Interview Preparation (When you go in the room also greet the interviewer like Good Morning Sir/Mam with a warm smile. Feel confident, If the interviewer offer his hand for handshake, have a firm handshake) Interviewer: How was your day? Rohit: It was good, sir. Just excited and a little bit nervous as CSC is my dream company. Interviewer: Why CSC is your dream company? Rohit: CSC has an excellent work culture there is opportunity to learn and grow. Also, CSC is one of the best companies to work for. And, CSC is hiring from our college for several years and my seniors have given excellent feedback about the company. Interviewer: Ok. Tell me something about yourself. (Tell what the interviewer wants to listen) Rohit: My Name is Rohit Sinha and I am pursuing BE in IT Engg. from MITM, Indore. I am very optimistic about life and I always see the best in every situation. I like change and believe that change is the only constant. I always try to help others and working as a software engineer will give me an opportunity to influence millions of people. I believe that there is always room for improvement and I personally strive to push my limits. When I know my actions are going to affect life of others then I feel a sense of responsibility. I did my internship from HP where I learned fundamentals of core Java. Interviewer: What is the advantage of Java over C/C++/Dot Net? Rohit: I don’t know. You check and answer. Interviewer: What you have done in your college apart from your studies? Rohit: I have volunteered for various events like organizing events in college fest. It gives a sense of responsibility. Also, it teaches how to overcome hurdles/challenges and finish your job.

Interview Preparation

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Page 1: Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

(When you go in the room also greet the interviewer like Good Morning Sir/Mam with a warm smile. Feel confident, If the interviewer offer his hand for handshake, have a firm handshake)

Interviewer: How was your day?

Rohit: It was good, sir. Just excited and a little bit nervous as CSC is my dream company.

Interviewer: Why CSC is your dream company?

Rohit: CSC has an excellent work culture there is opportunity to learn and grow. Also, CSC is one of the best companies to work for. And, CSC is hiring from our college for several years and my seniors have given excellent feedback about the company.

Interviewer: Ok. Tell me something about yourself. (Tell what the interviewer wants to listen)

Rohit: My Name is Rohit Sinha and I am pursuing BE in IT Engg. from MITM, Indore. I am very optimistic about life and I always see the best in every situation. I like change and believe that change is the only constant. I always try to help others and working as a software engineer will give me an opportunity to influence millions of people. I believe that there is always room for improvement and I personally strive to push my limits. When I know my actions are going to affect life of others then I feel a sense of responsibility. I did my internship from HP where I learned fundamentals of core Java.

Interviewer: What is the advantage of Java over C/C++/Dot Net?

Rohit: I don’t know. You check and answer.

Interviewer: What you have done in your college apart from your studies?

Rohit: I have volunteered for various events like organizing events in college fest. It gives a sense of responsibility. Also, it teaches how to overcome hurdles/challenges and finish your job.

Interviewer: Tell me about the challenges you have faced while organizing any event and how you overcome it.

Rohit: Managing people, Managing resources and money are main challenges.

Managing People- You need to identify what motivate people and them you have to keep them motivate. Some are motivated by money, some by recognition, some want to do something they love. People want the reason to work. The reason may be money, recognisition, learning, passion, power, or anything else.

Managing Resources- You have to think out of the box and to come up with creative ideas/solution, Like Old cloths in our almirah can bring smile on the face of lakhs of poor people.

Money :- You have to make other believe in your vision so that people will sponsor you, like ….

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All my friends and family members admire my ability to remember mobile numbers as well as important events.

Interviewer: What are your weaknesses?

Rohit: I usually can’t say no to someone who asks for help. This sometimes affects my own work.

Interviewer: What are your favourite subjects?

Interviewer: Why you became software engineer?

Rohit: I always try to help others and working as a software engineer will give me an opportunity to influence millions of people. I believe that there is always room for improvement. As a software engineer one needs to learn new things throughout ones career, which I love to do.

Interviewer: Why you have got less mark in Btech/12th?

I come from a middle class family in Patna, Bihar. My family has given me the freedom to choose what I want to do in life. My parents are very supportive and friendly. My brother is working for a MNC and he is also very optimistic like me. My sister is also an IT undergraduate and whenever we meet we discuss regarding our love for software engineering


Interviewer: Why should we hire you? (Tell why you match the requirement of the HR)

Rohit: CSC is a company which nurtures young talent and gives them a platform to grow professionally. I have good understanding of basic technical knowledge, also, I have fair amount of experience in organizing events and working in teams. Apart from this, I am very flexible, open to changes and an avid learner, hence I feel that I am suitable for the position.

Interviewer: What is your aim in life?

Rohit: I want to touch the lives of millons of people of the planet. (How? – Bcoz of the way IT affects life of ppl.)

Interviewer: Where you see yourself after 5 years?

Interviewer: What if you are not selected?

Rohit: I will not get disheartened and will look forward to learn from our discussion and move on. I will think that may be in future I will work for CSC as it is my dream company.

Interviewer: What if you are selected?

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Rohit: I will be really happy as CSC is my dream company. I will look forward to groom my skills and brush up my fundamentals so that I can do well in the responsibilities assigned to me.

Interviewer: Who is your role model?

Rohit: People who are doing well in their field motivate me and they are my role model. Just to name a few- Sachin Tendulkar’s commitment, Orator Skills of Mr. Obama, Humility of Gandhiji, Vision of founders of CSC- ( Mention Names)who started in 1959 with 2 people and few hundred dollars.

Interviewer: Tell me what you know about our company.

Rohit: Read profile send by email by BRICK series and prepare reply by yourself

Interviewer: Any Questions? ( Seal the deal- tell important things indirectly which you forget to tell in response to above questions- like your knowledge of the company profile, )

Rohit: What I understand from my seniors who are working in CSC that you are a very vibrant organization with 60 % of workforce in India below 30 years of age, and tremendous growth and learning opportunities. Although I have heard that the work culture is superb. I request you to say something about it?


CSC has been started by X & Y in 1959, what do you feel have keep the company going for so long?

How it feels to work for a prestigious company like CSC?

What are the training & learning opportunities at the time of joining?- Whether it will be on-job training or classroom program

What I can do prior to joining CSC to start contributing right away?

Additional Notes:

What you learned in your training?

How you can contribute and affect millions of lives being a software engineer?

A simple bug due to negligence of a software engineer/programmer/tester can stop a program and can stop the functioning of entire banking network of a bank.

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A rocket launch to explore new possibility of life on Mars can be on halt due to an error in programming. Such is the impact of software

Social network- like whatsapp, facebook, google+ have provided millions of people opportunity to do business in a cost effective manner.