EVINA ZOUGANELI September 1, 2014 1 Internship Report: Hotel Arts Barcelona, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company A. CONTEXT Motivation This summer I was required by SciencesPo to complete a one-month internship at the operational level in order to gain work experience. I decided to apply for an internship at a luxury hotel in Spain: I wanted to discover the hospitality industry by working at one of the most renowned hotel companies and I also wished to perfect my Spanish. After a tough interview, I was thrilled to receive an offer letter by Hotel Arts Barcelona, a 5-star hotel that belongs to the prestigious Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. Although the minimum internship duration was three months, I was offered a position for two months and a half in the food and beverage department, in one of the two best restaurants of the hotel: Arola restaurant. Company The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is one of the best luxury hotel chains in the world. Its history originates with the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, whose services and facilities have been serving as a benchmark for all the properties of the company, which are nowadays more than 80. Its legacy can be traced back to the renowned hotelier Cesar Ritz, “the king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings”: being the manager of the Ritz in Paris and the Carlton in London, Cesar Ritz redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe. Several years following Cesar Ritz’s death, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was established in 1983. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was founded based on certain principles, which are summarized in the so-called “Gold Standards”. These standards perfectly illustrate the philosophy of the company: the underlying concept is that the company’s employees, or “Ladies and Gentlemen”, who are its most important resource, create Ritz-Carlton guests for life by providing unique, memorable and personal experiences for their guests; they do so by anticipating and fulfilling even their unexpressed wishes and needs. The embracement of the Gold Standards by all the Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen is crucial for the company’s efficiency; therefore the previous are constantly revised in each and every department of all Ritz-Carlton properties. As a result, working in Arola restaurant gave me the opportunity to learn and implement the company’s principles. Restaurant Arola restaurant is a modern restaurant owned by the well-known chef Sergi Arola. Sergi Arola used to be a student of Ferran Adrià, considered by many as the best chef of the world. Today, chef Sergi Arola has two Michelin stars. The main concept of his restaurant is ‘tapas’ and all the dishes are very specially made, always reflecting his personality. Activities I started working there as a ‘runner’: I would work only in the back of the restaurant, preparing everything for service, carrying heavy trays during service, and cleaning up everything after service. This whole procedure mainly involved polishing plates, cutlery, and glasses, cleaning, and carrying heavy things. Also, as a runner I had to get informed about everything related to the restaurant and the hotel, and learn by heart the description of every dish in order to proceed to the next level and become a waitress.

Internship Report - Ritz Carlton 2014

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EVINA  ZOUGANELI  September  1,  2014  



Internship Report: Hotel Arts Barcelona, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company


� Motivation

This summer I was required by SciencesPo to complete a one-month internship at the operational level in order to gain work experience. I decided to apply for an internship at a luxury hotel in Spain: I wanted to discover the hospitality industry by working at one of the most renowned hotel companies and I also wished to perfect my Spanish. After a tough interview, I was thrilled to receive an offer letter by Hotel Arts Barcelona, a 5-star hotel that belongs to the prestigious Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. Although the minimum internship duration was three months, I was offered a position for two months and a half in the food and beverage department, in one of the two best restaurants of the hotel: Arola restaurant.

� Company

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is one of the best luxury hotel chains in the world. Its history originates with the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, whose services and facilities have been serving as a benchmark for all the properties of the company, which are nowadays more than 80. Its legacy can be traced back to the renowned hotelier Cesar Ritz, “the king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings”: being the manager of the Ritz in Paris and the Carlton in London, Cesar Ritz redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe. Several years following Cesar Ritz’s death, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was established in 1983. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was founded based on certain principles, which are summarized in the so-called “Gold Standards”. These standards perfectly illustrate the philosophy of the company: the underlying concept is that the company’s employees, or “Ladies and Gentlemen”, who are its most important resource, create Ritz-Carlton guests for life by providing unique, memorable and personal experiences for their guests; they do so by anticipating and fulfilling even their unexpressed wishes and needs. The embracement of the Gold Standards by all the Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen is crucial for the company’s efficiency; therefore the previous are constantly revised in each and every department of all Ritz-Carlton properties. As a result, working in Arola restaurant gave me the opportunity to learn and implement the company’s principles.

