Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

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ADD instructions This instruction adds the content of the source operand with the destination operand. The result is stored in the destination operand. All flags are affected. ADD ADD operand1, operand 2 operand1 =operand 1 + operand 2 Operand 1: register/memory Operand 2: register/memory/immediate

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Page 1: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can
Page 2: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as





These operations can be performed on numbers expressed in a variety of formats

such as unsigned binary, signed binary, packed or unpacked decimals and signed

packed decimal numbers. The flags that are affected by the arithmetic instructions

are carry flag, auxiliary carry flag, sign flag, zero flag, parity flag and overflow flag.

Page 3: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

ADD instructionsThis instruction adds the content of the source operand with the

destination operand. The result is stored in the destination operand. All flags are affected.


ADD operand1, operand 2

operand1 =operand 1 + operand 2

Operand 1: register/memory

Operand 2: register/memory/immediate

Page 4: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

ADC Instruction

This instruction stands for add with carry. This instruction

adds the content of source, destination and the carry flag.

The result is stored in the destination operand.



Page 5: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

INC instructionThis instruction increments the value of register or the data in the

memory location by 1. the result is stored in the operand itself. In this carry flag (CF) is not affected. Also in many cases the used of INC instruction generated less machine code, and resulting in faster execution.

ExamplesINC SP

This instruction increments the value of SP register by 1. the result is stored in the SP register itself.

Page 6: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

SUB InstructionThis instruction is used to subtract the value of source operand

from the destination operand. The result is stored in the

destination operand. If the source operand is larger than the

destination operand the resulting borrow is indicated by setting

the carry flag.

General format

SUB destination, source

Page 7: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

SUB instructions


SUB operand1, operand 2

operand1 =operand 1 - operand 2

operand 1: register/memory

operand 2: register/memory/immediate

Motaz K. Saad, Dept. of CS 7

Page 8: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Example of the ADD and SUB instructions:

BYTE1 DB 24H ;Data elements WORD1 DW 4000H

. . .MOV CL , BYTE1 ; byte processing MOV DL , 40HADD CL , DL ; register to register SUB CL , 20H ; Immediate from register ADD BYTE1 , BL ; register to memory MOV CX , WORD1 ; word processing MOV DX , 2000HSUB CX , DX ; register from registerSUB CX , 124H ; Immediate from memoryADD WORD1 , DX ; register to memory

Page 9: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Instruction Before After

(a) MOV CX, 25H CX = 0000H CX=0025

(b) MOV CL, 0 CX = FFFFH CX=FF00

(c) MOV AX, BYTE1 AX=1234H AX=invalid size

(d) ADD DL, BYTE1 DX=0120H DX=0125

(e) XCHG AH,AL AX=1234H AX=3412

(f) SUB CX,CX CX=1234H CX=0000

(g) XCHG CX,CX CX=1234H CX=1234

Assume that BYTE1 is defined as DB 05, show the result for the following instructions:

Page 10: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

For multiplication process,

• MUL instruction is used for unsigned data

• IMUL is used for signed data.

Both of these instructions affect the Carry and Overflow flag. The format for

MUL and IMUL instructions:

Observe that MUL/IMUL is a one address instruction, hence it requires an the

accumulator register to hold operand1 and result (refer Chapter 5.3 - Instruction

format) In IBM PC, the AX register (AL/AH/EAX) acts as accumulator.

The multiplication operations are byte times byte, word times word and

doubleword times doubleword.

Page 11: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

For multiplying two one-byte values, the multiplicand (first operand) is in AL register,

and the multiplier (second operand) is a byte data in memory or another register that

determined by the address field in the MUL/IMUL instruction.

Example: MUL DL

the operation multiplies the content of AL by the contents of DL. The generated

product is in AX. The operation ignores and erases any data that may already be in AH.

Page 12: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Address field in the MUL/IMUL instruction refers only to the multiplier that will

determine the field sizes (whether byte, word, or doubleword). The instruction

will use the size of the address field (multiplier) to determine the position of the

multiplicand whether it is in AL, AX or EAX

A few examples on the MUL instruction together with the multiplier size,

multiplicand position and product:

Page 13: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can
Page 14: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

MUL is used for unsigned data Examples on the usage of the MUL instructions using the data as defined below:

BYTE1 DB 80HBYTE2 DB 40HWORD1 DW 8000HWORD2 DW 2000HDWORD1 DD 00018402HDWORD2 DD 00012501H

(a) MOV AL, BYTE1 ; AL (multiplicand)=80HMUL BYTE2 ; byte x byte, product in AX

; 80H x 40H, AX= 2000H

(b) MOV AX, WORD1 ; AX (multiplicand)=8000HMUL WORD2 ; word x word, product in DX:AX

; 80000H x 2000H, ; DX:AX= 1000 0000H

Page 15: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Example 1 : (MUL Instruction)

MOV AL, BYTE1MUL BYTE2 ; byte x byte, product in AX

in the above example, 80H (128) is multiplied with 40H (64) and the result is 2000H (8,192) kept in AX register.

