Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A novel imaging method for intraprocedural evaluation of radiofrequency ablation lesions Stephanie A. Eyerly, MS,* Tristram D. Bahnson, MD, FHRS, Jason I. Koontz, MD, PhD, David P. Bradway, BS, Douglas M. Dumont, PhD, Gregg E. Trahey, PhD,* Patrick D. Wolf, PhD From the *Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Duke Center for Atrial Fibrillation, Duke Heart Center, and Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Section, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Duke University, and Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina. BACKGROUND Arrhythmia recurrence after cardiac radiofre- quency ablation (RFA) for atrial fibrillation has been linked to conduction through discontinuous lesion lines. Intraprocedural visualization and corrective ablation of lesion line discontinuities could decrease postprocedure atrial fibrillation recurrence. Intra- cardiac acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is a new imaging technique that visualizes RFA lesions by mapping the relative elasticity contrast between compliant-unablated and stiff RFA-treated myocardium. OBJECTIVE To determine whether intraprocedure ARFI images can identify RFA-treated myocardium in vivo. METHODS In 8 canines, an electroanatomical mapping– guided intracardiac echo catheter was used to acquire 2-dimensional ARFI images along right atrial ablation lines before and after RFA. ARFI images were acquired during diastole with the myocardium posi- tioned at the ARFI focus (1.5 cm) and parallel to the intracardiac echo transducer for maximal and uniform energy delivery to the tissue. Three reviewers categorized each ARFI image as depicting no lesion, noncontiguous lesion, or contiguous lesion. For comparison, 3 separate reviewers confirmed RFA lesion pres- ence and contiguity on the basis of functional conduction block at the imaging plane location on electroanatomical activation maps. RESULTS Ten percent of ARFI images were discarded because of motion artifacts. Reviewers of the ARFI images detected RFA- treated sites with high sensitivity (95.7%) and specificity (91.5%). Reviewer identification of contiguous lesions had 75.3% specificity and 47.1% sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS Intracardiac ARFI imaging was successful in iden- tifying endocardial RFA treatment when specific imaging condi- tions were maintained. Further advances in ARFI imaging technol- ogy would facilitate a wider range of imaging opportunities for clinical lesion evaluation. KEYWORDS ARFI imaging; Radiofrequency ablation; Lesion assess- ment; Atrial fibrillation ABBREVIATIONS 2-D 2-dimensional; ARFI acoustic radia- tion force impulse; DOF depth of field; EAM electroanatomi- cal mapping; ECG electrocardiogram; ICE intracardiac echo; LAT local activation time; RFA radiofrequency ablation; TCA transcatheter cardiac ablation (Heart Rhythm 2012;9:1855–1862) © 2012 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved. Introduction Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an established curative therapy for cardiac arrhythmias. 1 Transcatheter ablation (TCA) for atrial fibrillation electrically isolates arrhythmo- genic regions of the atria by creating contiguous and trans- mural lines of multiple discrete lesions with radiofrequency energy. Therefore, lesion placement and line contiguity are important determinants of procedure efficacy. 1–3 To date, there is no clinically proven method to visu- ally evaluate the presence or extent of RFA lesions dur- ing TCA. Electroanatomical mapping (EAM) systems guide lesion placement, annotate the catheter position during RF energy delivery, and construct substrate con- duction maps. EAM conduction maps provide indirect feedback about lesion formation during RFA, but they cannot provide direct lesion visualization. Fluoroscopy and intracardiac ultrasound imaging (intracardiac echo [ICE]) can guide catheter placement during TCA, but they lack the soft-tissue contrast needed to provide lesion assessment. 4 Intraprocedural visualization of RFA le- sions could improve TCA outcomes by identifying in- This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant numbers R01-EB-012484, R21-EB-007741, and R37-HL-096023). This study used loaned equipment from Siemens Healthcare (ACUSON S2000 ultrasound scanner: Issaquah, WA) and Biosense Webster, Inc (CARTO XP EP Navigation System: Diamond Bar, CA). Dr Trahey reports relevant patent application and ownership. Address for reprint requests and correspondence: Dr Patrick D. Wolf, PhD, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, 136 Hudson Hall, PO Box 90281, Durham, NC 27708. E-mail address: [email protected]. 1547-5271/$ -see front matter © 2012 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2012.07.003

Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A

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Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A novelimaging method for intraprocedural evaluation ofradiofrequency ablation lesionsStephanie A. Eyerly, MS,* Tristram D. Bahnson, MD, FHRS,† Jason I. Koontz, MD, PhD,†

David P. Bradway, BS,‡ Douglas M. Dumont, PhD,‡ Gregg E. Trahey, PhD,*‡ Patrick D. Wolf, PhD‡

From the *Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, †Duke Center for Atrial Fibrillation, Duke HeartCenter, and Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Section, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Duke University, and‡Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.






