Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2

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  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2




    International Program

    Faculty of Industrial TecnologyIslamic Uni!ersity of Indonesia"og#a$arta

    August %&&'

  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    This guidelines book is designed to provide students with completeinformation on procedures of conducting Internship, final research project andwriting proposal and thesis.

    Even this book is designated to International Program Student of Facult of Industrial Technolog, but this book is e!pected to become guide lines for allscholars for conducting and reporting academic research activit for undergraduateand postgraduate in all stud programs. "ence, inconsistenc in reporting and writingformat of academic research report will be avoided.

    Finall, the write welcomes an critics and opinions to improve the firstedition of the internship and thesis guidelines.

    #ogakarta, $ugust %&&'

    Ir. Ira Promasanti (achmadewi, ).Eng*irector of International ProgramFacult of Industrial Technolog+niversitas Islam Indonesia


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    PART I

    INTERNSHIP PROGRAM)*)* IntroductionInternship is a two-credit subject that must be taken b a student of InternationalProgram. It is a reuired subject before writing the thesis. $n internship is a programthat combines academic skills with career-related work e!perience to form a link-and-match education program between formal education and real-world problem.

    The project conducted during the internship should be continued into final research project. "ence, a student should thoroughl investigate a potential topic that can bee!tended into final undergraduate research project.*uring Internship Program, student should work as an emploee. Students will learnman things such as team-work project e!perience, communication skills, professional behavior, and abilit to plan and complete a project within time frame.Some students usuall get pament during the internship program. "owever, not allcompanies/organi0ations will provide regular pament. 1ut the offer valuablelearning and e!periential opportunities.Some students who successfull complete internships in companies/organi0ations areeventuall offered a regular job b that same host organi0ation.

    )*%* Te +,#ecti!e of te Internsi- ProgramThe objective of the Internship is to provide students with opportunit to implementtheir knowledge and skills learned from the class into real-world problem. Studentsare e!pected to have hands-on e!periences for improving learning abilit in the real-world working environment. $n internship allows a student to acuire and appl

     practical skills in field e!periences while working toward career goals, which arerelated to the goals of a supervising professional or agenc. $n internship bridges thegap between formal education and real-world sstems.

    )*.* Internsi- Im-lementationInternship must be conducted in an institution such as )anufacture 2ompan or Service 2ompan as a host organi0ation.

    )*'* Internsi- Durationo The period of time in conducting the Internship is at least 3 4one5 month

    depending on the activit offered b the institution where Internship isconducted.

    o The ma!imum of consultation and supervision is 6 months starting from the

    date of the Internship being conducted. Three months e!tension is acceptedfor an e!ception case with a strong reason. If the student can not submit anInternship report within 6 months, s/he should start all Internship proceduresfrom the beginning.

    o $n Internship should be conducted during the short term

    )*/* Internsi- (ategoryThere are three kinds of activities that might be conducted during the Internship7


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    • For an Internship that is restricted b a certain period of time, the studentmust present at the institution where s/he is conducting the Internshipeverda during the working hours. S/he must involve in the institution8sdail activities b being given a certain assignment related to the subject of the work field.

    • For a Internship that is related to a project, the student is given a project thatmust be completed. The student does not have to present at the institutionever da.

    • 9oining an apprenticeship program held b a compan.

    Internship might be conducted b a group consisting of ma!imum of two students.The are allowed to conduct the Internship at the same institution but the must writedifferent topics/projects.

    )*0* Student Re1uirements for te Internsi-

    The student should meet the following reuirements in order to get a letter of permit

    of conducting the Internship73. the student should have completed 3&& credits 4sks5%. the student should pass international 2$*/2$) certification. the student should complete  Internship Intent Form  4see $ppendi! $5 and

    submit it to IP management.'. the student should have a supervisor appointed b IP management to

    supervise the Internship.:. the student should compose internship application letter  4see $ppendi! 15. to

    organi0ation including a student resume 4see $ppendi! 25.6. the student should appl to a compan/organi0ation;. $fter student get acceptance letter from a host organi0ation/compan, student

    should filled out Internship Request Form 4see $ppendi! *5.utline5

    3'. the student should arrange and announce public presentation of internship

     program in front of supervisor and at least 3& students. 4see section 3.33. for Presentation5

    )*2* Administrati!e Procedure

    Pick up and fill the Internship form provided b international program managementalong with

    a. a cop of student card b. a prove of IP tuition fee pament for all proceeding and current terms.


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    c. a prove of Internship fee pament transferred to IP 1ank account. 4IPmanagement does not receive cash pament. $ll pament should betransferred into IP bank account5.

    )*3* Internsi- Su-er!ision

    Student will be supervised b two supervisors. These are 73. a lecturer who is appointed b the international program management.

    Each problem emerging during the process must be consulted andconducted under the supervision of the appointed lecturer.

    %. a supervisor appointed b the compan that will supervise activities in ahost compan/organi0ation.

    )*4* Internsi- "ournal of Acti!ities

    *uring the Internship, a student should maintain a journal of activities carried out inthe institution where Internship is conducted. The journal contains assignments,

    observations, schedules or data processing carried out during the Internship. The journal describes the activities during the Internship chronologicall. It must beapproved b the supervisor or the authoritarian of the host organi0ation where thestudent is conducting the Internship 4see $ppendi! F5.

    )*)&* Internsi- Re-ort +utline

    Internship report will be presented as normal bound hardcop and digital form in aP*F Format.The Internship report is described as follows7

    a. Preliminar Section consisting of 7• 2over Page

    • $pproval Page

    • Title page

    • ?etter of Internship completion

    • *edication Page

    • $cknowledgement

    • $bstract

    • Table of contents Page

    • ?ist of Tables

    • ?ist of Figures

    • ?ist of Smbols/$bbreviations/@otation/Terminolog• ?ist of $ppendices

     b. 1od Te!t consists of 7• 2"$PTE( I7 I@T(>*+2TI>@

    • 2"$PTE( II7 2>)P$@# P(>FI?E

    • 2"$PTE( III7 P(>*+2TI>@/>PE($TI>@ )$@$AE)E@T

    • 2"$PTE( IB7 TIT?E >F I@TE(@S"IP P(>9E2T

    • 2"$PTE( IB7 2>@2?+SI>@ $@* S+AAESTI>@


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    c. (eferencesd. 1ibliographe. $ppendices

    )*)&*)* 5ody Te6t

    Internship te!t will be divided into chapters. Each new chapter should be started on anew page. Internship (eport Te!t should be able to report activities during theInternship and project that has been investigated. The 2ontent of Internship reportconsists of 7

    (HAPTER I7 INTR+DU(TI+N)*)* 5ac$ground to te -ro,lem.This section contains the general information of operational section that will

     be carried out in the institution where field work is intended.)*%* Internsi- ProgramIt contains the date and other information related to the internship program. Itdescribes student8s position, the basic engineering areas and organi0ation unitwhere student will work for internship. It also briefl e!plains the projects/activities that will be conducted during internship program.)*.* +,#ecti!es of te Internsi- Program.This section contains the objectives that the students want to accomplish.)*'* Significances of te Internsi- Program.It contains the benefits of the conducted Internship Program.

