Internet Inventor and Me

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Google Accuses Bing of SearchResults!? + Where Were You

When Tim Berners-Lee INVENTEDthe Internet? 

How It All Started  

G oogle Accuses Bing of SearchResults!? 

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Tim Berners-Lee invented theWorld Wide Web 


Declaration of the

Rights of Netizens 

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Does Does







Inventor of the

Internet tells the

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story of inventing the

internet and

why blogging is fun

(which are the kind of things you can do

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when ...  



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T O...

 INV E N T  T H E  IN TE RN ET !  

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  Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide


In 1989 one of the main objectives of theWWW was to be a space for sharing

information. It seemed evident that itshould be a space in which anyone could becreative, to which anyone could contribute.

The first browser was actually abrowser/editor, which allowed one to edit

any page, and save it back to the web if onehad access rights. Strangely enough, theweb took off very much as a publishingmedium, in which people edited offline.Bizarely, they were prepared to edit the

funny angle brackets of HTML source, anddidn't demand a what you see is what youget editor. WWW was soon full of lots of 

interesting stuff, but not a space forcommunal design, for discource throughcommunal authorship. Now in 2005, we

have blogs and wikis, and the fact that theyare so popular makes me feel I wasn't crazyto think people needed a creative space. In

the mean time, I have had the luxury of having a web site which I have write

access, and I've used tools like Amaya andNvu which allow direct editing of web

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pages. With these, I haven't felt the urge toblog with blogging tools. 

Effectively my blog has been the Design

Issues series of technical articles. That said,it is nice to have a machine to the

administrative work of handling thenavigation bars and comment buttons and

so on, and it is nice to edit in a mode inwhich you can to limited damage to the site.

So I am going to try this blog thing usingblog tools. So this is for all the people whohave been saying I ought to have a blog. 

How Much Does Bing Borrow From

G oogle?  

And it may also be that an even largerfraction of what creates value for Bing 

users are Google so they decided to

monitor Bing's results and even set a trapto catch fake Googly search results forkeywords like...

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so they decided to monitor Bing's results and even set a

trap to catch fake Googly search results for keywordslike... Microsoft vice president TECH proves Google-Bing copiedsearch results. Bing vice president, Harry Shrum, shrugg 

The search giant set up random

results...called "Setting the recordstraight," Yusuf Mehdi accuses Google of 

"click fraud" to trick Microsoft, andinsists, "We do not copy results from anyof our competitors. Period." MicrosoftAccuses Google Of Click Fraud 

...by altering its results algorithm in GoogleSays Microsoft's Bing

Bing would do the same.

Stefan Weitz, director of the Bing searchengine at Microsoft, said in an interview,Bing copies our search results: G oogle

... the Microsoft Corp.-owned Bing search engine know a user is searching for

'BlackBerry' when they enter... 

and Free-basing and Google get into searchslap-fight... 

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Danny Sullivan said it was

only a minor ingredient in Bing's

search stew.ed off 

posting on

Bing blog 

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calling it a"  spy-novel  


And Insists



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Rate the themes of these websites: 

it's basically a spam site with

colorful moving graphs and 


Click on the site you think looks


Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com Info 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.comtop colors analysis:



Infoshort.posterous.com top colors analysis:

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Color Analysis:

H T ML Validation: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com  Infoshort.posterous.com  

Why is this information so valuable? Search

engines love valid HTML documents becauseof the simple reason that "it makes their jobeasier". For example if you don't close sometags or if you simply don't deliver HTML inorderly fashion, it makes the parsing

process of your HTML document harder,which draws additional resources from thesearch engine. Therefore, search enginestend to favour documents that contain100% valid HTML. If you want to getdetailed information on where you made anymistakes, you should search for open source

validators that are able to display theseerrors within the HTML code. The fact thatyour website is correctly displayed in yourbrowser does not necessarily mean thatyour HTML documents are 100% correct. 

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S E O Score: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com: 72.70% Infoshort.posterous.com:72.70% 

What does SEO Score mean? Themecraft.net's SEO Score display thecompatibility of the site with the way searchengines process data and index webpages.Basically, it displays the extent to which thesite follows the guidelines of search engines.

The higher in percentage the themecraft.netSEO Score is, the more "search engine-friendly" your site is. 

