Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/ Some students still don’t get it 3 Can you solve the Guidestones mystery? 7 Go green 12-16

Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

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This week's environmental awareness themed issue of the Interrobang features a look at green initiatives on campus. Plus more Fleming Drive coverage, and a review of The Hunger Games.

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Page 1: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Some students still don’t get it 3Can you solve the Guidestones mystery? 7

Go green 12-16

Page 2: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

NEWS 2Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Alex Ranchod is in his secondyear of the HospitalityManagement program. “Havinggrown up in the suburbs ofToronto, I am someone that is tobe reckoned with,” saidRanchod. “I have a ton of ambi-tion. I can be a hard workerwhen I choose to be, but I stillknow how to have fun. I enjoystaying active, chilling withfriends and being the best I canbe. I don’t judge anyone unless Iknow who they are personally.” 1. Why are you here?To do the best I can and graduate

within the time that’s been given. 2. What was your life-changingmoment?Hiking through the Rockies andreaching the pinnacle of the moun-tains in the sky.3. What music are you currentlylistening to?Rusko’s “Somebody To Love.”4. What is the best piece ofadvice you’ve ever received?My grandfather: “Never forgetwhere you are.”5. Who is your role model?My dad, Dino Ranchod. 6. Where in the world have you

travelled?Florida and the Rockies.7. What was your first job?At Za-Neo Inc. selling fine leathergoods and accessories in a high-end retail environment in down-town Toronto.8. What would your last mealbe?A massive steak and cheese sand-wich with Caesar salad and pou-tine on the side. 9. What makes you uneasy?Walking in somewhere and every-one is staring at you. 10. What is your passion?Travelling and being adventurousall while meeting cool, fascinatingpeople.Do you want Fanshawe to know 10Things About You? Just head onover to fsu.ca/interrobang andclick on the 10 Things I KnowAbout You link at the top.

10 Things I Know About You...

Ranchod’s a mountain man


Alex Ranchod, left, hiking through the Rockies.


(From left) Christine El-Helou, Youssef Meddoui, Haley Wiltshire and Beth Jackson are members of the ProjectFanshawe group, which aims to help rebuild Fleming Drive after the March 17 riot. They held a bake sale onMarch 27 to raise money for the neighbourhood. On March 24 they held a bottle drive and raised $342.42 fortheir cause.


Sarah Van De Vooren“YES! I’m the queen of recycling! I’m the Environmental Program Coordinator for Fanshawe!”

Steven Corsaut“Yeah, I care. I recycle at home.”

Rob Catherwood“Yes, I suppose I care as much as the average guy.”

Derek Gillingham“Yes I do. I try to recycle as much as possible.”

Nick Davenport“Of course! I recycle at home.”

Wei Xiao“Yes, I care about recycling. I always recycle at home.”




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Page 3: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

NEWS 3Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Depending on who you ask, theFleming Drive riot on St. Patrick’sDay is a source of shame or asource of entertainment. Though itseems the majority of Fanshawe’sstaff and students have expresseddisgust with the incident, others areseeing it as no big deal, as evi-denced by the 67-plus ProvincialOffence Notices handed out byLondon Police Services in theFleming area since March 17. ThePONs were issued for everythingfrom liquor law violations to trafficinfractions to a “set unauthorizedopen air burning” violation for aresident who had a bonfire in hisdriveway.

“Number-wise, when you lookat the number of charges, youwould think that people are justkind of brushing it off,” said Const.Dennis Rivest, CorporateCommunications and PublicRelations Officer for the LondonPolice Service. “(Police Chief BradDuncan) actually went on to sayhow disappointed he was that thebehaviours continue despite(police) being out there, having ourcommand vehicle out there and ourofficers on the ground and our offi-cers charging people, writing tick-ets, and yet people are still outdrinking, the one person (had) abonfire in their driveway, all sortsof different issues. It is rather dis-appointing to see this behaviour isstill continuing.”

Emily Marcoccia, Director ofMarketing and CorporateCommunications at FanshaweCollege, said she felt the vastmajority of Fanshawe studentsunderstood the seriousness of thesituation. “One of the things thatwe need to remember is that thereare 17,000 Fanshawe students in

the community. So, a general ques-tion, ‘Are students getting it?’ Yes.The vast majority of our studentshave not done anything inappropri-ate in the community, and in factthe opposite is true; we have suchan overwhelming number of stu-dents that are contributing in a pos-itive way through their volunteerwork and other work in the com-munity.”

“Have there been some peoplewho don’t seem to get the messagein the Fleming area? Absolutely,yes,” she continued. “For thepolice to have to issue another 67provincial offense notices since(March 17) is 67 too many.”

According to Rivest, police aregoing to continue to remain strictand hand out tickets in the area.“It’s going to continue … as longas it takes … We’re going to take azero-tolerance approach, strictenforcement, and if you are com-mitting an offence, you will becharged accordingly,” he said. “Ifit’s an offence, you can probablyguarantee you’ll get a ticket – atleast a ticket, if not arrested andcharged criminally.”

Despite the serious conse-quences that have come since theriot, some people are findinghumour in what happened. “Iwould consider myself ‘TeamFunny’ in terms of the jokes aboutthe Fleming riot, but like everyother joke there is a time and aplace for it,” said Jes Clarke-Madamba, a student in Fanshawe’sAdvanced Filmmaking program.“The odd joke I hear from astranger I find pretty funny andjokes between Fanshawe studentsare a true riot. It’s honestly a joke.The whole thing is a joke.”

Some people are taking the jokesone step further. An image of ashirt that proclaims, “I survived the

Fleming Drive riot FunshaweCollege 2012” has been circulatingaround social media, with someindividuals saying they will createthe shirt for a fee.

“I think it’s very, very, veryunfortunate and frankly disgustingthat some individuals want to makejokes or money on the backs of ourgood students and their creden-tials,” said Marcoccia. “To contin-ue to make light of or profit fromthis incident is continuing to deval-ue the reputation of the majority ofour students.”

“How dare you use our studentsas a way to profit and then tell oth-ers, as we’ve read, that it’s ‘just forfun,’” she continued. “It’s not ‘justfor fun’ for the students who arelooking for future employment … Ireally wish students would standup and take back their rights to nothave to let others make fun of orpersonally profit by individualslike that.”

According to John DuGray,another AFM student at Fanshawe,the jokes are to be somewhatexpected. “Travelling to othercities recently representingFanshawe, as well as having guestspeakers from other cities visit, hasled to some light-hearted teasingabout the Fleming riot. It is to beexpected, though, as it has becomean international news story. Ihaven’t felt judged or discriminat-ed against because of it, but it is aneasy punchline at the moment.”

Some people have made com-ments on social media about howfun the riot was or how it’s not abig deal, such as Twitter postsfrom @gloriaristocrat: “Peopleneed to calm down about what

happened at Fleming Drive last-night- personally I thought it wasfun and wild! #partyon” (March18) and @xtinacolakovic: “brokennecks, Swat on our lawn, cars onfire, keg stands on the roof, beerallll day. I can easily say yesterdaywas the best day of my life”(March 18).

“I don’t think (the riot is) any-thing that one should walk aroundbeing proud of,” said Rivest. “It’scertainly an embarrassment to thatparticular area and to the city aswell. I think that when we look atthe idea that we’re supposed to be

adults that are living in that area,then maybe we need to start show-ing a little bit more respect. Therules are in place for people’s safe-ty and for people’s enjoyment, andas I said earlier, we will continue tocharge as necessary.”

“I believe the zero-toleranceapproach is absolutely correct andI believe it will deter some behav-iours on the short term,” saidMarcoccia, “but the Collegeremains very concerned that longerterm solutions need to be found forthe Fleming area.”

Showcasing studentinnovation


On April 4, Fanshawe College isholding its first annual StudentResearch and Innovation Day(SRID). The event brings togethersome of Fanshawe’s most innova-tive students in a friendly competi-tion with some great prizes.

Danielle Phillips, a CorporateCommunications and PublicRelations student completing herplacement with the department ofApplied Research and Innovationat Fanshawe said she is reallyexcited to see the event cometogether. “(Students) are going toset up their research and innovativeprojects that they’ve been workingon in school. It’s kinda like a sci-ence fair, but when I think of a sci-ence fair it’s mostly science andtechnology, but this is also arts andhumanities, business, health sci-ences and human services, too,”she said.

The event starts at 1 p.m. withkeynote speaker Wesley From,Vice President of Engineering atTrojan Technology, in roomT1003. From there, projects will bepresented in the Colvin Atrium inB building from 2:30 p.m. until4:30 p.m., at which point theawards will be presented. Projectsare being evaluated based on for-mat layout, logic of presentation

and the presenters’ ability toanswer questions about their work.

The event features 25 projectscompleted by students in five cate-gories: Arts/Humanities, Mediaand Design, Business, HealthSciences/Human Services andScience/Technology. Within eachof those five categories there willbe three prizewinners. “The firstplace prize is $1,000, second is$500, third is $300 and then every-body gets $100 for participating,”said Phillips.

“I think it’s going to be reallygood. They haven’t had anythinglike it at Fanshawe before,” saidPhillips. “We were hoping for 25submissions, five in each category.We had over 45 submissions,” sheadded, highlighting the success theevent has already had. Studententries included capstone projects,team projects, degree assignmentsand course assignments. A selec-tion committee then met to deter-mine which entries would beincluded in the event.

Phillips thinks that, given thenumber of students who wereinterested this year, the StudentResearch and Innovation Day willsuccessfully continue every year.

For more information aboutSRID, visit fanshawec.ca/SRID ortheir Facebook page attinyurl.com/fanshaweSRID.



Social media played a huge role in the March 17 Fleming Drive riot.People have been using Facebook and Twitter to make jokes about whathappened, and police are using the same sites to track down suspects.

Some students still not getting it

Page 4: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

NEWS 4Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

A new study being conducted byOntario Health is asking Ontariansto help in the research effort toidentify contributing factors andultimately find treatments and pre-ventions for diseases such as can-cer, diabetes, heart disease, asthmaand Alzheimer’s.

The Ontario Health Study(OHS) is an online survey that isopen to all Ontario citizens overthe age of 18. It takes roughly halfan hour to complete and asks par-ticipants questions regarding thestatus of their own health, familymedical history and variouslifestyle factors.

Issues surrounding privacy havebeen taken into consideration bythe OHS, so you need not fear yourmedical information becomingpublic knowledge. The OHS hasimplemented various strategies toprotect the privacy of participantsas, according to the website, thestudy has taken measures toensure, “information is stored withall identifying informationremoved, all information is pass-

word-protected and encrypted andaccess is kept to a minimum.”

As of mid-March, of the 9.5 mil-lion citizens who are eligible toparticipate in the study, 175,000had done so, with 7,700 of thoseparticipants hailing from London.The OHS aims to have one millionparticipants by the conclusion ofthe study, which as of yet has noend date, and has plans to roll out anew recruitment initiative later thisspring.

The OHS is a not-for-profitstudy that receives funding fromthe Ontario Institute for CancerResearch, Cancer Care Ontario,Public Health Ontario and theCanadian Partnership AgainstCancer. The OHS is just one com-ponent of the nationwide CanadianPartnership for Tomorrow Project,which is gathering similar studiesfrom five regions around the coun-try in a larger research initiativesurrounding the diseases focusedon in the OHS.

For more information on theOHS, or to sign up and participatein the study, visit ontariohealth-study.ca.


The Library and Media Services onFanshawe’s London campus will onceagain offer 24/7 access during examweek.

The 24/7 Library access begins at 8a.m. on April 9 and runs until 4:15 p.m.on April 20. These extended hours willalso include access to the print collec-tions and photocopiers. Use yourFanshawe student ID to get in.

Please note that the Library StudentResearch Lab hours won’t change,because it’s already open 24/7.

So head to the library and shhhh! Getstudying!

Ontario HealthSurvey aims toanswer big questions


Proposed changes to the publicnuisance bylaw will be presentedto City Council by mid-April, butbefore that happens, the city isoffering local residents the chanceto voice their opinions.

A public safety meeting will beheld April 2 at 6 p.m. at theLondon Convention Centre (300York St.) and students and resi-dents will be able to voice theirconcerns to council members.

“We want to hear from the com-munity – from the residents, thestudents’ council and so on – ontheir experience and what was ofconcern, and any ideas or sugges-tions the public has to improve thesituation are welcome,” saidCouncilor Joe Swan, whose wardincludes Fleming Drive. Themeeting will also include a statusreport from police and emergencypersonnel regarding what hap-pened at the riot and the sugges-tions they have to help ensure pub-lic safety.

A “nuisance party” is defined inthe proposed bylaw as a socialgathering on public or privateproperty that includes disorderlyconduct; public drunkenness orintoxication; damage to public orprivate property; obstructing theflow of traffic; unreasonable noise(such as loud music, talking orsinging); unlawful burning or fire-works; public disturbances (suchas fights or threats); outdoor pub-lic urination or defecation; and

other conduct that could constitutea public nuisance.

The proposed amendment to thenuisance bylaw would enablepolice officers to disband any par-ties that are getting out of hand,removing everyone from thepremises of the party except forthose who permanently residethere. The bylaw aims to givepolice officers greater proactivecontrol in stopping “unlawfulgatherings” before they begin.Penalties for breaking the bylawinclude convictions or a maximumfine of $10,000.

Fanshawe students had mixedreactions to the proposed change.

“I think it’s a really good idea,”said Stephanie Reimer, a first-yearBusiness student. “Some partiescan get way out of control reallyquickly and I think if the copscould step in and shut them downbefore they got to that point, itwould save a lot of trouble.”

Chris Schwartzer, a second-yearGeneral Arts and Science student,disagreed. “I think people are real-ly overreacting to this wholeFleming thing. I don’t want thecops to be able to come into myparty and kick everyone out justbecause they think it might getcrazy at some point. It seems like aviolation to me and it’s like theydon’t trust students to throw par-ties without them turning intoriots.”

Though the proposed changecame about due to the Flemingriot, Swan explained that thebylaw aims to control other

“hotspots” in the community, suchas downtown, Western Road andSarnia Road. “It really is helpingthe city come to terms with largegatherings of people in whichthere’s unregulated use of alcoholand when it moves into an unsafeenvironment … It’s not justFanshawe – although that is theprimary hotspot we have to dealwith – this law has to apply fairlyacross the community.”

Some people see the proposedbylaw as being in conflict with thepotential changes to the concertbylaw – currently concerts can beno louder than 90 decibels andmust shut down by 11 p.m.; citycouncil is looking into allowingconcerts to run louder and longer –but Swan said he thinks bothbylaws could be a positive part ofthe solution. “Having a concertformat on days like St. Patrick’s, itgives people a place to go. It canhave a really good vibe and a goodparty atmosphere in a safe andcontrolled environment … I think(the two bylaws) need to be mutu-ally supportive.”

The proposed changes to thebylaw will presented to theLondon City Council on April 11and, if approved, are set to takeeffect the following day. “That’sthe timeline proposed, but if goodsuggestions come forward orthings need to be worked on, we’lltake the time to get it right,” saidSwan.

‘To read the proposed publicnuisance bylaw for yourself, go totinyurl.com/nuisancebylaw2012.

Open meeting to discuss public safety April 2ALISON MCGEE AND ERIKA FAUST


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Library offers 24/7 access during exam season

Page 5: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

To be really honest with you, I was havingtrouble deciding what to write about thisweek. I was working on a story for the enter-tainment beat in my Broadcast Journalismprogram, which isn’t my strongest point byany means. Nevertheless, I happened tospeak to John Young and Pat Maloney at theFanshawe Student Union and I chancedupon the Jack Richardson Music Awards.Maloney is the Producer of the show, whileYoung is the Chair of the awards. I hadnever heard of Jack Richardson before, untilI listened to a personality profile in class: aprofile of Richardson.

Richardson shares his birthday with mybrother, and that is probably the only con-nection I have with the man, but I did get achance to speak to people who worked withhim while he taught at Fanshawe.Richardson was an instructor in the MusicIndustry Arts program and his colleague,Steve Malison, has fond memories of him,“Jack and I were the morning crew, wewould talk for an hour before class.” Thiswent on every day, according to Malison. Hewent on to add that Richardson was notrestricted to one genre, though many peoplethought he was. He had a vast influence on anumber of musical acts and genres duringhis years as a record producer.

When Richardson passed away in 2011,Canada lost a legend. “I will never, ever for-get how you changed my life,” were thewords of The Guess Who frontman BurtonCummings on his blog. Richardson saw themusic business from a variety of perspec-tives – as a musician, producer, advertisingexecutive, record-company executive andcollege professor. His whole life was devot-ed to music, so much so that he took a sec-ond mortgage on his house to finance TheGuess Who from Winnipeg to go down and

showcase for a label in New York City.According to Maloney, who was in the lastclass that Jack taught at Fanshawe credits,that decision was “the start of the Canadianmusic industry as we know it today.”

In total, Richardson produced 14 albumsfor The Guess Who, five of which were cer-tified platinum in Canada, with three ofthem reaching that mark in the U.S. He hasreceived 38 gold and platinum awards forhis production work. He also won the WaltGrealis Special Achievement Award at theJuno Awards in 1986. Such was his impacton Canadian music production that in 2002,the Juno Awards category for Producer ofthe Year was renamed the Jack RichardsonProducer of the Year award. Richardson isalso a member of the Canadian Music Hall

of Fame. And that’s not all; he was alsomade a member of the Order of Canada in2003.

Though Richardson has passed, his mem-ory lives on among us. The Jack RichardsonMusic Awards are held annually in theForest City. It carries on the legacy that cre-ated by the ‘Godfather of Canadian Music.’Jack chose to live in London for a while, andevery year at the Jack Richardson Musicawards, local talent is given a platform toshine and stand out. This year will be thefirst time that the show goes on without thewatchful and supportive eyes of Richardson.It should definitely be an emotional nightand it all happens April 15 at the LondonMusic Hall (185 Queens Ave). For moreinformation, check out jrma.ca.

