Naoaki Yamada, MS, MD #{149} Sattoshi Imakita, MD #{149} Toshiharu Sakuma, RT Makoto Takamiya, MD Intracranial Calcification on Gradient-Echo Phase Image: Depiction of Diamagnetic Susceptibility’ Calcification (Diamagnetic) Figure 1. Hematoma and calcification act as magnetic dipoles with opposed orientation to each other. Abbreviations: cgs = centimeter-gram-second, GRE = gradient-recalled echo, TE = echo time, TR = repetition time. 171 PURPOSE: To differentiate calcifica- tion from hemorrhage on the basis of susceptibility at magnetic resonance imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gra- dient-recalled echo (GRE) phase im- aging was performed at 1.5 T in 101 calcified areas (15 in the basal gan- glia, 86 out of the basal ganglia) and 39 uncalcified locations (13 choroid plexus and pineal glands, 26 old hemorrhages). Experiments with a small lead particle and a numerical simulation were also performed. RESULTS: The majority of calcifica- tions outside the basal ganglia (n = 63) revealed a phase shift that repre- sents diamagnetic susceptibility and was similar to the phase shift in the lead particle and to the calculated phase shift for a diamagnetic sphere. All hemorrhages and almost all calci- fled basal ganglia revealed a phase shift that represents paramagnetic susceptibility. All uncalcifled choroid plexus and pineal glands revealed no obvious phase shift. Any location without calcification did not reveal the diamagnetic phase shift. CONCLUSION: GRE phase imaging differentiated paramagnetic from dia- magnetic susceptibility, which was specific for calcification. Index terms: Brain, calcification, 10.81 #{149} Brain, hemorrhage, 10.367, 10.76 #{149} Brain, MR. 10.1214 Brain, necrosis, 10.78 #{149} Magnetic resonance (MR), tissue characterization Radiology 1996; 198:171-178 From the Department of Radiology, Na- tional Cardiovascular Center, 5-7-1, Fujishiro- dai, Suita, Osaka, 565, Japan. Received March 21, 1995; revision requested May 3; revision re- ceived May 31; accepted June 6. Address reprint requests to N.Y. RSNA, 1996 Bo Hematoma (Paramagnetic) T HE usefulness of magnetic reso- nance (MR) imaging has been established for intracranial diseases. However, calcifications, which fre- quently provide important diagnostic information, are more easily and pre- cisely detected with computed tomogra- phy (CT). At spin-echo MR imaging, most calcifications are iso- on hypoin- tense to brain tissue and the findings are nonspecific (1-3). Calcium-con- taming compounds can reduce the proton density, Ti, and T2 of free water; hence, calcifications can have high signal intensity on Ti-weighted images if the concentration or surface area of calcium-containing compounds is suitable (4,5). However, high signal intensity can appear in laminar necro- sis of cerebral infarction as well as in calcification and hemorrhage (6). Gradient-recalled echo (GRE) imag- ing is susceptible to static local mag- netic field gradients induced by regions that differ in magnetic susceptibility (7,8). Although intracranial calcifica- tions were depicted as markedly hypo- intense on T2*-weightcd images, T2* shortening is not specific to calci- fication, and a possible additional role of paramagnetic ions in calcified tis- sues cannot be excluded (8). GRE phase images can represent the shift of the effective magnetic field at a proton (9-il). Intracerebral hema- toma and its environment contain paramagnetic substances such as de- oxyhemoglobins, methemoglobins, hemosidenins, and fenritines. On the other hand, bone minerals, dystrophic calcification, and tumoral calcification are mainly composed of calcium hy- droxyapatite or apatite-like minerals (12), which may be more diamagnetic than water and brain tissue. There- fore, dipolar field (and phase shift) induced by calcification is expected to be opposed to that induced by hema- toma (Fig 1). We undertook this study to confirm the diamagnetic susceptibility of calci- fication on GRE phase images and to

Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,

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Page 1: Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,

Naoaki Yamada, MS, MD #{149}Sattoshi Imakita, MD #{149}Toshiharu Sakuma, RTMakoto Takamiya, MD

Intracranial Calcificationon Gradient-Echo Phase Image:Depiction of Diamagnetic Susceptibility’


Figure 1. Hematoma and calcification act as magnetic dipoles with opposed orientation to

each other.

