MACHINERY MAINTENANCE rough lubricant health SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE JULY 2015 | No. 102 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE Combining tradition and technology ZAYER AND ILINE MICROSYSTEMS Latest collaborating organisations Introducing our new digital identity www.tekniker.es ENGLISH EDITION

Introducing our new digital identity

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We are renewing our digital identity by incorporating more and better information about IK4-TEKNIKER's activities

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Page 1: Introducing our new digital identity

MACHINERY MAINTENANCETh rough lubricant health


INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCECombining tradition and technology

ZAYER AND ILINE MICROSYSTEMSLatest collaborating organisations

Introducing our new digital identity



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Three years have passed since we refurbished our facilities. At that time it signifi ed a great step forward in IK4-TEKNIKER’s image.

Now we are taking another step forward: we are renewing our digital identity by incorporating more and better information about the activities that IK4-TEKNIKER undertakes not only in its processes to generate knowledge but also in those involving the transfer of technology to industry.

We do hope you will like it!

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C06 “Service excellence through maintenance”


C04 Industrial maintenance: combining tradition and technology


C14 Machinery maintenance through lubricant health


C08 The new IK4-TEKNIKER website

C11 Zayer and iLine Microsystems, new collaborating organisations

C12 Coating for parabolic cylinder collector pipes in solar power plants


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Industrial maintenanceCombining tradition and technologyThe expert’s view: by Jorge Alarcón, Head of Industrial Maintenance at IK4-TEKNIKER



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Due to the global economic situation in recent years, many industrial sectors have, in one way or another, been through a kind of reconversion of their business models.

Even though the processing of materials continues to be an active part in the industrial chain, a high percentage of funds as well as companies have shifted their attention to the maintenance of assets in service, a fi eld that has seen ongoing growth in recent years.

By defi nition, maintenance is about all the necessary ac-tions that aim to preserve or restore the state of an asset so that it performs the desired function.

From the start of the industrial revolution up to the most advanced state of production today, maintenance has pla-yed and will continue to play a highly critical role, becau-se the activity of industrial business depends on it.

Industry has a long list of actions geared towards main-taining the state of its assets; the actions were gradually modifi ed in line with the design of new and more modern components and were coupled with the actual advances in the available tools. Despite this, with the current availabi-lity of technology, many maintenance actions are still ca-rried out within the threshold of not knowing and without making any contribution at all to the business activity or with the orientation focussing on maximising results.

Today more than ever these actions require a holistic view covering the asset, its environment and integration with communication technology, analysis and data pro-

cessing. This last concept comes within the framework of IK4-TEKNIKER’s Smart Asset Management (SAM) line.

Transfer to the industrial sector and IK4-TEKNIKER’s role

For a long time, IK4-TEKNIKER has been an international benchmark in many spheres relating to maintenance tasks, such as the analysis of industrial oils and fl uids, product dependability, monitoring and information acquisition, and support in decision-making and mana-gement, among other things.

The technological integration of these spheres in accor-dance with the aims of advanced specialisation and, at the same time, with market goals constitute a signifi -cant challenge for any company. This is the new role of IK4-TEKNIKER’s SAM line: to achieve the comple-te integration between traditional maintenance and the currently available technological tools. To achieve better productivity and effi ciency in manufacturing pro-cesses based on avoiding the replacement of equipment in accordance with the “4.0 Industry” report.

The scope of this maintenance vision is broad and can be easily adapted to single critical equipment on a plant going right up to the analysis and processing of fl eet data.


i Thi l t t ithi th f k f

Processing fl eets

Data processing of fl eet operation and maintenance with the aim of determining common fault patterns over time; the re-sult is the maximising of maintenance tasks on the basis of the condition of the components.

Incorporation of online sensors and oil analysis

It is becoming increasingly common that equipment in remote or highly critical locations should have at least one type of sensor to monitor their state. Current technology has enabled a new, power-ful suite of online oil sensors (Atten2) to have a place within this framework, thus making the immediate availability of certain indicators of the state of the oil or the component possible. In this res-pect, the sensor does not replace the lab, nor the other way round; both in an inte-grated way maximise the information by making more precise programming and planning margins of tasks associated with maintenance possible.

