Internship Report University Of Gujrat MBA(6 Th  Smester)

Internship Report of Mughal Brothers Technologies

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Internship Report

University Of Gujrat

MBA(6Th Smester)

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Particulars a!e N"

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 1

Objective 2

Purpose 2

Scope 2

Vision 3

Mission 3

Core values 3

Introduction o !irm 3

"an#e o Products $

%ob "eerences &

Company Personal Inormation 11

Competitive Construction irm 11

'ee(ly )imetable 12

S'O) *nalysis o M+ 13

Interns,ip experience 1&

Summary o learnin# 1-

"eerences 1.

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 E#e$utive Summary

It is t,e re/uirement o t,e M+* pro#ram t,at all t,e students o M+* ,ave to spend

-0 ee(s in any or#aniation to #et practical (noled#e about or#aniation and to

#et amiliaried it, t,e ays to live in t,e or#aniational environment ,ic, is

si#niicantly dierent rom t,e educational environment4 ),at -0 ee(s period called

5Interns,ip Period67 i spent sincerely enables t,e students to be more conident7

more (noled#eable7 and more responsible4

I did my interns,ip in Mu#,al +rot,ers7 Sial(ot to interpret my s(ills and educational(noled#e t,at I learned durin# my class room activity and to (no ,o ell I can

or( in irm and amon# various types o people ,o ,ave dierent attitude4 ),e

objective o t,is Interns,ip as to explore t,e issues related to !inance and to ind

out t,e relation o t,eoretical concepts it, practical experience or( in an

or#aniation durin# t,e interns,ip and study t,e system o company4 Class room

studied (noled#e ,ic, practically I practiced and learn4 I learned about

documentation re/uirements and record (eepin# or dierent activities and

processes perormed by t,e or#aniation4 !irm introduce a number o innovative

products and services4 Computeriation and latest tec,nolo#y ,as en,anced t,e

eiciency o t,e or#aniation4 In t,is report I ,ave explain all t,e t,in#s ,ic, I ,ave

learned durin# interns,ip4 I #ave mention all t,e or(in# o Mu#,al +rot,ers and also

about its product and services4


Interns,ip is essential and necessary re/uirement or t,e completion o M+* de#ree4

!or t,is purpose eac, student o t,is particular course ,as to #et trainin# in t,e

relevant or#aniations4 Or#aniations are selected by t,em or a period o -0ee(s4 Interns,ip is basically a practical trainin# or students ,ere t,ey #ain

(noled#e about t,e or#aniations in ,ic, t,ey are doin# t,eir interns,ips just and

or( it, t,e permanent sta4

I am really very t,an(ul to Oner o t,e irm7 Tari Mahm""* t,at provides me a

learnin# environment in t,e company4 ),is report is about products7 ield8s o 

activities and mana#ement style o Mu!ha+ Br"thers,

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I actually love to join t,e irm sector ater my M+* t,at8s ,y I c,oose company or my interns,ip to #ain t,e (noled#e o company8s or( procedure4 ),is type o 

trainin# also en,ances t,e inner capabilities o one8s elves4


Main objectives be,ind a six ee(s interns,ip pro#ram ere9

)o relate t,eory it, put into practice4• )o relate mana#erial s(ills in real place o or(4

• )o inte#rate and use my class room (noled#e and s(ills4

• )o expand my interpersonal s(ills as a student4

• )o ac/uire mana#erial competence4

• )o diversiy career portolio4

• )o #et experience in proessional or(in# style o ell reputed or#aniation4

• )o #ain t,e (noled#e about t,e proessional environment o t,e irm4

• )o understand ,o to deal and mana#e it, t,e situation o stress4

ur."se "f the Stu*ies

),e main purpose o interns,ip as

• )o #et relevant inormation to build interns,ip report on Mu#,al +rot,ers4

• )o observe7 analye and interpret t,e relevant data competently in a useul


• )o #et practical or( experience in an or#aniation4

• )o develop interpersonal communication4

• )o en,ance my practical experience and exposure

• )o learn about mysel ,o muc, learnin# abilities I ,ave• I ant to en,ance my (noled#e about t,e discipline o company4


Scope o my study is t,at I can no understand t,e ay to perorm activities in

irm4 My six ee( interns,ip pro#ram provides me a #ood c,ance to or( and

understand t,e or(in# o company4 Main ocus o my study researc, as on

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#eneral procedures o t,e company o Mu#,al +rot,ers7 Sial(ot4 Scope o interns,ip is to tell t,e necomers t,e ay to perorm t,e job in a better ay4