The godfather of Canadian music

I think it goes without saying that ALL ofus come to the table with various chips onour shoulders. While someone’s situationmay appear “picture perfect” on the outside,ultimately you don’t know the trials andtribulations they may have faced/continue toundergo. Likewise, things are often not asbad as they may seem. It’s really all a matterof attitude AND gratitude. Given this, it’simportant to reserve judgement toward oth-ers.

On the other side of the equation, it’sequally important not to allow one’s battlewounds to permeate every aspect of one’slife. While one’s past largely informs one’spresent and reflecting upon past experiences(both successes and mistakes) can be a fan-tastic means of learning about oneself andthe world at large, you’ll ultimately neverget to where you want to go in life if yourperspective remains stagnant. The exampleof Thomas Edison’s perseverant quest toestablish a reliable, long-lasting, electriclightbulb speaks for itself. The point I’m try-ing to make? Don’t allow yourself to be sti-fled and/or suffocated by your own emotion-al baggage – no one else wants to!

With that introduction, instead of gettingheavy into my regular “psychoanalytics” thisweek, I’d simply like to relay to you two sto-ries in hopes that you’ll reflect on your ownattitude toward yourself, others and life ingeneral:

A few years ago when I was working atthe London Musicians’ Association (LMA),I met a man who had the misfortune of beingafflicted with a lifelong disability that affect-ed his motor skills. Despite this, he was pas-

sionate about pursuing a career in music.Initial judgement would lead one to believehe was making the best out of a bad situation– that he possessed a rather admirable dispo-sition. But the more I continued to speakwith him, the more his positioning of whatsociological-dramaturgist Goffman refers toas one’s “front stage self” (i.e., the way inwhich you WANT others to perceive you)broke down.

His reason for contacting me was becausehe was intent on performing at a variety oflocal festivals. He claimed he had a massivefanbase, his music had wide appeal and thathe was being discriminated against by theorganizers of these events due to his physicalailment. At the same time, however, he alsomade it clear that he was not a member ofour association and in fact didn’t see muchpoint in becoming one… yet he expected ourservices to be granted to him.

I regretfully explained that unless he waswilling to consider membership, there was-n’t much we’d be able to do as our limitedresources are reserved for those who main-tain regular dues payments. With that said,however, as one of the LMA’s services is toinvestigate “unfair treatment claims” issuedby musicians against event organizers, I washappy to look into the case for him.

I simply began by asking him to describeexactly what happened. It didn’t take longfor his rather harsh accusations to lose speed.

As he explained to me, he applied to per-form at a festival and received a genericrejection letter back, advising him that hismusic did not fall into the genre categoriesthey were seeking. At this point, I reviewedthe letter, the genre categories of the festivaland asked him to send me a sample of hismusic. Wouldn’t you know it? The rejectionletter couldn’t be any more to the point.

When I attempted to explain that I, alongwith many other musicians, have faced sim-ilar rejections and that I did not see any indi-

cation he was being “unfairly” treated, heimmediately jumped down my throat andACCUSED ME TOO of being prejudiceagainst those with disabilities… but it didn’tjust end there. When I returned home fromwork, I found a series of “bitch-out” lettersfrom him in my personal email inbox; he haddecided to look up my official website toobtain my contact information to continuethis “cyber war.”

While I initially empathized with the facthe obviously underwent many struggles inhis life due to his disability and commendedhim for his musical efforts irrespective of hiscondition, the revelation of his “backstageself” proved that it was his ATTITUDE,NOT his limited physicality, that was hold-ing him back in life. Like a spoiled brat, if hedidn’t get what he wanted, he’d consistentlylash out and label the world as prejudiced.Moreover he EXPECTED special treatment– as though the world should revolve aroundhis every wish and command. Sad, but true.

In contrast, a few months ago I cameacross a late-night talk show interview withan amazing teenager named JoanneO’Riordan from Ireland who was born withTetra-amelia syndrome – a birth defect thatafflicts only SEVEN people in the entireworld – in which the sufferer has not justlimited mobility, but literally NO limbs tospeak of. Throughout the broadcast,O’Riordan spoke humbly of the “normal”life she lives and her positive, self-sufficientattitude was more than evident as she dranka beverage without assistance.

She admitted to hating being called an“inspiration” and intends on never allowingher condition to become an “excuse.”Equally, however, she explained she ishappy to engage others when they ask abouther physicality. She aspires to become eithera journalist or politician, and with her aca-demic prowess and “can-do” attitude, Ibelieve there’s no doubt she will get to

where she wants to go. She’s already suc-cessfully campaigned against a local MPwho was attempting to cut funding towardfamilies who support disabled children.

I welcome you to check the interview herefor yourself: tinyurl.com/oriordanvideo.

Like all of you, I’ve had many experiencesin life where I thought I was beaten down onthe ground for good, but somehow I mus-tered the strength to get back up for anotherround. The saying is true: “What doesn’t killyou makes you stronger.” BUT there’s animportant caveat missing from that expres-sion: “It’ll only make you stronger IF you letit.”

It’s okay to grieve, it’s okay to get upset,it’s even okay to scream at the tops of yourlungs if you need to get negativity out ofyour system. It’s not okay (nor mature),however, to allow yourself to be victimizedor to become an “excuse” king or queen sim-ply because you don’t always get your way.

To quote a rock musician who upon occa-sion has something insightful to say, “Youdon’t always get what you want, but if youtry sometimes, you might just find you’ll getwhat you need.”

In conclusion, have an “attitude of grati-tude,” my friends – you do, after all, live inone of the most privileged parts of the world.

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Editorial opinions or comments expressedin this newspaper reflect the views of thewriter and are not those of theInterrobang or the Fanshawe StudentUnion. All photographs are copyright 2011by Fanshawe Student Union. All rights

reserved. The Interrobang is published weekly by the FanshaweStudent Union at 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., Room SC1012,London, Ontario, N5Y 5R6 and distributed through theFanshawe College community. Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters are subject to edit-ing and should be emailed. All letters must be accompanied bycontact information. Letters can also be submitted online atwww.fsu.ca/interrobang/ by following the Interrobang links.




Legendary Record Producer Jack Richardson.


Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

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Discriminating taste

Page 6: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012


Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

In light of the recent Water Week, and inkeeping with the theme of this week’s issue,it seems appropriate to revisit the relation-ship between Canadian politics and the envi-ronment. The last time EnvironmentMinister Peter Kent made the headlines, itwas over Canada’s decision to abandon theKyoto Protocol at a convention on climatechange in South Africa. The conflict aroseafter Kent refused to comment on droppingout of the agreement even long after itbecame apparent to the international com-munity that he intended to do so.

More recently there have been accusationsthat the Conservative government has beendelaying, or even preventing, federal scien-tists from speaking with the media aboutresearch results. The research of KristiMiller on declining fish populations remainsunpublished, and other Canadian scientistsare currently studying similar environmentalissues, such as the impact of the Alberta tarsands. Reduced transparency of academicresearch is a new paradigm for both Canadaand the scientific community. Scientificadvancement relies on open sharing of infor-mation and any threat to it, real or perceived,reflects poorly on Canada internationally.

As per usual, the debate is being framedby government assertions that critics and themedia are trying to create an issue wherethere isn’t one. Although there may be anelement of this in every political story,there’s usually a kernel of truth to theseaccusations as well. The Conservative gov-ernment has created a political environmentwhere presenting information that mayundermine their goals is frowned upon. Theofficial Federal agenda has several top prior-ities, but the obvious favourites are job cre-ation and economic growth.

It’s difficult for a country to deal withenvironmental restrictions, as evidenced byKent’s actions in Durban, but it’s also diffi-cult for them to care. Environmental restric-tions can result in driving up manufacturingprices and limiting the efficiency of indus-tries. By the time any of these climatechange concerns begin to manifest, however,Harper will be a portrait on the walls ofParliament. This necessitates a precariousbalance. On one hand, the government needsto invest enough into environmental reformthat the international community won’t con-demn them, and, on the other, they cannotmake environmental changes that wouldjeopardize the economy. You may havenoticed advertisements recently aired onCanadian networks that picture a worker inthe Alberta oil sands talking about how cleanand safe the process is. I don’t pretend to beany sort of environmental expert, but theconcerns of those who are, coupled withimages of stagnant sludge pools poisedabove fresh water sources, point to the pos-sibility of a different message about safety.

In a democratic government, there needsto be an explicit and deliberate effort to con-duct all business and research in the publiceye. Any failure to do so will undoubtedly bemisinterpreted by some as an attempt atsecrecy, which implies wrongdoing. A con-certed effort must be made on the basis ofproviding resources capable of informingindividuals on the principles and practicesbeing used by government. These resourcesshould be capable of educating a personregardless of their background. While theremay only be a minute percentage of the pop-ulation interested in this information, theirability to access it should be guaranteed, as itis their tax dollars funding these projects.

If everybodyelse caredabout climatechange,would you?

It’s probably an urban legend, but recent-ly I heard a story about someone whorefused to eat any more eggs. She alwaysliked them, but one day confessed to herfriends that she didn’t know where theycame from. When she was told that theycame from the back end of a chicken, sheswore off them.

London, like any city in SouthwesternOntario, is surrounded by farmland. But howmany of us know much about rural life andfarming? We drive past vast stretches ofdeveloped crop land with hardly a thought.Actually, since most of our commuting takesplace either right in the city or on the stretchof the 401 between London and Toronto, thechances are good that many of us have nevereven see a farm.

But so what? As long as the tiny percent-age of people who actually work directlywith fields, orchards and livestock keepdoing what they are paid to do, who cares?They make money by working the tractorsand operating the barns so they can buy thestuff made in the cities. And city dwellerswho make money building toasters andretailing clothes buy the food farmers pro-duce in the country. It all balances out.

Maybe. Or maybe not. Wendell Berry, afarmer, teacher and writer has for manyyears been saying that we are in peril forignoring our land and our farms, especiallyour family farms.

The family farm, one that is intimatelyconnected with the land, is a crucial sourceof the values that make human life possible.

If, like me, you have ever spent any timeliving on a family farm, living among fami-ly farmers or even just visiting a familyfarm, you might have a feeling for what thismeans. Berry, in his book, On Farming andFood (Counterpoint, 2009), explores themeaning of the family farm, what its successbrings to all of us, and also what its failurewould mean for us.

In one of the essays, “In Defense of theFamily Farm,” Berry writes about theChristian Amish communities in NorthAmerica. They are easily found. If youdrive, say, north of Kitchener, you might seethem working the fields by hand and usinghorse and buggy instead of cars. Do slowdown when you pass such a rig so the hors-es and the occupants in the buggy will knowyou are sharing the road safely with them.

Berry recommends what he calls eight“Amish Principles.” I more or less quotethem here.

One, they preserve their families andcommunities.

Two, they maintain the practices of neigh-bourly living.

Three, they practice the art of kitchen andgarden, household and homestead.

Four, they use technology, but are notafraid to limit its use. They resist allowingtechnology to displace or alienate the humanlabour already available in the community.And they do not throw aside the free sourcesof power available from the sun, the wind,waterways and so on that come with theirland.

Five, they create farms of a scale that are

compatible with both the practice of neigh-bourhood and the optimum use of low-power technology.

Six, because of these practices, they keeptheir costs down. Therefore, they are not for-ever indebted to banks, nor are they at themercy of national and international agribusi-ness.

Seven, they educate their children to liveat home and serve their communities.

Eight, they esteem farming as a spiritualdiscipline as well as a practical art. In fact,those two dimensions are inseparable.

I would add a ninth principle that is clear-ly at home in these first eight. Frugality. Tothrow away nothing. And a concludingstory: For a time my father farmed. The barnhe used was not the best. But within a fewmonths he had it ready for livestock. One ofthe things he did was take an old pile ofplanks and make a second storey.

But here’s the most interesting part. Theplanks were full of nails. Many peopletoday, rather than deal with old planks filledwith rusty nails, would throw out such mate-rial and buy new lumber and nails from thebuilding supply centre. But my father and Itook those planks and pulled out the nails.Each of those nails was precious to him. Hehad me take those nails, one by one and holdthem carefully on the concrete floor. I hitthem with a hammer, straightening out everybend, and putting the recycled nails in a jar.Almost all were salvageable. They held thatbarn together for a long time.

I learned more about what makes an econ-omy healthy from that small farm exercisethan I have learned from all the professionaleconomists I have read quoted in our mediaover many years.

Principles from the Amish farm



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The Guidestones web series was based on the Georgia Guidestones. The interactive series invites viewers toexplore the mysteries of these cryptic stones.

Captivating, thrilling and myste-rious. Guidestones is a free, web-based

interactive thriller series based onthe Georgia Guidestones. Thestory follows two journalism stu-dents as they try to uncover theconspiracy of the Guidestoneswhile investigating an unsolvedmurder.

Jay Ferguson is the creator of theseries. He said the film was shot ina very unique way to give the audi-ence a sense of actually being onsite with the actors.

“(Cinéma) vérité is the style inwhich we shot. One of the things isthat it’s a thriller and as a thrillerwe want it to have that sense ofvoyeurism,” said Ferguson. “Themain characters are essentiallyalways being watched, so we want-ed to give that feeling to the audi-ence and that comes from a véritédocumentary format.”

Ferguson got the idea for theseries from an exchange studentfrom India who he met at Ryerson.She had told him a story about her-self back in India. “Originally, Iwas going to make a documentaryon her, but she wasn’t interested,so I decided to make this a fictionstory and the story led back toIndia,” said Ferguson.

The show is shot in such as waythat “you get episodes as they arereleased in real time so you get theshows as it happens to the charac-ters. The whole thing takes aboutthree weeks to go through,” saidFerguson. “The idea is that ifyou’re watching the show, thenyou get an episode emailed to you.Then the characters may have to gosomewhere that takes the charac-ters two hours to get there, so youfollow them. Two hours later, youget another episode. So it’s thisreal-time experience.”

The episodes are typically threeto five minutes long, to enhancethis experience that you are chas-ing down clues to solve the mys-tery.

Supinder Wraich, the leadactress in the film, said, “Wewould shoot longer scenes andthey were just cut where there wasa cliffhanger and would make youwant to watch the next episode.”

“They were meant to be some-thing you could consume quicklythroughout the course of your

day,” added Feguson. “But wefound a lot of people were disap-pointed and wanted more.”

To add to the uniqueness of theseries, in addition to itsHollywood-calibre videographyand real-time experience, it is alsointeractive.

Within the show, there are cluesthat are made obvious enough forthe audience to see. “When youfind a clue, you google it and it willtake you somewhere. They getmore complicated sometimes likenumbers may be hidden on certainsites, or it could be a license platenumber or a serial number. Thingsare usually google-able but some-times it’s a phone number whichcan take a little more searching,”said Ferguson.

He was quick to add that, “if youdon’t want to do the interactiveexperience, it won’t affect yourviewing of the show,” since everyepisode reveals the clue from theshow before.

The show is shot in Canada, theUSA and in India. Wraich said,“We actually shot all on locationfor everything we talk about in thestory, so if people want to go dotheir research, all those things inGuidestone actually exist.”

A show that wasn’t initially sup-posed to be an Alternative RealityGame turned out to be very suc-cessful and has garnered a lot ofdedicated fans.

“On our Facebook page, we arecontinually getting pictures of peo-ple who are going to the locations,”said Ferguson. “Someone elseeven set up a Facebook page ask-ing people to take a trip to theGuidestones.”

“The project was never meant tobe considered an ARG,” he contin-ued, “but I knew that audiencesworked differently in front of acomputer screen, so I knew therewas a certain desire for interestedaudiences to have some sort ofinteractivity. So I thought I’d addthese elements that would allowyou to jump ahead.”

The show was created bybetween 100 and 150 people intotal from the initial production topost-production. Many of the peo-ple involved were recent gradsfrom Ryerson, York, Toronto FilmSchool, Sheridan and a few others,sprinkled with some professionalsin the business. “We had a lot ofexperience on the one side and alot of dedication and people learn-

ing on the other,” said Ferguson.It was shot for under $500,000,

which meant “we had to shootsmart,” said Ferguson. “A lot ofpeople who worked on it donatedtheir time. Because it was such aunique concept, people becamevery passionate about it, but thevalue is a lot higher than that fromwhat appears on the screen.”

It took three years to buildGuidestones and Ferguson wantedto make sure he got it right. Hesaid, “We do consume a hugeamount of rich media online and Iwas getting frustrated with the factthat much of it was not good qual-ity so I wanted to produce some-thing really good.”

The quality did not just appear inthe videography or the content; theactors also did a lot of preparing.

Wraich has been acting for a fewyears but she said she has neverhad a role like this one.

“It was definitely somethingnew to sit down and figure out howmy character grows and what thosecharacter shifts are and how tobuild this character. I’ve neverbuilt a character in such a way thatI built Sandy because I got to playher for a few months. So I actuallyended up moving into a hostel inToronto just to experience the cityin a new and different way,” saidWraich.

Wriach also got to work with afriend of hers; Dan Fox, who is theother lead character. Wraichdescribed their relationship to besimilar on the show as off theshow.

“Dan and I and Sandy andTrevor have the same dichotomy;we work differently and deal withsituations differently, so it was achallenge at times and a gift attimes, in fact, every day was a giftand a challenge,” says Wraich.

With all the positive feedbackGuidestones has been receiving,Ferguson said, “We have plans tomake a trilogy. We find we are get-ting really amazing reviews and ithas had a really amazing impact. Ifwe get good audience numbers, wewill definitely be able to finance asecond or third one.”

Check out Guidestones at guide-stones.org and enter your emailaddress. Right away you will startexperiencing the three-weekadventure for free in high quality.“Now that it’s online, anybody cango and watch it, it exists forever,”said Ferguson.

Can you solve theGuidestones mystery?


Spring has sprung and jobopportunities have sprung uparound the city of London, too.Fanshawe’s Career Services is put-ting on workshops throughout themonth to help you on your way togetting the perfect summer job orlanding your dream career.

