International Collaborative Literature Project Sopockie ... · lesson. He was so handsome. ... and my mother would cook breakfast for Lolek and me. ... They started escaping to their

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International Collaborative Literature Project


Bohunt School


Sopockie Autonomiczne Gimnazjum

English coordinator: Ilya Prigozhin

Polish coordinator: Janina Żerańska

Cover designer: Adela Moss



Hannah Cashford

Hannah Fitzgerald

Amelie French

Anna Holmwood

Ella Menzies

Jess Nessbitt

Beth Orriss

Mamta Tamang

Aleksandra Bonusiak

Maja Byczyk

Michał Cysewski

Julia Erecińska

Magdalena Kardaś

Milena Karpińska

Marta Keńska

Łukasz Kifner

Maria Kostrzak

Mikołaj Kuźnik

Kamil Manowiecki

Zofia Markowska

Zofia Stopa

Marta Sztabińska

Drogi Czytelniku,

chcielibyśmy Cię zaprosić do przeczytania naszej książki. Jest to zbiór

opowiadań stworzonych przez uczniów klasy 1a i 1b Sopockiego

Autonomicznego Gimnazjum oraz uczniów Bohunt School w Anglii. Podczas

czytania rozwiniesz swoją wyobraźnię. W każdą historię włożyliśmy serce.

Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy przyczynili sie do powstania tej książki.

Miłego czytania!

Dear Reader,

We would like to invite you to read our book. It is a collection of stories created

by students from class 1a and 1b of Sopockie Autonomiczne Gimnazjum and

students from Bohunt School in England. While reading, you will develop your

imagination. We put heart into every story. We are grateful to everyone who

helped in making our book.

Enjoy the book!


Story 1

Opening by Hannah Cashford

I start walking down the mysterious hallway, straight towards the leader’s door, whilst

carrying my new bag and books I just received today. I step up to the door and knock on it

three times. One… Two… Three…

A low voice screams from the unknown room lying ahead of me, “Come in.” My feet scatter

into the room, revealing the horror of school. “Is this, may I ask Kyla?” I wait for a while

trying to remember the name he has just said. The beast repeated, “Shall I ask again?”, this

time in a much more frightening tone. “Is this Kyla?” The name came at me like a blast.


“Yes it is sir, mada… sir!”

Oops, worst start to the day possible; I wonder what I have ahead of me. The intimidating

man handed me several sheets of paper telling me what to do and where to go. He then tells

me to leave the room, following the leaders’ instructions and I do as he says. The thing I need

to worry about is making sure Doctor Brightland doesn't find out about the multiple mistakes

I will make today…

Ending by Maja Byczyk and Marta Keńska

I found the class 101. It was long with a high ceiling. An old woman was already sitting in

front of the students. I looked at the clock and just realised that I'm 10 minutes late.

Everybody was staring at me. I apologised quickly and quietly. Mrs. Johansson showed me

where to sit. I followed her and took a seat. A strange guy was looking at me for the whole

lesson. He was so handsome. He looked just like my brother.

I was scared of everything and everybody that's why I've always learned at home. When I was

homeschooled, the only boy I knew was my brother Lolek. Every day I would get up at 10 am

and my mother would cook breakfast for Lolek and me. Then we would have an English

lesson, then geography, biology and history. I liked learning at home but I really wanted to

meet someone new and attend a normal school. In school it's so different, I have to do

everything myself!

A bell rang and everybody got out of the room, so did I. Some of them opened the metal cage.

The stranger looked at me and went to his cage. I followed him. He turned around and saw

me. I was so embarrassed. He asked, "would you go with me to the canteen?" My legs were

soft and I fell down. Some girls, who were standing a few steps away from me, started to

laugh. I wanted to run away... but this handsome boy reached out a hand to me and helped me

get up. I was freaking out. We went together to a huge kitchen. I thought that 'canteen' is a bar

or maybe a restaurant but I wasn't expecting A KITCHEN.

We came closer to the counter where he ordered lunch for us. We sat on the bench and ate our

food. He touched my hand and I fell in love with him. He showed me around the school and

told me how everything is called. Thanks to him I avoided making more mistakes on my first

day. But who knows what's going to happen tomorrow.


Story 2

Opening by Hannah Fitzgerald



"Electrical cord?"


"Geiger counter?"

"Check. Boss, I got everything."

"Alright, hoods up, googles on. Let's get this over with."

The shiny metal door rolled slowly up and two motorbikes raced out, the riders clad in black.

As they disappeared down the city road and towards the outback the doors trundled slowly

down, and silence descended once more on the abandoned suburb of an abandoned city of an

abandoned world. Sand brushed gently against the cracked streets, a lover's caress. The

houses stood in crooked rows, like the sharp smile on a sharp man. For a long time the only

sound on the suburban street was the moan and groan of a life long dead. Then finally, as the

sun slowly descended into the black of night, casting eerie shadows down the tarmac, the

sound of engines appeared in the distance. The two motorbikes that had set out that morning

turned around a corner and sped down the road, disturbing the dust and sand.

Ending by Michał Cysewski, Łukasz Kifner, Mikołaj Kuźnik and Kamil Manowiecki

They wanted to get hold of uranium to build a nuclear bomb so they found the convoy of

trucks. They had to find the one carrying a big amount of uranium. They didn't know which

truck had uranium that's why they needed a Geiger counter which can detect the right one.

They found it. They destroyed other trucks and started chasing the last one. They killed the

driver and took the truck. They escaped to their shelter and then they made a nuclear bomb.

One of them said to the other:

-Is it ready for the mission, Dimitrij?

-Yes it is, Vladimir. Russian Federation will be great again. We will prevail!

-The world will kneel before the power of мать Россия(mother Russia)!!!

-SASR will cry!!

-Alright Dimitrij, calm down and let's get ready for the mission.

-For Mother Russia, Vladimir.

-For Mother Russia, Dimitrij.

Vladimir and Dimitrij put the bomb in the truck and drove to the place where they wanted to

plant it. They set the bomb, in 10 minutes it would launch and destroy SASR military base.

They started escaping to their hidden car.

Just a moment before they started the engine, SASR snipers noticed from a tower what was

happening and started shooting at them. The Australian army killed them. The Australian

sappers defused and released the bomb into space where it exploded. Because of radioactive

explosion next to the Earth, a radioactive rain started falling from the sky over Australia. That

gave the Russian army enough time to attack while they recover from radiation. Russia will

strike soon in revenge for their agents and all the loss that they suffered because of the

Kangaroo country.

Story 3

Opening by Amelie French

Look before you cross. That’s what James forgot. Green, don’t cross. Yellow, get ready. Red,

go! The lights turned green again, he wandered into the road unaware of the light changing

and the large van heading for him.

The scream of alarms rang out through the city. James was pulled into an ambulance, lights

flashing. He was unconscious when the doctor told him he would wake up in hospital.

A tall lady in a smart dress walked carefully over to James in the hospital bed. “Still hasn’t

woken up by what I see.” She said angrily. “You told me he would wake up by midnight. It’s


“We have tried almost everything.” The doctor replied, obviously upset.


“Well, there is this.” He held up a small round tablet with specks of white in it.

“Do it then.”

“It hasn’t been tested yet. Anything could happen!”

“Are you arguing with me?”

The doctor gave James the tablet.

“We better leave him for a bit, if he wakes up he should be by himself as he will be in shock.”

The doctor told her awkwardly.

“Very well,”

James awoke but unfortunately not in his hospital bed. Instead on the cold, hard ground of an

undiscovered dimension.

“What is going on?” James thought “I need to get back home! HELP.”