+enc,mar( o Excellence in Construction business7 Pa(istan44


)o be t,e leader in Construction business7 trusted by customers or accessibility7

service : innovation4

C"re va+ues

• Customer !ocus

• Inte#rity

• )eamor(

• Creativity

• Meritocracy

• ;umility


'e are proud to claim our very lon# association <since 1=> it, FEB0 MBT0

'EGUSSA and BASF as distributor and approved applicators (non as Mu!ha+

Br"thers4 Our outstandin# contribution in developin# Construction C,emicals in

Pa(istan t,rou#, our earnest eorts7 ,i#,est dedication7 versatile experience and

remar(able ac,ievements is based on an ultimate satisaction o our valued clients in

all sectors4

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'e7 M1s Mu!ha+ Br"thers ,ave an aim7 to extend our services and experience7 to

(eep searc,in# and providin# ultimate solutions o t,e construction problems

inclusive o repairs and renovation it, better /uality products and services to t,e

entire satisaction o our clients and consultants t,is is in act our stron# commitment

it, t,e construction industry4

M1s Mu!ha+ Br"thers ,ave at t,eir disposal a pool o ,i#,ly s(illed tec,nical

applicators ? manpoer ully e/uipped it, relevant tools and mac,inery to bac( up

t,eir speciied ields7 ,o can eectively underta(e t,e job o any scale to t,e entire

satisaction o t,e clients and consultants4

&an!e "f r"*u$ts






'*)E" P"OO!IF



%OI) SE**) ? !IE"S





1."3er Stati"n 4 Fas Oi+ Fie+*

  iberty Poer Station7

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  Fudo Poer Station7 Fudo  ),ermal Poer Station - os4 Bnit Muaar#ar,  Saba Poer Plant7 S,ei(,upura  Poer Frid Station7 Hot *ddu  uetta Poer Plant7 uetta4  F,ai +rot,a ;ydro Poer Plant  BC; Poer Station7 +aloc,istan  Steam Poer Station7 !aisalabad  Mala(and ;ydro Poer Station7 Mala(and  Sui Oil Fas !ield7 Sui  @oda( Oil : Fas !ield7 @oda(  *ES Poer Fen4 ? Muaar#ar,

2.  Un*er Gr"un* C"nstru$ti"n

Ho,at )unnel7 Ho,at  Pa(istan *tomic Ener#y

5, 'ams 1 Lins

  Mirani @am  Satpara @am  Cacc,i Canal  'arsa( @am II  Man#ala @am

7, 8i!h3ay 1 Bri*!es 1 Air."rts 

Hotri +rid#e  F,ot(i Bbaura +rid#e7 F,ot(i  Hurram +rid#e7 ;* Hara(

  Main Mir +rid#e7 a,ore  a,ore J Islamabad Motoray Project  )urbat Faader "oad7 )urbat  Passani Faader "aod7 Passani  Islamabad *irport7 Islamabad  a,ore *irport e )erminal7 a,ore  Passani *irport7 a,ore  @uel Carria#eay7 Islamabad  Ho,at )unnel <under Extraction or "epair 'or(s ? Crac( Sealin#>

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 9, harma$euti$a+s  Flaxo P,armaceutical  aeter P,armaceuticals  Siss P,armaceuticals  Medipa( P,armaceutical  'yet, aboratory  @aood ;ercules7 S,ei(,upura

 6, Ferti+i:er 1 &efinery

  En#ro C,emicals7 @,ar(i  Pa( *merican !ertilier   !uji !ertilier   Pa( Saudi !ertilier   *ttac( "einery  Pa(istan ational "einery  Parco Mid Country "einery7 Muaar#ar,  Ho,at Cement !actory7 Ho,at

 ;, 8"te+s 1 8"s.ita+s

  *vari ;otel7 <Islamabad7 a,ore>

  Pearl Continental ;otel 7 +,orban7 Pes,aar   Marriot ;otel7 Islamabad  Serina ;otel7 Islamabad  ;oliday Inn ;otel7 a,ore  *mar ;otel7 a,ore  S,au(at H,anam Cancer ;ospital7 a,ore  S,ei(, Daid ;ospital7 a,ore  Mission ;ospital7 Sial(ot  ;ama )rust7  *l S,aa Eye )rust7 "aalpindi


<, Others  Harac,i S,ip Gard7 Harac,i  Cree( Vista Project7 Harac,i  ESE* Cement  ICI C,emical Plant Ext47  Hin#s !ood Froup o Companies  ;ub )reatment Plant  En#ro '*P*H Port 'asim  MC+ )oer7 Harac,i7 a,ore