    (HAPTER II7 (+8PAN9 PR+FILEThis chapter contains the general description of the institution where theinternship program takes place. The general description covers%.3. The compan8s vision and mission%.%. >wnership,%.. ?ocation%.. "istor%.'. >rgani0ation structure%.:. Products/Services


    Production/>peration management taking place in the host organi0ationwhere the internship program is conducted is written in this chapter. Ite!plains the production/operation sstems and their relationship to other unitsin the host organi0ation. It covers.3. Production/>peration SstemsThis section contains information about7

    • )aterial Flow to produce services/products.

    • *emand Forecast

    • Inventor )anagement and Suppl 2hain )anagement


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    • )aterial "andling

    • (esource Scheduling

    • Cualit 2ontrol.%. >rgani0ation )anagement

    It describes organi0ation management7• "uman resource )anagement

    • Financial )anagement

    • )arketing )anagement 42ustomer (elationship )anagement5

    • )aintenance

    • >ther )anagement found in the host organi0ation.. Information TechnologThis section e!plains about the implementation of information technolog4software, hardware, database and networking technolog5 to supportmanagement. If the host organi0ation adopts application software to supportmanagement, student should e!plain the tpe of information sstems,management level, and how is the IT managed to accelerate organi0ation


    (HAPTER I;7 TITLE +F INTERNSHIP PR+"E(TStudent will be assigned a project b the department supervisor or theinternship supervisor of host organi0ation. The Project should be thoroughlinvestigated and anal0ed. Thus, this section consists of the followingsubsections7'.3. 1ackground'.%. >bjectives'.. (esearch )ethodolog 4data collection, skills, technolog emploed to

    do the project5'.'. (esults'.:. *iscussion

    (HAPTER ;7 (+N(LUSI+N AND SUGGESTI+N/*)* (onclusion. Summari0e the usefulness of the internship/emploment work in advancingstudent understanding of the engineering profession, both technicall andorgani0ationall. Summari0e what has been learned from the e!periences./*% Suggestion.This section contains the suggestions based on the weaknesses found in thelocation where the internship program takes place.

    )*))* PresentationPresentation should highlight the internship report. $t least, )icrosoft PowerPoint tool should be used for delivering presentation for 3: minutes long. It is notallowed to use standard >verhead Projector.

    )*))*)* Presentation FormatThe following format is suggested7

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    a. Title 43 slide5 states Student @umber, Student @ame, the host >rgani0ationand 9ob title during the internship

     b. Introduction 43 slide5 states a mission statement or a profile of the hostorgani0ation and state the department/unit that student conducted theinternship

    c. >bjective of Internship 43 slide5d. Significance of Internshipe. Project *escription 7 1ackground, Project >bjectives, )ethodolog,

    (esults and *iscussion 4 to 6 slides5f. 2onclusion 43-% slides5g. Araphic /Software *emo/Product/service *esign43 to : slides5 that will

    show an diagrams, photographs, pictures, product design or software thathas been obtained or developed during internship program.

    )*))*%* Presentation Suggestions• Student should practice to deliver clear and smooth presentation.• Student should practice the timing of the presentation.• *uring practice, student can record the presentation to review and correct

     presentation.• Student should focus in the content of presentation rather than the graphics7animation, cartoons, sound effects, and other special effects detract awafrom our message.

    • Student should maintain ee contact with the audience and speak in a clear,loud voice.

    • Student should be prepared for uestions.• Students should distribute applicable materials or handouts to the audience.


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    %*)* Introduction

    International Program FIT reuires an independent stud project or thesis infulfillment of the reuirements of Strata >ne 4S35 degree. The objective of thisreuirement is to give students an opportunit to learn about a topic in depth throughindependent stud under the guidance of a supervisor who is knowledgeable in thefield. The nature of the work ma be the review of an engineering topic of interest tothe student, an original research project, or a design project. In an case, the workmust involve additional learning of a substantive nature. The work must bedocumented b either a thesis document or a final report graded b the supervisor.Throughout this guide book, the term thesis will be used to refer final undergraduateresearch project.

    %*%* Procedure of Tesis• Student should complete administrative procedures

    • Student should identif the topic that s/he wants to investigate

    • If the thesis topic is a part of facult member project or as a result of afacult member consultation, the facult member will be the supervisor.

    • Student should submit a thesis proposal submitted to IP management

    • Thesis 2ommittee will investigate its significance and originalit.

    • If the proposal is approved, IP management consulted with Thesis2ommittee will assign a supervisor for a thesis topic initiated b students.

    • IP management will provide a letter to the prospective supervisor forhis/her supervision assignment.

    • Student should pick up the notification letter and forward the letter todesignated supervisor • Supervisor4s5 fills out S+PE(BISI>@ $A(EE)E@T form

    • Student must return the S+PE(BISI>@ $A(EE)E@T form to IPmanagement.

    • Student must consult with the designated supervisor for further stud

    • If supervisor4s5 approves the research proposal, student must return theapproved proposal to IP management and pick up P(>P>S$?$A(EE)E@T form.

    • Student must obtain the filled-in P(>P>S$? $A(EE)E@T form fromthe host compan/organi0ation where the research will be conducted.

    • Student must return the form to IP management

    • $t the end of research Student must obtain a letter of research completionsigned b authori0ed compan and assigned in-plant supervisor.

    • Drite the thesis report consulted b supervisor 

    • Aet Supervisor $pproval

    • Prepare for the oral defense

    • >ral defense

    • (evision if necessar

    • 1inding the report


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    • Submit the thesis to the facult.%*.* Administrati!e Procedures$ student is allowed to write a thesis after fulfilling the reuirement below7

    a. s/he must have taken all reuired subjects and has AP$ not less than %,&& b. s/he should pa the thesis supervision fee determined b the departmentc. s/he is not taking a leave during the thesis writing.d. s/he must have conducted field work e. s/he must have conducted KKN f. s/he must have not fewer than % subjects to be taken.g. pa the thesis feeh. fill in the form of stud plan 4(S5i. fill in the form available at the $cademic Section of the Facult and return

    it there along with the following documents7 j. a cop of student cardk. receipt of thesis fee pamentl. a cop of transcriptm. a cop of the form of stud plan 4(S5

    %*'* Researc Pro-osalPreceding thesis, a student must submit a thesis proposal to IP management.The following contents must be included in the proposal.

    a. 2over Page b. $pproval Pagec. Title Paged. $bstracte. Table of contentsf. ?ist of Tablesg. ?ist of Figuresh. ?ist of Smbols/$bbreviations/@otation/Terminologi. ?ist of $ppendices.

     j. 1od Te!tk. (eferences consists of 7

    a. (eferences b. 1ibliograph

    l. $ppendices

    1od Te!t consists of the following chapters73. Introduction

    o 1ackground of the Stud 4Dh is the work important Dhat other work has been done on the problem thus far Dhat are some of theissues that concern the research ou are proposing Identif themeaning of an ke terms ou will be using 5


    Problem Statemento >bjectives 4>bjectives state the purpose of the research5o Significance 4It must state research benefits and research

    contribution to subject area5o Scope of (esearch 4It contains the scope of research, limitations

    and assumptions5o *efinition of Terms

    %. ?iterature (eviewo Theoretical (eview


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    o (elated Dorkso "potheses Formulation

    State-of-the-art theor that is important to research problem must bestated in this section. If some crucial assumptions in our approach e!ist,the must be e!plained. >pinion, comparison, criticisms and other 

    account of the published literature, citing the leading articles, reports,related works or books that have treated relevant aspects of the problemshould be e!plored in this section.

