INTRODUCTION Good morning everyone. My name is Andrea and I`d like to introduce my classmates Daniel, Carmen, Carolina, Guillermo, and David. Our group is going to describe the project we worked on Halloween. Today I am going to talk about introduction etc. Will the talk about Daniel about colors Carmen about to myths, Carolina about Handing Over, Guillermo about traditions and finally David. If you have any questions please feel free to ask them at the end of the end of the presentation. If there are no questions, then I would like to say thank you on behalf of my classmates. You can contact us at us at the email on the handout, and we will be happy to give you any more information you need . Thank and good bay.


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Good morning everyone. My name is Andrea and I`d like to

introduce my classmates Daniel, Carmen, Carolina, Guillermo,

and David.

Our group is going to describe the project we worked on


Today I am going to talk about introduction etc. Will the talk

about Daniel about colors Carmen about to myths, Carolina

about Handing Over, Guillermo about traditions and finally


If you have any questions please feel free to ask them at the end

of the end of the presentation.

If there are no questions, then I would like to say thank you on

behalf of my classmates.

You can contact us at us at the email on the handout, and we will

be happy to give you any more information you need . Thank and

good bay.


It is thought that the colours orange and black became Halloween

colours because orange is associated with harvests (Halloween marks

the end of harvest) and black is associated with death.

Black cats were originally believed to protect witches' powers from

Halloween has got also smells and colours:

And for you to understand, we explain the meaning of night the

Orange: Orange is the colour of the leaf fall and harvest. In its origins:

Halloween was a Celtic festival, which symbolized the

and, therefore, the fall of the leaf.

Colours of Halloween

is thought that the colours orange and black became Halloween

colours because orange is associated with harvests (Halloween marks

the end of harvest) and black is associated with death.

Black cats were originally believed to protect witches' powers from

negative forces.

Orange = pumpkins

Black = night

Halloween has got also smells and colours:

And for you to understand, we explain the meaning of night the


Orange: Orange is the colour of the leaf fall and harvest. In its origins:

Halloween was a Celtic festival, which symbolized the end of summer,

and, therefore, the fall of the leaf.

is thought that the colours orange and black became Halloween

colours because orange is associated with harvests (Halloween marks

the end of harvest) and black is associated with death.

Black cats were originally believed to protect witches' powers from

And for you to understand, we explain the meaning of night the

Orange: Orange is the colour of the leaf fall and harvest. In its origins:

end of summer,


Black: It is the colour associated with fear and the unknown. Black

represents the pain and grief too.

Purple: It is the favourite colour of 75% of children before adolescence,

it is magic and mystery.

Myths (Mitos)

Ringing a bell scares evil spirits away.

(Si haces sonar una campana, asustas a los malos espíritus)

If you see a spider on this night, it could be the spirit of a dead loved one who is watching you.

(Si tú ves una araña esta noche, podría ser un espíritu de un muerto querido que te está viendo)

To meet a witch, put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards on Halloween night.

(Para hacer frente a una bruja, ponte la ropa al revés y anda hacia atrás en la noche de Halloween)

In the night of Halloween, if look a black cat You don´t look the eyes because misfortune befall you without recourse for seven years.

(En la noche de Halloween, si ves un gato negro no le mires a los ojos porque te caerá una maldición durante siete años.)

Gatos Negros (Black Cats)

It is said that black cats is a is a travesty used by witches for to

walk by the city. So, one of the traditions of Halloween warns


that if a black cat crosses in front you in this night, misfortune

befall you without recourse. Without a remedy? No, there's an

antidote: when you pass it immediately gives seven steps back

and curse exorcised!

(Se dice que los gatos negros es un disfraz que utilizan las mismas brujas para pasearse tranquilamente por la ciudad. Por eso una de las tradiciones de Halloween advierte que si un gato negro se te cruza por delante en esta noche la mala suerte caerá sobre ti sin remedio. ¿Sin remedio? No, hay un antídoto: cuando te pase eso da inmediatamente siete pasos hacia atrás y ¡maldición conjurada!)

Thank you very mach. Now I am going to hand over to my colleague Guille who will talk to you about Traditions.


Task student nº 1: Presenter

2 traditions

Halloween traditions are:

Order candy on the streets that day.

Dressing up animal or a scary thing.

Say Trick or Treating egg if the window treatment and if they

give you candy too, is trying to scare people.

You take a pumpkin makes nose, mouth and eyes to decorate the

house and also make paper bats and castles.

Gangs of kids go down the street with their pumpkins, knocking

on doors and when the innocent visited opens the door he

shouted "trick or treat, trick or treat."

Tradition says that the landlord must give accessed candy and

sweets. Otherwise, the neighbor is exposed to the antics of the

boys feared disguised as skeletons, zombies, vampires, mummies

and witches.

Las tradiciones de Halloween son:

Pedir caramelos por las calles ese día.

Disfrazarse de una animal o cosa que de miedo.

Decir truco o trato si es huevo a la ventana y si es trato te dan

caramelos también, se intenta asustar a la gente.


Se coge una calabaza se le hace nariz, boca y ojos para adornar la

casa y también se hacen murciélagos con papel y castillos.

Las pandillas de niños van por la calle con sus calabazas, llaman

a las puertas y cuando el inocente visitado abre la puerta, lanzan

el grito "trick or treat, trick or treat".

La tradición dice que el dueño de la casa visitada debe de dar

caramelos y chuches. De no hacerlo, el vecino se expone a las

temibles travesuras de los chicos disfrazados de esqueletos,

zombis, vampiros, momias o brujas.

If there are no questions, then I would like to say thank you on behalf of

my classmates. You can contact us at the email on the handout, and we

will be happy to give you any more information you need. Thanks and