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  "ailay Station7 a,ore  Pac(a#es imited47 a,ore  is,at )extile Mills7 !aisalabad  Primer Minister ;ouse7 Islamabad  ever +rot,ers Projects7 +,aip,eru  *an0e0I/bal7 a,ore  estle Mil(pa(7 S,ei(,upura  "a,an +estlood7 !aisalabad  Iranian Consulate7 a,ore  BMS Bniversity7 a,ore  State +an(7 a,ore7 Multan  Vision )ec,nolo#ies7 Sial(ot  ational ;oc(ey Stadium7 a,ore  Pa(istan Cric(et *cademy7 a,ore  Pepsi Cola International7 a,ore  P*! *ir Complex7 Islamabad  @4F H,an Cement !actory7 Halar(,ar   Pa(istan Saudi "oyal Embassy7 Islamabad  Coca Cola International7 a,ore

 =, S%N'8 &O/%NCE

  En#ro C,emicals7 @ar(i  Pa( *merican !ertilier   iberty Poer Station  Hotri +rid#e  Pumpin# Station7 Harac,i  Over,ead 'ater )an(7 Harac,i  Flobe )extile Mills7 Harac,i  !uji !ertilier   Harac,i S,ip Gard  Mirani @am  Satpara @am

  Cree( Vista Project  Fudo Poer Station  *ttac( Cement !actory  ESE* Cement  Flaxo P,armaceutical  Pa(istan ational "einery  Plup 'ater Supply  F,ot(i Bbaura +rid#e7 F,ot(i  ICI C,emical Plant Ext4

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  Hin#s !ood Froup o companies  )IP"I C 1& projects  ;ub )reatment Plant  aeter P,armaceuticals  Siss P,armaceuticals  En#ro '*P*H Port asim  MC+ )oer7 Harac,i

 >?, UN2AB &O/%NCE

  Escort ;ouse a,ore  Sa#a Sports Sial(ot  Mission ;ospital7 Sial(ot  "ailay Station7 a,ore  Pac(a#es imited7 a,ore  *ttac( "einery  is,at )extile7 !aisalabad  Ittea/ Su#ar Mills  'apda Complex7 a,ore  @aood ;ercules7 a,ore  Pa( Saudi !ertiliers  *ES alpir7 Muaar#ar 

  Muaa#,ar ),urmal Bnit  Saba Poer Plant7 S,ei(,upura  Parco Mid0Countary "einery7 Muaar#,ar   Prime Minester ;ouse7 Islamabad  Poer Frid Satation7 Hot *ddu  ICI Polyester !iber7 S,ei(,upura  *l0S,aa )rust ;ospital7 "aalpindi  ever +rot,ers Projects  *an0e0I/bal7 a,ore  S,ei(, Daid Palace  estle Mil(pa(

  !aisalabad Poer Station  Medipa( P,armaceutical  *merican Consulate7 a,ore  Iranian Consulate7 a,ore  Middle East +an(7 a,ore  Prime +an(7 a,ore  ) : ) Projects  ;abib +an( "4 Oice +uildin#7 a,ore  Islamabad *irport

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  a,ore *irport e )erminal  @eacon ;ouse7 Fujranala  ums Bniversity  Mian Mir +rid#e7 a,ore  a,ore J Islamabad Motoray Project  Escort Froup  Sparco7 a,ore  "a,an +estood7 !aisalabad  e Ori#a S,oppin# Mall7 a,ore  Pa(istan 'ater : Poer @evelopment *ut,ority Spillay @ivision

 *tomic Ener#y7 Islamabad  *tomic Ener#y7 %o,arabad  Cresent )exile Mills  Millat )ractors  State +an(7 Multan  State +an( 7 a,ore  Bmer !abrics  ational ;i#,ay Complex  Vision )ec,nolo#y7 Sial(ot  Model )on Club7 a,ore  Fym H,ana Club7 a,ore

  S,au(at H,annam ;ospital7 a,ore  *v ari ;otel7 a,ore  at ional ;oc(ey Stadium7 a,ore  Hacc,i Canal  Pepsi Cola International7 a,ore  Coca Cola7 a,ore  Pa(istan P'@ @evelopment  !uji Su#ar Mills  P*! *ir Complex7 Islamabad  P*! *ir Complex7 a,ore  H,ana +rid#e

  Saddi/e )rade Center7  MC+ )oer7 a,ore  @4F H,an Cement !actory  Faddai Stadium7 a,ore  *l0;amara *rt Council