MOV AX, WORD1MUL WORD2; word x word, product in DX:AX

in the above example, 8000H is multiplied with 2000H and the result, 1000 0000H is kept in a pair of registers, DX:AX.

Page 16: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

IMUL is used with signed dataExamples on the usage of the IMUL instructions using the data as defined below:

BYTE1 DB 80HBYTE2 DB 40HWORD1 DW 8000HWORD2 DW 2000HDWORD1 DD 00018402HDWORD2 DD 00012501H

(a) MOV AL, BYTE1 ; AL (multiplicand)=80H (-ve value) IMUL BYTE2 ; byte x byte, product in AX

; 80H (-ve) x 40H (+ve), AX= E000H

(b) MOV AX, WORD1 ; AX (multiplicand)=8000H (-ve value) IMUL WORD2 ; word x word, product in DX:AX

; 80000H (-ve) x 2000H (+ve), ; DX:AX= F000 0000H

Page 17: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Example 2 : (Arahan IMUL)


IMUL BYTE2 ; byte x byte, product in AX

in the above example, BYTE1 and BYTE2 is considered as signed data, that is –

128 (80H) and +64 (40H) and the result –8192 (E000H) is stored in the AX



IMUL WORD2; word x word, product in DX:AX

in the above example, WORD1 and WORD2 is considered as signed data, that is

8000H a is –ve value and 2000H is a +ve value. The result, F000 0000H is a–ve

value and is kept in a pair of registers, DX:AX.

Page 18: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can
Page 19: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

For division operation, the DIV instruction is used for unsigned

data whereas IDIV is used for signed data. Its format:

The basic divide operations are byte into word, word into

doubleword, and doubleword into quad word.

Page 20: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

As in MUL/IMUL, address field in the DIV/IDIV instruction refers to the divisor (second operand) that determines the field sizes. The following example shows the divisor is in the register (example 1) and memory (example2) with a certain size.

Example1 : using register addressing mode

Example 2 : using direct addressing mode - divisor is predefined in the memory

Page 21: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

The following are a few examples of the DIV instruction using the data definition below:

BYTE1 DB 80H ; Byte valueBYTE2 DB 16HWORD1 DW 2000H ; Word valueWORD2 DW 0010HWORD3 DW 1000H

(a) MOV AX, WORD1 ;AX=2000H DIV BYTE1 ;2000H/80H, quotient=40H, remainder=00H

;AL=40H, AH=00H

(b) MOV DX, WORD2 ;DX=0010H MOV AX, WORD3 ;AX=1000H,dividend in DX:AX (WORD2:WORD3)

;DX:AX = 0010 1000H DIV WORD1 ; 00101000H/2000H remainder:quotient in DX:AX

; 1000H:0080H

Page 22: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can


In the above example, the value 2000H (8092) will be divided with 80H (128), the quotient, 40H (64) will be kept in the AL register while its remainder, 00H will be kept in the AH register.

MOV DX, WORD2MOV AX, WORD3 ; dividend in DX:AX (WORD2:WORD3)DIV WORD1; remainder:quotient in DX:AX

in the above example, the value 00101000H will be divided with 2000H. The remainder, 1000H will be kept in the DX register, whereas its result, 0080H will be kept in the AX register.

Page 23: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

The following are a few examples of the IDIV instruction using the data definition below:

BYTE1 DB 80H ; Byte valueBYTE2 DB 16HWORD1 DW 2000H ; Word valueWORD2 DW 0010HWORD3 DW 1000H

(a) MOV AX, WORD1 ; AX=2000H IDIV BYTE1 ; 2000H(+ve)/80H (-ve),

; quotient=C0H (-ve), remainder=00H; AL=C0H, AH=00H

(b) MOV DX, WORD2 ;DX=0010H MOV AX, WORD3 ;AX=1000H,dividend in DX:AX (WORD2:WORD3)

;DX:AX = 0010 1000H (+ve) IDIV WORD1 ;00101000H (+ve)/2000H (+ve)

;remainder:quotient in DX:AX;1000H:0080H

Page 24: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

(using the same data definition)


in the above example, the value WORD1 is a +ve number whereas BYTE1 is a –ve number. If WORD1 is divided with BYTE1, its result will be a –ve number (64 or C0H) will be kept in the AL register whereas its remainder will be kept in the AH.register

MOV DX, WORD2MOV AX, WORD3 ; dividend in DX:AX (WORD2:WORD3)DIV WORD1; remainder: quotient in DX:AX

in the above example the value 00101000H (+ve) will be divided with 2000H (+ve). Its remainder, 1000H (+ve) will be kept in the DX register, whereas its result, 0080H (+ve) will be kept in the AX register.

Page 25: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

Divide 8003h by 100h, using 16-bit operands:

mov dx,0 ; clear dividend

mov ax,8003h ; dividend

mov cx,100h ; divisor

div cx ; AX = 0080h, DX = 3

Same division, using 32-bit operands:

mov edx,0 ; clear dividend

mov eax,8003h ; dividend

mov ecx,100h ; divisor

div ecx ; EAX = 00000080h, EDX = 3

DIV Examples

Page 26: Introduction Arithmetic instructions are used to perform arithmetic operation such as Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division These operations can

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