Abbreviations: cgs = centimeter-gram-second,GRE = gradient-recalled echo, TE = echo time,TR = repetition time.


PURPOSE: To differentiate calcifica-tion from hemorrhage on the basis ofsusceptibility at magnetic resonanceimaging.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gra-dient-recalled echo (GRE) phase im-aging was performed at 1.5 T in 101calcified areas (15 in the basal gan-

glia, 86 out of the basal ganglia) and

39 uncalcified locations (13 choroidplexus and pineal glands, 26 oldhemorrhages). Experiments with asmall lead particle and a numerical

simulation were also performed.

RESULTS: The majority of calcifica-tions outside the basal ganglia (n =

63) revealed a phase shift that repre-sents diamagnetic susceptibility and

was similar to the phase shift in thelead particle and to the calculatedphase shift for a diamagnetic sphere.All hemorrhages and almost all calci-fled basal ganglia revealed a phaseshift that represents paramagnetic

susceptibility. All uncalcifled choroidplexus and pineal glands revealed noobvious phase shift. Any locationwithout calcification did not revealthe diamagnetic phase shift.

CONCLUSION: GRE phase imagingdifferentiated paramagnetic from dia-magnetic susceptibility, which was

specific for calcification.

Index terms: Brain, calcification, 10.81 #{149}Brain,

hemorrhage, 10.367, 10.76 #{149}Brain, MR. 10.1214

Brain, necrosis, 10.78 #{149}Magnetic resonance

(MR), tissue characterization

Radiology 1996; 198:171-178

� From the Department of Radiology, Na-

tional Cardiovascular Center, 5-7-1, Fujishiro-dai, Suita, Osaka, 565, Japan. Received March

21, 1995; revision requested May 3; revision re-ceived May 31; accepted June 6. Address reprint

requests to N.Y.� RSNA, 1996



T HE usefulness of magnetic reso-

nance (MR) imaging has beenestablished for intracranial diseases.

However, calcifications, which fre-quently provide important diagnostic

information, are more easily and pre-cisely detected with computed tomogra-

phy (CT). At spin-echo MR imaging,

most calcifications are iso- on hypoin-

tense to brain tissue and the findingsare nonspecific (1-3). Calcium-con-

taming compounds can reduce the

proton density, Ti, and T2 of freewater; hence, calcifications can have

high signal intensity on Ti-weightedimages if the concentration or surface

area of calcium-containing compounds

is suitable (4,5). However, high signal

intensity can appear in laminar necro-

sis of cerebral infarction as well as in

calcification and hemorrhage (6).

Gradient-recalled echo (GRE) imag-ing is susceptible to static local mag-

netic field gradients induced by regionsthat differ in magnetic susceptibility

(7,8). Although intracranial calcifica-

tions were depicted as markedly hypo-

intense on T2*-weightcd images, T2*shortening is not specific to calci-

fication, and a possible additional roleof paramagnetic ions in calcified tis-sues cannot be excluded (8).

GRE phase images can representthe shift of the effective magnetic fieldat a proton (9-il). Intracerebral hema-

toma and its environment contain

paramagnetic substances such as de-oxyhemoglobins, methemoglobins,

hemosidenins, and fenritines. On the

other hand, bone minerals, dystrophiccalcification, and tumoral calcification

are mainly composed of calcium hy-droxyapatite or apatite-like minerals(12), which may be more diamagnetic

than water and brain tissue. There-fore, dipolar field (and phase shift)induced by calcification is expected tobe opposed to that induced by hema-toma (Fig 1).

We undertook this study to confirm

the diamagnetic susceptibility of calci-fication on GRE phase images and to

Page 2: Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,







Figure 2. Scheme of types D and P phase shift. In this study, shift of magnetic field (8B�) isopposed to the phase shift (&t).

a. b. c.

172 #{149}Radiology January 1996

characterize the specific appearanceof calcification on MR images.


