Intro to Photoshop CS4

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  • 8/6/2019 Intro to Photoshop CS4




    Chuck VosburghAdobe Certifed Expert Instructor


  • 8/6/2019 Intro to Photoshop CS4


  • 8/6/2019 Intro to Photoshop CS4


    Welcome to my class!

    My goal it is to help you become a better artist

    and do your best work ever. Ill do my best to

    create a comfortable environment that will help

    you get the most out of our time together.

    In this class, youll meet some nice people and

    hopefully develop lasting friendships. There are

    no grades, no tests and the only consequence of

    making a mistake is that you and your classmates

    will learn something. Keep in mind that your

    classmates will have a wide range of skills and

    expertise. Some are ahead of you, and some be-

    hind. Remember, Im here to help you grow from

    where you are now.

    Please do your best to be on time to class. I plan

    to start on time so we can get as much done as

    possible. Well take breaks as we go, and I will

    do my best to keep the last half hour of class open

    for questions and discussion.

    If you need any extra help, please let me know.

    Ill be happy to speak with you on the phone, or

    come in early to help you. If you have any ques-

    tions during the week, feel free to call or e-mail

    me and I will answer you as soon as I can.

    I hope youll enjoy this class as much as I enjoy

    teaching and Im looking forward to working

    with you!

    Chuck Vosburgh. ACI, RVCI, Comp TIA CTT+



    Class schedules

    Contact info:

    Chuck Vosburgh


    [email protected]

    Resources and more info:

    Chucks commercial site:

    Chucks fne art/personal site:

  • 8/6/2019 Intro to Photoshop CS4


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    ChuckVosburgh.com2009 Chuck Vosburgh


    Color settings 7

    Te Photoshop Work Area 9

    Understanding Resolution 11

    Choosing the right resolution 12

    Correcting an image or printing 13

    Retouching 15

    Making selections 17

    Using Quick Masks to make quick selections 21

    Working with Layers 25Lens Correction 27

    Correcting images with Shadow/Highlight 29

    Preparing images or e-mail & the web: 31

    Making Difcult Selections with the Extract Palette 33

    Adding Annotations to Photoshop documents 37

    Adding Copyright and other inormation to Photoshop documents 38

    Easy adjustable reversible vignettes 41

    Liquiy Palette 43

    File Formats 45

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    ChuckVosburgh.com2009 Chuck Vosburgh

    Color settings

    Consistent, predictable color is important and there are a lot o variables andeveryone has an opinion Heres how I have mine set:

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    ChuckVosburgh.com2009 Chuck Vosburgh

    The Photoshop

    Work AreaStart by going to the Window menu at the top o the screen and choose

    Workspace : Essentials (Deault) his put everything back to normal hePhotoshop work area is divided into our major areas; the tool box, menus, panelsand the document

    > Pressing the ab button on your keyboard hides the tools and panels, to makethem show, press ab again

    > he options bar at the top o the screen show options or whatever tool is select-ed Change to a dierent tool, and the options bar will show the options or thattool

    tool box menus



    options bar

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    Panels have a button in the upper right corner that accesses a palettemenu

    > All the panels can be accessed in the Window menu

    The tool box

    o save space, tools in Photoshop are combined into groupsAny tool that has a small triangle in the lower right corner o

    the tool has more related tools hidden o access the hiddentools, click and hold your mouse button over a tool


    Double click in the tab bar o a panel to collapse or expand

    the palette

    Click and drag a tab to separate or join panels

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    Understanding Resolution

    Digital Images are made up of a grid of pixels. The number of pixels is the resolution. The size the grid is reproduced deter-

    mines the number of pixels per inch.

    When an image is printed larger, there

    are fewer pixels per inch.

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    Choosing the

    right resolutionReproduction Pixels per inch

    Web site / E-mail 72ppi

    Ink Jet Printer 200ppi

    Printing Press 300ppi

    Scanning for reproduction

    Original size / Reproduction size = % o enlargement or reduction

    ppi x % o enlargement or reduction = scan resolution

    How big can I print this image?

