Mercury-360721-1.jpg POINT TOi:n Assembl)' T on1orrow Otlicial Publicatioa of Gleaville State Teachen College V..t.lllllle 7 Glenville, Weat Virginia, Tueaday, July 21, 1936 Number 3 P'IF.S.ROHRBOUGH :' PRAISES S. E . A. TRAINING SCHOOL TO CLOSE Student Tea ckera Wil1 Re turn to Rerula.r Claaa Wo r&c IN CHAPEL TALK T hrJ Colleg(• T r aining will clos:e tomorrow, July 22. nnno unce!l: Says State Organi zati on Managed Better Than N. E. A . Miss Esther Rader. of thC! education [s de.pmtmcnt. Arter t.he tc lo! e o( school, the 215 student teachers will ha ve regular clnss work. TELLS' OF TRJP" WEST Eleven c.riLic te.:lche-J"S ha ve be.en eutployed in tbe school for the pAs-t s ix weeks, a.tul 119 pupils nrc roll od. "c:a..r•cter Buildi na' Wa. Amon£ S"bjecb Conaide red at Portland Meetiq The critic te::achers ::at•e Moyers. B ernice Be3.11, Ev.!! )j ·n Jones. .lul'lnita Bell, Lucy \Vol(e &!lli INTERSESSION TO BEGIN AUGUST ' IO. ANNOUNCES DEAN Couraea 1n E ducat ion, History and English Will Be Offered TUITION IS U:N DOLLARS Dr. Mi•• Bell , Mr . H ickman and Mr. C rawford to Teach Three Week• T c r m '' "!!:«!> .Nutional E ducation Associ&· 'V1lhneta Moss. of Gle nville; M-aysPl CouJ•ses jn education, Engl ish, and t.ion is not so well organized or so \Vhiting. of Spl'n cer: Rosalie Ha ll hist ory will be otfe.r ed duri ng the in- Ably a,;. our State Educu- and Lucille or " res ton: t<·rsession ,.,hlcl- will begi n A ugust t ion. A,soeiation." deelond Pres1- Sar a Rollyson, or Frametown. atnl 10 and contin ue u- nti l August 29 , de;JL E. C. Rohrbough in an Martha Cottrell, of Chadeston. ann ounces H. T...aban w -hit e. dean and biy oa-!dress \\'ednesday. P resident -----o- dit•ector of the Summer School. R.ohr!wugh related many of tlHl high- ALUMNI TO HOLD A Jist of the courses otTered and lights 4f the conv•ntlon which he PICNIC AT MILL the teachers follows: Education 2 17- att:t?-nd't'tl lhis ycal' in P ortland. B. school ntan Rgement, Dr. J. C. i' beNO ore 200,000 of the 1,250, · J . Shreve; education 31 5, history or 000 te.achers in the United St.a:<'J College Faculty _.-Will _ mom education, R. T. Crnwfol'd; Englisn e nroJied in Lhe Ntst.iona l Ed ucatior. Graduat es - Stude nts I 308, di rected rPading, Lin.n B. Hick· kwi\Xinl ion as compared to our Stat-= Afternoon Outing mnn : history 330. economic 'history E duc:tLion A.$J od:u.ion enrollment oi o( the United States, Miss Besaie 11,041, he said. T he alumni , the facu l!'y Boyd Betl. AU courses a re foT 3 1"'ha convent!on opened Sun day a nd their flmilie.s will renew :lC· semester hour s of credit. June 2 . and continued for talk " the- good old The tuition for t he in tersession on e. week. Anlong the speaket --c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. Rohrbough beant Jackson's Mill, Frida) •, July 24 ' Students who have n ot enroLJe,f Bructt Ba."(ter. who talked on All alumni and their fTiends here are requested to Out' Hands Fol.' asked to be at the picnic grounds by have a tl'a nse ript or their high sehoul Wozk""; John W_ Stude- 0 p. m. whh a -.ell-filled Jun•::> I ed. b f h baker U:&ed f or his subject, bas. ket . Students who ...._-o,nt :; \:; e ore t •'Ed:w:tttion in a nn•l portation are n.ske.d to see MiMI ----o---- Jo hn \\". Sutton. who made a pleo AlmA Arbuckle, Mi>S Hozel Fishe.>· ALASKAN SCENES lor the education of the Negro or Linn B. HJcl.."Ulan. - I'Te>;.ient Rohrbough said T he <:ammittee h. a' SHOWN BY WILKINS w a.Q; ''ery new on the p r-o. 1 ]llannet.l for s.wnmmn.g. and 1 . yerbaps dane:ing. Tlie rouawtng com- cram alth<>ugh he was br . . h T l>t R esident Architect Te lls of the f t that a discussion or politi- n;ttttee£ are T'; 1 c - Trip Taken Through the kisu is beconting" more and -tton, l M n: S Yukon Region mnre .a part of educat ional mee!- Haze B t! er, eLi U l;· )UJti, as it was at , thi$ on e-. ernyce , a n nn 1 . Rohrbou.gb Y.id he hatl H tckman.' Fred Mac - ded · f b N . . 1 i.son Whttl ng, Mt.ss Eh!!te Robert!, • tt.erL . .o t e ation.a MTs. Boggs. and Harley Reger. 'Eduea:Loo A! oetatton regularly !I)'!' Offi cers of tbe alumni who will the pa.n _ years and ho.1 l ikely be pres-tnt are : P resi dent, a little better than one a Miss P earl Pickens, )"1\r - St.anley Hall . .ecretnry. Miss Hue! WI LL S PONSOR DANCES C.U.. e Soci al Commi ttee Plaaa Entert ainmCI'ftl F-.tare .M!s, Alma A-rbuckle, of the Col· l eg!! committee, announcn \ hece wnt be a squal'e dance each evening fram 8 u ntil 9 in the gyrnna.!lum. M-u.sic wil1 be furnished J.y Tboma.s Dotson and B.Msel Warner, ttudents. e it is a practie:·e d3J\ce, stu· den.g and (acuity only are invited. TJw,-.e .... be no :td . rniuiol\ cha rge. -----<>- -- - .Mi&, Kathleen Scott. instructor in the s u.mmer school. has Tetur ned from. 3 visit in Huntington w he-r e she wu a guest. of Miss Mabel "ll re.o. F ish er, and tretl.!luTe.r, Nelson Wells. -o--- E. E. CHURCH GETS PROMOTION Board Na.mea Former P&.rke rlbU1'l Man Pre1ident o f P ot011'1ac St ate E. E. Church, former principal of a P 3Tkcrsburg central junior senit)r high school. l't'Ce.nLiy was n amed president of Potomac State School by the Board o{ Govem.ors of West; V irginia Unh·ersit)•. ?t!r. Church succeeds J oseph men. who wa.s appoi n ted pre-sident emeritus. oi the scb ool to s erve until October 1. Church w;n take up his new du ties September 1. Mr. Chu:rch i& a former instructor at Shepherd StAte Tea<he,.. Collega and at Marshall Coli"Jl". .Mrs. Rohrbough Sees, Hea rs Aimee · Semple McPherson in Los Angeles Had the banks cJo:;:e•i t wo earUer, A. H. \V· i! kit.t would not h ave taken u trip through the Yukon for pleas ure. And i! he h,;d not t.aken it, the f a c- ulty, students and tTaining sc'huol pupils would not h ave seen the four- reel moving picture of the t1·i)•. he showt..od in as..1tembly J uly I n 1930, Mr. Wilkins, re.sider.t architect on the dormitory un du· const ruction on the campus, pen t. two months in A l:\skn. hunting and st udyi ng wild game. He a nd hi !' 11arty tra vt.!-lM by automobile. traif1, on horsebacK and on toot ove,· mount.:lins, acl'OSs 1'iYers and Indian villages. They saw much beautiful scenet·y, \'isited a fu r ra nch. and at times pic.ked a path over :nountains too steep fm· don· ke)· s. Mr. Wilki ns kept a pictoria! Tecnrd of trip. During the tr ip Mr . Wilkins killed two grizzlies, two bull caribou, ont=. a r:\re sped men, he maid, and two ral'e wb ite sheep. f• J Tetu·r ned to fi nd fourteen banks cl osed a n. d not e-nough mon ey t J pA) the telephone bill,'' he t old n reporter . " rm glad I took the tl'ip though," he conti nued. ·• IJ 1 hadn'·. 1 should have lost the money on t he stock marke.t.'' He is only disap- By GLADYS PLATT WHITE " The garden of the WOild is not, you may have Jteard, th,. of Ca lifom U. It is my ow·n T<tSC plot and perennial bed in Glen- ville/' smilingly suggested Mrs. E. reeeived on he-r tour. f pointe.d t h at .. "I sp. end Aimee Semple McPh.enon.l rest of m y h fe !tudy1ng w1ld - C. Rohrbough, in an informal inter- following he-r r et u rn from a T.e:! en.t tr ip t.o tbe W-est, on Which Me ""co/fl'paniod Pre>ident E. G. ........ ,o,P to o meeti'ng <>f the Na- tiooat Education Association. S,bc cuci41l11J"' int.e:rrupted work among- w Atw .... to recount inlpreaoion.o Ac{r'Ss the Un.itcd St.ates, Mr:t. 3nd n ature." Rohrbo.;gh ssw a picture -oJ drought, '---0- --- c..l evnstation, and discou ragemen :-. Library to Be Opea for lnt eneui on Ohio, particu la rl y. was a victi m of extl'"eme :u;d!ty. Over hu· ge areas, a ttempts at cu ltivation ha d beell abandoned. Onl) · in \Vnsb.ingt.on, Oregon, and Southe rn Cana da wn.t.. the l>eat alleviated and the outlook more cheerful. Alth-ough California presented a pano:rama of luxuTiant Continued pare 6 T he. Robert F. Ki.Jd Library will 00 ope n d¥ring tbe three weeks in- r.ersession, a. nnounc.es M.iss Alma Ar- bu ck le, Miss Laura. A nn Mil es, lib"ratian, will not be bere for the intersession. TJie hours the Ji . i>rary will be open will b• announoed later. WILL DISCUSS N. Y. A. PLAN3 State Di recto" Will Call Mect .inc in Charlest on Soon Prc.sici(.'n t.s of all sta.te will be called together in THREE PROGRAMS ARE PLANNED FOR CHAPEL PERIODS w1thm the ne>..-t f ew weeks to d1scu5s J - Lhe N Y. A. pl ans fol· th e Nan and O scar Dav u \'ePI , it was le:u·ned here the pa·;I W il l Gtve Concert on 1n n lette1· f1·om Glt.>nn S. August 5 4 !allan, st.ate direeto_r. . . DR. ROSJER HERE JULY Aubrey \V. Wrlhams. nauona l U.- r·ecenUy announced that t h!! N. Y. A. progt·anl will be imilar l tt that of' last year, but special eration fol' unempl oyed girls llttd women is to be given through lhc some fifty resident camps · which will ope,rate much the C. C. C. --o- -- WHITE TALKS ON PURPOSE OF S.E.A. "What e ver or pr ofe-ssionalism t.hc wot·k of teaching has attained i.s ch iefly to such orgn:ni:uations as S. El. A.,u declared Dean H. Labail ' Vhite in n talk before the Educati 1n 334 class the past week. In th!s statement he summarizer! hie; conception of the p urpose of th :;- org:tniz.;t ion. He sugcested that i1 o. ne obe;rs the;! law to the letter. hro has a job, bt rt if he e xte nds his vi ces bcyonrt mere le2'al Tequin>- menls, · he has a profession. Legali .. y does n ot p1 ·oclu ce mor:tlit y a nd eljcs. Le-gality does- n..at tMnat.c sta.od.· nrc!s. promote felJ owship and a C- vn.n ce educational interests. To degree <that teac hing in West g:nia 00 transce nded legal require· men t.s, to that degr ee has the S. E. A. been e ffecti ve. lt s work as the cool'dinating agen :. foa· 14,000 members of roundtables n. nd c ounty organiz.3tions. the defi- nite goals it has achieved in legis la'- t.ion, :md the general progre!S the Vi'est Virgi nia schools have ma:il! duri ng the pas t s ix yea rs, a re voi ces which speak for the S. E. A. Disconti nue this orga nization and tcachintr would lapse into a job in- stead oi a Jl'l'Of ession, h e concluded. ----<>- WaJI to Be Fini1hed in Six Mon th'' Approximately s ix months wiU be required to complete the new rP.- t!l.ining wall on the east .side- of the campus," said A. R. Yerkey, s upe rYisor in o.harge. ' 'The1·e bas hee n some di ffi culty in locating the r!5ilht quality of stone · a nd a suffi- cie-nt qua ntit )r ,'' conti n ued Mr. Yer- key. J ean Valjcan Roberta Will Diaco1 S. E. A. in Talk TomorTow Thr ee outstanding assembly J hO grl:!ms iocluding two speech es .and 1 coneert, have b een planned f or tlu J'(\!l'lai n ing e, xercises of the s-umme !;.chool, it was announced today l Dean H. Laban T entative al'r:lngements are with Dr. J oseph Rosi er, president Fairmont. State Teachers Coll egtt 1 s peak at the assembly Wednesday, July 2.9. Nan J ohnson and youtb! ul music-ians of FairmQnt t·etunn to the College to g ive- a cert in the la st .o.ssembly, day, .Aug. 5. 1\ Ues Johnson, col oratura and 1\ir . D:&.vis, bri llia nt played 'before- an a udience than 300 at. t h-e co.ncert given ctay evening, J uly 6. The apphru was spontan eous and extendc hieh indica ted thD.t a re turn vi will be appreciated. -o- W ILL EXHIBIT WORK SOON Thel'e wi11 be an ech ·worlccd o·u.t by 215 <:lass in t he Ad m>mst•a,t>o'n soon, announ ces Miss Est her of the e duea.tion depar tment. The class, under t he gui dance Miss R3der. is di vided iato fo .. gToups. each wo-rking out a proje applica ble . to the pri mary grades. library un it 1 gt·oc-ery store, kinde garte. n c- "hairs, and a s helter un compdse th ese act ivities. . T he lenders of the g•·ou:p« are Shirley Ric ha rds on, Ma ry Ft·ed Barnes and Eugene <.ru«<meH • ' 'Such pr ojects have g reat tionnl val ue because they are ed usually by the childre.n, are such vitcl inte rest to them, and \'ide many outcomes in .s ubject ter, sJ...;Ils and charact er bM' says Miss Rader. Vacations of Travel or Rest Planned By Teachers as Summer School ..__..,_..," ,• "1 By PEARL PI CKE NS One goes east a nd one goes west And one to the maid he l o,·es the best: One t.rave.ls Car and one st ays near, But they,H all c.ome bad another year. Soon the fac ulty will leave behind them papers. blue pencils, sounds of hammers and and sultry classrooms and go wl1ere fa ncy lea ds them. Canada a nd New York prob- ably wi ll be luring many of them. On being asked where he would spend his ,- acation, Preside nt E. G. Rohrbough said, "1 shall have none." Dean H. Laban White had pla nned golf cout"Se. illness of his mother, he to (oreg-Q these plans a nd most o f tb.e t ime in Glenvi lle. 01·. J. C. Shre, ·e said. "I made· no plans. as ytt. My wHl be .. ·ery $hort since 1 am teac h in the inte.rse;sion and my wm hn .. ·e to start to hi gh school Septembe.r 7." Hunter Wbitinl' be in the E ast ern Pa nhandle New Yorlc: ... He said. "I hope to Continud on page 5

INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24

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Page 1: INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24



Sp~aks i:n Assembl)' T on1orrow

Otlicial Publicatioa of Gleaville State Teachen College

V..t.lllllle 7 Glenville, Weat Virginia, Tueaday, July 21, 1936 Number 3



Student Tea ckera Wil1 Re turn t o

Rerula.r Claaa W o r&c

IN CHAPEL TALK T hrJ Colleg(• T r aining S~hool will clos:e tomorrow, J uly 22. nnnounce!l:

Says State Organization Managed Better Than

N. E. A .

Miss Esther Rader. of thC! educa t ion [s de.pmtmc nt. Arter t.he tclo! e o(

school, the 215 student teachers will have regular clnss work.

TELLS' OF TRJP" WEST Eleven c.riLic te.:lche-J"S ha ve be.en

eutployed in tbe school for t he pAs-t s ix weeks, a.tul 119 pupils nrc ea~

rollod. "c:a..r•cter Buildina' Wa. Amon£ S"bjecb Conaide red a t

Portland Meetiq The critic te::achers ::at•e Carne~

Moyers. Bernice Be3.11, Ev.!!)j·n J ones. .lul'ln ita Bell, Lucy \Vol(e &!lli


ANNOUNCES DEAN Couraea 1n Educat ion, History

and English Will Be Offered


Dr. Sbre•~, Mi•• Bell, Mr. H ickman and Mr . C rawford to Teach

Three Week• T c r m

''"!!:«!> .Nutional E ducation Associ&· 'V1lhneta Moss. of Glenville; M-aysPl CouJ•ses jn education, English, and t.ion is not so well organized or so \Vhiting. of Spl'ncer: Rosalie Hall h is tory will be otfe.r ed d ur ing the in­Ably ~tR.naged a,;. our State Educu- and Lucille McQut~in. or " res ton: t<·rsession ,.,hlcl- will begin A ugust t ion. A,soeiation." deelond Pres1- Sar a Rollyson, or Frametown. atnl 10 and continue u-ntil August 29, de;JL E. C. Rohrbough in an as.<~em- Martha Cottrell, of Chadeston. announces H. T...aban w -hit e. dean and biy oa-!dress \\'ednesday. P resident -----o- dit•ector of the Summer School. R.ohr!wugh related many of tlHl high- ALUMNI TO HOLD A Jist of the courses otTered and lights 4f the conv•ntlon which he PICNIC AT MILL the teachers follows: Education 2 17-att:t?-nd't'tl lhis ycal' in P ortland. Or~.. B. school ntanRgement, Dr. J . C.

i'beNO ore 200,000 of the 1,250,· J . Shreve; educa tion 31 5, history or 000 te.achers in the United St.a:<'J College Faculty _.-Will _mom education, R. T. Crnwfol'd; Englisn enroJied in Lhe Ntst.iona l Educatior. Gradua t es - Stude nts I 308, di rected rPading, Lin.n B. Hick· kwi\Xinlion as compared to o ur Stat-= Afternoon Outing mnn : history 330. economic 'history E duc:tLion A.$J od:u.ion enrollment oi o( the United States, Miss Besaie 11,0 4 1, he said. T he Colle~ alumni, the facul!'y Boyd Betl. AU courses are foT 3

1"'ha convent!on opened Sunday a nd their flmilie.s will renew :lC· semester hours of cred it. e\·l~fUr:tg", June 2 . and continued for quaintanee~. talk on~r " the- good old The tu it ion for t he in tersession on e. week. Anlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is S l O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24 ' Students who have not enroLJe,f Bructt Ba."(ter. who talked on All alumni and their fTiends ar~ here pre,~iously are requested to ~ 'StTeAgthening Out' Hands Fol.' asked to be at the picnic grounds by have a tl'a nseript or t heir high sehoul ~ Wozk""; John W_ Stude- 0 p. m. whh a -.ell-filled Jun•::> I ed. b f h baker ~bo U:&ed for his subject, bas.ket. Students who ...._-o,nt ttan~ :;~;:~ : ; \:; t~~l.sent e ore t ~ •'Ed:w:tttion in a o~mocraey''; nn•l portation are n.ske.d to see MiMI ----o----J ohn \\". Sutton. who made a pleo AlmA Arbuckle, Mi>S Hozel Fishe.>· ALASKAN SCENES lor the education of the Negro or Linn B. HJcl.."Ulan. -

I'Te>;.ient Rohrbough said ~here T he entertai~nen_t <:ammittee h.a' SHOWN BY WILKINS w a.Q; nothin~ ''ery new on the pr-o.

1 ]llannet.l for s.wnmmn.g. goa~es and 1

. yerbaps dane:ing. Tlie rouawtng com-cram alth<>ugh he was 1m~ed br . . h T l>t R esident Architect T e lls of the f t that a discussion or politi- n;ttttee£ are T';

1c ar~~ - ;:n~p~: - Trip Taken Through the

~ kisu is beconting" more and -tton, l ~~sh ~~ M n: 1~1. S .~ Yukon Region mnre .a part of educat ional mee!- Haze B t! er, ~531J - 4~ eLi Ul;· )UJti, as it was at, thi$ one-. m~Ts, ernyce ~ , a n nn


~i.dent Rohrbou.gb Y.id he hatl H tckman.' _Ente~anment: Fred Mac -ded · f b N . . 1 i.son Whttlng, Mt.ss Eh!!te Robert!,

• tt.erL . meetln~ .o t e ation.a MTs. E~TI Boggs. and Harley Reger. 'Eduea:Loo A! oetatton regularly !I)'!' Officers of tbe alumni who will the pa.n_ tv.·e~ty-five years and ho.1 l ikely be pres-tnt are : P resident, -~~d a little better than one a Miss P earl Pickens, vire-presiden~. )"1\r- St.anley Hall . .ecretnry. Miss Hue!


