is the Gamow Factor,

G =

∫ R′


[2m (V (r)− E0)]1/2


R is the radius of the nucleus of mass number Z, R′ is the radius at which the α particleescapes, m is the mass of the α particle, V (r) = 2 (Z − 2) e2/4πε0r ≡ B/r is the Coulombpotential, and E0 is the energy release in the decay.The α particle escapes the nucleus when r = R′. Hence, the potential V (R′) = E0 andR′ = B/E0. Therefore,

G =



)1/2 ∫ R′



r− E0





)1/2 ∫ R′



r− 1



In order to perform the integration, let r = R′ cos2 θ and dr = −2R′ cos θ sin θ dθ. Then

∫ [1

r− 1


]1/2dr =

∫ [1

R′ cos2 θ− 1


]1/2(−2R′ cos θ sin θ) dθ


∫−2R′1/2 sin2 θ dθ

= R′1/2 [sin 2θ − θ]

Now, using cos θ = (r/R′)1/2, sin θ = (1− r/R′)1/2 and sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ, then

R′1/2 [sin 2θ − θ]R′

R = R′1/2[2 (1− r/R′)1/2 (r/R′)

1/2 − cos−1 (r/R′)1/2]R′


= R′1/2[cos−1 (R/R′)

1/2 − 2(1−R/R′) (R/R′)1/2]

Hence, the Gamow factor

G =




R′1/2[cos−1 (R/R′)

1/2 − 2(1−R/R′) (R/R′)1/2]


G =





[cos−1 (R/R′)

1/2 − 2(1−R/R′) (R/R′)1/2]

For most practical cases, R R′, so the term in square brackets is ≈ π/2 and G becomes

G ≈(