BACKGROUND Arrhythmia recurrence after cardiac radiofre-quency ablation (RFA) for atrial fibrillation has been linked toconduction through discontinuous lesion lines. Intraproceduralvisualization and corrective ablation of lesion line discontinuitiescould decrease postprocedure atrial fibrillation recurrence. Intra-cardiac acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is a newimaging technique that visualizes RFA lesions by mapping therelative elasticity contrast between compliant-unablated and stiffRFA-treated myocardium.

OBJECTIVE To determine whether intraprocedure ARFI imagescan identify RFA-treated myocardium in vivo.

METHODS In 8 canines, an electroanatomical mapping–guidedintracardiac echo catheter was used to acquire 2-dimensional ARFIimages along right atrial ablation lines before and after RFA. ARFIimages were acquired during diastole with the myocardium posi-tioned at the ARFI focus (1.5 cm) and parallel to the intracardiacecho transducer for maximal and uniform energy delivery to thetissue. Three reviewers categorized each ARFI image as depictingno lesion, noncontiguous lesion, or contiguous lesion. Forcomparison, 3 separate reviewers confirmed RFA lesion pres-

C 27708. E-mail address: [email protected].

547-5271/$ -see front matter © 2012 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved

t the imaging plane location on electroanatomical activationaps.

ESULTS Ten percent of ARFI images were discarded because ofotion artifacts. Reviewers of the ARFI images detected RFA-

reated sites with high sensitivity (95.7%) and specificity91.5%). Reviewer identification of contiguous lesions had 75.3%pecificity and 47.1% sensitivity.

ONCLUSIONS Intracardiac ARFI imaging was successful in iden-ifying endocardial RFA treatment when specific imaging condi-ions were maintained. Further advances in ARFI imaging technol-gy would facilitate a wider range of imaging opportunities forlinical lesion evaluation.

EYWORDS ARFI imaging; Radiofrequency ablation; Lesion assess-ent; Atrial fibrillation

BBREVIATIONS 2-D � 2-dimensional; ARFI � acoustic radia-ion force impulse; DOF � depth of field; EAM � electroanatomi-al mapping; ECG � electrocardiogram; ICE � intracardiac echo;

LAT � local activation time; RFA � radiofrequency ablation;TCA � transcatheter cardiac ablation

(Heart Rhythm 2012;9:1855–1862) © 2012 Heart Rhythm Society.

ence and contiguity on the basis of functional conduction block All rights reserved.

IntroductionRadiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an established curativetherapy for cardiac arrhythmias.1 Transcatheter ablation(TCA) for atrial fibrillation electrically isolates arrhythmo-genic regions of the atria by creating contiguous and trans-

This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grantnumbers R01-EB-012484, R21-EB-007741, and R37-HL-096023). Thisstudy used loaned equipment from Siemens Healthcare (ACUSON S2000ultrasound scanner: Issaquah, WA) and Biosense Webster, Inc (CARTOXP EP Navigation System: Diamond Bar, CA). Dr Trahey reports relevantpatent application and ownership. Address for reprint requests andorrespondence: Dr Patrick D. Wolf, PhD, Department of Biomedicalngineering, Duke University, 136 Hudson Hall, PO Box 90281, Durham,

mural lines of multiple discrete lesions with radiofrequencyenergy. Therefore, lesion placement and line contiguity areimportant determinants of procedure efficacy.1–3

To date, there is no clinically proven method to visu-ally evaluate the presence or extent of RFA lesions dur-ing TCA. Electroanatomical mapping (EAM) systemsguide lesion placement, annotate the catheter positionduring RF energy delivery, and construct substrate con-duction maps. EAM conduction maps provide indirectfeedback about lesion formation during RFA, but theycannot provide direct lesion visualization. Fluoroscopyand intracardiac ultrasound imaging (intracardiac echo[ICE]) can guide catheter placement during TCA, butthey lack the soft-tissue contrast needed to provide lesionassessment.4 Intraprocedural visualization of RFA le-

sions could improve TCA outcomes by identifying in-

. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2012.07.003

Page 2: Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A



1856 Heart Rhythm, Vol 9, No 11, November 2012

complete RFA lesion formation and guiding additionalablation to complete the lesion set.

Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is anovel ultrasound-based technique that creates 2-dimen-sional (2D) images of relative tissue elasticity.5 ARFI im-aging uses ultrasonic radiation force impulses to mechani-cally displace tissue and conventional ultrasound methodsto monitor the tissue response spatially and temporally. Thedisplacement magnitude (�10 �m) is calculated by usingorrelation-based delay estimation methods.6,7 The magni-

tude of the tissue displacement is inversely proportional totissue elasticity, and a 2D image of ARFI-induced tissuedisplacement provides visualization of relative tissue stiff-ness.8,9

RF-induced tissue heating causes irreversible thermoco-agulation and permanently denatures intracellular and con-tractile proteins, which increases tissue stiffness.10–12 Weave previously demonstrated that ICE-based ARFI imag-ng can visualize the relative elasticity difference betweenblated and unablated myocardium in vivo and can accu-ately assess focal RFA lesion morphology in vitro.13–15

As currently implemented, 2D ICE-based ARFI imagescan be acquired and displayed every few seconds; this framerate makes it difficult to “scan” the heart for lesions. ICE-based ARFI imaging can be integrated with EAM to guidethe ARFI imaging plane to RFA annotated areas, enablingefficient intraprocedure lesion evaluation.

This animal study was undertaken to determine whetherintracardiac ARFI imaging can be used to detect RFA treat-ment and evaluate conduction block-producing contiguouslesion lines during in vivo TCA.

MethodsIntegrated imaging system and proceduralequipment setupThe multimodality imaging system consisted of a modifiedCARTO XP EP Navigation System (Biosense Webster,Diamond Bar, CA) and a software-modified Siemens ACUSONS2000 ultrasound scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Issaquah,WA). A custom CARTOSound module (Biosense Webster;Software Development, Tirat Carmel, Israel) was installed todisplay the S2000 ICE image in the CARTO XP software.Conventional ICE and ARFI images were acquired with acommercially available 10-F SoundStar catheter without mod-ification (Biosense Webster). ARFI images were acquired anddisplayed on a laptop computer (Dell Precision M90) within 15seconds during the procedure.

Catheters were navigated to the heart with fluoroscopy(C-Arm, Philips Healthcare, Andover, MA). All focal RFAlesions were delivered with a Stockert 70 Generator andNaviStar mapping/ablation catheter (Biosense Webster)with a peak energy of 30–45 W under temperature controlwith a target temperature between 50°C and 60°C for�30–90 seconds. An octapolar sensing catheter (XT Steer-able, Bard, Lowell, MA) was positioned in the coronary

sinus, and the distal electrodes were used as the activation

mapping reference and pacing electrodes (S48 Square PulseStimulator, Grass Technologies, West Warwick, RI).

The surface electrocardiogram (ECG) and endocardialelectrograms from the sensing and mapping catheters wereacquired by the CARTO patient interface unit, input into anOctal Bio Amp (ADInstruments, Milford, MA), and re-corded by using LabChart 7.0 data acquisition software(PowerLab, ADInstruments). In LabChart, an output chan-nel was configured to provide an impulse at a user-selecteddelay after a detected QRS of the ECG. This signal was fedinto the ultrasound scanner as a pseudo-ECG and used togate the image acquisitions.