Ending by Zofia Markowska, Zofia Stopa and Magdalena Kardaś

He was shocked. Darkness started to change into a normal, colourful view. He was lying on

grass. The sun was shining brightly, but something was wrong. He looked at the sky. "What is

going on?!" he thought. There was no sky. There was the whole galaxy! He turned around and

saw a giraffe with pink eyebrows, big emerald eyes and wearing a blue scarf.

- Can I help you?

- Yes, I think so. Where am I?

- In a beautiful place!

- Really? I think it's interesting.

- Really, man! Is something wrong?!-asked a weird, small koala wearing gold chains and a

black cap. -I'm gonna hit you if it is!

- Calm down, Richard. He is new here.-said the giraffe. - My name is Gizela. Our Lord

Money Money Granny is waiting for you.

- I'm watchin' ya, man- whispered Richard.

- Where is Money?

- In that levitating house. See?

- Yes, thank you!

James went to that house. It was entirely made of gold. He was scared. He thought that was a

pawnshop. There was no grass but tigers skins. 'Now I understand why her name is Money

Money Granny'. He knocked. The door opened. There was a butler, but he wasn't a man, he

was a robot!

-Hello, sir. My Lord is waiting for you. She is in a living room, here-he pointed.

-Thank you, guy-said James and went into the room.

Money Money Granny was sitting in a big gold throne. James was frightened. He knew that

face. That was Granny Smith. He was her bookkeeper.

-James, how are you?

-Granny Smith?!

-In this world they call me Money Money Granny.

-Oh, yes. What is happening here?! I want to go home. I've got bills to pay.

-You, always so prepared! You had an accident and you were in hospital.

-Ok, but what is this place? Why am I here? I don't understand.

-You're in another dimension! Everything is possible here if you believe in it!

-But, in my world, you have a multiple sclerosis! You are dying!

-But not here. Let's go for a walk.

-Yes, ma'am.- James was really confused. He couldn't argue with the old woman that he knew

from his world. She was like a mother to him and his best friend.

-Can you tell me why I'm here?- asked the boy.

-I don't know it either.- answered the woman.- But now you are here, and that's important.

James still couldn't understand what is really happening.

-You had an accident. You forgot how to cross the road safely. Again. You were in hospital.

Your life was in danger, but Annie gave you the tablet. I like this girl. You are so lucky that

you have her.

-I don't know if I'm still in love with her. We don't talk much now, everything has changed.

-Oh, come on! She is really amazing and she loves you! You can't just let her go!

-Thanks, Ms. Smith.- James smiled.- Can I ask you something?

-Of course, honey.

-How did you get here?

-This is my world. Here, take it- she gave him a little pill.

-What is this?

-It'll help you. You will be able to go back home.

-Could you go back with me?

-That is impossible... This is my world. Annie is missing you.

-I know. I miss her too.

-Go. I also have to go, I've got an election to win.

-You?! I hope you win.



He took the pill and woke up in hospital. He saw Annie.

-I love you!- he said and kissed her.-Let's go back home.

-Are you ok, sweetheart?

-I am feeling great, thanks for everything!

She was a little bit confused.

After a few months they bought a house. They loved each other more than before the

accident. They were coming back to their house after a walk. They had to cross the street. He

forgot again, but this time she also forgot. They looked at each other's faces for the last time.

The car crushed them. They died.

James and Annie woke up in a magical world again! Richard the Koala saw them and said:

-Look before you cross, dude.


Story 4

Opening by Anna Holmwood

Click, click click. I typed the final letter of my blog and hit the flashing submit button at the

bottom of the screen, my hands sweating nervously. Would my subscribers like it? It was only

my sixth blog, and so far I wasn't particularly successful. ‘Come on!’, I thought restlessly

while the blue circle spun around at the top. ‘Upload! Upload!’ I heard the familiar sound of

our door bell, followed by a shout of “Someone's at the door for you, honey,” from Mum. I

yelled back a reply, whilst reluctantly placing my laptop on my desk. This was as irritating as

having a muffin on your plate when you've given them up for Lent! Anyway, it could

probably wait a few minutes.

Stood at the door was an unfamiliar and scruffily dressed figure. In a teenagerly fashion, I

asked what he wanted. He replied that I'd won a competition for my blogging skills and that

he was there to escort me to the presentation ceremony, in London. Wasn't that a bit unlikely?

I'd only just started blogging and I’d already won an award and an award ceremony in London

seemed like a big deal! “How come I've won as I haven't even entered a competition?” I

mused. The man explained that his boss was regularly scanning the Internet, searching for

newly started bloggers’ work so they were seen by the more important people in the industry.

I grabbed my phone, purse and a rucksack of essentials- make up, a spare outfit and food- and

hopped into the car. Suddenly, I realised that in my hurry, I’d forgotten to say my farewells

so hurriedly texted ‘bye’ to my mum.

In less than seconds, I felt a bump and the whirring of the engine; we were off on our little

adventure! Excited but nervous, I was aware that I was breathing much faster than usual, but I

wasn’t struggling to breathe at all, so what was it? Was this what being a winner felt like? I’d

never experienced it before, but it could be all those sweets I munched on last night!

Surprised that my chauffeur hadn't been polite by starting up a conversation like most (from

my experience) do and beginning to tire of fidgeting with my belongings, I began to glance

outside. Soon, I noticed that as the car whizzed past towns and villages, we passed signs

saying ‘Portsmouth 8 miles’. However, without any mention of London. I knew from endless

shopping trips to Gunwharf and London that Portsmouth is in the opposite direction to

London; suspicion built up in my stomach, my fists clenched and goosebumps trickled down

my spine like an icy wind.

Where was I heading to?

There was something about this man that didn't seem right. To start with, a guilty expression

was spread all over his face, and unlike most chauffeurs for important events, his laces

weren't done up and his shoes were filthy, his hair (which looked like it had never seen

shampoo, let alone conditioner) wasn't gelled back and that wasn't half of them! My gut

instinct was not to trust him; he could have easily made up what he had told me earlier. I

decided it was time to make my move; I shouldn't have got in his highly expensive Rolls

Royce car in the first place!

Ending by Marta Sztabińska

- Sorry, are you sure that we are going to London? -I asked that strangely dressed man.

- Of course... not. Teenagers are so naive these days - the chauffeur laughed diabolically.

I started panicking. I wasn't thinking too much, I punched him strongly in his face. The car

skidded, I was trying to take the steering wheel and drive. Obviously I couldn't so we crashed

into a tree. The last thing that I saw was darkness.

I opened my eyes, my body was in an awful state. The pain went through my body. I was

trying to stand up. ‘It hurts so much’ I thought. I looked around. The body of the chauffeur

was in front of the crushed car. It was a terrifying view. I took my phone out of my pocket,

the screen was broken but it was still working. I typed 112, said that I had an accident and that

the man and me are in horrible states. After 10 painful minutes an ambulance took us.

I woke up in a white room with a white bed, white chairs, everything was in this colour -

hospital. I was trying to stand up. 'My legs hurt!' I thought. The pain was horrible, but I had to

check if the chauffeur is alive to ask him questions about the kidnapping. Before I walked out

from my room, a woman in a dark, tight dress entered.

- Cara! We have to get out of here. Quickly! - she said taking my hand.

- What are you doing? I don't know you! - I tried to release my hand from her grasp.

- No! You don't understand! Trust me, we have to go! Otherwise people from the PD

organisation will catch us! - the woman looked at me pleadingly.

- Ok, but you have to explain me everything. Who are these people? Why do they want to

catch us? - I ran after her. Suddenly, she stopped in front of a room with a sign "DO NOT

ENTER". The woman opened the door and walked in. I followed her. There was a portal,

like in all these films with wizards and magic.

