Into the Dark Question 4 January 2013 CSEC English A

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  • 7/30/2019 Into the Dark Question 4 January 2013 CSEC English A


    Into the Dark

    Chantel and Abigail had been best friends since kindergarten. Their parents

    had attended secondary school together and now lived next door to one other, so

    naturally the girls who had been born only two months apart had been brought up

    as closely as sisters. They were inseparable and often spent the night at each

    others homes. On this particular Friday night in July 2007, they were sitting on

    Chantels bed, listening to the radio and singing at the top of their voices their

    favourite song by Michael Jackson, Beat It as they tried out some of his moves:-

    Watch me moonwalk, said Abigail.

    Ha! Thats not right. Watch me, said Chantel.

    The girls had always been highly competitive, wanting to excel and outdo each

    other in everything.

    What will we do tomorrow? asked Chantel, as she turned to moonwalk in

    the other direction.

    I think we should finally put our plan into action and go visit that old tunnel

    behind George Street. You know the one that Mom and Dad always claim is

    haunted. It is time to prove them wrong, said Abigail.

    But what if they are right? What will we do if there is something in there?

    Dont worry. We will walk with our flashlights and cell phones and get out of

    there as quickly as possible if we meet any danger. Are you up to a challenge?

    Abigail said in her taunting voice.

    Girls, its time to take off the radio and get to bed, called up Mrs. Morrison

    Okay, Mom, said Chantel.

    Good night, chorused the girls.

    Soon the room was in darkness as the girls got into bed and snuggled under

    their sheets. Little did they know that it was the last night that they would feel that

    safe and secure.

    Early the next morning, at around four oclock before the sun or the adults

    woke up, Chantel and Abigail set off on their adventure. They had talked about

    going into the tunnel for years but had never done so before due to the strict

    warnings of their parents. Now that they were older though, they felt that they

    could handle themselves and so off they went with huge smiles on their faces,

  • 7/30/2019 Into the Dark Question 4 January 2013 CSEC English A


    anticipating what they would find in that place that had taken on a mysterious shine

    since they had been forbidden to enter it all their lives.

    As they approached George Street, they lit their flashlights and shone the

    light on the old railway tracks that led to the tunnel. They both saw the sign that

    had been posted in front of the tunnel which read:- Unauthorised Persons StayClear of Tunnel.

    Im sure they just put that up so that kids would stay out, said Abigail.

    They dont want us knowing about the secret treasure that they have hidden


    Really, said Chantel. You think there is treasure inside? Well what are we

    waiting for? Lets get in there.

    They walked along the track, picking their way carefully among the broken

    tracks and stones. At one point Chantel even fell, but this did not deter them from

    their goal

    When they arrived at the entrance, they shone their lights inside and looked

    at each other carefully. The tunnel was extremely dark inside and each one was

    waiting for the other to turn back. Neither one however wanted to be the first to do

    so. Thus, they each took a huge breath and entered the gloom. They were both

    immediately struck by an icicle like blast of air.

    Wow! Did you feel that? It is so cold in here. I wonder why, said Chantel

    Its probably because no one has been in here for such a long time. There

    has not been anyone alive in here for such a long while thats why its cold.

    Leave nowLeave now.

    Did you hear that? asked Abigail. I am certain someone just whispered to

    us to leave.

    I heard it too. Do you think there is someone in here playing a trick on us?

    Leave now..or stay here forever

    Ha! You cant scare us, Mom and Dad. We know its just you, said Chantel.

    By this time, the two girls were huddled in a corner holding tightly to each

    other and looking around furtively to see from where the voice was coming.

    The temperature in the tunnel fell further until the girls started shivering. This

    time when they tried to move, they realized that they were unable to do so.

    Whats going on here! shouted Abigail. What have you done to us?

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    We warned you, was the response.

    Even as the girls began to panic, they saw a light coming from the back of

    the tunnel. They felt such relief at first, thinking that their parents were about to

    reveal themselves. Instead, their relief turned to abject terror when they saw what

    was coming towards them.

    It was a hideous apparition, made up of what appeared to be a number of

    beings joined together into one. There were so many hands, feet, heads, eyesthat

    the girls did not know where one being ended and the other began.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! screamed the girls in unison.

    Its too late now. You should have gone when you had the chance, said the

    eerily whispering voice. You must join us now

    Chantel and Abigail looked at each other in horror as they felt themselves

    melting and melding into the terrifying creature that hovered in front of them.

    Ha! Ha! Ha! laughed the apparition in a jubilant voice.

    Oh, God! No! shrieked Chantel and Abigail as they were sucked into the


    Within moments, they ceased to exist and the tunnel became utterly dark

    and quiet once more.