Intro to Business Unit Six Careers in Our Economy Career Exploration & Development

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Intro to Business. Unit Six Careers in Our Economy Career Exploration & Development. GOALS. Identify individual skills, abilities, aptitudes and relate them to potential career options. Explore DOL’s 16 career clusters. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intro to Business

Unit Six Careers in Our Economy

Career Exploration & Development

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Identify individual skills, abilities, aptitudes and relate them to potential career options.

Explore DOL’s 16 career clusters.

Brainstorm career descriptions prior to conducting formal research.

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Skills/Abilities/Aptitude Tests Self-assessment is a way to learn more about

yourself: what you like, what you don't like, and how you tend to react to certain situations.

Learning about yourself is the first step in finding a good career fit. 

Assessments are tools to help you explore your skills, interests, values, or other traits. These traits are then matched to a broad list of careers.

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Skills/Abilities/Aptitude Tests Skills Profiler Test

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Save Your Skills Profile for Future Assignments

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16 Career Clusters The production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products/resources

Careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the built environment.

Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual & performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.

Business Management and Administration careers encompass planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.  Business Management and Administration career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy.

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16 Career Clusters Planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.

Planning, services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management.

Executing governmental functions to include Governance; National Security; Foreign Service; Planning; Revenue and Taxation; Regulation; and Management and Administration at the local, state, and federal levels.

Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development.

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16 Career Clusters Encompassing the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other foodservices, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services. 

Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs.

Building Linkages in IT Occupations Framework: For Entry Level, Technical, and Professional Careers Related to the Design, Development, Support and Management of Hardware, Software, Multimedia, and Systems Integration Services.

Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

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16 Career Clusters Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering. 

Planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

Planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

Planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water and related professional and technical support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility maintenance.

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16 Career Clusters

Future Resources

Future Resources

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Brainstorm ~ Essay, Poster, PPT Cover the questions listed on the next

slide in one of these 3 ways:

Essay: At least 2 paragraphs

Poster: Persuasive Advertisement for the Job

PPT: Minimum 6 slides including Title Slide

Upload on Wikispace when Finished

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Brainstorm ~ Essay, Poster, PPT

What do you think are the answers to these questions based off your prior knowledge of the career???

1. How does the occupation fit your skills & interests?2. What will you be doing in the occupation?3. What is the necessary education and/or training?4. How many jobs are there in the occupation

currently? Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain

unchanged? Why is this?

5. How much does this occupation pay? What do the top 10 percent earn? The bottom 10 percent?

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Intro to Business

Unit Six Careers in Our Economy

Chapter 18Human Resources in Our Economy

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Explain why human resources are a vital economic force.

Identify types of industries and occupational groups in our work force.

Discuss factors that affect job opportunities and how the workplace is changing.

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Types of Industries

Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes many

useful materials about current and projected employment opportunities:

The Occupational Outlook Handbookhttp://www.bls.gov/ooh/

Occupational Outlook Quarterlyhttp://www.bls.gov/ooq/home.htm

Two main types of industries: 1. Service Producing Industry2. Goods Producing Industry

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Service Producing Industry Businesses that perform services

that satisfy the needs of other businesses and consumers.

Personal and business services

Retail and wholesale trade

Finance, insurance, and real estate


Transportation, communications, public utilities

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Goods Producing Industry Businesses that manufacture many kinds

of products.





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Occupational Groups White-Collar Worker

One whose work involves a great deal of contact with other people and the handling and processing of information.

Offices, stores, professionals, managerial, clerical

Blue-Collar Worker One whose work primarily involves the

operation of machinery and equipment Factories, machinery shops, construction

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Changing Job Opportunities Consumers Preferences

Jobs are affected by derived demand New products demanded makes old obsolete New jobs created; old jobs eliminated

Economic Conditions Businesses expanding = more jobs created Consumer buying more = more jobs created Workers earn more = spend more money High prices = less demand/spending = less jobs Interest rate up = less borrowed/spent = less jobs

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Changing Job Opportunities New Technology

Technology: automated machines, electronic equipment, integrated systems to help increase the efficiency of producing goods and services

Technology influences how workers perform their jobs. (Robots, Internet, Social Media, etc.)

