Introduction by Ken Beebe Executive Director .......................................................................... 1 Andy & Leanne Baker Annual Checkup ............................................................................ 2 Scott & Erik Bay Voices of Victory ............................................................................. 3 Doug & Christi Burrows Train a Child .................................................................................. 4 Betty Comfort A Family Heritage .......................................................................... 5 Steve Fawver Spiritual Formation ........................................................................ 6 Michelle Geasland Seasons ........................................................................................ 7 David & Candace Green Family Ties That Bind ............................................................................... 8 Danny Hunt & Kenda Peterson High Notes .................................................................................... 9 Cassie Hwa Great Expectations ....................................................................... 10 Matt & Haley Krueger Dearly Beloved ............................................................................ 11 Dennis Littlefield Fertile Ground ............................................................................. 12 Roger Miller Learning to Lead ......................................................................... 13 Hannah Morse & Becca Roberts Circle of Friends .......................................................................... 14 Susan Rice Captured by Love ........................................................................ 15 Arthur & Fern Roberts Love Bloomed ............................................................................. 16 Myrlene Rourke & Shelley Geil Dynamic Duo .............................................................................. 17 Marjorie Simmons Living Legend .............................................................................. 18 Brenna Smith Girl Time ..................................................................................... 19 Dawn & Jim Smith Good Vibrations ........................................................................... 20 Damon & Gen Sours Healing Journey .......................................................................... 21 Mark & Betty Jo Steele Family Affair ................................................................................ 22 Matt Zarzana Brotherhood ................................................................................ 23 Twin Rocks Contact Information & Map ......... 24

Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay

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Page 1: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay

Introduction by Ken Beebe Executive Director .......................................................................... 1

Andy & Leanne Baker Annual Checkup ............................................................................ 2

Scott & Erik Bay Voices of Victory ............................................................................. 3

Doug & Christi Burrows Train a Child .................................................................................. 4

Betty Comfort A Family Heritage .......................................................................... 5

Steve Fawver Spiritual Formation ........................................................................ 6

Michelle Geasland Seasons ........................................................................................ 7

David & Candace Green Family Ties That Bind ............................................................................... 8

Danny Hunt & Kenda Peterson High Notes .................................................................................... 9

Cassie Hwa Great Expectations ....................................................................... 10

Matt & Haley Krueger Dearly Beloved ............................................................................ 11

Dennis Littlefield Fertile Ground ............................................................................. 12

Roger Miller Learning to Lead ......................................................................... 13

Hannah Morse & Becca Roberts Circle of Friends .......................................................................... 14

Susan Rice Captured by Love ........................................................................ 15

Arthur & Fern Roberts Love Bloomed ............................................................................. 16

Myrlene Rourke & Shelley GeilDynamic Duo .............................................................................. 17

Marjorie Simmons Living Legend .............................................................................. 18

Brenna Smith Girl Time ..................................................................................... 19

Dawn & Jim Smith Good Vibrations ........................................................................... 20

Damon & Gen Sours Healing Journey .......................................................................... 21

Mark & Betty Jo Steele Family Affair ................................................................................ 22

Matt Zarzana Brotherhood ................................................................................ 23

Twin Rocks Contact Information & Map ......... 24

Page 2: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay
Page 3: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


I love hearing ‘Twin Rocks’ stories — when people reminisce about the critical role that Twin Rocks Friends Camp has played in their lives.

This short Testimonials book presents 22 such stories, each with a unique flair, but all with a common Twin Rocks theme. Some speak of meeting a spouse or future college roommate at camp. Others describe bolstered family relationships — a kind word from a brother, a saved marriage, or a connection with a daughter. And most relate a deep connection with Jesus Christ made possible by this special camp.

I trust you’ll enjoy these vignettes, and perhaps be reminded of key, meaningful ‘Twin Rocks’ moments in your own lives!

I’m extremely grateful to those who’ve allowed us to tell their stories here in this Testimonial book. They are dearly appreciated. And I’m equally thankful to Kelley Wong (the camp’s Development Officer and author of the 22 articles) and Michael Comfort (graphic designer at Vineyard Graphics) for the long hours spent compiling this special tribute to the ministry of Twin Rocks Friends Camp.

I pray that Twin Rocks will continue its rich heritage, honoring the Lord by helping future generations of campers encounter Christ here on the Oregon Coast.

— Ken Beebe

Executive Director

Page 4: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Annual Check-UpWho would think that putt-putt golf could be romantic? Andy and Leanne Baker fondly recall their evening foray at the glow-in-the-dark mini-golf course during one of Twin Rocks’

Couples Conferences. The Bakers have attended the conference almost annually since they were married fifteen years ago.