    Image size (pixels) / ppi = max best quality reproduction

    Its all relative

    An image can be printed at any size he number o pixels per inch will change depending on the size o reproduction

    For example, i an image thats 2000 pixels wide is printed at dierent sizes, the print resolution changes:

    Reproduction size Pixels per inch

    2000px @ 5 = 400ppi

    2000px @ 10 = 200ppi

    2000px @ 20 = 100ppi

    2000px @ 40 = 50ppi

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    an image forprintinghe order o the steps you take to correcting an image can eithersave you work, or create extra work or you Heres your imagecorrection checklist:

    Adjust Tonal Range

    Adjust Color

    Adjust Saturation

    Adjusting the Tonal Range

    he idea here is to make sure the highlights are nice and brightwithout losing detail, and the shadows are dark and have somedetail in them he easiest way is to use levels You can indLevels under the Image:Adjustments menu, but the best way is touse an Adjustment Layer In the Adjustment Layers Panel, clickon the Adjustment Layers button Use the highlight and shadowsliders under the histogram to adjust the tonal range

    You may notice that an AdjustmentLayer has been added to the LayersPanel Well learn about the LayersPanel later For the next step, its

    importantto click on the Backgroundlayer to select it or color adjustment

    Adjusting the Color

    I youre not sure how to adjust the color, choose Variations romthe Image:Adjustments menu and see i the addition o any colormakes the image look better Dont use the Variations to makethe change though, it almost always adds too much Just use itto see what looks best, then use an adjustment layer to make theactual change

    Click the Color Valance Button in theAdjustments Panel

    Adjust the color using the Color AdjustmentSliders

    Levels Button



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    Adjusting the Vibrance

    I necessary, you can increase the Vibrance o the colors In the Adjustments Panel,Click the Vibrance button, then adjust the Vibrance to suit you



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    The Clone Stamp Tool

    he clone stamp tool replaces an unwanted area in your pictureby using selected area o the picture

    Heres how it works:

    1 Choose the clone stamp tool rom the toolbox

    2 Use the bracket buttons on your keyboard) next to theletter he) to change the size o your brush, or change thebrush size in the options palate at the top o the screen

    3 Hold down the option (Windows: Alt) the and click onthe area youd like to use cover-up the unwanted part othe photograph his is called sampling

    4 Release the mouse button and the old (option)

    5 Move the mouse onto the area like to remove the

    6 Hold down the mouse button and pain count theunwanted area

    The healing brush tool

    he healing brush tool is very similar to the clone stamp toolexcept that it averages the texture and color o the area that your

    retouching his tool is especially useul when there are subtlechanges in the color and texture o the area being retouched

    Heres how it works:

    1 Choose healing brush tool rom the toolbox

    2 Option (Windows: Alt) click the area youd like to use tocover up a part you like to remove

    3 Release the option (Windows: Alt) mouse button

    4 Move the mouse to the area you like to remove

    5 Hold down the mouse button and paint out the area youwant to remove

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    The patch tool

    he patch tool is primarily used to remove wrinkles and other small laws

    Heres how it works:

    1 Choose the patch tool rom the toolbox

    2 Circle around the area youd like to repair

    3 Drag the area you have just selected to an un-damaged part o the image

    4 Release the mouse button

    5 Proceed to any other areas you like to repair or choose deselect rom the selectmenu

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    Making selections

    To use the marquee tools

    he marquee tools let you select rectangles, ellipses, rounded rectangles(ImageReady), and 1-pixel rows and columns By deault, a selection border isdragged rom its corner

    Select a marquee tool:

    Rectangular Marquee Makes a rectangular selection

    Elliptical Marquee Makes an elliptical selection

    Single Row or Single Column Marquee Deines the border as a 1-pixel-wide rowor column

    Do one o the ollowing to make a selection:

    With the Rectangle Marquee tool, the Rounded Rectangle Marquee tool, or theElliptical Marquee tool, drag over the area you want to select Hold down Shit asyou drag to constrain the marquee to a square or circle (release the mouse buttonbeore Shit to keep the shape constrained) o drag a marquee rom its center,hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) ater you begin dragging

