BioMed Central Page 1 of 17 (page number not for citation purposes) International Journal of Health Geographics Open Access Research Comparison of Poisson and Bernoulli spatial cluster analyses of pediatric injuries in a fire district Craig R Warden 1,2 Address: 1 Departments of Emergency Medicine & Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA and 2 Department of Geography, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA Email: Craig R Warden - [email protected] Abstract Background: With limited resources available, injury prevention efforts need to be targeted both geographically and to specific populations. As part of a pediatric injury prevention project, data was obtained on all pediatric medical and injury incidents in a fire district to evaluate geographical clustering of pediatric injuries. This will be the first step in attempting to prevent these injuries with specific interventions depending on locations and mechanisms. Results: There were a total of 4803 incidents involving patients less than 15 years of age that the fire district responded to during 2001–2005 of which 1997 were categorized as injuries and 2806 as medical calls. The two cohorts (injured versus medical) differed in age distribution (7.7 ± 4.4 years versus 5.4 ± 4.8 years, p < 0.001) and location type of incident (school or church 12% versus 15%, multifamily residence 22% versus 13%, single family residence 51% versus 28%, sport, park or recreational facility 3% versus 8%, public building 8% versus 7%, and street or road 3% versus 30%, respectively, p < 0.001). Using the medical incident locations as controls, there was no significant clustering for environmental or assault injuries using the Bernoulli method while there were four significant clusters for all injury mechanisms combined, 13 clusters for motor vehicle collisions, one for falls, and two for pedestrian or bicycle injuries. Using the Poisson cluster method on incidence rates by census tract identified four clusters for all injuries, three for motor vehicle collisions, four for fall injuries, and one each for environmental and assault injuries. The two detection methods shared a minority of overlapping geographical clusters. Conclusion: Significant clustering occurs overall for all injury mechanisms combined and for each mechanism depending on the cluster detection method used. There was some overlap in geographic clusters identified by both methods. The Bernoulli method allows more focused cluster mapping and evaluation since it directly uses location data. Once clusters are found, interventions can be targeted to specific geographic locations, location types, ages of victims, and mechanisms of injury. Background Analysis using geographical information systems (GIS) is just beginning to be tapped in the field of injury preven- tion.[1] Injuries are most likely spatially heterogenous with some mechanisms constrained geographically, for example, motor vehicle collisions and bicycle and pedes- trian injuries will only occur on a roadway. Prevention strategies need to be targeted as much as possible due to Published: 22 September 2008 International Journal of Health Geographics 2008, 7:51 doi:10.1186/1476-072X-7-51 Received: 26 February 2008 Accepted: 22 September 2008 This article is available from: http://www.ij-healthgeographics.com/content/7/1/51 © 2008 Warden; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0 ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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International Journal of Health Geographics


Open AcceResearchComparison of Poisson and Bernoulli spatial cluster analyses of pediatric injuries in a fire districtCraig R Warden1,2

Address: 1Departments of Emergency Medicine & Pediatrics, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA and 2Department of Geography, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA

Email: Craig R Warden - [email protected]

AbstractBackground: With limited resources available, injury prevention efforts need to be targeted bothgeographically and to specific populations. As part of a pediatric injury prevention project, data wasobtained on all pediatric medical and injury incidents in a fire district to evaluate geographicalclustering of pediatric injuries. This will be the first step in attempting to prevent these injuries withspecific interventions depending on locations and mechanisms.

Results: There were a total of 4803 incidents involving patients less than 15 years of age that thefire district responded to during 2001–2005 of which 1997 were categorized as injuries and 2806as medical calls. The two cohorts (injured versus medical) differed in age distribution (7.7 ± 4.4years versus 5.4 ± 4.8 years, p < 0.001) and location type of incident (school or church 12% versus15%, multifamily residence 22% versus 13%, single family residence 51% versus 28%, sport, park orrecreational facility 3% versus 8%, public building 8% versus 7%, and street or road 3% versus 30%,respectively, p < 0.001). Using the medical incident locations as controls, there was no significantclustering for environmental or assault injuries using the Bernoulli method while there were foursignificant clusters for all injury mechanisms combined, 13 clusters for motor vehicle collisions, onefor falls, and two for pedestrian or bicycle injuries. Using the Poisson cluster method on incidencerates by census tract identified four clusters for all injuries, three for motor vehicle collisions, fourfor fall injuries, and one each for environmental and assault injuries. The two detection methodsshared a minority of overlapping geographical clusters.