- Cara, now you have to take my hand and get in that. You are going to feel dizzy when we

will be on the other side - she closed the door and we got in.

I was lying on the bed, again. This time it was black and modern. Next to me that woman in

the black dress was sitting.

- Hello, Cara. Are you feeling better? Now, when we are safe, I can explain everything, so

what are your questions? - she asked.

- First, where are we?

- At the base for special people - I was confused.

- What do you mean by "special people"?

- Like me or you, they have special powers. Mine is one of the most powerful - I can make

portals and control time.

- It's crazy, but what power do I have? Is that why the PD organisation wanted to catch us?

The chauffeur was one of them, wasn't he?

- We don't know your power yet, it will appear on your birthday, but because of your blog, I

think that I already know it. About the PD, yes, they wanted to catch us because we are

special. They think that we aren't humans and we shouldn't live, and yes, the chauffeur was

one of them - 'What does my blog have to do with this?' - I thought.

- Okay, I understand... But, you know it's hard for me to believe it. And, what do you think is

my power?

- I think that on your blog you write our future. Your last chapter of your story was about a

girl who came from the Earth to this magic world. You described her like yourself. Isn't it

strange? - someone knocked at the door.

- Sorry, to interrupt boss, but I have a message from our agent. The PD group is not a threat

for us anymore. Now she can go back home - said a man with white hair and walked away.

- Can I really go back? - I asked the woman. 'That would be amazing' - I thought.

- Now, when you aren't in danger.... Yes, you can. But, do you want to?-she looked at me


- Sorry, but there are my parents, all my family, friends. I can't leave them. They are too

important for me.

- I understand but can you at least keep in touch with us when you're home?

- Of course. And one more thing, can I still write my blog? - I thought that maybe they won't

let me because I probably describe their future.

- Sure, PD is destroyed so we don't have to worry about it. It's your hobby, why would I stop

you? - she smiled at me.

- Thanks... Do you have phones here, can I have your number or e-mail to contact you?

- I have an IPhone so, yes - we exchanged numbers and said goodbye. She turned the portal

on. Green, bright light came from this machine. Then I walked in.

I opened my eyes. I was in bed, how surprising. Pink walls, a white wardrobe and black

laptop with a sticker. It's my room. I hope that it wasn't a dream. If I have bruises from the

accident, then it wasn't. I looked at myself in the mirror. So it was real... I had a big brown

spot on my neck.

Story 5

Opening by Ella Menzies

Fear. Fear is my worst enemy. It hunts me down and clouds my every move. Trapped.

Trapped between bars. It captures me and surrounds my every breath. The bars restrict me,

pulling me back like a secret ready to be told. My heart pumps slowly like a beating drum.

Suddenly I was awoken and dragged from my traumatic, never ending nightmare. My heart

was pounding and my temple was throbbing incessantly. My alarm was still ringing in my

ears. The covers tried to hide my depressed and unwelcome thoughts however; they were

whipped over my head. Cold air swamped my body forcing me to clamber out of bed.

Carefully my wobbly legs crawled out of bed and headed for my wardrobe. My uniform was

hurled on. Dazed, I ran down the creaking floorboards on the stairs and rushed out the front

door. The minute the door slammed behind me I was alone. Feeling nothing but despair and

dark thoughts raiding my mind.

Everywhere I turned, people starred at me; freezing my insides, turning them ice cold. They

were ashamed of me; I was able to see the disappointment in their eyes. I knew I was guilty. I

could still remember that night. That night everything changed.

Huge balls of gases surrounded me. Pain shot up my legs. I felt like I was being roasted alive.

The fire catching on my clothes. Unfortunately, I soon realized I wasn’t alone; my little sister

was trapped in the house as well. I couldn’t believe that a bit of burnt toast would lead to a

destroyed house. Suddenly my sister Amelia screamed out in pain. That’s all I could

remember from that night as I was knocked out by too little oxygen and I was whisked off to

hospital. I woke up with a stressed nurse sitting beside me and my parents sitting at the back

of the room sobbing their eyes out; drowning in their tears. It took them a while to pluck up

the courage and tell me that my sister hadn’t made it through the night. The nurse and doctor

explained to me that there was so little oxygen flowing around her body so her heart

completely stopped and they were unable to revive her.

As I carried on down the street little children started to stare at me even harder than before.

Then out of nowhere they all decided to cross to the other side of the road keeping a close eye

on me the whole time.

‘Great could life get any worse?’

But it could…

Ending by Julia Erecińska and Maria Kostrzak

I'm waking up. I'm living. No, I'm surviving. And I'm trying not to think about it again.

Wherever I am, I can see it. I can feel it. I can't breathe properly. I can't escape. It haunts me

every day, even when I think that I'm fine.

I walked into our living room, slowly but hardly breathing. Parents were sitting on a couch,

with no emotions on their faces. I just sat down and waited till someone will say something,

like every single day. But today it was going to be different, I felt it, just didn't know why.

Silence was eating us, or just me. But it stopped. What I heard hit me. My mom's lips were

moving slowly, telling me that they were going to leave for some time. But I knew what it

meant. I knew what they were going to do with me. I was going to the orphanage.

It wasn't long before I stood up with tears I couldn't stop and ran out from the house. They

should know now that I know. In my town there was only one orphanage so I just ran in this

direction. Tears slowly stopped dripping, my soul stopped hurting. Who cares now? No one. I

came there, the big black doors scared me. Inside everything was old and ugly. Children were

silent and kinda sad. I sat down in a chair and waited till someone would take care of me. A

kinda ugly nurse walked to me and slowly explained something I couldn't believe. There was

a phone call from the police. Parents had a car accident on their way to the orphanage. They

died because of me. I killed my whole family. I was a monster.

I had a small room with 3 beds but only I slept there. I liked it. My light hair lost its

brightness, I could see it in a mirror, I sat down and looked at it. I didn't see me. I saw a

monster that I have become. Some people tried to talk to me but they failed. I liked just one

nurse. The evening came faster than I thought it would. A new nurse brought medicine and

put it down on the table. Then we heard a loud noise, she ran out of my room. I didn't think

much. I stood up and took it all. And then I just went to sleep. Forever, I guess.

A few days later they carried her dead body in a coffin.

Her tragedy ends here. Maybe she will meet her family in heaven. Or hell.

Story 6

Opening by Mamta Tamang

I was running through the forest, my heart pounding and chest heaving. But I had to get away.

He was close behind, I could hear him. Swearing as he tripped over brambles and tumbled

over rocks. He was fast but I was faster. Soon, though, my luck would run out. It always did.

Branches snagged my long, flowing hair. I cursed it. Soon I’d cut it. Soon. Suddenly, the trees

opened up their thick canopy and let in some light. There was a thick field of wheat in front of

me. Just a few hundred meters and I could lose him. But then a blow to my shoulder knocked

me down. Instantly, sharp flashes of pain ripped through my arm. A young man stood above

me holding a crowbar in his hand. “What the heck? Who hits a girl with a crowbar?” I

thought. He was about to hit my head when I kicked him in the stomach and the knee. I was

aiming for someplace else but never mind, he was wounded and I could still run. Leaving him

struggling to stand up I ran towards the field, but unsteadily; that crowbar was heavy and my

shoulder felt broken. However, I reached the corn and barrelled through, hidden from sight. I

could still hear the man shouting and stumbling after me so I needed to keep going. But my

arm ached and I thought I felt a trickle of blood down my shirt sleeve. I couldn’t make it far

enough before he caught up with me.