    Dragging a marquee rom the corner o an image (let), and rom the center o animage (right)

    o reposition a rectangle, rounded rectangle, or elliptical marquee, irst drag to cre-ate the border, keeping the mouse button depressed hen hold down the spacebarand continue to drag Release the spacebar, but keep the mouse button depressed,i you need to continue adjusting the selection border

    To use the Lasso tool

    he Lasso tool is useul or drawing reeorm segments o a selection border

    Select the Lasso tool , and select options See o set options or the Lasso,Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso tools

    Drag to draw a reehand selection border

    o draw a straight-edged selection border, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option(Mac OS), and click where segments should begin and end You can switchbetween drawing reehand and straight-edged segments

    o erase recently drawn segments, hold down the Delete key until youve erasedthe astening points or the desired segment

    o close the selection border, release the mouse without holding down Alt(Windows) or Option (Mac OS)

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    To use the Polygonal Lasso tool

    he Polygonal Lasso tool is useul or drawing straight-edged segments o a selec-tion border

    Select the Polygonal Lasso tool , and select options See o set options or theLasso, Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso tools

    Click in the image to set the starting point

    Do one or more o the ollowing:

    o draw a straight segment, position the pointer where you want the irst straightsegment to end, and click Continue clicking to set endpoints or subsequent seg-ments

    o draw straight lines in 45 segments, hold down Shit as you move to click thenext segment

    o draw a reehand segment, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), anddrag When you inish, release Alt or Option and the mouse button

    o erase recently drawn straight segments, press the Delete key

    Close the selection border:

    Position the Polygonal Lasso tool pointer over the starting point (a closed circleappears next to the pointer), and click

    I the pointer is not over the starting point, double-click the Polygonal Lasso toolpointer, or Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS)

    The Magic Wand tool

    he Magic Wand tool lets you select a consistently colored area (or example, a redlower) without having to trace its outline You speciy the color range, or toler-ance, or the Magic Wand tools selection

    You cannot use the Magic Wand tool on an image in Bitmap mode or on 32-bits-per-channel images

    Select the Magic Wand tool

    Speciy one o the selection options in the options bar he Magic Wand tools

    pointer changes depending on which option is selected

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    Selection options

    A New B Add o C Subtract From D Intersect With

    In the options bar, speciy any o the ollowing:

    olerance Determines the similarity or dierence o the pixels selected Enter avalue in pixels, ranging rom 0 to 255 A low value selects the ew colors very simi-lar to the pixel you click A higher value selects a broader range o colors

    Anti-aliased Deines a smooth edge

    Contiguous Selects only adjacent areas using the same colors Otherwise, all pixelsin the entire image using the same colors are selected

    Sample All Layers Selects colors using data rom all the visible layers Otherwise,the Magic Wand tool selects colors rom the active layer only

    In the image, click the color you want to select I Contiguous is selected, all adja-cent pixels within the tolerance range are selected Otherwise, all pixels in the tol-erance range are selected

    To deselect selections

    Do one o the ollowing:

    Choose Select > Deselect

    I you are using the Rectangle Marquee tool, the Rounded Rectangle Marquee tool(ImageReady), the Elliptical Marquee tool, or the Lasso tool, click anywhere in theimage outside the selected area

    To reselect the most recent selection

    Choose Select > Reselect

    A B C D

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    Using Quick

    Masksto makequick selectionshis method o making a selection allows you topaint in the area to be selected Like its nameimplies, this is oten the quickest way to make a selec-tion

    Heres how to do it:Start by selecting the quick mask icon at the bottomo the tool box Next choose select all rom the selectmenu and ill the selection with black by choosing illrom the edit menu he result will be a red overlayon your image he red areas are masked

    Next, select the paint brush tool and choose ahard edged brush rom the pop up menu in the brushoptions bar, or set it to a convenient size by clicking on the brushicon and adjusting the size

    Quick mask works with any painting tool Whiteremoves mask and black paints in mask Choose

    white as the oreground color and begin paintingout the mask on the subject Use black to paintback in any areas that were accidentally removed

    When the mask is painted, convert it to a selection by clickingon the icon to the let o the quick mask icon in the bottom othe tool box