Business Competition Stay competitive, lower business costs Install new equipment for efficiency Downsize: planned reduction of # of workers

(Amazon PrimeAir Drone Delivery – no delivery truck needed)

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Changing Job Opportunities Societal Factors

Population Age Target markets change with age (Baby Boomers)

Immigrant workers Often fill jobs that otherwise would go unfilled Start businesses that would otherwise not be provided

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Changing Workplace Government changes through

Congressional legislation Agency guidelines Supreme Court decisions

Areas of Government Regulations Human Resource Management Equal Employment Opportunity (disabilities, retirees) Job Safety & Employee Health

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Changing Workplace

Work Force Diversity

Younger and older workers

Different cultures and heritages

Newer skills needed (newer technologies)

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Intro to Business

Unit Six Careers in Our Economy

Chapter 19Planning a Career

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Explain career planning and list sources of career information.

Discuss approaches that can be taken to learn about value and abilities.

Describe five steps to follow when making career decisions.

Identify sources for financing additional education.

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Career Planning Occupation: a task or series of tasks that

is performed to provide a good or service People hired to fill occupations and are paid for

the work they perform.

Career: a goal in life that is fulfilled through an occupation or series of occupations

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Career Planning Career Planning: the process of studying

careers, assessing yourself in terms of careers, and making decisions about a future career. Making decisions about your interests Investigating several occupations within career

area Duties performed, education/training

needed, wages paid

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Information Sources Career Planning Government Resources

Occupational Outlook Handbook Includes job duties, working conditions, education or

training required, advancement possibilities, earnings

Magazines Career World Encyclopedia of Careers & Vocational Guidance

Organizations Insurance Information Institute High school or College/University Career Centers

Newspaper – want ads

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Career ~ Your Values Values: the things that are important to

you in life.

Prestige ● Money ● Power ● AchievementIndependence ● Leadership ● Security ●


Is it important to me to earn a lot of money? Am I interested in work that provides a service to others? Is it important to me that other people think I’m important? Do I want to be challenged at work or need more training? Would I be willing to start at a low salary if I can advance?

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Career ~ Your ValuesYour Character & Values

What would you be if someone gave you a large sum of money?

Start your own business? Travel the world? Develop a foundation to support underprivileged kids? Help build up a run-down neighborhood? Buy yourself a huge wardrobe and/or fancy car? Pay for an expensive education?

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Career ~ Your Talents & Abilities Talent: natural, inborn aptitude to do

certain things. “Natural Talent” Abilities: the quality of being able to

perform a mental or physical task.

Your talents and abilities, along with your career goals and interests are important in career planning.

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Career ~ Your Talents & Abilities Think about your education:

What kind of courses have you taken? Which courses did you do your best work? Which courses were easiest for you? Which courses were most difficult for you? Which do you like best?

Abilities can be developed Strengthen your weaknesses

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Making Career Decisions

1. Gather as much information as you can.

2. Analyze what you have learned about careers and about yourself.

3. Think about different plans of action and what might happen if you follow each one.

4. Select what seems to be the best plan of action and follow it.

5. Evaluate your career decision from time to time.

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Financing Education Consider the cost for education

an investment that will help you earn higher wages in the future.

Financial Aid Programs Scholarships

Student loans

Work-study programs

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Intro to Business

Unit Six Careers in Our Economy

Chapter 20Succeeding in the World of Work

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Discuss how to compose a letter of application and personal data sheet, and how to fill out employment applications forms.

Describe how pre-employment tests are used by employers.

Explain how to prepare a good interview.

Identify quantities that lead to success on the job.

