Intro to ANSYS NCode DL 14 5 L02 CAE Fatigue

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  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    Customer Training Material

    Lecture 2: Introduction to CAE Fatigue

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-2 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Agenda

    Review basics of fatigue

    what is fatigue

    physics of fatigue cracks

    fatigue history

    fatigue testing

    Introduce basics of CAE durability

    fatigue approach

    stress-life and strain-life


    Introduce basics of fatigue analysis

    stress cycle

    cycle counting

    damage accumulation

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-3 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Introduction

    Fatigue damage is the initiation and/or growth of a crack under fluctuating loading

    progressive damage

    component seems to lose strength and get tired after multiple load

    applications, hence the name fatigue

    almost all structural components are subjected to cyclic service






    Fatigue failure occurs after

    repeated loadings even

    though the stress is low

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-4 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

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    Customer Training Material Fatigue Life

    Fatigue failure is typically viewed as a 3-stage phenomena

    stage 1: crack initiation

    stage 2: stable crack growth

    stage 3: fast fracture

    Fatigue life = crack initiation + crack growth

    no precise transition from crack initiation to crack growth

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-5 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

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    Customer Training Material

    Surface flaws initiate at tiny dislocations in the materials microstructure

    very localized stress concentration

    practically undetectable and impossible to model using FE

    These tiny surface flaws create persistent slip bands that propagate along the maximum shear plane under alternating stress

    bands slip back and forth like a shifting deck of cards

    Crack Initiation

    Alternating Stress

    Crystal surface

    Slip bands form

    along planes of

    maximum shear

    giving rise to

    surface extrusions

    and intrusions

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    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

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    Customer Training Material

    Slip bands grow into micro-cracks (Stage I cracks)

    small compared to materials microstructure

    difficult to detect, invisible to the naked eye

    grow in direction of maximum shear stress

    450 to the direction of the applied load

    Stage I Cracks

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    Customer Training Material

    After traversing 2-3 grain boundaries, the micro-cracks grow into fatigue cracks (Stage II cracks)

    large compared to materials microstructure

    crack itself physically interrupts the flow of stress

    stress concentration causes plastic stresses at the crack tip

    local plastic stress causes the crack to change direction

    growth is now propagated by cyclic plastic stress at the crack tip

    oriented perpendicular to maximum principal stress

    Stage II Cracks

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

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    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Fatigue Failure

    If sufficient energy exist, Stage II cracks continue to grow until tensile failure occurs

    most lack sufficient energy to propagate across grain barriers

    crack arrests

    fatigue damage

    producing striations

    (aka beach marks)

    fast final fracture due

    to tensile failure - no


    initial crack

    slip bands micro-cracks fatigue cracks tensile failure

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-9 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material History of Fatigue Analysis

    Fatigue failures has been investigated for more than 150 years

    initially applied to the study axel failures in the railroad industry

    first industrial components to be subjected to millions of cycles

    failures continue

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-10 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material

    1837 - Wilhelm Albert publishes the first article on fatigue

    1860 August Whler devises a test for fatigue

    1901 - O.H. Basquin proposes a log-log relationship for S-N curves

    1945 - A.M. Miner introduces a linear damage hypothesis

    1958 - Fatigue crack growth explained in terms of plastic strain

    1968 - Tatsuo Endo introduces the rainflow cycle count algorithm

    Key Events in Fatigue Analysis

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-11 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Fatigue Analysis

    Initially fatigue analysis was done after an in-service failure, if at all

    build > break > redesign


    Usage Life


  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-12 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Incorporating Fatigue Testing

    As customer usage became better understood, it was applied to fatigue testing

    build > test > redesign



    Test Life


  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-13 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Fatigue Testing Limitations

    Fatigue testing has many limitations

    requires many physical prototypes

    realistic tests are difficult or impossible to achieve

    slow and expensive

    fails to deal with over-design

    difficult to handle late changes and design variations

    test results may differ significantly

    requiring statistical interpretation

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-14 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material CAE Fatigue Analysis

    CAE can predict fatigue damage in a virtual environment

    evaluations can be performed during design phase

    can assess cumulative damage caused by multiple loads

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-15 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material 5 Box Trick

