Project Management Framework Project Management Framework Muhammad Waseem  MS-IT/ PMP [email protected]

Intigration Management Lec-3

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Project Management

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Project Management FrameworkProject Management Framework

Muhammad Waseem


[email protected]

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Functional Organization

Matrix Organization

Projectized Organization

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Organizational Structure

Infuences On Projects

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Project Lie Cycle

Typical Sequence of Phases in a Project Life Cycle

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Project Lie Cycle

Project Management Process roups Mapped to the Plan-!o-

Chec"-#ct Cycle

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Project Lie Cycle

Project Management Process roup Triangle

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#e$uential% Overla""ing

and &teration'(en )our "roject (as sequential phases% eac(

"(ase starts after t(e "revious "(ase is *++,com"lete!

#ometimes )ou need teams to wor- inde"endentl)on di.erent "arts of t(e "roject% so t(at one teamdelivers t(eir results w(ile anot(er team is stillwor-ing! /(at0s w(en )ou0ll ma-e sure t(at )our

"(ases (ave an overlapping relationship!

Iteration means executing one "(ase w(ile"lanning t(e next

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1om"arison  In Overlapping t(e 2rst "(ase is set to deliver w(ile t(e

second is still executing! 3ut for some "rojects )ou mig(t(ave an overla""ing "(ase t(at ends 3efore t(e "revious"(ase!As a result% overla""ing "(ases can get "rett)com"licated to manage4 /(at0s w() overla""ing "(asescan increase ris-% 3ecause )our team mig(t (ave to do alot of rewor-!

Iteration is a really effective way to run certain kinds of software

projects. #gile soft$are de%elopment is an approach to

managing and running software projects that’s based on the idea

of iterative phases.

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Managing "rojectconstraints

Time & Cost& Scope & 'esources& (uality& 'is"

If you don’t manage all si constraints at the same time! you risk

managing in favor of just one constraint.

#ny time your 



you)ll need to"no$ ho$ that

change affects

all of the


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Project 5ife 1)cle

Project *oundaries

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 6ou can0t manage )our

"roject in a vacuumEnterprise Environmental Factors

People"he skills and organi#ational culture where you work.

Market"he way your company is performing in the market can affect the way

you manage your project.

$isk "olerance%ome companies are highly tolerant of risk and some are really risk averse.

%tandards%ome companies depend on government standards to run their business

and when they change! it can have a big impact

&atabases'here your company stores its data can make a big difference in the

decisions you make on your project.

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Project &ntegration


Descri3es t(e "rocesses and activities t(atintegrate t(e various elements of "rojectmanagement% w(ic( are identi2ed% de2ned%com3ined% uni2ed and coordinated wit(in t(eProject Management Process 7rou"s!

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Project &ntegration


+no$ledge #rea

Project management Process roup

Initiating Planning ,ecuting


g andControl Closing

Project IntegrationManagement





&irect and



Monitor and(ontrolProject 'ork




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evelop Project Charter 8 

develo"ing t(e "roject c(arter t(at formall) aut(orizes a "rojector a "roject "(ase!

 evelop Project !anagement Plan 8

documenting t(e actions necessar) to de2ne% "re"are% integrate%and coordinate all su3sidiar) "lans into a "roject management"lan!

 irect an" !anage Project E#ecution 8

 executing t(e wor- de2ned in t(e "roject management "lan toac(ieve t(e "roject0s re$uirements de2ned in t(e "rojectsco"e statement!


Project &ntegration


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!onitor an" Control Project $or%  8

 monitoring and controlling t(e "rocesses used to

initiate% "lan% execute% and close a "roject to meet t(e

erformance o3jectives de2ned in t(e "rojectmanagement "lan!

Integrate" Change Control 8 reviewing all c(ange

re$uests% a""roving c(anges% and controlling c(anges

to t(e delivera3les and organizational "rocess assets! Close Project 8 2nalizing all activities across all of

t(e Project Management Process 7rou"s to formall)

close t(e "roject or a "roject "(ase!

Project &ntegration


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Project &ntegration

Management&evelop Project (harter "he very first thing that’s done on a new project is the

development of the project charter. "hat’s the document that

authori#es you to do your work. )ut you’re not alwaysinvolved in making it*oftentimes it’s handed to you by the


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Develo" Project 1(arter &NP9/Project #tatement Of 'or-

usiness 1ase


Enter"rise Environmental Factor

Organizational Process assets

 /OO5# and /E1;N&<9E#Ex"ert =udgment

Project #election Met(od


Project 1(arter

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Develo" Project 1(arter


Project #tatement Of 'or-

usiness 1ase 1ontract

Enter"rise Environmental Factor

Organizational Process Assets 

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 /ools and /ec(ni$uesEx"ert =udgment

Project #election Met(od

ene2t Measurement Met(od  >1om"arative


1onstrained O"timization Met(od


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Project #election Met(od

ene2t Measurement Met(od

Murder oard

Peer eview#coring Model

Economical Met(ods

1onstrained O"timization Met(od

5inear ProgramingD)namic Programing

&nteger Programing

Multi@o3jective Programing

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Project #election Met(od

Economical Met(ods 

Present alue >P?

Net Present alue >NP?

&nternal rate of eturn >&?

Pa)3ac- Periodene2t@1ost atio

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Present alue

Present alue means t(at value toda) of Futurecas( Bow and can 3e found wit( t(is formula@

  FPC @@@@@@@@@@@

  > *r?n

P C Present alue

FCFuture alue

r C &nterest rate

N C num3er of )ears

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Project #election Met(od

'(at is t(e "resent alue of ++%+++received from now if we ex"ect t(e interestrate to 3e *+, "er )ear!


