Internship PhotoLog

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  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    A Brief Overview Of The Camp

    This camp was themed around theHarry Potter universe, and was

    set up so that it would last two weeks. The first week was for the first

    years, or for kids who had never attended the camp before. These kids

    were ages 8-11. The second week was for second years and on, or

    for kids who had been to the camp before. (For these kids, the camphas a different story every year.) These children were from ages 9-14.

    I worked both weeks for a total of 82 hours.

  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    The First Year

    This weeks story was very interesting. Time was continuously stopping

    and restarting, and because of it, new and old characters were showing

    up at the same time. (At one point, Harry Potter met his own children

    because of the issues with time.) The goal of the week was for the

    students to help Harry, Ron, and Hermione find a way to fix the

    timeline and ultimately save Hogwarts. Many fun characters showed up

    during the week: the main three, Luna Lovegood, Professor Lockhart,

    High Inquisitor Umbridge. Of course, at the end of the week,

    everything was worked out, and Hogwarts was saved.

  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    This is a photo of the morning of the very first day of the camp. Thisphoto shows part of Diagon Alley the entrance to the camp. On that

    morning, the kids were able to walk to this specific part of Diagon Alley, a

    small shop called Madam Malkins, to receive their cloaks. Every student

    and counselor wore a black cloak during the week. Here, we can see

    volunteers helping to set up, and a Ravenclaw prefect (counselor) waiting

    for children to come. I, myself, was a Hufflepuff prefect.

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    After entering through Diagon Alley, the students would go to the Great

    Hall, and their would be a small section where several actors would come

    out and portray the story. (Unfortunately, it was always dark, so I dont

    have any good pictures of this.) Afterwards, the students would go to their

    classes. Here we can see a teacher (Gilderoy Lockhart, specifically)

    teaching a class.

  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    Just like at the real Hogwarts, the students had classes such as Herbology,

    Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, etc. However,

    the camp had some other classes to teach the students about real world

    magic. Here, Professor Sprout teaches the students about the magic of

    our environment specifically, shes talking about dirt. (The kids found this

    mildly entertaining. Mostly because they got to play with the dirt.)

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    One of my favorite classes to watch at the camp was Potions, taught by

    Professor Bumblyfrump. Potions was similar to a normal chemistry class, only

    everything was made magical. The students had wands, so whenever they

    performed the scientific tasks they were told to say a spell. Also, names for

    common things became magical for example, a type of acid was called

    Basilisk venom. In this particular picture, we see students using spells to create

    crystal balls. (In reality, they were just combining soap, dry ice, and water.)

  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    Transfiguration, taught by Professor Marmota Monax (the Latin name for

    groundhog), was another fun class because it was also related to science. It

    was similar to Potions in the way that it was related to chemistry, but as

    opposed to being simple chemistry it was about turning one thing into another.

    It was also related to the magical properties of items. For example, in this

    photo, we see some Hufflepuffs preparing to make good luck crystals.

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    There was also a class called Magical Artifacts that taught the students

    about important relics from the past. For example, the students learned

    about Native American artifacts, or even Chinese artifacts, as you can see

    here. I believe this artifact was a necklace that showed a persons social

    status. The students were allowed to look, but no one was allowed to touch,

    because only the teachers had their wizarding licenses.

  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    In Care of Magical Creatures, the students

    learned about different animals relating to

    theHarry Potteruniverse, such as bats and

    owls. Here, we can see a student examining

    an owl pellet to learn about what owls eat.

    Students were also given an identifyingsheet to help determine what bones they

    found belonged to what animal. Not all

    students had to do this if a student

    thought it was too gross, they were allowed

    to do another activity. This particular

    Hufflepuff found the activity to be a lot of


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    Just like in theHarry Potter universe, one of the most important rules during

    the camp was not to go into the Forbidden Forest. However, unlike theHarry

    Potteruniverse, you were allowed to enter with a teacher and/or a prefect.

    These particular students were guided through a section of the forest with a

    teacher, so they were very safe. Had a teacher not been there, they probably

    wouldve been attacked by unicorns or centaurs.