C.U..e Social Committee Plaa a W:~y EntertainmCI'ftl F-.tare

.M !s, Alma A-rbuckle, of the Col· l eg!! ~tial committee, announcn \ hece wnt be a squal'e dance ea ch Wedn~M!ay evening fram 8 u ntil 9 o't~k in the gyrnna.!lum. M-u.sic wil1 be furnished J.y Tboma.s Dotson and

• B.Msel Warner, ttudents. e it is a practie:·e d3J\ce, stu·

den.g and (acuity only are invited. TJw,-.e .... ~m be no :td.rniuiol\ charge.

-----<>- ---.Mi&, Kathleen Scott. instructor

i n the su.mmer school. has Tetur ned from. 3 visit in Huntington whe-r e she wu a guest. of Miss M a be l

"ll re.o.

F isher, and tretl.!luTe.r, Nelson Wells. -o---


Board N a.mea Former P&.rke rlbU1'l Man Pre1ident o f P ot011'1ac State

E. E . Church, former principal of a P 3Tkcrsburg central junior senit)r high school. l't'Ce.nLiy was named president of Potomac State School by the Board o{ Govem.ors of West; V irginia Unh·ersit)•.

?t!r. Church succeeds J oseph Stay~ men. who wa.s appointed pre-sident emeritus. oi the scbool to s erve until October 1. Church w;n take up his new duties September 1.

Mr. Chu:rch i& a former instructor at Shepherd StAte Tea<he,.. Collega and at Marshall Coli"Jl".

.Mrs. Rohrbough Sees, Hears Aimee · Semple McPherson in Los Angeles

Had the Pittsbur·~h banks cJo:;:e•i two m~nths earUer, A. H. \V·i!k it.t would not h ave taken u 7000~mllo

trip through the Yukon for plea sure. And i! he h,;d not t.aken it, the f a c­ulty, students and tTaini ng sc'huol pupils would not have seen t he four­reel moving picture of t he t1·i)•. w~1ieh he showt..od in as..1tembly J uly ~.

I n 1930 , Mr. Wilkins, re.sider.t a r chitect on the dormitory undu· const ruct ion on the campus, s·pen t. two months in Al:\skn. hunting and studying wild game. He and hi!' 11arty travt.!-lM by automobile. traif1, on horsebacK and on toot ove,· mount.:lins, acl'OSs 1'iYers and throu~th Indian villages. They saw much beautiful scenet·y, \'isited a fu r ranch. and at times pic.ked a path over :nountains too steep fm· don· ke)·s. Mr. Wilkins kept a pictoria! Tecnrd of th~ trip.

During the trip Mr. Wilkins killed two grizzlies, two bull caribou, ont=. a r:\re spedme n, he maid, and two ral'e wb ite sheep.

f•J Tetu·rned to fin d fourteen banks closed a n.d not e-nough money t J

pA)• the telephone bill,' ' h e t old n reporter. "rm g lad I took the t l'i p though," he continue d. ·• IJ 1 hadn'·. 1 should have l ost t he money on t he stock marke.t.' ' He is only disap-

B y GLADYS PLATT WHITE "The garden ~pot of the WOild is

not, ~ you may have Jteard, th,. .sta~ of Ca lifom U . It is my ow·n T<tSC plot and perennial bed in Glen­ville/' smilingly suggested Mrs. E.

reeeived on he-r tour. f pointe.d t hat .. " I can~ot sp.end ~n~ He.~n A imee Semple McPh.enon.l rest of m y h fe !tudy1ng w1ld ltf~

- C . Rohrbough, in an informal inter­,~i-tw following he-r r et urn from a T.e:! en.t t r ip t.o t be W-est, on Which Me ""co/fl'paniod Pre>ident E. G. ........,o,P to o meeti'ng <>f the Na­tiooat Education Association. S,bc cuci41l11J"' int.e:rrupted work among-w Atw .... t o recount inlpreaoion.o

Ac{r'Ss the Un.itcd St.ates, Mr:t. 3nd nature." Rohrbo.;gh ssw a picture -oJ drought, '---0-- - -c..l evnstation, and discou ragemen:-. Library to Be Opea for ln teneuion Ohio, particularly. was a victim of extl'"eme :u;d!ty. Over hu·ge areas, a ttempts at cultivation ha d beell abandoned. Onl)· in \Vnsb.ingt.on, Oregon, and Southern Canada wn.t.. the l>eat alleviated and the outlook more cheerful. Alth-ough California presented a pano:rama of luxuTiant

Continued pare 6

T he. Robert F. Ki.Jd Library will 00 open d¥ring tbe three weeks in­r.ersession, a.nnounc.es M.iss Alma Ar­bu ckle, libra~ Miss Laura. A nn Miles, lib"ratian, will not be bere for the intersession. TJie hours the Ji. i>rary will be open will b• announoed later.


State Directo" W ill Call Mect.in c in Charleston Soon

Prc.sici(.'n t.s of all sta.te college~

will be called together in C~adest"!!


CHAPEL PERIODS w1thm the ne>..-t f ew weeks to d1scu5s J -Lhe N Y. A. plans fol· the comm~ Nan J~bnso.n and Oscar Davu \'ePI , it was le:u·ned here the pa·;• I W ill Gtve Concert on ~veek 1n n lette1· f1·om Glt.>nn S. Cnl~ August 5


!allan, st.ate direeto_r. . . DR. ROSJER HERE JULY 2_~. A ubrey \V. Wrlhams. nauona l U.-

l'eC~or. r·ecenUy announced that t h!! N. Y. A. progt·anl will be imilar l tt

that of' last year, but special cons;d~

eration fol' unemployed girls llttd women is to be given through lhc cstablis~ment o£ some fifty resident camps ·which will ope,rate much lik~ the C. C. C.

--o- --


"Whatever or pr ofe-ssionalism t.hc wot·k of teaching has attained i.s du '~

chiefly to such orgn:ni:uations a s ~h·! S. El. A.,u declared Dean H. Labail ' Vhite in n talk before the Educati 1n 334 class the past week.

In •th!s statement he summarizer! hie; conception of t he p urpose of th :;­org:tniz.;tion. H e sugcested that i1 o.ne obe;rs t he;! law to the letter. hro has a job, btrt if he extends his s~l·· vices bcyonrt mere le2'al Tequin>­menls, ·he has a profession. Legali .. y does not p1·ocluce mor:tlity a nd elh· jcs. Le-gality does- n..at tMnat.c sta.od.· nrc!s. promote f elJowship and a C­vn.nce edu ca tional interests. To th~ degree <that teach ing in West Vir~ g:nia 00 transcended legal require· ment.s, to that degr ee has the S. E. A. been effective.

lts work as the cool'dinating agen:. foa· 14,000 members of roundtables n.nd county organiz.3tions. the defi­nite goals it has achieved in legisla'­t.ion, :md the general progre!S the Vi'est Virginia schools have ma:il! during the past s ix yea rs, are th~ voices which speak for the S. E . A . Discontinue this organization a nd tcachintr would lapse into a job in­stead oi a Jl'l'Ofession, h e concluded.

----<>-W aJI to B e Fini1hed in Six Month•

' 'Approximately s ix months wiU be required to complete the new rP.­t!l.ining wall on the east .side- of t he campus," said A. R. Yerkey, W.~.A . superYisor in o.harge. ' 'The1·e bas heen some difficulty in locating the r !5ilht quality of stone · a nd a suffi­cie-nt quantit )r,'' continued Mr. Yer­key.

J ean Valjca n Roberta Will Diaco1 S. E . A . in Talk


T hree outstanding assembly JhO

grl:!ms iocluding two speeches .and 1

coneert, have been planned f or tlu J'(\!l'lain ing e,xercises of the s-umme !;.chool , it was announced today l Dean H. Laban Whit~.

Tentative al'r:lngements are with Dr. J oseph Rosier, president Fairmont. State Teachers Collegtt1

speak at the assembly Wednesday, July 2.9.

Nan J ohnson and youtb!ul music-ians of FairmQnt t·etunn to the College to g ive- a cert in the last .o.ssembly, day, .Aug. 5.

1\Ues Johnson , coloratura and 1\ir . D:&.vis, br illia nt played 'before- a n audience than 300 at. t h-e co.ncert given ctay evening, J uly 6. The apphru was spontaneous and extendc w·hieh indica ted thD.t a re turn vi• will be appreciated. -o-


Thel'e wi11 be an ech ·worlccd o·u.t by 2 15 <:lass in t he Adm>mst•a,t>o'n soon, announces Miss Esther of the eduea.tion department.

The class, under t he guidance Miss R3der. i s divided iato fo .. gToups. each wo-rking out a proje a pp lica ble .to the primary grades. library un it1 gt·oc-ery store, kinde garte.n c-"hairs, a nd a shelter un compdse t hese a ctivities.

. T he lenders of the g•·ou:p« are Shirley Richardson, Mary Ft·ed Barnes an d Eugene <.ru«<meH •

' 'Such projects have great tionnl val ue because they are ed usua lly by t he childre.n, are such vitcl int erest to them, and \'ide man y outcomes in .subject ter, sJ...;Ils and chara ct er bM' says Miss Rader.

Vacations of Travel or Rest Planned By Teachers as Summer School ..__..,_..,",•"1

By PEARL PICKENS One goes east and one goes west And one to the maid he lo,·es the

best: One t.rave.ls Car and one stays near, But they,H all c.ome bad another

year. Soon the faculty will leave behind

them papers. blue pencils, sounds of hammers and .~aws and sultry classrooms a nd go wl1ere fancy leads them. Canada and New York prob­a bly will be lurin g ma ny of them.

On being asked where he would spend his ,-acation, President E. G. Rohrbough said, " 1 shall hav e none." Dean H. Laban White had pla nned

golf cout"Se. Howe,~er,

illness of his mother , he to (oreg-Q these plans and most of tb.e t ime in Glenville.

01·. J . C. Shre,·e said. " I made· no plans. as ytt. My wHl be .. ·ery $hort since 1 am teach in the inte.rse;sion and my wm hn .. ·e to start to high school Sept embe.r 7." Hunter Wbitinl' be in the E astern Panhandle New Yorlc: ... He said. "I hope to

Continud on page 5

Page 2: INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24


'The Qlenville Tuesday, July 21, 1936

PublishEi.l \V(;-t!kly During- the R.e-gubr Schoo) Year 0 by t.he CJ:tss in J ournalism of Glenville

Slate Teachers CollcC'e.