    . )ethodologo (esearch )ethodo (esearch Instrument

    Balidit (eliabilit

    o (esearch Bariableso (esearch Procedureso Techniue of *ata $nalsisThis section e!plains how the problem is approached b providing adetailed series of steps. *iagrams or drawings that show the seuenceof steps should be e!posed. )aterials, instruments, facilities, andfinancial support reuired to carr out the research should be briefldiscussed

    '. Plan of Dorks and Timetableo $ task breakdown and schedule of work should be e!plored. This

    section will provide a means of measuring research progress inrelation to our allotted time. The schedule should be developedcarefull. If time estimates turn out to be poorl defined then itma need to redefined research goals.

    :. (eferences or 1ibliograph.o ?ist the publications ou have consulted in planning our research.

    %*/* +rgani

  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    aa. 1ibliograph$ppendicesInde!

    There are several models of 1od te!t7

    • Traditional )odel

    If research consists of a unified theme and stud, the following format of bod te!torgani0ation can be applied7

    • Introduction• )ethodolog• (esults• *iscussion• 2onclusion• Summar 4optional5

    • $lternative )odels

    $dditional models ma be adopted for various formats of multiple e!perimentstudies.435 Independent E!periments

    Aeneral IntroductionE!periment $

    Introduction)ethodolog(esults*iscussion $

    E!periment 1Introduction

    )ethodolog(esults*iscussion 1

    E!periment 2Introduction)ethodolog(esults*iscussion 2

    Aeneral *iscussionThe general discussion should address the interrelation of the threee!periments 4$, 1 and 25 and their relation to the overall theme of thestud.

    4%5 Interdependent E!perimentsAeneral IntroductionIntroduction $E!periment $

    )ethodolog(esults*iscussion $ G Introduction to 1

    The discussion has a dual role7 4a5 to discuss the


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  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    f. *efinition of Terms%. ?iterature (eview

    a. Theoretical (eview b. (elated Dorksc. "potheses Formulation

    State-of-the-art theor that is important to research problem must be stated in this section. If some crucial assumptions in our approach e!ist, the must be e!plained. >pinion, comparison,criticisms and other account of the published literature, citing theleading articles, reports, related works or books that have treatedrelevant aspects of the problem should be e!plored in this section.

    . )ethodologa. (esearch )ethod b. (esearch Instrument

    i. Baliditii. (eliabilit

    c. (esearch Bariablesd. (esearch Procedurese. Techniue of *ata $nalsis

    '. E!perimental chaptersThis chapter will var based on the research. It is selected from one of themodels mentioned above.:. (esults6. *iscussion;. 2onclusion and (ecommendation

    (esults chapter should be separated from discussion chapter in order to distinguish between the real research information and writer8s opinion or analsis.

    %*0* Final Researc Pro#ect E6am%*0*)* (om-reensi!e E6amIPFIT students must pass a comprehensive written e!amination for the followingcourses 7

    3. Engineering economics,%. >peration research,. Production Planning and 2ontrol,'. Production Sstems,:. Dork and Sstems *esign,6. Facilit ?aout,;. Cualit 2ontrol,ne hour oral defense durationincluding presentation will be provided. $dditional 3: minutes will be provided to


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    audience to inuire about research subject. >ral defense will be started aftercandidate signs letter of agreement to accept results provided b E!amination2ommittee.

    %*0*%*)* +ral Defense Procedures

    $ student should do the followings7• Fill out a defense reuest form 4see $ppendi! I5

    • Provide a proof of defense fee pament transferred to IPFIT account

    • Students must have :%: institutional T>EF? Score attached to the returneddefense reuest form

    These bundles of oral defense registration documents should be returned to IPmanagement.IP management will arrange a schedule, room, invitation letter to E!amination2ommittees and facilities reuired for defense e!am.Student must announce the oral e!amination for inviting interested scholars to attendthe e!am.

    %*0*%*%* +ral E6amination Announcement

    IPFIT reuires that students announce their thesis oral e!amination at least one week  prior to the e!am 4defense5 date. Each college has an e-mail list set up to distributethesis/dissertation oral e!amination announcements. Students do not have to providethe announcement on paper. In order to meet this reuirement7

    • Prepare the announcement 4see $ppendi! 95.• Thesis Supervisor should approve the announcement for distribution.• Aive the IP management secretar a cop of the announcement on disk or 

    send it to him/her via e-mail.%*0*%*.* Te ;ote

    2andidate passes oral defense if there is no more than one negative vote orabstention. If minor corrections in stle are a condition of acceptance of the thesis,supervisor will inform candidate of the necessar corrections and candidate mustcomplete these corrections within one month of the date of the e!amination. #oursupervisor must notif the IP )anagement directl in writing that the reuiredcorrections have been made.If minor modifications are a condition of acceptance of the thesis, the 2hair of theE!amination 2ommittee will appoint a Subcommittee of the E!amination 2ommitteeto supervise the proposed modifications. #ou will be given a statement detailing themodifications reuired, which must be completed within 3.: months of the date ofthe oral e!amination. If all members of the Subcommittee approve the completedmodifications, ou will then have passed our Senate >ral. The 2onvener of theSubcommittee must certif in writing to the IP )anagement, within 3.: months of

    the original e!amination that the modifications have been satisfactoril completed.

    If there is more than one negative vote or abstention, or if major changes arereuired, the e!amination must be adjourned. In the event of adjournment, theE!amination 2ommittee must provide candidate, as soon as possible, with a writtenstatement that indicates the reasons for adjournment and the committeeHsreuirements for a reconvened oral e!amination.If ma#or canges are re1uired, the e!amination must be adjourned and the2ommittee reconvened after the changes have been made.


