1 International Oil Spill Conference May 15-18, 2017 Long Beach, California USA DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) is a unique opportunity to extend your brand identity and market your products and capabilities to an international audience. Held in the United States only once every three years, IOSC 2017 is the preeminent event in an international series of meetings which includes the Spillcon and Interspill conferences. All operate on a three- year cycle to ensure that there is only one major international event for the oil spill remediation industry each year. 2017 is your year to join the forum of preparedness within the oil spill response community, the broader field of incident management, and society as a whole. IOSC will not be stateside again until 2020. Become a sponsor or exhibitor at IOSC 2017. It’s where your market meets.

International Oil Spill Conference/media/Files/Events/IOSC/IOSC2017...1 International Oil Spill Conference May 15-18, 2017 • Long Beach, California • USA DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION

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International Oil Spill ConferenceMay 15-18, 2017 • Long Beach, California • USA


The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) is a unique opportunity to extend your brand identity and market your products and capabilities to an international audience. Held in the United States only once every three years, IOSC 2017 is the preeminent event in an international series of meetings which includes the Spillcon and Interspill conferences. All operate on a three-year cycle to ensure that there is only one major international event for the oil spill remediation industry each year.

2017 is your year to join the forum of preparedness within the oil spill response community, the broader fi eld of incident management, and society as a whole. IOSC will not be stateside again until 2020.

Become a sponsor or exhibitor at IOSC 2017. It’s where your market meets.


International Oil Spill ConferenceMay 15-18, 2017 • Long Beach, California • USA

What is the IOSC?IOSC is a proven venue for industry and government entities to work together and provides a forum for professionals from the international community, the private sector, government, and non-governmental organizations.

The conference is jointly sponsored by the following organizations:

• American Petroleum Institute (API)• United States Coast Guard (USCG)• United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)• International Maritime Organization (IMO)• International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA)• United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)• The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)• Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

Who Attends the IOSC?At past events, IOSC attracted more than 2,000 people from 50 countries to its technical sessions and its diverse exposition that featured more than 250 exhibits.

Participants include operating managers, safety and security officers, regulators, plant managers, EH&S professionals, administrators, attorneys, environmental managers, purchasing agents, engineers, buyers, consultants and others concerned with compliance, oil spill response

and/or cleanup. These attendees generally fall into the following categories:

• Oil and shipping industries• Federal, state and local government agencies• Port organizations• Tug and salvage companies• Pollution response equipment suppliers• Community and public interest groups• Marine scientists and researchers• Environmental organizations• Response specialists

Why Exhibit at the IOSC?Exhibiting at IOSC 2017 is a great way to maximize your exposure to your prospects or to reinforce relationships with existing companies. Exhibitors include, but are not limited to:

• Area clean-up/restoration• Aviation services/surveillance• Bioremediation equipment or services• Control• Damage/impact assessment• Diving/salvage services• Electrical generators• Emergency response• Insurance• IT software and training• Mapping• Security• Prevention• Safety/health• Wildlife rescue

For more information on the International Oil Spill Conference, or to view floor plans, application/contracts, rules and regulations, visit our website at www.IOSC2017.org.

Copyright 2016 - International Oil Spill Conference, all rights reserved. API and the IOSC logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of API in the United States and/or other countries. All other company names and logos are trademarks of their respective owners. API Global Marketing: 2015-116 | 02.16 | PDF