INTERNET BASICS Eng. Mohammad Alenezi [email protected] http://alenzi.wordpress.com/ Content prepared by Eng. Mohd Alenezi

Internet basics

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Internet basics. Eng. Mohammad Alenezi [email protected] http://alenzi.wordpress.com/. Content prepared by Eng. Mohd Alenezi. Table of Content. Introduction what is the internet? the history of the internet What is the world wide web? Terms to be familiar with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Internet basics


Eng. Mohammad Alenezi

[email protected]://alenzi.wordpress.com/

Content prepared by Eng. Mohd Alenezi

Page 2: Internet basics
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Introduction what is the internet? the history of the internet What is the world wide web? Terms to be familiar with

Components of the internet Internet concepts The browser Navigating the web Subject Directories Search Engines Useful sites E-mail Using Email Error Messages Definitions

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The Internet is a collection of millions of computers, all linked together on a network to communicate.

The Internet is the largest and most well known computer network in the world.

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Home computer links to internet through: Phone Wi-Fi Wireless DSL

Modem ISP (internet service provider)

o In business computers have (NIC) Network Interface Card LAN (local area network)

High speed ISP = 1.5 mb/s while normal phone = 30 – 50 kb/s largest ISP connect through Fiber (undersea, satellite)

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MODEMA device used to attach your computer to telephone system , convert data into sound which is sent over the telephone line, the receiving modem turn the sound into data which computer can understand

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A network is two or more intelligent devices connected by communication link or wirelessly

Network is a collection of hardware and other devices that are connected together so that users can share hardware, software and data.

LAN (local area network)Local network connecting computers within the same building

WAN (wide area network) more than one local network connecting together

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Wireless network

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1965 - the U.S. Defense research program to develop communication protocols

1968 - First generation of networking hardware and software

1969 - ARPANET connects first 4 universities in the United States

1970 – 1973 ARPANET successes to allow scientists to share data

1971 - The ARPANET grows to 23 hosts connecting universities

1973 - The ARPANET goes international 1982 - The term 'Internet' is used for the

first time.


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1982 – 87 Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf creates TCP/IP, the common language of all Internet computers

1986, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), provides a major backbone communication

1991 - The World Wide Web is born! 1993 - the first graphics-based Web browser 1995 - the Internet in commercial hands 1996 - Nearly 10 million hosts online. The Internet

covers the globe

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Email E-mail addresses uniquely identify a mail user

and a mail server, Separated by an @ No blank spaces are allowed

Telnet Chat & instant messaging World Wide Web Facebook Twitter

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The World Wide Web (www) refers to all of the web pages available on all the HTTP web servers on the Internet

protocol based on hypertext developed by Tim Berners-Lee and others

Almost support every protocol available on net

Internet is not the same thing as the World Wide WebThe Internet is the infrastructure for the

World Wide WebThe Internet is also the infrastructure for

email and file sharing, for instance


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Clients & Servers IP Addresses Web Pages Hypertext Protocols

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Server network

Machines that provides services (web servers, FTP servers) to other machines called servers

The other computers on a network that access network resources through the network server are called clients

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Each machine on the internet is assigned a unique address (IP) IP addresses are 32-bit numbers looks: Every web server on the Internet has an IP address, and your

computer has one too. for www.pbskids.org

Domain name A domain name is an alias for an IP (Internet Protocol) address: Domain Name Registrars administer Domain names and IP

addresses Generic TLD's (top level domain): .com, .org, .net, .gov, .mil, and the

newer .biz, .info, etc. Country TLD's: .de = Germany, .sc = Seychelles Island, .kw = ? www.pbskids.org is a domain name (everything after the

protocol up to the next slash, if any)

Your browser's address bar will recognize IP addresses just as well as domain names.

Every domain name and IP address is unique on the Internet

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WEB PAGES Web sit is a collection of web pages are

stored on computers called web servers Web pages are accessed with a web

browser program like Internet Explorer, Safari, Netscape, Firefox or Opera

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Hypertext is a document containing words that connect to other documents

A single hypertext can contain links(image, video, audio & text) to many documents

Using language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

PROTOCOLIn IT a protocol is the special set of rules for communicationsOn the internet TCP/IP protocols are used:

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) which uses a set of rules to exchange messages with other internet points at the information packet levelIP (Internet Protocol) which uses a set of rules to send and receive messages at the internet address levelFTP (File Transfer Protocol)HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

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Web page URLs usually begin with the standard protocol identifier http://Hypertext transfer


This part of the URL Next comes theIdentifies the Web server folder(s) in which the & domain name Hosting the Web page. Web page is stored, If necessary.