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    %*2* Grading and Honors

    The Followings are thesis grading components7• Dritten Thesis Arade

    o 2reativit in selecting topicso Cualit of research background statemento Cualit of research objectiveso Significance of the thesiso Cualit of research methodologo Cualit of analsis of thesis resultso 2onsistenc of ?ogic flow of the researcho Thesis organi0ationo Arammar and *iction

    • >ral E!amo Cualit and clarit of presentationo Punctuationo $bilit in answering technical/theoretical uestionso $bilit in comprehensivel answering uestions

    The e!amination committee will provide grades based on the following scales7

    $ E!cellent '.&&$- Ber Aood .6;1G Aood .1 Fairl Aood .&&1- $lmost Aood %.6;2G Fair %.

    2 $lmost Fair %.&&2- Poor 3.6;

    Total grade of the thesis will be the average of component8s grades. )inimum thesisgrade for graduation is 1-. This regulation applies7

    $, $-,1G,1, 1 - 7 Pass2 G , 2, 2- 7 >ral *efense should be repeatedJ 2 7 Fail

    The results of thesis will be announced after submission of bound and digital form ofthe thesis.

    %*3* Tesis Su,missionImmediatel after e!am, candidate will reuire to provide two bound copies ofcorrected paper document thesis and % 2*s of digital form thesis that content P*FFormat. The procedures of documenting the thesis into digital format are e!plained inPart BII.

    %*4* Tesis =riting suggestionsThe following suggestion for writing a thesis K3L7

    • Students should pa attention on three aspects 7


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    o structureo substanceo stle

    • Students should keep good records of all data and information investigated

    • Students should understand what the are doing and wh• Student should understand and clearl e!plain what the are going to tell

    • Student should alwas keep of hpothesis/objectives of the research whilewriting the thesis

    • Student should strictl follow the thesis organi0ation

    • In order to timel finish the thesis, write the chapter in the following orderMo E!perimental 2hapter o ?iterature (eviewo 2onclusiono Introductiono $bstracto $ppendices ma be written as students go along

    • Students should think clearl, plan, write carefull and revise

    • Students should maintain clarit, precision and brevit of the thesis

    • Students should smoothl flow the logic of ideas e!pressed in the thesis

    • Students should develop the thesis writing stle b careful reading andwriting

    • Students should polish the thesis b repeated reading and revision

    • Students should let the supervisor and others to critici0e the thesis report

    • Students should do best effort to submit a completed thesis


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    International Program Facult of Industrial Technolog implements the followingformat in presenting the manuscript.

    .*)*Pa-erThe IPFIT reuires all final copies of the manuscript to be produced on white bond,nl three different si0es of font is suggested throughout the manuscript.It is sometimes necessar to reduce the point si0e to fit a table or figure onto a page.In these cases, the smallest point si0e allowed is 3&.

    To emphasis words or phrases, Italic form must be used instead of bolding the wordsor phrases. Items of uniue format, such as previousl issued uestionnaires orsurves, ma be included in an appendi!.

    .*/* S-acingThe manuscript must be written with double-spaced paragraph. Items that ma besingle-spaced include references, length uotations 4'& words or more5, long tables,

    or table/figure titles that are more than one line. >ther items that ma be single-spaced are identified throughout this manual.The paragraph must be arranged so that the first line of a paragraph should never bethe last line on a page. The last line of paragraph should not be the first line on a page. )icrosoft Dord8s widow/orphan protect feature 4From Format )enu5 is usedto prevent the occurrence.Two was of arranging a paragraph7• Indent first line using the tab ke or paragraph format• $lign paragraph left and add e!tra space between paragraphs


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    .*0* 8argin)argins must be at least ' cm on the left and %.: cm on all other sides. For topmargins, use %.: cm for the entire document or use a %.: cm top on all new chapter pages. $ll te!tual material, including page numbers, tables, figures and appendi!es

    must meet margin reuirement. >versi0ed appendi! material must be reduced in si0e.9ustified margin alignment is suggested. "owever, if uneven e!cessive word spacingoccurs, left margin alignment should be used.


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    .*2* Headings

    The titles of preliminar pages, chapter titles, $ppendi!es, Endnotes, ?ist of(eferences, Inde! are considered chapter headings. $ll chapter headings must beformatted the same wa. The following format is applied7• 1egin each heading on a new page.• $dd adeuate and consistent space below the heading to separate it from the te!t.• Set the tpe si0e 3' points.• )ake the headings all capitals, centered, or set up our own stle for all headingswith similar font, si0e, spacing and alignment.

    .*3* Su,eadingsThree level of subheading should be in consistent format both above and belowsubheading to separate it from surrounding te!t. The following rules implemented for set up subheadings 7• First-level subheadings are centered and tped in upper- and lower-case letters.• Second-level subheadings are centered and tped in upper- and lower-case letters.

    • Third-level subheadings are aligned flush left and tped in upper- and lower-caseletters.

    .*4* Page Num,ersPage numbering is started after copright or abstract page . Preliminar pages use(oman numeral. The bod of te!t uses $rabic numbers. Page numbers must becentered alignment at the bottom of all pages with no punctuation. Page @umbershould be %.: cm aligned from the bottom edge of pages. If the word processor usedreuires that page numbers be part of footer, as )icrosoft Dord does, the bottom page margin should be set at %.: cm. The footer margin can then be set at %.: cm, anda space will be maintained between the te!t and the page numbers.


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    The following pages use (oman numeral.• $pproval Page 4no page number5

    • Title Page 4page i5

    • 2opright Page 4page ii5• $bstract

    • *edication Page

    • $cknowledgments

    • Table of 2ontents

    • ?ist of Tables

    • ?ist of Figures

    • ?ist of Smbols or $bbreviations

    $rabic @umbers are used to the following pages7• Introduction 4page 35

    • 1od Te!t 4continue $rabic @umbering5• $ppendi!es 4continue $rabic @umbering5

    • End @otes 4continue $rabic @umbering5

    • Inde! 4continue $rabic @umbering5

    .*)&*Ta,les and Figures

    $ll tables and figures must follow the format of the approved stle manual beingused. Tables and Figures must be placed directl to the te!t that refers them withoutinterrupting the te!t sentences. Table and figure spacing must be consistentthroughout the document. $deuate and consistent space is needed to set tables orfigures off from surrounding te!t 4usuall two spaces Kone double-spaceL both above

    and below5. Dide tables and figures ma be placed landscape orientation with pagenumber portrait orientation.

    .*)&*)* Ta,lesTables should be numbered consecutivel. The caption should be center-marginaligned and put at the top of the table. Dide Tables can be reduced to no smaller than3&-point font si0e t meet margin reuirement. Page numbers, table titles andnumbers, and figure captions on these pages should remain 3% points. $ll tabularinformation must have the same tpeface as the rest of the te!t. Table caption should be labeled OTable numbered consecutivel b $rabic number preceded b chapter

    number with title e!pressing the information that it contains.

    Table source and notes must be place at the left margin immediatel below the tableto which the refer. Single-spaced format can be used in case of long tables. If thetitle and notes of a table have more than one line, single-spaced format ma beapplied.