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    At the end of the first week, the Hufflepuffs received a very

    good surprise they had won the House Cup! In

    celebration, the great hall was filled with the color yellow (as

    you can see to the right.) There was so much of it that I

    couldnt get it all. All of the rafters turned yellow, and each

    houses crest became the Hufflepuff crest. Along with

    winning the House Cup, the Hufflepuffs were rewarded with

    the most galleons, which they used to go shopping in

    Diagon Alley on the last day. (To make it fair, though, they

    shoppedafterthe other three houses.) You can see an

    image of the Hufflepuffs shopping below.

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    The Second Year

    This weeks story was much different. This time, dark magic was

    becoming very powerful, so the staff at Hogwarts wanted to stop it. To

    do so, the students had to discover why dark magic existed in the first

    place: by participating in the Doomspell Tournament. Hopefully, by

    repeating the reason dark magic existed, they could put an end to it. All

    the classes this week were focused on preparing the students for this

    tournament, because in the end, it didnt matter which house had won.

    What mattered was that the dark magic would be gone. (Of course, atthe end of the camp, the students had saved Hogwarts from dark magic

    and had ultimately expelled it from the world.)

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    One of the new classes this week was Honeydukes Cooking Class, with

    two new characters: Chef Luigi and Chef Roberto. (The kids loved Chef

    Luigi so much that he got his own talk show.) In this class, the kids learned

    about food, and got to eat it, too. But mostly it was just about the eating

    part. The prefects got to eat too, which was a lot of fun.

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    Potions was back this week! The activities were suited for older kids this

    week. Here, we see students testing pH balances. Each cup contained water

    and an indicator (bromothymol blue), When the students blew air into it,

    the liquid turned yellow. It was interesting to see the students learning about


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    Transfiguration was also back this week, and the students got to create crystals

    by making shapes with pipe cleaners and then putting them in cups of

    chemicals. (Dont ask me what the chemicals were.) The crystals grew around

    the shape, which was really interesting. Here, we see a shape one student made

    according to him, he didnt know what it was. He just thought it was cool.

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    Another new class was Logic, which was quite obviously about logical

    tactics. This class was designed to prepare the students for the Doomspell

    Tournament by teaching them how to make logical decisions. Here, we see

    the students playing a game that would help them learn about what

    moves to make during the tournament, and hopefully in life.

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    The students also had outdoor activities. For example, one activity was the

    Dueling Club less of a club and more of a class, the students learned

    how to play a magical rock-paper-scissors game. In this photo we see a

    prefect demonstrating how to duel with Ron Weasley. A volunteer holds up

    the sign that shows which spell beats which.

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    Another outdoor activity was Muggle Quidditch, which I really cant explainunless youve played it. Its exactly like real quidditch without the brooms

    and flying. There are quaffles and bludgers, and each student gets to play a

    role: chaser, beater, seeker, or keeper. After a while the snitch is released

    and the seekers go after whoever is playing as the snitch. In this particular

    photo we see the coach teaching the students about Muggle Quidditch.

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    At the end of the second week , the students had a huge

    party! All kinds of games and treats were there. There was

    a whole section where you could play games of logic (like

    chess), Chef Luigi had prepared tasty treats for the

    chillems (children), you were able to sign up for S.P.E.W.

    (Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare), and there was

    even a band! (Known as Wand Direction. The kids loved it.)

    You could dance or eat or play games and just have a lot of

    fun. It was a really good time, and everyone put a lot of

    effort into making sure the kids had fun. (The prefects had

    fun too.)

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    All in All

    I actually had a really fun time during my internship experience. Thechildren were great, my coworkers (covolunteers?) were great, and the

    whole thing was a lot of fun. It certainly was a magical experience for

    everyone, and I know Ill be back next year. I almost wish every kid

    could have this experience who wouldnt want to have a truly magical


  • 8/10/2019 Internship PhotoLog


    Works Cited

    All photographs taken by me unless otherwise specified:

    Hogwarts Emblem Icon. Digital image.DeviantArt. mahesh69a,

    2011. Web. 22 July 2014.

    Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone. Digital image.DeviantArt.

    "robokoboto", 2013. Web. 22 July 2014.


    Williams, John.Hedwig's Theme. 1997. MP3.