Phase shift of a proton (b4) is in propor-tion to echo time (TE) and perturbation ofmagnetic field at the proton (SB),

f14=--y’TEflB, (1)

where -y is the magnetogyric ratio. We de-fined �4 as opposite to �B. Therefore, highand low field strengths correspond to nega-tive (dark) and positive (bright) phaseshifts, respectively.

Clinical Study

Forty-nine patients were examined with

GRE phase imaging. Underlying diseaseprocesses in these patients included cere-bral infarction (ii = 23 patients), intracra-

nial aneurysm (n = 3), intracerebral hem-

orrhage (n = 3), vascular malformation

(n = 3), brain tumor (n = 3), and other

(n = 14). Presence or absence of calcifica-tion was decided by visually inspectingthe CT scans. CT was performed routinelyin work-up, with 10-mm (n = 46 patients)

or 5-mm (n = 3) section thickness. CT andMR imaging examinations were performedwithin a 1-month period.

Intracranial locations (ii = 140) werestudied in the 49 patients. The locations

were classified into the following fourgroups: group 1, calcified locations out of

the basal ganglia without evidence of past

hemorrhage (ti = 86); group 2, uncalcified

choroid plexus and pineal glands (n = 13);

group 3, calcified locations in the basal

ganglia (n = 15); and group 4, old andsmall hemorrhagic locations without calci-fication (n = 26) (Table 1).

MR imaging was performed with a headcoil on a 1.5-T imager (Magnctom H15;

Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Ger-

many). GRE imaging was performed afterconventional spin-echo imaging. The GRE

Figure 3. Group 1 location, type D phase

shift in a 67-year-old man with multi-infarct

dementia. (a) Plain CT image obtained with a

conventional window (level, 30 HU; width,

80 HU) depicts calcification in the pineal gland

and the choroid plexus. (b) Plain CT scan

obtained with a bone window (level, 300 1-lU;width, 600 HU) depicts small densely calcified

regions. (c) GRE image (500/11, with a flip

angle of 30#{176})depicts hypointensity at the cal-cifications. (d) Calcifications on the phase

image calculated from the same raw data set

as c were apparently similar to those in b.(e) Magnified phase image of c, with a profile

through a transverse line, revealed type Dphase shift. Vertical bar in e indicates 90’phase shift (corresponding to 0.35 ppm B0).

Page 3: Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,

a. b.

C. d.

Figure 4. Group 1 location, type D phase shift in a calcified arteriovenous malformation in a

5-year-old boy. (a) Plain CT scan depicts a gyniform calcification. (b) GRE image (300/20, with

a flip angle of 70’) depicts low signal intensity at the calcification. (c) Phase image calculated

from the same raw data set as b. (d) Magnified phase image of c, with a profile through the

calcification, depicts type D phase shift. Vertical bar in d indicates 90#{176}phase shift (correspond-

ing to 0.35 ppm Bo).

Volume 198 #{149}Number I Radiology #{149}173

sequence was simple and had a spoiling

gradient pulse at the end. Phase and mag-

nitude GRE images were calculated from

the same raw data set.

Orientation of the section was perpen-

dicular to the main field and body axis. In

all MR imaging examinations, GRE imag-

ing with TE of 11 and/or 30 msec was per-

formed. In 21 MR imaging examinations,GRE imaging with TE of 15 and/or 20 msecwas also performed. Repetition time (TR)

ranged from 100 to 600 msec. Flip angleranged from 30#{176}to 70#{176}.In three locationswith dense calcification, GRE imaging was

performed with fixed TE (11 msec) in allcombinations of TR (100, 300, 500 msec)

and flip-angle (30#{176},50#{176},70#{176}).In all exami-nations, section thickness was 4 mm withan intersection gap of 2 mm, and matrixsize was 256 x 256 (the resulting pixel sizewas 1.0 x 1.0 mm2).

Phase shift was evaluated with the pro-file along a 1-pixel-wide line that passedthrough the center of the location. Maxi-mum phase shift was measured as the dif-ference between the peak and baseline ofthe profile.