Pa( Saudi "oyal Embassy7 Islamabad  Coca Cola International7 Fujranala

;aleeb Mil(7 <C@>+an( *l0!ala,7 a,ore

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  Pa(istan "ailay Station7 a,oreSO* +rid#eHuran# "iver +rid#eFuls,an )exile Mills7Marriot ;otel7 Islamabad

  M02 MotorayM03 Motoray


Sui Oil Fas !ield  uetta Poer Plant  uaid0e0*am "esidence  @oda( Oil : Fas !ields  )urbat Faader "oad7  Passani Faader "oad7  BC; Poer Station >@, NO&T8 EST FO&NT%E& &O/%NCE 

Pes,aar Bniversity ;ostel

  Pepsi Cola International7 ;attar   Pearl Continental ;otel7 +,orban  C,as,ma ;ydro Poer   C,as,ma "i#,t +an( Canal  Ho,at )unnel  Ho,at Cement !actory  *tomic Ener#y7 )exila  *'C J ;asanabdal  *tomic Ener#y7 C,as,ma  )urbat ;os,ab "oad7  Maple ea Cement !actory

  F,ai +rot,a Project  C,ina 'ater : Electric7 Mala(and @ar#ai  !'O Project 7 'arsa( II  )a(,ta +ai# +rid#e  Hurram +rid#e7 ;* Hara(


Bran$h %nf"rmati"n

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+ranc, name Sial(ot oice7

 *ddress Imam +uildin# c,urc, road7 Sial(ot4

Contact o4 K&203&&1$224

Other Bran$hes

;ead Oice a,ore

&e!i"na+ "ffi$es





Or!ani:ati"na+ Stru$ture

),e Or#aniation Structure s,os t,e internal operations and reportin# lines o t,e

M+ In Mu#,al +rot,ers7 t,e ,ead is called C,airmanL or CEOL o t,e !irm7 and ater 

CEO t,ere is @irectors7 o every branc,

C"m.etitive C"nstru$ti"n firmBltra Construction C,emicals4Si(a Construction C,emicals4

  Weekly time table  (2K %uly 2K13 to 2& *u#ust)

ee A$tivities 'e.artment


Branch Directors

Branch Managers


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!irst ee( Introduction it, t,e oice

sta and (nos about t,e

companies or(7 and #et

inormation o all

department o t,e

or#aniation and try to

understand t,eir or(4

 *ll @epartments

Second 'ee( *ter introduction in t,e

second ee( I starts or(

it, t,e cas, dep o t,eor#aniation7 ,o to

,andle t,e daily basis

cas, and also mont,ly4

Cas, @epartment

),ird 'ee( In t,e t,ird ee( I or(s

it, t,e accounts

department7 under t,e

supervision o accountant

and (nos about all t,e

reports maintained on t,e

mont,ly basis by t,e

or#aniation and t,eir 

reports to ,ead oice too4

 *ccounts @epartment

!ourt, 'ee( In t,e ourt, ee( I also

or(s in account

department to learn all t,e

inancial statement o t,e


 *ccounts @epartment

!it, 'ee( In t,e last and t,e it,

ee( I or( it, t,emar(etin# department ,o

t,ey mar(etied t,eir 

products and also ,o to

,andle and supervise t,eir 


Mar(etin# @epartment


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SOT Ana+ysis "f MB


  M+ is one o t,e oldest experienced construction c,emicals irm o Pa(istan4

   *not,er plus point is t,at7 customers ,ave more conidence in t,is irm and

t,is is t,e additional value services as t,e privile#e or t,e irm4

♦ ),e M+ perorms additional services or its customers4


M+ is relatively more competence because it8s ,avin# more products t,an t,e

ot,er competitive irms4

♦  *not,er competency o is i4e4 it ,as ide netor( o branc,es t,rou#,out t,e

country also more t,an one branc, in ,i#, productive cities4 ),e customers

are provided services at t,eir nearest possible place to conirm customer 


♦ ),e employers are satisied rom t,eir monetary beneits because M+ is

oered reasonable monetary beneit to t,eir employees4 ormally to

bonuses are #iven Eid0Bl0!itar : Eid0Bl0*,a4 ),is is an additional beneit

and competency or t,e irm and a source o motivation or t,e employees4

M+ employees strictly ollo t,e rule : re#ulation ,ic, are imposed by irm44

+P employees are very muc, loyal toards t,eir jobs4 Employee8s turnover 

is #ood in M+4

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♦ !irm ,as lac(s o modern E/uipment t,at is note countin# mac,ine