Animal experiment procedureThe animal study protocol was approved by the Duke Uni-versity Animal Care and Use Committee and conformed tothe Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory animals.16

Eight canine subjects were anesthetized (preanesthesia:intramuscular acepromazine 0.02–0.05 mg/kg followed byintravenous propofol 4–6 mg/kg; general anesthesia: iso-flurane gas 1%–5% via inhalation), intubated, ventilated,and maintained metabolically stable. A baseline point-by-point geometry and local activation time (LAT) map wasmade of the canine right atrium. A pre-RFA guideline ofpoints delineating the intended sites of ablation was drawnon the CARTO LAT map; baseline ARFI images wereacquired along this guideline. The ICE fan position andorientation for each ARFI imaging location was saved forpostprocedure review using the navigation features of theEAM system. Discrete RFA lesions were delivered alongthe guideline in 2 stages. The first stage left an intentionalapproximately 1-cm gap, and the gap was closed in thesecond stage. After each stage, a new LAT map was con-structed and the ablation line was ARFI imaged. At the endof the study, the animal was euthanized and the heart wasremoved to confirm lesion delivery. The RFA lesions werephotographed with a digital camera.

In vivo ARFI imaging implementationThe ARFI images were created using a standard 64-elementSoundStar catheter imaging, at 6.15 MHz (1.5-cm focus).The S2000 ultrasound scanner was software-modified toimplement 2D beam sequences that acquire spatially andtemporally registered B-mode and ARFI images. A singleARFI image covered a 37-degree field of view and requiredapproximately 92 ms to acquire. Image data acquisition,data transfer, data processing, and image display took ap-proximately 10–15 seconds per ARFI image. All imagingsequences used were within regulatory limits for mechani-cal index (�1.7) and transducer surface heating (�4.0°C).17

In this study, ARFI images were acquired with the myo-cardium positioned near the ARFI imaging focus (1.5 cm)and parallel to the ICE transducer. ARFI imaging of themyocardium outside the appropriate imaging depth of field(DOF; between 0.5 and 2.25 cm) substantially reduces theacoustic energy delivered to the tissue and subsequently the

relative elasticity contrast.14 ARFI imaging the endocardial
Page 3: Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A




1857Eyerly et al Feasibility of Intraprocedure ARFI Imaging of RFA

surface at an oblique angle creates nonuniform acousticenergy delivery into the tissue, resulting in depth-dependentdifferences in relative tissue displacement. Any ARFI im-ages where the myocardial surface was outside the DOF orat an oblique angle (�50 degree) were discarded. Last,ARFI images with the mapping catheter in the field of viewwere excluded from analysis because the catheter tipblocked acoustic energy from entering the tissue, creating ashadowing artifact.

All ARFI acquisitions in this experiment were also ECG-gated and acquired during diastole by using the program-mable LabChart output channel. ARFI imaging during di-astole reduces artifacts caused by cardiac motion; bulkmotion of the myocardium during the acquisition can cor-rupt the tissue displacement measurements.13,14 Acquisi-ions were also gated to diastole to maximize the stiffnessontrast between RFA lesions and the surrounding unab-ated myocardium.13,14,18 To demonstrate the elasticity con-

trast between systole and diastole in ARFI imaging, Figure1A presents ARFI images (acquired with a VF10-5 lineartransducer, Siemens Healthcare) of a ventricular epicardialRFA lesion at different times in the cardiac cycle. Thelesion is visible as a semicircular region of relatively lowARFI-induced displacement. The ARFI image stiffnesscontrast between the lesion and unablated myocardium ismaximal during diastole (Figures 1A-1 and 1A-4). Thelarger 128-element ultrasound transducer was used for this

Figure 1 ARFI images of a right ventricular epicardial RFA lesion throhe nonirrigated electrode tip ablated the epicardial surface (EPI � epicardiimes during the cardiac cycle: (1) and (4) during diastole, (2) duringransthoracic probe (VF10-5, Siemens Medical) vacuum suctioned on theisplacement away from the transducer in microns; the transducer face is thblue) throughout the cycle. The normal myocardium cycles between high

acquisition times corresponding to the ECG. ARFI � acoustic radiation fo

right ventricle.

demonstration because it allowed a fast imaging frame rate(14 Hz) to observe the stiffening of the myocardium. Framerates this high damage existing intracardiac probes.