Entered al the Postoffice at Gle-nville, Wes t. VirgiDia, 35 ::.econd Class Mail Matter

Subscription P rice for 1935-36, 50 Ceats

AU comm·.:nications should 1be addressed to The Ed1tor s, The Glenville Mercury

Member West Virginia. Inter-Collegiate Press Assoeiation


Were we to attempt a criticism of the typical American daily newspaper, we believe the following remarks would come near to representing our sentiments.

Too often editoria ls are so colored by prejudice, bias, or personal feelings that they fail to stimulate clear thinking among readers. The first aim of every writer who place-' honor above price should be that of molding constructive public opinion. Individually we may not accomplish much, but if we put on the armor of truth, fair play, tolerance and fairness, we shall win others to our cause. Then, like the driving force of a mighty river which gathers its strength from thousands of tinv streams, the multiplied weight of mass opinion will lift mankind one step higher in the strug-

- gle for social justice. It is easy to become impatient over delay in the accom­

plishment of needed reforms, but mankind moves slowly to­ward a perfect society. Seventy-five years ago human sla­very was tolerated by a people who would have given their lives rather than surrender their own precious liberty.

It will be well to remember then, that change, reform, and the realization of an ideal society is a s low process which can move no faster thail the evolution of mankind loa higher level of perfection.

It will be well to remember that a littl e thinking and less talking will often work wonders.-Otis Rexroad .

ALUMNI! ON TO JACKSON'S MilL Persons in charge .of :.lumni activities this year have taken

a step in the right direction. This week, Friday to be exact, a ll College alumni are in­

vited to meet at Jackson's Mill f or an afternoon and even­ing of entertainment. Whether or not we will a ll be t here remains to be seen, but certain it is that those who do not go will be passing up a splendid opportunity to r enew old acquaintances and to become college students once again.

Hearing some close fri~nd, some roommate, perhaps, re­call a few of those happy experiences at Glenville State Teachers College is worth an afternoon ~~~ any picnic grounds.

Alumni, the Mercury takes this opportunity to urge you to be there.

-------------0-------------0H, FOR A COLD DRINK!

Wishing for a good cold drink of water is an oft repeated ., campus lament. But th ere isn't any good cold water on the , campus. In fact. there isn't any of any kind in any building _used for classrooms except in Administration Hall. And the

, water there can hardly be called cold. There is no drinking water in the library. Neither is

there any in t he gymnasium. Students who take phys.ical exercises on warm days get thirsty. When they spend the afternoons working in the library, they do nol like to waste time coming down to Administration Hall to get a drink o:f water.

Could fountains be installed without too much expense? When they are, life will be much more pleasant for the stu­dents here.-De.nzil Garrett.

CAMPUS FRATERNITIES? Why don't we have fraternities on the campus? Tha t.

question po-ps up many times. We have heard it suggested that the faculty set the pace.

If we want a fraternity and are w illing to put forth enough effort, we might get one. The blame for not having INCh an organization does not rest on the faculty. We, the students, are at fault.

One reason given for the non-existence of fraternities on the campus is a lack of money. Any fraternity, of coua·se, to be successful must be s~lf-supporting. How do we know it would not be so when we haven't tried it?

Let us do a little thinking, a little planning, and then de­cide whether ~r not we want a fraternity.

We are not saying we should have one; neither are we convinced we should not have one. We are just tired oi bearing that worn-out expressi~n--"Why don't we have 'fraternities here? Other schools do."--Dolores Curry.

ORCHIDS TO MISS ARBUCKLE On:bida to Miss Arbuckle, whose efforts are largely re-

SJIODIIible for the practice dances sponsored by the student& Ill the College IYIDD&sium each Wednellda;v evelliq. To cJuLpe~llte a rro1111 of iltudenta require~ a aacriftc:e of time,

a eaeriftee Of pleuure.. MIA Arbuckle, for Imen.t in the ttudenta.~Peul

W fuss at the heat.--wc '-'Tumble for rain L ife is a fiz.zle , and work is a pain, But th.at all se(!ms mile.!, no great triUuJation Compared to this noise. this "donn punctuation." C rash! Clatter! Clang! Dn ng! Bellow ! .Boom! The Taeket renrhentes from r-oom t o r oom.

Jnstructors try valiantl y t o give a lecture, W e hear a chance wor.d-the rest is conje-cture. They attemPt to a ssign wor k we'Te to do. Their voices are drown Pd in the hullaballoo: T ime for re;&><>rts--~ s~udent takes t he fl oor, Alas! He can't compf'te with the t hundero\15 roar. Question~ are snatched up in t he deafe ning clamor, Replies are nailed down by a trumpet--tongued hamme-r . Discu..~ions of principle and precep·t and law Are sb shed by the waiHng z~m·um of a saw. Students gC't neTVous--lhey complain and fret, T eachers are tempted mayhem to co.mmit: Mr. Hickman cu.sses, Miss James pulls her hair, Mr: ClarK even bursts forth ";th a mild "I'll dectaTe !'' Classes strain ears to he3r Cra\\'ford and HalJ , And down come t.he bricks--ten times ten tons 1a11! Mr . Stalna..ker' s Dccomc expert at pa!'ltomime To the tune of that mb:er's maddening whine. Whe n the building's completed, ju•t add b.ars an<! gatu, P repare i t not !OT .studt:nt~. hut for inmates., 'Ve'll a]J move rifcht in , "nut.s" t.o order made That'll put Weston and SpenC'er both ln the shade!

IN THE DAY'S NEW~ President Roosevelt has •i.J-.1 a

bill aw..uding a medal to LJ n«oht EJJs worth for hU work in the A Nil'C­

tic. T•he bill also includes reel:~ tion of the vut •n .. a claimed bp r ....h· United Stat<•- \.

A ba:-ber d NOTthhampton, Ji86<)-. h..u set up a home-made !!.lot maclriT.1e: in his barbu shop, where eu tomnt. can drop & coin. t urn a crank ;nvl ' get a can of wonna tor fish bait.

The Daniel Boone tree, an hi&Wrie tree of Whit,(,sburg, Ky., l1as Me.r.. felled by lightning. Daniel BooM passed by the tree in 1767, an.d: in­scribed h ill name in rough l',irfc,­

giYJ>lric.l. James Bryant Conant. of Harvard

University eonfessed that no Ol!f'

recognized him when be attaehed hlmself t.o a group o! 50me 20 tour­ista for a three-houT tour of the H~­stitution~

The four yean spent in rollet'e ha,·e cost each graduate aP'Pf'0'1!­mat-ely $4'000. and will r eturn ae average lifetime profit of $102,000 on the investment, or nearly '1 00 for e-a.e.h day s·pent in college.--1":· deli:iry Investment Assoc¥ation. . ~OMMENTS ON LIFE

Be Iu s ashame.d to eon.fess Ut.,r ignorance than, by holding a fo~Jleh a rgument, to betray it.-Eiiz. Jcu­line.

E"·ery 1ai1ure t.ea.ehe.s a 'lltaa. some-thing if he will Jearn.

Life is fuJI -of dance-rous ero!tliDCJ~> and conscience is the flagman.

The fellow who toota his "'"' horn soon has everybody d~ wh~:n he approaches.

The world steps aside to let. a~J man pas& who knows whe.re h6 I«

going. Stopping al third base ad& w

more to the scott than s trikinc o.t.. Doubt whom you will . . . bcu.

n6\e.r yourMolf. • _ ---...., The only absolutely saf e. way t~ '1·-- double yollr money is to fold "'

Qlenville's Own fl\[_ews 'Reel ' one• and •rick it in your pod•rt-,vtuen a finn decisive- splri: ;.

~ By S. M. F. .:, NICOgriiu.d it is curious to .see h~• Alumni and faculty n1embers will 1eston this s ummer . • . The new the. sp.3ce clears around a man. ud

journey to Jackson's Mill Friday dormitory now under construction I lea\'~ bim room and f.ru.doa.-a!tt-rnoon to participate in an a lum.ni . p W . J ohn Foster. p icnic. s"; nunin:; ::md the rcnev.'ing l.l ~ • • • .1\ . proJect, not 8 W · P. '\ Th~ best piece of luck ,..e. ou of old ~cquaintances v:iU be the. c:hiei j ob. <Get. this st:r:Light. 3-aW a man wear was a smile:. diversions. Get out the- ~wim suit Vi:-z im:t. Keener, '34, sailed Wed-and be there ... l1iss Nan J ohnson, nesda)· on a s ix·weeks t our of AND SOME HUMOR-soloist, and Osca1· Davis , violini!i!". E trrope ... The CoHege ~ociaJ eotn· A door knob is a thing a relJIOJ•­who recently !~)resented a concert in mittee will !})OrL'<.r a square dance ing goes aroond without . . . A st:raw the Co!lege 3Uditorium, will be t~J each Wcd.nesday night in the gym· is someUling which you d:riuk featured entert:t..iners on an as· nasium . .. Se\·erat f aculty members I through tv.·o of them . . . Cobble sembly prognm .August 4 .. . Lucy ha ..,·c taken t.o golf. One has even at ones are a pavement that peap)e.

\Volfe, '34, left Sat.ur.day for Nash· been s een pract idng in the yard would J'3ther were asphalt than ... yiJie, T enn., wher-e s;he will a ttend a back of his home .. . Miss Add:e I A fern is u plant that you a_re. st:p-­six· weeks tenn at George Peabody M. Coke:ty, former di(!titian in the po!e-<1 to water once .a day, bvt i!' College. t-or Teaehe.rt . Colle~, is visiting her s ister, Mrs.. 1 you don't jt dies, and if yoo do it

Several new book!! have been r e - John R. W.egner, of South GlenvilJP. die t> anyGay, only not so soon . . .

1 ceh•ed :1.t the Robert F . Kidd L ibrary. . .. Inte-nse~c;ion will begin Aug. tO Su.mmer is a seuon that in wiat•r

I Be.cal!se of in!.utficient help, thes~ .. . Don't for2'et to take the st:snc!- you wish you could keep your .hoo:te books will not be ~:'\talogued until antize.d te.sts in English. arithmetic as wa.nn as . .• A cartoon is a fUIBY' the beginning of the fall se-ssion • , . and handwriting if you are applying drawing that makes .reop~ 1aaa'll Virginia Chideste.r. •as. Wlls visiting for :a. certifinte or the renew-al of a wht:.n other people claim cjprwUH £1·iends in Glenville the pL~ week- certificate - . . Only three more come in it ... Ct"Nm is !Ome~!lC enr . . . P aul Fulb. captain or the week$ of the pr~nt t erm. Until which <h')~ ~:ereal doesa~t taste u l 936 Pionee-rs, is employed in Ohar- next. f :UI, it 's H30." good without it, unlesa you ll3e milk

Student Forum one assigned to that position. we probably wo.u.Jd go in for te-nnis in ' biR, w•y.