As with many couples, life gets busy for the Bakers, especially with kids. Leanne says the conference “helps us relate to each other again. Couples Conference is a way to ‘check in’ annually with each other and ask, ‘Are we doing okay?’”

The Bakers enjoy the various formats used to explore healthy

communication in marriage: panel discussions, personality tests, and discussions of the Five Love Languages. As newlyweds they had issues that they hadn’t considered before they were married. The conference helped them work through their communication styles. Leanne laughingly confessed that “one year I cried a lot.” But as marriages go, “We just haven’t had a lot of big things,” Andy says. Leanne is thoughtful; they go because “It’s just good for us to schedule a time away each year.”

Although they love the beach, the Bakers appreciate their “nice and cozy, dark and warm” room in Pacific Woods Lodge, which gives them time to catch up on sleep. The

Bakers especially

enjoy the creative


that Ken & LeAnn Beebe, conference directors, plan each year. One year couples romanced over dessert on a night train. Another year they were sent off in pairs on a romantic picnic, complete with discussion questions written on scrolls. Andy’s favorite, though, was an evening at Mrs. Garibaldi’s Pie House. The Bakers add that the Beebes “make it very special. They have a heart for wanting the conference to make a difference — to make sure that marriages are working.”

Couples Conference is a way to ‘check in’ annually with

each other and ask, ‘Are we

doing okay?’

Page 5: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Sometimes the best parts of camp aren’t programmed by adults. For the past several summers, high school youth have gathered before breakfast at Surfside Camp to sing songs of worship to the Lord. It’s not been on the printed schedule or announced from the podium. It’s just a word-of-mouth,

early morning, camper-led get-together at the Nordyke Victory Circle.

It all began four years ago with twin brothers, Scott & Erik Bay, and some of their friends. “We were able to convince a lot of people to wake up early and play music in the Victory Circle — just worshiping early in the morning, when people didn’t have to, but they still showed up,” says Scott. His brother Erik continues: “Each day it grew, because people

would tell other people. By the last day we

probably had over 40


there, in the morning before breakfast, sacrificing their sleep. The last day I think we started at 5 o’clock in the morning!”

After three years of church retreats, five Surfside camps, and several appearances at Family Camp, the Bay brothers served the summer of 2008 together on Twin Rocks’ Summer Staff. As college students, they’ve enjoyed being cabin counselors, giving back to the next generation of Twin Rocks campers.

And they’ll always fondly remember those camper-led worship times at the Victory Circle. Much to the delight of Erik & Scott, a current crew of campers continues to hold early morning times of worship at Surfside.

“We were able to convince a lot of people to wake up early and play music in the Victory Circle — just worshiping early in the morning, when people didn’t have to, but they still showed up...”

Voices of Victory

Erik (left) & Scott (right)

Page 6: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Train a Child

Four years ago, grandparents and part-time Rockaway Beach residents Doug and Christi Burrows saw a Twin Rocks Friends Camp poster in Larry’s Market in downtown Rockaway Beach. At the time, they didn’t know much about the camp down the road from their beach cabin, but they immediately thought of their oldest grandchild, Brandon, who was the right age to attend Boys Camp. Now, four years later, the Burrows have four grandchildren and a nephew who’ve all been to Twin Rocks — at Day Camp, Boys Camp, and Tween Camp.

It’s become a priority for them as grandparents to make sure their grandkids get to Twin Rocks each year. They help pay their grandchildren’s way to camp, and spend long hours transporting them to and from their homes in Vancouver. The Burrows feel

rewarded when they get to see “The excitement and joy in their faces... they get to be kids in a positive way,” reports Christi. “They talk about it all year long,” Doug adds. As far as the children are concerned, it’s a foregone conclusion that they will all go to camp each year.

Swimming, crafts, canoeing and kayaking, bible study, fun songs, sand castles and kite flying at the beach are among those activities that their grandchildren most enjoy. They love “Everything! All of it!” Christi says. First and foremost, Doug and Christi are pleased that Twin Rocks presents Jesus to children

in a fun, positive way. They know that camp experiences make a lasting impression on children. Christi recalls the proverb, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”

Page 7: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


A Family HeritageBy Betty (Brown) Comfort

My parents, Oscar and Ruth (Kellogg) Brown met at Twin Rocks in 1930. They were engaged at Twin Rocks in 1932. Mother’s first time at camp was in 1924 when she was 14. Her mother had recently died and someone from Scotts Mills Friends Church made it possible for her to attend that year. What a ministry.

Dad and Mom were active in leadership at conferences and camps until their later years of ministry. Mother was director for the first Girls Camp in 1944.