ARFI image processingThe 2D ARFI images were formed by delivering acousticimpulses to the tissue and tracking the resulting displace-ment for approximately 1 ms at each pixel by using thenormalized cross-correlation methods outlined by Hsu etal.14 Regions of the image with poor displacement estimatesblood, tissue beyond the DOF) were removed by thresh-lding the median normalized cross-correlation coefficient.ixel locations with a large displacement standard deviation�1 �m) through the tracking period were also removed. A

quadratic extrapolation motion filter was applied to the rawARFI image data to reduce the effects of bulk physiologicalmotion and catheter rebound on the displacement esti-mates.7,14 The maximum ARFI-induced displacement val-ues for each pixel location throughout the tracking timewere combined to create a single 2D maximum ARFI-induced displacement image. ARFI images that exhibitedsubstantial motion artifacts such as low normalized cross-correlation coefficients within the myocardium (�0.75) orvisible myocardial discontinuity were not included in thefinal statistical analysis.

For the final display, the upper limit of the ARFI dis-placement color bar was initially set to 10 �m and manually

cardiac cycle. Ablation catheter plane was vertically parallel to the page;DO � endocardium) for 7 s at 20 W. A: ARFI images acquired at differentand (3) during end systole. ARFI images were acquired with a linearicardium and imaging through a standoff. Color bar units are maximumge in the figure. Within the lesion, the ARFI-induced displacement is smallment (red) during diastole and low displacement during systole. B: ARFIulse; ECG � electrocardiogram; RFA � radiofrequency ablation; RV �

ugh theum, ENsystole,

RV epe top eddisplacerce imp

Page 4: Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A









1858 Heart Rhythm, Vol 9, No 11, November 2012

adjusted to increase contrast and reduce saturation. Thelower limit of the color bar was always set to 0 �m. Energyelivery was maximal at the focus, and the color bar rangeas typically increased for images where the myocardiumas directly at the focus and decreased when it was located

bove or below the focus. The range for all images of thepper limit of the color bar was 7.5–15 �m.

EAM LAT mapsScreenshots of each imaging fan position were compiledwith the LAT map by using the CARTOSound Module inthe system Review Mode. The tricuspid annulus was cutfrom the map, and internal points were removed. The abla-tion and guideline markers were hidden, and the color scaleof each LAT map was adjusted to increase the color gradi-ent at the ablation line.

Image review and statistical analysisThe ARFI images and their corresponding LAT maps wereseparately randomized and each read by 3 different review-ers (6 total reviewers).

Three reviewers (all experienced in ARFI imaging) wereinstructed to classify the ARFI images into 1 of 3 catego-ries: (1) no lesion, defined as the ARFI image depicts novisible area of low relative displacement in the myocar-dium; (2) noncontiguous lesion, depicts at least 1 area oflow relative displacement that does not extend the entirelength or depth of the imaged myocardium; or (3) contigu-ous lesion, the full extent of the imaged myocardium depictslow relative displacement.

Three different reviewers (2 clinical electrophysiologistsand 1 electrophysiology expert) were posed 3 yes or noquestions about each LAT map in reference to the baselinemap: (1) “Is there conduction block anywhere on thisLAT map?” (additional possible answer of “Cannot be de-termined”); (2) “Based on the activation pattern in the LATmap, does there appear to be RF lesions present at the ICEimaging fan location?”; and (3) “Is the ICE imaging planecompletely parallel to and transecting a line of block,thereby imaging a continuous line of lesion?” The RFAlesion widths observed in the postmortem pathology pho-tographs were typically between 4 and 8 mm; therefore,questions 2 and 3 were answered considering the imagingplane could be transecting RFA lesions within approxi-mately 8 mm of conduction block.

The degree of agreement within the sets of 3 reviewerswas quantified with the kappa statistic.19 The majority (ateast 2 of the 3 reviewers) reviews for both the ARFI imagesnd the LAT maps were used to determine the final image-ap pair assessment. Image pairs where the LAT-map as-

essment had no majority review or the majority reviewisidentified the correct stage of ablation (question 1; pre-FA vs post-RFA) were also removed from the analysis.

