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Interview sheet for a village leader (local government)Name:Age:Position:Name of Village (Ward)

1. BackgroundBefore the EarthquakePopulation before the EQ TotalMenWomen

Number of total buildings before the EQ

Number of schools in a village/ward

Number of clinics/hospitals in a village/ward

Number of CBOs in a village/ward

2. Damage by the EQNumber of casualties in a village/Ward

Number of injury

Number of affected people

Number of collapsed buildings

Number of damaged buildings (except collapsed buildings)

3. Disaster management planWere there disaster management plans in your village/ward?

If yes, how did it useful for responding to the EQ?

If no, why was it not prepared before the EQ?

Interview sheet for CLC leaders

Name: Name of CLC:Position within a CLCNumber of CLC members:

1. Before the EQWhat were the activities in CLC in the normal time?

How often did you organize these activities?

Were there any disaster management activities in CLC?

When was the last training of disaster management, you have received?

What kind of training was it? Who participate it? (how many people? Trained by who?)

Do you remember that UNCRD organize several training sessions with CLC?Have you participated? (Town-watching, First aid training, and Training for safer homes for women)

2. After the EQAre there any damages for CLC members?Dead:Injury:Collapsed houses:Damaged houses:

Did CLC respond to the EQ as a CBO in a community?

Were the training experiences useful for responding to the EQ?How?

If not, why?

How will CLC take part in the reconstruction?

Any assistance for the activity of response and reconstruction by the government/other INGOs?

What are the lessons from this EQ as CLC? (not as an individual)

Interview sheet for WDMC leaders

Name: Name of WDMC:Position within a WDMCNumber of WDMC members:

1. Before the EQWhen was WDMC established?

What kind of activity you had before the EQ?

Who participate it? (how many people? Trained by who?)

Are there any designated roles of WDMC in disaster management?

How many WDMCs in the Kathmandu Valley, if you know.

Do you have a relationship with other WDMCs for improving any skills?

2. After the EQAre there any damages for WDMC members?Dead:Injury:Collapsed houses:Damaged houses:

How did WDMC respond to the EQ?Were the training experiences useful for responding to the EQ?How?

If not, why?

How will WDMC take part in the reconstruction?

Any assistance for the activity of response and reconstruction by the government/other INGOs?

What are the lessons from the EQ as WDMC?