I attended Twin Rocks Conference for the first time in July, 1935. Those first years we stayed in tents near where the current

Shorebird Cabins are located. I attended Twin Rocks camps every summer until I was 16, when my employer didn’t let me off work for camp.

At the very first Friends Girls Camp, just before my 10th birthday, I wrote in my Bible that I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I remember asking Jesus “into my heart” at “Children’s Meetings” at Rose Valley as a preschooler, but the date recorded at Twin Rocks is my milestone of commitment. Many times since then I received new light for my life walk at Twin Rocks, and this continues. It is a place of quietness and inspiration.

As a teenager, the social aspect of Twin Rocks Camp was always a highlight in my year. I made lifelong friends

through activities at Conference, Girls Camp, Surfside as it was later called, Family and Adult Camps.

Years later, two of our sons had the distinction of being the only boys at Girls Camp when I was speaker in the 1960s! And now our grand-children are blessed to receive the benefits and influence of Friends Camps.

May the Lord’s work, leading to life commitment to Christ at Twin Rocks, continue until our Lord returns.

Betty on the beach in 1937

Oscar and Ruth Brown

at Twin Rocks in 1930

A 1930 photo entitled,“Birthday Greetings”

Page 8: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Spiritual FormationHis passion for retreats, whether it’s being involved in them or encouraging others’ participation,

marks Steve Fawver’s long relationship with Twin Rocks Friends Camp. As Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Newberg Friends Church, Steve sees his current role as a direct outgrowth of his many camping and leadership opportunities at the camp. “Twin Rocks was part of my discerning call.”

As Steve views it, Twin Rocks excels at developing leaders. “Personally, I greatly value how the camp and its people have been part of

my formation.” Steve points to the many camps he attended growing up — Boys, Tween, Surfside, and Family Camps — where he made personal commitments to Christ. And over the years, he’s had numerous opportunities to grow as a leader, serving in a wide variety of camp roles: He’s led worship, taught classes, served as camp speaker, overseen recreation, and directed entire camps and retreats.

The camp has also strengthened Steve’s family, his church, and his community. The camp

“creates space for people to be outdoors, to learn to grow; for kids to explore, for high schoolers to be able to counsel, for adults to be on staff. My passion and heart is to help people listen to Christ. Twin Rocks has helped me do this.”

“Twin Rocks was part of my discerning call.”

Page 9: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


SeasonsBy Michelle (Fawver) Geasland

Twin Rocks is a place for all seasons — both literally and figuratively! I first went to Twin Rocks as an elementary school child at Girls Camp. I stepped away from my family for the first time. I was somewhere safe, and yet I was away. I began to establish who I was — apart from my family — and to find where I fit into God’s family.

Tween and Surfside camps were a highlight of my summers, along with fall and winter retreats during my teen years. Times to get away

from normal routines, to stop and listen to others and to God, to learn to see God in His beautiful creation, and to establish roots that would hold me firm into my young adult years.

Even during the next season of my life I found myself coming back to Twin Rocks: Returning to help as a cabin counselor, and to attend adult retreats that focused on the same God who had been with me since those grade school years.

And then I moved away. Far from the coast, far from the mountains, far from the Twin

Rocks — to Oklahoma. Yet even then there was a season to return to Twin Rocks: A winter retreat called The Center for Personal Growth in Christ that offered an extended time away from the daily “mommy-ness” that my life had entered. It gave me a time to be with God, to be challenged to face Him and feel His love. The Center made such an impact on my life that I came again and again — and brought other Oklahomans to experience the beauty and the wonder that God has put in this special place called Twin Rocks.

Michelle (in the dark sweatshirt) with friends at Girls Camp.

Page 10: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Ties That Bind“Family Camp truly is the high point of our year. We start talking about the next camp when we pull out of the driveway and head home. Family Camp draws us closer and gives us something to draw from throughout the year. What a blessing.”

— Candace Green Mom

“It truly helps us be “family” as God designed for us.”

— David Green Dad

“[At Family Camp I enjoy] Breakfast and the beach.”

— Daniel Green Age 19

“[I like Family Camp because of] All the friends I have made.”

— Jesse Green Age 17

“I have been looking forward for Family Camp every single year for like 9 or 10 years. And I don’t think my life would feel complete without it. I love it!”

— Melody Age 16

“Family [Camp] to me is a nice vacation to get away from my troubles at home. I look forward to it every single year. Family Camp is the highlight of my summer.”

— Emma Green Age 11

“Family Camp makes me feel happy and it makes me feel like I’m at home when I’m not.”

— Daisy Green Age 9

Members of the David & Candace

Green family took a few

moments during Twin Rocks’

90th Birthday Celebration in

August 2008 to share what

Twin Rocks and its Family Camp

have meant to each of them:

The Green Famly (left to right), Melody, Emma, Daniel, Daisy, Jesse, Candace, and David.