Conclusion: Significant clustering occurs overall for all injury mechanisms combined and for eachmechanism depending on the cluster detection method used. There was some overlap ingeographic clusters identified by both methods. The Bernoulli method allows more focused clustermapping and evaluation since it directly uses location data. Once clusters are found, interventionscan be targeted to specific geographic locations, location types, ages of victims, and mechanisms ofinjury.

BackgroundAnalysis using geographical information systems (GIS) isjust beginning to be tapped in the field of injury preven-tion.[1] Injuries are most likely spatially heterogenous

with some mechanisms constrained geographically, forexample, motor vehicle collisions and bicycle and pedes-trian injuries will only occur on a roadway. Preventionstrategies need to be targeted as much as possible due to

Published: 22 September 2008

International Journal of Health Geographics 2008, 7:51 doi:10.1186/1476-072X-7-51

Received: 26 February 2008Accepted: 22 September 2008

This article is available from: http://www.ij-healthgeographics.com/content/7/1/51

© 2008 Warden; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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International Journal of Health Geographics 2008, 7:51 http://www.ij-healthgeographics.com/content/7/1/51

constraints on resources available. Fire district resourcesare assigned to permanent stations and response areas andare limited in the distance they can travel for non-emer-gency tasks such as injury prevention talks and inspec-tions. If a crew is to be assigned to injury preventioninterventions, they need geographic information onwhere injuries are occurring and where potential targetpopulations are accessible. Even funding of an independ-ent entity such as an academic injury prevention programis limited and its efforts need to be targeted to specific geo-graphic areas and populations to be cost effective.

One study of fall-related injuries in central Toronto usedGIS to demonstrate that in addition to age and householdincome census tract data, the location of homeless shel-ters appeared to be significantly associated with the distri-bution of injuries.[2] Motor vehicle collisions cause moredeaths in children < 15 years old than any other cause andhave diverse geographic variation across the US.[3] ACanadian national study of adolescent injuries revealed adisparity in injury rates from urban (lower rate) to rural(higher rate) populations.[4] Fall-related injuries are themost frequent mechanism of pediatric injuries in the US,though with lower mortality rates than motor vehicle col-lisions.[5] These injuries can still cause significant headinjuries that can affect future cognitive function. A studyof pedestrian-related injuries in Montréal using ambu-lance service data showed that only 1% of intersectionshad at least one victim and these accounted for only 4%of all injured pedestrians.[6] This is illustrative of the dif-ficulty in attempting to target a limited number of inter-sections for pedestrian injury prevention. These studiesshow that there is a clear spatial component to injury pat-terns and different mechanisms of injury need to beaccounted for in the analysis.

The spatial statistic SaTScan™ using the Poisson methodhas had wide acceptance in detecting disease clusters inmany different situations. [7-11] It has been found tohave reasonable sensitivity and specificity when com-pared to generalized additive models (GAM) and Baye-sian disease mapping[12] and to the Besag-Newell's R,Cuzick-Edwards' k-Nearest Neighbors, Tango's Maxi-mized Excess Events Test, and Moran's I [13] in clustermodels. The Bernoulli method (see Methods section) inSaTScan has been used to identify census tracts with clus-ters of high metastatic versus localized prostate cancerincidence in the state of New Jersey with success.[14] Tomy knowledge, it has not been used for modelling trau-matic injury geographical patterns.

The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare thePoisson and Bernoulli methods in SaTScan in findingpotential geographical clusters of pediatric injuries withina fire district's boundary. This fire district is very active in

injury prevention activities and wishes to see if it can focusits interventions more effectively using these methods. Ifsignificant clusters are found, the next step is to evaluatepotential injury prevention strategies depending on thecharacteristics of injuries in each cluster.