Just then, like some sort of miracle, a large barn came into view. It was falling down, rusty

and dilapidated but I couldn’t care less. I fled towards to it, in agony but after what seemed

like a century, I reached its safety. A bale of hay lay in a corner and I rest my head against it.

Gently, I ripped some of my t-shirt off and wrapped my shoulder up. Wincing, I replayed my

most recent memories inside my head.


I was creeping round the side of a large, cream building. Loud voices emitted from the open

windows and they seemed to be arguing. I peeked inside. Two bulky men were standing,

shouting at each other. One of them moved away from a whiteboard and revealed a wanted

poster of a young girl. Who looked remarkably like me. Immediately I thought: “Uh-oh.”

Obviously, these men weren’t happy with me and themselves and they probably wanted to

capture me. I tried to sneak away quietly but then I came into contact with a rubbish bin. One

of those old-fashioned ones that are made of metal and make an extremely loud noise when

you push them over.

The men rushed to the window and saw me; covered in garbage. They weren’t that smart

because it took them a few moments for their brains to click I was the girl they were looking

for. Fortunately for me I was already gone from sight by then.

All I could remember from then was a lot of shouting and my heart thudding as I ran as fast as

I could muster. Soon the town was left far behind and we in the countryside. If they had been

a tad bit smarter they would have probably known to use a car, but I guess they were so intent

on catching me. I couldn’t even remember how long I’d been running for but strangely my

legs weren’t hurting. They felt like lead but they weren’t hurting.

Oh wow. I am rude though. You don’t even know my name or who I am. Well, let me tell you

my story.

Ending by Aleksandra Bonusiak and Milena Karpińska

I am a little daughter of my daddy and mummy, when I am thinking about them I want to

puke. I hate everything that they have done and given me. Really, how could parents name

their child Daffyth? It's very difficult when the whole school and the whole world know you

and your name, and no one likes it. Everybody agrees, yes?

Okay, whatever. I haven't finished my story, no more talking about me, myself and I.

So, you are asking yourself, why such a nice girl is wanted? The answer is easy. It happens

when you do something right, but the president of the whole world and other politicians don't

like it very much because it reveals the truth which complicates their carriers. I wanted to save

the world and now I'm paying for it.

I think you know that politicians know a lot of tricks. And if you are in this environment, you

see lies every day. People loved me, but I couldn't love anyone. The only person that was

everything to me was taken and killed.

I was sitting with him in my room, we were talking about the future, how we will tell the

truth. He was very handsome, he would always joke that I am his little girlfriend because he

was taller than me. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes like a deep ocean. He even had a

beautiful name - Oliver. Maybe he is alive...

Okay, back to my story.

- "Knock knock"

- Who is it?

- It's not time for jokes. I know you are there! - I don't know who it is, he has a low voice.

- What time for jokes? - I was playing with them, but in my head there was an escape plan.

- Come out or we will take you! - I had 30 seconds, like the man said.

I had million thoughts in my head. But one of them was brilliant. I thought that I'll escape

through the window. I wasn't wondering any longer. I opened the window and ran away as

fast as I could. I probably lost them.

I stopped for a while to take a breath. I was tired. I was losing strength, but I knew that if they

catch me, I will probably be killed. And like everyone, I want to be alive. I sat on the grass

and rested for a while. I fell asleep on a meadow and I started dreaming. I had very strange

dreams. I was woken up by a nightmare. When I looked around I started to be scared. It was

dark, which meant that I woke up in the middle of the night. I stood up on my feet. I started

running. Ok, maybe I will explain something to you. I am so scared of darkness.

Back to the story

I ran in panic. I didn't know what I want. Everything around was scary. I didn't know what I

have to do. My heart started to beat faster. I ran into a forest. At some point, I tripped over

something. I felt pain and blood. I didn't know what was going on. Probably I fell down from

a cliff. I was lying on sand. My eyes closed on their own.

Now I'm in hospital because someone found me on this beach and called the ambulance. I

should thank him for that. Apparently, I was in a coma for 5 days. The doctors thought that

there is no hope for me. But now I am here and I'm still alive. My parents don't even care. I

think that they blew me off. If I have to be honest with you, I don't care about them either.

I don't know what will happen with my life and me but I hope that someday I'll get out of this

hospital. Hope is the only thing that's left.


The President of Nations announces and explains the death of his daughter.

"... It's a very sad day for the whole nation. My daughter, Daffyth, committed suicide. Most

likely she added some liquid of unknown origin to the drip. It's a very sad time for my family

and for you. I loved her but I must say that everything what my dear daughter said, was false.

She had mental problems, her stories were made up. They had nothing to do with the truth. I

wouldn't have the heart to put her in prison, I think that her death is a warning to everyone.

Don't do such stupid things. A very sad thing is that neither my wife nor me knew about her

mental problems and we couldn't help her in such a hard time. This is why we will set up a

foundation to help people like her and prevent such situations from happening. Every person

who tries or helps others destroy our nation will be taken to the centre and left in the care of

specialists. Thank you very much, please join my wife and me in a moment of silence.


The President of Nations says that his daughter committed suicide, but why would the girl

with such authority do it? Could her father add poison to the drip? Could her words reflect the

truth? Maybe we will find out soon.

17.08.2167 "Daffyth death" ~ Truth Magazine


Story 1: Agnes in Dream

opening by Julia Erecińska and Maria Kostrzak

She switched off the lamp and thought that she hated her life. She was praying for death, to

fall asleep and never wake up. She dozed off.

Everything was dark, so dark. Her arms were white. Was she dead?

-Am I alive ? Hello, can anyone hear me? -silence answered her. Stress started to eat her from

the inside. But it was what she wanted. Death. Her funeral.

She was in a small white room with a chair.

-Ha ha, so I'm dead but why does it feel like I'm alive? Poor people, now I'm actually happy.

-You don't have a choice now because you can't see the solution. - the chair moved a bit, an

Angel was sitting on it. Her breath stopped.

-To what? - she laughed.

-To your life. You will die in 7 days, because now you are half alive and half dead.


-You will disappear, forever. Now you have 3 options: you will be stuck here forever, you

will die or come back to life. But it's your turn. Not mine. Goodbye.

-What?! No! -she started to shout.

-So I can be stuck here... But I don't understand! -she didn't stop shouting, tears came out

from her lifeless eyes.

-I don't know what I want. -she whispered. The walls of the room fell to the ground. There

was a meadow full of flowers and animals around her.

-This is not real world. Real world is grey, without colours, full of egoism and suffering. This

is a dream. This is a LIE ! - her loud shout made the animals hide.

-Great. - she sat down and fell asleep.


A hospital room where Agnes was lying was filled with calmness. Silence. She could see

herself lying on this death bed. She saw it in her dream, which was actually a reality.

A nurse came into the room with guests. Her boyfriend. Her heart started to beat heavily and

fast. Her parents also showed up. They loved her very much. Daniel also. She started to

regret. A little bit, just a little bit. Everybody sat down and fixed their eyes on her white face.

"She looks like an angel, doesn't she, Daniel?" -whispered her mother. And, suddenly, behind

their backs she saw an Angel. This Angel. A shudder ran through her body.

This weird creature was walking around the room and looking up at mom, dad, and Daniel...

He slowly approached Agnes's body... With every step, he was getting closer and closer. In a

heartbeat everything faded away, he turned off the apparatus. Terrifying noise in the lounge.

Shouting mother, paralysed Daniel and crying dad.