Page 11: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


High Notes Band camp was life-altering for 8th Grade trumpet player, Danny Hunt, back in 1984. He was at Twin Rocks Friends Camp for his second summer at Northwest Band Camps for middle school musicians, founded by (then) OSU band director Mr. Jim Douglass. “I was really proud of the music that we made and what we had done in that one week. I was very impressed!” Danny recalls. “On the car ride home I blurted out, ‘I want to graduate from high school, and go into college, and be a music education major, and become a band director.’

I really meant it. I never did sway from it. I never changed majors. I wouldn’t have done anything else. I absolutely love my job!”

Kenda Peterson, fresh from Northern Illinois University with her Masters in Music and Piano Performance, showed up at Northwest Band Camps as a piano accompanist and cabin counselor in 1995. Never having attended camp as a kid, Kenda said, “That was the most fun I’d ever had! All the activities they had, the staff, the whole environment. That was about the best week of my life!”

After meeting in 1995, Danny and Kenda were reacquainted the summer of 1997. The pair spent the two weeks playing ping pong, basketball, and volleyball during rec time. Danny laughs, “We played ping pong a lot. Kenda’s really good.” For the next three years they had a long distance relationship — Kenda taught piano at OSU in Corvallis and Danny was a band teacher in Grants Pass. Each summer they returned to work at the two-week band camp. Danny and Kenda married in 2000 at the beach near Twin Rocks. “It’s very significant! says Kenda. “Our

wedding invitation said, ‘Where we first met, we return to celebrate our love through marriage.’

“We never would have met if it hadn’t been for Band Camp at Twin Rocks.”

Another highlight took place this past summer when their two young children accompanied Danny and Kenda for the two weeks of camp. Danny says, “My hope is that we can continue to go to Northwest Band Camps for many years to come, and that our kids will be able to go to the camp. They definitely like it.”

Danny and Kenda, with their children, Natalie and Nicholas, and dog, Brody.

Page 12: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Great ExpectationsTwelve year old Cassie Hwa recalls her fondest camp memory: seeing Twin Rocks Friends Camp as she first stepped out of her parents’ car for Girls Camp. “I

was speechless! My eyes…I thought they were going to fall out…they were opened so wide! It was better than I expected!”

Since that time the camp has become so much more to her. Now in her fourth year as a summer camper, Cassie has also attended Bible Quiz Meets at Twin Rocks with her Eugene Friends Church youth

group. And this year she was elected by her church to participate in Samuel School, hosted at the camp. Her fondness for Twin Rocks runs deep. Cassie beams, “It’s my home away from home.”

Even at such a young age, Cassie’s early camp experiences have left a clear impression on her, helping to propel her faith into active ministry. She says that time at Twin Rocks has “changed my perspective. I started doing volunteer work. I go to the park and pick up litter. I help at a homeless shelter in Eugene, and visit senior

homes and ‘do their nails.’” In an article for a Eugene Friends Church newsletter about why kids should attend camp, she wrote:

“Twin Rocks makes it so kids don’t have to be embarrassed by worshiping God…. It just makes you feel so at home when you are there, you forget you are not even at home. Twin Rocks, I think, is the very best place to send your kids to! It has beautiful beaches, fun activities and a chance to socialize with other kids, counselors, and most importantly — God!”

“It’s my home away from home.”

Page 13: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Dearly Beloved We are often our most attractive when we can relax and be ourselves in a familiar, comfortable environment. Haley Thornburg would agree: “There’s a “whole feeling you get when you’re at Twin Rocks. I don’t have to hide anything. I can be vulnerable, for some reason, spiritually and emotionally.” That proved true for her when she returned to Twin Rocks Friends Camp as main speaker for 2007’s Tween Camp.

Matt Krueger hadn’t been to Twin Rocks since 2001, while attending Surfside Camp as a high school student. He was singled-minded when he arrived to be a recreation leader for the 2007 Tween Camp. “I went to camp focused on really experiencing God and seeing how God moved.”

It’s a small world after all. Matt and Haley had never

met. However, both had a lifetime of history growing up in the familiarity of Friends churches and attending Twin Rocks youth camps. Twin Rocks had become a special place to them as individuals. Indeed, camp often became a family affair: Matt served with his twin brother Joe (and wife Katie), on the 2007 Tween Camp staff together. It was the exuberant Katie Krueger, confessing to “sister-in-law shopping,” who pointed out the pretty young woman across the room to Matt during staff orientation.