Phantom Experiments

Phantom experiments were performedwith the same system as was used in theclinical study. GRE magnitude and phaseimages were calculated from the same dataset. A lead particle (a small sinker used forfishing) that weighed 0.87 g (calculated

diameter, on the basis of specific gravity oflead, was 2.5 mm if it was spherical) was

hung with nylon string in a spherical flaskfilled with 5 mmol/L CuCl2 solution in wa-ter (XCuC12 � 1,400 . 10� ‘ mole’ centime-ter-gram-second Icgsi). Susceptibility ofthe solution is almost the same as that ofpure water (Xwater � -0.72 � 10�’ cgs at

20#{176}C).The section was perpendicular tothe main field. Section thickness (4 mm)and pixel size (1.0 x 1.0 mm) were fixed.The position of the section in the section-select direction relative to the particle waschanged every 2 mm, with fixed TR (100msec), TE (11 msec), and flip angle (40#{176}).Inthe section that revealed peak phase shift,the following imaging parameters werechanged: TE = I 1, 20, 30 msec, with fixedTR (100 msec) and flip angle (40#{176});TR =

100, 300, 500 msec, with fixed TE (11 msec)and flip angle (40#{176});flip angle = 3()O 60#{176},90#{176},with fixed TE (11 msec) and TR (100

msec).Phase shift was evaluated with a 1-pixel-

wide profile through the central portion ofthe particle on the phase images. Signalintensity was evaluated with the profile todetermine if it was the same as that of

noise on the magnitude images.

Computer Simulation

Table 1

� Calcifications in Group 1-4 Locations

Location of Calicifications

Choroid Pineal BasalGroup* Plexus Gland Tumor Vascular Ganglia Other Total

1 35 17 7 10 0 17� 86

2 10 3 0 0 0 0 13

3 0 0 0 0 15 0 154


0 0 0 0 3 23 26

45 20 7 10 18 40 140

Note-Numbers are number of calcifications at each location, in each group.* Group I, calcified locations out of the basal ganglia; group 2, choroid plexus and pineal glands with-

out calcification; group 3, calcified basal ganglia; group 4, old hemorrhage (hypertensive or idiopathic).t Locations were the falx (n = 3), tuber of tuberous sclerosis (,i = 6), cortex (n = I [a patient with

Sturge-Weber diseasel), and surface of brain (ii = 7).

Consider a diamagnetic sphere placedin water at the center of coordinates. Per-turbation of the magnetic field (BB) is the zcomponent of the dipolar field induced by

the particle. The coordinates in the read-out (x) and section-select (z) directions aredisplaced with bB(x,y,z)/G. and BB(x,y,z)/G,, respectively, on the image (14). Thecoordinate in the phase-encode direction

(y) is not displaced. Therefore, the coordi-nate on the image (�,-ri,�) is related to the

coordinate in real space (x,y,z), with

�(x, y, z) = x + �lB(x, y, z)/G�,

�(x, y, z) = z + bB(x, y, z)/Gz, (2)

where G, and G, are the read-out and scc-lion-select gradients, respectively.

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h� � �

(�I �. ..,

� ...�r��;�: � .

C. d.Figure 5. Group 3 location, type P phase shift in a 79-year-old woman with suspected par-kinsonism. (a) Plain CT scan depicts bilaterally calcified globus pallidus. (b) GRE image (200/

II, with a flip angle of 70#{176})depicts hypointensity in the globus pallidus. (c) Phase image calcu-

lated from the same raw data set as b. (d) Magnified phase image of c, with a profile through

the globus pallidus, depicts type P phase shift. Vertical bar in d indicates 90#{176}phase shift (corre-

sponding to 0.35 ppm B0).


Type of Phase Shift

TotalD P H 0












63 42 3 32 140

Note-Numbers are number of areas with each type of phase shift, per group. D = diamagnetic, P =

� paramagnetic, H = heterogeneous, 0 = no obvious phase shifts.� * Group 1. calcified locations out of the basal ganglia; group 2, choroid plexus and pineal glands with-� out calcification; group 3, calcified basal ganglia; group 4, old hemorrhage (hypertensive or idiopathic).