MethodsStudy areaThe Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue (TVF&R) district con-sists of an oblong shaped area of 210 square miles (544square kilometres) serving a population of approximately369,000 based on 2000 census data with 22 fire stationsand 28 first-line fire apparatus (Figure 1). The district islocated to the west of the city of Portland, Oregon servinga large portion of Washington County and portions ofClackamas County and includes a mix of urban, suburbanand rural areas. It responds to approximately 31, 000emergency medical services (EMS) incidents a year. Thefire district has a robust data collection process includingthe automatic geocoding of all emergency response loca-tions creating a rich database for GIS analysis. TVF&Rresponds to all 9-1-1 generated emergency responseswithin its boundaries.

Study populationAll patients less than 15 years of age that had an emer-gency medical response within the current boundaries ofthe TVF&R district during 2001–2005 were included.

Data collectionPatient data including location of call is documented inan electronic charting system (Sunpro,™ Aether Systems,Inc., Baltimore MD) by treating firefighters. Patients'home addresses are not routinely recorded if the incidentdid not occur there. This database was then queried andthe data downloaded as an Excel 2003™ (Microsoft, Inc.,Redmond WA) spreadsheet. Variables analyzed werepatient demographics, location of incident, location type,and mechanism of injury. No patient identifying data wasavailable to the author. The Oregon Health & Science Uni-versity Institutional Review Board approved this study.

Data analysisBase map and patient data analysisThe mechanisms of injuries were aggregated into motorvehicle collision injuries (patients that were passengers inthe motor vehicle); bicycle and pedestrian injuries (motorvehicle versus bicyclist or pedestrian or a fall off a bicycle);fall injuries; assault injuries (intentional including allegedchild abuse); and "environmental" (poisoning, heat orcold injuries, drowning and burns) to aggregate similarmechanisms to ensure adequate cases in each cohort foranalysis. Separate shapefiles were created for the totalinjuries cohort and each of the mechanisms above. Loca-tion type information was consolidated into 1) school,

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Study area: Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue District (TVF&R)Figure 1Study area: Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue District (TVF&R). This map shows the boundary of the fire district, the major cities, county boundaries, fire station locations and their respective first-due response areas, the major highway and street system, and the location of community hospitals and the two pediatric trauma centers.

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church, or day care; 2) multifamily residential building; 3)single family residence; 4) sport or recreational facility orpark;[15,16] 5) other public building; or 6) street or road.Age was also analyzed by stratifying into age groupsdefined by the Centers for Disease Control.[17,18] Dispo-sition was defined as died at scene, not transported, andtransported to a hospital (the only options in the EMS sys-tem). Race or ethnicity was classified as white, Hispanic,African-American and other or missing together. Patientdata was imported into SPSS™ 15.0 (SPSS, Inc., ChicagoIL) for statistical analysis. The characteristics of the medi-cal and injured cohorts were compared using the t-test orPearson χ2 statistic where appropriate.

Base map data layers included the fire district's boundary,station locations and first-due areas, census tract bounda-ries and population, city and county boundaries (Port-land Metro Data Resource Center), and streets andhighways (StreetMaps,™ ESRI, Inc., Redlands WA). Allmaps and analysis used the NAD 1983 HARN State Planeof Oregon North FIPS 3601 coordinate system (Lambertconformal conic projection).

The fire district automatically geocodes incident locationsas part of their data management using ArcInfo™ (Envi-ronmental Systems Research Information, ESRI, Inc., Red-lands CA). The fire district GIS analyst manually locatesunmatched incidents from the automatic geocoding andthese were not validated independently by the author. Thepatient location data was transferred as a point shapefileand matched to patient case files using a unique patientincident number. The author imported this patient loca-tion and case data into ArcView™ 9.2 (ESRI, Inc., RedlandsWA) for geographical analysis.