The time has arri,-ed when we are !~posed to ba,·e a greater amount of leis ure time--when we are sup· osd to use the time profitably. W• ean th.in.k of no better way to use leisure time than to play a•pme of tennis. a good wbole-some aport.­Orrille Wolfe.

£qrett. Withers. former iftltnlc­tor Ia Glenville State T•ebera Col­•- .......,_ &ll o~ at tba Utdftnllr of JllaWpa iiMpiiiiJ. ........ -. ....... ...... _ ....

but hal1en' t any . .. and one c&T th~y a re a11 d);ng to ride iD. i& a huroe.

T.he dog, say.s tbe. doc love:r, .U. the aohin~ void. Thia is espedallr true of tlu.' bot-<lo~-

• The sel:f-mado """' is mu• a.

the other kind e~opt that M ,.._ • b&t.. . . .

Page 3: INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24


tho roll~ ~ompleted a

ru l J'fOJt!'.tl und~r the di-Lu'" ille M eQuoJn.

hy Ml .. u

ofte loH'lioa \ltrlltd t.htt cluld H.lft't d t o

at~d vanout • • n ~~tot to lM ltOI'e. to ortl I The eblldnn ,...,.. tatlrbl ta.. PNIN'r method

• '""'""'"I' cluonp ! or I be cuJU>mer, J.Ml .,, I ifOt . tQQJ1.e;oQJ;

uap.;~rtaaL for ao« m

aeiTtld to fu the com­•• lhe aludo of Lbe cbll· raln•ll.l u. m In lob• tor·

of E:nr.lloh. ond lo t•ehin~ , .,...,,....,, ••• of ht.hsa cdort.eo-u

Jal'Vt Cottrell.

In Cal·


'he July 10 I!IIIUe ol the Mer· ·-·e4 ... ti4W11ellt, •n. • )>oou Ill tho Lllmu'J' wtU JIOt b•

..W• w ......, ... al tile ..,...Ina oel llala tilL" TIW alloald llavo

"TTie will ... b•

New Boys' Dormitory Now Under Construction Wqaen Ha•• Week-EM Cuata

Mr. a nd M l'!l. J ohn R. Wagner ha~ as gues~ t he past week Mr. Wag­ner's f a:t.her a nd s.iste.r , Mr. F. L. Wagner and 1\fi!S CaTrie Wagner, of Mt . Beulah, P a., and two nieces,

.1\.fi.sse.!' H elen and Vera Wagne1·, !tf p:h:tadcl]}hia . MJ·. Wajpler js a t•c .... tired teacher, having taught for fi f ­t~t yenl'!l, Mis.!' .Helen Wagner teache,; in n gh·l~' high school in Philadel­phia.

----o---Stud enh Enjoy Outin l'

.\ g roup or ~umme-t• school stlJ­

den ts nn d a lumni enjoyed a p1cn1c o.nd Sl'<'lmrn ing party on Lhe Li~Lle Ka nawh:t. River, Wednesday, July l :i. Those in the .p3rty we.re: Helen lfc-Gee •. Je.a.n i\1cGee, Catharine W ii­son. -Cwendoly·n Smith, Maudclin~ Hought, "John" Foley, Hannan Huff. "Mrll. E. C . Rollyson, and Sara Roll~T­

! On

---o----Mi .. Arb-uckle C.i•e• Swi m Part-y

New Boys' Dormitory Will Require Forty Carloads of Mia.' Alma Ar budde entertain~d

with a ! wimming party at Deckers' summer c:a"'p on Leading Creek the pa.. ... t T htrrsday. She ·ha-d as her guesll\ Miss Katherine MoOTe , Miss Ka.t"h­l~en Scott and Miss Audrey Lyn<h.

Materials, Says A. H. Wilkins, Resident Architect A full t111ln of fort>• m ight """

would b~ ~uiffi! to baul aU the material tbot will bo u..ed in lh• ~onstrue:lion. of lb~ ne-w bo)"&' dormi­tory, shown above.

A liat of th< molerW. indud~ th:re~ carloacH of nnrtanJ &tt"e:l. one (&J"load of in!o~lng ttee1 l or coot'l'eltt, two t ar 1oacU: ot lime. n7('1

c-arloads of c m~nt. two carload• or .apKDm bloek p&rtnicnu .• t.hree ear ­l•dl of ... d. lob- carload• or p<offi. two urloadl of 1n~um ll:oo"f p!Jit>ko. two c:&rloaci> or lumb··r for roor . 120.000 ,..,. brk~. 360 •. 000 r ourt> bn<:k. twtlv• to.u or


II Z..ll Ca<~>. '!9, <laugh!•~ Mr. and Mn. Ja.mo Alft1!Ci Cain, of Lo!w!J Street. btcam• the brtde d Alvah Cul Ranutud, o! Morp.n· t.cnrn, St.turd.sy "'ornl~~~r. July II , In tll• Pint 1'>-tobytel'\&n C'hu~b. Tho Re' J . F'n.nk Ba.rt«r rftd th cor• many.

Jlln. fla--.1 comploted tho Junior eoll p eourt!<t hel"e a nd •~• A.. B. dc~e at \\"'t'.:ll VU"'finla n1 vtrwlty. FOt' • pa..t r- ,...., th~ hao ....,., !<Khu>~r ' " • ulob Cbarl" .. ton.

Mr. ud li n . KAm.tnd "Oi l! m•lro their bOtno it1 South Cbarl..wn wb""! liT. Ram.otud lA employed u • chomlllt. ""th lh• ('arbon and Car· b.Oe Ch""''cal ('.qmpany.

J<>lu> P. Hun ... r. Cl)'d<> Jdar.h s od Claude Va,.t.. all of ll•thwood, .,......., wt!•k·end TW\0" tn 01f!IYIJit. Th<7 wiJI ODic<' .. hocol Mrt tba (aiJ.


Late.t Styles



5c Pint 15c


<ewer Lllo, and one mile of pipe ~ ' b u_..d In t.bt" nlumbing 3n•l he:~tir ~ in~t.allallorul.

The roof $hee.ting is now ~n plaee ready for the roofing ·which will bt• aprlied t.o an ueiL of threr· fouTt.lu ot ,lln acrf"-. Con"'ruetlon will h('1fin at. Qnc.e on meLal lathing-. partition' and .rte~l &tairv.""a.)"L

Tbc plumbing and heatinJ projrc.h a te progr~inl' ro,ldly, lneludln~ 1000 fe~t of the- H'Wur line \\ Mr:h i5 tlnad)r in place.

The plac.insr or el driu .l conduh• al tn compltlo.d. "Now tbat t he rlvetirur of 11.rU<·

Mw Mal')' Louile x... .. ... '2~ . "m ouend Noble Cain &r .. tor C hoir

bool, Collntaut 1..ake. Pe.. f rt)ht A....., 15 lo 80. lliu Le•ri• l• u· p .. n -t.or o f publir PChool mu.c.ic 1n CUm•r County.

arl McGinnlt. A. 8 . ' 34, b•• b .. D

roappulnted auperintendent ot Cll· mer County srboo12' [or th~ ~oming

yur, it wu, annQUI\rtd al. a. meet­in&' o! lht. board o! education t he p-ut w~~k.. L lkew1.at. M e-rvfn oop­t.r. .. N. ' 12, h.tl.s bt.tn filmed u-oht.ant and AIIM Mahel Wolfe, A. 8. '33. ""'!Airy.

BvnDie. Compston t~PQnt tho wcek­enJ a l bt-r homo in Wuton.

Armond St.alnak.~ \\U • weoelc"·cmd \ llOr In W~ton..

Chuly .. StalnAkor waa In Wuton Sato.rday

Better Barber Servic.e




White Shoea Faetory Retiniah&d.

Ladiea' Heel Tap..­Spike 1Sc, Cuban 2Sc

Lallie.' Half Sol-. 65c Men'• Half Sole., 85c to

$1.00 Maa'a Heel Tap., 25c

to 3Sc

.. c., .... ~ .....

turuJ .slecJ i.$ C:Ol1lpJcte1 hearing w)Jl

be P•••iblc again," sold A. H . Wil­kins, . LliJervising arehiteet. " Th-."!t·e "" ill be some noise in connec.tio., with wot~l\-prooflng the e.rl~rior

walla," conlh:,ued Mr. Wilki ns, "but lhnt oneration whic'h is be·ing done hy one man using o rompresaed ai ~ )lAint s~rar will be completed t his week. The wo:rk of cleaning th e e;;;;­terior W'JlllA of lhe building wi11 Ue­gi.n at one. e."

" Thb. P. \V. A. -projeet.'' s-aid Mr . WIJ!d n ll, "is movi~ 25 pe-r cent fa~te.r than an)• other P. IV. A. project in the state.''

Paints, Oils and


General Hardware Sporting Goods of

All Kinds Home of the Famoua

Chambers Gas

Range - AIIIO-

The Magic Chef

Gas Range Gi,;e Us a Call and

Save Money!

~II L ucy Wolfe, '34, teacher in lh• olle~re !.raining l!Chool, will en­roll •n G~~· Peabody College for Ttuche..r.t al. Nas.h..;Ut, Tenn., l ot' th~ ocond six Wt.\•U .sommer tenn. MiH Wolf~ left Glenville Saturday.

h• ···~•uy r•• •ive<.l • ..hol•rship Glenville Hardware Co.. Itc. to C••~• Peabodl· Colleg& through Main Street



This Bank Is Ready to Be of

Service to You.

Banking Hours 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.


GOOD G GULF Welcome, College Students! Before Taking a Drive Fill Your Car

With That

GOOD GULF GASOLINE AND OIL Goodyear and G"'i'drich Tires

Quick, Courteou• Service


Page 4: INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24



Miss Moore and Miss Price Go to Maaaaneth Spr ings

the P a st Week

!tliss Katherine 1\1oore, instructor in music in t.he College. and Ma:r B. Pnce, instructor in music at Fairmont State Teachers College, attended a School of n.1usic at 1\las­sanl!th Springs. fi ··e n\iles from Hani:sonl.nug, Va., the. p:u;t week.