"Stop this! Stop this, they are suffering ! They are suffering !" She was crying and shouting

somewhere far from there. "I love him, I don't wanna die, I love my parents, I regret. I regret

so much" she whispered. "I wanna live" - she collapsed to the ground, a little bird sat down on

her arm and looked up at her with a sad face.

The nurse ran into the room and turned on the apparatus.

In one moment she heard Daniel's voice, "I can't stand it. I'm done, I give up because if she

could kill herself, she didn't love me anymore. I'm sorry Mrs. Shell. My life also lost all

meaning. Good luck." Doors closed behind him, she disbelieved what he just said. She was

still in her sleep. A deep sleep. And now she didn't know what to do.

Ending by Agnes Justesen, Ella Menzies and Helena Jarvis

It’s time to wake up. Or at least try. Before another thought was formed, a pinch struck me on

the arm. Screams escaped my mouth I can’t stop. My rough throat sings with pain. I want to

wake up. I need to wake up. Death surrounds me. Death calls me. Death embraces me. Time

to leave. However, invisible chains restrict me.

“I wish to return, return to life, please!”

“Seven days as you wish, before I take your life away. Seven days to apologies, lets play.”


My eyes flicker open. The blinding light startles me; soon I remember the bad dream, the

angle and the threat…

“How are you doing?” The blurred figure muttered.

“Who? Where… I must get up, I must.”

“No. No.” the nurse ushered , she gently began pushing me back onto a, what was this? A

hospital gown draped down on my body. The white room fooled my brain into thinking the

prison was spacious.

“W w where am I?” I stuttered.

“Clam down you are safe, you’re still in England and your family is here.” She slowly


It’s like I’m slowly awakening to that feeling you get when your head is dunked down into a

pool, but your eyes stay open. It’s like when you see in fake TV programs, when the person’s

head becomes really dizzy and the director uses affects to show it.


I feel the worst I have ever felt in my life. Everything still seems like one big blur. My life is a

blur. White, faded lights surround me. All I could think about were the people I was leaving

behind. Friends. Family. Everyone that ever loved me I was about to leave. Suddenly, my life

seemed like living.

Finally, the lights became clear and brighter than ever. They were coming towards me,

catching up with me. No, I needed to wake up. I didn’t want it to end up like this. I didn’t

want anyone to get hurt. The light was reaching towards me, grabbing at me.

All I could hear was the beating of my heart carefully slowing down. Then all fell silent.

Story 2: David, George and More

Opening by Aleksandra Bonusiak and Milena Karpińska

Jasmine was 18 years old. She was a blonde, intelligent and nice woman. She lived in

Liverpool. Her passion was travelling. Her boyfriend, Alex, broke up with her a month ago.

He was handsome but he wasn't smart, he was an insidious false man with beautiful blue eyes.

Jasmine's parents loved her so much that they bought her a ticket around the world. It was

their idea to help her forget about this guy. Her friends had plans for holidays, no one could

accompany her. It was the day of departure, her first stop was Nice.

It was a beautiful city full of attractions and great weather. However, swarmed with

muggers, but Jasmine wasn't thinking about it.

The girl was on her way to the hotel, she was on the bus. A group of tourists was standing

next to her, one of them asked:

- Excuse me, do you know where is it? - he showed her a beautiful and colourful leaflet.

- I am not from Nice, sorry I can't help you - it was a second when it happened. They stole

her backpack, suitcase with money, phone and tickets. She had just clothes and passport

that was in her pocket, she didn't even remember her parents' number. She had it always in

speed dial.

She didn't realise that they had done it. It was her birthday travel. She thought, "I am so

happy, nothing bad can happen. Oh no, where are my things!?" She looked around, the

tourists disappeared without trace. She started crying. A young man asked her:

- Oh ... What's wrong? Don't cry girl.

- The-they st-stole everything...- Jasmine couldn't stop crying.

- It will be okay, I will help you.

- Tha-thanks...

- Do you have a place to stay?

- No. I will sleep on a cardboard. Maybe I will find an empty alley.

- Such a beautiful girl can't sleep here, I have a flat in the centre, I am David.

- I have a plane tomorrow.

- Would you like to eat dinner with me? I know a nice restaurant nearby, don't be afraid, I

have enough money.

- Thank you so much! I will pay you, we can exchange contact details on Facebook.

- No problem, have you seen something in Nice?

- No, I've just arrived, they stole it so fast.

- Yes, they are very good robbers- she gave him a questioning look.

- Oh, I don't know them, I am just from Nice, yeah, you know...

It was the best day of her life. She saw a lot of attractions and ate delicious food. She forgot

about her problems and life in Britain. She felt free and happy. The day passed very fast. She

fell asleep very fast on a sofa in David's flat. Next day in the morning, she found food in the

kitchen. Her breakfast included pancakes, eggs, salads, EVERYTHING!

She turned on TV and chose the news channel. She saw his face, she was shocked, she

thought that he was a good man. In the news, they said that he was a boss of Mafia. One of

the richest and most influential groups. Television presenter was still talking... "We have

found the headquarters of David Smith, the police is in the process of interrogating the

members of his family in Liverpool. Brother George betrayed his brother's plans. He is

spending his holiday in Nice..."

"David? This David? George Smith? He was in my class, but they aren't similar, maybe it

is just a coincidence" - Jasmine thought, "no time for that, I must run away! Where is my bag?

Okay, here! Stop, think a bit, he is bad, he made breakfast, we went sightseeing, but he's the

boss of Mafia... It doesn't make sense... But it will be better to escape. But where should I go?

I have a plane to Lisbon in the evening..." She rushed out from David's apartment, she called

the lift, but someone had called it first. The door opened. She saw his face, again ... She knew

that she must run away using the stairs, the time stopped for a while. Their eyes met. This

moment lasted an eternity. David shouted:

- Jasmine, wait, I will explain everything to you. Please, give me a chance. Jas...- in vain, she

was already far away.

Ending by Mamta Tamang and Jess Nessbitt

I had to get out of this place. My flight to Lisbon was in 6 hours so I’d kill some time trying

to figure what to do while walking around the city. But I couldn’t stop thinking about David.

Was he following me? Was he going to kill me? I quickened my speed.

Just then I spotted some men in hoodies watching me from a bus stop. Their heads were bent

slightly and their hoods were drawn tightly but there was no denying that they were looking at

me. I recognised them vaguely but my mind was scattered so I ignored them.

A few minutes later I felt someone following me but when I spun around all I saw was people

milling around enjoying the morning sun.

Suddenly, I felt rough hands drag me into a dank, dark alley.

“Hey girl, we saw you checking us out. Do you recognise me?” A cruel voice whispered in

my ear.

“What the…! What do you want? Leave me alone!” I shrieked as I tried to wriggle f

“Shut up. Unless you want to get hurt real bad.” He tightened his grip then immediately

slackened it as a sickening crack split the air. He slumped forward and almost crushed before

I ran out from under him. Then I came face to face with David.

“What are you doing here? Were you following me?”

“Wow that’s a brilliant way to thank the person who saved you twice.” He replied


“Go away! How dare you follow me! Leave me alone!”

The venom in my voice made him visibly wince.

“I’m not a bad person. I want to help you get out of here.” He pleaded.

“Yeah sure, the leader of Mafia isn’t a bad person.” I replied scathingly.

“What? Why would you believe I was the leader of Mafia? I have never had anything to do

with them! In fact, I help capture Mafia members.” He seemed shocked.

“But… but the news reports…”

“You can’t believe everything the media tells you.” He left the subject at that.

“Whatever. I’m leaving. I don’t want to see you ever again!”

I stormed away from him but then 2 men blocked my way and shoved me backwards.

Thinking, I realised I’d forgotten about the other men at the bus stop.