Bernoulli cluster analysis methodFor both methods of cluster detection, SaTScan uses amoving, varying diameter window to evaluate clusters.For each window location and size, the software calculatesthe number of observed and expected observations insidethe window and, in turn, calculates the likelihood func-tion for each window, the form of which differs depend-ing on the assumed distribution of events. For theBernoulli model, the two patient cohorts (medical andinjury) were split into separate point shapefiles for com-parison. The two patient cohorts were then imported intoSaTScan™ (National Cancer Institute, Division of CancerControl and Population Sciences, Statistical Research andApplications Branch) and analyzed using the Bernoullimethod.[8,14,19,20] Briefly, the Bernoulli model usestwo cohorts of cases and controls to determine if there issignificant clustering of the case location distribution ascompared to the controls location distribution.[7,10] Theadvantage of this method is that it is independent of theunderlying population distribution. In disease processes

such as injuries the potential causes may not be distrib-uted similarly to the population at risk ie. motor vehiclecollisions and pedestrian injuries occur along road net-works that may not reflect the underlying population atrisk. In addition, population density distributions can beonly be approximated from census data especially in ruralor industrial areas. The SaTScan Bernoulli model uses alikelihood ratio test of the probability of a group ofpatients within a potential cluster defined by a circle beinga case versus a control. The likelihood function for theBernoulli model is:

where C is the total number of cases, c is the observednumber of cases within the window, n is the total numberof cases and controls within the window, N is the com-bined total of cases and controls within the data set, and I() is the indicator function which is equal to 1 if c > C/Nor 0 otherwise. Since this analysis is only interested indetecting clusters with higher than expected rates, I () wasset equal to 1.

Poisson cluster analysis methodFor the Poisson method in SaTScan, population data atthe census tract level was used. Exploratory data analysisshowed this to be the lowest level of aggregation thatwould generate reasonable incidence rates for analysis.Population data for the 2000 Census was downloadedfrom the Census Bureau http://www.census.gov andjoined to the census tract polygon shapefile. The popula-tion of children less than 15 years old was calculated foreach census tract by aggregating all the appropriate agegroups. Since the fire district boundary does not alignwith the census tracts, it was overlaid on the census tractpolygon layer and four resultant "sliver" census tract pol-ygons of less than one hectare and with no incidents wereeliminated from this part of the analysis (Figure 2). Forthe remaining partial census tracts, the pediatric popula-tion at-risk was estimated using the remaining area andassuming a uniform population density. The incidence ofinjury incidents per census tract was calculated using the"point-in-polygon" method of overlaying the respectiveincident locations and census tract polygon and its popu-lation at-risk. This was done for the total injuries cohortand each mechanism cohort for separate cluster analyses.For the SaTScan Poisson analysis, centroids of the censustracts were used to define the location of the populationat-risk and injury cases that occurred within the censustract.

Under the null hypothesis for the Poisson model, theexpected number of cases in each census tract is propor-tional to the population size. For this analysis temporal


n cn

C cN n

N n C c

N n

c n c C c N⎛⎝⎜







−( )− −( )−



− − −−( )− −( )n C c

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Census tract population less than 15 years oldFigure 2Census tract population less than 15 years old. This map demonstrates the population of each census tract or partial census tract of children less than 15 years old for the year 2000. The tracts are shaded according to the quantile method.

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data was not taken into account. Under the Poissonassumption, the likelihood function for a specific windowis proportional to:

where C is the total number of cases, c is the observednumber of cases within the window, E [c] is the expectednumber of cases within the window under the nullhypothesis, and I () is the indicator function which isequal to 1 if c > E [c] or 0 otherwise. Since this study isonly interested in detecting clusters with high rates, I ()was set equal to 1. [7]

For both the Poisson and Bernoulli models, the likeli-hood ratio is tested for significance using the Monte Carlomethod. A circular window is centered on each censustract centroid (for Poisson analysis) or each incident loca-tion (for Bernoulli analysis) and the diameter is variedfrom zero to one that includes a priori a certain maximumproportion of the total number of case events. For the pur-poses of this analysis, 999 Monte Carlo replications wereused, the maximum circle size included up to 50% of thetotal cases being analyzed, and a significant p-value wasless than 0.05. The likelihood function is maximized overall window locations and sizes and the one with the max-imum likelihood constitutes the most likely cluster. Sec-

ondary non-overlapping clusters can then be found bysubtracting the most likely cluster cases (and controls inthe Bernoulli method) from the pool and repeating theabove procedure. Any edge effect was ignored in this anal-ysis since there was no data available from outside the firedistrict's boundary.