    $ Table should fit on a page. 1reaking up a table into several pages is avoided unlessit is reall unable to fit it on a page. If a table should be broken up on separate pages,


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    repeating the table title or number or using the word Ocontinued is unnecessar.(epeating column headings is the wa to continue the table. Tables must have clearformat. Si0e and Stle of tables must be consistent throughout the manuscript.


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    Table %.3 +nits for )agnetic Properties

    Sm bol

    Cuantit2onversion from

    Aaussian and2AS E)+ to SI a

    Φ magnetic flu! 3 )! → 3&−

  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    .*)&*%* Figures @on tabular information is considered as a figure such as photographs, charts,diagrams, graphs, maps. $ll figures must be labeled OFigure and must be numberedconsecutivel with $rabic numbers preceded b chapter number throughout the te!t

    and appendi!es. ?egends 4e!planator lists of smbols on a map/chart5 areconsidered part of the figure and should appear within it, if possible.

    Each figure must have a caption. 2aptions are placed at the center margin  below thefigure. Figure titles should not appear within the figure itself. 2aptions must have thesame tpeface as the rest of the te!t in the manuscript. 2aptions e!ceeding one linema be single-spaced.

    Photographs must be developed with a matte finish on ther items that cannot be computer-generated must either be !erographicall

    reproduced or dr-mounted on thesis paper. Alue, tape, or paste are not permitted asthese materials eventuall deteriorate. $ll items must be perfectl aligned and positioned.

    The following sample figure is an e!ample of acceptable figure formatting.

    Figure. %.3. )agneti0ation as a function of applied field.


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    2opright page ma be included after the title page to acknowledge coprightownership. The ear of publication and author8s full name should be verticall andhori0ontall centered on the page. @o heading is used on this page. E!ample7

    R 3==6 Ira Promasanti (achmadewi.

    $ll (ights (eserved.'*3* A,stractFor internship, an $bstract summari0es the internship place 4compan, government,and location5, goals, activities, and accomplishments. In addition, it describes theke learning values achieved. These should be both technical and non-technical 4fore!ample, ou might describe such things as how our organi0ation was structured,how individuals worked together in our compan, how technical emploeesinteracted with customers, what compan initiatives ou observed, etc.5. The abstractof thesis should be a short description of objectives, methodolog, results andconclusion.

    It can not contain tables or figures of an kind. The heading $1ST($2T as the titleshould be centered relative to the column, without punctuation, , in 3%-point Times, boldface tpe, centered relative to the column, at :.&< cm 4% inches5 top margin. Theabstract is to be in 3&-point, single-spaced tpe, and ma be up to in. 4;.6% cm5long. The abstract can be written using single spacing. E!ample can be seen in$ppendi!.

    '*4* Ta,le of (ontentsThe Table of 2ontents page must start on a new page. It should list all sections,chapters and sub-headings. The heading T$1?E >F 2>@TE@TS is centered,without punctuation, at the :.&

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    $ll 2harts, )aps, Figures, drawings, photographs, diagrams should be listed in thissection including the page number. The title of Figures must be written using thesame words as those stated in the 2ontents. E!ample can be seen in $ppendi!.

    '*))* List of A--endices$ll appendices should be listed on this section. E!ample can be seen in $ppendi!.

    '*)%* 5ody Te6t'*)%*%* IntroductionIntroduction is the first chapter of the manuscript that orients readers with thethesis/internship materials.'*)%*.* 5odyFormatting is detailed in Part III.'*).* References?ist of references contain references and/or 1ibliograph. $ll sources of informationthat directl cited in bod te!t must be listed in (eferences section. $ll sources of

    information that are not directl cited in bod te!t but support the idea of analsismust be listed in 1ibliograph section. The heading ?IST >F (EFE(E@2ES iscentered, without punctuation, at the :.&

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    Dhen developing research report, thesis cites information from other sources such as

     published or unpublished research findings, journals, books, on-line librar tosupport, discuss and investigate its research significance. (eferences are important toinform the reader about what information and from what source information isobtained. Several (eference Stles available such as )?$ 4)odern ?anguage$ssociation5 stle, $P$ 4The $merican Pschological $ssociation 5, "arvard Stle,2hicago/Turabian Stle, 2ouncil of 1iological Editor 421E5 Stle, 2A>S4 2olumbia Auide to >nline5 Stle, $)$ 4The $merican )edical $ssociation5 Stle,IEEE 4Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers5 Stle. IPFIT adopts IEEEreference stle that is commonl used b Engineering (esearch Project (eport.

    The most significant difference between IEEE stle and other stles is that IEEEstle uses numerical sstems both in citation and list of references. IEEE stle usesnumbers within the te!t of a paper in suare bracket K3L to describe the source of

    citation rather than using superscripts3 or in bracketed form 4(achmadewi, 3==

  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    '*)* IEEE (itationThe following guidelines for referencing in te!t7

    • (eferences must be numbered in the order in which the appear in te!t.

    • +se the same number in all subseuent references for the same reference.• Enclose each reference number using suare brackets with a space before the

     bracket and before punctuation, such as 7O..based on objects investigated K3:L.

    • $uthor4s5 name and the date of the reference should not mention in the te!t.

    • Instead of saing Oin reference K:L ., OIn K:L is sufficient.

    • 2iting more than one source at a time can be written as follows 7Areatl preferred $cceptable

    K3L,K%L,K6L K3,%,6LK3L U K:L K3U :L

    • If there are more than si! authors, et al . 4without comma before et 5 is usedafter the first author8s name. >therwise, write all names of authors in thereferences.

    '*%* IEEE Reference List$t the end of main te!t, references or bibliographies must be enlisted. Auidelines oflisting references or bibliographies are as follows7

    • (eferences must be listed in numerical order based on the order the werecited and must not be in alphabetical order.

    • Indented reference entr should be on the line with the bracketed number.

    • The bracketed number lists onl one reference.

    • Footnotes, phrases, words that are not part of the reference should not belisted.

    • Important word the title of a $oo%, a journal, or con&erence must be

    capitali0ed.• >nl the first word of an article, a paper , thesis, or book  chapter  must becapitali0ed e!cept for proper nouns, acronms.

    • OB of volume for a book title must be capitali0ed. "owever, not for periodical volume.

    • 2onsistentl use stle for either spelling out the name of each periodical oruse accepted abbreviations.

    • (eference to a page range is indicted as7 pp.333-%%%.

    • (eference to one page will be e!pressed as7 p.333.

    '*%*)* 5oo$ ReferencesIn referencing books, IEEE stle applies the following rule7

    B(itation Num,ersC Autors Name Title of ,oo$  4in italics if tping, orunderlined if writing5 B edition editors translatorsC* Location7 Pu,liser Date*

    • Drite onl the authorHs initials followed b surnames.VI.P. (achmadewiV, V$. )ansurV

    • >mit professional titles such as V*r.V or VPh.*.VM

    • Personal titles such as V9r.V or VIIIV can be included after surname andcomma. V?.9. 9ohnston, IIIV, V9.F. enned, 9r.V

    • $t date entr, onl ear is written 4 not the month or da5 such as 7


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    Press, 3==;.