This is the Web page document that is to be retrieved and displayed.






Protocol web server domain folder page

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WWW (World Wide Web) - all the resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Browser--Contains the basic software information over the Internet.

Download To copy data from a remote computer to a local computer.

Upload—To send data from a local computer to a remote computer.

E-mail - is the exchange of messages by telecommunication. E-mail can be distributed to lists of people as well as to individuals. However, you can also send non-text files, such as graphic images and sound files, as attachments sent in binary streams.

Home Page - The beginning "page" of any site. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - The coding language used

to create documents for use on the World Wide Web.


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HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) - the set of rules for exchanging files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web.

Hyperlinks: take you to a different page when you click on them can be text or graphics

Search Engine - A web server that collects data from other web servers and puts it into a database.

TCP/IP -- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - The Internet address. The prefix of a URL indicates which area of the Internet will be accessed. URLs look differently depending on the Internet resource you are seeking.

Address Bar: where you can type a URL of a page you want to see. Contains the URL of the page you are currently viewing

History list: tracks the URL‘ you've visited in the past x weeks

Search sites: Google, Yahoo, Ask

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Internet is made up of ISP's (internet service provider) Regional networks (large network) Backbone networks (major high-speed network)

Web servers Accessing Networks Needs Modem or other network adapter dialup via the public telephone network or broadband such as cable, DSL, satellite Web browser ISP: a service that connects you to the Internet User ID and password to log on

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It’s a basic software enable users in order to travel, find, retrieve, view and send information over the Internet

The most popular browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer , Netscape Navigator and Mozilla Firefox

Address Bar Standard

Buttons Toolbar

Menu Bar

Title Bar

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Scroll BarFrames

Status Bar

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1 2 4 5 6 811


93 7

1. Back Lets you return to pages you've viewed

2. Forward. Lets you move forward through pages you've viewed using the Back button

3. Favorites. Displays a list of the sites you have marked

4. Home. Returns you to your home page. You can designate any Web page as your home page.

5. Refresh. Updates any Web page stored in your disk cache with the latest content

6. Stop. Halts the process of downloading a Web page.7. Print. Prints the page you're viewing

8. Search. Displays a choice of popular Internet search engines in the left pane.

9. Minimize go to smaller window’s view

10. Maximize go to bigger window’s view

11. Close window

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Boot processing Power on Boot “ part of the computer OS loaded into the memory”

Diagnostic Launches programs “ antivirus, instant messaging”

Start up PC User interface

Command line Graphical user interface (GUI)

Windows Icons Menus Toolbars Taskbar Hyperlinks Sizing buttons Dialog boxes

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WHAT IS A URL? URL (Uniform Resource Locater) the combination of protocol, domain

name (Or IP address), folder and page (file) name all taken together. Every server on the Internet has an IP number, a unique number

consisting of 4 parts separated by dots The IP number is the server's address.

However, it is harder for people to remember numbers than to remember word combinations, so addresses are given "word-based" addresses called URLs. The URL and the IP number are one and the same

The standard way to give the address of any resource on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web (WWW). A URL looks like this:http://www.matisse.net/seminars.htmltelnet://well.sf.ca.usgopher://gopher.ed.gov

The URL is divided into sections: transfer/transport protocol :// server (or domain). generic top level domain/path/filename, The first part of a URL defines the transport protocol. http:// (HyperText Transport Protocol) moves graphical, hypertext files ftp:// (File Transfer Protocol) moves a file between 2 computers gopher:// (Gopher client) moves text-based files news: (News group reader) accesses a discussion group telnet:// (Telnet client) allows remote login to another computer

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Pronouncing internet address The @ at The . dot The / slash

Using favoritesCalled favorites in Internet Explorer and bookmarks in Netscape, that allows you to save URLs

Searching the web