ResultsDescriptiveThere were an estimated 82, 400 children less than 15years old living within the fire district boundary. Duringthe study period, the fire district responded to a total of2806 medical calls and 1997 injuries in patients less than15 years of age for an incidence of 6.8/1000/year and 4.8/1000/year, respectively. Figure 2 demonstrates the censustract population distribution for children less than 15years old in the fire district. The intervals for the chorop-leth map were determined by the quantile method. Aggre-gating similar injury mechanisms revealed there were 413injuries due to motor vehicle collisions, 219 due to pedes-trian and bicycle injuries, 1035 due to falls, 236 due toenvironmental injuries, and 94 due to assaults.

Bernoulli cluster analysisTable 1 compares the demographics, incident locationand disposition of the injured versus medical cohorts ofpatients. Not surprisingly, the injured patients were olderand were found in more public locations and roadways.

cE c

C cC E c

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Table 1: Comparison of medical and injured patient cohorts

Medical Patients # 2806 Injured Patients # 1997 P-value*

DemographicsAge 5.4 ± 4.8 yrs 7.7 ± 4.4 yrs < 0.001 (t-test)Age Groups

0 – 12 mos 23% 8%1 – 4 yrs 32% 24% < 0.0015 – 9 yrs 23% 36%10 – 14 yrs 23% 36%

Male 57% 56% 0.62Race

Other/Missing 23% 19%African- American 4% 4% 0.001Hispanic 11% 11%White 62% 66%

Location TypeSchool/Church/Daycare 12% 15%Multi-family building 22% 13%Single family residence 51% 28% < 0.001Sport/Park/Recreation 3% 8%Public building 8% 7%Street/Road 3% 30%

DispositionDied 0.5% 0.3%No transport 35% 44% < 0.001Transported 64% 56%

*(χ2 test except as noted)

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As children age, they are more prone to injuries due tobeing more independent and being transported by motorvehicles more.[21] Medical illness related calls would notbe expected to occur on the road and street network. Therewas a slight difference in the racial and ethnic distributionbut with the significant amount of missing data making itdifficult to interpret. Fewer injured patients were trans-ported by EMS than for medical reasons. This may be dueto calls being initiated by bystanders for relatively minorinjuries but this is conjecture at this point. Figure 3 dem-onstrates the distribution of the location of injury relatedand medical related incidents.

Table 2 summarizes the results of the Bernoulli clusteranalysis using SaTScan with the relative risk (RR), associ-ated p-value, and number of cases included for each clus-ter. The table demonstrates the number of clusters andnumber of cases included in these significant clusters var-ied from a total of 13 clusters for motor vehicle collisionsthat included 58% of all cases to only one small clustereach for pedestrian and bicycle injuries and fall injuries.There were no significant clusters found for environmen-tal and assault injury cohorts. Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 dem-onstrate the location of the Bernoulli clusters for eachmechanism respectively and are discussed in more detailin the Results section "Comparison of Poisson and Ber-noulli cluster analyses" below.

Poisson cluster analysisTable 3 shows the number of significant clusters obtainedfor all mechanisms combined and each mechanism sepa-rately denoting each cluster's relative risk, p-value, andnumber of cases included in the cluster. All had at leastone significant cluster found with total injuries and motorvehicle collisions having a large part of cases included inclusters whereas the others had much fewer casesaccounted for in clusters. Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 demon-strate the locations of the Poisson and Bernoulli clustersfor each mechanism respectively and will be discussed inmore detail under Results section "Comparison of Pois-son and Bernoulli cluster analyses" below.