174 #{149}Radiology January 1996

The complex signal of a voxel (M) with

its center at (X,Y,Z) may be calculated bysumming the complex signal of a small

cube with its center at (x,y,z). If the dis-placed coordinate � is placed in the

voxel, the signal of the cube should besummed; otherwise, it should not be

summed. Therefore, we introduce a


F(x, y, z, X, Y, Z)


= 1, if (�, -y,Q is in the voxel,

= 0, if (�, -y,�) is out of the voxel. (3)

M(X, Y, Z) = d3

. � F(x, y, z, X, Y, Z)

. p(x, y, z) . exp [i � �4�(x, y, z)l,

where d is the length of the side of thecube,

�l4(x, y, z) = --�‘ . TE ‘ �lB(x, y, z),

f�B(x, y, z) = 4-ir ‘ (cos2ft - ‘/�) .

. B() . a3/(�x + y2 + z2)3, (6)

where (1 is the angle made by the mainfield and a vector (x,y,z), a is the radius ofthe sphere, and p is a proton-density func-

tion: p iS 1 if (x,y,z) is out of the sphere and

0 if (x,y,z) is in the sphere. Net phase shift

of a voxel ( < ii�t, > ) may be calculated as

phase of M.Numeric calculation was performed

(Mathcad 3.1; MathSoft, Mass) on a per-

sonal computer (Contura 25/cx; Compaq,

Texas). Consider a spherical particle with1.25-mm radius and a 4-mm-thick section

perpendicular to the main field, with a

pixel size of 1.0 x 1.0 mm2. Consider gra-

dient pulses with strengths the same as

those used in the clinical and phantom

studies, G� = 3.132 . 10 � T/mm and C, =

6 10”T/mm.Wecalculated <�4> for

6x = Xspht’rc � Xw.it�r 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2,-0.3, -0.4, -0.5 ‘ 10 “ cgs, with fixed TE

(11 msec). Z and X were changed every Imm and Y was fixed at 0. The amount ofincrease of x, y, and z in the summation

with Equation (4) was 0.1 mm.

Clinical Study


The profile of the phase shift was

classified into the following four types

(Fig 2): type D (representing diamag-

netic susceptibility), advanced phaseshift that corresponds to low magnetic

field, with or without slight phase retar-dation in its peripheral portion; type P(a mirror image of type D, represent-ing paramagnetic susceptibility), re-

tarded phase shift that corresponds to

high magnetic field, with or withoutslight phase advancement in its pe-

ripheral portion; type H, heteroge-neous phase shift; and type 0, no

obvious phase shift.Correlation between the types of

Table 2Type of Phase Shift in Each Location

susceptibility and the groups of loca-

tions is summarized in Table 2. Al-

most all group 1 locations revealed

type D (63 of 86 locations) or type 0(19 of 86 locations) phase shift (Figs 3,

4). Group I locations with type 0

phase shift had small or thin calcifica-

tion. All group 2 locations (control

group) revealed type 0 phase shift.All but two group 3 and 4 locations

revealed type P phase shift (Figs 5, 6).One group 1 location with type Hphase shift had massive and hctcro-

geneous calcifications in a craniopha-

ryngioma. Two group 3 locations with

type H phase shift were bilateral globus

Page 5: Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,




,..-� .

_) ,\_1 � :� � � �

. � � � . � ��-;:� � . .

!�4 ...,:‘J� . � �

C. d.

Figure 6. Group 4 location, type P phase shift, and group I location, type 0 phase shift were

both seen in a 79-year-old man with a long history of hypertension who had experienced

right putaminal hemorrhage, which was depicted at CT performed 6 years before these im-ages were obtained. (a) Plain CT scan depicts fine calcifications in the choroid plexus and pi-

neal gland and fl() calcification in the basal ganglia and thalamus. (b) GRE image (600/Il, with

a flip angle of 30’) depicts multiple hypointense lesions (small old hemorrhages) in the basal

ganglia and thalamus. (c) Phase image calculated from the same raw data set as b depicts

phase retardation that corresponds to the hypointense lesions. The calcifications did not re-

veal obvious phase shift even in the neighboring sections (type 0 phase shift). (d) Magnified

phase image of c, with a profile through a transverse line, depicts type P phase shift at the

hypointense lesions. Vertical bar in d indicates 90#{176}phase shift (corresponding to 0.35 ppm Bo).