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    o save the selection (a really good idea), choose save selection

    orm the select menu

    A dialogue box will appear, name the save selection

    o use saved selections, choose load selection rom the selectmenu and the saved selection will be activated

    In this case, we want to aect the background, but the selectionwas o the birds o reverse the selection, choose inverse rom theselect menu

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    Now you can apply changes to the background o the imagewithout aecting the bird Choose Filter: Artistic rom the FilterMenu and click OK

    Now the background has the artistic ilter applied to it oremove the marching ants rom the selection, choose Deselectrom the Select Menu

    o try another ilter, choose Undo orm the Edit Menu, then goback to the Filter Menu and choose another ilter

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    ChuckVosburgh.com2009 Chuck Vosburgh

    Working with Layers

    About the Layers panel

    he Layers Panel lists all layers, groups, and layer eects in an image You can usethe Layers Panel to show and hide layers, create new layers, and work with groupso layers You can access additional commands and options in the Layers Panelmenu

    Photoshop Layers palette

    o display the Layers palette, choose Window > Layers

    o use the Layers palette menu, click the triangle in the upper right corner o thepalette It contains commands or working with layers

    o change the size o layer thumbnails, choose Palette Options rom the Layerspalette menu, and select a thumbnail size

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    o change thumbnail contents, choose Panel Options rom the Layers palettemenu and select Entire Document to display the contents o the entire documentSelect Layer Bounds to restrict the thumbnail to the objects pixels on the layerSelect the Show Group humbnails box to show a composite image o the group

    rather than the group icon

    urn o thumbnails to improve perormance and save monitor space

    o expand and collapse groups, click the triangle to the let o a group older

    Layers palette menuLayer

    Expand/Collapse Layer eectsLayer eect

    Layer thumbnailHide/Show Layer

    Link Selected LayersAdd Layer EectsAdd Layer Mask

    New Adjustment LayerNew GroupNew Layer

    Delete Layer

    Blending Modes

    Layer Opacity

    Layer Object Opacity

    Lock AllLock Move

    Lock Painting

    Lock ransparent Pixels

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    Lens CorrectionAn easy way to correct common distortion caused by the lens

    Distortion is especially common when using a wide angle lens and its most apparent when photographing subjects that have a knowngeometric shape, like buildings

    First, open a photograph that has undesirable distortion Choose Distort:Lens Correction rom the ilter menu he image will openin a new window where you can easily correct the distortion using its intuitive tools

    I recommend using the tools in the tool box in the upper let part o the window

    Once you have the distortion corrected, click OK

    Distrotion correction

    New vertical or horizontal axis

    Move Grid

    Move image

    Zoom tool

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    images withShadow/Highlight

    he Shadow/Highlight command is suitable or correcting pho-tos with silhouetted images due to strong backlighting or correct-

    ing subjects that have been slightly washed out because they weretoo close to the camera lash he adjustment is also useul orbrightening areas o shadow in an otherwise well-lit image heShadow/Highlight command does not simply lighten or darkenan image; it lightens or darkens based on the surrounding pixels(local neighborhood) in the shadows or highlights For this rea-son, there are separate controls o the shadows and the highlightshe deaults are set to ix images with backlighting problemshe Shadow/Highlight command also has a Midtone Contrastslider, Black Clip option, and White Clip option or adjustingthe overall contrast o the image

    Step 1: Start with an image that is silhouetted by a bright back-

    ground or one that the subject is overexposed by the lash

    Step 2: Choose Shadow/Highlight rom the Image:Adjustmentsmenu

    Step 3: Adjust the sliders to suit your image

    hats it!