Analysing operating and maintenance data

A large percentage of equipment in remo-te or highly critical areas generate a vast amount of information; in many cases, making all this information available po-ses a problem rather than an advantage when it comes to using it properly. The proper processing of it by using analysis tools adapted to each detection, diagnosis or prediction phase makes it possible to align the data processing with the optimi-sing of the operation and maintenance of the equipment.

SAM tools not only allow the global diag-nosis of the equipment to be optimised, by applying methodologies such as ma-chine learning or clustering data geared towards the prognosis of situations prior to breakdown have also been obtained.

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Most companies have traditionally based themselves on the sale of the product, but in recent times we’ve been seeing the growth of models in which the sale of services is more important in the income statement. How important is maintenance at Orona?

The service business has always been a source of revenue for Orona, although the origin of the company has more to do with the industrial and production sphere.

You have to bear in mind that Orona has been on the market for over 50 years and the evolution has been slow, starting with a mainly production profi le and moving towards a ser-vices profi le, which right now is the predominant one.

Within the services business, maintenance activity is very important. It is worth pointing out that Orona is a services company on a European level, and each country presents a diff erent context both in the market situation and in the le-gislative aspect.

If we focus on the Spanish market and on the current eco-nomic context, maintenance activity is the most important one right now.

Why is this commitment to maintenance important? How does it help to diff erentiate Orona’s off er with respect to that of its competitors?

You have to remember that lifts are systems that trans-port people. Therefore, Orona has always been committed to a quality service that guarantees the maximum safety for travellers, and the operational readiness of the insta-llation through proper preventive maintenance. We stri-ve to guarantee a time for dealing with notifi cations and emergencies that fi t the customer’s needs, and we also ad-vise on the improvements that can be made to the insta-llation with a view to improving accessibility for all types of people as well as cutting the energy consumption of the installation with the resulting economic savings.

What is more, in view of the fact that the company is a co-operative, Orona has a highly committed human team that is fully geared towards the needs of the customer.

Alberto Maritxalar is in charge of technological innovation in services at Orona, a company that designs, manufactures, installs, maintains and upgrades lifts, escalators, ramps and travelators. In this interview Maritxalar speaks from his own experience about the importance of maintenance in off ering a better service.


“Service excellence through maintenance”

Alberto Maritxalar, Head of Orona’s Technological Innovation in Services



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Maintenance calls for an intensive commitment to R&D&i, and in this respect, work in conjunction with R&D centres is normal. What is Orona’s sphere of collaboration with IK4-TEKNIKER? Would you like to highlight an example of this collaboration?

Along this path towards excellence in service, Orona has the advantage in being able to infl uence the various elements involved in this context. Firstly, by developing innovative products, for new installations as well as for existing ones. Secondly, by designing optimised processes and services geared towards the customer. And lastly, by providing ourselves with the infrastructure and systems that enable us to make the most of all this, thus improving communication and the availability of information.

Traditionally, products, systems and processes used to be worked on separately yielding good results, but we have seen that the greatest potential is obtained when we consider the three aspects together. This is not simple, be-cause it forces departments to work in a coordinated way with each other when traditionally they used to work in an autonomous way, but the result is spectacular.

For example, we can use the information that reaches our Contact Centre through certain automatic communica-tion systems, draw conclusions from it and make it avai-lable to our maintenance network through mobility tools.

For a long time IK4-TEKNIKER has been helping us in this work involving a global approach by providing the ne-cessary theoretical knowledge; what is more, the centre is endorsed by its practical experience in other sectors.

Orona’s commitment to R&D become clear for example with Orona Ideo, an innovation city where companies, R&D centres, university, etc. converge. What phase is this project in at the moment and what is it going to contribute?

Orona Ideo is already running in terms of the teaching, business and technological aspects. We have infrastruc-ture which a few years ago we couldn’t have even imagi-ned. It is the second academic year for the university, and there are also R&D centres with their working groups.