“(Students) should come (to theworkshops) for added information,to get their questions answered, tofeel more confident knowing thatthe information that they’re mar-keting to employers is good, and tofind out more about what CareerServices can offer them whilethey’re students,” explained LiskaMartindale-Dubrule, StudentServices Specialist at CareerServices. “I know especially with alot of students graduating soon, Iwould highly suggest getting ontop of their career search now.”

To register for the followingworkshops, head to CareerServices in D1063 or call 519-452-4294. For more information, checkout the events tab on MyFanshawe.

Resumes and Cover Letters

April 5, 2:30 to 4 p.m.April 19, 10 to 11:30 a.m.This workshop will help stu-

dents create a polished and profes-sional resume for any field of workand target resumes for a specificposition. “Most people think that aresume is a one-size-fits-all(thing), when in reality, a resumewill be somewhat unique to eachperson, and it will be altered forspecific jobs they want to applyto,” said Martindale-Dubrule.

Interview Skills

April 4, 6:30 to 8 p.m.April 12, 2:30 to 4 p.m.This workshop will help stu-

dents prepare for a job interview,with tips about how to research acompany beforehand and the kindsof questions to expect the inter-viewer to ask. Martindale-Dubrulesaid she hopes this workshop willhelp to ease the anxiety that manypeople have when entering into an

interview. An interview skillsworkshop will also be held forinternational students on April 4from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Register forthat workshop at the Internationaloffice in E2025

Internet Job Search

April 9, 2:30 to 4 p.m.April 20, 2 to 3:30 p.m.This workshop will explain how

Career Services can help on a jobhunt, which websites to use andhow to use them most effectively.“Work smarter, not harder on yourjob search,” said Martindale-Dubrule.

If you can’t attend one (or any)of the workshops, Martindale-Dubrule said it’s important tocome see her. “I’ll do one-on-onesessions with (students), I will sitdown with them and go throughthe information, even give themthe handouts, as well with theresumes and cover letters to bring acopy in and have me review them.They can see me many timesover.” She also encouraged stu-dents who will be graduating thisyear to see the Career Consultantfor their program to get industry-specific advice.

For more information about howCareer Services can help you, visitthe office in D1063 or call 519-452-4294. You can also join theCareer Services Facebook group attinyurl.com/fanshawecareerser-vices and follow them on Twitter@FanshaweCS.


Spring into careeradvice workshops


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LIFESTYLES8Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

I write about random things alot. I write a lot about randomthings. Did you know that theYardbirds, an English rock band inthe 1960s, are responsible forlaunching the careers of EricClapton, Jeff Beck and JimmyPage?

Each served a term as the band’slead guitarist between 1963 and1968, and after remarkable careersacross the board, they all made thetop five in Rolling Stone’s Top 100Guitarists published this pastNovember (at numbers two, fiveand three, respectively). In fact,when the Yardbirds broke up in1968, they left Jimmy Page incharge of upholding their concertcommitments, so he formed a newband to honour them: LedZeppelin.

Patrick Krief is a man whoappreciates the classics. His web-site describes his love for music asbeing inherited from his uncle andsteeped in the live music scene

while growing up in Montreal.Krief built his reputation as a gui-tarist for The Dears, but after therelease of Hundred ThousandPieces on April 17, attention isbound to shift finally and solely tohis work as a solo performer andcomposer.

After releasing his debut solo EPTake It Or Leave in 2007, Kriefformed Black Diamond Bay forsubsequent releases – Calm Awaitsand the Marching Backwards EP,both released in 2009. Still anactive member of The Dears, Kriefis turning his attention to his solowork and his new album, HundredThousand Pieces.

Due for release on April 17,Hundred Thousand Pieces is styl-ish indie album that succeeds inbeing personal and unique with adistinct Montreal vibe – casual lis-teners will savour tastes of ArcadeFire and Coldplay while more sea-soned ears will hear ghosts ofConor Oberst and Frank Blackamong the refrains.

Krief produced the record him-self, and he is responsible for mostof the musical performances youhear: drums, piano, keys, bass, gui-tar, percussion and vocals. Asanticipated, he demonstrates

exceptional prowess and virtuositythroughout the record, but evenmore impressively, he demon-strates exceptional restraint; on“Tell Yourself” and “HundredThousand Pieces,” Krief solos andassaults the ear with the sort ofsharp hot blues the British madefamous, yet other songs are con-structed in more understated anddisarming ways.

This album is fueled with a loveand understanding of music unlikemany other these days, a refreshingchange that credibly adds to thepleasure one can derive from theMotown-esqueties of garage soulon “Perfect Bodies” or the purecinematic atmosphere created in“Blessed.” Overall, it’s a highlylistenable work from a very talent-ed artist, sure to make people takenotice.

Hundred Thousand Pieces ispreceded by the singles “SimpleLives” and “Forever Goodnight,”the latter of which premiered onAUX TV just before CanadianMusic Week in Toronto, whichKrief celebrated with a perform-ance at the Pirates Blend Showcaseat the Great Hall.

Krief will be performing a stringof special gigs leading up to the

album release, with appearances inMontreal, Toronto, Windsor andHamilton. For more on Krief, hiscoming record and tour dates, visitkrief.ca or follow on Twitter@patrickkrief.

And for more of the latest musicnews, reviews, album streams and

more, consider following this col-umn on Twitter @fsu_bobbyismsor via Tumblr at bobbyisms.com.And in case you found yourselfwondering while you were readingthis, I wrote Krief 13 times. GoKrief! I’m out of words.


This week, I have the sincerepleasure of reviewing an albumfrom one of the most underratedrap veterans in the industry. ObieTrice seemed to have completelyfallen off the radar after goingquiet for six years since he releasedhis last album Second Round’s OnMe back in 2006. Apart from a sidecompilation project with Canadianhip-hop producer MoSS that hereleased in 2009, rap fans havebeen left wondering for years if thetalented MC would ever comeback. Finally, after several delays,the Detroit native is set to releasehis third studio album, BottomsUp, on April 3 and ease the painthat fans have been suffering forhalf a dozen years. Among a selectfew, Trice has always been an epit-omic symbol of east coast rap. Hisflow, clean delivery and lyricalquality made him a staple in therap industry.

Bottoms Up contains a modest16-track set and is being releasedby his self-started Black MarketEntertainment record companyunder Universal. This will markTrice’s first studio album not to bereleased by Detroit counterpart andclose friend Eminem’s Shadylabel. Thankfully, Trice left ongood terms with Em; he is featuredon two of the tracks and producedone himself.

“Richard” is one of the singlesof the album and features theaforementioned Eminem. The songis produced by one of the mostunderrated hip-hop producers inStatik Selektah, and he delivers aunique yet unusual beat that isquite busy but not overdone. The

lyrics are exactly what you wouldhave imagined from two monstersof word play. Trice and Em are atimeless combo that reinforceevery time they rap the way itshould be done. The track is myfavourite on the record.

“Bottoms Up (Intro)” is the firstsong on the album. I don’t usuallyinclude the introductory song inmy three-song wrap up, as theyusually serve as a mere quick teaseof what the rest of the album willoffer. Here, it would be a shame ifI didn’t. Dr. Dre produces the song,and the beat is too good. Theinstrumental is a classic Dre pro-duction that features an assertivebass coupled with piano that I justcan’t get enough of. I don’t thinkI’ve ever heard a track produced byDre that I haven’t salivated over.As the intro song, Trice thanked allthose who made the album possi-ble, while tearing it up lyricallylike he always does.

“Spend the Day” is produced byNoSpeakerz, who also works onfour other songs on the album, andfeatures singer Drey Skonie. All ofthe tracks produced by

NoSpeakerz on the record areexcellent, but this one in particularis fresh. The song features back-ground guitar that sets the melody,multiple trumpets, as well as adeep bass that goes like peanut but-ter and jam with Skionie’s incredi-ble voice. Trice takes a little bit ofa break in his bars, but on this oneit’s okay. The song is highlightedby the beat and chorus, and itshouldn’t be ruined with Trice’susual intensity.

Honourable mentions include “IPretend,” “Going Nowhere” and“Lebron On.”

Trice doesn’t know anythingother than rap perfection. He is oneof the very few MCs in today’s rapindustry that maintains a consistenthigh lyrical standard. He may havegone missing in action for a fewyears, but Bottoms Up is a perfectreminder to those that have forgot-ten how good he is. It was a miser-able wait that had many of us giveup all hope of ever hearing fromhim again, but if it takes six yearsfor Trice to release a record likethis, then I will be waiting patient-ly until 2018 for his next one.


Obie Trice comes through after six years.


Shane Philip headlined New Music Night in the Out Back Shack on March24.



Trice time’s the charm

Hundred Thousand Pieces makes one solid album

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LIFESTYLES 9Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

It’s been a little over a monthsince I last talked to the guys ofThe Creekside Strays – JamesVinyard, guitarist and vocalist; NicCavaliere, bassist; and JustinShorey, drummer. Since then, theyhave been playing shows aroundtown while also working hard atputting together their new album. Igot the chance to catch up withShorey about three weeks ago tofollow up on what’s new with theband and how things are goingwith the new EP.

Can you tell me what you guyshave been up to since we lastspoke?

“We have been playing a bunchof shows – almost twice a weekbetween London and Toronto. Wehave played at places like TheHorseshoe, The Silver Dollar.Then over the last two or threemonths we have been going in onSundays to record our new EP,which we are calling HonourAmongst Thieves. We have beendoing all of the recording and nowwe are just in the process of mak-ing all of the adjustments to ourmaster tracks and also putting thefinal touches the artwork so we canhave that all together for May 4,which is the CD release party atAPK.”

Is there going to be more thanone show for your CD release

party?“We have a bunch of shows

planned. We are doing the CDrelease here in London and we arealso looking to do some othershows around southern Ontario,like something in Windsor andeven maybe do something inToronto as well. We also have abunch of gigs booked in the sum-mer for London Ribfest.”

What kind of response are youhoping to generate with this CD?

“It’s kind of two- or threefold.Firstly it’s kind of hard to showwhat your sound is with three- orfour-song EPs. With our catalogue

of songs, you can pick out fourrocker songs and a person will go,‘Oh, these guys are a rock band.’But also in some of our other songswe get into some jazz, funk, maybeeven a little bit of soul here andthere, so we are just building on theEP we released last year. It has ele-ments of jazz and funk and also hasmore drum and bass with rock, ofcourse. We also have a song on theEP which is a mash-up of every-thing I just said.”

For more information and fortickets to their CD release show atAPK on May 4, check out theirwebsite at thecreeksidestrays.com.

The Creekside Strays poised torelease new CD

Being a Music Industry Arts stu-dent, I had the luxury of attendingToronto’s Canadian Music Week.For those of you who don’t knowwhat that is, I shall start by simplysaying… It rocks!

Canadian Music Week is a five-day event that includes panels ofthe biggest names in the music andthe entertainment industry and aton of concerts being held all overToronto at various bars. Bandsfrom all over come to this event totry to get some serious exposure.There was plenty of ground tocover here, so much that at times itwas too much. I will try my best tonarrow it down for you as best Ican.

The event was held at the RoyalYork Hotel in downtown Toronto,and it took place from March 21 toMarch 25. This was my first timeinside the hotel, and I was blownaway just by its architecture, not tomention the many bands andfamous people running around. Igot tired just standing there.

There is a lot of nightlife duringCMW – concerts all over town youcan check out if you have a wrist-band. Every person attendingCMW has different interests andthings they are most focused on. Iwas there for the panels, network-ing, handing out business cardsand learning as much as I couldabout the current status of theindustry. That being said, I didn’tgo to a concert every night, whichI now regret. But I did have thepleasure (sarcasm) of seeingTreble Charger! Yeah, the pre-Sum41 band that only had aboutthree hit songs. These guys haven’tbeen around since like 2004 so Ithought it would be kind of cool tocheck out some nostalgia, because,after all, I was a punk skater whowent nuts for the song “AmericanPsycho,” which was really one ofonly three good songs at that show.Thank god it was free.

The panels were one of the mostinteresting parts of CMW and Ilearned a lot. For those of you whoare in bands, or are aspiring musi-cians and songwriters, and aredown with the whole social media

thing, you’re in the right position,but you need to start working hard-er. Almost every panel I went totalked about social media and howcrucial it is in today’s music indus-try.

Everything is digital now, whichmeans the ways of the old are pret-ty much gone. This is not a badthing, as I came to learn, because itjust means that we have morepower than ever to do what wewant with our music. This doesn’tmean that things are easier by anymeans, because with new technol-ogy comes new problems, like howpiracy is still affecting artists’incomes. That situation isn’t gonnachange until the Internet is morestrictly monitored. But the industryis turning back in favour of theartist again, and since there are nomajor record labels anymore, thereis less control.

The three most important thingsI learned at CMW are:

1. Your song better be good: Ifyour song is good – and I meanreally good, to the point that itdoesn’t take much to make it better– then you will get noticed no mat-ter what. If you’re extremely tal-ented, there will be far moreopportunity for you in every sectorof the new-model entertainmentindustry.

2. You better know how to usesocial media: Twitter, Facebook,Tumblr, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc.– the list goes on, but the point isthey are all important and they areall the power you need.

3. If you’ve got the first twocovered, you’re looking at aworld of opportunity: There is farmore opportunity than ever beforein the business. If you have a goodsong, are good with social mediaand are educated with what’sgoing on in the industry, then thereis far more opportunity than youcan imagine. Whether it’s inmusic, TV, film, social media,video games and beyond, if youhave a song that is good enoughand you make it heard with theright tools, then you are set. Fornow...

If you’d like to hear more, emailme or hit up my blog: eter-nalmelodies.tumblr.com. Cheers.


Canadian Music Week anexhausting blast



The Creekside Strays will be releasing their latest EP, Honour AmongstThieves, on May 4 at APK Live in London.


Comedian John Hastings performs as part of free Comedy Night in theOut Back Shack. The next free comedy show takes place April 4 at 9 p.m.in the OBS featuring Brendan McKeigan and YTV’s Andrew Chapman.


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Director Michael Bay is bringing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backwith his upcoming reboot of the franchise, but with some major changes.Will it alienate fans of the classic series?

Hot diggity dog! I’ve alwayswanted to start an article that way,but I’ve just never been jubilantenough to do so. However, inrecent weeks, I’ve learned of anexciting development – nay, twoexciting developments – that willmake 2013 the most exhilaratingyear for feature films to date.

As a respected film critic, I haveaccess to an exclusive members-only website called Google, whichallows me to find out about the lat-est film production news. It isthrough this avenue that I learnedthat two of my all-time favouritefilm franchises, Leprechaun andTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, willbe getting the reboot treatment. Awhole new generation will get toenjoy these wonderful stories. But,as I will explain, not everyone is asthrilled as the Cinema Connoisseuris.

LeprechaunThe Leprechaun series of six

horror/comedy films debuted backin 1993. Warwick Davis (Life’sToo Short) portrayed a delightfullydevilish little Irish fellow who ter-rorized those who tried to separatehim from his pot of gold and otherlucky charms. The first film starreda young actress by the name ofJennifer Aniston, who I’m quitecertain would refer to it as thestandout moment of her career. Bythe fourth film, the producersdecided to mix it up a little bit andsend the Leprechaun into orbit,resulting in the landmark 1997film Leprechaun 4: In Space. Iflegendary writers Isaac Asimov,Arthur C. Clarke and Philip K.Dick got to work together to try topen the ultimate science fictionclassic, it would still pale in com-parison to this film. Leprechaunthen went on to hang with Ice-T,thugs and prostitutes in two furtherfilms, Leprechaun in the Hood andLeprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood.

One decade after the lastLeprechaun film was released,news broke that Lionsgate andWWE Films have agreed to worktogether to give the series a glori-ous return to the big screen.Lionsgate’s latest film The HungerGames has made $211 millionworldwide in just a matter of days.When you add that to the gross ofWWE Films’ latest releaseBending The Rules, you get over$211 million. Now that’s a tagteam that even the Fabulous

Rougeau Brothers couldn’t stop.Details are sketchy at this point,

however it does not look as thoughoriginal star Davis will be part ofthe film. He stated recently that hefeels the film should be done as asequel, perhaps as a road film, andmaybe featuring a female lep-rechaun. The WWE does employtheir own leprechaun,Hornswaggle, so he may be a pos-sibility to fill in. If I were castingthe film, however, I would preferthey use Dwayne “The Rock”Johnson in the title role, and usethe same techniques they used inLord of the Rings to make him looksmaller. I just don’t know howgood his Irish accent is.Nevertheless, I’m hoping for aRock/Aniston pairing inLeprechaun when it hits select the-atres sometime in 2013.

Ninja TurtlesNo, I didn’t forget the “Teenage

Mutant” portion of the title… butMichael Bay certainly did.

The classic tale of four gnarlymutant reptiles who learned karatefrom a wise old mutant rat namedSplinter first was told back in 1984as a comic book series. It thenbecame a wildly popular cartoonshow and eventually a live-actionseries of films.

Well, Bay, director of the highlyacclaimed Transformers films andthe music video for “I TouchMyself” by Divinyls, is bringingMichelangelo and his brothersback to the big screen in news thatwill have lots of people touchingthemselves. Not everyone, though.

It seems as though Bay has a dif-ferent vision for future films in thefranchise. Instead of beingmutants, the turtles will be fromanother planet. Robbie Rist, whoprovided the voice ofMichelangelo in some of the previ-ous films accused Bay of “sodom-izing” the franchise. However,1980s teen heartthrob CoreyFeldman, who provided the voiceof Donatello, has endorsed Bay’sproject. It was Feldman’s endorse-ment that put Barrack Obama’spresidential campaign over the top,and Bay is hoping for similarresults when Ninja Turtles hits the-atres on December 25, 2013.That’s right, it opens on Christmas.I know I’ll be waiting outside thetheatre – hopefully my wife andchildren won’t miss me too much.To those who still aren’t sold onthis idea, let me ask you this onequestion: has Bay ever made a badfilm?

Follow the Cinema Connoisseuron Twitter @cinemaconn. TheConnoisseur’s 100th follower willwin a VHS copy of Tank Girl.