),e or(load in M+ is not e/ually distributed beteen employees some

employees are doin# less or( and some employees perormin# above

avera#e or(4

  M+ employees ,ave lac( o proessionalism4

♦ ),ere is also anot,er ea( point or M+ lac( o sta and more sta is re/uired

to meet t,e needs o t,e branc, or( but still t,ey are not or(in# to ulill t,e

s,orta#e o employees4


♦ oadays t,is sector is #roin# /uic(ly so M+ ,ave opportunities to improve

t,e standard and #et t,e more s,are in t,e mar(et4

),e economic activities are increase noadays7 so ban(s are contributes

more in economic activities4 !irm are played role in trade and commerce4


♦ ),e irm is acin# t,reats because a lot o ne irms are enterin# as a


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♦ ),e instability o political arena in t,e country eects t,e perormance o t,e


♦ Increased @ollar day by day is also a t,reat or irm7 because t,e products o 

t,is irm are imported4

%nternshi. E#.erien$e


I started my interns,ip in Mu#,al +rot,er on 2K %uly 2K13 to 2& *u#ust4

Mu!ha+ Br"thers

@urin# my interns,ip7 I learned t,e olloin# t,in#s9

'is$i.+ine0 un$tua+ity an* r"fessi"na+ Attitu*e

I learned ;o to maintained !iles7 ;o to maintained t,in#s in proper order7

discipline4 ;o #reet to people4 ;o be courteous4 ;o to maintain time4


I learned about taxation system o t,e irm7 ,o to ile return every mont,7 I also

learned about t,e mana#ement o accounts and proper record o all t,e iles and t,emont,ly arran#ement o bills4 I learned a lot about t,e inance department specially

and ot,er department as ell4

%nternshi. inf+uen$e "n the Future $areer .+ans

♦  * lot o t,in#s I learned durin# my interns,ip ,ic, can inluence my uture

career plan4

♦ Interns,ip tau#,t me t,at ,o mana#erial s(ills use at or(place in a

proessional environment4

♦ Interns,ip tau#,t me t,e practical experience t,at ,o to or( in a

proessional environment4

♦ In uture ,en I ill apply or a ne job7 t,is interns,ip ill be more useul :

beneicial or me4

♦ In uture it ,elps me t,at ,o to or( in stress environment4

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♦ ),is experience ,ad been add in my CV and in uture ,en I ill apply in any

t,is sector t,en t,is experience ill be very ,elpul or intervie and also ill

be ,elpul or proessional lie4

♦ ),is practical (noled#e ould supports in dealin# it, people ill also ,elp

to understand t,e be,avior o customer and ,o muc, #ood relations,ip it,

t,eir subordinates4

C"rre+ati"n "f a$tivities 3ith $+assr""m 3"r

+asic purpose o interns,ip as to apply t,e (noled#e practically t,at e ,ave

learnt in class rooms4 Classroom (noled#e is related it, practical (noled#e but

very e parts o practical (noled#e are related it, class room activities ,ic, e

,ave done and studied4 )eac,ers provide us t,eoretical (noled#e but practical

or( is little bit dierent4 Class room ectures don8t #ive us real vie o t,e practical

or( but t,is interns,ip ,elped us to understand t,e reality o ,at e study in

classrooms4 *s a student o business administration interns,ip as t,e very ,elpin#

tool or me to learn ,atever I ,ave studied in class room and ,o e can relate t,is

practical or( it, class room t,eoretical (noled#e4

Learnin! summary

It as suc, a #reat experience or me to or( it, Mu!ha+ Br"thers0 t,e interns,ip

proves very valuable or me as it not only en,ances my s(ills and /ualiications but

also #ives me experience and brin#s clarity in my uture plans4 ',en I started my

Interns,ip I as a little bit conused as it as my irst c,ance to do practical or( in

any or#aniation4 +ut it, t,e ,elp and cooperation o t,e sta o t,e irm8s Sial(ot

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branc,7 I learnt a lot about t,e ban(in# ield and tried my level best to #et t,e

maximum output rom t,e time available to me4

I #ained a number o s(ills t,at ill be beneicial or me in my uture career some o 

t,ese are

• En,anced my conidence level4

• Stren#t,en my interpersonal and communication s(ills4

• Improve my abilities ,o to deal it, t,e customer and ,o to be,ave it,t,e sta members4

• ;elped to improve team or( and leaders,ip s(ills4

• It #ave me a lot o conidence and manners to be,ave in t,e or(in#


• Improved time mana#ement s(ills and made me punctual4

• It ,elps me to understand ,o to be,ave in dierent situations proessionally4

• It made me t,in( critically in diicult situations and act accordin#ly4

• Improved my decision ma(in# capability4

•  *ter doin# interns,ip I ac/uired #ood or( ,abits


Company8s proile4