Matt and Haley tried not to notice each other. After all, Matt had adamantly made up his mind before Tween Camp, “I’m not going there to meet a girl!” Yet God often does his best work in and through us when we are being who he created us to be. Usually reserved, Haley felt comfortable at camp,

revealing her “goofy, fun side” without feeling embarrassed. Matt found himself intentionally having small conversations with Haley. But the week ended with little more than a word of farewell (and mutually unspoken hopes that they might see each other again).

A few weeks later, Matt stepped out on a limb and wrote to Haley, inviting her to go on a hike with him. From her home in Newberg, Haley felt she wasn’t ready to reply. But after a few days she had a change of heart, and their friendship began to blossom. Their Twin Rocks friends had a part, too. Haley beams, “Our friends were watching us slowly falling in love.”

Matt and Haley were married in August 2008, a little more than a year after they served at Tween Camp together. Haley thinks, “It’s cool that it was Twin Rocks” that brought them together. They even showcased sand from Twin Rocks in their wedding ceremony.


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Twin Rocks was part of Matt and Haley’s Christian development through its youth camps. The camp had a hand in their meeting as they volunteered on staff. Most recently, it has strengthened their marriage through Couples Conference. The Kruegers hope to serve at Twin Rocks in summers to come. As a reminder, the jar of sand from their wedding sits prominently on a shelf in their Milwaukie apartment — a statement of their love and appreciation for Twin Rocks Friends Camp and God’s creation.

Page 14: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Fertile GroundLike so many of the campers Dennis Littlefield works with, his early camp experiences at Twin Rocks left an indelible mark on him. Now Associate Director of the camp, Dennis first arrived at Twin Rocks at the age of three, holding the hand of his

father. In fourth grade at Boys Camp Dennis accepted Jesus Christ as Savior in his favorite place, the Nordyke Victory Circle. Later, in high school, Dennis rededicated his life to Christ during Mid-Winter Camp.

With his own rich camping experiences and his love for nature, Dennis was hooked. He chose Christian camping as a career and studied camping ministry at George Fox College. As program director at Tilikum for many years and now associate

director at Twin Rocks, Dennis found his niche as he cultivated relationships with other staff. In turn, those staff

members nurture relationships with campers. It’s that development of a community that is especially rewarding to Dennis. “I want

to be involved in those same environments, to help people grow.”

Dennis is passionate about his administrative role at the camp. Although he thrives on the variety of work at Twin Rocks, often serving in the hands-on role of “Camp Uncle” for Boys Camp and Day Camp, he is clearly gifted as a staff administrator. “It’s neat to be able to bring together top notch people for staff and then enjoy the synergy that occurs there. We make the extra effort, go the

extra mile to really find great people, and in return, those great staff members have significant influence on the kids.”

Twin Rocks continues to provide the environment of personal, spiritual and professional growth that Dennis finds so rewarding, and he is blessed by his role at the camp.

“It’s exciting to be part of camp ministry. Twin Rocks has a great, rich heritage.”

“It’s exciting to be part of camp ministry. Twin Rocks has a great, rich heritage.”

Dennis with his father, Cy

Page 15: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Learning to LeadEvery November more than 100 youth from Christian high schools throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho arrive en masse at Twin Rocks Friends Camp for a four-day intensive leadership conference designed especially for them by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). As on-site liaison, Roger Miller, Principal at Vancouver Christian High School, is there to greet these young aspiring leaders.

Already familiar with Twin Rocks from his own experience attending summer camps in the 1970s, Roger was pleased to bring his leadership conference to Twin Rocks in the 1990s. And now for the past decade, Roger has helped facilitate the ACSI Youth Leadership Conference at the camp. Twin Rocks provides great food, amenities, and accommodations, enabling Roger to focus fully on the implementation of the conference program.

Student leaders, including Student Council members, are hand-picked through an application process to attend the conference. One parent summed up the life-changing nature of the event: “The ACSI conference became one of those memorials that you build your life on and you choose to live by.”

The conference gives students a better understanding of their leadership strengths through spiritual gift assessments, and studies of Biblical leaders like Nehemiah. Yet learning flows beyond the adult-led sessions as students take on their own leadership roles and rub shoulders with peers from different schools.

“The ACSI conference became one of those memorials that you build your life on and you choose to live by.”

Page 16: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Two young women whose lives had long been intertwined - Hannah Morse and Becca Roberts — enjoyed a Summer Staff experience together.

Hannah first met Becca at Girls Camp, when the two were fourth graders. Though Hannah lived outside Portland in Milwaukie, and Becca resided at the Oregon coast in Netarts, the girls’ paths crossed repeatedly over the years at various Friends Church activities. Ultimately, the two chose one another as roommates upon entering George Fox University.

