International Herald Tribute, 16 February 2006, Front ...Avastin is one of the most expensive drugs I Here is how it stacks up against some other: Alimta Eli Lilly Lung $5,571 Camptosar

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Page 1: International Herald Tribute, 16 February 2006, Front ...Avastin is one of the most expensive drugs I Here is how it stacks up against some other: Alimta Eli Lilly Lung $5,571 Camptosar
Timothy Van Zandt
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International Herald Tribute, 16 February 2006, Front page
Timothy Van Zandt
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International Herald Tribute, 16 February 2006, Front page
Timothy Van Zandt
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International Herald Tribute, 18 February 2006, page 4 (This is a related editorial that appeared two days later.)
Page 2: International Herald Tribute, 16 February 2006, Front ...Avastin is one of the most expensive drugs I Here is how it stacks up against some other: Alimta Eli Lilly Lung $5,571 Camptosar
Page 3: International Herald Tribute, 16 February 2006, Front ...Avastin is one of the most expensive drugs I Here is how it stacks up against some other: Alimta Eli Lilly Lung $5,571 Camptosar