Comparison of Poisson and Bernoulli cluster analysesFigures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 show the location of the significantPoisson and Bernoulli clusters for the total injuries cohortand each of the individual mechanisms respectively. Eachcluster is labelled with its RR, p-value of that cluster RRand the number of cases contained in the cluster. In gen-eral, there is some geographical overlap of clusters by eachmethod but there are some marked differences in the loca-tion of clusters identified. The comparison of eachmethod on the same map highlights the strengths andweaknesses of each method and if the clusters overlapstrengthens the impression that the area is a "hotspot."The two analyzes have different hypotheses since the Pois-

son method compares the injury rates to the underlyingpopulation using census tract data and the Bernoulli com-pares the location of events to a control group which mayor may not be appropriate.

Figure 4 demonstrates the location of clusters for the totalinjuries cohort. There are an equal number of clustersfound in each method but the Poisson method includes32% of all cases in its clusters while the Bernoulli methodonly includes 11% of cases. Three of the Bernoulli clustersmostly overlap with one large Poisson cluster in the mosturban part of the fire district while one Poisson clusterconsisting of one large census tract has no proximate Ber-noulli cluster.

There is even a starker difference in the respective clusterarrangement for the motor vehicle collision injury cohortwith 13 clusters found in the Bernoulli method while only3 found in the Poisson method in Figure 5. Again, there issome overlap in the core urban area and also some in themiddle, western border but otherwise little overlap. TheBernoulli method has much smaller cluster sizes demon-strating perhaps a higher sensitivity in finding clusterssince it uses precise incident locations.

Figure 6 maps the clusters for pedestrian and bicycle inju-ries with each method having two significant clusters thatin this case do overlap. The number of cases included inthe clusters is also similar and the RRs for the central clus-ters are the highest for its respective method.

The falls injuries cluster analysis (Figure 7) found onlyone cluster with the Bernoulli method and four with thePoisson method, one of which overlaps on the easternboundary. The Poisson analysis resulted in having onlyone tract per cluster and overall contained 17% of caseswhile the small Bernoulli cluster had only 2% of the total.

Finally, Figures 8 and 9 show a single Poisson cluster con-taining one census tract for the environmental and assaultinjury cohorts, respectively. Each contains a small propor-tion of the total cases in the cohort. There are no signifi-cant Bernoulli clusters found for these mechanisms.

DiscussionThis study of pediatric injuries in a fire district databaseshowed significant clustering for overall injuries and foreach mechanism cohort for either the Poisson or Ber-noulli method or both. Except for motor vehicle colli-sions, the majority of injuries occurred outside anyidentifiable clusters. The RR and corresponding p-valuefor most of the clusters are very significant so there is littledoubt that these are high-risk areas. On the other hand,targeting injury prevention strategies only to these high

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Distribution of all injuries and medical calls locationsFigure 3Distribution of all injuries and medical calls locations. This map reveals a subtle difference in the distribution of these two cohorts but both are primarily located in population centers and along the road and street network when superimposed on these.

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risk areas may only have a minimal impact on the overallinjury rates.

This has implications for the field of pediatric injury pre-vention. Injury prevention programs either free-standingor as part of a larger organization such as a fire departmentstruggle with how to implement programs effectively.They have to decide which mechanisms to focus on, whatage groups to include, and what geographic areas are high-est risk. They also need to contend with whether there areeffective preventative strategies available, [22,23] howmuch they cost, and are there any appropriate personnelor infrastructure to implement them. Most injury preven-tion programs have to compromise among these manyfactors. With a good GIS analysis of injury patterns,though, the programs should be able to make better deci-sions.