    '*%*)*0* Editor or Translator ,ut No AutorFor a collection paper, onl translator, editors or compilers appear. Thus, a referencecan directl write the editors/translators/compilers at author entr followed b their

    roles.E!ample 7K:L 9.?. Spudich and 1.". Satir, Eds., 'ensor* Receptors an# 'i)nal (rans#uction.

     @ew #ork7 Dile-?iss, 3==3.K6L S.$. Selber, Ed. /omputers an# (echnical /ommunication3 1e#a)o)ical an#

     1ro)rammatic 1erspective!  Areenwich, 2onnecticut7 $ble!, 3==;.

    '*%*%* Article Reference'*%*%*)* 5oo$ articleIf a reference is cited from an article of edited book, the following stle isimplemented 7K2itation @umberL $uthor nameKsL, Varticle title 4capitali0e onl the first word of the

    title5,V in $oo% title 4in italics if tping, or underlined if writing5, editor names 4ifan5, publication location7 publisher, ear, pages.E!ample 7KL E.*. ?ipson and 1.*. "orowit0, VPhotosensor reception and transduction,V in

    'ensor* Receptors an# 'i)nal (rans#uction, 9.?. Spudich and 1.". Satir, Eds. @ew #ork7 Dille-?iss, 3==3. pp. 3- 6'.

    K'L 9. ?acan. VThe insistence of the letter in the unconscious,V in 1s*choanal*sisan# .an)ua)e, *avid ?odge, Ed., 9. (ose, Trans., Ithaca, @#7 2ornell+niversit Press, 3==%, pp. 3%-'.

    '*%*%*%* "ournalK2itation @umberL $uthor nameKsL, Varticle title,V journal title , volume number, issuenumber, month 4abbrv.5, pages, publication ear.E!ample 7KL I.P. (achmadewi, I.1. Turksen, #.(. ?ut0, and ).*. Faer, V>ntologies design

    of Integrated Suppl 2hain )anagement,V Journal o& Enterprise Mo#elin) , vol.:, no. %, Feb., pp. 33''-33'=.

    K'L 9. $llemang, VSocial studies in gibberish,V 2uarterl* Reviews o& ou$lespea% ,vol. %&, no. 3, pp. =-3&.

    '*%*%*.* Periodical ?semi fre1uent@For popular monthl or bimonthl periodical, instead of stating volume and issues,ear and month of publication are used.K2itation @umberL $uthor nameKsL, Varticle title,V perio#ical title , month 4abbrv.5, pages, publication ear.

    E!ample 7KL 9. Fallows, V@etwork technolog,V tlantic Monthl*, 9ul., pp. '-6, 3=='.

    '*%*%*'* Periodical ?fre1uent@*a, month, ear should be indicated for freuent periodical such as weekl, biweekl and dail periodical.K2itation @umberL $uthor nameKsL, Varticle title,Vperiodical title, da number month4abbrv.5, pages, publication ear.E!ample 7

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    2onference (oom I, Facult of Industrial Tcchnolog, +niversitas IslamIndonesia, Indonesia, #ogakarta, 3: $ugust %&&,

    '*%*%*))* Patents$ Patent with patentee information is cited as follows 7

    K2itation @umberL $uthor4s5/Inventor4s5. O@ame/Title. 2ountr where patent isregistered. Patent number, date.E!ample 7K=L E.E. (ebecca. O$lternating current fed power suppl. +.S. Patent ; ntolog design of )edical (ecord Sstems,V to be

     published in International Journal o& Enterprise Mo#elin) , vol. 3;, no. 3,9anuar. %&&:.

    K3&L I.P. (achmadewi, V>bject >riented )odeling of )edical (ecord Sstems,Vsubmitted for publication.

    '*%*%*)'* Pri!ate (ommunicationE!ample 7K=L T. I. Dein 4private communication5, 3==;.

    '*%*.* References in Te6t

    To refer statement in bod te!t, use the citation number of reference followed b acolon 475 and the page numbers.E!ample 7(achmadewi suggests that developing ontologies should be developed to representculture changes of organi0ation K373U3'L.The K3L represents the number of citation in list of references. Dhereas, K3-3'Lshows the number of pages where the statement available.'*%*'* Electronic Data Reference'*%*'*)* 5oo$s


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    2*-(>), )cAraw-"ill, 3=;=.


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    '*)* Su-er!isor (ommitteeThe Tesis Su-er!isory (ommittee consists of Supervisor or Supervisors and atleast on additional member who have membership in the student8s Araduate Program.The followings are the role of Thesis Supervisor 2ommittee7

    • $ssists in the development of the candidateHs research plan and thesis proposal,

    • Provides advice and criticism on the planning and writing of the thesis,

    • *ecides, or the Supervisor4s5 alone ma decide at the programHs discretion,when the candidateHs thesis is read for e!amination.

    A su-er!isor is a facult member appointed b IP management for overseeing athesis research. This designation indicates that the facult member hasthe appropriate level of supervisor capabilit and also indicates a credit for suchsupervision. The e!pertise of the facult member that relates to the proposed researchtopic will be the criteria of assignment. IPFIT reuires that a supervisor should atleast hold Ph* degree and relevant to a topic of the supervised thesis.

    (oSu-er!isors is a facult member that assist a supervisor in supervising a thesis.This designation is applied where two facult members supervise a thesis that needscombination of e!pertise. +suall co-supervisor has knowledge related to researcharea that the supervisor need to be assisted but h/she has not achieved Ph* degree.

    These co supervisor arrangements allow facult members without significantsupervisor membership to gain supervisor e!perience via a mentoring process ofworking with senior facult. 1oth facult members receive eual credit forsupervision.

    '*%* SUPER;IS+R (+88ITTEE ITHDRAALSupervisor committee is considered as dedicated assignment of facult membersthroughout thesis development. "ence, withdrawal or cancellation of supervisorcommittee member during supervision of a thesis is strictl prohibited. The followingscenes ma trigger the cancellation7

    • $fter the discussion with the student, the supervisor is unwilling to supervisedue to inappropriate research area to her/his e!pertise.

    • Supervisor is unable to continue in supervising since s/he has an officialassignment to leave universit such as collaborative research e!change,sabbatical leave or continuing education for relativel long period of time thatma insist student8s thesis completion plan.

    If one of the above situations occurs then student ma propose to IP management tochange supervisor committee member. The procedures are as follows7

    • *iscuss with the supervisor for possible supervision cancellation

    • Fill out the S+PE(BISI>@ DIT"*($D$? form 4see appendi!5.

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    • (eturn the form to IP management. IP management will investigate the fact of cancellation and provide approved or unapproved decision. IP managementwill make approval based on the investigated facts7

    o If supervisor resignation is initiated b student, the student must startthe procedure from the beginning as indicated b Procedure of Thesis

    and administrative procedures 4see Part II5.o If the resignation is initiated b a supervisor, the supervisor must

     provide a supervisor that is going to substitute its role. The proposedsupervisor should be consulted with IP management. $dvisor feedeserved will be allocated to the new assigned supervisor.