Heterogeneity analysis was performed to justify poolinghe data for all animals. A heterogeneity chi-square statisticas calculated to confirm that the data from the different

nimals came from a homogeneous population.20 R

The majority ARFI image categorization and LAT-mapassessment from question 2 were used to compile a 2 � 2ontingency table of all image pairs to summarize the abilityf ARFI imaging to identify the RFA lesion. For the ARFImages, the category “Lesion” included the noncontiguousnd continuous classifications. A second 2 � 2 contingencyable was compiled to summarize the ability of ARFI im-ging to identify lesion line discontinuities and conductionlock by using the LAT-map assessments from questions 2nd 3. This table only included postablation image pairsith a yes response to LAT-map assessment question 2. The

ensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and nega-ive predictive value were calculated for both tables.

ResultsIn 8 canine subjects, 243 ARFI images were acquired withthe outlined imaging conditions. Twenty-four images wererejected because of motion artifact; the remaining 219 ARFIimage-LAT map pairs (54 preablation, 80 after incompleteablation, and 85 after gap closure) were reviewed for sta-tistical analysis. The kappa coefficient for the ARFI imageassessments indicated substantial agreement (� � 0.734)etween the 3 reviewers. The individual kappa coefficientsor the LAT-map review questions showed almost perfectgreement when reading for global conduction block (� �

0.909), substantial agreement for identifying lesions at theimaging plane (� � 0.684), and moderate agreement whenssessing full conduction block at the imaging plane (� �.428). The LAT-map reviewers had different question re-ponses (no majority review) for 15 image pairs. The ma-ority review misidentified the correct stage of ablation in 5AT maps. These 20 image pairs were excluded from thenal analysis.

The statistical calculations included 199 image pairs. Theeviews for detecting RFA treatment with ARFI imagingompared with the reviews for identifying conduction dis-urbance in the LAT map are shown in Table 1. Table 2hows the ARFI image reviews for RFA lesion contiguity vsunctional conduction block (n � 140, includes only postab-ation image pairs confirmed by the LAT-map review). Theeterogeneity analysis justified pooling the data from all thenimal subjects. Table 3 summarizes the heterogeneity chi-quare and P value, sensitivity, specificity, positive predic-ive value, and negative predictive value for Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 ARFI image assessments for RFA treatment

ARFI imagelesionassessment

LAT map assessment at imaging fan location

No conductiondisturbance

Conduction disturbanceinferring the presenceof lesions Total

o lesion 54 6 60esion 5 134 139otal 59 140 199

ARFI � acoustic radiation force impulse; LAT � local activation time;

FA � radiofrequency ablation.
Page 5: Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A



1859Eyerly et al Feasibility of Intraprocedure ARFI Imaging of RFA

An image pair example from each ablation stage isshown in Figure 2. Before RFA (Figure 2C-1) the myocar-dial elasticity is homogeneous with relatively high ARFI-induced displacements. Figure 2C-2 shows the unablatedgap in the lesion line, visible as the area of high tissuedisplacement (�7.5 �m) surrounded by areas of relativelyow tissue displacements (�4.5 �m). The final ARFI image

(Figure 2C-3) shows a homogeneous region of low dis-placement, confirming complete ablation of the gap.

DiscussionThis study demonstrated that ARFI imaging, a new ultra-sound-based elasticity imaging technique, has the potentialto provide intraprocedure visualization of endocardial RFAlesions during TCA. RFA lesions were identified as regionswith low ARFI-induced tissue displacement, indicating in-creased stiffness, in contrast to the relatively high displace-ment of unablated myocardium. Conduction disturbances atthe imaging site on the LAT maps confirmed RFA treat-ment. Reviewers of the ARFI images accurately detectedRFA-treated areas from nontreated areas with high sensi-tivity, specificity, and predictive values. Reviewers alsodistinguished unablated gaps between adjacent RFA lesionsthat corresponded to conduction “breakthrough” on the ac-tivation map. Furthermore, ARFI images reviewed as con-tiguous RFA frequently displayed conduction block on theactivation map. Overall, we believe that using intracardiacARFI imaging for intraprocedural elasticity-based lesionevaluation is feasible and merits further investigation.

Clinical translation and implicationsLesion evaluation with an ARFI imaging EAM systemcould guide the delivery of consolidating RFA to lesion linediscontinuities and subsequently decrease the total proce-dure time and increase the success rate of procedures thatuse linear ablation strategies, such as pulmonary vein iso-

Table 2 ARFI image assessments for contiguous RFA

ARFI image lesion assessment

LAT map assessment atimaging fan location

No block Block Total

Noncontiguous lesion 67 27 94Contiguous lesion 22 24 46Total 89 51 140

ARFI � acoustic radiation force impulse; LAT � local activation time;FA � radiofrequency ablation.

