INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and

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Page 1: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and
Page 2: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



INTRODUCTIONWithout mincing words, the medical marijuana industry is enjoying an amazing recognition! This is all thanks to some of the incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time before one of nature’s best gifts becomes legalized all over the world. Did I forget to mention that hemp has been fully legalized in Australia since the 12 November 2017? Good news right? I thought so too. Well, let’s not get too excited and dive straight into the nitty gritty of this book. Have you heard of hemp protein and its incredible health benefits? If you haven’t, then this book will provide you with some life changing information you’d be happy to learn about.

Page 3: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



What is hemp protein powder?For those who are looking to increase their protein intake from plant based sources, then hemp protein powder wouldn’t fail to impress you. Arguably one of the best sources of plant based protein, hemp protein powder boast of 20 amino acids and that includes all nine essential amino acids your body is unable to produce on its own! Scratch that!

Interestingly, hemp protein powder is carefully formulated from the hemp seed that is gaining a lot of attention all over the world. While Hemp protein powder is no doubt potent in dealing with of lot of health challenges, it would interest you to know that this amazing organic plant based supplements is easy on the taste buds with a faintly inviting nutty flavor. Research has proven that when tetrahydrocannabinol  (THC) is not smoked it has incredible health benefits with no side effects; amazing right? Let me give you some juicy details about hemp you’ll find absolutely breathtaking.

While marijuana contains 5 to 10 percent of THC, hemp contains only 0.3 to 1.5 percent THC.

What does this mean? I’m glad you asked. This means you wouldn’t get high from eating hemp. Hence, hemp is not just safe for consumption, but also healthy and legal too.

Page 4: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



Why is hemp good for me?Have you been wondering why hemp is becoming highly recommended or why it is good for you? I’ll tell you. Hemp is one of the most nutritious and healthy foods on the planet today. Amazingly, there has been overwhelming research to back this statement up. As an incredible powerhouse of plant-based protein, hemp is an astounding alternative to fish and meat and guess what; a perfect choice for vegans who have fully embraced the vegan lifestyle. While there are very few plant-based proteins that can compete favourably with hemp, this nature’s best gift gives fish and meat a run for their money as it boasts of startling nutrients like Omega fatty acids, healthy fibre and yes, other mineral contents that make for healthy living.

For people looking to lower their body cholesterol and blood sugar, you’ll find hemp protein absolutely fantastic in this regard. That’s not all, hemp protein helps to effectively control body weight, assist in optimal brain development, speeds up muscle recovery, reduces symptoms of PMS and menstrual cramps, improves skin condition, boost the body’s immunity, alleviates symptoms of arthritis and inflammation, improves cardiovascular organ circulation and function, increases metabolic rates while stabilizing energy level and even much more. Because of all the exciting health benefits of hemp, this amazing plant that has been dubbed one of nature’s best gifts is becoming the rave in the health industry.

Page 5: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



Hemp nutritional profile; what you should knowAs earlier stated, hemp protein powder which is carefully formulated from the all amazing hemp plant is one of nature’s best gifts to humanity. This isn’t surprising giving its incredible health benefits. Interestingly, hemp protein powder provides a formidable nutritional boost similar to flaxseed. Little wonder why biologists, health professionals and dieticians highly recommend hemp protein powder to people who want to enjoy an absolute healthy life. Without sugar coating words, hemp protein powder packs a healthy dose of dietary fibre, exciting minerals, chlorophyll and yes, antioxidants that are rid of saturated fat, cholesterol or sugar.

A serving of four tablespoons of organically produced hemp protein powder provides:

• 3 grams of fat

• 120 calories

• 12 grams of protein

• 5 grams of fibre

• 600 milligrams of calcium

• 6.3 milligrams iron

• 260 milligrams magnesium.

• 11 grams of carbohydrate

• 380 milligrams of potassium

• 20 amino acids 9 essential

• 80 percent of Omega fatty acids

Page 6: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



Hemp protein powder and fitness: what’s the relationship?Are you looking for a smart way to keep fit that will result in loads of benefits for your body and health in general? Then I have good news for you. Here is the thing; bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have greater dietary protein needs than other athletes or gym goers giving their strenuous and rigorous training. And with hemp protein powder, fitness enthusiasts can finally get all the protein they need without eating a large quantity of food every other day. Of course, most bodybuilders have before now relied on dairy based protein like whey to boost their protein intake. Nevertheless, hemp protein powder has served as healthy alternatives to bodybuilders who are vegetarians, vegans or have allergies to other types of proteins. And because hemp protein powder is a powerhouse of a branched chain of amino acids that aids in the promotion lean muscle mass, it is highly recommended for post workout use. According to research, bodybuilders are expected to take between 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight and to add to this; most adults are expected to get between 12 to 15 percent of their body calorie needs. So, with hemp protein powder to the rescue, you’re sure that your body has all the protein it needs to function optimally.

Page 7: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



Another compelling reason why hemp protein powder is highly recommended for bodybuilders and athletes is the fact that it contains leucine- an essential amino acid essential for muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth in fitness enthusiasts.

Yes, there are other types of plant-based protein that claim to be better alternatives to hemp protein powder, but you know what, hemp protein powder is giving them a run for their money. This is because hemp protein powder is allergy free and perfect for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians who are looking to boost their body protein intake.

Page 8: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



What are plants based proteins and why you should care?Over the years, plant-based proteins have continued to enjoy widespread popularity, no doubt because of their ethical and health benefits. Today, people are increasingly trying to include plant-based proteins in their food. But are they really worth the buzz? Let’s settle these arguments, shall we?

Here is what you should know, proteins, in general, are important to your diet because they are the building blocks of life. More so, they are made up fantastic amino acids that are essential for our body’s internal processes. Unlike animal proteins that may have some side effects especially among people with allergies, plant proteins have become healthy alternatives, because they have little or no side effects sidled with its incredible health benefits. For ethical vegans who have embraced the vegan lifestyle, plant-based proteins have become not just a healthy alternative but a perfect choice because it aligns with their lifestyle.

Still, want to know why plant-based proteins are incredibly important; here is why. Plant-based proteins like those carefully produced from hemp plant are rich in the hard to get gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Also,

Page 9: INTRODUCTION › ebookDownload.pdfthe incredible benefits of the hemp plant. With this news buzz in the medical marijuana industry, it is only a matter of time ... chlorophyll and



hemp protein powder is non-diary and non-GMO hence absolutely recommended for people who not only want to boost their protein intake but do this with one of the healthy protein on the planet-hemp protein powder.

Why chose hemp over whey?Are you looking to power your diet with exciting plant-based proteins? Then hemp protein powder is just what you’re looking. Yes, there have been so many nice things about whey based proteins; but then hemp-based protein is way in the league of its own; hemp protein powder is organic, 100% vegan and choke full of exciting nutrients. While whey protein is hard for the body to digest, which may subsequently result in bloating and cramps, hemp protein is easy to digest. Again, it is highly abundant in fibre that is gentle on the digestive system. Did I forget to mention that hemp protein powder contains good fat? Oh yes, hemp protein powder is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids that are good for your RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance). Unlike whey protein that is allergic, not surprising seeing that it is produced from milk, hemp protein powder is wholly plant-based so, it contains no soy, dairy, lactose or artificial colouring; this makes it completely allergen free.

For vegans looking for an amazing high protein food, you wouldn’t go wrong to make hemp-based proteins your number one source of plant-based protein. It is completely ethical and healthy too.