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    International Program, Facult of Industrial Technolog reuires the thesis /internship report must be in digital form called e-thesis in addition to normal boundhardcop after approval. The submitted e-thesis must be formatted in P*F with @o*ocument Securit feature. The intention of e-thesis is for the publication overinternet.

    The e-thesis is e!actl the same as original paper document that has been approved b Thesis 2ommittee. E-thesis must contain two files7

    • Pre access File contains information about author, thesis committee, and briefcontent of the thesis. $ll preliminar pages and introduction should beincluded. This information will be published over internet. If the readers areinterested to have further stud, the must contact to librarian for the full te!tfile.

    • Full Te!t File has all thesis information available from preliminar pages, bod te!t, reference and appendices. $ll the information must be in 3 file. @on computer generated documents such as approval pages must be scanned.

    The above files must be compiled into a 2* with the following guidelines 7• 2* must be labeled with the following format 7

    o Jstudent nameZJstudentmemberZJipuiiZJdateZJFile TpesZ.pdf o #ate of submission should be written in the form of ##mm**** 4e. 3%

    >ct %&&' will be written as 3%3&%&&'5o  File (*pe will be 1F  for Pre $ccess File or F(F  for full Te!t File

    • +se the latest adobe acrobat generator with document securit set to @>

    • E-thesis must be copied to "IA" C+$?IT# 2* such as original Berbatim

    • IP reuires % copies of 2*s and % bound of the thesis.


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    International ProgramFaculty of Industrial Tecnology

    Internsi- Intent FormI* Personal Information




    Topic for Internship74Topic is the most noticeable stud area of project that will be e!plored duringinternship program5

     Information Sstems Product Planning and *esign Cualit )anagement Production Sstems Ergonomic

    *ate7 ______________________________________________

    II* or$ E6-eriencea. *o ou have previous work or volunteer e!perience in the related topic that

    ou will be e!plored during the internship program

     b. *o ou have a current resume If not, when will ou have a resumec. *o ou consider ourself as a self-starterd. Dould ou prefer an internship with a public organi0ation or a private

    compane. Dould ou prefer to complete our internship during the regular term or short

    termf. Dill ou use this internship for career e!plorationg. *escribe our ideal internship in : sentences or less.


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    A--lication Letter$pplicant @ame)ailing address

    2it, Province, and Postal 2odeTelephone number4s5, )obile Phone @umber Email address*ate$ddresseeHs nameTitle>rgani0ation name)ailing address2it, Province, Postal 2ode*ear )r. 4or )s. or *r.5 last name7The opening paragraph will briefl e!plain skill and position/job that will beapplied for and where the information about the internship/job opening has beenobtained.

    The bod of application letter should be one or two short paragraphs that highlightrelevant points about applicant8s ualifications. $pplicant can refer to her/hisresume for detail.The last paragraph should restate interest in the applied position and initiate action b reuesting their consideration and possible interview. 2lose b thanking them.Sincerel ours,9our han#written si)nature #our name 4tped5Enclosure7 resume


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    riting a Resume

    $ (esume is ver important part for attracting a potential emploer in a brief. Then, a

    resume should be concisel and clearl summari0e accomplishments, educations,work e!perience, and should highlight an strength.

    $ (esume stle will depend on organi0ation/ institution that will applied for. Themost important part of the resume is that a resume should be tailored to the positionof interest.

    The followings are the common components that are stated in a resume for internshipor entr-level job seekers7

    Personal InformationThis part is intended to provide emploer with information to contact the applicant.

    "ence, an applicant should mention name, address 4school and, if appropriate, permanent addresses5, phone number, mobile phone and e-mail address.

    "o,:Internsi- +,#ecti!eThis section is optional. "owever, if applicant does not mention it in this section, s/hecan e!plain it in the application letter.

    Summary of >ualificationsIn this section applicants should highlight skills and e!periences that can encourageemploer to read the resume with greater interest. 1ulleted format will beadvantageous. If applicants have certificates of related skill ualifications, thecertificates should be attached.


    Since the applicants have not graduated, this section should state previous school4s 5attended including ears of attendance. "onors and awards that have been achievedduring the attended school4s5 should also be mentioned. $pplicants should notedistinguished AP$. $pplicants can also highlight the distinguished grade related tothe topic that applicants will investigate during the internship program.


    $pplicants should mention all e!periences of paid and unpaid works, researchsupport, and laborator assistant, project-based e!periences and other e!periencesthat can show applicants8 abilit and skills relevant to the applied position.

    This section should mention the organi0ation/compan name, job title, dates of emploment, and major accomplishments.


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    This section states professional or academic organi0ation, student groups, formal or informal organi0ations that applicants become a member. $pplicants should state the position of the membership. 2ontroversial organi0ation should not be mentioned .


    The name of referees should not be listed. "owever, applicants can e!plain thatreferees can be contacted upon reuest.


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    Internship (euest Form






    Internship "ost $genc/>rgani0ation7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    $genc/>rgani0ation $ddress7



    "ost Supervisor 4including title57 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 



    2omplete the following uestions in a tped attachment based on our e!pectationsof the internship.3. Dhat specific duties will ou perform during the internship

    %. Dhen does the internship begin

    . Dhat is Internship duration .. Total time commitment

    '. Dhat *epartment/+nit of >rgani0ation that ou will get involved

    :. Dhat is the level of supervision

    6. $re ou going to work alone or to get involve in a team-work project

    '. "ow will this internship enhance our career goals or strengthen our skills

    :. $ttach a job description written and signed b the internship host.


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    6. $ttach a schedule of activities included the time frame.



    International Program *irector8s Signature7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *ate7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Following the signed reuest form, ou should register to Field Dork course.


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    Internship Evaluation Form

    This form is reuired for student assessment of doing internship program. Thestudent will not receive grade until this form is processed. Please complete and signthe evaluation form. Then, Insert the form into a sealed and signed envelope.