Orona Fundazioa (Foundation) has also been set up and from there Orona Ideo has begun to work with the aim of opening the company up to society.

But there is still a lot to do. Orona Ideo is an open project with an important road ahead of it to be covered. We’ve only just started and we have to go on building the me-chanisms that will enable us to boost the benefi ts of this “innovation ecosystem”, by taking on more collaborators and boosting the synergies among all the players.

How is Orona approaching its near future with respect to maintenance? What kind of proposals will it be working on to provide the customer with greater value?

The results we are achieving with the current lines of work are very positive and the transfer of results to Orona is taking place very rapidly indeed. This is rein-forcing us so that we can go on being committed to the same line; from this line we are expecting increasingly greater results arising out of the knowledge acquired and the stability of the working teams.

We are developing a new generation of products that are being born already prepared for this context, and we will go on developing our systems and processes to make the most of them.

All this will enable us to know, for instance, when a com-ponent in the installation is nearing the end of its useful service life and to programme the maintenance of it or replace it at the most appropriate moment and before it causes the customer problems. We will also be able to make available the necessary information and knowled-ge to our fi eld personnel to guide them in their work on the basis of historical information and the use of the installation in question, and also on the basis of the ex-perience built up by all the professionals who carry out similar tasks.

At the end of the day, always designing a more effi cient service of greater quality, bolstered by supports that enable us to strengthen our commitment to the custo-mers, is something that has always characterised us.


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The new IK4-TEKNIKER websiteIt has a simple, att ractive design and provides a complete showcase of value content

IK4-TEKNIKER launches its new corporate website and takes a qualitative leap forwards in the way it off ers its users value content.

IIK4-TEKNIKER began the month of June with a grand première: its new website. It is a key tool showing the R&D centre’s activity from a range of perspectives.

The new corporate website has opted for a simple, attrac-tive design and off ers the user a complete showcase of value content, thus projecting IK4-TEKNIKER’s knowled-ge and its application in various sectors. The website is thus consolidated as the R&D centre’s main channel of communication.

The new arrangement of content, which is now better organised and more usable, makes it possible to inform the market more eff ectively about the various fi elds of research and R&D solutions that IK4-TEKNIKER brings

to the various industrial sectors it works with. What is more, the new items such as success stories, scientifi c excellence and unique equipment considerably enrich the projecting of its activity.

IK4-TEKNIKER has committed itself to responsive design for a range of devices, to the incorporation of visual ele-ments and multimedia content as key items for trans-mitting its messages, and to providing the potential visi-tors to its website with distinctive information.

Two new sections stand out in particular: Case Studies and Communication, which provide an exhaustive list of successful projects and all the R&D centre’s current aff airs: events, news, projects and collaboration.

Social media continue to be an essential part in the web ecosystem of IK4-TEKNIKER in order to increase interaction with its public and to consolidate a growing community.




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New collaborating organisations

The R&D centre is consolidating its programme of advantages for collaborating companies

The IK4-TEKNIKER R&D centre has incorporated the companies Zayer and iLine Microsystems as collaborating organisations with the aim of developing joint, high added-value projects.

The Alavese machine-tool company Zayer, S. A., which specialises in milling machines and CNC machining centres, and the Gipuzkoan company ILine Microsystems, which specialises in the development and manufacture of systems for in-vitro diagnostics, have joined the IK4-TEKNIKER R&D centre as collaborating organisations. The aim is to com-bine the knowledge needed to drive forward the development of innovative products and services.

Zayer is one of the Basque benchmarks in the machine-tool sector. Firmly committed to-wards R&D&i, the company exports over 70% of its output, has a staff of 165 people and facilities for addressing challenges like building machines up to 13 metres high.

With the new agreement, IK4-TEKNIKER and Zayer are reinforcing an R&D bond going back several years, since among other areas for collaboration the R&D centre will be able to accompany the company in specifying its strategic plan for R&D&i by acting as an ex-pert and technology watch agent.



Zayer and iLine Microsystems

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iLine Microsystems, located in the Science and Technology Park of Gipuzkoa in Miramón, develops Point-of-Care in-vitro diagnostic devices to monitor oral anticoagulant therapy with a high degree of innovation and reliability.

