Intro to CG II Extending the Moment

Intro to CG II Extending the Moment. Copyright Notice Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA This presentation is for educational purposes only

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Intro to CG IIExtending the Moment

Copyright Notice• Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA

• This presentation is for educational purposes only. No money is being made and is provided with similar allowances for other educators

to use for non-profit, educational purposes.• Images are from various sources, including many of my own.

If you would like to high res images I have shot, please visit www.DrewLoker.com for various work online.

• If you are the original author of any of the samples, pictures, text, etc. please let me know if you object to the usage and I will

remove your material promptly.

Photo by Drew Loker

Decisive to Extended Moment

• In Photo 1, week 1, you learned about THE DM (Henri Cartier Bresson a.k.a. The Decisive Moment).– You have learned how to pull

the trigger such as basic camera operation and composition.

• Many pictures may truly exist for only a fraction of a second in time time, rarely, if ever, to be repeated.

• I may be able to recreate a scene, but it is usually impossible to get the same shot again.

Controlled Shots• Many shots will have a highly controlled setup…and COULD be redone. MAYBE

even improved. But it is unlikely that you will.

Controlled shots in the field

• Even though it is a scene that was there yesterday and will most likely be there tomorrow, there are so many variables that make it just so because of exactly when you were there.

• What are some variables that might occur for a shot like this?

• Lighting (what time of day did you get there)• vegetation (what time of season)• water flow (very seasonal…high water during the spring, minimal

during the summer, could turn to ice in the winter), etc.• trees fall into the landscape during the winter…it may NEVER be

the same.• people wandering through your picture• camera equipment changes (i.e. better camera, better lenses)• Weather the day you visit• Position of the sun on any given day of the year…Ansel vs. The


Photo II+

• This year, you will be developing in several areas:– Developing the STORY of the image/scene

• Conceptual Photography

• Photostory – as a video

• Video Production

– Many more contests

– Special Research Topics

– Photojournalism – shooting Current Events

– Web Gallery Development


• Let’s start first with a “Look at What Makes a Winning Photograph”– Break up into groups of 3-4 and brainstorm the

above statement.

– Be prepared to discuss your answer.