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    Shadow/Highlight command options

    onal Width Controls the range o tones in the shadows or high-lights that are modiied Smaller values restrict the adjustments to

    the darker regions or shadow correction and the lighter regionsor highlight correction Larger values increase the range o tonesthat will be adjusted urther into the midtones For example,at 100% the shadow tonal width slider aects the shadows themost, the midtones are partially aected, but the brightest high-lights are not aected onal width varies rom image to imageoo large a value may introduce halos around very dark or verylight edges he deault settings attempt to reduce these artiactsHalos may also occur when the Shadow or Highlight Amountvalues are too large

    onal Width is set to 50% by deault I you ind that you aretrying to lighten a dark subject but the midtones or lighter

    regions are changing too much, try reducing Shadow oneWidth towards zero so that only the darkest regions are light-ened I, however, you need to brighten the midtones as well asthe shadows, increase Shadows onal Width toward 100%

    Radius Controls the size o the local neighborhood around eachpixel Neighboring pixels are used to determine whether a pixel isin the shadows or highlights Moving the slider to the let speci-ies a smaller area, and moving it to the right speciies a largerarea he optimum local neighborhood size depends on theimage Its best to experiment with the adjustment I the radiusis too large, the adjustment tends to brighten (or darken) the

    whole image rather than brightening the subject only Its best to

    set the radius to roughly the size o the subjects o interest in theimage Experiment with dierent Radius settings to obtain thebest balance between subject contrast and dierential brightening(or darkening) o the subject compared to the background

    Color Correction Allows ine-tuning o the colors in regions othe image that have changed his adjustment is available onlyin color images For example, by increasing the setting o theShadows Amount slider, you bring out colors that were dark inthe original image You may want these colors to be more vividor less vivid Adjust the Color Correction slider to achieve thebest results In general, increasing the values tends to producecolors that are more saturated, and decreasing the values pro-

    duces colors that are less saturated

    Note: Because the Color Correction slider aects only changedportions o the image, the amount o color variation depends onhow much shadow or highlight is applied he greater the cor-rection o shadows and highlights, the greater the range o colorcorrection available he Color Correction slider exerts subtlecontrol over the darkened or lightened colors in the image I you

    want to change the color hues or saturation o the whole image,use the Hue/Saturation command ater applying the Shadow/Highlight command

    Brightness Adjusts the brightness in a grayscale image hisadjustment is available only or grayscale images Moving theBrightness slider to the let darkens a grayscale image, and mov-ing the slider to the right lightens a grayscale image

    Midtone Contrast Adjusts the contrast in the midtones Movethe slider to the let to reduce the contrast and to the right toincrease the contrast You can also enter a value in the MidtoneContrast text box A negative value reduces contrast, and a posi-tive value increases contrast Increasing midtone contrast pro-duces greater contrast in the midtones while tending to darkenthe shadows and lighten the highlights

    Black Clip And White Clip Speciies how greatly the shadowsand highlights are clipped to the new extreme shadow (level 0)and highlight (level 255) colors in the image Larger values pro-duce an image with greater contrast Be careul not to make the

    clipping values too large, because doing so reduces detail in theshadows or highlights (the intensity values are clipped and ren-dered as pure black or pure white)

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    images fore-mail &the web:Its important to prepare your images or e-mail and the webbecause high-resolution images will take a very long time to

    download, or worse yet may not download at all

    E-mailing your photographs:E-mail was not designed to transmit large iles, and most e-mailservers have a 2-5 MB limit or attachments Even though youmay have successully e-mailed iles larger than 5MB, you cantreasonably expect iles in excess o 5MB to transmit reliably

    Adobe Photoshop has a built-in utility that makes preparingimages to be e-mailed or put on a web site very easy

    Adobe Photoshop has a utility built into the program called Saveor the Web and Devices Essentially what saved or the Webdoes, is to make a copy o your ile in GIF or JPEG ormat

    Heres how it works:

    Choose Save or the Web rom the ile menu

    Remember that you want to keep the image size as small as pos-sible Use JPEG ormat or photographs and GIF ormat orgraphics Also keep in mind that the viewer will probably want tobe able to see the image on their screen without having to scroll

    Most monitors are 800 by 600 pixels, so you should keep yourimage small enough to it and a standard window A good rule othumb is to keep your image less than 600 by 400 pixels to leaveenough room or the menu and toolbars

    Click the optimized ab to see what the image will look like optimized

    Set the image size in the lower right part o the dialogue box and click Save

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    Dont use spaces, periods or slashes in the

    name o any ile or the web

    Make sure the Progressive check box isunchecked in the Save or the Web dia-logue box