The clusters identified may be the first place to start someinjury prevention activities since they have been identifiedas high-risk areas. These may be good places to establish

pilot projects since stakeholders there may be more moti-vated to work on prevention activities and since the ratesare already high it may be easier to show an effect forinterventions. Since most injuries occur outside theseclusters, the programs developed by these pilot projectsneed to be distributed throughout the organization'scatchment area to have any appreciable effect on injuryincidence. For example, the fire district could first focuson the two clusters of pedestrian and bicycle injuries anddo further analysis of what age groups of children aremost involved and what activities these children may beinvolved in leading to an increased rate of injury. A simplequestion to ask is whether the clusters seem to be proxi-mate to schools, parks or commercial areas. One studyfound increased pedestrian injuries in proximity to aschool in four Californian communities.[24] Once thelocation of clusters of pedestrian injuries are found thereare proven interventions that can be done at schools todecrease the incidence.[25] The present study demon-strates only two significant clusters of pedestrian injuriesin the study area consistent with a previous study in Mon-tréal.[6]

The major limitation of this study is that the original datacollection was for patient care and not an injury preven-tion analysis. Trying to obtain similar data through a spe-cific injury prevention research project would be veryexpensive and take several years to complete. This studyused data fields that should be accurate since they are alsoneeded for documentation of patient care. Most similaranalyses come from secondary data sources due toresource constraints. As emergency medical service agen-cies engage in more injury prevention strategies they willcollect more appropriate data points to manage theseeffectively, allowing better research. This data alsoexcluded any injuries that did not generate a 9-1-1 call butmay have been seen in a primary care office or emergencydepartment. The relative distribution of where these chil-dren are seen first varies with the severity of injury, wherethe injury occurs, and what mechanism isinvolved.[5,21,23] This dataset should account for mostof the serious non-intentional injuries in this population.Except for a few select geographical areas in the UnitedStates, a comprehensive injury data collection process isnot in place and one has to depend on secondary and lim-ited sources.

Each method of cluster analysis in SaTScan has potentialstrengths and weaknesses. Certainly the geographicaloverlap of both methods was less than perfect with eachfinding different number of significant clusters for mostmechanisms. The Poisson method had to rely on censustract level population data that outside the core urbanareas have less regular shapes and population densities. Inaddition, since the fire district's boundary did not always

Table 2: Clusters identified by Bernoulli method stratified by mechanism

Relative Risk P-value Number in Cluster

Total Injuries (# 1997)1st 2.16 0.005 252nd 2.17 0.008 243rd 1.41 0.005 1544th 2.37 0.013 17Total 220 (11%)

Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries (# 413)1nd 6.88 0.001 152rd 8.48 0.001 113th 3.20 0.001 334th 2.29 0.001 845th 10.44 0.005 66th 5.92 0.006 127th 6.61 0.006 108th 8.41 0.003 89th 11.80 0.016 510th 4.44 0.014 1511th 2.98 0.013 2712th 10.48 0.025 613th 6.56 0.021 9Total 241 (58%)

Pedestrian & Bicycle Injuries (# 219)1st 14.11 0.005 52nd 3.71 0.013 18Total 23 (10%)

Fall Injuries (# 1035)1st 3.38 0.001 18Total 18 (2%)

Environmental Injuries (# 236)None

Assault Injuries (# 94)None

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Total injuries cluster analysisFigure 4Total injuries cluster analysis. The significant clusters by the SaTScan Poisson (green-shaded census tracts) and Bernoulli (green circles and green incident locations) methods are superimposed on this map. Each cluster is identified by its rank fol-lowed by its relative risk (RR), associated p-value and the number of cases in the cluster.

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Motor vehicle collision injuries cluster analysisFigure 5Motor vehicle collision injuries cluster analysis. The significant clusters by the SaTScan Poisson (blue-shaded census tracts) and Bernoulli (blue circles and blue incident locations) methods are superimposed on this map. Each cluster is identified by its rank followed by its relative risk (RR), associated p-value and the number of cases in the cluster.

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Pedestrian and bicycle injuries cluster analysisFigure 6Pedestrian and bicycle injuries cluster analysis. The significant clusters by the SaTScan Poisson (yellow-shaded census tracts) and Bernoulli (orange circles and orange incident locations) methods are superimposed on this map. Each cluster is identified by its rank followed by its relative risk (RR), associated p-value and the number of cases in the cluster.