    Please return this form to7International Program *irector Facult of Industrial Technolog+niversitas Islam Indonesia9l. aliurang km 3'. #ogakarta.Phone 7 &%;'-

  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    APPENDI F(o!er Page of Internsi- Re-ort

    P(>9E2T TIT?E$ ">ST >(A$@I[$TI>@ @$)EInternship (eport

    Submitted to International ProgramFacult of Industrial Technolog in Partial Fulfillment of

    the (euirements for the degree ofSarjana Teknik Industri

    +niversitas Islam Indonesia

    1Student @ame

    I@TE(@$TI>@$? P(>A($)*EP$(T)E@T >F I@*+ST(I$? E@AI@EE(I@A

    F$2+?T# >F I@*+ST(I$? TE2"@>?>A#+@IBE(SIT$S IS?$) I@*>@ESI$

    #>A#$$(T$9une %&&


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


    APPENDI HA--ro!al Page


    Internship (eportSubmitted to International Program

    Facult of Industrial Technolog in Partial Fulfillment ofthe (euirements for the degree of

    Sarjana Teknik Industriat

    +niversitas Islam Indonesia


    Student @ame

    )onth and ear of submission

    $pproved *ate 72ompan of Internship 7Submitted b 4@ame5 7*ate 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Signature of $uthor 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 


    Supervisor @ameSupervisor 


    *irector @ame*irector of International ProgramFacult of Industrial Technolog


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2




    $ ">ST >(A$@I[$TI>@ @$)EThesis ProposalSubmitted to International Program

    Facult of Industrial Technolog in Partial Fulfillment ofthe (euirements for the degree of

    Sarjana Teknik Industriat

    +niversitas Islam Indonesia

    1Student @ame

    I@TE(@$TI>@$? P(>A($)*EP$(T)E@T >F I@*+ST(I$? E@AI@EE(I@A

    F$2+?T# >F I@*+ST(I$? TE2"@>?>A#+@IBE(SIT$S IS?$) I@*>@ESI$

    #>A#$$(T$9une %&&


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    Facult of Industrial Technolog

    International Program

    Proposal for Thesis (esearch in Partial Fulfillment ofthe (euirements for the degree of

    Sarjana Teknik Industriat

    +niversitas Islam Indonesia

    Title 7$pproved *ate 7E!pected *ate of 2ompletion 72ompan of Internship 7

    Submitted b 4@ame5 7*ate 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Signature of $uthor 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 

    Su-er!ision AgreementThe program outlined in this proposal is adeuate for an S3 Thesis. I agree tosupervise the research and evaluate the thesis report.




    2o-Supervisor @ame 4if an52o-supervisor 


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    *ean Facult of Industrial Technolog+niversitas Islam Indonesia9l. aliurang km 3'. #ogakarta.

    $ttention7 International Program *irector, Facult of Industrial Technolog

    Subject 7 Thesis (esearch Stud of student @ame 4Student @umber5

    The attached proposal is 4Title5 4date5 is a research that will be investigated b4student name5 4student number5 in partial fulfillment of reuirements of the degreeS3 degree Teknik Industri. $s a part of the research, the student will use facilities of4name of compan5 from 4start date5 until 4end date5.

    De assign 4name of supervisor from compan5 to supervise the student during theresearch in our compan. De understand that the student will also be supervised b aIPFIT member who have full access to background, methodolog and results of theresearch. De also understand that the actual thesis document becomes the permanent propert of Facult of Industrial Technolog 4FIT5, and will be placed in the FIT librar.

    De provide a letter confirming that the thesis is within the approved scope, and doesnot contain an confidential, propriet or offensive information from 4name ofcompan5, and that the thesis will be submitted sufficientl in advance of the date ofsubmission to permit review.

    De also understand that all rights in the research results including an inventions made

     b 4name of student5 are subject to the host agreement between Facult of IndustrialTechnolog and 4name of compan5.


    $uthori0ed official of compan 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  @ame, Title

    *irect Supervisor of Student at 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 42ompan @ame5 @ame, Title


    Student @ame


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2




    ThesisSubmitted to International ProgramFacult of Industrial Technolog in Partial Fulfillment of

    the (euirements for the degree ofSarjana Teknik Industri

    at+niversitas Islam Indonesia

    $pproved *ate 72ompan of Internship 7Submitted b 4@ame5 7


    Supervisor @ame , Title



  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    T"ESIS TIT?EThesis

    Submitted to International ProgramFacult of Industrial Technolog in Partial Fulfillment of

    the (euirements for the degree ofSarjana Teknik Industri

    at+niversitas Islam Indonesia

    *efense *ate 72ompan of Thesis 7Submitted b 4@ame5 7*ate 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Signature of $uthor 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 


    E!amination 2ommittee 2hair @ame, 2hair 





    *irector @ame*irector of International Program


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    T"ESIS TIT?EThesis

    Submitted to International ProgramFacult of Industrial Technolog in Partial Fulfillment of

    the (euirements for the degree ofSarjana Teknik Industri

    at+niversitas Islam Indonesia


    Student @ame

    )onth and ear of submission

    R ear of submission Student @ame$ll rights reserved

    The $uthor hereb grants +niversitas Islam Indonesia permission to reproduce anddistribute in electronic paper or publications in whole or part





    2o-Supervisor 4if an5


    *irector @ame*irector of International Program


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    $nnouncing the Final E!amination of Ira Promasanti Racmade=i for the degreeof Sarjana Teknik Industri 41achelor of Industrial Engineering5

    *ate7 $ugust 3%, %&&'Time7 3&7&& a.m.(oom7 2onference (oom 3

    Tesis title7 8odeling Integrated Su--ly (ain 8anagement Systems 

    rite te a,stract of te tesis ere J


    2ommittee in 2harge7*r. 1achrun Sutrisno 42hair5*r. Iman 9ati Didodo*r. 2haerul Saleh*r. "ari Purnomo

    $pproved for distribution b 1achrun Sutrisno, 2ommittee 2hair, on 9ul %&&' 3:,%&&'.

    The public is welcome to attend !


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2




    5yStudent Full name

    Submitted to International Program, *epartment of Industrial Engineering,Facult of Industrial Technolog, >n 4date of thesis submission5

     in Partial Fulfillment of the (euirementsfor the degree of Sarjana Teknik Industri 41achelor of Industrial Engineering5

    $t +niversitas Islam Indonesia


    Drite the single-spaced abstract te!t at ma!imum of :& words.

    Thesis Supervisor7 Ira Promasanti (achmadewiTitle 7 Instructor of Industrial Engineering *epartment


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    I hereb $gree *isagree to supervise a thesis research/internship andevaluate the report of

    Student @ame 7 Student @umber 7 .

    Dith the tentative Title 7 .as 7 Supervisor 2o-Supervisor I provide consultation schedule with following arrangement7

    *a 7 ..Time 7 ..Place 7 ..

    In case of changes of the above schedule, I will notif the student and providealternate da and time of supervision to replace the unattended schedule. Thefollowing facilities will be available to maintain communication and appointment.

     Email address 7 ..

     2hatting 7 I* 7 ...  Telephone @umber 7   )obile Phone @umber 7 ..


    Supervisor @ame,Supervisor 


  • 8/15/2019 Internship and Research Guidelines Ipfti2



    I hereb intend to resign from the position of7 Supervisor 2o-Supervisor  

    of Internship Thesis

    that belongs to the following student 7Student @ame 7 .Student @umber 7 .

    for the following reasons 7This decision first initiated b 7 Student Supervisor.I suggest the student to change the title not to change the title.

    I also recommend that the thesis should be supervised b 73. .. or/and%. ..

    to replace m assignment.I will not be responsible to an further e!tent of the content of the thesis.