Volume 198 #{149}Number I Radiology #{149}175




TE (msec)

Figure 7. Maximum (type D) phase shift in

type D locations in group I increased almost

linearly with TE. Horizontal bars indicate theaverage at TEs of Ii and 30 msec.

initially increased with � and saturated

at large �x (Fig 9b). Amplitude of

< � > substantially changed if X and

z were shifted slightly (Fig 9c, 9d).Unfortunately we could not find

ai.y value for the susceptibility of cal-cified particle or hydroxyapatite in theliterature. With the Pascal formula, We-

hrli et al (7) estimated susceptibility ofcalcium hydroxyapatite (Xapa) and wa-ter (Xwater) as -0.876 . i0-� and -0.583�iO-6 cgs, respectively, which resultedin the difference, � = Xapa Xwater

-0.293 . 10-s cgs. With a measuredsusceptibility for water (-0.72 . 106

cgs), the difference is -0.156 � i0� cgs.

Since susceptibility of lead (XPh) is

-1.247 . iO-t’ cgs, the difference, � =

Xii� Xwater, �5 0.527 . 10� cgs. Themeasured phase shift of the lead par-tide was smaller than the calculated

phase shift (Figs 8, 9), probably be-cause of the slightly off-center posi-

tion in the section, the unsphcrical

shape of the particle, and contamina-

tion with metals other than lead.

paffidus with calcification in an 18-year-

old woman with familial ataxia. Threegroup 1 locations with type P phaseshift were calcified choroid plexus.

In 13 locations with type D phaseshift, the maximum phase shift wasmeasured with two to four TEs, includ-

ing both 1 1 and 30 msec (Fig 7). The

maximum phase shift was almost pro-

portional to TE and was independent

of TR and flip angle. In the locationswith small phase shift, imaging with

longer TE was effective to confirm the

shift. We decided that a location had

type 0 phase shift if it had no obvious

phase shift even with TE of 30 msec.

Phantom Experiment

The lead particle revealed type D

phase shift. Phase shift increased with

TE (Fig 8). However, phase shift at TE

of 20 msec was only i.5 times as much

as phase shift at ii msec (phase shift

was not linearly related to TE). Phase

shift at TE of 30 msec had a notch at

the central portion where the signal

intensity was nearly as low as the

level of noise. Phase shift was mdc-pendent of TR and flip angle and de-

pended on the position of the imag-ing section relative to the lead particle.

Peripheral phase retardation was ob-vious when the particle was placed

near the center of the section but wasnot obvious when the particle was

placed off center. More detailed phan-

torn experiments with lead particles

have been reported (13).

Computer Simulation

Phase shift < &j > was type D at each

�lx (Fig 9a). Peak amplitude of < &t >

Clinical Usefulnessof Phase Imaging

Results in our clinical study showed

that all locations of type D phase shiftat GRE imaging had calcification (100%specificity of type D for calcification).

The fact that the phase shift is almostindependent of TR and flip angle can

be an advantage of phase imaging,

because the interpretation is simple. It

takes no excess imaging time to obtain

phase images.

Sufficiently T2*-weighted images

(TR second/TE mscc = 0.2-0.75/50,with a flip-angle of 10#{176})depicted all

calcifications as having low signal in-

tensity (8). In this study, many small

or thin group 1 calcifications had type0 phase shift (phase shift was not obvi-ous). Small phase shift should have

Page 6: Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,

Figure 8. Images from the experiment with

a lead particle in a spherical flask filled with 5

mmol/L CuC12 in water. (a) Magnitude im-

age of GRE image (100/li, with a flip angleof 400). (la) Phase image calculated from thesame raw data set as a is similar to Figure 3.In a, the signal intensity at the particle is cx-tremely low (center). Magnified phase imageswith profiles through the lead particle were

obtained with TE of(C) II, (d) 20, and (e) 30

msec. Vertical bars in c-e indicate 90’ phase

shift (corresponding to 0.35, 0.19, and 0.13

ppm B0, respectively).