The Hunger Games(2012)

The boom of the cannon signalsthe death of a fallen tribute asKatniss Everdeen fights to keepherself alive. The Hunger Games,based on the wildly popular trilogyof books by author SuzanneCollins, brings to the big screenthe story of Katniss and her strug-gle to survive a forced, nationallytelevised fight to the death.

In the not too distant future, inthe place that we currently know asAmerica, stands the great countryof Panem. Seventy-four years ago,The Capitol quelled a rebellionamong the Districts, the outlyingterritories of Panem controlled bythe Capitol. Now, in tribute fortheir past sins, each year all 12 dis-tricts of Panem must send one boyand one girl between the ages of 12and 18 to compete in The HungerGames. The Games are a brutalfight to the death in a controlledoutdoor arena where the tributesare forced to fight not only them-selves but the cruel and controllingGamemaker as well.

In the 74th Hunger Games,Katniss Everdeen and PeetaMellark are sent as tributes fromDistrict 12; for them the Games arenot simply a struggle to survive butprove to be a complex battlebetween love and life.

In the coveted role of Katniss

Everdeen stands JenniferLawrence, who was nominated foran Academy Award in 2011 forher role in Winter’s Bone.Lawrence is an interesting yet aptchoice for Katniss as she is able toplay meek and strong with equalconviction. Alongside Lawrenceas the lovestruck Peeta Mellark isJosh Hutcherson, who proves thathe has the muscle to play such aphysically demanding role.

In his typical fashion, WoodyHarrelson gives a wry performanceas Katniss and Peeta’s mentor, andformer winner of The Games,Haymitch. Harrelson is one ofthose actors who has such a pow-erful on screen presence that evenwhen placed in a secondary role hemanages to steal the show.

Also in small but memorableroles are Elizabeth Banks as theobnoxious Capitol fan girl EffieTrinket, Stanley Tucci as Gamestelevision host Cesar Flickermanand Wes Bentley as theGamemaker Seneca Crane. There

is also the unforgettable role ofHollywood heavyweight DonaldSutherland as Panem’s cruel presi-dent, Snow.

There has been much talk sur-round The Hunger Games and itsallegorical properties that couldvery well apply to the world inwhich we live. Though this haslead to some heated feelingstowards the story and the filmitself, when watching the movie itbrings to mind similar dystopianstories such as Battle Royale,Brave New World and even hintsof 1984. Though similar to numer-ous other fantastical stories, TheHunger Games stands out as apowerful, exhilarating yet hopefulfilm.

If overt violence and childrenfighting to the death make youuncomfortable, it may be best tosteer clear of The Hunger Games,but if you find yourself wanting areal heroine to cheer for, you willfind that in Katniss and you’re sureto love The Games.

May the odds be ever in yourfavour during The Hunger Games


Katniss hunts down fellow tributes in the arena in The Hunger Games.

Your diploma could get you the VIP status you

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Find out if you are eligible.

Cinema ConnoisseurALLEN GAYNORwww.cinemaconn.com

REEL VIEWSALISON [email protected]

A new pair of (re)boots

Page 11: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLESLIFESTYLES 11Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

March is host to Earth Hour, ameasly hour dedicated to raisingawareness with the hope ofincreasing environmental care. Forsome, Earth Hour has less of animpact on their routines, becauseas they maintain a lifestyle thatincorporates environmental friend-liness every day. Stella McCartneyis one of those people.

A vegan and longtime advocateof “meatless Mondays,”McCartney is known for encourag-ing omnivores to go veggie at leastonce a week as cutting meat outmakes a huge and positive environ-mental impact. McCartney, daugh-ter of Sir Paul McCartney, is betterknown for her environmentallyfriendly designs than her foodchoices. With a reported 34 percent increase in revenue this sea-son, she’s clearly making a posi-tive payoff for the environmentthat’s a lot more glamorous thansitting in the dark for an hour.

McCartney’s spring/summer2012 collection is nothing short ofdivine. Bloggers, fashion editorsand women everywhere love thesimplicity and elegance of the gar-ments and their wearability. Littlewhite dresses done in mesh withbold stretches of black, green orblue were simple counterparts to

the dresses in mixed prints, alldetailed with corded embroideredswirls. A few pops of red in theform of slacks and a knit patternedsweater complemented the mutedsoft grays in the collection. Sheertops, trousers, matching top andjacket sets, skirts and McCartney’sstaple, jumpsuits, were all done inmodern, graphic prints. Floaty,easy, silk pajama sets in paisleyand sheer gray gave a nod to thesleepwear trend.

Nude, minimalist heels pairedperfectly with the collection andwere met with equally neutralnails. A simple, slicked-back,twisted bun showed offMcCartney’s famous no-makeupmakeup look that legendary make-up artist Pat McGrath has been cre-ating for McCartney’s models formany seasons past. Medium-sizedcylinder shaped duffel bags lent asporty vibe while a small, whitefaux-leather clutch with a chainhandle worked beautifully with theevening pieces.

The light-as-air collection “is acelebration of energy, freshness,and fitness,” said the designer. Stillcreating collections in collabora-tion with Adidas, McCartney is nostranger to designing fitness-inspired wear. This season, coral,frilly bikinis and black cut-outswimsuits were met with thealways bright and punchy sepa-rates. If wearing these modern,dreamy pieces helps the environ-ment, count me in.

Eco-friendly fashion

Summer can be a very excitingtime of the year. Cut-offs, croppedtops, sandals, bikinis, big-brimmedhats and a good summer bucketlist; for us young college students,this is the weather most of us livefor. However, usually what I seewhen peering through my cat-eyesunglasses is young folk who aretoo afraid to play with any type ofsummer look.

Summer is THE time to makegood use of colour, prints andthemes.

Don’t get me wrong – I thinksummer should be a very relaxingand carefree time for all of us – Ijust think that summer is the per-fect time to adopt a fashion per-sona. There are three fashion per-sonas that I find making a come-back:

Pretty Wicked: This is the newadaptation of the hippie – it’s themodern flower girl. It’s all aboutpastels and eyelet lace. The bestway to channel this up-to-date

peacekeeper is through femininedresses with delicate accessoriesand minimal makeup. This look issupposed to be young and flirty.Keeping things simple, classic andslightly elegant is a great way ofchanneling this look. Think casualwedding flower girl with a hint ofmaturity. Be inspired by flowingdresses and cute flats, and channelyour inner Miss Dior Cherie.

Store: Forever 21 Old and “Out There”: As we

get older, I find our style goes inone of two directions: it either getswild or it doesn’t. Some peoplefind their fashion freedom in theirold age. I find that these seniorsfinally begin to realize that nobodyreally cares what you wear asmuch as you do, so you might aswell have fun with it. And believeit or not, they are SO right. Youngpeople need to start experimentingwith not just laid-back looks butwith fine garments in riskiercolours. Personally I feel as thoughVersace’s collection for H&M wasthe perfect opportunity for youngfolk to stock up on some greatbright pieces. Think croppedboleros in a bright hue paired withsome great cigarette capris and astrapless corset top. Think mature

silhouettes with young and funprints and colours.

Stores: H&M and FrenchConnection

’90s Trouble: My personalfavourite, this look has to do withlooking back to previous years ofteenage revelry and using thosecarefree attitudes to influence ourdecision-making. I’m talking abouthigh-waisted stonewashed shorts,long hair that hasn’t been meticu-lously coiffed and making everyday a no-makeup day. It’s aboutfocusing on what you’re doing thatday instead of how you’ll lookwhen you’re doing it. When dress-ing with this as an influence, thinkband t-shirts paired with Keds orConverse sneakers. You shouldfeel relaxed, at ease; think friend-ship bracelets and funky-colourednail polish. This is my favouritelook because it’s young and free.Many people think too much abouthow they’re going to look duringthe day, but these ’90s troublemak-ers focus more on what adventuresthe day will bring them.

Store: American ApparelThis summer, get risky, try new

things and have FUN. It’s better tosay you tried it and it didn’t workthan never having tried it at all.

What’s your summer look?


Stella McCartney is a fashion designer with a mind for saving the envi-ronment.

A lot of people wonder whymakeup artists are even needed forhigh fashion photo shoots and run-way events because “it is so easy toapply some eyeliner and powder,right?” Well, if by “easy,” youmean applying black eyeliner inthe crease of the eye (without itsmudging), creating a flawlesscomplexion and uniform look thatis visible on stage on 10 models ina matter of 30 minutes, and ensur-ing it will last for hours, then youare definitely in the right industry.

Makeup artistry in the high fash-ion industry is a very fast-paced,exciting and stressful career thatrequires a number of skills. Beforeeven learning the tips and tricks torunway makeup, you need to firstmake sure that you are able to mul-

titask (for example, powdering aface while fixing another model’ssmudged lipstick five minutesbefore the show starts), work wellunder pressure and also providepristine results in a timely manner.Once you have these skills perfect-ed, you can then move on to theactual makeup techniques.

One of the most important thingsto remember when doing makeupfor runway is that the models willbe on stage with a ton of spotlightsand flashing cameras pointed atthem. This means that more make-up is needed to make sure it is vis-ible up on stage. While it mayseem clownish or way too muchmakeup when you’re face-to-facewith the model, on the runway itwill just appear to be a normalamount of makeup. In this article’spicture, I used a ton of blush anddark eyeshadow, but in the pictureit just appears to be an averageday’s worth of makeup due to thebright studio lights and camera’sflash.

Since there are so many brightlights and flashes, as mentioned inmy previous article, these lightstend to “white out” the face andmake the complexion seem veryflat and two-dimensional. To cor-rect this, you need to make sure toheavily contour and add a lot ofcolour to the cheeks (if that is thedesired look). You can use a reallydark bronzer (with absolutely noglitter or shine) or contour powderto shape the face; however, some-times these products are not darkenough, and you may actually needto buy a darker coloured powderfoundation and use it to contour.

Another important aspect toalways keep in mind when doingmakeup for high fashion is youwant the makeup to be on trend andinteresting by putting your ownpersonal spin on it, but it can neverovershadow the garments beingshowcased. The makeup needs tocomplement the collection whilegiving it an overall uniform feel. CREDIT: ARIANA PINDER

The right makeup can really make your photos pop.


Teenage rebellion at its finest.

BEAUTY BOYJOSHUA R. [email protected]



High fashion and runway makeup artistry

Page 12: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLES12Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Audio players, cameras,modems, printers, televisions,amplifiers and vehicles – for allyou tech junkies out there, there isa way to recycle all of your oldtechnology so you can bring in thenew.

Instead of throwing your oldjunk at the side of the road ongarbage day, you can probablyrecycle most of what is being boot-ed to the curb. Even items as sim-ple as egg cartons or wine corks orfoam packaging leftover from yourparents’ care package can be veryeasy to get rid of the right way.

Typically every household inLondon is equipped with a largerecycling bin meant for plasticcontainers (like detergent jugs orjuice cartons) and a small blue binmeant for paper and cardboardproducts. London recentlyimproved their recycling programto include a wider range of plastics;now all plastic containers num-bered one through seven on thebottom can be recycled.

But when it comes to recycling

electronics, it’s not as easy as justseparating your plastics from yourpapers – only certain locationsaccept recycled electronic material.Recycleyourelectronics.ca is awebsite that lists all locations thataccept various recycled electron-ics. You can enter the electronicdevice you are discarding and enteryour postal code or your communi-ty and it will show you the closestplaces to recycle.

Near Fanshawe College, thereare Dynamex (2515-B Blair Blvd.,a 10-minute drive from campus)and Ardiel Electronics (21579Highbury Rd. N., a 15-minutedrive from campus).

Another thing people generallydon’t think about recycling is cars.Why would you recycle if you cansell it and make money? As a stu-dent, selling an old car can be veryappealing. Living on a studentbudget is hard, and owning a car onthat budget is sometimes not evenfeasible, which is why many stu-dents’ first cars are often on theirlast legs.

As much as people try to makemoney off their cars, sometimes

they are just too old – what OntarioAutomotive Recyclers Association(OARA) calls “end-of-life” vehi-cles. If selling becomes impossi-ble, recycling is a smart alterna-tive… just ensure it’s done right.

OARA does just that. This is notyour typical junkyard lot. It has aset of standards on how a car is tobe recycled properly and safely.

Steve Fletcher, OARA’sExecutive Director, said, “Thecode itself is not prescriptive interms of how you specifically needto do something. It’s more (about)the outcomes. We have 130 mem-bers across Ontario doing it 100different ways. But in essence youneed to remove the operating fluidsbefore it’s crushed. So you takethem out in open areas so you arenot contaminated, and somewhereit can be contained so it does notget into the environment. You haveto be licensed to collect, containand dispose of all the chemicals.”Fletcher said everything is docu-mented in a registry.

End-of-life vehicles are one ofthe most recyclable commoditiesin a consumer market, but only onethird of end-of-life vehicles actual-ly have any record of being recy-cled, said Fletcher.

“Ninety-five per cent of all vehi-cles are collected at some point intheir life to be recycled,” said

Fletcher. “About 83 per cent of avehicles can be reused and about73 per cent of a vehicle can bereused for its metallic cost.

Recycling vehicles is one of thegreenest initiatives that can betaken. The OARA takes all road-licensed vehicles from motorcyclesto 18-wheelers.

The standards of the OARAdeveloped out of the Retire YourRide Program. “We’ve developedthe OARA getting government ofall levels to recognize that code asthe starting point for a regulatorystarting place for anybody whowants to take part in the industry.It’s an industry that has beenaround for a while and now we’reputting standards behind it,” saidFletcher. “Retire Your Ride was acatalyst to put this sort of practiceinto play.”

There are concerns associatedwith the program such as disposingof vehicle identification numbers(VINs) so they cannot be reusedillegally. However, Fletcherassured complete disposal.

“All of our members as part ofour requirement keep a registry ofevery vehicle that enters their busi-ness and whether they wreck it orre-sell it. So we helped the govern-ment put in place a branding lossregistry so that is permanently put-ting a vehicle in a registry whether

a vehicle has been in a crash orwhether it’s a part-only vehicle.”

Although this type of recyclingdoes not make you any money, italso does not cost you anything.Any vehicles can be dropped offfree of charge.

“Having your car go through thistype of system doesn’t cost any-thing, unlike electronics wherethere needs to be a subsidyinvolved in order to properly col-lect and dispose of the equipment,”said Fetcher. “But because there’sno regulatory backing to our pro-gram yet, it’s a profitable programwithout having to accept fees.There are no eco-fees and no costto the consumer.”

You can get just as much out ofthis program as you give into it. Tobuy recycled parts, “identify whoyour recycler is on our website(oara.com). We also have a consol-idated website so members cansearch their model and part and itwill generate a report as to who hasthat part and where,” said Fletcher.

To find green parts or to recycleyour end-of-life vehicle, visitoara.com. There are members allover Ontario, including CoreyAuto Wreckers located at 1804Gore Rd. in London – check themout at coreyautowreckers.com.


Cars, CDs and egg cartonscan all be green

Check it before you chuck it

Page 13: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLES 13Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Fanshawe’s school colour maybe Pantone 185 red, but theCollege and the Student Union aretaking real steps to become a bitmore green.

According to Sarah Van deVooren, Environmental ProgramCoordinator at Fanshawe, nearlyone million kg of waste was creat-ed on campus in 2010, but she andothers on campus are taking realsteps to reduce this number.

Fanshawe CollegeOf the 881,000 kg of waste cre-

ated on campus in 2010, 336,000kg was sent to landfills and545,000 kg was recycled for a 62per cent diversion rate, said Van deVooren.

“We’d love to see that number(62 per cent) higher. I think realis-tically when I say higher, I thinksomewhere around 65 per centwould be the range we’d have agoal for,” added Marion Dietze,Assistant Manager of FacilitiesOperations at Fanshawe. “We’redoing a number of different things(to get that diversion rate higher);every semester we change tasks totry to make improvements.”

Many students and staff here arewell versed on the importance ofrecycling plastic and paper. One ofthe hardest things to get people onboard with is composting, thoughthe compost rate has increasedgreatly since the program began,according to Dietze. “SinceSeptember, what we’re doing isalso including the Tim Horton’scoffee cups. We’ve got permissionfrom our hauler that we can actual-ly put that in with the coffee grinds… We’re trying to encourage moreand more people to compost, put-ting more bins around the college,making sure labels are in place,anything we can do to communi-cate that to our users.”

In addition to paper and plasticrecycling, students can recycle bat-teries in the bookstore (F1002) andink cartridges from printers in thereceiving department (B1037).

Another component of divertingwaste from the landfills is ensuringsomething doesn’t get thrown outin the first place. A few times ayear, the College holds purge salesto get rid of old equipment, such ascomputers. A few years ago, thatoutdated equipment would havejust ended up in the dumpster. Themost recent sale in Novemberdiverted about 5,000 pounds ofitems from the landfill. “If you dothat three or four times a year,that’s quite substantial,” said Vande Vooren.

In addition to waste diversion,the College is also focused on buy-ing more environmentally respon-sible products. “I think one of the(things) that the College is doingan excellent job with is the lightingsystem,” said Dietze. “I thinkaround 90 per cent (of the lights atthe College) are on motion detec-tors when you walk into a room.(Those are) huge, huge savings interms of lighting.”

Not only is Fanshawe thinkinggreen, they’re building green aswell. Fanshawe’s new Z buildingwas built with sustainability inmind, said Dietze. “Down at Zbuilding we have a green roof – wedon’t have shingles – it’s planting,growing and a sprinkler system.That’s a really positive thing for

the college.”Another example of green meas-

ures on campus is the water bottlerefilling stations. “I was just out inthe hall here (in D building) and Inoticed that 2,600 bottles havebeen refilled in there in maybe amonth. That’s huge,” said Dietze.

Fanshawe Student Union“About two years ago, I was

given a directive by the studentcouncil to go as green as possible,”explained Rodney Sutton, BuildingManager for the FSU. “Since then,I have been researching the differ-ent cleaning chemicals and differ-ent methods in order to accomplishthat while still staying financiallyviable.”

“Clean green” is the name of thegame at the FSU. Custodians in SCand SUB buildings are reducingtheir dependence on chemicals –and using green chemicals, whenthe situation calls for toughercleanup – in order to be more eco-friendly.