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Applying for a Job Letter of Application

Sales letter about an applicant written for the purpose of getting a personal interview

Business-like letter that focuses on interest in and qualifications for the position

A.K.A. - Letter of Interest

“Sales Letter” meaning:~ get employers attention~ desire to meet you (applicant)~ invite you for an interview

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Applying for a Job Page 268

Letter of Application

Neat, Courteous, To The Point

Carelessness could cost you an interview opportunity

Your letter represent YOU!

How will you stand out from the other applicants?

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Applying for a Job Page 269

Personal Data Sheet (Resume) Summary of important job-related

information about yourself Education Work Experience Personal References

Personal References: People who can give a report about

your character, your education, and your work habits

Teachers, religious leaders, adults, former employers

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Applying for a Job Page 270

Employment Applications Document used by employers that asks for

information related to employment.

Standard Info (Part of Permanent File) Name, Address, Social Security #,

Education, Work Experience, Qualifications, Applying Position

Resume info can be used to fill out form First task employer asks you to do Application represents you as worker

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Pre-Employment Test Screen applicants for skills & abilities Compare applicants on same basis Evaluate individuals’ abilities

Ability Tests: measure how well a job applicant can perform certain job tasks. Keyboarding tests

Word Processing tests

Calculating tests

Writing Skills tests

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Interviewing Position Interview

Two-way conversation in which: the interviewer learns about you and you learn about the position and the company.

Things interviewer look for: Appearance Manners Use of language General suitability for position

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Interviewing Tips Be on time! (Early, just in case)

Go alone (don’t take friends or family)

Dress Appropriately (present yourself)

Firm Hand Shake, Shows Confidence

Try to be Calm (avoid excessive talking)

Use good Eye Contact

Answer Questions Intelligently and Completely

Thank the interviewer for the opportunity

Send a brief “Thank You” letter to interviewer

Be Patient afterwards (it may take time to decide)

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Sample Interview Questions Why should we hire you for this position?

What are some of the activities you like to do in your spare time?

What courses have you taken that will help you with this particular position/job?

What are you career goals?

Do you plan to continue your education now or in the future?

Do you have any friends or family that work here?

What are your major strengths? Major weaknesses?

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Qualities of Success on a Job Ask Questions

Avoid Complaining

Honor Break Times

Be Attentive of Appearance

Be On Time

Be Friendly with Everyone

Do Good Work and Do It On Time

Follow the Rules

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Intro to Business

Unit Six Careers in Our Economy

Chapter 21Opportunities in Small Business

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Define a small business.

Identify reasons why small businesses fail.

Describe several sources of help for small business owners.

List characteristics of successful small business owners.

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Small Businesses

Books idea of a small business: Usually has the owner as the manager Is not dominant in its field of operation Employs fewer than 500 employees Usually is local, serving the nearby community

Most start as sole-proprietorships Some start as Franchise agreements

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Small Business Problems

Bankruptcy A situation in which a business does not have

enough money to pay its creditors even after selling equipment and other capital resources.

Creditor Person or business that is owed money.

Closing A situation in which business

discontinued with loss to at least one creditor

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Small Business Problems

Reasons for Failure: Not keeping adequate records

Not having enough start-up money (capital)

Lack of sales and management experience

Lack of experience in business

Not controlling operating expenses

Poor location for the business

Failure to manage payments due from customers

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Small Business Help Small Business Administration (SBA)

Government funded organization Help small businesses borrow & manage money

Small Business Institutes (SBIs) Programs offered in cooperation with colleges to

provide management counseling

SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) Volunteer members provide assistance in special

areas such as finance, accounting, marketing, etc.

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Business Owner Characteristics

Can do things on their own, self-starters Have leadership abilities Take charge of things, assume responsibility Like to plan, good organizers Are hard-workers, work long hours Are decision-makers Are trusted, mean what they say Are achievers, don’t quit Have good health, full of energy