And Twin Rocks kept the girls united when both were chosen to participate on the 2008 Summer Staff:


“As soon as I was old enough to know what Summer Staff was, I always wanted to be on it,” expresses Hannah. She had followed her Girls Camp experience with Tween and Surfside Camps as a teen. And also in high school she

participated in the five-week Servant Leadership Program: “SLP helps you grow in leadership a lot.” Hannah relishes the people and the community at Twin Rocks:

“People invest so much in us and they always have, even as campers.”

Hannah’s dream came true when she was offered a position on Summer Staff this past season, where she counseled campers, performed housekeeping tasks, and served in the Undertow Espresso camp store.


Living in Netarts, just down the Coast Highway from Twin Rocks, Becca was often at the camp with another friend, Elizabeth Littlefield, who grew up at Twin Rocks with her family. As a teen, Becca

worked with young children as a counselor in Twin Rocks’ Day Camp program. As a 2008 Summer Staffer assigned to counseling campers and working in the kitchen, Becca enjoyed a wonderful summer:

“I have a much stronger idea of who I am and where I fit into the world after being here this summer. I am passionate about God, and in a way I think will last, not just an emotional passion.”

The two friends express gratitude for their Summer Staff experience. Becca says, “We know that other people are here to love us and we are here to love them. There’s a lot of intentional energy being put into us.” Hannah continues, “There are so many people constantly living for God and so many people making sacrifices for other people.”

The Twin Rocks community, as reflected in the lives of these two young women, is clearly a circle of friends.

Circle of Friends

Page 17: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Captured by Love

Each summer Susan Rice brings a special group of kids to camp — kids whose lives are complicated by the difficulty of a parent’s incarceration.

With her husband Scott, Susan coordinates the local ‘Angel Tree’ ministry, an offshoot of Chuck Colson’s Prison Fellowship. Angel Tree partners with local churches at Christmastime to help individuals in prison provide presents for their children. In addition, Angel Tree offers

these kids a chance to attend summer camp. Susan relays, “Prison Fellowship gives money to send kids to Christian camps — so they can be introduced to Jesus.”

Partnering with North Coast Family Fellowship, the Rices have sent as many as ten Angel Tree youth — most of middle and high school age — to Twin Rocks for the past five summers. Susan is the go-between, connecting the kids to Twin Rocks. She stresses that “These families are in crisis. They have to have some trust in you. I’m gonna take their kid away for a week?! So I establish relationships with families. There’s a lot of suspicion at first.”

Susan is thrilled that the kids aren’t treated like “outsiders” when they attend camp at Twin Rocks. They arrive at camp not knowing anyone, and come from very difficult

backgrounds, but they’re made to feel welcomed and included. Susan expresses her joy and an immense sense of victory. “When I’ve taken them home the kids have said, ‘This is a high point of my year — the highlight of my life!’ They’ve just loved the counselors, particularly. The thing I get from Twin Rocks is that the staff there makes the kids feel so special. They’re getting attention that they’ve never had before. They’re feeling the love of Jesus through that staff.”

“Prison Fellowship gives money to send kids to Christian camps — so they can be introduced to Jesus.”

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Love Bloomed

Page 19: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Sticks and stones may break your bones. Just in case, safety conscious Twin Rocks has a back-up plan: camp nurses! If you were one of the lucky kids to attend Boys Camp in recent years, you were fortunate to have an incredible Mother-Daughter team on hand: Myrlene Rourke of Newberg, an experienced Emergency Room nurse, along with her daughter Shelley Geil, a Nurse Practitioner who works at a Vancouver hospital.

Shelley “practically begged Don (Boys Camp director) to be the camp nurse,” when her son Dallas was preparing to go to Boys Camp for the first time. She admits, I “love working with little boys! They’re so innocent, curious, rambunctious!” Two is better than one. Her mom had nursing expertise that Shelley felt would benefit the kids, so it was a natural fit to ask Myrlene

to jump on board. “Shelley wouldn’t do it unless I did it

with her. I agreed — if we could do it together,” says Myrlene.

For three summers the pair has worked diligently at the camp, taking care of the basic first aid that

naturally occurs when 110 “rough and tumble” 4th

through 6th grade boys live in community for a week. “Doing something on an adult-to-adult level” was new to this team, and they grew to appreciate each other professionally. Myrlene was excited to work alongside her daughter: “That was a phenomenal experience! It was busy! Bonkers!” Myrlene handled the crisis of sprains and multiple bee stings. Shelley was especially skilled at taking care of the emotional needs of the campers. She went into action whenever a first-time, 9-year-old camper would show signs of homesickness, and for kids who needed special care. Shelley

says, “We were there to make sure their camp experience is good.” Their hearts for these boys is evident, “We had a surrogate ‘Mother-Grandmother’ role and were there to love those boys unconditionally.”