Sutton said that when doingresearch about how to take envi-ronmentally friendly measures inthe FSU, he looked at using a waterionizer to clean with. “It’s about asgreen as you can get. It basicallyuses water to clean. It takes thewater, runs it through an electricalprocess that adds positive and neg-ative ions to it. This causes an elec-tric charge to be induced into thewater that breaks up food particlesand dirt on surfaces and allows it tobe lifted easily and wiped away,”he explained. “It also acts as a dis-infectant.”

The ionizer looks like a regularspray bottle with a small electroniccomponent attached. After it issprayed, the water holds its chargefor about 30 seconds – just wipeaway the water and the surface isclean. The ionizer is used onmicrowaves and tabletops, and,said Sutton, “It was expensive tobuy, but it’s pretty much saved methe amount of chemical in onesemester to pay for the unit.”

Ionizers have been approved inthe States for a number of years,but Canada has not yet approved it,as it doesn’t fall into chemical orprocess categories as it is a device,said Sutton. “Certification iscaught up in committee.” Once theionizer is certified in Canada, “wecould get rid of most of the chemi-cals in the Oasis and just cleanwith that,” he said.

The large floor-scrubbingmachine uses similar technology tothe ionizer and has eliminated theneed for many chemicals used toclean the floors. “It’s saved usabout $300 to $400 a semester inchemicals by switching to thisfloor scrubber,” said Sutton. Themachine also uses 60 per cent lesswater in the cleaning process.

In addition to the ionizer andfloor scrubber, Sutton also pur-chased a steamer to use for sanitiz-ing washrooms and other cleaning.It leaves no chemical residue and itcleans out the grout where bacteriacan hide. “It uses such a smallamount of water,” he said, but it ispowerful enough to melt ink offwalls, disinfect and remove grimefrom furniture and more.

Even with the new cleaningequipment, chemicals are some-times required to tackle toughermesses. “The chemicals that I douse are from Enviro-Solutions,”explained Sutton. These chemicals

decompose into carbon dioxide,water and other harmless sub-stances, and they have less of animpact on the environment thanother types of chemicals.

In addition to the methods usedto clean the FSU buildings, thecleaning accessories are now moreenvironmentally friendly as well.The FSU staff uses microfibercloths – which can be launderedon-site – instead of paper towels,an initiative that started about fouryears ago. In bathrooms, wherepaper products are used often, thestaff now stocks biodegradablepaper towels and toilet paper madefrom 100 per cent recycled materi-als. The FSU also uses EcoLogogarbage bags, and the mop headsused to clean the floors are madefrom recycled pop bottles, whichare made into a heavy-duty anti-bacterial fibre.

The FSU has also had the brightidea to switch lightbulbs – theywent from incandescent lights tocompact fluorescents, and Suttonis now looking at switching toLED lighting. He said the cost sav-ings in electricity has been good sofar, and that LED lighting couldbring even greater cost savings,though the initial expenditure ismuch higher – a single lightbulbcan cost up to $90 or more.

The Oasis and the Out BackShack – the FSU’s two restaurants– have also been taking some greenstrides as well. As of September2010, the restaurants compost allfood waste. “Every section has acompost bin. We save a lot ofgarbage from going to the dump.That’s been very successful,”explained Ryan McTavish,General Manager of the Oasis.

Another initiative started inSeptember 2010 is the eco-takeoutcontainers. Students can purchasea card for $3, and every time theyget a meal at the Oasis, they hand

in the card and receive a plasticclamshell container with their foodin it. After eating the food, theyhand the container in to get theircard back. People without the eco-takeout cards must pay 25¢ for aone-time-use container. “It’s work-ing well – I say ‘well’ because thepeople that buy into the programsupport it and they love it,” saidMcTavish, adding that not every-body has been enthusiastic aboutthe program. “Trying to get otherpeople involved who don’t care,it’s a lost cause.” He said he

thought the program would workbetter if Fanshawe and Chartwellsrestaurants got on board with it aswell.

Overall, Sutton and Dietze saidthey will continue to look intogreen measures as they becomeavailable and accessible. “I thinkthere are certain things that (willnever change to become moregreen),” said Sutton. “But as thingschange, we try to convert over asmuch as possible.”

– With files from KirstenRosenkrantz



Using the water bottle refilling stations on campus is one way to helphelp the environment.


Fanshawe Student Union porterKevin Bosworth uses an ionizer toclean the Oasis late night counter.

Eco-logical practices at Fanshawe

Page 14: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLES14Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

I’m sure that you’ve heard morethan your fair share about howimportant it is to compost. Nowmore than ever in our ecologicallyfocused society, recycling, greenliving and energy conservation arebeing integrated into everythingfrom social media outlets to schoolactivities to municipal, provincialand even national initiatives. Butthere is something else that getstalked about just as often yet some-how manages to fall completelyunder the radar: composting.

For some reason, compostingseems to be the one element ofenvironmentally friendly livingthat no one can be bothered to do.Simply put, it’s because compost-ing is not fun.

A large portion of waste that stu-dents on campus throw intogarbage cans can actually be com-posted rather than trashed, butaround Fanshawe the availablecompost bins are seldom used totheir full potential.

What To CompostA good jumping-off point to get

more students interested in com-posting more often is making surethat you understand how and whatto compost. At various pointsaround campus, mostly near foodservice areas, you will notice large,grey bins with lids marked for com-posting. This is the easy part – youjust open the lid and put your com-postable waste it in!

Compostable items include:Cardboard pizza slice containersfrom Pizza Pizza, wax paper thathas been wrapped around a sand-wich, the fry containers fromCoyote Jacks, the coffee and soupcups from Olive Oyle’s and anypaper products that have foodwaste on them.

Have Fun With CompostingNow that you know how to com-

post and what you’re able to com-post, it’s time for the good stuff; thefun that is composting. Now, justbear with me here, some of theseideas may sound a little cheesy orchildish, but let’s be honest, we allhave to start somewhere.

A great way to make compostingfun can be to get a group of friendsinvolved and make it a competi-tion. Keep track of every time youcompost for a week and at the endfigure out who composted most of

their garbage. Loser buys the firstround of drinks that night.

Not into having compost warswith your friends? That’s cool. Trydoing it for yourself. It’s nearly theend of the semester and your walletis no doubt feeling the pinch, so ifyou’re really pining after that brandnew bathing suit for the summerand your remaining funds are beingrationed, make yourself a deal.Compost every day for the next twoweeks and then reward yourselfwith a shopping trip.

If neither of these ideas soundappealing to you, try a differentapproach. Instead of thinking “I’ma cool kid and it will ruin my imageif I’m seen caring about compost-ing,” just have a conversation withyour friends and simply start doingit. If one person in your inner circlestarts composting, then it won’t belong before the rest of the groupfollows suit and it will become thenew norm.

So go out there, find those com-post bins, open them up and throwyour non-garbage waste right on in!


Environmentalism is a growingphenomenon in our society.Advertising marketing, books, tel-evision, movies and more havebecome focused on environmental-ly friendly living. If you’re lookingfor a greener movie-watchingexperience, here are the top 10movies about the environment.

10. Wall-EThis 2008 Disney animated film

explores what life would be like inthe distant future if garbage cov-ered the world. Humans live inspaceships and have virtually noreason to move a muscle becauseof all the electronic aids they pos-sess. Meanwhile, a lonely wastedisposal robot, Wall-E, is stuckback on Earth cleaning up thecolossal mess.

9. The Day After TomorrowWhat if global warming hap-

pened suddenly and the environ-ment turned violent and ruthlessagainst humanity? A group of stu-dents must find a way to survivethe extreme weather, including adeadly flash freeze in New YorkCity, and stop climate changebefore it can do any more damageto the planet.

8. Soylent GreenThis futuristic dystopian flick

tells the story of a cop in futureNew York City, where the planet isoverpopulated and the food supplyis running dangerously low.

7. The Lorax (1972)This animated made-for-televi-

sion film brings to life the enter-taining yet chilling book frombeloved children’s author Dr.Seuss. The Lorax speaks for thetrees and warns of the dangers ofdestroying the environment, andyet his advice goes unheeded.

6. March of the Penguins

Narrated by Morgan Freeman,this documentary film showcasesthe hard life of Emperor Penguinsin the ice deserts of Antarctica.The penguins must struggle nearlyevery day of their lives to survivethe harsh environment.

5. BarakaA wordless documentary explor-

ing various locales around theworld in quick shots that are set tothe background of beautiful music.

4. Into The WildThe true story of Chris

McCandless, a.k.a. AlexanderSupertramp, who abandons all theworldly possessions his wealthyupbringing has afforded him andheads for Alaska. Along his jour-ney, which he completes largely byhitchhiking, he meets people whostrongly impact his short butintense life.

3. Planet EarthThis 11-episode documentary

series exposes the deepest cornersof Earth; from ecosystems to ani-mal life to the planet as a whole,this intricately detailed series is anin-depth look at the planet we callhome.

2. An Inconvenient TruthThis documentary film showcas-

es the campaign led by Al Gore tobring the issues of global warming,climate change and environmental-ism to the forefront of Americanminds.

1. Fern Gully: The LastRainforest

This feature-length animatedfilm tells the story of the fairyinhabitants of Fern Gully, theworld’s last surviving rainforest.When a fairy accidentally shrinksdown a logger to her own size, herealizes that he must help themstop the evil Hexxus from destroy-ing the forest.

Flowers are blooming, birds arechirping and everyone is puttingtheir winter gear into hibernationand dusting off their springclothes… in MARCH? There isone little problem here; this mayindicate the end of another schoolterm, but this premature springweather is yet another symptom ofglobal warming and the negativeimpact on our environment comingto fruition.

Environmental AwarenessWeek (April 2 to 6) could notcome at a better time for FanshaweCollege! In order to increase ourawareness of the little things thatwe can do to help, the FSU hasorganized some amazing eventswith the chance to win some greatprizes while learning how todecrease our carbon footprint!

Our College has already put inplace a wonderful recycling pro-gram, evident in every cafeteriaand hallway you walk down eachday. To name a few: water bottlefilling stations, compost bins,paper and food waste bins, as wellas plastic, paper and aluminumrecycling options. If you love yourcoffee and don’t have a ceramic

mug, Fanshawe has you covered,with an innovative program thatcomposts Tim Hortons cups. Let’stry our best to think green and takean extra minute to sort out yourgarbage/recyclables after lunch.“We really want to encourage peo-ple to take advantage of all thosemethods to divert some of thewaste at Fanshawe,” said JasonYeoman, the Fanshawe StudentUnion’s VP Internal and organizerof the events.

On April 3, there will be a cam-pus cleanup, so consider this yourofficial VIP invitation to take part!We will provide students and vol-unteers with the gear they need toclean up campus, but be sure towear long sleeves and closed-toedfootwear. Registration will beginat 5 p.m. in Oasis, and the cleanupwill start at 5:30 p.m. Afterwards,helpers will be provided with a freepizza dinner!

Last week you may havereceived a “minor misconduct” ifyou were one of the 80 studentsbusted by our Recycle Referees forour Get Caught Recycling Week.Lucky you! You got some sweetswag (our new recycled pencils)and free admission into our versionof Let’s Make A Deal, which will

be held on April 4 in Forwell Hallfrom 12 to 1 p.m. This is a chanceto educate yourself about some ofthese issues and also the opportuni-ty to win some awesome prizes.This event will give away some ofthe biggest prizes ever, includingsix cases of Rockstar energy drink,a new longboard, gift certificatesand other prizes. Altogether, atleast $500 worth of prizes will begiven away.

Remember, this is YOUR plan-et. We should all do our part to beclean, be seen and, with apologiesto Kermit the Frog, it IS easy beinggreen!

For more information, check out@FlaggedFanshawe on Twitter,the Flagged Fanshawe group onFacebook (tinyurl.com/flaggedfan-shawefb) and watch some hilariousdigital shorts on YouTube bysearching for ‘Tony the RecycleRef.’ “Tony the Recycle Ref cantell you all of the different waysthat you can recycle on campusand will also show you what hap-pens when you don’t recycle prop-erly,” explained Yeoman. Be sureto catch the “Mission Recyclable”video that will be released thisweek.

– With files from Erika Faust


Green up, Fanshawe!



WHAT GOES WHERE?CompostPizza Pizza cardboard slice holderSoiled wax paper (the kind yoursandwich comes wrapped in)Clamshell container from BCafeteriaCoyote Jacks fry cupPaper products soiled with foodwasteOlive Oyle's coffee cups and soupbowls

Paper RecyclingMr. Sub bagsNewspapers, magazinesPaper (obviously)Tim Hortons Recycling BinsTim Hortons cups (NO LIDS)Plastic Recycling1 and 2 plastics (you can recycle1 through 7 at home)Water bottlesPop bottlesJuice bottlesGarbageClamshell containers from OasisDip cupsCups, lids and strawsPlastic spoons, forks and knivesTim Hortons lids

Fun with composting

REEL VIEWSALISON [email protected]

Top 10 environmental movies

Page 15: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012


Using a few simple ingredients, you can whip up a cleaning concoctionthat will leave your house sparkling clean.

LIFESTYLES 15Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Finding ways to eat green can bedifficult, especially when you’re astudent, but there are lots of waysto be environmentally aware whenchoosing what to eat, as well as,how and where you get your food.

According to runner, author andblogger Mark Sisson, there aremany effective and relatively easyways to eat green. Here are a fewtips from his blog, marksdailyap-ple.com:

Eat Seasonally/Locally: Thiscan be a tricky one for usCanadians, since, as we know alltoo well, we’re buried under snowfor a good four to five months ofthe year.

The benefits of eating locallygrown food are twofold: not only isthe money you’re spending goingright back into our local economy,but the food you’re buying doesn’thave to be shipped across oceansand continents.

Do your best to eat seasonallyduring the spring, summer and fallmonths. One of the great thingsabout living in London is theamount of fresh produce stands onstreet corners in the summer. Ifyou’re driving on rural roadsaround London, you will also findtons of small markets or standswhere farmers are selling the pro-duce grown right there in theirfields.

One place to be sure to visit isthe Covent Garden Market, wherefrom May to November there is anoutdoor farmers market onThursdays and Saturdays. This is aconvenient place to get locallygrown produce.

Grow It Yourself: Growingyour own food might sound like ahuge task, but it doesn’t need to be.If you happen to live in a placewith a nice yard, you can easilyplant a small vegetable garden.Some easy vegetables to grow arecarrots, onions, tomatoes, radishesand lettuce. If you live in an apart-ment, growing your own food ispossible if you have a balcony, butvirtually impossible if you don’t.In this case, I suggest you plantyour own herb garden. Herbs suchas basil, rosemary, cilantro,oregano, chives, parsley and manymore can be cared for quite easily.Not only will you have fresh herbsfor cooking, but some herbs arequite fragrant and will smell great.Added bonus: if you’re in a pincharound holidays and birthdays, youcan always give potted herbs asgifts.

Sustainable Seafood: It’s nosecret that overfishing can serious-ly damage the ecology of theworld’s lakes and oceans, so whenyou’re choosing what fish andseafood to eat, you need to choosewisely. Fish that breed later in lifeare in danger of being overfished,whereas fish that grow quickly andbreed young are more sustainable.

Sustainable seafoods includesardines, anchovies, tilapia, wild

salmon, domestic mahi mahi,Pacific halibut, oysters, clams,calamari, American lobster andDungeness crab.

For more information on whatseafood is safe and what to avoid,visit seachoice.org.

Limit The Meat you Eat: Somepeople take an extreme environ-mental stance on meat and cut itout of their diets completely. Thiscan be a reasonable life choice forsome, but there are definitely somepeople who just love meat. Ifyou’re a meat-lover, try takingsome steps to ensure the meatyou’re eating is not only safe foryou, but is also sustainable.

Animals who are raised for meatare very hard on the environment,consuming over half our crop har-vest. On top of that, animal wasteis not treated at conventionalsewage treatment plants, meaningthat it and any chemicals from thecrops the animals have consumedgo straight into our rivers andlakes.

The best thing you can do islimit the amount of meat you eat.Think of it more as a special treatfor yourself than a daily fixture inyour diet. There are plenty of alter-natives you can eat to ensureyou’re getting your required nutri-ents. When you do purchase meat,try to make sure it’s organic andraised without the use of hormonesor antibiotics.

Buy Organic: For a lot of peo-ple, organic equals expensive. Yes,organic food does tend to costmore, but if you’re buying local

produce during the seasons it’savailable, buying organic fromyour grocery store in the wintershouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

Organic foods don’t use thesame pesticides and fertilizers asregularly grown foods, meaningless harmful chemicals are seepinginto the earth. This also means thatwhen you’re enjoying a shiny redapple or eating a healthy salad, youaren’t filling up your belly withdangerous chemicals.

Even if you can’t afford to buyall organic food, try to go organicevery once in a.

Read Labels: When you’re gro-cery shopping, take a few extraminutes to read the labels on yourfood. Many products will tell youif they’re organic or pesticide-free.Packaging on meat will tell you ifit was raised without hormones orantibiotics, and egg cartons willtell you if the hens that producedthem were free range.

Water Bottles: This should be ano-brainer by now. When you buywater in a bottle, think of all thesteps that go into making the bot-tle, shipping the bottle out to thestore and even the energy neededat recycling plants to recycle thatbottle. Buy a reusable bottle to fillup when you’re thirsty.

Eating green doesn’t have to bea major change in your lifestyle; itis about being conscientious andaware of the choices you are mak-ing. Small things you do on a day-to-day basis can have a largeimpact on your health and the sus-tainability of our planet.


Greening your plate

April has arrived, and thatmeans it’s time for spring clean-ing! Name brand cleaning productscan get pretty expensive – whybother with those when you proba-bly have plenty of excellent naturalcleaners lying around your house?

Cleaners made from commonhousehold items, like baking soda,vinegar and lemon juice, do notcontain harsh chemicals, meaningthey’re safer for you to use and areless harmful for the environment.They’re also a little easier on yourwallet, as many of these ingredi-ents can be bought in bulk.