The sehool wn:o fo.r choir directors and ,,·a~ under the direction of John Finle-y "'illiam~. While there, i\lis.;: Moore and ~hss P ril'e attended the annu!!l festival which cons.isled of progr.~m.s by the Vir~mh Symphony Orchestra ani! a. 1nt1ssed choiT of 1000 ,·oice:; from many Southern states. Pr<~rninent artists assisted Mr. \\'1Uto1n.::;: s:. the cliversi6eU musical celebration.


Mysterious Hot~ Air Cave Ne~t'lilll'lft. Is Oite of County's

8 7 ORVILLE WOLFE As on~ drives though tbe cou:t·

tie:~ of W£'st Vi roginin, each county !';e.cmingly i~ alike, but yet when a close stady is made, how diffe.ret!f., E xce-pt fol· observing the nllurbr: landsc3.pe of Gilmer County a trav­ele-1 is apt 1.0 ;;oceed on his journer without an inklint; of the hiddP.n beauties nncl mysteries eonfined :n it.o; hill.o:. We nughl. say noLhing •· ~r(•at that hon't kno"~n.

prestltlrt-. Some fow yearo ago uehtlel< .... llo

~pent. o;@Vel"al week• dialq oa knoll. Juot what they foulld ia known to l'itizens of this locallb', but tho n>ysterious !acl• of the !rill remtun to be observed by those wh<a tar,. to vi!'it this !ection of Gllmer Coun ty. ----?-.lyr t.le Jarvis and Blenda IAn~

.Proudloot f)ent ~he week-end thclt' home in Grantsville.






Six mile~ e!l.St. of GlenviJie. on Route 5 i~ the ~mall ,·illage of Bald­'' in. On thl' ldt of this vi.llag(> i$ a hl~h hill o\·cr-lookine the valley •>£ Stewart Creek. This hi11 , or knol1 iJ<C. known M Snake Knob. Here in J"ll'Chi~toric tilll(>S a volrano belcher! forth Java a nd covered several aet•c.o: of land. J.ligh rock cliffs rise abru]>tly from the lower la nd. Deep hollow!

I with trees bridging the depth, spot­' ted with a variety of different co!-

W e Serve the Beat:

CoUece Stud.,:,b and Faculty Playing Re gula rly; Grounds

Open to Public R ea.d in r from le ft l.:t right. front row: Helen WTight, Rella White , Enid S tephe naon, M arybe ll Sum mers, Pearl P ickens. S econd row: Do·

Wit.hout the customary pageantry lorea B. Curry, Leate lle Lorentz, Glad ys Pla tt White. Edna Stump. aDd pom,p. the Gilmer Golf Clul. Third row ' Oti• Re• road, Oru.illa Kidd, Jiuel Fi•her, Connie Mont· opened Fah·way Golf Course, Sun~ r omery. Fourth row: Or.ille W olfe, Linn B. Hickman, in.tructor, Denzil daT, July 14, at the county fair- Garrell, a nd Ra y Jonu. Ore la Holbert/ a nd Sara Marra ret Fi.d.er , mem-crou.nd:3, one n)ile east of the camp· hera of the staff, were absent the da7 the picture waa taken. Phot6 a,y u . Several members of the College. Bayard Younr.

faculty we-re on the grounds t.he -==============

cast a mysterious scene

this knoll is where win­ter with all its horrors fails t.o leave its tracks of snow. From a cavP. comes a wa'J"m wind ; s now wilJ no: lay on the ground within several feet of its mouth. This cave is about t-wenty feet up on the side of the cliff.

Ahout forty feet from this cave is a cavity where one can drop a petJble, and hear it dest:en.ding fo~

Moore's Food Store Glenville, W . Va.


oPening dalt and sinc:e have been -:• playing retu.larly each eve-ning. I

Six sand greens have been con­ditioned under the supervision of Doil Fitzpatrick. c:1.rctaker, wbo has alao ""modeled the fioral hall for •

City Girl to the Country Lass­My! My! What a Pity! l

sevetal seconds. Just what has caused such a cu:-·

ious l-andscape has not ~n ex­plaJned definitely. Som e people have

t disagreed as to whether it ~'li.S

caused by voleanic action. whil~


_ ,'7'EVER HAD I _.:') ~

' caddie house. Grass on th~ ground;; baa bee~ mowed, cups have been placed in the .six gre~ns and large !'ed numeral flags h-ave been set at

" the si;lt bot~. Seve!'&l memberships w~re WTitt~n

the past "'eek. bringi 1\g the club's total to spproximately thirty. A fee of five dollars is charged for eaclt momberslrip. The course, however, i1 open t.o t he public, with the under­standing that each petson playing is nquired to pay a gneen fH of twenty.five cents for as many h.ole.: as he chooses to pl:1y anr one day. clloy.

J. Wilbu~ Beall has been electd vice-president of t he club and will have cllarge of the organization du r­ilac the absence 0'!' President Earl Boggs, who will leave this week !or Xorpntown whe~e he will en~oll f""' • &ve weeks s ummer term at West Virgin!a UDiverslty. ·

AmoDg the me'lllbers of t he Col­lege faculty who may be seen on the ~urse frequent ly a re Dean H . La­bu. White, A. F. Rohrbough, Robert T . Crawford, Linn B. Hickman, Ray­moa.d E. Freed, De. J. C. Shrev•, B. Y. Clark, and W. 0 . Stalnaker.

J -------~


De .. WIUte Plan• to Altend 5. E . A. -~ , Executi .. e Meeliq

DeaA H . Laban White will leave Tbunday for Charleston w here be will att.nd a meeting of the exe· eutive committee of t he State Edu­cation Association. Dean White i! riee~pruident of the association. . Saturday. Dean White will attend & tate meeting of a ll county s uper· intea.dents •and assistant c:Gunty !U­

perinte•dent3. ··"- meeting of the legislative com·

mlttee of tbe State Education Asso· ciation has been s cheduled to meet io Charleston on J uly 31.

----<>-Dr. Slare,.. to A t t e nd Meetin 11

Dr. J. C. Shreve, bead of t he ed­-u.a department, wiD attend a

87 C. P. W.

"You teach in t he •sticks'? ltlyt My! W"b!lt. a pity! How can you be3r it?" says she of the city. 1 draw a long face, ani pre.ter.d to grieve And while she mourns for me. l laugh up my sleeve. For I've taught both pl~ces. urban and •sticks' And I see no reason t o ;J:jty the •hicks.' Sure, I trudge \\;th the kids through dust, mud,1and the rest Sub--school busses can't stop to inspect a bi-rd 's nest! No, we have no atlas, movies. ra-dios, But the friskiest creek right. through our lot goes! It's :f.ull of 'c1-awdabbers,' minnows, and f rogs, 'JTees lend leaves for boats and we m:oke dams with logs. True, 'the youngsters must eat cold lunch , home-made bread, But t hey ·h&\'e n o deat!Hlealing traffic t o dread! No gyrn.nasiutn, you say-? No atb1etic show? What are fences but hurdles? Rocks for but t o throw! I explain t o the kids t he world's whrs '8nd bows, But they knew before I did that a nts, too, iuwe c.ows. We can't visit f actories, nor science. la bt explore But last year two boys made 'em a car~ Of course it's a mongre!, it's Chevrol et and Ford I t has assorted entrails, a nd no running board, ' >It's Plymou nh a.nd w.bippet and Oakland and Hup, And a sH.:bt strain of Tr uck. _(~e'H h3ve to own <\rp·) ·)1 I t 's not t he lj!'~. snpoty-:-y~ry deomoc.ratic, · / -... I 've suspicion the t ir es· are the least bit 'pneumatic' . But it goes, and emits a heavenly noi.:c, ' And pulls ! It's capacity is thirty zirls and boys! It 's not h&~·d to kee.p. Dr ip goas is its d iet, tiut it got no license--the state can't 'ch.ssif y' it! We like supervisor.s, dear !~stators, The two -in our coumy a re r eal educators. F or one t ells us stories, play:s with us at noon.s, A nd the other knows all :1 bout ' pOSSllTnS and eoolll! Oh, they' re 'up' on the isms, late views and new theo-ry, But t hey've a place- for nll thAt- t hose satch els they carry! Y<>u say in the st icks ' tis a twenty-four hour job'! Their lives are our lives i our spare time they rob? Yes, we cut out t hair dresses nn<l cut off t he..ir llair.-We know when the·y weep, and their joys we must. .share. We help to empty t heir huge picnic baskets, Too, we-'ve helped make, and fill, their -children's casket-a. I've tried ·both places-for the 'sticks' I contend Where I'm more than a servant-I'm also a friend! You take your stimuli, neur.ones, and Teftexes, (We'J1 even risk a few infe1;or com!)1exes) You t ake t he 'ideal conditions' you love Just give me the kids and a burnside s tove!

F iaal R.ite• Coa cluctcd Tlwr•day Funeral services were held T huu­

day for Chester Harold Jordan, jn­

fant son of Mr. and Mn. Harold

L7awood Ziaa. At Morpatowa Lynwood Zlnn, '33J will a·~tum

the latter part of the week from Morp.ntown wher e he has been ob­taining material fdr a •nitary vey, a requirement lor fourth students •t Ban-ard llodic:al


otheTs agree it was caused by heat



Expert Barber



New Lecatiea Mai• St.

F. I. EVEREST s- 1os2


Contractor of Elec-

trical lnatallationa

and Wiring on

the New

Boya' Dormitory.


PtntBrlck . .

Quart Brick .. . ........ .

Page 5: INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24



0 4 I 1 0 0 0 3 I 2 1

2 0 I 0 8 a 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 I I I I 0 2 2 0 9 0 2 0 1 2

E 0 0 0

u e

College Teachers

Continued fro tu page l Helen Hayes in 'Victoria Regina• and Alhed Lunt and Lynn Fonlann e in •[diot's Delight' while there." He al&o plans to attend the three hun· dredth annivct:Aary of Hat·vard Col­

lege. Will Be at Shoal• Ba,.

Miss Esther RtJdc.r, education , wBI spend a. {ew w«::eks at Shoals Bny, a summer •·esorl: on lhc J ames River, and a t her home in Summersville-. Mia K:l.the-rine Moo-re, mu.si(', w-HI spend six clays nt Philij!pi, w he t•c she will dir ect. t he mus.iC' !ot· a Ba p­tist nsse-mnlbly. She' will tllen be in Philadelphia und Wilmington. Del ., with r elatives nnd friends. M_!fiS: Gl'oce Lol ent.z , diet itian, wi ll ~o to Baltimore ror Lwo weeks as: soon n-. school ends. She will be in Glenville and Weston t he Te.st of. the t ime.

buct.l~. llbrarla.n, is OJenvillo and 61do nothing.''