They both value their own early Christian camping experiences — Myrlene’s at Quaker Hill Camp in Idaho and Shelley’s at Twin Rocks. Now the fourth and fifth generation of their family is attending camp. Myrlene is “excited that Christian camping is part of a progression: mine, my children’s, and my grandchildren’s. The spiritual side is unbelievable — a gift for my grandkids. And I expect it will be for my great grandkids when that happens.” So, serving as nurses and offering comfort and safety at Boys Camp comes naturally to this duo. Shelley is gleeful about serving as a nurse with her mom, “It was incredible! Way too much fun!”

Dynamic Duo



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Love Bloomed

Page 20: Introduction by Ken Beebe Andy & Leanne Baker Scott & Erik Bay


Living LegendNot many can still boast of being at Twin Rocks Friends Camp when it began in 1918. As far as the camp is concerned, ninety-six year old Marjorie Simmons, now living in Eugene, is a living legend.

In 1918, during one of her very first trips in a car at the age of five, Marjorie made the long, slow journey from her home in Newberg to Twin Rocks with her family. She and her parents rode in her grandmother’s Overland, “a car with side curtains instead of glass for windows.” Still sharp

and quick-witted, Marjorie is convinced she coined the phrase, “Are we there yet?”

“The camp was very primitive.”

Picturing it all over again, Marjorie spoke of her parents pitching a canvas tent with a pole up the middle, and a

cross-piece to hang an old fashioned lantern. “I thought the camping business was so exciting because I had never been camping before.” Her grandmother filled “straw ticks,” a “sack-like thing made out of striped ticking, filled with straw.” Not everyone was lucky enough to have a tent, but rather slept under the open sky.

Marjorie holds vivid memories of a big bonfire at the beach. “I remember singing campfire-type songs. Then there was a talent show — everyone gave a song or a poem.” And after the talent show, “people began singing hymns and giving testimonies and they had a Bible study” before retiring across the road to tents — or for those without, under the trees.

In the years to follow, Marjorie saw the camp grow and the facilities improve. Yet Marjorie appreciates that Twin Rocks Friends Camp continues to offer a fun, healthy, and family friendly experience that always keeps Christ at its center.


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Girl TimeBy Brenna Smith, age 9

This past July was my first week at Twin Rocks. I was very excited. I was feeling nervous, a little sad and happy.

One of the things we did was art time rotations. In the meadow, you could hear us pound nails as we built bird houses. It was stinky when we put the gluey stuff on our story maps. We also laughed a lot with Jenna (my friend) and my mom. My favorite teacher was my mom [Christy Smith, who co-taught the Girls Camp Crafts class with Mindy Allison].

We had beach day on Wednesday. It was crazy. We played fun games. We went wave

jumping. I had water fights with my cabin mates. I drew a picture of my mom in the sand.

Cabin time was special too. We learned about Jesus and how He lived. My counselor was Jody. She did a great job taking care of all of us. We had to be good listeners. I needed to take care of my stuff. We also sang our theme song. If we took care of our cabin, the ‘cabin fairies’ would leave us a ticket so we could have S’mores at Victory Circle.

Overall, it was the best part of my summer. I will always remember my first time going to Girls Camp at Twin Rocks!

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When describing worship times at Northwest Christian camp for the Deaf (NWCCD), Dawn Smith, with her husband Jim interpreting, expressively signs, “Very loud! Boom! Boom! Boom!” The camp, serving deaf and hard of hearing children and their families, ramps up the praise music and percussion so campers can feel the rhythm and vibration of the music.

Dawn, who has been deaf since birth, began attending the camp when she was eleven. At the time, the Deaf Camp (founded by Bill Erickson of Gospel Ministries for the Deaf) only had about 25 children. Now approaching its 36th year — and held at Twin Rocks for nearly all of them — NWCCD has swelled to more than 110 participants from preschool age through adults. Over the years Dawn has moved through the ranks from camper to teacher, and in recent years to Lead Counselor. In that role she trains and energizes cabin counselors as they reach out to the youth.

Growing up in a hearing family, Dawn often missed important

themes being taught at their hearing church and summer camp. While attending a special camp just for the deaf it all began making sense. “There’s a communication that happens. We understand one another. A connection is made. When I went to NWCCD I learned about Jesus — that he died on the cross for me. Deaf Camp is a good place where those people come together to get to know Jesus.”

A variety of people come to Deaf Camp to experience an exciting array of camp activities and Christ-focused teaching. Campers arrive from throughout the Northwest, and as far away as California and Minnesota. The camp brings together denominations such as Methodists, Baptists, Assembly of God, among others. A Ukrainian-American family comes, bringing their hearing impaired children. Moms with

deaf babies and preschoolers attend the camp to make connections with other parents. Dawn emphasizes, “The point is for kids to know Christ.”