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Fall injuries cluster analysisFigure 7Fall injuries cluster analysis. The significant clusters by the SaTScan Poisson (pink-shaded census tracts) and Bernoulli (red circles and red incident locations) methods are superimposed on this map. Each cluster is identified by its rank followed by its relative risk (RR), associated p-value and the number of cases in the cluster.

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Environmental injuries cluster analysisFigure 8Environmental injuries cluster analysis. The significant cluster by the SaTScan Poisson (purple-shaded census tract) on this map is presented on this map. The cluster is identified by its rank followed by its relative risk (RR), associated p-value and the number of cases in the cluster.

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Assault injuries cluster analysisFigure 9Assault injuries cluster analysis. The significant cluster by the SaTScan Poisson (brown-shaded census tract) is presented on this map. The cluster is identified by its rank followed by its relative risk (RR), associated p-value and the number of cases in the cluster.

International Journal of Health Geographics 2008, 7:51 http://www.ij-healthgeographics.com/content/7/1/51

correspond to census tract boundaries multiple portionsof census tract polygons were used for analysis leading topossible distortion due to uneven population distribu-tions. SaTScan uses a circular window on census tract cen-troids to determine potential cluster boundaries whichmay not represent the population at risk in a realistic fash-ion. The injury rates are relatively low so attempting aggre-gations at a smaller population size such as census blocksmay lead to very low rates for analysis.

Using the Bernoulli method in SaTScan with the controlsbeing medical cases can be criticized. The two cohorts diddiffer in some demographic factors that may influence thecluster analysis results. The strength of this approach isusing cases and controls drawn from a sample of the pop-ulation at-risk that use the 9-1-1 emergency response sys-tem. One would be more certain of overlapping clustersidentified by both methods to be real and one might con-centrate on these for further analysis. Even if one couldmore accurately map the population distribution by usingdysametric methods and remote sensing, for example, thiswill still not take into account the population at-risk thattravels through, goes to school or day care in or works inthe study area. Estimating the distribution of this popula-

tion would be a huge undertaking with a limit in availabledata and statistical methods to analyze it.

One could argue that for most injuries especially onesoccurring on the road system it would be more appropri-ate to use network analysis to find clusters. Currently,cluster analysis on a network using a stochastic model isin its early stages.[26,27] This would be a logical next stepin the analysis of injury data especially road-related ones.

ConclusionIn this study of pediatric injuries involving a fire district 9-1-1 response, there were identifiable high-risk clustersfound for all injury mechanisms combined and eachmechanism separately by at least one method of clusterdetection. There are strengths and weaknesses to eachmethod of cluster detection. Finding these clusters is thefirst step in targeting injury prevention interventions todecrease the incidence. More detailed GIS and demo-graphic analysis will further refine possible strategies andallow more rational choices. Other methods of analysisshould be attempted on the location of incidents involv-ing injuries.

AbbreviationsRR: relative risk; TVF&R: Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue.

Competing interestsThe author declares that they have no competing interests.

Authors' contributionsThe author is responsible for all the data analysis and writ-ing of the manuscript.

AcknowledgementsJeanne Ervin, GIS Analyst and the firefighters of Tualatin Valley Fire & Res-cue, Beaverton, Oregon.

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Table 3: Clusters identified by the Poisson method stratified by mechanism

Relative Risk P-value Number in Cluster

Total Injuries (# 1997)1st 1.67 0.001 4282nd 6.84 0.001 373rd 2.41 0.001 1254th 2.36 0.001 57Total 647 (32%)

Motor Vehicle Collision Injuries (# 413)1nd 2.80 0.001 1302rd 2.25 0.024 303th 5.67 0.025 8Total 168 (41%)

Pedestrian & Bicycle Injuries (# 219)1st 4.44 0.001 242nd 10.65 0.001 11Total 35 (16%)

Fall Injuries (# 1035)1st 8.97 0.001 252nd 2.74 0.001 733rd 2.32 0.005 404rd 2.27 0.013 35Total 173 (17%)

Environmental Injuries (# 236)1st 7.99 0.002 9Total 9 (4%)

Assault Injuries (# 94)1st 8.27 0.001 11Total 11 (12%)

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