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Project #election Met(od

 '(at is t(e "resent alue of ++%+++

received from now if we ex"ect t(e interestrate to 3e *+, "er )ear!


P+, -----------


P+, 2333334/0./12

  , 2333334/.22/

  , 556278.88

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Project #election Met(od

Net Present alue >NP?

 /(is is t(e actual value at a given time of t(e

"roject minus all of t(e costs associated wit(it! /(is includes t(e time it ta-es to 3uild itand la3or as well as materials! Peo"lecalculate t(is num3er to see if it0s wort(

doing a "roject!

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  6ou (ave two "rojects to c(oose from! Project A will ta-et(ree )ears to com"lete and (as an NP of HI%+++! Project will ta-e six )ears to com"lete and (as an NP ofJI%+++! '(ic( one would )ou "referG

 =ust -now t(at it is t(e "resent value of total 3ene2t>evenue or income? minus t(e cost over man) time

"eriods! NP is useful 3ecause it allows for a com"arison ofman) "roject to select t(e 3est "roject to intiate! 7enerall)%if t(e NP is "ositive t(e investment is a good c(oice unlessan even 3etter investment o""ortunit) exist!

 /(e "roject wit( greatest NP is selected!

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Project #election Met(od

"ime Income4$evenue P+ @/39 (ost P+ of (ost

3 3 3 533 533

/ 63 86 /33 7/

5 /33 :2 3 3

2 233 556 3 3

  262 57/

.P 010 - 234 52

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Internal rate of return

 /(is is t(e amount of mone) t(e "roject willreturn to t(e com"an) t(at is funding it! &t0s(ow muc( mone) a "roject is ma-ing t(ecom"an)! &t0s usuall) ex"ressed as a"ercentage of t(e funding t(at (as 3eenallocated to it!

Project #election Met(od


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Benet cost ratio (BCR)

 /(is is t(e amount of mone) a "roject is goingto ma-e versus (ow muc( it will cost to 3uildit! 7enerall)% if t(e 3ene2t is (ig(er t(an t(ecost% t(e "roject is a good investment!

Project #election Met(od

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Project #election Met(odan- return of K , ever) )ear

&f a com"an) (as more t(an one "roject inw(ic( to invest % t(e com"an) ma) loo-!Project at t(e di.erent "rojects return andt(en select t(e (ig(est one!


 6ou (ave two "rojects to c(oose from! ProjectA wit( an & of K* L or Project wit( an &of *I , ! '(ic( one u "referredG

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Pa)3ac- Period

 /(is term efers to t(e num3er of time

"eriods it ta-es to recover )our investment int(e "roject 3efore )ou start accumulating"ro2t!

 6ou (ave two "roject from w(ic( to c(oose!Project A wit( a "a)3ac- "eriod of six mont(sor "roject wit( a "a)3ac- "eriod of *Jmont(s! '(ic( one would u "referGGG

Project #election Met(od


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Project #election Met(od

 6ou (ave two "roject from w(ic( toc(oose! Project A wit( a "a)3ac- "eriod ofsix mont(s or "roject wit( a "a)3ac-"eriod of *J mont(s! '(ic( one would u


Project A

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Project #election Met(odene2t@1ost atio 8

  ene2t 1ost atio relates to costing "rojectand to determining w(at wor- s(ould 3edone! /(is ratio com"ares t(e 3ene2t to t(ecosts of di.erent o"tions! &n t(is case %3ene2ts are t(e same as revenue !

emem3er 8 >evenue is not t(e same as "ro2t?

atio * % atio *% atio C *

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evelop Project !anagement Plan

&NP9/Project 1(arter

Out"ut from Planning Processes

Enter"rise Environmental Factor

Organizational Process assets

 /OO5# and /E1;N&<9E#Ex"ert =udgment


Project Management Plan



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irect &n" !anage Project E#ecutions &NP9/

Project management Plan

A""roved 1(ange e$uest

Enter"rise Environmental Factor

Organizational Process assets

 /OO5# and /E1;N&<9E#

Ex"ert =udgment

Project Management &nformation s)stem



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Executionirect &n" !anage Project E#ecutions


Project Delivera3les

'or- Performance

1(ange e$uest

Project Management Plan 9"dates

Project Management Documents 9"dates

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!onitor an" Control Project $or%s &NP9/Project Management Plan

Performance e"ortsEnter"rise Environmental Factor

Organizational Process assets

 /OO5# and /E1;N&<9E#

Ex"ert =udgment O9/P9/

1(ange e$uest

Project Management Plan 9"dates

Project Management Documents 9"dates


Monitor and 1ontrol

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Perorm Integrate" Change Control &NP9/

Project Management Plan

'or- Performance &nformation

1(ange e$uest

Enter"rise Environmental Factor

Organizational Process assets

 /OO5# and /E1;N&<9E#Ex"ert =udgment

1(ange 1ontrol Meetings


Monitor and 1ontrol

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Perorm Integrate" Change Control


1(ange e$uest status u" dates

Project Management Plan 9"dates

Project Management Documents 9"dates


Monitor and 1ontrol 

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Close Project Or Phase &NP9/

Project Management Plan

Acce"ted Delivera3les

Organizational Process assets

 /OO5# and /E1;N&<9E#

Ex"ert =udgment


Final Product % #ervice or result

Organizational Process Assets 9"dates



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 /(e End /(an- 6ou ver) Muc( For )our

attention and "atience 

<uestions &f an)