Table 3 Summary of statistical analysis for Tables 1 and 2

n Heterogeneity �2HeterogenP value*

RFA treatment (1) 199 4.59 .7099Contiguous RFA (2) 140 9.29 .2325

NPV � negative predictive value; PPV � positive predictive value; RF

*Heterogeneity analysis: Degrees of freedom � 7, do not reject H0 (8 samples a

lation. An ARFI imaging EAM system uses existing clinicaltools and techniques; therefore, clinics would not need topurchase and install expensive new equipment in the oper-ating rooms and electrophysiologists would not need sig-nificant training to use the system.

As implemented in this study, the primary difficulty fortranslating intracardiac ARFI imaging to clinical practice isthe specific imaging conditions required to create usableARFI images. The ICE catheter must be within 2 cm of themyocardium or the tissue cannot be detectably displaced bythe acoustic impulse, and the endocardial surface must benearly parallel to the transducer or the uneven distributionof radiation force leads to spatial differences in displace-ment unrelated to the relative tissue elasticity. Future workto prepare ARFI imaging for widespread clinical adoptioncould include the production of an ICE catheter with atransducer optimized for ARFI imaging to increase theimaging DOF and developments in ARFI imaging sequenc-ing and image processing methods for energy-depth nor-malization when imaging curvilinear surfaces. Also, currentintracardiac ARFI imaging technology limits the imagingrate to 3 or 4 acquisitions/min. Improvements for nearreal-time imaging will have to balance increasing acquisi-tion rates against increasing acoustic exposure (mechanicalindex/transducer face heating).

Finally, imaging was gated to diastole to minimize mo-tion artifacts, and the ARFI-induced displacement data weremotion filtered to reduce the effects of axial bulk motion onthe displacement estimations. Unfortunately, as seen in ap-proximately 10% of the acquired images in this study,motion artifacts can occur if the acquisition is mistimedbecause of changes in heart rate or if the tissue motion isperpendicular to the imaging plane. Experience and thedevelopment of more sophisticated gating techniques couldreduce the incidence of motion artifacts in the images. Also,the canine heart rates (often �120 beats/min) were higherthan those of typical human patients; slower heart ratesprovide a longer diastolic window for imaging, subse-quently reducing the frequency of mistimed acquisitions.However, it is unknown how the inability to ECG-gateimaging during atrial fibrillation will affect ARFI imagequality and contrast. Despite the limitations, a substantialnumber of high-quality images of ablation lesions wereobtained in vivo and some clinicians may find utility in thetechnique even without significant advances in the imagingtechnology.

Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)

95.7 91.5 96.4 90.047.1 75.3 52.2 71.2

iofrequency ablation.


A � rad

re from a homogeneous population).
Page 6: Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A

gRitb e; RA

1860 Heart Rhythm, Vol 9, No 11, November 2012

Distinguishing conductive from nonconductiveunablated gapsCardiomyocytes near sites of RFA delivery can be revers-ibly “stunned” so that conduction block is observed acutelyafter circumferential or antral pulmonary vein isolation onlyto recover at some later time; the reconnection of the pul-monary veins is believed to be an important factor limitingthe efficacy of TCA for atrial fibrillation.21–23 The discor-dance between the activation-defined completeness of con-duction block and the ARFI imaging–defined lesion conti-guity described here could potentially be explained by theindirect functional vs direct imaging method of assessingblock. Further investigation will be required to show thatimaging tissue stiffness is a more sensitive measure ofablation lesion durability and long-term ablation successthan acute activation mapping.

In addition to electrical stunning, edema occurs withinRFA-treated regions.24 Edema can stiffen the myocardium,and it is unclear whether ARFI imaging is able to differen-tiate stiffening due to edema from RF-induced coagulation

Figure 2 An example of 3 ARFI image-LAT map pairs. Row 1: Acquiap. Row 3: Acquired after closure of the 1-cm gap. Column A: LAT mapFA lesions (red spherical markers). Column B: Conventional B-mode im

n the B-mode images. Column C: Maximum ARFI-induced displacemenransducer. RFA lesions sites are visible as regions of lower relative displaar. ARFI � acoustic radiation force impulse; LAT � local activation tim

necrosis of the cardiac tissue. This study indicated that

ARFI imaging could detect lesion line discontinuities, butfurther study of the change in stiffness due to substantialfluid swelling in conductive gaps between RFA lesions isneeded.