176 #{149}Radiology January 1996

been masked by the perturbation of

phase shift due to noise and artifacts.

More heavily T2*-weighted (TE � 50

msec), or less noisy (eg, low-band-

width data sampling) phase images

might have revealed type D phase

shift in the fine calcifications. In small

calcifications, use of small voxels

would be effective to enhance thephase shift. We confirmed that phase

shift increases as voxel size decreases,

in experiments with lead particles

(13). All old and small hemorrhages,

which are frequently found in pa-

tients with hypertension, revealed

type P phase shift. A sequential study

of symptomatic intracerebral hema-toma on GRE phase images demon-

strated that chronic hematoma usu-

ally has a ring-shaped phase shift

around it (11). However, we foundthat many small hematomas finally

reveal type P phase shift (Fig 6).

Calcifications contain various trace

metals such as copper, iron, manga-nese, zinc, calcium, and phosphorous

(15-20). However, to our knowledge,

the magnetic properties of these met-als are not known. If a calcification is

accompanied by abundant paramag-

netic substances, it may reveal type P

phase shift. In this study, however,

group 1 calcifications had mostly type

D phase shift (ic, diamagnetic compo-

nents were dominant). The cause of

type P phase shift of the three group

1 choroid plexus is not known, but

there is a possibility of asymptomatic

hemorrhage. Iron accumulates in thebasal ganglia, especially in the globus

pallidus, and the concentration in-

creases with age (2i-24). Type P

phase shift of calcified group 3 globus

pallidus can be ascribed to deposi-

tions of paramagnetic irons. In theselocations, findings with CT and MR

imaging compensate each other: CT is

sensitive to calcification and MR im-

aging is sensitive to paramagnetic

substances. The presence of type H

calcified globus pallidus in a young

female patient may be due to insuffi-

cient accumulation of iron, which re-

suIts in competition between diamag-netic and paramagnetic components.

A few limitations of phase imaging

should be mentioned. If the signal

intensity of a calcification is extremely

low, measurement of the phase shift

is not reliable, because it should be

affected by noise and artifacts. If the

shape of a calcification is extremely

irregular, the phase shift will be heter-

ogencous. If a calcification is sus-pected to be on the surface of the brain,flow signal of cortical artery and veinshould be ruled out. Phase shift dueto flow can be positive (type D) ornegative (type P), depending on flowvelocity and geometry. To differenti-

ate calcification and flow, magnitude

images are helpful. Although there

was a tendency for denser calcifica-

tions to have larger phase shifts than

did finer calcifications, quantitativeevaluation of the phase shift is not aseffective in clinical practice becausethe geometric factors arc too complex.

Mechanisms of Phase Shift

The microscopic structure of calcifi-

cations is complex: large stones are

seen in Fahr disease (16), clustered

psammoma bodies are seen in cho-roid plexus and meningioma (i7), and

a mixture of amorphous and grape-like structures is seen in the pinealgland (i8). Local magnetic field

should be inhomogeneous, depend-ing on the shape, size, and distribu-tion of calcified particulatcs as well as

on susceptibility differences (7,10,14,25).

Page 7: Intracranial Calcification onGradient-Echo Phase Image ...mriquestions.com/uploads/3/4/5/7/34572113/1st_swi... · nance (MR)imaging hasbeen established forintracranial diseases. However,

<&I�> <64�>



<(s>270#{176}-________ _________

,/\ �X(x106)

180#{176} � \\ A -0.5 jo,�o#{163} �\ o-0.2

�/ ,,�,, .. o-005

90#{176}- / :‘

0 #{176}�

-5-4-3-2-10 1 2 34 5 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5x(mm) �X(x10�)





120#{176} , A A


60#{176} � � ,� ‘




� �

r �

..�.t, , I



� fr;.. ,.L:c

Vnliin�e 198 #{149}Number I Radiology #{149}177



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

x (mm)