� Restaurant

Arola restaurant is a modern restaurant owned by the well-known chef Sergi Arola. Sergi Arola used to be a student of Ferran Adrià, considered by many as the best chef of the world. Today, chef Sergi Arola has two Michelin stars. The main concept of his restaurant is ‘tapas’ and all the dishes are very specially made, always reflecting his personality.

� Activities

I started working there as a ‘runner’: I would work only in the back of the restaurant, preparing everything for service, carrying heavy trays during service, and cleaning up everything after service. This whole procedure mainly involved polishing plates, cutlery, and glasses, cleaning, and carrying heavy things. Also, as a runner I had to get informed about everything related to the restaurant and the hotel, and learn by heart the description of every dish in order to proceed to the next level and become a waitress.

EVINA  ZOUGANELI  September  1,  2014  



Soon, I became a waitress and, although I continued polishing and cleaning, my daily activities changed completely mainly because of one reason: I began having interaction with the guests. I started taking orders, explaining the dishes, discussing with the guests, taking initiatives. Also, I learnt how to use the micros, how to set the tables, how to serve and how to pour water and wine.


Although my internship was at the operational level, I wished to go beyond merely acquiring the technical knowledge related to the tasks I was assigned; I wanted to absorb everything I could from my working environment. My effort to do so in combination with the level of professionalism in the Ritz-Carlton enabled me to develop skills indispensable in any work environment as well as to gain important knowledge.

� The Art of Service

First and foremost, I gained insight into the art of service, one of the most crucial things every working person should be familiar with. When providing services, the ‘client’, or ‘guest’ as named in the Ritz-Carlton, has to be above everything else: the main focus should be to anticipate and fulfill the wishes and needs of the guest in order to offer him a special experience that he will never forget. In this way the guest will feel a connection to the company and will be more likely to come back. This is precisely the goal of every company: creating loyal guests and constantly building on its credibility.

� Being A Successful Salesperson

In addition, I learnt some of the secrets of being a successful salesperson. As counter-intuitive as this may sound, the first thing a salesperson should have in mind is not to sell his product; instead, he should first understand the client’s needs and try to help him. As Jeffrey Gitomer mentions in his book Little Red Book of Selling, a salesperson has to “Become known as a resource, not as a salesperson”. This enables trust to be established between the salesperson and the client, which is the key to long-term relationships. Another equally important thing is that a salesperson has to believe in what he has to offer. In this way he can represent his product in a genuine and convincing way: “Authentic passion is infectious and attracts prospects and clients.”

� Language Skills

During my internship I also developed language skills. I would speak Greek, English, French, Spanish, and some Arabic, both with our guests and my colleagues. Not only was I exposed to all these different languages, but numerous were the times when I had to alternate instantly from one language to another. This was an excellent brain exercise and it also helped me improve my level in all the aforementioned languages.

� Cultural Sensitivity

As our clientele was very diverse, not only did I have to speak in as many languages as possible, but I also had to be culturally sensitive. Taking into consideration the specificities of each culture shows respect and is usually deeply appreciated by the guests. One has to know how to approach guests from different cultures, what issues he can touch upon, and, in this case, what type of food the guests are allowed or not allowed to eat. Being culturally sensitive is hard and requires both having knowledge and using it in a smart way.

EVINA  ZOUGANELI  September  1,  2014  



� Learning Through Observation

Another skill I developed was learning through observation. Before starting our internship we received some training but due to lack of time not all things could be explained from the beginning. Observing, as a method of learning, was indispensable, and whoever would observe and absorb the most would become the best. I learnt to have my eyes wide open and to process everything happening around me.