These cleaning tips collectedfrom The Daily Green (thedaily-green.com) will have your houselooking spring fresh and ready fora mom-inspection.

Freshen Old Clothes: If youhave a bit of leftover vodka lyingaround the house, pour some of itinto a spray bottle and spritz yourclothes with it, and then hang themto dry in a well-ventilated area.Take a shot to celebrate, becausenow you don’t have to do laundry!According to The Daily Green,vodka kills bacteria that causeodours, but does not leave a scentafter it dries.

Kitchen Counters, StainlessSteel Sinks, Porcelain and Tile:Sprinkle some baking soda (fortougher grime, use kosher salt) onthe counter or sink surface, andthen scrub using a moist cloth. Forsuper-tough stains, knead the bak-ing soda and water into a paste andlet it sit on the stain for a whilebefore scrubbing it away. The bak-ing soda is abrasive, and it shouldbe able to lift those stains with alittle elbow grease.

Oven: Nobody likes cleaningthe oven, but this tip lets you takea long break right in the middle ofit. Make a paste from water andbaking soda, and coat the inside ofthe oven with it. Then kick backand relax for a day while the mix-ture does most of your work foryou – just don’t try to make cook-ies while you wait. Put on somegloves and scrub away that grime,

and then wipe the whole thingdown with a moist cloth to make itsparkle.

Mildew and Grease Streaks:Spray or douse the stain withlemon juice, vinegar or vodka. Letit soak for 15 minutes, then use astiff brush (an old toothbrush willdo) to scrub the stain away.

Windows: Mix 2 tbsp. of whitevinegar or lemon juice with 3.5litres of water and pour into a spraybottle. Use old newspapers to wipethe windows, as it won’t leavestreaks.

Clogged Drains: I had a room-mate in college with gorgeous,thick brown hair... but it wasn’t sogorgeous when it was clogging upthe shower. All I needed to use wasa simple third-grade science trickto clear the drain. Pour a half-cupof baking soda into the drain, thena half-cup of vinegar. The chemi-cal reaction should be enough tobreak up the gunk and clear thedrain. Be sure to cover this tightly,or you’ll have a volcano on yourhands! Flush all this out with threelitres of boiling water.

Carpets: For a fresh carpetstain, grab the club soda. Pick upany solids, and then dump the sodadirectly onto the stain. Blot with acloth. The carbonation of the sodalifts the liquid as the salts in it pre-vent stains. For bigger messes, putsome cornmeal on it. Wait a fewminutes – five to 15 should do thetrick – and vacuum it all up.

Maybe you haven’t vacuumed ina while, and the carpet is starting tosmell a bit funky. Sprinkle somebaking soda or cornstarch on it –not too thick, but enough to coverthe entire surface area. Let it sit forhalf an hour to deodorize, thenvacuum the whole thing up.

Wooden Floors: If you’re luckyenough to live in a place withwooden floors, but have beenneglecting them all year, don’tworry – they’re pretty easy toclean. Mix a quarter-cup of whitevinegar and 3 3/4 cups of warmwater. Pour it into a spray bottle,and then spray a cloth until lightlydamp. Scrub your floors to removegrime.


Clean green (andsave a little greenwhile you’re at it!)


It’s easy to plant a small herb garden on your balcony.

Page 16: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLES16Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

FREDERICTON (CUP) —Researchers, including those basedat the faculty of biology at theUniversity of New Brunswick, aresearching for a way to explain andstop a phenomenon that has killednearly seven million little brownbats in just six years, pushing thespecies to the verge of extinction.

In 2006, scientists in New Yorkstate noticed a decrease in the batpopulation. After surveying somecaves, they discovered some hiber-nating bats had white spots on theirmuzzles and wings. The fungus hasbeen aptly dubbed white-nose syn-drome.

In 2010, Graham Forbes, a pro-fessor of biology at UNB anddirector of the N.B. CooperativeFish Wildlife Research Unit, alongwith his team, decided to checklocal caves to see whether theinfection had spread to NewBrunswick.

“It was a new species (of fungus)and nobody knew where it camefrom, in part because nobody hasdone research on what type of fun-gus is already in caves or on bats.So we wanted to find out — maybeit was already here and no onelooked for it,” Forbes said.

At that time, the team surveyedseveral caves and found no evi-dence of white-nose syndromeamong hibernating bats. They havealso collected data from severalbats to determine what types offungi reside on the bats.

Last winter, when researchersreturned, they found symptoms ofwhite-nose syndrome on littlebrown bats — one of only twotypes of bats besides the northern

long-eared bats that are common tothe province.

In one of the biggest caves, theresearchers counted 6,000 hiber-nating bats, including the infected.

Karen Vanderwolf, a graduatestudent at UNB, has been workingwith Professor Forbes in conjunc-tion with the New BrunswickMuseum, surveying the sites andprobing the microclimate of thefungi.

“We confirmed from theresearch that (white-nose syn-drome) wasn’t here until 2011 andwe also wanted to find out whatsort of fungus community was nor-mally on the bats.”

This winter, Forbes and his teamdid not have to enter the same siteto see a different picture — flyingbats outside of the cave and deadanimals on the snow.

“Most of them died right at theentrance — thousands of dead batson the ground,” Forbes said.

The scientists counted only 300bats in that cave — a 95 per centdrop in one winter.

Professor Forbes andVanderwolf are keeping a close eyeon nine bat sites that mostly stretchfrom the Bay of Fundy to Moncton.Some of the caves are open andeasy to get into; others so narrowthat researchers have to crawl.

They also have to be extra care-ful not to transmit the syndromefrom the infected bats to healthyones. The scientists wear specialclothing, use clean equipment andspend less than an hour in eachcave.

“It spreads on contact, either onthe walls or the bats, and becausethey are (hibernating) in groups,

one gets (it) and (it) spreads to theother ones,” Forbes explained. Andbecause New Brunswick doesn’thave many caves, bats fly hundredsof kilometres across the province togather in one cave, transmitting thedisease even faster.

Once in the cave, the teamcounts the bats, which is often quitedifficult because of the high ceil-ings of the cave. Sometimes theresearchers take a picture and esti-mate the number of species.

Then, they carefully isolate onehibernating bat from the group, rubits fungus on a special plate calledan agar plate, and hang the batback. They take the agar plates tothe labs for further studying. Theresearchers also measure and mon-itor temperature and humidity inthe caves.

Cold and wet caves are an idealenvironment for the fungus tothrive, Forbes explained. Fungusattaches to the bodies of hibernat-ing bats and starts growing into theskin tissue. As a result, the mam-mals wake up from itching and irri-tation in the middle of the winter,instead of April.

“To wake up (in winter), theyhave to raise their body tempera-ture and they have to burn their fatreserve,” Forbes explained.

“And they are either hungry orthirsty or both; they look for water,for food, (which) takes them out-side. There is no food and it’s–10°C — they are going to die pret-ty soon.”

Starvation and dehydration alsodecreases the immune system ofthe little brown bats and their abili-ty to fight away infection.

Meanwhile, the white-nose syn-

drome is spreading fast: it is esti-mated to spread from 200 to 400kmper year. In just six years, the syn-drome spread across 19 U.S. statesand four Canadian provinces, and itis expected that the infection willexpand all over Canada.

The loss of major pest predatorswill affect flora, fauna and evenhumans, as the abundance of bugsand mosquitoes increases risks oftransmission of different diseases.

Now UNB researches roughly

estimate the population of bats inNew Brunswick — that was notabundant in the first place — hasdecreased from 10,000 to 3,000species.

“For Eastern America, one of themost abundant mammals (will be)essentially gone in five (to) 10years,” Forbes said.

“It’s one of the biggest, cata-strophic losses of mammal speciesthat we know of.”


New Brunswick biology professor raisesconcern over shrinking bat population

It’s Earth Week. Fortunately,environmental conservation andfinancial conservation tend to coin-cide, so there are many things youcan do to conserve resources,financially and environmentally.There are an infinite amount ofsmall things someone can do. Hereare just a few:

Buy reusable stuff. For exam-ple, rather than buying bottledwater, you could buy a reusablewater bottle and just drink tapwater. I know to some people thissounds unthinkable, but filtered tapwater isn’t going to hurt you, and ifyou aren’t recycling all of thoseplastic bottles from bottled water,then it’s hurting the environment.Plus, why buy something you getfor free?

Save on energy. If you pay per-sonal hydro, there are about a mil-lion ways you can do this, fromturning electronics and appliancesoff when you’re not using them tobuying energy-saving lightbulbs.Another example is to avoid run-ning the air conditioner non-stop,which can be hell on your hydro

bill. I know conserving your airconditioner output is difficult whenwe have 25°C days in March, butcutting back a little can make a bigdifference over time.

Recycle your liquor bottles.Most students drink, but I’mguessing not many get the refundson their liquor containers. TheLCBO and The Beer Store pay 10¢for small containers and 25¢ forlarge containers. This can add upover the school year. I’ve recycledthis stuff in the past and gottenquite a few dollars back over aperiod of time. Just saving all yourcontainers and making one or twotrips a year can put some extra cashin your pocket. There is more infoon recycling liquor bottles at bagit-back.ca.

Eat smart. Tons of money andenergy go to waste on food ineverything from eating out toomuch to using disposable paperand plastic bags rather thanreusable bags when bringing yourlunch to school or work. It’s hardto completely change your lifestylewhen it comes to dining out – espe-cially for your morning coffee ordaily lunch – but there are smallthings you can do, like using atravel mug when buying coffee ora thermos to bring a drink fromhome. And this really isn’t a greentip, but buy your groceries on stu-

dent discount day at Real CanadianSuperstore. It’s every Tuesday andthey offer a 10 per cent discountwith your student card.

Packing your lunch, using ener-gy-saving light bulbs and recyclingyour booze bottles are all smallthings, and really aren’t going tomake a huge difference by them-

selves (although the cash from theliquor bottles is actually prettysweet, especially if you can fill upa couple of huge bags of them);however, all these things add up ifyou’re conscientious. In turn, if alot of people do these things, a lotof money and a lot of energy aresaved. You can then take that

money you got from your beercans, and turn around and buymore beer… and then get moneyfrom those empty cans. It’s kismet.

Jeremy Wall is studyingProfessional Financial Services atFanshawe College. He holds anHonours Bachelor of Arts from theUniversity of Western Ontario.



Brown bats are quickly becoming an endangered species due to a fungusthat’s spreading through the United States and Canada.


Earth and money: Both green, both need saving

Page 17: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLES 17Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

I have been a vegetarian forabout 10 years, and for the pastdecade I have answered the samequestions over and over again:how do you get enough protein?Are you eating properly? I havedecided to set the record straightonce and for all – you don’t needmeat in your diet to be healthy andto have your daily recommendednutritional counts met.

A vegetarian diet has beenshown to improve blood sugar inpeople with diabetes, lower LDL(bad) cholesterol and blood pres-sure, and promote weight loss. Italso has been suggested that thistype of diet may even help preventcolon cancer and heart disease –that is one healthy diet!

The biggest questions vegetari-ans are always asked are aboutprotein: how do you get enougheach day? Where do you get yourprotein? Fact: protein does notonly come from meat. Here are afew great protein suggestions for

vegetarians – and for those lookingfor protein outside of the meat-based diets – everywhere.

• Lentils, beans (chickpeas, kid-ney beans, black beans, etc.), tofu,nuts and seeds

• Whole grains• Vegetables• Dairy – Greek yogurt, cottage

cheese, eggs – unless you arevegan, of course

Remember, if you are trying toachieve fitness or health-relatedgoals, don’t necessarily sacrificeyour calories. If calorie needs arenot met, some protein from yourdiet will be used for energy ratherthan muscle repair. Always makesure you have a protein source atevery meal; to be sure you are get-ting the required amount each day,try drinking a protein shake afteryour workouts. Protein shakes aredigested quicker than other proteinsources such as eggs, and a post-workout shake will help with fasterand more efficient muscle repair.Regardless of whether you eatmeat or not, you can still manage ahealthy lifestyle consisting of abalanced diet and exercise. Give ita try – and remember, you are whatyou eat.














The rates are low ... and the security is high . . .

















The rates are low ... a


and the security is high


. . .
















The school year is now windingdown, and the unusual springweather has everyone hitting thegym to prepare for an early beachseason. Now that spring is here, itis time to make a commitment tosomething worth keeping through-out the entire year, not just for thesummer. Challenge yourself rightnow to commit to being fit all yearlong. Commit yourself to manag-ing a healthy, well-portioned dietand working out at least four timesa week.

Always remember that yourbody does so many amazing thingsto keep you alive each and everyday, so respect it and say ‘thankyou’ by making a commitment to ahealthy life right now.

Here are the top 10 ways you cancommit to being fit, starting today:

1. Work out at least four times aweek – and remember that weightsare your friend. A balance of cardioand weightlifting will help you toget fit and stay fit throughout theyear.

2. Say goodbye to the usualstores in the mall and hit a fitnessstore near you. Treat yourself tonew running shoes or workoutgloves – you will be even moremotivated then before to hit thegym and test out your new gear.

3. Next time you sit down for ameal, ask yourself: Do I have awell-balanced diet? Protein, com-plex carbs, fruits and veggies areessential to maintaining a healthybody.

4. Recruit a friend to get youmotivated. If you have someonewho will push you to go to workoutwhen you are feeling sluggish,your thoughts about working outare more likely to become a reality.

5. Look into your family history.It’s all the more reason to work out

if there is a history of diabetes,heart attack or stroke in your fami-ly. Dedicating yourself to a fewhours a week of physical activity isworth protecting your health.

6. Plan your meals – failing toplan is planning to fail. If yourecord in a journal ahead of time –or as you eat throughout the day –you will be more likely to stick toyour diet and workout plan.

7. Set a goal. Want to run amarathon? Lift a new personalbest? Setting a goal will be theextra motivation you need to com-mit to being fit throughout the year.Just be sure to set a goal with arealistic timeline… don’t try to gofrom no exercise to a marathon in aweek.

8. Limit your drinking. Alcohol= empty calories with no nutrition-

al value, period.9. Educate yourself. Visit your

local nutrition or health food storeto find out what you need to knowto make your goals a reality.

10. Choose what you use. Skipthe elevator and take the stairs…little things like this each and everyday will make a huge difference inthe long run.

Making a commitment to stay-ing fit year-round might seem likean overwhelming obstacle rightnow, but in a few short months,working out and managing ahealthy diet will start to become apart of your everyday life.

Remember, at the end of the day,“Strength does not come fromphysical capacity. It comes from anindomitable will.” – MahatmaGandhi

Commit to be fit



Fanshawe’s First Nations Centre put on a year-end celebration in J Gym on March 28. Colourful costumes wereworn to the Pow Wow in the afternoon.



Eating vegetarian


TGet Caught Recycling

April 2-6And entered into a draw toWIN a brand new bike!


UGHGETUGH ew biw bike


w toe!

w to

Page 18: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLES18Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/


The man who created the Red

Bull energy drink has died at the age

of 89. Actually, he died five years

ago. He was just so wired, nobody

could tell.

The New York Police

Department says Iran has conducted

surveillance inside New York City.

They say Iranian operatives are

using special mobile surveillance

units. I believe they’re called taxi


This weekend 71-year-old former

Vice President Dick Cheney

received a heart transplant. And I

thought this was nice — they let him

shoot the donor himself.

The Pope visited Cuba

yesterday and witnessed a

miracle. Fidel Castro is

still breathing.


CONAN with Conan O’Brien

In Germany, a court has ruled that

German police are allowed to racial-

ly profile citizens. But don’t worry.

It’s Germany, so things shouldn’t

get out of hand.

President Obama is getting tough

on North Korea. This weekend

President Obama warned Kim Jong

Un that bad behavior will not be

rewarded. Then Kim Jong Un asked,

“So how do you explain a new sea-

son of Jersey Shore.”

The man who hacked into Scarlett

Johansson’s cell phone and posted

nude photos of her has pled guilty.

However, the judge has reduced the

man’s sentence if he

solemnly swears to do it


LATE NIGHT with Jimmy Fallon

There are rumours that Kim

Kardashian wants to adopt a child.

You can tell orphans are nervous —

even Oliver Twist is like, “You

know what — I’m good on soup.

Sorry for complaining.”

A strip club in New York is offer-

ing to give Tim Tebow his first lap

dance for free. It’ll be the first time

where the customer is the one who

keeps yelling “No touching.”

This week a man wearing a

Batman costume was pulled over

while driving a Lamborghini. I think

the real story here is that a grown

man who owns a Batman

costume can actually afford

a Lamborghini.

JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE with Jimmy Kimmel

Tiger Woods did something

unusual this weekend. He won a golf


Tiger’s now a 4-1 favourite to win

at The Masters. They say all he has

to do is stay away from Ambien,

Escalades, and hostesses at the

Waffle House.

Pope Benedict XVI spent the

weekend in Mexico. He likes to

spend spring break at Señor Frog’s.

He’s been doing it since he was in


There’s an exercise program start-

ed in Massachusetts called broga.

It’s a form of yoga for men. It com-

bines bro and yoga.

When I heard the word

broga, I threw up and lost

four pounds.

[email protected]

Sometimes disadvantages can lead to new discoveries.

We’re often told the importance of making eye


Looking into someone else’s eyes; however, can be very intimidating.

This is especially true for a person with Asperger’s syndrome or autism.

So, if you can’t handle direct eye contact, what can you do?

Look at their mouth.

It will give the appearance to them that you’re making eye contact, but you won’t feel


This is a great trick for interviews, especially if you’re

already nervous!

Bus Stop

$10 for a coffee?

