International Relation: India – Myanmar: - (Rebuilding old Links) Recent visit of Myanmar by the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is being described as an important step towards rebuilding and strengthening older relations with the neighborhood Country. One of the major issue which was discussed was “connectivity” towards not only trade and commerce but also as a tool to increase people’s participation in order to streamline the insurgency – wracked regions in India’s north – eastern states as well as on the Myanmar side. Some of the Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the two countries are as follows:- MoU regarding $500Million line of credit to Myanmar. Air Service Agreement, Proposed bus & rail Service also. MoU on Indo – Myanmar Border Area Development. Establishment of joint trade & Investment forum. Establishment of Rice Bio Park in Nay Pyi Taw. MoU towards Setting up of Myanmar Institute of Information Technology. Cultural exchange Programme (2012 – 2015) Agreement regarding establishment of Strategic and International studies and Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis. Also a representative office of the Union Bank of India will be opened in Yangon towards the agreed goal of doubling the $ 1.2bn bilateral trade. Also Indo-Myanmar relation is very important for India’s look east Policy and development of relations with the Asian Nations. Chinese in influence in Myanmar. Vs Indo – Myanmar ties An Overview:-

International relation india myanmar - (rebuilding old links) by vvr ias

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International Relation: India – Myanmar: - (Rebuilding old Links)

Recent visit of Myanmar by the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is being described as an important step towards rebuilding and strengthening older relations with the neighborhood Country. One of the major issue which was discussed was “connectivity” towards not only trade and commerce but also as a tool to increase people’s participation in order to streamline the insurgency – wracked regions in India’s north – eastern states as well as on the Myanmar side.

Some of the Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the two countries are as follows:-

MoU regarding $500Million line of credit to Myanmar. Air Service Agreement, Proposed bus & rail Service also. MoU on Indo – Myanmar Border Area Development. Establishment of joint trade & Investment forum. Establishment of Rice Bio Park in Nay Pyi Taw. MoU towards Setting up of Myanmar Institute of Information Technology. Cultural exchange Programme (2012 – 2015) Agreement regarding establishment of Strategic and International studies and

Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis.

Also a representative office of the Union Bank of India will be opened in Yangon towards the agreed goal of doubling the $ 1.2bn bilateral trade. Also Indo-Myanmar relation is very important for India’s look east Policy and development of relations with the Asian Nations.

Chinese in influence in Myanmar. Vs Indo – Myanmar ties An Overview:-

Dr. Singh visit is being seen by some Chinese analyst as “a clear cut sign of India speeding up to boost bilateral ties, by virtue of which India would be able to monitor whether the China – Myanmar relation is going to take on a military dimension as previously rumours about China planning to establish naval and intelligence bases in Myanmar were in news, It is totally in India’s interest to encourage Myanmar to conduct free and fair elections in 2015. But at the same time, it is also in Myanmar’s interest to consider India as a major ally .That would prove beneficial for Myanmar in the fields of economy, strategic development, trade & commerce, education & IT & culture etc.

Importance from Examination Point of view

i) Account for the renewal of Indo-Myanmar relations after a gap of two decades. List the benefits arising for both the countries.ii) Account for the important MOU and agreements signed recently between India & Myanmar. How the same is going to boost the relation / benefit Myanmar?

Page 2: International relation    india  myanmar - (rebuilding old links) by vvr ias

iii) How far do you agree with the fact that by strenthening Indo-Myanmar relation, India would be able to cheek Chinese intervention & supremacy in the region?

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