The aim of their alliance with IK4-TEKNIKER is based on developing R&D strategies to-gether, promoting collaborative projects, and driving forward the design of high added-value products with a highly innovative component.

Programme of benefi ts

The agreement signed opens the door that will enable both Zayer and iLine Microsystems to join the programme of advantages for IK4-TEKNIKER’s collaborating companies; this programme boosts the strategic relationship among the various players and enables a relationship of co-operation in R&D&i that is stable in time to be achieved.

The incorporations of Zayer and iLine Microsystems into IK4-TEKNIKER’s group of colla- borating organisations now number among other similar alliances the centre has set up with various companies. With the incorporation of these companies, the R&D centre’s Collaborating Organisations now number 21.

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IK4-TEKNIKER has developed a coating for parabolic cylinder collector pipes in solar thermal power plants that is able to work at temperatures of 600ºC with high absorptivity and low emissivity.

Parabolic cylinder collector technology for solar thermal power plants plays a key role in the fi eld of renewable energies, given that it accounts for more than 1,500 MW of operational capacity worldwide.

To increase the competitiveness of this technology, it is necessary to increase the plant effi ciency. This increased effi ciency implies an increase in operating temperature above the existing 400ºC.

However, currently, the existing selective absorbers are degraded at temperatures above 400ºC.

To overcome this issue, a multilayer functional coating was developed on actual 4m length pipes. The coating consists of a metallic, infra-red radiation refl ective la-yer, an absorbent cermet type visible radiation layer composed of metallic particles in a dielectric matrix and an anti-refl ective layer formed by a low index refractive oxide.

This coating is able to work at temperatures of 600ºC without showing any degradation in accelerated ageing tests, shows high absorptivity and low emissivity for high temperature solar thermal power plants.

Coatingfor parabolic cylindercollector pipes in solar power plantsTHIS COATING IS ABLE TO WORK AT TEMPERATURES OF 600ºC IN SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANTS

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This coating is able to work at

temperatures of 600oC without

showing any degradation in

accelerated ageing tests.

A multilayer functional coating was

developed on actual 4m length pipes.

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Carrying out exhaustive monitoring of the physico-chemical, thermal and tribological properties of fl uids for industrial purposes is essential to guarantee the properties of the-se substances. But it also contributes towards checking the overall state of the machinery, towards diagnosing possible defects and towards designing preventive maintenan-ce strategies that are specifi c to each piece of equipment.

The IK4-TEKNIKER R&D centre has an advan-ced laboratory off ering companies in the in-dustrial sector a comprehensive service with the capacity to analyse and establish diagnoses of over 400 samples per day and provide a cus-tomised response within 24 to 48 hours.

The R&D centre’s premises allow a predictive maintenance-based diagnostic analysis to be made for heat transfer fl uids (HTFs) and molten

Machinery maintenance through

lubricant health

Industrial maintenance to prevent potential breakdowns in equipment

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IK4-TEKNIKER has an advanced laboratory off ering a comprehensive service with the capacity to analyse and establish diagnoses of at least 400 samples per day and provide a customised response within 24 to 48 hours.

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salts, and also for dielectric fl uids, lubricants, greases and coolants used in a whole range of applications, such as air conditioning systems, solar thermal plants or heat exchangers.

What is more, IK4-TEKNIKER is capable of developing and improving industrial fl uids through the selective in-corporation of additives, such as nanoparticles and ionic liquids as well as the design and fi ne-tuning of advan-ced characterisation techniques to handle the new fl uids coming onto the market.

The R&D centre’s techniques and initiatives have been validated by leading groups like AENOR and subjected to comparative studies with other laboratories.

IK4-TEKNIKER has an advanced

laboratory off ering comprehensive service

to analyse and establish diagnoses of over

400 samples per day and provide a response

within 24 to 48 hours.

The R&D centre is capable of developing

and improving industrial fl uids through the

selective incorporation of additives, such as

nanoparticles and ionic liquids.

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