� Stress Management, Adaptability & Efficiency

Managing stress, adapting to diverse situations, and being efficient under pressure are all areas in which I improved considerably during this internship. There were quite a few times when I would all of a sudden be assigned a difficult task about which I had never been informed: despite the stress and intimidation I felt at these moments, I tried to put some extra pressure on me and find the self-confidence required to cope with the situation. A lot of strength was required in order to do so and eventually my self-confidence was also enhanced.

� Deciphering Colleagues’ Behaviour

Finally, it was really interesting observing all the relationships in the workplace and trying to decipher each colleague’s behavior. Some were very competitive; others were more teamwork-oriented; some were really arrogant; others were constantly wearing a smile on their face creating a positive atmosphere. For some reason my role became that of the person who maintains a balance between the two extremes. I developed a good relationship with everyone and tried to establish respect and honesty. I managed to cooperate efficiently with all my colleagues.


� The General Manager’s Welcome Speech

On the whole, my internship in the Ritz-Carlton was absolutely invaluable. During the two months that I spent in the company I managed to grow at both a personal and a professional level. Numerous were the moments that touched me, that impressed me, that made me develop. The first of these moments was the Welcoming Speech of the hotel’s General Manager, Mrs. Rivero Delgado. It was one of the most inspiring speeches I had ever listened to; Mrs. Delgado is a woman who has always taken initiatives, risked and fought for what she wanted. Her speech motivated me and boosted my determination.

� The Orientation Programme

Mrs. Delgado’s speech marked the beginning of the equivalently impressive Orientation Programme. I was amazed by the attention and care that the company was offering to its interns. During the orientation days they introduced us to the company’s history, philosophy and general profile. We learnt about its mission, its principles and its prestige. They talked to us about luxury services, about the Ritz-Carlton Community Footprints (the guiding principles of the company’s social and environmental responsibility program) and about the uniqueness of the company. It was obvious that one of the goals of the Orientation Programme was to make interns aware of the prestige of the company they were joining. I will never forget the last video we were shown. It started by saying “Imagine if you were in the top 1% of explorers: your footprints would be on the moon”; it went on by giving similar examples until it stated that “You are in the top 1% of luxury services providers”. In the end came a picture of us with a large “Welcome” written on it; such an intense moment. I felt honored, responsible and determined. I wanted to succeed.

EVINA  ZOUGANELI  September  1,  2014  



� The ‘Line-ups’

Once the Orientation Programme was over, I knew exactly where I was standing. I was aware of the company’s prestige and of the expectations that our recruiters had of us. The orientation days had been an adequate proof of the company’s professionalism and I knew that that internship would be a golden opportunity for me. And so it was. From the moment I started working at Arola restaurant there wasn’t a day when I didn’t learn something. Every day we would hold meetings before the evening service, the so-called ‘Line-ups’, where we would discuss the company’s news, the VIPs of the hotel, the restaurant’s reservations, and a different Gold Standard each time.

� The ‘WOW Stories’

During ‘Line-ups’ we would also share ‘WOW Stories’. These are “memorable moments created by the Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen from all around the world”; stories that stay with the Ritz-Carlton guests and make them loyal to the company. All Ladies and Gentlemen are encouraged to create WOW stories, be it interns or staff. The number of WOW stories an intern creates is actually part of the internship evaluation. Thanks to my hard work I managed to experience the feeling of creating wonderful long-lasting memories for our guests and I believe it was the best part of my internship. Each time I created a WOW story it was because I felt a special connection with the guests; I really wished to make them feel special by creating something unique for them. The first WOW Story I created was for a couple from the US. As I was serving them we started talking about my home country, Greece, and its history. At some point they asked me what was a very specific ingredient in their dish; I had no clue whatsoever what the answer was. I had to become creative and cover up my ignorance in order to meet their service expectations given that we were at a Ritz-Carlton restaurant. Pretending that I knew what it was, I told them that I would rather add some mystery in their Arola experience by not disclosing the ingredient to them; for mystery is an indispensable element in our lives, one which gives another dimension to each experience. The couple was excited and they both started philosophizing and sharing experiences with me. I spontaneously felt the urge to do something special for them. I found out which room they were staying at and the next day I prepared a surprise for them in their bedroom. The satisfaction of seeing a wide smile on their faces while they were thanking me was priceless.