'I'm Svre l'll Ro ... t' Miss Kathlee-n Scott, speech, say ... ,

" I ' m Mn·e ru r 03St. " She will go to Oklahoma, where she will spend t t\e s um mer with her mothe1·. She say~ l.ba t the heat t he1·e is much m(ft f' intense t h.an it is he.r e. Miss Lau!"Q Ann Miles, libr.uian, "';u spt:n d t.wo weeks in Can2.d:1 w here shs hoJ>es "the wenthcr \\-; 11 be mut'l eoolc.r than it. has bePn in Glenville."

111'11 have to see my 'boss' iirst,'' on.swei'NI W. 0 . St.aln.1ker, soc-ia l sd c.nce. He added, "If she is willing, we will visit in Canada, New Eng­land nnd along the St. Lawren\:e 'Riv('t'." H. Y. Cla rk, educat ion, m ay be found 0!1 his rather's fa rm a.t Hemlock this summer. He will take time off (rom his farmin g dutiu, ·however, to go to Ne\\' York to meet hi~ brother who is row in Europe.

P ic.t-. ... d a.bo•e ; , • •iew of Fai.,.war Golf Co·ur••· opened rec•ntl7 t~nder • ••pice• or •h• Citmer CoU Clu\. The coune ia located one mile .... t of t..._ c••p·u•, at the lairal"'uDda. A . F . Rohrl:toul'h &Del J . Wllbur 8.-ll ar• .-e.a in the f .......... d.

J ohn R. \Vagner, chemistr y, will combine wodc Qnd r teasu.re. Wben fiC.h ool ~nd!, he \Vill ~0 lo Pitt r ­

burgh to ,~isit friend.i. Whi.le then, be plans to vifllit Westinghouse and other plnn t.s of interest. R& will spend t wo da y.s with relatives in Ea•te-rn Pen nsylvonia. not forsee.t­ting the (ndunrial plant.' in that , ·lcinit)•, and then .. will ' 'just look oround'' in New York for a few days . Ue hopes to c-ollect some ma­terial a.nd get !lome ideas f or Chem­istry D.3 y. After his return tu C1env1Uto on Se-ptember 1, he \\;11 \"iiit ! rlends in Bu"khcnnon, Chatlt'3-ton and Parkersbur?,.

Linn ..B. Hickman, English and j our nali!rim, wi11 teach in t b6 inter­aeYion, a!t~r which h e will go ! o New Yol'k to visit a! many neWBpa­per plants .. as will admit me." Be. will le!lve het·e September 1, a n d will be in New York t.wo W"eeks. H~ plaru: to C!o some 1·esearch work j'or.. h.is own'' and to ''pick up a. f ew n ew angle3 in newspaper work." iClaT­encc \V. Post.. geograph y, will be. iD Canada. A. F. R<ihrbGugh, eoa.c:h, w111 be in Glenville most of d\IIIJ. ~ummer. H e and Mrs. Robrbouch will visit Mrs. Roh_rbough's parents fn Toledo lor · a ~hC\rt t ime.. They pion to ott.end the golden weddin~t anni,•eru.ry of :Ma·. Rohrbourb's parent...., Mr . and l:r! . A. A. RolU'-­bough. a t Camden, on Ao.gtlst S1 • Raymond E . Fte.ed, cducaUon_, a.ntl Mrs . Pree-d will ~pend the S:OmlJ'f" .,;th rc1'3th•e and friends at


Younr Leada Battinr Averar•,. -Matheny Holda Crown

Aa Home Run Kinr

Tea.m captained by Georre Jo!Uier and Chnt ... Ma....,ell hold a nom> >< load in the Colle,., intnmura.l bu•­\.a1l tucue. Tllree olhtr t earus •till bold sirullar po ltooM u th•Y held , ... 0 ~tlto .....

Ru Martin "'" • led in t h bat­tlq an ra..,. has ~n ! otted do,..n to (oU>t b plooe. with ¥ark Young ...Untr the I .. d. evoral other plo) • • ,... otan<hi!P have ehanc<>d.

Plu-he.,.. 11'bo have bHil doln eo<>d ""rk for their lftJ!I.A. .. ,..._ ported by t .. ru• mm>bers a no : J am Y01lnJr, Roy Ma~IIJ', .Mil., Sponeer ornd Claron na....,....

A team of imramural ba.Mbal! r•l•re" wUI me<t the We-t VtfK\nl:a Gu Company T..,.. J Olly 22. ~l

Roh~b Stadium. T1tlt will bo the oeeond pm• plaTed wilb a.n ou1> of·IAI.,. leaftl.

:'llalMny bold Ida ..,..., u hom .. n&n ldnr • ...,lh lbl'ft counleno. Otb

harin~ me rono are '1\'llllun mmen. two. Alva Jone...' one-. Tb• Iandini! or the playora .......

lnr a batllll( , , •• ...,.. of 200 or b<t· t«T folio

AB H A 6 3 4

um.DUli'O I& 9 K lpl U ? l\lart.lll • • • • • • 8 4 e Mall>eny ..... 20 10 9 am .. .. .... . .. a 1 1 CoUln t c & <:roaq .. .. IG 5 w.,.,..,. .... 11 lCimble . •• .. 20 9

Pd . .600 .500 .500 .500 .sou .43 .4 2 .375 .au .u a

BeDnct.t 14 5 • .3~7 De•:-,.;oa. 20 HAle • • 15 CurT)' •. •••••. 9 M • ..,...u ...... 12 Elllou • . . 9 Yoak • . • . , ..• G

SLAlnalc~.-. • • 2 )faJono, I b . . . • 3 I>ol>bhu. 3b • . . a Wrir;bt, 1/ • . .. • 2 Wolr.. rf . . .. 3

0 I

0 I 0

7 s 3

• 3 2


• .no a .aas I .333 3 .333

II 4

I 0 0



0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mal 19 6 8 .316

Young, H. ..... 16 5 3 .SI S

Peten .. .. ..... 1? 5 6 .29 t

Warner .... .. 18 5 6 .27d

Sho<k ····· ··· II 3 .27S

Spk6r .. . . .. . .. 16 .~66

J ono.s. A. ····· · 16 4 2 .251)

Haurht.. R . ... 12 3 2 .250

lleftin ······ · 4 1 1 .250

McCla.in ....... 12 8 6 .250

Ba.rneo ····· ··· n 4 6 .23&

Cutlip .... .. .. IS 3 • .281

Bryant ··· ··· -·· 9 2 .22:l

:.SUI~r . .... . 5 I . 200

6 2 .2n~

6 .200

Miu B tsio IBoyd Bell . hutruct<>T In soe•ol tdtneo In t ho Coll<Kt. b•• rf!tUT1'1ed f rom a wt~k"• vistt in Bal­

llmoro, Md.

'Far, Far F'rem the H .. t• us pend my vacation? Why, hue.

le.• chlng in the intersusion," re­plied Rob~rt T. Ctf'wford. eduoa· Uon. Mr. Crawford thi~k• it will not be d ifficult t o di•po c of tBe two " "tt-ltJ or u whiet; he can ea11 hi. own. He inlen.d~ ••to go rar, !er away from the lw.at, sehool " 'orlt--and Teporten.'' Miaa Mar­p rat Christie, ort. has made no pbnt for the summer.

''l'm aure J don't lutow," ,aid


Ml Goldie C. Jame•, biolog i; ol

1 ac:1ence. lf iN J arne.s does not l 1~e

You Are Alwayo

Weloo,.. At

R. W. Bennett and Company


Main Street





-See -

THE GRILLE Nnt Door to Pic.tureland


t lt\ makl!! plan but pr e.! en to "go ¥t'he.re and wh.en u 1 wiab."

MI .. WIUa BTand, Englian. with a friend, Mi#o Albtrt ChaR. of St. Lou!. will leave Cedar P oint on Au· gu 15 by outomobUe for the A~­irondatks, and thLn to Maine and Can.ad~ wMTe ahe "'ill spend the.'





I. G. A. STORE CO. Ruddell Reed, oWDer

By the Poatoflice


--- - -- Gilmer County's Totat. • • . 26 4 5 II 4 3

Score by innlnp:

All Stan .... ! 2 0 0 I 2 ll- i Pioneer Garage

boTo, Va., nnd at Deep Creek Md .

Arrow Shirt. Interwoven

Mallory Vanity ToWD

Cenuine Palm Beach Arrow Underwear nont.iem Sb-

For the udiea: Foot Friend and Paradiae


KAPLAN'S Weaton, W. Va.


See You Thi•


GleavUle MkllaiMI Company


0 a.. Cclmpany 0 0 0 0 0 I l-1

Me)''s aad Ladles'

Shoes Reduced. l DeSoto - Plymouth -- - -- - Born• 1'11n : JUthftJ . Ritta olf of :

TM!a ... U 7 fl 21 ' &mricl:. 8 ill 2 iM!np; B'ra~m<>n 3 McFerrin'• Pre••itJe .. c-.-, .u • HPOA I! In 4 f u l ..,. Ba.ae 011 bUia off o f : ........ ... . I 0 0 I 1 Yoo~ a; Bammk • : ........... 2 Shop 1 I ..... -.... • 0 • 1 0 0 Strike Olda "'' y..._ •• Bam ride ........ • 0 I (· e 0 2, ---· .. roe.~ .. pi&IMr, Baa-Oppoeile Plictanlud

I I 1 ' • • rid. U..,MN: a-11 ..........

S....d Forlr, W. Va. HUB CLOTHING CO. ··

Page 6: INTERSESSION TO THREE PROGRAMS BEGIN · PDF fileAnlong the speaket--c: da3;s," and eat in picnic style at is Sl O. ~-t!l'lt Rohrbough beant wer~ Jackson's Mill, Frida)•, July 24


Sblri&J CulpbaU, a atlldent Ia th~

I College, was bodly Injured Jvl1 17 wh«.n the automobile ia whiM tu·

f wu retu.min~r f rom a party at. Ah·ln Continued !r0cm page 1

valley~ where i-rrigation, and n -1i::

t ile whims of the weatbel' man, r ules pla.nt life, the att as a whole hord­)y met M1 -. Roh.rl,.ougb's expectu­t ioru. H owt:ve1·, it furnished the set:­tln~ 'for the most ane.sting exper:­enee- of her hip-a visit to Aime~.!

Scrapie )lcPhe• son's chure'h, in L n;;

F1wbey's colr>ded wit>h a truck ono mile above Sand Fork on Route 35,,T:;:::;::;;;;=======::JI L\ir. Furbey's small daughte1·. Opi'l Lee, who was vdth him in the c.~ .. wa~ fatally wounded and died th~ .following day i n a. West on hoJJpit.al.