    CAE fatigue analysis are built around five basic actions

    so called 5 box trick

    inputs > pre-processing

    solver post-processing

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-16 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material CAE Durability Approaches

    Two basic approaches for performing CAE durability analysis

    fatigue approach

    fracture mechanics

    also known as crack-growth or crack-life method

    Fatigue approach

    use calculated stresses/strains and material fatigue curve to predict

    cycles to failure (life)

    two basic fatigue analysis approaches

    stress-life (SN)

    uses elastic stresses

    strain-life (EN)

    uses elastic-plastic strains

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-17 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material CAE Fatigue Methods

    Stress-life (SN) uses elastically calculated stress and stress vs. cycle fatigue failure curves (S-N curves)

    assumes stress drives fatigue

    only applicable high cycle fatigue

    greater than 100,000 cycles for ductile metals

    Strain-life (EN) uses elastic-plastic strains and Strain Life Relationship Equation

    assumes local plastic strains drives fatigue

    applicable to low and high cycle fatigue

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-18 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Stress-Life Approach

    Stress-life (SN) fatigue method assumes that fatigue damage is produced by fluctuating stresses

    only applicable to elastic stress, so limited to limited to low stress/high

    cycle applications

    usually more than 100,000 cycles to failure for ductile metals

    fatigue life is based on alternating stress range and Whler fatigue curve

    (S-N curves)

    original numerical fatigue approach

    vast amount of industry experience

    simple technique

    often can be checked with hand calculations

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-19 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material S-N Curves

    S-N curves are plots of elastic stress versus total cycles to failure

    usually log-log plots

    S (y-axis): either full stress amplitude or alternating stress range

    N (x-axis): total cycles to failure (initiation and propagation)

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-20 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Strain-Life Fatigue

    Strain-life fatigue (EN) assess fatigue damage using cyclic strain ranges and the Strain Life Relationship equation

    applicable to both low cycle and high cycle applications

    stresses less than or greater than yield

    uses local elastic-plastic strains

    either directly calculated or adjusted from elastic results

    predicts crack initiation

    Relatively new fatigue analysis technique

    usage began approximately 30 years ago

    difficult to implement with hand calculations

    limited to CAE

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-21 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Strain-Life Fatigue

    EN method is based on assumption that material behavior at notch root is analogous to small test specimen under strain controlled




    overall body remains elastic

    local deformation is strain controlled

    behavior of notched component with localized plasticity

    can be simulated using smooth test specimen

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-22 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Strain Life Relationship

    be ff



    cp ff N22

    cb fff



    22 2

    Basquins equation

    Coffin-Mansons equation

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-23 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Cyclic Loading Terms

    Fatigue damage is caused a changing stress/strain state

    sine curve is a simple representation of cyclic loading

    stress ratio (R) = Smin/Smax

    amplitude ratio (A) = Sa/Sm







    Smax = maximum stress

    Smin = minimum stress

    Sm = mean stress

    Sa = alternating stress

    S = stress range

    Common loadings:

    fully reversed: R = -1, A = infinity

    zero to maximum: R = 0, A = 1

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-24 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material CAE Cycle Counting

    If multiple cyclic loadings occur, magnitude and number of each stress/strain reversal must be determined

    minimum stress, maximum stress, mean stress, and number of cycles

    associated with each stress reversal must be determined

    Rainflow is the most common cycle counting algorithm

    applicable to stress-life (SN) and strain-life (EN) methods

    automated in DesignLife

    Rainflow counts number of closed strain loops

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-25 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Rainflow Cycle Counting

    Rotate strain history 90 degrees and plot vs time

    Cyclic behavior can be visualized as rain flowing off of a pagoda roof

    fatigue cycles are:

    a-d, b-c, e-f, and g-h

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-26 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Rainflow Cycle Counting

    Rainflow cycle counting can also be visualized as water draining from valleys

    determine peaks and valleys of stress/strain during cycling

    invert stress/stain history and imagine it is filled with water

    drain water - start at deepest valley and repeat until all valleys are drained

    total depth drained = stress range

    mean depth = mean stress























    drain water starting

    at lowest valley

    imagine filled with








    invert and reorder to

    start with absolute max

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-27 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Rainflow Cycle Counting