WOW Story: “To Mystery” Surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson I took a bottle of champagne and roses from the garden; I took two Hotel Arts papers: on one of them I wrote by hand “To Mystery!” and on the other I typed some mystery-related quotes. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson came back to Arola for dinner the following night. They thanked both the Manager and me for the unique experience they had had the night before.

My second WOW Story was directed to a group of friends who had come from Belgium on holidays. They were not staying at the hotel but they had come to Arola restaurant for dinner. Two of the friends had their birthday on that day, so the rest of the group had requested two cakes for them. Once the time had come, they asked us whether we had candles or something else that could indicate the age of

EVINA  ZOUGANELI  September  1,  2014  



their friends on the cakes. Unfortunately, we had nothing. I was frustrated that we couldn’t satisfy their request, so I came up with an alternative: I ran to the computer and created two beautiful documents on which I wrote a birthday wish including the age of the two friends; I asked the Manager for a nice champagne and offered them to the group as a surprise on behalf of Arola. They were all thrilled and impressed by this move. The next day I received an e-mail from them thanking me for my kindness, which was “top notch” according to them, and the excellent service.

WOW Story: “A Sweet Moment Spreading Smiles” Surprise for Mr. Decat and his friends Drinking the champagne I offered them while celebrating Mr Decat’s birthday.

� Lateral Service

Apart from “Line-ups”, the Ritz-Carlton offered more opportunities to learn and grow. One of the company’s principles is doing lateral service. In other words, the company’s Ladies and Gentlemen are strongly encouraged to work at different departments in the hotel if help is needed, even if they do not specialize in them. During my internship I applied for lateral service at a catering event in Casa Batló, one of the beautiful buildings made in Barcelona by the renowned architect Gaudi. There, I worked in the kitchen helping the cooks. It was very interesting to see their perfect organization and cooperation aimed at providing excellent services to large groups of people.

� Internal Competitions

Another way of learning and progressing was the method of internal competitions. Both the restaurant and the hotel in general employed internal competitions in order to increase efficiency. These competitions increased the employees’ motivation and productivity. For instance, in the beginning of my internship there was a “runners” competition, which involved questions about the dishes and drinks offered in the restaurant, about the tasks that we had to complete before and after service, about the other outlets of the hotel. Whoever won the competition would be the first to proceed to the next level and become a waiter. This competition urged us to study and progress at an increased pace.

� Through the Manager’s Eyes

Taking a step further all these learning methods, I was constantly trying to see things through the Manager’s eyes. In this way, I was experiencing the employee’s side while also being critical about every aspect of our everyday work. For instance, almost all employees at the restaurant, including me in the beginning, would complain about the schedules as we were working for too many hours; however, once I started thinking as a manager I realized that complaining is the easiest thing to do as an employee. I collected all the relevant information and began to reflect upon possible scenarios of altering the schedules. At the end I realized that given the restaurant’s resources, the schedules could not change. From that moment on, not only I never complained about the schedules again, but I also started admiring the Manager. I admired her because even though she had limited resources at her disposal she managed to run a restaurant of a two-Michelin star chef, while maintaining a high quality of service and a good reputation.

EVINA  ZOUGANELI  September  1,  2014  



D. CONCLUDING COMMENTS Generally speaking, this internship was priceless in all aspects. I gained experience at the operational level in the context of one of the most prestigious and highly professional companies. It was the perfect environment for me to flourish, to learn and grow. I believe that everyone should begin his or her professional career by acquiring experience at the operational level as it provides one with significant insight into the business world. Such an experience functions as a bridge between student-life and graduate-life. Jobs at the operational level should not be underestimated; instead, everyone should recognize their value and the amount of effort needed to excel in them.