Homepage Links Analysis: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com  Infoshort.posterous.com  

Why is this information so valuable? Most of 

the search engines use formulas similar topagerank that uses external and internal

links as main inputs to determine the

importance of specific documents and their

ranking in results. Basically, the great

increase in number of external links over a

certain level is causing the loss of 

importance of the site in favour of those sitesthat are being linked. Every webmaster

should consider which sites are important

and worth linking. A rapid growth in the

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number of external links indicates possible

problems with people that abuse, for

example guestbooks on domain to submit

their links, or even possible cross sitescripting abuse and so on... 

 Indexed Pages: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com  Infoshort.posterous.com 

Why is this information so valuable? Everyresponsible webmaster should know theactual number of pages (unique documents)of the domain. As soon as your indexedpages exceed the number of actual unique

documents, you will know for sure that you

have duplicate content in the search engineindex. Search engines tend to penalize siteswith duplicate content, because they aresimply draining their resources for no reason. 

Backward Links: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com  Infoshort.posterous.com  

Why is this information so valuable? Sites linto your site are basically "voting" for your sitbe higher in ranking in the same way one vota candidate in democratic elections. The more

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votes the candidate gets, the higher the chance isthat he will win the elections. Search engines payspecial attention to this ranking factor and every

webmaster who relies on search engine trafficshould do the same. Basically, backlinks are one othe most important factors that influence theposition of your site in search engine results. 

G oogle Pagerank: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com: PR 1  Infoshort.posterous.com: PR 0 

If pagerank of anyweb.com is for example 4it means that it is 2 times more powerfulthan Pagerank 3 and 2 times less powerfulthank pagerank 5. 

Hosting Company: 

Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com Rackspace.com 

Infoshort.posterous.com Rackspace.com 

Server Location: Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com: IP Address: Country: United States(US) Region:Massachusetts City:Cambridge PostalCode: 02142 AreaCode: 617 Latitude:42.3626 Longitude: -71.0843 

Infoshort.posterous.com: IP

Address: Country: UnitedStates (US) Region:Massachusetts City: Cambridge Postal Code:02142 Area

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Code: 617 Latitude:42.3626 Longitude: -71.0843 


PR: 1/10 

Score: 6667 

Ratings: 3 

Color Analysis: 



Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com topcolors analysis: 


#fafaf a 





Posterous is the easiestpublishing platformaround. If you canemail, you can manage

a website and share itwith small groups or theworld. 

What does the color

wheel show? This color wheel

demonstrates what colors are used on thisweb template. The closer to the middle of 

circle color is being displayed the darker this

particular color is. And vice versa the closer

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to the edge of the wheel color is being

displayed the lighter that color is. It take

approximatelly 12 seconds to highlight exact

positions of the website colours on the colorwheel. 

Rate the themes of these websites: 

it's basically a spam site with colorful moving graphs and charts

Server Location: Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com: IPAddress: Country:United States (US) Region:Massachusetts City: Cambridge PostalCode: 02142 Area Code: 617 Latitude:42.3626 Longitude: -71.0843 

Infoshort.posterous.com:  IP Address: Country: United States(US) Region: Massachusetts City:Cambridge Postal Code: 02142 AreaCode: 617 Latitude: 42.3626 Longitude: -71.0843 

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PR: 1/10 

Score: 6667 

Ratings: 3 

Color Analysis: 


Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com topcolors analysis: 


#fafaf a 




Whatgetsmehot.posterous.com Posterous is the easiest publishingplatform around. If you can email, youcan manage a website and share itwith small groups or the world. 

What does the color wheel show? This color wheel demonstrates what colors areused on this web template. The closer to the middle of circle color is being

displayed the darker this particular color is. And vice versa the closer to the

edge of the wheel color is being displayed the lighter that color is. It take

approximatelly 12 seconds to highlight exact positions of the website colours on

the color wheel. 

Your document is

publicly viewable at: 



Published on 1/15/11

4:59 PM 

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How Much Does BingBorrow From G oogle?  

And it may also be thatan even larger fractionof what creates value

for Bing users are

Google so they decidedto monitor Bing's

results and even set a

trap to catch fake Googly search results

for keywords like...

The search giant set up

random results...called"Setting the recordstraight," Yusuf Mehdi

accuses Google of "clickfraud" to trick Microsoft,and insists, "We do not

copy results from any of 

our competitors. Period."Microsoft Accuses Google

Of Click Fraud 

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