“Listen girl we don’t want no trouble from you, but your friend there has a little history with

us so we’re gonna’ ask you and him to come with us.” Said one of the men.

“Uh, boys? You said you had history with me? Well pardon my manners, but I’ve never seen

you ever before in my life. I also do not recognise your voices at all.” David sidestepped me

and started to talk to the men.

“Really? You don’t remember that time when you betrayed us to the police? Earned us 5

years in jail because you tipped the law off about all our crimes.” Said the other, bitterly.

“I should kill you, right here. But I won’t. You know why? It’s because you’ve got the lady

with you. We have a code don’t we Harry?” The man who had spoken before nudged his

accomplice. “We can’t hurt women unless they’ve done something to deserve it and we

certainly don’t get in a fight with someone who doesn’t deserve it either.”

With that the two men turned round and walked off, leaving us in silence. David then pushed

me out onto the busy streets and motioned for me to follow him.

“Let’s go. I want to keep moving. I need to tell you something as well.” David’s words shot

out sharply.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I can’t stay in this country any longer. I’m moving to a different country. Maybe Canada? I

hear people are so nice over there.” He mused. “Bu anyway, I need you to help me.

I’m not asking for huge crime sprees or anything. I need you to come with me to visit

a friend.”

“OK.” I replied simply.

“Really? You will?”

“you don’t need to sound so incredulous. I’ve been thinking… you have saved me a couple of

times from utter disaster so I should help you out.”

“Alright!” He exclaimed. “Now we need a ride.” He glanced around and spotted two

mountain bikes (one red and one green) propped up against a shop wall.

“Oh no. I’m not stealing some innocent tourists’ bikes. You said nothing illegal remember?” I

stared at him menacingly.

“It’s not like I can hail a taxi! One look at me and they’ll just call the cops!”

“Fine. But we bring them straight back!” I folded my arms at David.

“OK, fine! Just hurry up and get on one.” He sighed.

Soon enough we were speeding through the streets, weaving in and out of pedestrians and

traffic. I enjoyed the rush of the wind against my face, the feel of the wheels gliding

along the smooth pavement bypassing any cracks. Unfortunately, we arrived at our

destination too soon.

The house we stopped at was a normal, suburban villa in the middle of a respectable

neighbourhood. The lawn was neatly trimmed and everything seemed to be in place.

The house looked clean and modest from the outside but that portrayed nothing as to

how it would look inside. It could have an atrocious mess inside.

David purposefully walked up to the door and gave it a good, sharp knock. I was intrigued to

see who David’s friend was but slightly disappointed when an old, hunched man

opened the door.

However, David gave the man a hug and smiled.

“Hey amigo! It’s been long since I’ve last seen you!” David said. A smile broke out on the old

man’s face.

“Hola chico. How’s it been? Come to pay your old man a visit eh?” he replied. “Now you tell

me what you want because I ain’t ever got no visits from you without you wanting

something from your old friend!”

David donned a serious look. “You got me. But first I want you to meet somebody.”

He pointed at me. “This is Jasmine. She’s here to help me escape all this trouble. I’m going to

a different country. I’m sorry but I can’t live here anymore. I’ve literally got people in

gangs and…uh… the Mafia after me.”

The easy atmosphere was gone now replaced with tension. The old man stared at me

curiously, yet it wasn’t an unkind look. It was filled with kindness.

“Hola chica. I’m Montigue. Si, that is a real name. You speak Spanish?” He asked.

I nodded my head then cleared my throat and replied: “A little.”

“Bueno. Now David. I’m supposing you’ll be wanting my assistance in helping you get all

you need for the airport security and to start a new life. Jasmine, you go make yourself

some tea, coffee anything you want. Kitchen is second door one the right and

everything you need is in the labelled pots. Don’t mind Bessie either. If you leave her

alone, she’ll be fine.” Montigue took David and led him towards the back of the house

and left me to go into the kitchen.

I did as he had said and discovered Bessie was a large, grey cat perched on the window side.

After what had seemed like an hour, I heard footsteps walking towards me. A blond

man sat down next to me and smiled.

“David?” I gasped.

“Actually, it’s Jasper now. Look!” He pulled out a passport, a birth certificate, health cards, a

red book and all kinds of legalised documents and papers.

“What?” I looked through his passport and found a picture of David except with blond hair

and sure enough it read: Jasper Melsely.

I took a look through his birth certificate and that also read: Jasper Melsely.

“Really? Melsely? Anyway, how did you get all of these?”

“They’re real. All of them. I changed my identity when those people we met earlier had gone

into prison. This guy is who I really am.”

“David is right chica.” Montigue’s voice rang out from the doorway. “He used to be Jasper.

Well. I guess you must be going now. Leaving me all alone here.” His voice cracked

and his eyes were shining. There was obviously a lot of good history and friendship

between them.

“Montigue. I…I won’t go if you don’t want me to. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about you when I

told you I was leaving. I’ll stay.”

“Don’t be stupid chico! Don’t want to put all those years of saving those papers to waste now

do you? Also, think about Jasmine. She deserves to be seen off onto her flight after all

you put her through!” He scolded Jasper. “And you chica. Be safe. You’re a good

person, I can tell. Make sure my Jasper doesn’t get hurt.” He whispered to me.

“Now go! Shoo! I have called taxi for you so you don’t get tire of cycling to airport!”

Montigue pushed us out and waved heartily to signal we should get going.

“Goodbye!” Jasper and I shouted at the same time. I was about to tell him something then I

realised the taxi had arrived so we piled in and Jasper gave directions to the driver.

After a long drive we reached the airport. Great airplanes flew over us like giant birds.

Jasper paid the driver with a couple of notes and stood by me.

“Where’d you get the money?” I asked.

“I haven’t got my ticket yet.” He replied. “I have to buy it somehow!”

We stood in absolute silence watching the planes coming in for take-off, knowing this would

be the last time we’d see each other. Finally, we broke apart and headed in our

different directions towards our terminals.

All the way through the boarding process I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I never had the

heart to tell him David suited him much better. I knew that would bug me for life. He

would always be David to me.

When I finally got on the plane I noticed another slightly smaller plane across the landing

strip. It read: Canadian Airlines.

I smiled to myself, a small secretive smile, and as our two planes sped away I wondered if

David was also smiling to himself as he watched my plane bound for Lisbon speed



Story 3: False Accusations

Opening by Michał Cysewski, Łukasz Kifner, Mikołaj Kuźnik and Kamil Manowiecki

That was a beautiful and cold night. John and Natasha were walking next to the road. They

were wearing coats, gloves and hats. Suddenly, a car pulled over just next to them and a Guy

opened the door. The Guy jumped out and pulled Natasha into the car. It was too dark to see

the Guy's face. John tried to catch the car, but it was too fast. They were out of sight. The last

time he could see the car and the Guy was just before they turned into a dark street, but he

memorised the number plate (11500 NY). John turned after them but in vain. The car had

already left. He just saw Natasha's body on the ground. She had a knife in her stomach which

he pulled out. The police patrol saw that he was pulling out that knife from her body. John

escaped because if he didn't, he would be arrested and sentenced to death for killing the girl.

Too scared of being caught, he didn't notice that his wallet fell to the ground. He ran to the

forest where he waited a few minutes. He couldn't go back home, the police would probably

wait for him there, so he broke into a random car on the nearest petrol station. He found there

a police computer which, luckily, was unlocked. He saw a man with donuts walking towards

the car. John didn't think long, he drove off. In the car there was a USP-S. The police started

tracking him. In the computer he checked the number plate of the killers' car. After 2 hours he

arrived in NY .