The Smiths return to the camp year after year because of the kids. Jim pastors a deaf church in Battle Ground, Washington. Dawn is a teaching assistant at the Washington School for the Deaf. They are excited about the camp’s “Leaders in Training” program offered to post-high school graduates who might easily “lose their way.” LITs are given opportunities to be staff at the camp. Dawn stresses, “Kids are the next generation. We want to prepare them to be leaders in our church.”

Good Vibrations

Dawn and Jim Smith

The camp, serving deaf and hard of hearing

children and their families, ramps up the

praise music and percussion so

campers can feel the rhythm and vibration of the


This mosaic of Twin Rocks was made at NWCCD 2008, and given to the camp.

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Damon & Gen Sours kept hearing from members at Netarts Friends Church about how The Journey, a Northwest Yearly Meeting retreat held at Twin Rocks each spring, changed their lives and marriages. The Sours, who celebrated their first spiritual birthdays in February and their second wedding anniversary in August, were struggling in their marriage. “Maybe it could help,” Gen thought. “It couldn’t hurt.” Damon was

looking forward to it, “If nothing else, to help us to be closer to each other.”

“When I got there it was so awesome that I didn’t want to leave,” Gen said. “I wish I could be there all the time.” The self-confessed worrier that she is, Gen had been struggling with how to turn over her problems and concerns to God. She

wasn’t convinced by some pat answers

seasoned Christians often offered her such as, “Give it to God.”

Or “Trust Him.” Gen queried, “What does that mean?” But after The Journey Gen wrote in her journal:

It’s these simple concepts that I see God working in my life. I have a marriage that is growing stronger by the day, a newfound insight on how to understand my parents, and I am seeing that I just need to be intimate with God and through that I will have

wholeness and no longer will I be loaded down with baggage. So while I know that sometimes I may get stuck back in that place, I know that I can always look toward God to help me move forward in my life.”

The Sours are both convinced that The Journey saved their marriage. While the retreat’s emphasis was on individuals, Damon noted that “As you work on the individual it will make you stronger as a couple.”

Healing Journey

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Family AffairTradition! For twenty years Mark & Betty Jo Steele of Silverton, Oregon have been attending Family Camp at Twin Rocks over Labor Day weekend. Mark emphasizes, “It’s tradition — and family needs tradition!”

The Steeles began attending the camp when their oldest son was ten, after their family joined Silverton Friends Church. Betty is elated that at camp, “You don’t have all your everyday chores like cooking and cleaning! Three meals a day you sit down and eat together. Everyone is talking. You row around the lake, build sandcastles on the beach, play board games, and do crafts like the ‘family photo.’ And the singing is incredible!”

God has gifted the Steele’s with hearts for reaching out to others, and this is reflected

in their ongoing ministry to children and youth. At Family Camp, they assist by teaching Bible lessons to the twenty 3rd and 4th grade children who usually attend, an age “when they’re old enough to understand about Jesus,” says Betty Jo. Over the years, while teaching at Family Camp, Betty Jo and Mark have “had the joy of leading a number of children to the Lord.”

And Twin Rocks has impacted Mark and Betty Jo’s own walks with Christ: “The camp is a wonderful place to be still before God and commune with Him as we take in all that He has created — the ocean, the lake, the incredible sky, the trees, the birds, and yes, even the slugs! God is awesome!”

“It’s tradition — and family needs tradition!”

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BrotherhoodBy Matt Zarzna

What made Surfside Camp 1995 incredible that year were the many who gave their lives to Christ the last evening of camp.

What made it even more incredible to me was being able to spend the week with my older brother. I remember on that last night of camp when he walked over to me at the end of service and told me for the first time that he loved me. It was a moment with my brother, Brandon, that I will never forget.

Brandon and Matt ZarzanaSurfside Camp 1995:

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Twin Rocks Friends Camp and Conference Center is located one block from the beach on the beautiful north Oregon coast. The camp is situated on 120 wooded acres, with mountain trails, lakefront, and modern accommodations for more than 300 persons.

The camp exists to use God’s creation and a Christ-centered environment to promote personal and spiritual growth. Twin Rocks accomplishes its mission through a commitment to the core values of Christ-centered Camping, Serenity, Leadership Development, Community-building, Excellence, and Fun & Safety.

Twin Rocks was founded by the Quakers in 1918 and continues to be owned by the evangelical Friends (Quaker) churches in southwest Washington and western Oregon.

Twin Rocks also makes its facilities available for rental throughout the year to other Christian churches and non-profit organizations. More than 13,000 people utilize Twin Rocks Friends Camp for conferences and retreats each year.

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