SEASONS PROJECT Kayla Spaulding Christina Sherman Nikki Kumbera Paige Snyder Jude Martin Intro to Education EAST/EMPACTS Project Dr. Regina Ryel Thomason, Instructor

Intro to Education EAST/EMPACTS Project Dr. Regina Ryel Thomason, Instructor

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  • Intro to Education EAST/EMPACTS Project Dr. Regina Ryel Thomason, Instructor
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  • Our Goals To reach out to socioeconomically challenged students. To teach Ms. Breeses kindergarten class about weather and the seasons. To augment the existing curriculum. TO HAVE FUN!
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  • WHAT WE DID We shot a video showing a mock weather forecast that would be fun for the kids to watch. We wanted to have an activity that would be hands- on for the children. We gathered seasonal clothing and made sets of flashcards showing each clothing choice. We made one set for each student. We described a type of weather particular to each season and asked the children to find the card for the correct clothing choice. We made sure there were no right and wrong choices. We showed them the video.
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  • COURSE OUTCOMES We experienced being in a classroom with multicultural students. We learned to communicate with students even though their first language was not English. We learned that children are children no matter what their ethnicity. For the first time we were in a setting where most of the students were of a low socioeconomic background. We saw what it was like when the whole school is suffering from a lack of funds. We could see what the lack of money in a family meant to students in their clothing in relation to the weather.
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  • Design by Paige Snyder, Intro to Ed, Fall 2008, EAST/EMPACTS
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  • WHAT WE LEARNED When you really want to communicate, you can find a way. Donations can really make a difference to children in need. Volunteering is a great way to help in a disadvantaged school.
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  • TECHNOLOGY USED Video Camera Laminating Machine Digital Camera PowerPoint Microsoft Office Suite 2007 Copier Clip Art
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  • RESOURCES WWW.AVERY.COM Go! Introduction to Word 2007 Fram, M., Miller-Cribbs, J., & Van Horn, L. (2007, October). Poverty, Race, and the Contexts of Achievement: Examining Educational Experiences of Children in the U.S. South. Social Work, 52(4), 309-319. October 25, 2008