Interrogatives-Question Words Must use an upside question mark at the beginning of your question. ¿ All have accents. Do not use in your answer. They come before the conjugated verb.

Interrogatives-Question Words Must use an upside question mark at the beginning of your question. ¿ All have accents. Do not use in your answer. They

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  • Diapositiva 1
  • Diapositiva 2
  • Interrogatives-Question Words Must use an upside question mark at the beginning of your question. All have accents. Do not use in your answer. They come before the conjugated verb.
  • Diapositiva 3
  • Interrogatives-Question Words Qu? What? Cuntos, - as? How many? Dnde?Where?Quin/es?Who?/ whom? Adnde?Where to?Por qu?Why? Cmo?How?De dnde?From where? Cundo?When?Cul?Which? /What?
  • Diapositiva 4
  • Placement of question word. They go after the upside down question mark and before the conjugated verb. Examples: Dnde est el libro? Quin es el estudiante nuevo? Adnde vas?
  • Diapositiva 5
  • Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative. (**Must use complete sentences.) 1.__ ___ eres t? Soy de Espaa. 2.___ es la fiesta de Marcos?el viernes 3.___ ___ no te gusta la clase? 4._______ va Juan? a la playa 5._____ es la fecha de hoy? 6.____ comen para la cena? pizza 7.____ es el profesor de ciencias? 8. ___ chicas hay en la clase? - 12