Well this has better be

the best darn coffee

I ever tasted! you got lucky . . .




st darn coffee

?or a coffee?$10 ffo

Well this has better be

the best darn coffeehethe be

I ever tasted! t lucky . . .oou goy


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Page 19: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

LIFESTYLESAcross1. Flower

6. Japanese lead-glazed earthen-


10. Formerly title of Russian


14. Metric capacity unit

15. Port in Yemen

16. Frost

17. Bay window

18. Hindu queen

19. Location of first garden

20. Evil spirits

22. Luge

23. Make a mistake

24. Candles

26. Basic monetary unit of


30. Hindi disciple

32. Actor Alda

33. Hindu sages

38. Ride the crest of a wave

39. Characterized by ease and

grace of movement

40. Waistband

41. Sweet-briers

43. Women’s magazine

44. Silver salmon

45. Ate a morsel

47. Hold in religious respect

50. Breast muscle (informal)

51. Continent

52. Rearranging

59. Pierce with a knife

60. Use a bow on a violin

61. Violent pang

62. Ring a bell

63. Flat hollow unleavened bread

64. Leaven

65. Church recess

66. Affirmative votes

67. Narrow roads

Down1. Group of nations

2. Basic monetary unit of Italy

3. Relating to the ear

4. Brand of sandwich cookie

5. Blended

6. Harder to find

7. First man

8. Game of chance resembling


9. Indifferent

10. Makes an unlawful intrusion

11. Move in a devious manner

12. Title of some Muslim rulers

13. Tears apart violently

21. Alternative medical practice

using the olfactory sense

25. Boxer Muhammad

26. Comfort

27. Strike with a hard blow

28. Masculine name

29. That which cannot be con-


30. Front part of lower jaws

31. Strong and healthy

34. The excess value of one cur-

rency over another

35. Stop

36. ___ of Man: British Crown


37. Lose hair

42. And not

46. Monovalent radical of acetic


47. Jamaican sect (abbr.)

48. Prevent by law

49. Chemists’ containers

50. Malay boat

53. One of the Great Lakes

54. Eight (comb. form)

55. Flightless bird

56. Iraq’s neighbour

57. Organ affected by 21 Down

58. Obtains

Solution on page 22

1. Bill Murray wasarrested in 1970 for trying to smug-gle 10lbs of marijuana during his20th birthday.

2. The Canadian province of NewBrunswick had a bloodless war with

the U.S. state of Mainein 1839.

3 .Decaf fe ina ted

coffee is not 100per cent caffeine free.

When coffee is beingdecaffeinated, two per cent of

the caffeine still remains in it.4. When you are looking at some-

one you love, your pupils dilate,they do the same when you arelooking at someone you hate.

5. Bullet proof vests, fire escapes,windshield wipers, and laser print-

ers were all invented by women.6. The most children born to one

woman was 69, she was a peasantwho lived a 40 year life, in whichshe had 16 twins, seven triplets, andfour quadruplets.

7. In Monopoly, the characterlocked behind the bars is called Jakethe Jailbird. Officer Edgar Mallorysent him to jail.

8. When someone looks at a newlove, the neural circuits that are usu-ally associated with social judgmentare suppressed.

9. Couples’ personalities con-verge over time to make partnersmore and more similar.

10. Most of the dust underneathyour bed is actually your own deadskin.

11. The roar that we hear whenwe place a seashell next to our ear isnot the ocean, but rather the soundof blood surging through the veinsin the ear.

12. There was once an underseapost office in the Bahamas.

13. Blue light fends off drowsi-ness in the middle of the night,which could be useful to peoplewho work at night.

14. If you get water flowing fastenough, it can cut metal.

15. On average people fear spi-ders more than they do death.

16. Standard paper cannot befolded in half more than seventimes.

17. A portion of the water youdrink has already been drunk bysomeone else, maybe several timesover.

18. The average person eatsalmost 1500 pounds of food a year.

19. Pirates believed that piercingthe ears with such precious metalsas silver and gold improved one’seyesight.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)You are an arrow drawn back

against a taut bowstring. Your aimis true, but you can’t hold this posi-tion forever. Release – when ithappens – is the most exhilaratingmoment to experience.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)Living dangerously is not within

your general range of behaviour.Take precautions against mishaps.Your sense of style is bound toimpress someone unaware of yourcircumstances.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)In order to get something, you

need to give up something else. Itwould be wrong to feel that you’rebeing shorted in an exchange. In aharmonious life, transaction isinevitable.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)Start looking out for number

one, or the sum total of everythingwill be zero. Retreat to your pri-vate sanctum, and soothe yourselfwith whatever you need. Findsomething to laugh about.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)Some people may be putting you

on a pedestal. Everything you do isseen as an example of excellence.On other weeks, this kind of scruti-ny could be exhausting, but thisweek, you crave the attention.

Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 22)The only way to get things done

right is to do them yourself. Youmay be too efficient for your owngood sometimes. Perfectionists areoften lonely, because they cannever find the right playmates orenough time to relax.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)Elements of the unknown make

a welcome intrusion into yourorderly life. Brain power is themost efficient form of energy.Express yourself in daring newways.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)You must be self-sufficient in

order to gain the respect of others.A show of emotion may be con-fused with a show of weakness.The good news is that you willonly have to maintain this rigidarmor for a few days.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)Even if you don’t get what you

expected, you might wind up withsomething even better. There’s noneed to go in search of adventure– it’s likely to find you no matterwhere you are.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)The only thing that may keep you

from seeing your goal is a bend inthe road. Diligent progress is aboutto pay off, even if it seems likeyou’re on a treadmill to nowhere.Your ideals still mean something.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)There are no more secrets. A

dialogue that excludes anyoneisn’t worth your time. If othersview you as something of a dis-ruptive force, it just means thatyou’re performing your cosmicduty of the moment.

Pisces (Feb. 18 - March 20)Good luck is a poor substitute

for good judgment. Would yourather spend your time explainingsomething good that happened toyou, or something bad? Chooseyour course wisely.

very hardDaily Sudoku: Mon 15-Jan-2007

7 6 9 8

2 3 9

3 6

1 5

6 9 2 4 3

6 8

1 5

6 2 8

2 5 1 7

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid con-tains the digits 1 through 9. That means no number is repeated in any col-umn, row or box. Solution can be found on page 22.

Sudoku Puzzle

puzzle rating: very hard

LIFESTYLES 19Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

Word Search

Men In Trees(Words in parentheses not in puzzle)

Chief Celia (Bachelor)

Patrick (Bachelor)




Marin (Frist)

Ben (Jackson)



Annie (O’Donnell)


Jack (Slattery)


Buzz (Washington)

Mai (Washington)



































Page 20: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

We all do things in life withoutrhyme or reason, which, to the peo-ple around, you may seem sense-less and stupid. I’m not afraid toadmit I’ve made bad decisionswhen it comes to relationships overthe years. I have never regrettedanything, but I have definitelywondered why I did what I did.Recently I started thinking aboutthe reasons in which I did thosethings, and have come to the con-clusion that I may be terrified of areal relationship. Women don’tlike to admit it, but we can be justas scared of commitment as ourmale counterparts.

I’m not here to tell you how tofix your fear of commitment,because honestly I don’t know howto fix it, myself. What I do know isthat everyone has their own rea-sons, but the first step would be torealize that you are one of themany women who are afraid tocommit to a relationship. So hereare some signs to help you identifyyour phobia of commitment.

You’ve been hurt in the pastOne common factor in women

who have a hard time with com-mitment is that they have been hurtin the past, whether it’s by family,friends or loved ones. There is onlyso much pain a person is willing toput themselves through, so when ithas become too much, theybecome guarded.

You associate relationshipswith negativity

If you associate negative thingswith relationships or love, thatcould be a sign that you are afraid

of commitment. My roommatecame up with a list of words andhad me say the first thing that cameto my mind when I heard each one.Anytime she mentioned wordsrelating to commitment like “mar-riage,” “love” or “pain,” the firstwords that came to my mind were“divorce,” “evil” or “love,” respec-tively – not the most positive wayto look at relationships.

You stay in rocky relation-ships

You stay in relationships whenyou know there is no real future.Even though you know you need toend the relationship, you can’tbring yourself to do it. I’ve been inthis situation so many times, and Icould never justify why I stayed aslong as I did. You hear all the timeabout how nice guys finish last andgirls go after assholes. The reasonjerks can be appealing is becausewe know in the end it won’t last.They will do something to mess itup, and in the end it won’t be ourfault that we got hurt.

You have impossibly highstandards

Yes, girls are picky and, attimes, high maintenance.However, some girls will neverfind a guy who lives up to her stan-dards. This is because she makes itimpossible for anyone to be goodenough for her. The reason she isalone is not her fault; it’s becausethere is no one good enough.

You chase unattainable menWe always want what we can’t

have, and when we get it, we don’twant it. Sound familiar? If youalways find yourself going afterguys that you know you can’t have– maybe they live far away or theyare in relationships – deep down,you know you can’t be with them,but that doesn’t stop you fromtelling yourself it can happen.

You run from good relation-ships

When you are in a relationshipthat seems perfect, is that whenyou start second-guessing every-thing? The very thought of some-one who cares about you freaksyou out, so you run away.

You prefer serial datingIf you prefer dating one guy

after another – or multiple guys atonce – it might be because you liketo keep men at arm’s length, younever let yourself get too close.One guy told me that he likes dat-ing one girl at a time so he can getto know her. I, on the other hand,like to date multiple guys at onceso I don’t really get attached to anyof them. How can you fall forsomeone if you have other peopleto confuse you?

If you think you might havecommitment issues, the first thingyou can do is identify the problem.Then you need to find out why youhave those fears in order to over-

come them. Don’t throw away thegood relationships in your lifebecause you are terrified. Somethings in life should be worth therisk.

LIFESTYLES20Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/


If you balk at the thought of spending the rest of your life with the same person, you just might be a commit-ment-phobe.

It’s nearly here. The day you’veboth been waiting for! School,work or whatever else has beenkeeping you from your paramour isnearly over and you’re looking for-ward to seeing the end of the longdistance part of your relationship.Though feelings of excitement, joyand longing are sure to be runninghigh, you’re likely also feelingsome trepidation and perhapsregrets about what you didn’taccomplish while you were onyour own.

Coming to the end of the longdistance phase can be a stressfultime, so here are some tips to helpget you through the home stretch:

• Figure out the logistics. Ifyou’re planning to live togetheronce the distance is no longer afactor, make sure you have hous-ing figured out well before yourpartner comes home. Leaving ituntil the last minute can create a lotof unnecessary stress on you andyour relationship.

• Prioritize your to-do list. At thebeginning of this stint apart, youmade a list of things you wanted toaccomplish, not just to pass thetime but so that you had somethingto work towards and be proud of.

But now, you’re looking at that listthinking you didn’t get very muchdone. Don’t let that get you down,though. Instead, look at your list,figure out what you still have timeto do and get it done! You can stillfeel proud of what you did accom-plish instead of focusing on whatyou didn’t get around to.

• Have a conversation (or two)about the future. Make sure thatbefore you get back into the day-to-day life of a non-long distancerelationship that you and your sig-nificant other are on the samepage. Talk about your daily rou-tines, what you want the other per-son to help you out with and whatyou want to do independently. Itcan be tough if you’ve been livingon your own for a while to havesomeone (even if it is that special

someone) barge back into yourlife. Good communication is thebest way to avoid clashes in thisdepartment, and if you can alignyour expectations beforehand,that’s even better.

• Take some time for yourself.Sure, you’ve been missing yourhoney the whole time you’ve beenapart and it may not seem like itnow, but once you’re with eachother all the time again, you aregoing to miss your alone time.Take one last special day for your-self and do all the things that youlove to do alone; spend qualitytime with yourself.

I hope these tips will help the tailend of your long distance stintmore manageable. Just remember,you’re almost there!

Signs you might be a commitment-phobe

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After a winter apart the distance between partners tends to disappear.

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When the distance isn’t so long anymore

Page 21: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

The first Ford Taurus showed upin 1985 (as a 1986 model) andproved to be an instant success. Injust one year, Ford had sold over200,000 Taurus cars, and by 1989that number had surpassed overone million units sold. Ford hadnot seen this kind of success for acar since the original Mustangwent on sale in 1964.

The Taurus sent a wake-up callto the entire North American auto-motive industry and soonChevrolet and Chrysler tried to hitback with their answer to theTaurus, although none came closeto beating the initial success of theTaurus.

Last year, Ford sold just over63,000 Taurus cars in America.While not a bad sales figure, it isstill far from the success theTaurus saw back in the late ’80sand early ’90s.

To capture the attention of morebuyers, Ford has revamped theTaurus for the 2013 model year,but will they be enough to shootTaurus sales up to their formerglory?

To find out, we were invited byFord to rainy, picturesquePortland, Oregon, to test the new2013 Taurus.

From a distance, the 2013 modelTaurus doesn’t look much differentfrom the 2012 model. The newSHO model does stand out fromthe previous model thanks to itsnew nose and its stunning 20-inchwheels, but you’ll be hard pressed

to tell the differences between lastyear’s SE, SEL and Limited mod-els and the 2013 models.

The differences might be subtle,but they are there, like the widerfront grille and a lower fascia.Around the side, you will find fold-ing rear-view mirrors and new 19-or 20-inch wheels (the old base-model 17-inch wheels remain). Atthe rear, you’ll find LED taillightsand dual exhausts.

To spot the real differences, youneed to step inside. Here you’llfind nicer, softer materials thanused in previous Taurus modelsand a completely revised dash-board. Gone are the old twist knobsand raised buttons, replaced by aclean and simple flat panel in thecentre of the dashboard that hassoft touch buttons. This setup issimilar to the one you’ll find in thecurrent Ford Edge and LincolnMKX. Is this setup to everyone’sliking? No, and we are not 100 percent convinced, either, but it doesgive the interior a cleaner, classierlook.

We are also not big fans of the(optional) touch-screen infotain-ment system. Yes, it has lots offeatures and functions and thescreen graphics are very cool, butall touch-screen systems startshowing finger smudge marks andare hard to keep clean. An iDrive-esque system might have been abetter option to go with.

Otherwise, the interior is a pleas-ant place to be in, particularlybecause it is very quiet. Ford hasspent a lot of time and effort mak-ing the Taurus quieter than itscompetition by using thicker glassand more sound insulation.According to Ford, the new Taurusis quieter than the Toyota Avalon

and the Nissan Maxima, and wewould agree with them on that.

Space-wise, the interior and thetrunk have remained the same sizeas before, so no changes here.

Where you will find somechanges is under the hood. For2013, you get to pick from threeengines: a base 3.5-litre V6; thetop-of-the-line 3.5-litre Ecoboost(turbo-charged) V6 in the SHO;and, later in the year, a 2.0-litreEcoboost four-cylinder will beoffered, which will actually bepriced $1,000 more than the baseV6. Since there were no Tauruscars at the launch that had the 2.0-litre engine, we won’t talk about itat this time.

What we will talk about is thevastly improved base 3.5-litre V6motor, which now has twin inde-pendent variable camshaft timing(Ti-VCT). Thanks to its variablecams, this motor now produces 27hp more than last year’s car, for atotal of 290 hp. Maximum torque isnow 255 lb/ft at 4,000 rpm. Whatthis does is it gives you bags ofpower in the mid-range, so itmakes overtaking a lot easier.Power from this motor is fed toeither just the front wheels or allwheels through a six-speed auto-matic gearbox, which might bevery smooth, but the competitionhas moved to eight-speed gearbox-es now and Ford should also havefollowed in that direction.

Ford says, despite lacking a fewextra cogs, this new Taurus is stillmore efficient than most of itscompetition, averaging 19.2 mpgin the city and 30.1 mpg on thehighway – not bad for a vehiclethat is 16.9 feet long and weighs4,388 lbs.

Remarkably, the much more

powerful Taurus SHO, whichpacks a 365 hp and 350 lb/ft punchcan deliver the same fuel economy,provided you don’t lean too hardon the power pedal.

All the SHO models comeequipped with all-wheel drive,which certainly makes things a lotmore secure, especially whenyou’re covering ground on thetwisting, greasy, rain-soakedmountain roads like we were inPortland. No matter what the roadhad in store, the Taurus SHO couldmanage it, and do it quite well, too.

To further help drivers navigatethrough twists and turns, Ford hasfitted their latest Curve Controland Torque Vectoring devices tothe Taurus. Curve Control willslow the car down by as much as10 mph if it feels the car is goingtoo fast for the corner at hand, andTorque Vectoring applies slightbraking force to the inside frontwheel when accelerating out of acorner – this helps the car take atighter, more precise line throughthe corner.

We like driver aids that workbehind the scenes, keeping yousafe. What we don’t like verymuch is the electronic power steer-ing system. It lacks feel for whatthe front wheels are actually doingso it requires more attention to fig-ure out how much steering input isactually needed. But spend sometime with the vehicle and you canlearn and adapt to live with thisnew system.

All in all, the 2013 Taurus is anevolution of the car you’ve beenable to buy from your local Forddealer for the past two years. Someof the improvements are morenoticeable than others, and somepeople might consider that some ofthe changes are not for the better.From a technical and performancepoint of view, we feel this newTaurus is a step in the right direc-tion. Will customers feel the sameway? Only time will tell.

Prices for the 2013 Taurus startfrom $28,799.

SPORTS&LEISURE 21Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/


The new Ford Taurus is a real bull on the road.

The number of fitness enthusi-asts out there who smoke is sur-prisingly high. I’ve seen manygym patrons having a post-work-out cigarette instead of a shake,and I’ve seen them out and aboutlighting up every time they suckback a cold one. Sporty smokerswill most often tell you that short-ness of breath and low stamina arethe unfortunate outcomes. Withtime, they always realize that theirgains would have been muchgreater if not for all the darts. Evenoccasional smokers should quit ifthey want to see the best results

Find any reason to quit! If it’sto save money, look better or smellbetter, just find a reason. No matterhow trivial the reason may be, anyreason that will cause you to quit isa good one. One of the most impor-tant yet difficult tips to try to fol-low is to stop right away! There isno time like the present, and if youtry setting a quit date, you’ll prob-ably find yourself postponing itover and over again.

Get rid of all the cigarettesaround you. Whether it’s a cartonor a pack, get rid of them in anyway shape or form. Think of it likeunhealthy foods; if they are there,you will eat them to get rid ofthem. Any remaining cigarettes

should be thought of in the samefashion. Before you know it, youare smoking full-time again!

