The introduction of the Nano received media attention due to it's targeted low price. The car is expected to boost the Indian Economy, create entrepr eneurial-opportuniti es across India as well as expand the Indian car mar et by !"#. $a tan T ata-%h air man of the T ata &r oup envisioned the car and Tata otors-who has described it as an eco- friendly (people's car(. Nano has been greatly appreciated by many sources and the media for its low-cost  and eco-friendly initiatives. The company among six sites o)ered by the state government made the choice of *ingur. The pro+ect faced massive opposition from , of the , displaced farmers.  The unwilling farmers were given political support by  Miss Mamata Bannerjee, /est 0engal's 1rebrand opposition leader, with an eye to the upcoming 2o *abha 34arliamentary5 elections. 6ue to opposition to Tata's *ingur car-factory by amta 0aner+ee, Tata otors decided to cease operations in *ingur on 7 8ctober 9 and started manufacturing Tata Nano at its 4antnagar plant. 8n her protests and the conse:uent pullout, the media heavily critici;ed her and The Telegraph even said, (India is being raped by those who pr ofess to be her soldiers, the gu ardians of pe ace.( %urrentl y, T ata otors is reportedl y manu fa ctur ing Nano at it s

Introduction of Nano

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Nano car intoduction

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The introduction of the Nano received media attention due to it's targeted low price. The car is expected to boost theIndian Economy, create entrepreneurial-opportunities across India as well as expand the Indian car market by 65%. Ratan Tata-Chairman of the Tata Group envisioned the carandTata Motors-who has described it as an eco-friendly "people's car". Nano has been greatly appreciated by many sources and the media for its low-cost and eco-friendly initiatives. The company among six sites offered by the state government made the choice of Singur. The project faced massive opposition from 2,000 of the 12,000 displaced farmers. The unwilling farmers were given political support by Miss Mamata Bannerjee, West Bengal's firebrand opposition leader, with an eye to the upcoming Lok Sabha (Parliamentary) elections. Due to opposition to Tata'sSingurcar-factory byMamta Banerjee, Tata Motors decided to cease operations in Singur on 3 October 2008 and started manufacturing Tata Nano at its Pantnagarplant. On her protests and the consequent pullout, the media heavily criticized her andThe Telegrapheven said, "India is being raped by those who profess to be her soldiers, the guardians of peace." Currently, Tata Motors is reportedly manufacturing Nano at its existingPantnagar(Uttarakhand) plant and a mother plant has been proposed for Sanand(Gujarat).