Story 4: Jelly and the Company

Opening by Magdalena Kardaś, Zofia Markowska and Zofia Stopa

Everything happened in 1897. A small family called Bukovsky lived on a big farm far away

from any town, city or other people. They were very hardworking, but also suspicious. They

were mean and lonely. In the family there were: mother-Jelly (her real name was Jenny, but

everyone called her Jelly because she ate and made a lot of jelly from her old but brilliant

recipes), father-Jerome (parents were old and mean), son-Rowley (a young energetic farmer),

daughter-Daisy (rude and arrogant, when she was a little girl she had very light hair like daisy

petals). People didn't like this family because of a big scandal.

20 years old Bukovsky had an assistant, a young woman. Her name was Dorothy. She was

very hardworking and honest. Bukovsky gave her a room (she had her own house but it was

far away). But one day she got pregnant with...? Nobody knows. When Bukovsky discovered

that she was expecting a baby he ... dismissed her. She was crying but he was tough on her.

She wanted to come back to her house but it wasn't hers anymore. A bailiff had taken the

house, because when Dorothy lived in Bukovsky's house she didn't pay the bills. So she

started to live on the street. She found a friend among the homeless.

She died at childbirth. Her friend took care of her son. He called him John. No one was

talking about Dorothy's son anymore ...

It was a usual day. Rowley was working in the field with Jerome. Daisy was in her room

playing the guitar with her older boyfriend (a guitarist in the local band). Jelly was making

jelly for the afternoon tea in the kitchen. At 6 p.m. Jerome and his son were coming back to

their home. Suddenly, they saw a pauper. It was a handsome young man. Jerome pushed the

panic button. He looked just like ... Dorothy. He had the same eyes and big nose just like ...

Jerome. Hair ... he had the same brown hair like Jerome used to have. Rowley looked at the

young man and started to laugh.

-Father, he is so poor.

Then he said to the pauper,

- Hello my poor friend.

The young man started to smile and said,

-Good evening, dad. - said John to Jerome.

-What? - asked surprised Rowley.

-Easy son - said Jerome to Rowley and punched John.

-Let's go - said Jerome and went away. He was pale.

Rowley ran to his father and shouted,

-Wait ...Who is that boy?

-Doesn't matter. Besides, you are too stupid to understand it. - he screamed and threw a stone

at him.

The stone hit Rowley in his arm. Jerome ran away, but Rowley came back to the pauper.

-That right?


-I'm sorry. My dad is nervous. Tell me the truth.

-I will try.

John grew up with his mother's friend, the pauper's name was Timothy. He was with the little

orphan all the time but when John was fifteen he died. The boy was alone. He wanted to find

his real father and get revenge. He was looking for any traces of his dad. And after four years

he found Jerome.

Ending by Beth Orriss

“Father?” screamed Rowley, “where are you?” Rowley had been looking for his father as

soon as he had disappeared. Rowley shouted for his father, but no reply came.

Just as he started running down a tattered grassy hill, he spotted a broad figure sitting by the

local stream. As he got closer he knew for sure that it was his father, but for some strange

reason when he got closer his father felt like some sort of stranger, a stranger with flat scruffy

hair, no soft curls, his body was hunched over and a puddle of tears lay at his feet, slowly

dripping into the lifeless stream, no it was not his father…

“Jerome?” Rowley whimpered (the children often called their parents by their first names).

Rowley took a step closer and placed his small shaking hand onto his fathers shoulder. As he

took a seat by his father he sensed pain and guilt in Jerome’s touch. They were both sat on a

small jaggered rock which was only secured by the wet mud which had been produced by the

rippling stream.

“Father, please is it true, what John has told me?” Jerome lifted his head and peered into to

his sons sad eyes. “ I’m sorry” is all that Jerome could get out of his sealed mouth. Tears

slowly dripped down his and Rowley pale faces.

“Tell me the truth”

The truth was Jerome was John’s father. One night many years ago when Dorothy was still

working for the family, she and Jerome had a secret affair. When Jerome found out that

Dorothy was pregnant he banished her , making her swear that she would tell no one about the

mishappening between the two. Poor Dorothy was left, alone, homeless and hopeless.

Floods of tears rushed down Rowley’s face, “ how could you do this to us, to me!” Rowley

cried. He stood up and turned his back to leave when Jerome’s hand reached out for his

shoulder. “Please, just let me explain!” Rowley sighed in pain and turned his back and

stormed off, he didn’t look back….

Jelly was in the kitchen preparing some home-made jelly to sell to her fellow villagers in the

town tomorrow. Suddenly the front door slammed open and Rowley stomped through leaving

a trail of mud behind him. “hey! What’s wrong?” questioned Jelly.

Rowley glared at her, “There’s no point of telling you, you’ll know soon enough” Rowley

continued his care-free storm and rushed up stairs. Confused Jelly continued making her


The next day everyone was silent, wondering where John was, Rowley skipped breakfast and

headed out to look for his unwanted half brother.

“John? John!” Rowley shouted, where could he be? Rowley wondered through the forest

calling for John when he suddenly heard a small voice talking to himself. He then found John

sitting by an old tree trunk fiddling with the broken branches which had fallen onto the floor.

“ Hey” sighed Rowley, John looked up at him with his cold blue eyes, "I heard your

conversation with our father" John whimpered " my father!" Rowley quickly snapped. Johns

face faded , Rowley apologised.

If they told somebody Rowley's family would fall to pieces and John would be left with no


" I have an idea.... but it would make us both end up sacrificing our whole lives ,but we would

be saving our family..." Trembled John. Rowley looked up at John, confused but interested,

definitely interested in what he had to say.

John and Rowley returned home.

" I'm sure your friend John can stay the night, nice to meet you" Jelly joyfully replied to

Rowley's request. Rowley and John gave each other a look which sort of meant ' thank

goodness'. Secretly they both new that they weren't staying the night- they'd be gone in the


"Rowley, come on get up! Its 00:00!" Whispered John. Rowley's eyes slowly started to open,

he sleepily nodded to John and got out of bed quietly and started packing all his belongings in

his bag. " Remember some stuff for me!" John mentioned. Rowley glared at him and pointed

to some food and money that they secretly snuck into their room the day before. Luckily

Jerome went to the pub that evening so he didn't know that John was staying the night.

Once the boys had packed their bags they carefully opened Rowley's bedroom window. "

What are you doing? Why aren't we just going through the door?" Questioned John confused,

" If we want to get out of here successfully tonight the hall way is not the best place" replied


John looked at Rowley like he was mad, which he was but he didn't think that it mattered that

much, " Come on John it's not even that far" Whimpered Rowley, he ushered John to the

window and stood to the side glad that he wasn't being made to go first.

Once John was down it was Rowley's turn, " Come on its not that far!" Smirked John, Rowley

took a deep breath …...and jumped!

Both standing on two feet the boys ran as fast as they could down the gritty country lane.

Once the boys had turned into the forest they found a little space between to huge oak tree's

but an even massive thing towered above it, the dark, glistening black sky. " maybe this was a

bad idea " whispered Rowley " I know we are sacrificing a lot but if we want to save our

family this is the way to do it " replied John. They both sighed in the moonlight. They rested

against each of the tree's and fell asleep.

" Where are they!, Jerome come quick!!" Jelly shouted, Jerome rushed to Jelly's side as she

stood by Rowley's bedroom door. Jelly filled with worry, plus she would be blamed for the

disappearance of John as well ( if he had parents ) " And he had a friend round as well, poor

John and Rowley, what are we going to do?!" Jelly questioned in tears. Jerome looked at her

in surprise " John! He was here, did he tell you anything, oh Jelly I'm so sorry I can explain

everything!" Cried Jerome. Jelly looked at Jerome confused." What?" Questioned Jelly,

Jerome gulped.