Study limitationsThe gold standard for image validation is the examination ofthe tissue pathology. Unfortunately, manually matching theexact orientation and location of each 2D ARFI imagingplane to the ex vivo pathology would risk substantial mis-registration error that would affect the accuracy of the lesionevaluations. EAM is the current end-procedure gold stan-dard for assessing ablation line completeness; therefore, thisstudy used EAM to identify regions of conduction distur-bance/block at the exact imaging plane as a functionalalternative to pathological inspection. The main limitationof using EAM as the gold standard for lesion comparison isthat LAT-map conduction disruptions could ultimately onlyinfer, not confirm, the presence of lesions. Also, EA mapsare representative geometries of the cardiac chamber. The

ore RFA. Row 2: Acquired after intentionally creating a 1-cm conductiveng the imaging fan position in the canine RA and the location of delivereduired at the location indicated on the LAT maps. There is no lesion visible

es. The color bar units are microns of tissue displacement away from the(stiffer tissue), represented by the blue-green-yellow portion of the color

, right atrium; RFA � radiofrequency ablation.

red befs showiages acqt imagcement

reproducibility and fidelity of the EA map to the actual

Page 7: Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse imaging: A



1861Eyerly et al Feasibility of Intraprocedure ARFI Imaging of RFA

anatomy and electrophysiology is largely dependent on var-ious factors such as catheter stability, LAT-point acquisitiondensity, and respiratory and cardiac motion. For example,Figure 3C shows an RFA line that was incompletely an-chored at the tricuspid annulus. LAT-conduction mappingat the annulus was sparse because of the difficulty of achiev-ing stable catheter contact at the annulus. In this case, it waschallenging to verify or deny an anchored lesion line fromthe LAT map. The ARFI image (Figure 3A) conclusivelyvisualizes an unablated region at the tricuspid annulus thatlikely corresponds to the unanchored gap. Adding differen-tial pacing to the methods may have improved the accuracyof these ambiguous EAM maps, but this was difficult toachieve in the small canine right atrium and was not per-formed in this study.

Assessing whether the ARFI imaging plane was par-allel and completely transecting a line of conductionblock on the LAT map was challenging; the difficultywas reflected in the moderate interreviewer agreement.LAT maps could not provide information about lesionline thickness or irregular lesion morphology if the cath-eter drifted, making it difficult to predict the exact extentof RFA treatment based on the functional conductionmap alone. Misalignment of the imaging plane throughcomplete RFA lines and the corresponding alignmentinterpretation from the LAT maps was likely a primarysource of discrepancy between the ARFI imaging and

Figure 3 A: Conventional (1) B-mode and (2) ARFI image at the tricuspt the annulus, indicating a likely unablated region. ARFI image color bar u

a line of RFA lesions in the RA; red spheres indicate RFA delivery sites. Cof RFA lesions (LRFA). A small unablated gap is visible at the TA, indicctivation time; RA, right atrium; RFA � radiofrequency ablation.

EAM lesion assessments.

ConclusionsThis study demonstrated that intracardiac ARFI imagingshows promise for evaluating RFA lesions during TCA.Reviewers of the ARFI images successfully identified RFAtreatment and potential lesion line discontinuities. Furtherdevelopment of ARFI-specific technology could increasethe range of possible imaging depths, allow the imaging ofoblique surfaces, and reduce the susceptibility of the imagesto motion artifacts. Successful clinical implementation ofthis technology could prompt operators to direct RF energyto incompletely ablated regions, thereby enhancing lesiondurability and reducing the need for repeat procedures.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Siemens Healthcare and Biosense Webster fortheir hardware system and support. We also thank JoshuaHirsch, Stephen Hsu, Brittany Potter, Peter Hollender, MattBrown, Veronica Rotemberg, Ellen Dixon-Tulloch, andMark Palmeri for their technical assistance.

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