An;elu. Fayorably !mpre.ued With S e rvice"


Don't thr ow thoae old

shoea away. Bring them

in. W e ma ke them look

l ike ne w ones !

"It m ay he true that exploitation t in_!res the activities o( lhe murh­publicizcd e\·angcliRl. Lt is difficu lt to determine. But even so, if lh·:o world must be exploited I shou ld 3~Y t hat the kind sponsored by M rs. :Mc-P ht rSOn is rertainly the least hnnn- 1 i r!'::_declared ~11' •. Jiolu·bough. !63 years Have Brought Man Chan es GLENVILLE

A :uosqlte-Hke building whil·h • Y g SHOE SHOP sect1on of humamty ranging f1·om Next Door to Hub

For F ...... Gnoceri• -See-

Eva Stoneking Courteoua Ser.ice





Glen,;ne - Graata..;ue s•"t:< 5000, • c?ng•·egated eros•-I At Glenvtlle State Teachers College I t h.e sailor with a few hours shor~ By OTIS REXROAD Marshall, acting principal, J a nuary 1 I lc..ave to the ~entle old lady who Glen• illc St ate Teschen Co11ege. t872 to June 1873; Louis Bennett, ~ I i============l must huny home to supe-rvise Lh2 now in its sixty-third l' CaT, has 1873 to 1875; '1'. l\1 . 1twlars ha ll, 1875\ -family dinner. from the cu riou~ grown from a modest two-story to I88l ; s. P. Lazear, IS.SL to 1882 i McGee Funeral tourist to the de\tout Negro mamml'. frame building B<.'commodating few- R. F. Kidd, 1882 to 1884; E. J . Home com))letely dominated from 10 ::~u er than one hundreJ students to the Hall. 1884 to 1885 ; S. B. Brown, until 1 o'clock on a hot Sunday mor· stattus of a communiLy serving the 1885 t.o 1890; R. IV Tapp, 18~0 to AMBULANCE SERVICE II ning-this cha llenged Mrs. Rohl'· educational needs of more bhan 500 1891; Veron:\ Map~I. acting prinei- PHONE 47M bough as a fasc inating psycholo.glcnl me

11n and women each yen. pa l, 1891 to Febraury 1892i M. D. +- · .• _ _.... ....

study. Aimee Semple McPherson'b !•lany changes have oecurred ill H elmick, Februa r y 1892 to 189!1; • talk w as simple, n.!ltural, and un3s~ teaching personnel, buildings and W. J. Holden, 1895 to 1901; John C. suming, but she inspi11ed spontan- equipment but t.ratliLion still car- Bond. acti ng principol, 1914 to 19-eou..s e..'t:~ihitions of feeling that were ries 0": ~he fact that t he College Bond. acUng pricipol 1914 to J915i r,incer e and remarkably restrained. has mamtamed 8 st~ady und contin- lG ;· and E. G. Rohrbough, 1908. The Jist oi charities and philat!- ~ous gr owth testifies to the s~rvi~c F or many yea rs after t he CBt3b­thropies maintained by her chul'eh Jt bas rendered to Ua area whtch •1 lishing of the school, the averagl" w.as astonishing in number anU

1 serves. . . attendance was a few more then on,.

scope. One left the- church All ! I An act of the s.~te Legtslature, hundred. The largc~t enTailment in Rohrbo.ugh said , " -ith a more, favor~ Febru~ry 19• 1872• provided for the regular work for any time in the able attitude to..,•ard the woman anti ;.:t:bl:sli~ent o: a branch Normal history of school preceding the )'ear the \\"OI'k she is doin.5r. 00 a Glenvtlle. 1.906 was 113.

.... . . Fiut o .,ened In 18 73 di~O- ~ V•.••t• Te.xu Centent~i•J The citizens. of GJ~m;ne provided ln 1908 a. model training sehor,J Dotl ..1 ~ltealong o-r the Texas Center.· the old Courthouse where Glenville wa.s .st.a r-te.d and there has been a.

' alo;o T"e!, Mt·s. Ro"brhough felt t hat thei!' Normal was firs t. opened to receive su bstant ial increase each year. T his -caddie f wa3 so hurried as to preclu· l~ students on Janua.t•y 14, 1873. Later number i!' inc luded in the total en· has bee(\ than a £uperficial survey. I t the Normal School was moved to a rollment. T hose students who wero placed in IX! in many ""flys the Centul'r two-story frame b'.li lding on the site enrolled fol' secondary work are aL~o

, <t"od ~umenrre ;.s , a.t Chicago. T"he mJ)st now occupied by the Old Building. In included f or aU the yc.nrs up to and the s1.'K hoJ<- feature was "Cav.alcade," 1885 the Legislatu!'C appropriated irrcluding


Seve!'al oonte p3geant depict ing th.! $5000 for a new building which re- By :1uthorlz.ation of t.he Stat~ tbe past w of Te:<a~. Emphasi! throug:l- placed the fr~me Luilding. In 1893 Board of Education. in the Spring total to :!.J)S: plac.ed upon the state and i!nother a ppt•optiation made it pos- of 1930. Gltnville Normal became of five di)lJst1·ies and occupat ion.s. I sible to enlarge the Old Building to ::t four·year teachers college. Th•! mcmbersh' intJl"ressions of t he Western ~ts present dime.nsbns.. fi rst deg-rees we·re conferred in 1931. is o.pe.n t,.e.? We. missed a certai n wa.t·n, I An 3ppropriation of $35,000 in With the exception o! the. enroll-stan-dinfldliness a nd courtesy. They 3r.:! 1909, supplemented by a second act me.nt figures for 1920, 1921, 1922 nqairp·e. impersonal than our neighbor{ in 19 11 can -ying nri appt·opriation of and 1923, which were not availab1P, twent" the East and South. Mo$t ()f all , $12,000, provided !or Admin.istra- the att<!ndanc.e by years for the fat: as ·h()wen.·e.r,'' sm"iled Mrs.. Roht"boughJ tion Hall and the College auditor- and winter ~es..~ii:ons follows:

111 mi.s.<;ed my flower ·garden. ¥ro1,1 ium as they are at present. Year Enrolled Year E nrolle d the time we left California, sight of Fa rm Purchaaed In 1919 1.8'73 120 1874 100 it was ~he most alluring promise tho In tbe summer of 1919, the State 1875 10& 1876 71 <hori<on olfe.red." I Board of .Control purchased a tract 1877 69 1878 72

- ---o- -- of seventy-eig h t acre! of land about 1879 54 1880 46 three fourth> of a mile (rom the 188 1 23 1882 G6

Whe~t Baby Say.1 'No,' 1 !'lorm~l School grounds. f n 1~29 a 1883 71> 1884 114 There Isn't Much t


tract of f-orty-nine acres adjoinin.g 1885 108.' 18<!6 100 0 th1s was purchased. 'Ibe farm ,. 1887 89 1888 123

Be Done tf bout lt l now devoted exclusi<ely to the pro· 1889 114 1890 96 duction of food f or lhe dom1itories 1891 10~ 1892 107

'Twas a h;J.;;~ernoon when of the College. 118


.53 1a

96z 1894 Ill

l'he Physical Education :Building 1896 107 t.h.c -reporte.r nosed along. Six-- was completed in 1!.125 at a cost of 1897 138 1898 149 months-old John didn't want his $4S,OOO. Verona Mapel Hml with 1899 140 !900 !32 picture taken. He wallted lo gil accommodations f or ninety women. 1901 156 1902 l.$(j







Cheerful Service




ROOM 5 MiiM Out on W e aton Road

After the Leaaona Are Fiaished,


FRESH YOURSELF swimnriug i n the b~thtub. After ter. was built at a cost of $110,000 and 1903 123 1904 121 ~•nutes, he thougnt that everyone was first occupied in the fall of 1905 123 1906 16f, With Our TaAty Sandwicha tnere should understand that he had 19 ? 4 Kanawh Hall now serves ~s 190'7 219 1908 250 n o intention o! S'(lliling at the cam· I 3 do~mitory :or men. In 1924. an 1909 345 1910 377 era:nart, .who ln.-ade queer sounds 1<3 thletic field was purchased tn 1911 463 1912 481 ana •nlott~ns wh1ch are supposed to South Glemilte !or $12,000. 1913 468• 1914 406 &lll'UBC c.h~drcn. J o_hn on~y howled., A modern home fur t he president 1915 425 1916 462 F:1ther t.ned sna;ppmg hiS fing~t"5 of t he schoolJ costin~':' about $20,000 1917 425 1918 34U '3.~ Making rfaces, but sonny rem am- was c.rected on the northern side. of 191 9 384 1920 ~d stubborn. Mother pToduced one the campus in 1~27 . 1921 1922 to~· aitor •no~her, only to get fresh I In 1929 a library building, known 1923 1924 t.ear3 nt tbe s1ght of each one. Evr:on as the Robert F . Kidd Library, was 1925 187 1926 'jBud," the dog, held no interest f i)t' constructed pt a cust of $50,000. 1927 265 1928 t'h~ little boy. who didn't want h i:;; The library was opened to students 1929 289 1930 1>icture taken. in the fail of !U30. 1931 462 1982 ~ teporter sta.Ttcd a game c{ At the present time a new dormi- 1933 341 193!&

boll 'With the dog. Tho cameraman tory designed to accommodate 150 1935 439 1936

154 171 275 362 461

mopped his brow. Father ga·ve up men is rapidly nearing completion. --o-and "'·.ent t o the golt Hnks. ~other The new structure i~ a P. \V. A. pro- . Subscribe to the Mercury this fall. d rop-ped everything and s.ighe.d. ject. W·hen ~ompleted the new dorm­''Wetl, we'll h ave to give up. H t.: 'a itory will be one o( t he most beau-

'. • 31'.aafly not like this ." tiful buildings on the campus. T he eomera was pul saf ely into- Liat of P rincipal•

ito c.ue. John Davis R o"hr bou,gh, Following is a list of the no:r mes of small son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. those who have f.illod the office of Rohrbo1JP, ~ooke~ 'UP ond smiled h:t head of the with the per· I """-est &mlle. iod of : T. M.

Colle1e Stud-ta Like Our li• ir Cuta.


anol Ice Cold Drinks


~ Tirea, Tuhea and Bat-

A cceuoriea











Courteous s ... ..,,...,,...

Your Shot Next!

Me's Coraer MaiD &: Court


WILSON _.,,..,•"'•1• 1



MaiD cl: Lewis Sta.