Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Catalogue... Introducing our happy little …because your shopping today can bring hope, health and happiness to people in need.

Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

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Page 1: Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government

Christmas Gift Catalogue...

Introducing our happy little

…because your shopping today can bring hope, health and happiness to people in need.

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Page 2: Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

Merry Christmas and welcome to our 6th annual Gift Catalogue!

Page after page, you’ll find practical gift ideas that will make your Christmas gift giving easy and so meaningful. Be sure to check out our new items, and the gifts that will be matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government*.

Whether your purchases today include goats, chickens, mosquito nets, or other items listed in these pages, know that your gifts bring hope and happiness. Here’s how easy it is to shop with us:

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and holiday season.

David Adcock, Chief Executive Officer

P.S. For friends and loved ones far away, consider ordering online and sending one of our Christmas e-cards: www.erdo.ca/giftcatalogue

* Some items receive lesser matching amounts. This match is made possible through our membership in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

If you need more cards, or one wasn’t included with your catalogue, call us toll-free 1-800-779-7262 or e-mail [email protected].

Choose gifts and mail back your form and payment - or order online.

We send your gifts to people in need

Send one of the enclosed gift cards to the person you’re purchasing for - or send an e-card.

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Page 3: Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

Emergency children’s medical fund - $25 or any amountERDO responds to children’s special or emergency medical needs every year.

A gift to this fund helps us respond quickly when requests come for things like repairing broken bones, providing large and small surgeries, or treating severe cases of malaria. Anxious, the girl pictured here, is just one example of how this gift works. She received ear surgery in 2015 and is now able to hear.

Uniform or backpacks - $60This is so important because in some areas, children can’t attend school when they don’t have a uniform. Other times, children need a new backpack to carry school supplies. This gift provides a brand-new uniform or a backpack to a child waiting for sponsorship in an ERDO ChildCARE Plus location.

Fight the bite! Anti-Malaria Mosquito Nets - $10In countries like Malawi, malaria is the leading cause of death in children under the age of five. Purchasing a treated bed net ensures that a child will be better protected, more comfortable and not bitten by malaria-carrying mosquitoes while he or she sleeps. These life-saving nets will be distributed to children in need. A supply of nets is also needed for other countries during times of flooding where malaria risk is high. For example, 600 mosquito nets were distributed through our partner in Malawi in 2015, for physically challenged boys and girls.

Essential Gifts for Children

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Page 4: Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

NEW* Cookies for Kids - $3.50 provides biscuits for 5 children for one month Pre-school children in our nutrition program in Bangladesh receive 11 high-energy biscuits every day that they are in school. These are no ordinary cookies as they provide essential vitamins and nutrients to improve child health. Through a 4:1 Canadian Government grant made possible through our membership in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, your donation will actually help five children!

Read more about this program at: www.erdo.ca/cookies

Sponsor a child - $37 per monthImagine transforming the life of a child as a year-long Christmas gift to a person you love!

Children in ERDO’s ChildCARE Plus program have been selected because they are struggling with poverty. Sponsorship funds allow them to go to school and have other basics in life.

Find out more at: www.erdo.ca/child-sponsorship

Essential Gifts for Children 4:1match

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Page 5: Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

Health and Nutrition

NEW* Bio-sand filters - $210A very simple technology is changing lives in Cambodia. A water filtration unit which uses simple, easy to access materials, is providing clean water to families. The cost of the filter also includes training and an eco-safe latrine for each family. Over 300 are needed for communities in Cambodia.

Family Food Relief Packs - $60Growing children and their caregivers need food in their time of crisis. These packs contain nutrient-rich foods in keeping with the local diet. Nepal was one country that benefited from food relief packs like these after the earthquakes.

NEW* - Health Care A regional health centre in Northern Kenya is under construction to serve over 50,000 people in the Loima district. Through a gift of any amount, you will provide essential equipment for patient treatment. The next nearest medical facility is 90 km away so the Namoruputh Health Centre, under the leadership of global worker, Deborah Sirjoosingh, serves a critical role in the provision of many health services. Items needed: lab equipment, hospital beds, sheets and other items that are listed in detail at: www.erdo.ca/giftcatalogue

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Gifts of Livestock

Chickens - $12 for a hen & roosterThis gift can help people in Zambia and Zimbabwe in two ways; the chickens can be raised as a part of ERDO’s agriculture program and the eggs sold for profit, or raised and eaten, providing a source of protein for a whole family. The cost includes all the needed materials to raise the chickens, like feed, vaccines, heat and lights.

Goats - $80*Through the match, your gift provides 4 goats!

The milk provided by the goats nourishes the Kenyan widows’ children. In an amazing process of peace and reconciliation, the goats help bring widows from warring tribes together resulting in a more positive and peaceful community.

Donkeys - $280*Through the match, your gift provides 4 donkeys!

Giving a donkey to a widow in Northern Kenya provides the means to transport water and firewood for household use and sale. It can also be rented by the hour to neighbours. The gift of a donkey is an opportunity for a household to gain independence through income generation.


All animals are purchased locally and are delivered to families, along with all necessary food, training and veterinary support.

*Qualifies for a 3:1 match through the Canadian Government which impacts the reach of your gift!

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Page 7: Introducing our happy little Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e.€¦ · Featuring new items and some items matched up to 4:1 by the Canadian Government Christmas Gift Cataolgu.e. . Introducing

Fruit Tree Saplings - $15This provides four orange or mango saplings for families to grow nutritious and delicious fruit. The fruit can be used for both family consumption and income generation. An example of this is our program in Northern Uganda.

Hand Hoe & Watering Can - $30Imagine watering your own plants with no sprinkler, hose or large container to collect water in. Give a hand hoe and watering can to a family in one of ERDO’s agricultural projects and help them increase their own food supply.

Livestock Veterinary Kit - $55This veterinary medical kit ensures animals stay healthy and benefits families that rely on their milk or work. The kit cost also includes training for the recipient.

Gifts of Livestock & Garden Essentials

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How to Order... If you received this catalogue by mail:• Use the pre-addressed order form sent with this mailing or go online: www.erdo.ca/giftcatalogue

• You can also call us toll-free to order by credit card: 1-800-779-7262

How to Order... If you got this catalogue from a friend:• Go online to www.erdo.ca/giftcatalogue and place your order

• To download another printable order form that you can mail to us, please go to www.erdo.ca/documents. You can also call us toll-free to order by credit card: 1-800-779-7262

ERDO – Emergency Relief & Development Overseas2450 Milltower Court, Mississauga ON L5N 5Z6

TEL: 905-542-7400 / 1-800-779-7262

Charitable receipts will be given for gifts purchased through this catalogue.Canadian Charitable Reg. BN: 87591 2701 RR0001

If donations received for any particular item exceed what is needed, ERDO will allocate the donation to a similar gift catalogue item which is underfunded.

Microfinance Loans for Women - $50 ERDO’s microfinance program, Wezesha Project, is in its fifth year in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and has been active for about one year in Burundi. Women living in the DRC and Burundi, two of the poorest countries in the world, receive $50 starter loans to assist their small businesses. Wezesha Project has increased family income, nutrition and the rate of children enrolled in school. Read more: www.erdo.ca/microfinance-wezesha

Reaching People with Care

Thank you for your generosity this Christmas, and throughout the year!

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