    Set the minimum acceptable quality o save time, start with zero and workyour way up When the image looks good, click OK to save it Photoshop willautomatically add the correct extension to the ile name Click Save and your


    Saving your images for the Web:

    Saving your images or the web is essentially the same as prepar-ing them or e-mail with one exception; the ile size is even moreimportant or web sites! Its a good idea to make sure that thepicture youre preparing or the web will be the exact size thatyou want it to appear on your web site and at the smallest ile

    size possible

    o get the smallest ile size use the lowest quality setting pos-sible In the right side o the save or Web window, click theoptimize tab at the top o the window so you can see what theoptimized ile will look like Next, set the ile type to JPEG andset the image quality slider to zero Chances are, the image qual-ity will not be acceptable Drag the quality slider to the rightto 15 Notice how the quality improves Drag the quality slideronly as ar to the right as necessary to make the image acceptablequality Notice o the bottom let-hand corner o the screen, theoptimized ile size and site estimated download time will be dis-played ry to make sure that all o your images can download in

    seven seconds or less at 288bps

    he Save or the Web eature in Adobe Photoshop not onlymakes it easy to create a JPEG or the Web, it leaves your origi-

    nal Photoshop document untouched

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    Making Difficult

    Selections withthe ExtractPalettePhotoshop has a eature called the Extract Palette, which makes itpossible to separate subjects rom very complex backgrounds and

    make selections that would be literally impossible beore now

    his is an example o the most diicult kind o selection:

    Choose Extract rom the Image Menu Use the Marker tool inthe Extract Palette to outline the subject Use as small a brush aspossible he bush size controls are in the right side o the pal-ette Accuracy at this step will save you work later

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    Ater youve outlined the subject with the marker, use the PaintBucket tool in the Extract Palette to ill the subject, making amask o the area to be preserved

    Click Preview in the upper right part o the palette and examinethe results Chances are, it will need some ine tuning hatscoming up next

    Use the Cleanup tool in the Extract Palette, its the ith onedown rom the top Adjust the bush size using the controls on

    the right o the palette and careully remove any parts the extractcommand missed o restore areas the have been accidentallyremoved, press the Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) button andthe tool will restore instead o remove pixels You can also use theEdge Cleanup tool, next one down in the tool box to make theedges harderIn this case, its not needed

    When youre happy with the results, click OK and Photoshopwill process the image

    Drag and drop a new image to use as a background Itll lookbeautiul!

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    Annotations toPhotoshopdocumentsI cant tell you how many times Ive ound a great combinationo ilters or techniques and couldnt remember them later oranother project he annotation tool is in the tool box, but its

    well hidden in with the Eyedropper ool Select the annotationtool and click anywhere in the document

    A note box will appear ype your notes then click in the closebox o the note ield A non-printing icon will remain as areminder that a note exists You can have as many notes as you

    want, which makes it easy or collaboration with others

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    Copyrightand otherinformation toPhotoshopdocuments.Photoshop allows you to add a wealth o inormation to the

    document Choose File Ino rom the File menu and add inor-mation that will be saved with your document

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    Easy adjustable


    Add a new layer in the Layer Palette

    On your newly created layer, use the Elliptical Selection ool tocreate an oval or the vignettes Choose Inverse rom the SelectMenu to reverse the selection

    Choose Fill rom the Edit Menu and ill the selected area withwhite

    Now Choose De-select rom the Select Menu ChooseBlur:Gaussian Blur rom the Filter Menu and adjust the blur oyour vignette to suit you Hint: I it doesnt work, you may haveorgotten to deselect

    Ater youve created your vignette, you can adjust its size and

    shape using the transormation tools in the Edit Menu ChooseFree ransorm rom Edit Menu And resize the vignette i neces-sary Press Enter on the keyboard to apply the transormation orEscape to cancel the transormation

    he advantage o using this method is its it does no harm toyour original You can adjust or remove the vignette layer at anytime leaving your original image intact

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    Liquify Palette

    he Liquiy Palette is probably the most un addition to Photoshop 6 Start withan ordinary image, then choose Liquiy rom the Filter Menu he Liquiy palette

    will appear Heres what all those tools do:

    All these tools depend on a brush size to deine the area they aect Change thebrush size in the right side o the Liquiy Palette

    Warp: The warp tool moves an area of the image andwarps the intermediate pixels.

