Intro to Law Syllabus 2

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Definition of Terms

1. Law

a. Natural Law

1. Physical Law

2. Moral Law

3. Divine Law

b. Positive Law

1. Public Law

i. Constitutional Law

ii. Administrative Law

iii. International Law

iv. Criminal Law

2. Private Law

i. Substantive Law

ii. Procedural Law

2. Source of Law

3. Classifications of Law

1. As to Nature

i. Penal

ii. Remedial

iii. Labor

iv. Tax

b. As to Application

i. Mandatory

ii. Directory

iii. Prospective

iv. Retroactive

c. As to Duration

i. Permanent

ii. Temporary

4. Types of Legislation

a. Bills

b. Joint Resolution

c. Concurrent Resolution

d. Simple Resolution

CASE: Arroyo v De Venecia (277 SCRA 268, 1997)

CASE: Astorga v Villegas (56 SCRA 714, 1974)

5. Parts of Statute

a. Title

b. Preamble

c. Enacting Clause

d. Body

e. Proviso

f. Interpretative Clause

g. Effectivity Clause

6. Ordinance Power of the President

a. Executive Order

b. Administrative Order

c. Presidential Order

d. Presidential Proclamation

e. Memorandum Order

f. Memorandum Circular

g. General Order

CASE: Ople v Torres, GR 127685,July 23, 1998I. POLITICAL LAWa. Structure Of The Government

b. Power And Function Of The Government


1. Article VI, Section 1, 1987 Constiuttion2. Legislative Enactment Process3. Concept of Bicameral Conference Committee4. Phil. Judges Association v. Secretary Prado5. Non-Legislative Functions of the Congress6. Congressional Oversight Power of the Congressa. Categories:i. Legislative Scrutinyii. Legislative Investigation1. Inquiry in aid of Legislation2. Question Houriii. Legislative Supervisionii. EXECUTIVE

1. Powers of the Chief Executive

2. Article VII, Section 16 to 23iii. JUDICIARY

1. Judicial Powera. Traditional Conceptb. Expanded Conceptc. Political Question Doctrine2. Judicial Reviewa. Matibag v. BenipayoII. LABOR LAWa. Labor Standards Lawb. Labor Relations Lawc. Employer-Employee Relationshipi. Elementsd. Minimum Wage Ratee. Service Incentive Leave Payf. Thirteenth Month Payg. Job Contractive v. Labor-only Contractingi. Elementsh. Security of Tenurei. Regular Employmentsj. Probationary Employmentk. Termination of Employmenti. Just cause ii. Authorized causesIII. CIVIL LAW

a. Civil Code of the Philippines, Articles 1 to 36b. Effectivity of Lawsc. Ignorance of Law v. Mistake of Factd. Waiver of Righte. Doctrine of Stare Decisisf. Doctrine of Renvoig. Transmission Theoryh. Abuse of Righti. Contra Bonus Moresj. Damnum Absque Injuriak. Cases will be given during class

IV. TAXATION LAWa. Power of Taxationb. Constitutional Basis of Taxationc. Constitutional Limitationd. Doctrine of Equitable Recoupmente. Doctrine of Double Taxationf. Taxable Incomeg. Classification of Income Taxpayersh. Kinds of Income Taxi. Income tax Liabilities of Taxpayersj. Estate Taxk. Donors Taxl. Value Added TaxV. MERCANTILE LAWa. Negotiable Instrumenti. Characteristicsii. Requisites of Negotiabilityiii. Promissory Note and Checkb. Contract of Insurancei. Characteristics

ii. Classes of Insuranceiii. Parties to Insuranceiv. Insurable Interestv. Double Insurancevi. Incontestability Clausec. Common Carrieri. Common carrier v. private carrierii. Diligence required of common carriersiii. Presumption of Negligenceiv. Doctrine of Last Clear Chanced. Corporationi. Doctrine of Piercing the Veil of Corporate Fictionii. De jure corporationiii. De facto corporationiv. Personal liability of directorsv. Doctrine of apparent authorityvi. Doctrine of corporate opportunityvii. Trust fund doctrineVI. CRIMINAL LAWa. Constitutional Power of the Congress to enact penal law found in the Bill of Rightsb. Ex post facto rulec. Characteristics of Criminal Lawd. Equipoise Rulee. Classification of crimesi. As to commissionii. As to stage of executioniii. As to gravityiv. As to naturef. Felonyg. How is felony committedh. Mistake of Facti. Aberratio Ictusj. Error in personaek. Praeter intentioneml. Impossible crimem. Nulllum crimen nulla poena sine legen. Circumstances affecting criminal liabilityi. Justifying, Mitigating, aggravating circumstances

o. Entrapment

p. Buy-bust

q. Instigation

r. Who are criminally liable

s. Penalties

i. Range of penalties

ii. Classification

iii. Subsidiary

iv. Civil interdiction

v. Extinction of criminal liability


a. Procedural Law v. Substantive Law

b. Retroactive Application of Procedural Law: Fresh-Period Rule

c. Neypes Doctrine

d. Power to Promulgate Rules of Procedure

e. Court v. Judge

f. Court of Law v. Court of Equity

g. Different Courts in the Philippine

h. Constitutional

i. Statutory

j. Tribal Courts

k. Kinds of Actions and their Distinctions

l. Coverage/Application of Rules of Court and its exemption/suppletory application

m. Concept of Liberal Construction of the Rulesn. Power of Supreme Court to Suspend its Own Rules: Groundso. Rule Making Power of the Supreme Court

p. Power of the Congress to Enact Laws Affecting the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Courtq. Jurisdiction

i. Kinds

ii. Doctrine of Primary Jurisdictioniii. Doctrine of Adherence to Jurisdictioniv. Doctrine of Judicial Stability or Non-Interferencev. Doctrine of Hierarchy of Courtsr. Venues. Evidence

t. Rule on admissibility

u. Special Proceedings

i. Under the Rules of Court

ii. Settlement of the Estate

1. Jurisdiction

2. Venue

3. Kinds of Settlement

iii. Writ of Habeas Corpus

iv. Writ of Amparo

v. Writ of Habeas Data


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