Figure 9. Computer simulation of the phase shift. Consider a small dia-

magnetic sphere with 1.25-mm radius placed at the center of the coordi-nates. Consider a section perpendicular to the main field through thecenter of the coordinates (section thickness, 4 mm; pixel size, 1.0 x 1.0

mm2). (a) Three series of < b4� > for 6� of -0.05, -0.2, -0.5 x 10�’ cgs

are plotted. X is the coordinate of the center of a voxel in the read-out

direction. Coordinates Y (phase-encode direction) and Z (section-select

direction) are 0. (b) Peak amplitude of < 64 > at each 6� is plotted with

0 fixed TE (11 msec). (c) Effect of pixel shift in read-out (X) direction. Two

series of < 64) > are plotted (TE, 11 msec; 6�, -0.2 x 10�’ cgs). (d) Effect

Z (mm) of shift of the section in the section-select (Z) direction. Four series of<b4�> are plotted (TE, 11 msec; fix, -0.2 x lO6cgs).

� ,, �-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Figure 10. A scheme of the mechanisms of

phase shift. Consider a diamagnetic particle

(#{149})placed at the center of the coordinates.

Perturbation of the magnetic field fiB (the zcomponent of the dipolar field induced by

the particle) is antiparallel to the main field

in the superior and inferior side (solid ar-rows) and is parallel to the main field in thelateral side (open arrows). Voxels are illus-

trated with rectangles (-3 to 3). In the cen-

tral voxel (0), 6B is negative (positive phaseshift). In the voxel including the lateral bor-

der of the particle (-1, 1), positive and nega-

tive 6B cancel out each other, which resultsin small positive or negative net phase shift.

In the more lateral voxels (-2, -3, 2, 3), smallpositive 6B is dominant (small negative

phase shift).

Roughly speaking, however, densely

calcified portions should have low

signal because free water content is

very low and T2* is very short. The

area of no or less calcification that sur-

rounds the area of dense calcification

should respond to the dipolar fieldinduced by the dense portion andshould dominate the signal intensityin the voxcl including the calcifica-tion. Phase shifts in high and lowfield strengths must cancel each otherout in a voxel that includes lateralborder of the dense portion (Fig 10).

The phase shift of a proton (�4) is

in proportion to both TE and � (Eqq[5, 61). However, if � exceeds ± 180#{176},

it is projected in the range within± 180#{176}.Therefore, the average phase

shift in a voxel ( < �4 > ) can be non-linear to SX and TE if �4 diverges over± 180#{176}(Fig 9b). This fact is criticallydifferent from the fact that the aver-age phase shift of the magnetic fieldin a voxcl (SB) is linear to �.

We do not know of any study thatfound the chemical shift of free waterproton in biologic tissue to be substan-tially different from the chemical shift

of pure water. The small or no differ-ence in phase shift between brain tis-sue and cerebrospinal fluid (Figs 3-6)

supports the hypothesis that chemical

shift of water proton in brain tissue is

almost the same as that in pure water.Chemically inactive stones (calcifica-tions) seem not to effect the chemical

shift of bulk water. Findings in ourexperiments with precipitation of hy-droxyapatite and calcium carbonate

particulates in water (not published)suggest that chemical shift due to the

particulates was negligible comparedwith the effect of susceptibility. Webelieve the phase shifts we observedin calcification were predominantlycaused by susceptibility effect.

In conclusion, T2*-weighted GREimages cannot differentiate diamag-netic location (eg, calcification) fromparamagnetic location (eg, hemon-rhage) because both have low signalintensity, but GRE phase images candifferentiate them. Typically, calcifica-tions reveal positive phase shift (con-

responding to negative shift of themagnetic field), which can be specificfor calcification, whereas small hem-orrhagic lesions reveal negative phaseshift (corresponding to positive shiftof the magnetic field). Results in nu-merical calculation and experimentsconfirmed that diamagnetic particleshave a positive phase shift. Averagingthe spin of a proton in a voxel is es-sential to understand the phase shiftbehavior. #{149}

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