    Twirl: Twirl takes an area and twists it either clockwiseor counter clockwise

    Pucker: Constricts

    Bloat: Expands

    Shift: Works very similar to the warp, except it stretched theintermediate pixels in a linear fashion.

    Reflect: Youll just have to use this one,

    words cant describe it.

    Reconstruct: If an area is overdone, this tool gradually restoresit back to its original appearance.

    Freeze: Prevents an area from being altered.

    Thaw: Removes Freeze and allows alterations to apreviously frozen area.

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    page 42ChuckVosburgh.com2009 Chuck Vosburgh


    ...And now for the rest of the palette:

    On the right side o the palette are controls or he tools he most importantcontrol is the brush size Choosing the right size brush is the key to getting goodresults Also, i you have a pressure sensitive tablet, youll love using it here becauseall the tools in the Liquiy palette respond to a pressure sensitive tablet

    Once youre happy with the new look o your image, click OK and Photoshop will

    inish the image

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    page 43


    ChuckVosburgh.com2009 Chuck Vosburgh

    File Formats


    [Amiga] Interchange File Format Native to the now-discontinuedCommodore Amiga Can be opened in IBM programs likeDeluxe Paint and PhotoShop, and on the Mac in Photoshop


    Windows Bitmap File ormat built into Windows, and native toMicrosot Paint For screen captures and other DOS, Windowsand OS/2 bitmap graphics Supports 1- to 24-bit depth and

    index color (a table that deines a inite number o colors)


    Desktop Color Separations Creates a separate ile or each colorchannel and a composite preview ile Must be used i Spot colorchannels are used


    [Compuserve] Graphics Interchange Format Use GIF to down-load images rom the Internet Supports 1- to 8-bit per pixel

    built-in lossy compression (see JPEG) 256 colors only


    Encapsulated PostScript Adobe-created ormat with vector (line-art data only, which can be scaled with no loss o quality) orraster (bitmap, which cannot be scaled or edited) options InPhotoshop, supports transparent whites in bitmap mode


    Joint Photographic Experts Group Use JPEG to save and com-

    press photographs Lossy compression: identiies and discardsnonessential data; however, JPEG allows you to adjust theamount o loss, trading between compression and quality


    Lempel-Ziv-Welch Not a file format, LZW isimportant to compressing files. This lossless

    compression algorithm allows you to compressimage data without losing quality.MacPaint Bitmap images speciic to this Mac paint program


    PC Paintbrush Extension Common DOS ormat developed orPC Paintbrush by ZSot Used or screen captures Index color


    Portable Document Format Platorm and application indepen-

    dent ile ormat or distribution Uses Adobe Acrobat Reader toview and print images Can also be opened in Photoshop


    PIC Widely used on the Macintosh or lossless compressionFor 16-bit or 32-bit images,

    PIC can use JPEG compression Used oten in video and multimedia applications

    PIC Resource Used or startup screens and icons withinprograms: 16- or 32-bit resolution I you cant open a ile inPhotoshop, try opening it as a PIC Resource instead PixelPaintSpeciic to PixelPaint and PixelPaint Pro Photo-shop supportsinterapplication ile transer, and can open PixelPaint iles, as welas MacPaint and Quickime iles


    Photoshops native ormat Preserves layers, paths and channels


    Interapplication and platorm exchange ormat Use when you

    are uncertain o what ormat you need Saves pixels in binaryorm, where 0=black and 255=white


    Scitex continuous tone Developed to transer images betweenScitex imaging systems and desktop programs like Photoshop

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    ruevision arga For video applications that allow you to overlaya graphic image onto a video rame For systems that use the

    rueVision video board in MS-DOS applications


    agged Image File Format he most common and portable or-mat or saving bitmap scans Useul or moving iles between theMac and PC Does not compress data, but oers LZW option

    So, Which ones should I use?

    I youre a web designer, use JPEG or photos and GIF or graph-ics

    For commercial print work, use EPS or IFF