Avoid your common cues tosmoking. If you always smoke atthe bar, try to avoid going for awhile. If you always smoke with abeer or coffee, try to avoid the twofor some time. Once you havetapered off for a while, you canreintroduce these other things as areward for avoiding cigarettes.

Continually work out. Most ofus do this already, and we knowabout the flood of endorphins weget during exercise. This is some-thing smokers definitely want inthe absence of their favourite stim-ulant.

Replace smoking with anotheractivity. Chewing gum has been apopular one for years but you willbe hard-pressed to find one thattastes like the Bubbilicious brand.Perhaps, like most people, youdon’t drink water – try drinking aglass of water during the times youtypically have a cigarette. Nowyou have completely traded in anegative habit for a positive one.

Lastly, think to yourself, “Iwill not have a cigarette today,”rather than, “I will never have acigarette again.” It is easier totake things one day at a time thantelling yourself you will have itagain. Pretty soon those days willadd up and they will turn into yearsof smoke-free living.


Crush the habit before it crushes you.

There is yet another storylineregime change possibly happeningon Impact Wrestling, and it is quiteliterally a case of “meet the newboss, same as the old boss.” Eversince Immortal lost control of thecompany, Sting has been the GMof Impact’s day-to-day operations.He has found this job to be harderthan he expected, and trying tocontrol the actions of the TNAchampion Bobby Roode haspushed Sting over the edge. Roodehas used underhanded tactics atevery step of the way in order tohold onto his championship, andnot even Sting’s physical interven-tion has thwarted the deviousRoode.

It was becoming very obviousthat Sting’s increasingly unhingedreactions were a serious detrimentto his position as Impact GM.Someone who is supposed to be animpartial authority figure shouldnot be booking himself into match-es or having any physical engage-ment with the talent. Sting hasfinally realized that he cannot han-dle his duties anymore, and that hisrecent lack of unbiased judgementhas the potential to hurt TNA.

He announced his resignation

right in the middle of the ring toTNA president Dixie Carter, whowas shocked to hear Sting’s deci-sion, as she was the one whoplaced Sting in that position tobegin with. His suggestion of whocould replace him was also anothershock to Carter, as it was the veryman who stole the company awayfrom her alongside Eric Bischoff.Sting felt now that Hulk Hoganwas back to being “the real” HulkHogan, that he was the right manfor the job. This brings up thequestion of who the “real” Hoganactually is. Is he the larger-than-life superstar who told a generationof kids to train hard, take their vita-mins and say their prayers, or is hethe guy who never really wanted toput anybody else over?

Regardless of that, it seems thatTNA is intent on going with thisstoryline of Hogan yet again beingat the steering wheel. Vince Russois not writing for TNA in anycapacity anymore, so it is very dis-appointing that they cannot envi-sion a fresh new direction for thefuture of the company. There’s noreason why Carter herself can’tresume her on-screen duties whenit comes to running the show.Hogan’s continued amount of TVtime is unfortunately guaranteed totake the spotlight away fromyounger performers, and that is amistake that TNA simply can’tafford to make anymore.

MOTORING NAUMAN [email protected]

FUN AND FITNESSRICK [email protected]

THE HEEL TURNSCOTT [email protected]

Greatness in the stars for 2013 Ford Taurus

Puffing cigs will leave you puffing for air Sting resigns, will the“real” Hogan take over?

Page 22: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

SPORTS&LEISURE 22Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

5 7 6 4 9 2 3 8 1

8 4 2 7 1 3 5 6 9

9 3 1 6 8 5 7 4 2

1 8 3 5 4 9 6 2 7

7 6 9 1 2 8 4 3 5

2 5 4 3 7 6 9 1 8

4 9 7 8 6 1 2 5 3

6 1 5 2 3 7 8 9 4

3 2 8 9 5 4 1 7 6

In the highly anticipated (andprobably highly incorrect as well)NFL Czar’s mock draft, picks 11through 20 will feature some drop-ping talents and some reaches aswell. The draft provides a shockeror two every year, so let’s seewhat’s on tap for the second batchof teams.

11. Kansas City Chiefs selectDontari Poe, defensive tackle fromMemphis: The Chiefs have swung(and missed) on several DT selec-tions over the years, but Poeappears to be the real deal. Withelite size and strength, Poe willhelp the Chiefs’ front seven foryears.

12. Seattle Seahawks selectQuinton Coples, defensive endfrom North Carolina: I haveCoples a bit lower than mostmocks, but I feel teams in the top10 will reach a bit. Coples may bethe best pass rushing end in thedraft and will help the woeful

Seahawks D.13. Arizona Cardinals select

Jonathan Martin, offensive tacklefrom Stanford: After the two bigOTs come off the board, the Cardswill be elated to get Martin here.This will allow them to move for-mer first-round pick Levi Brown tothe right side, where he belongs.

14. Dallas Cowboys select MarkBarron, safety from Notre Dame:As the Cowboys reach this pick,they will be torn between reachingon a corner or safety. They chooseBarron, who will make thisdefence one of the league’s best.

15. Philadelphia Eagles selectLuke Kuechly, linebacker fromBoston College: The Eagles’ majorweakness a year ago was stoppingthe run. That problem ends withthis pick.

16. New York Jets selectCourtney Upshaw, linebackerfrom Alabama: The Jets get a hard-nosed pass rusher from a topNCAA defence. Jets Head CoachRex Ryan will love his versatility,and he will be a factor right away.

17. Cincinnati Bengals selectDre Kirkpatrick, cornerback fromAlabama: Back-to-back Tidemembers off the board, and the

Bengals find a replacement for thedeparted Jonathan Joseph... a yearlate, but it still counts.

18. San Diego Chargers selectMichael Brockers, defensive tack-le from Louisiana State: Theychoose to pass on an end simply soWestern Ontario’s own VaughnMartin can start this year!Brockers is a beast, and he shouldhelp immensely.

19. Chicago Bears select CordyGlenn, offensive guard fromGeorgia: Resisting the urge to graba wide receiver, the Bears solidifyQB Jay Cutler’s protection withthe massive Glenn. He moves pret-ty well for a 345-pound man, andhe will pair nicely with former-first rounder Gabe Carimi.

20. Tennessee Titans selectMichael Floyd, wide receiver fromNotre Dame: If the Bears pass onhim, the Titans must pull the trig-ger. Paired with the returningKenny Britt and the upcoming starDamian Williams, the Titanswould provide a tonne of weaponsfor whomever their QB ends upbeing.

Look for the final 12 picks ofround one next week.

The NHL season is drawing to aclose, and I’m embarrassed to callmyself a Toronto Maple Leafs fan.Want to know how you can tellsomeone is a Leafs fan? They hatethe Leafs. If the Chicago Cubs winthe World Series this year, then theLeafs would have to be the mostfutile team in all of professionalsports. Being a Leafs fan is likeloving someone who will neverlove you back… actually, it’sworse than that. It’s like lovingsomeone who will never love youback, who also charges you $300to visit, and then trades all yourstuff for Phil Kessel and DionPhaneuf. And it was good stuff,stuff you could have used, TylerSeguin-ish type of stuff.

But I digress. Even though I’m aLeafs fan (which means I hate theLeafs, remember), there are a lot ofother things I enjoyed about thisseason. There were some greatplayers throughout the league, andI thought I would take a look at mypicks for a few of the year-endawards. Here they are.Hart: To me, this is a two-play-

er race between Evgeni Malkin andSteven Stamkos. Malkin has beenleading the league in points forawhile, but Stamkos has been lead-ing in goals, and it seems like theseason will finish that way. Bothare franchise players, no question.However, Stamkos is the corner-stone on a team that likely won’tmake the playoffs, and Malkin isthe cornerstone on a team thatmight win the Cup. As for as anMVP award concerns, I think thatmakes Malkin the obvious choice.Norris: Nicklas Lidström may

have missed too many games thisseason to get the Norris Trophy foran eighth time, but it’s possible.He’s near the top of the leaguewhen it comes to plus-minus thisseason and, well, he’s Nicklas

Lidström, probably the greatestdefenceman of his generation.Zdeno Chara, who is having agreat year in Boston and may leadthem to another Cup, could win itfor a second time. Erik Karlsson ofOttawa is by far the points leaderamong defenceman, as he lookslike he might break 80 points thisseason, nearly 30 points ahead ofeveryone else. I like Karlsson forthe Norris, although Chara mightbe a decent choice, too.Vezina: Henrik Lundqvist. He’s

the man this year, near the top ofevery goaltending statistical cate-gory. Jonathan Quick in L.A. andJaroslav Halak in St. Louis areboth having great years, especiallyHalak as St. Louis has been a sur-prise as one of the best teams in theleague this season. But Lundqvisthas consistently been the man allyear, and is the cornerstone of aRangers team that may, God for-bid, actually win the Cup.Calder: Ryan Nugent-Hopkins,

Gabriel Landeskog, and AdamHenrique are all near the top inrookie scoring. There are really norookie goalies this year to havemade any type of significantimpact. Nugent-Hopkins andLandeskog both have the recogniz-able name value. Either of themwould be a quality pick, although Iwould tend to favour Landeskogsince he is an important part of adecent team in Colorado, whereasNugent-Hopkins is part of the still-rebuilding Oilers.

Of course, there are a ton ofother trophies, but the above four,in my humble opinion, are alwaysabout the most interesting in termsof who wins. A note should bementioned about the Jack Adams,as Ken Hitchcock, who came to St.Louis in the early part of the year,has made them one of the bestteams in the league. I think he’llwin.


Predicting NHL’saward winners


Evgeni Malkin has plenty to cheer about this season.

It’s been little over four monthssince the NBA lockout ended, andit’s almost that time when we get arough idea who’s making the play-offs and who isn’t going to. Theleague has entered into its fourthquarter and it’s time for the finalpush that could make or break aseason.

One team that has already madethe playoffs is the Chicago Bulls.The Bulls have been on fire thisseason and have crept up tofavourites in my book. The Bulls’key man and reigning MVPDerrick Rose has missed a fewgames recently due to injury.Having watched the Bulls playDenver, one couldn’t help butnotice that Rose was being missed.It seems strange, but it’s true; theBulls look like they need Roseback as soon as possible. While theplayoff spot is secured, the topseed in the East is still a positionup for grabs.

The New York Knicks, on theother hand, are still fighting, andwith the rise of their go-to man,Jeremy Lin, all eyes are on theKnicks. Milwaukee looks to havepulled a smart trade: Monta Ellis isensuring that the Knicks have allthe pressure on them as the Bucksare closing in on eighth place in theEast. New York will have to gowithout Amar’e Stoudemire, whosuffered a back injury that couldkeep him out of the playoffs,should New York make it.Carmelo Anthony has been awfulthis season, to put it nicely. I wassurprised when he made the All-Star team. It’s clearly his poorestseason as a professional.

In my last article, I mentionedthat Derek Fisher was traded toHouston, which was true at thetime. Since then, he has moved on

to the Oklahoma City Thunder,who claimed him off waivers. Thisis a move that could help theThunder, as Fisher has a lot ofplayoff experience. In my reckon-ing, Fisher would play as the back-up point guard, considering thatRussell Westbrook is on the rosterfor OKC. They currently occupytop spot in the West and shouldclinch their own playoff berthsoon.

Let’s be real here, the TorontoRaptors are going nowhere.Canada’s only team lacked thefinesse needed to challenge for aplayoff spot, constantly relying onAndrea Bargnani to deliver thegoods. The Raptors are currentlysitting 12th in the East with just 16wins. They have, however,‘stunned’ fans by dishing out theodd victory, most notably their winagainst New York: a 96-79 winthat snapped New York’s five-game winning streak. They alsoalmost upset the Bulls, only to beundone by a somewhat lucky bas-ket for Luol Deng in the dying sec-onds of overtime. A couple of

good performances could maybesee the Raptors sneak into a play-off spot but I wouldn’t count onthat happening. In the Raptors’117-101 defeat to the OrlandoMagic, a loud cheer erupted whenToronto scored 100, not becausethey were leading with seconds toplay, but because free pizza isoffered to fans every time the teamscores 100.

On a side note, the game thatfeatured Atlanta and Utah was thefirst game to go to quadruple over-time since 1997 when Phoenixbeat Portland. Atlanta beat Utah139-133 in this game.

With most teams having fewerthan 20 games left in the regularseason, it’s crunch time. There arestill playoff spots, particularly inthe West, which could be claimedby a number of teams. If I were tomake a prediction, I’d say thatChicago and Oklahoma will topboth their conferences while themuch-talked-about New YorkKnicks will only barely scrape intothe playoffs this time around.


Josh Smith reacts after the Atlanta Hawks beat the Utah Jazz in quadru-ple overtime, the first since 1997.

NBA WATCHVICTOR KAISARtwitter: @supermario_47

Squeaky bum time

Mocking it up, part two


Page 23: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012

SPORTS&LEISURE 23Volume 44 Issue No. 27 April 2, 2012 www.fsu.ca/interrobang/

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Toronto FC took to BMO Fieldon March 24 just as they had anyother season, it seems: with loadsof promise and confidence. Theresult was a 3-0 loss to the hands ofthe San Jose Earthquakes. Thismatch was also my first to take infrom the stands at BMO, and theatmosphere was not what I hadimagined it would be.

The atmosphere wasn’t therefrom the beginning, because TFCwasn’t there, either. San Jose tookto them early, pressing hard withearly crosses. The Earthquakesfamously traded away current RedRyan Johnson, who became a rev-elation in TFC land. However, youcan see why they traded the starstriker, as their position up frontamazing. Steven Lenhart, alongwith TFC-killer ChrisWondolowski have such chemistryup front that they could play ballsin every direction aroundToronto’s defence. They created somuch on their own that it madeTFC’s offense look dismal. SanJose jumped to a 1-0 lead early,and it seemed like everything wasgoing to plan for them. ReggieLamb just ran up and down thefield in a line, very rarely was hepassed the ball, and when he did hejust gave it up. Johnson waspushed into the middle, and neededmore open players when he got theball. Danny Koevermans wouldusually play the middle, but he was

a second-half sub. Danny helpstremendously as he can get the balland create as a target man. ButJohnson couldn’t play that style,and had a lot of trouble just gettingby the defenders.

The wing play was fine. AshtonMorgan runs up with the ball as awingback, then can always coverhis behind by making sweet divingtackles, while Richard Eckersleywas great in this one as well.However, these players were askedto push up the second half to try toscore one and instead concededanother two. Final score was SanJose 3, Toronto 0.

What could have been Toronto’sdownfall this match was their lackof height. San Jose played plentyof balls in the air, and Torontocouldn’t win them. They also natu-

rally miss Torsten Frings as he isout with an injury for six weeks,and they miss his creative pres-ence. Julian de Guzman is noreplacement to his distribution.

Ty Harden will be the first to goat this point. Adrian Cann willcome back and Harden will finallyleave as a constant back four solu-tion. When you have mobile wing-backs, you need to have a moreconsistent presence behind interms of center backs. Harden justdoesn’t have the positioning to fitthis role, nor does he have the skillto take the ball of attackers likeLenhart.

Toronto FC didn’t show any-thing special on March 24 at home,and will need to step it up, as thepoints are up for grabs here andthey will need them later on.


Joao Plata can’t get by San Jose’s Same Cronin in this picture. It seemedas if TFC couldn’t get by San Jose in any way during the game on March24.

Some say the Captain of theLondon Knights, Jarred Tinordi,has been playing under the radar,that: he has been underperformingin his second year with theLondon Knights. This year he hasposted 16 points in 48 games, twoof them were goals. Standing tallat 6’7” and weighing in at 218 lbs,is the Millersville native under-performing with the LondonKnights?

In a nutshell, no! He has beensolid on the blue line for theLondon Knights this year – not somuch offensively – but that isclearly not his role on this team.Tinordi is the Captain of theLondon Knights and a very fittingone. There is no sizzle to hisgame, you know exactly whatyou’re going to get from himevery game and that is a big (andI mean big) defenceman who willshut down the opponents’ offen-sive threats by getting in the pass-ing lane and push the oppositionforward to the boards to make aphysical play on them, and hewon’t make many mistakes.

Tinordi has cut his penalty min-utes down significantly; last sea-son in 63 games he put up 140minutes in the penalty box, andthis year in 48 games he put uponly 63 penalty minutes. Not onlydoes this show that he is maturingas a hockey player, it also showshe is getting better: his skatingskill has picked up over the lastyear and what has helped him cut

down the penalty minutes is keep-ing up with his opposition.

This season he has been playingunder the radar and that is not nec-essarily a bad thing. He has beenso quiet because of all the otherattention and stories other mediahas been following: MichaelHouser setting franchise records,Seth Griffith posting numbers noone saw coming (includingmyself), huge moves at the dead-line, Scott Harrington at theWorld Juniors and Dale Huntergoing back to the NHL andWashington to coach the Capitals.Yes, with all these other news-worthy stories, it makes sensewhy we haven’t heard much aboutTinordi, the Montreal Canadiansprospect, who is leading theleague in plus/minus with a 39rating.

With the second round of play-offs coming up and more hardtimes for the London Knight,those who are inexperienced jun-ior players will be looking for agood example to follow. Thatplayer is Tinordi. Tinordi is notmuch of a talker, although he iswell-spoken; he goes by the motto“Talk is cheap” and stands up forhis teammates through any situa-tion and any time of game.

Tinordi is a class act, Londonfans; enjoy his last year in aKnights uniform, appreciate hisplay, watch him do all the littlethings right. I compare Tinordi’sleadership skill to a formerKnights Captain, Danny Syvret. Ifyou remember him, you willremember his last game as aLondon Knight, beating theRimouski Oceanic in theMemorial Cup finals in 2005.


Will Jarred Tinordi be the second London captain to ever hoist theMemorial Cup?

AROUND THE OHLRYAN [email protected]: @Ryan_Springett

A plus in London’s lineup

FANSHAWE FCMARTY [email protected]: @martythompson_

Toronto FC fails in first home game

Page 24: Interrobang issue for April 2nd, 2012