    Rainflow approach divides any arbitrary load history into groups (bins or blocks) of similar loading

    rainflow matrix can be visualized using a histogram

    Each group represents a number of loading cycles for a particular stress range and mean stress

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-28 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Damage Accumulation

    Multiple cyclic loading conditions have a cumulative fatigue effect

    Rainflow groups the loading history into blocks loading blocks

    each block causes a fraction of the total damage (partial damage or damage fraction")




    nD fraction damage

    Di = damage fraction caused by loading block (i)

    ni = number of applied cycles of loading block (i)

    Ni = available fatigue life for loading block (i)

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-29 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Damage Accumulation

    Damage fraction is the amount of life that has been used by a block of loading

    If ni = 1e5 and Ni = 1e6, the damage fraction is 0.10

    10% of the total fatigue life has been used up by loading block i






    i fraction damage

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-30 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Miners Rule

    Miners Rule assumes that the total damage is simply the linear summation of the partial damages

    first proposed by Palmgren in 1924 and further refined by Miner in 1945

    also referred to as Linear Damage Rule

    applicable to both SN and EN

    widely used

    simple to implement and as accurate as more complicated methods

    load sequence is not considered

    failure occurs when sum of damage fractions equals the fatigue life

    D is equal to or greater than 1.0

    automated in DesignLife


    i i



















    1 damage total

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-31 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Accuracy

    Fatigue calculations are much less precise than strength calculations

    statistical, not deterministic, phenomenon

    empirical rules

    order of magnitude errors in life estimates are common

    large factor of safety (FS) typically assumed to ensure safe design

    FSs of 10 are common

    CAE fatigue can enable smaller FSs

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-32 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Crack-Life Approach

    Crack-life method uses fracture mechanics parameters (e.g., J-integral, stress intensity, etc.) to predict flaw propagation under

    cyclic service

    typically uses Pariss Law (da/dN) to relate fracture mechanics parameters to crack growth rate

    often used to establish inspection intervals

    for an inspection technique the smallest detectable flaw size is known

    number of cycles required to grow a crack from smallest detectable size to critical size is determined

    inspection intervals are based on crack growth rate

    ANSYS Mechanical APDL and DesignLife both have some fracture mechanics capabilities

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-33 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Flowchart of CAE Durability Analysis

    CAE Durability

    Fatigue Approach Crack Life Approach

    Strain-Life (EN) Stress-Life (SN)

    Paris Law

    crack growth


    rainflow cycle counting

    Miners rule damage accumulation

    number of cycles

    to failure (life)

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-34 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Summary

    Fatigue cracks start at surface dislocations and are driven by reversing local plastic flow

    Fatigue failure occurs at stress levels insufficient to cause failure in a single application

    damage is cumulative and unrecoverable

    difficult to detect progressive deterioration during fatigue process

    catastrophic failures can occur without warning

    Fatigue failure is typically viewed as a 3-stage phenomena

    stage 1: crack initiation

    stage 2: stable crack growth

    stage 3: fast fracture

    Fatigue life = crack initiation + crack growth

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

    L2-35 ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

    2013 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Release 14.5

    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Summary

    Fatigue testing is slow and expensive

    CAE durability analysis predict fatigue in a virtual environment

    characterize capability of a component to survive cyclic service

    known as fatigue analysis

    fatigue life calculations are less precise than strength calculations

    Two basic CAE durability analysis approaches

    fatigue approach

    stress-life (SN) or strain-life (EN)

    fracture mechanics

    crack life

    Rainflow method commonly used to count cycles for both SN and EN

    Miners Rule commonly used to accumulate damage for SN and EN

  • Introduction to ANSYS nCode DesignLife

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    April 20133

    Customer Training Material Workshop 1

    Workshop 1: WB - DesignLife interface

    restore archive of existing WB project

    review WB project page

    review Engineering Data

    open Mechanical and solve

    review DesignLife results from project schematic

    modify design points in Parameter Manager