Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester

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  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester


    Welcome ToWelcome To



    Summer 2011 SEMESTERSummer 2011 SEMESTER

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester


    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011


    yHave you completed all your subjects?

    Internship ONLY after completing all subjects.

    yHowever, in exceptional cases, one subject may

    be allowed with internship if approved by the

    concerned Head of Department.

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    y Submission of Rsums to OPA (4 Hard Copies)

    y Email Soft Copy of Rsum to OPA

    y Forwarding Letter (3 copies/student) from OPA at a time.

    y Submission of the Organizations Acceptance Letter to OPA within 7-10

    days of joining the organization. (FOLLOW THIS STRICTLY)

    y Topic Selection for the Report from the Supervisor.

    y Submission of Proposal to the Supervisor.

    y Submission of Draft Report to the Supervisor.

    y Submission of Final Report

    What to Do:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    y Soft & Hard copy of Rsum with

    Recent Passport Size Photo - Must

    attach in word file.

    y Soft & Hard copy ofFinal Report

    yValid E-mail Address

    Mandatory Requirements:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    yFor Rsum :

    y Rsum Internship Summer 11: Students ID # (Major)

    y File should be saved as:y MS Word or PDF Document

    y Students passport size photo

    should be pasted to the right

    hand corner of the rsum

    y File name: Students name

    Students ID #

    Subject of the e-mail should be:

    E-mail Rsum to: [email protected]

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    yRsum : by 28th April 2011

    yTopic Selection : 16th - 23rd June 2011


    Proposal : 26th

    - 30th

    June 2011yFirst Draft : 18th 24th July 2011

    yFinal Report : 1st 4th August 2011

    If necessary, dates may be changed by OPA

    under notification to the students.

    Some Important Dates:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    y Font : Times New Roman

    y Font Size : 12

    y Title Font Size : 16

    y Sub-Title Font Size : 14

    y Margin : Left (1.25) Top-Bottom-Right (1.00)

    y Spacing : 1.5

    y Alignment : Justify

    The Proposal should not be of more than 5 pages.

    The Internship Report must be not less than 50 pages.

    Proposal and Report Format:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    1. Introduction of the Topic

    2. Statement of the Problem3. Rationale of the Study

    4. Objectives of the Reporta) Broad Objectiveb) Specific Objectives


    Proposal Guideline:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    5. Scope of the Report

    6. Methodology: Data Sources &

    Activity Schedule7. Limitations

    8. Visionary Recommendations

    9. Conclusion

    Proposal Guideline:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    1. Title Flyer & Cover Page

    2. Letter of Transmittal

    3. Acknowledgement

    (Page No in Roman Form, i.e. I, II)

    4. Executive Summary

    (Page No in Roman Form, i.e. I, II)

    (Not More than 500 words)

    5. Table of Contents

    6. Body of the Report

    a. Part 1 of the Report

    Introduction to the organization

    Organization Overview

    Report Guideline:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester


    b. Part 2 of the Reporty Introduction to the Project

    y Scope of the Project

    y Methodology of the research work

    y Topic Analysis and Discussiony Major Findings

    y Recommendations

    y Conclusion

    7. Appendix (tables, relevant organizationaldocuments, data etc.)

    8. Bibliography

    Report Guideline Contd.


    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    y Keep regular contact with Supervisor & OPA.

    y Provide every update about your internship to OPA in due time.

    y Check your e-mail account regularly.

    y If you are posted outside Dhaka, contact through email or


    yMust keep your cell phone active

    [The number given in your CV and to OPA]

    Some Important Points:

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester


    If you have any queries,

    please contact:


    Mr. S.M. Ashikul Bari (Aony)Junior Executive,

    Office of Placement & Alumni (OPA)

    American International University- Bangladesh

    Administration Building [3rd Floor]

    Phone : 9885907, 8811749. Ext : 137

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Ms. Nisha A. KhanJunior Executive,

    Office of Placement & Alumni (OPA)

    American International University- Bangladesh

    Administration Building [3rd Floor]

    Phone : 9885907, 8811749. Ext : 137

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester



    Any Questions

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Internship Clinic- Summer 2011 Semester




    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011

    Internship Clinic: Summer 2011