Back in the forest John and Rowley were preparing a little goodbye to their parents, they went

and found the nearest stream and wrote the destroying secret on a small bit of paper and

attached it to a broken branch. "Goodbye" Whimpered the boys in unison, they let the small

branch drift down the rippling stream and leave them forever.

" There's something you should know..." Said Jerome

" Tell me the truth " replied Jelly

Story 5: SAME DAY

Opening by Marta Sztabińska

- Wake up. Tani, please - my sister was trying to wake me up, but I was so sleepy that I

couldn't even open my eyes. A bubble came from my mouth.

- TANI! I will break your favorite lipstick - I quickly opened my eyes.

- DON'T EVEN TOUCH IT, SUSAN POLY MEDISON - I took from her my perfect, light-

pink lipstick and I hugged it. Susan started to laugh. I always called her by her full name

when I was mad or stressed.

- No problemo - she said that with Italian accent - But seriously, get up. It's 7.30, Melissa is

waiting outside - I looked outside. My best friend was in her black Jeep in front of my front


- Tani! Quick! - Meli shouted to me. I quickly went to my closet and picked one of my

awesome outfits. I did my morning routine but way faster.

At 8.10 we arrived at the school. We were late because of me, again. I looked at my timetable.

- First we have math. Tommy said that we have a new teacher. Maybe he will be better than

Mr. Collin. He was awful - said Melissa while we were walking to the classroom.

- Yeah, I hope so.

- Me too - we went inside the class.

- You are late, but I'm new. I don't want to make a bad first impression so today I will pass.

Sit down – an old man smiled at me and Meli. We sat together next to the window.

- Like I would care - I said with a sarcastic smile. All class was laughing but the teacher was

looking at me angrily.

- Whatever, hello everyone. My name is Peter and I'm your new math teacher.

- Maybe today we will have a free lesson? – the whole class yelled in happiness.

- If you are quiet, I will be nice, if you are not, I will be strict. Understand? – the whole class

said yes at the same time. Suddenly, someone touched my arm.

- Hi there- whispered a boy behind me. He was handsome, I thought.

- Umm.. Hi?

- My name is Connor. I'm new here, maybe you want to show me school after the lessons? -

asked Connor.

- I'm Tanya and yes. Why not? - I smiled at him and turned back.

After 7 boring lessons, I went to the exit to meet Connor. He was standing there in his black

jeans, black T-shirt, black Adidas and black Ray Bans. He was a classic "bad boy".

- So, follow me - we went upstairs to the first floor.

- On the left is the teachers’ room. If you need anything from the teachers, just go there. On

the right there is a computer lab, next English classroom, history classroom... - 20 minutes

later Connor knew everything about our school.

- Thanks for showing me around. Can I ask you something? - he asked.

- Yes, you can - what does he want to ask me? I thought.

- Do you want to go on a date with me? Today? I know it's quite fast but you are nice and

pretty. So what's your answer?

- I can't, but maybe another day? - Too fast, I'm not an "easy girl", I thought.

- Oh, ok. No problem. Um.. so.. yes, maybe another day.. bye - he answered confused. I

think that no one ever said no to him. I'm the queen in this school. He has to deal with it. I

walked with my head up. Someone called my name.

- Tanya! Can I do your homework for you? - asked a typical fan of mine.

- Yeah, maybe. But bring me tomorrow a medium coffee from Starbucks with skimmed

milk. Here are my books - I gave her all my homework.

- OMG THANKS. Byee - she was very happy about that.

I got out of this school. A black Jeep was standing in front of the exit.

- Tani! Over here! - Melissa was waiting outside with her boyfriend Andre.

- I'm coming! Hi Andre! - I shouted back.

- What took you so long? - asked my best friend.

- I was with Connor. He wanted me to show him around, then he asked me out. He is hot but

I'm not easy and he is not that popular yet - I said while sitting in the backseat. Meli park

up on my car park.

- Bye guys! Lov yaa! - I walked inside my house.

- Kendall is it you? - asked my mom. He is my perfect brother.

- No, it's only me - I said sadly. My mom loved Susan and Kendall more than me. They

were kind, clever and pretty. Perfect kids.

- Oh, ok - she said. I quickly went upstairs. Am I really that bad, that my mum doesn't like

me? I opened my room's door.

- Why are you here? - I asked Sus.

- Oh! Umm, I-I... was waiting for you... - my sister lied to me.

- I know that you are lying. So what are doing in my room? - I asked again, buy suddenly I

saw something in her hand. That was my pink, beautiful make-up bag.

- Okay, don't answer. Give it back to me - she knew that MY cosmetics are ONLY FOR


- But Tani, I have a date and you know that our mum doesn't let me buy cosmetics. Please

don't be angry at me. I have to look pretty like you – she said looking at me with puppy



THINGS! - I was quite angry.

- I'm sorry, Tanya but you have to understand that I want to have a boyfriend. I like him so

much. He is taking me for dinner, please let me use these - she was looking at the ground


- Ohh, okay Sus, but you are not using them. I will do your make-up. And you are doing the

ironing for me all month. Deal? - I asked my younger sister.

- Deal. Now, do your magic - she sat on the chair. At 6.30 my job was done. Sus looked

amazing, with her spotted long red dress. Her hair was in a bun.

- Thanks, Tani. You are the best sister in the whole world. Thanks to you I look pretty! -

Susan looked at herself in the mirror.

- No problem, honey. Good luck with the lucky boy! - she went outside. I looked at her and

her (probably) future boyfriend from the window. She is so grown up. Then I did my

evening routine and I went to bed.


- Wake up. Tani, please - omg, the same situation. Is it late? I slowly opened my eyes. Susan

went near my white dressing table.

- Leave my lipstick alone - I said before she touched it.

- B-but how did you know what I was going to do? Umm, never mind, but it's 7.30. Get up,

sis. Melissa is waiting - Oh, she had her date yesterday! I have to ask her about it. It was

her first time going out with a boy.

- How was your date? He was handsome - I raised my eyebrows. She was a little confused.

- But I haven't been on a single date in my whole life ...What are you talking about? - Sus

gave me a questioning look.

- You know! The boy with dark brown hair. You went out with him yesterday! - I smiled at


- I think you are talking about Dylan, but I didn't go on a date with him. I only have a crush

on him. You are so strange today... - Susan got out of my room.

- TANYA FAST. IT’S ALREADY 7.45!! - Melissa was yelling outside.

- I’M COMING! GIVE ME TEN MINUTES! - I answered her. Omg, ten minutes! I have to

be quick. Very quick. After 15 minutes of a stressing morning routine I got into Meli's

Jeep. We arrived at school quietly. Okay, first lesson. I went to biology class.

- Tani? We have math today. You know, a new teacher? No more Mr. Collin - everybody is

crazy or something. What is she saying?

- No, Meli today is Tuesday, we have biology with Miss Sammis - I told her slowly.

- It's Monday, look at the math class. There is Andre, Marlene, Tyler and the new boy - she

looked at me angrily.

- Oh, we will see who is right. I'm sure they are wrong too - I raised my head up and walked

to others.

- We have biology today! You’re stupid - I shouted to them. They looked at me strangely.

Then my best friend touched my arm.

- Tani, please. Seriously, we have a lesson with a new teacher. You will be jeered by them -

she looked at me with sympathy. Oh, I gave up.

- Girls, would you like to go in? - asked Peter.

- Maybe - I said with a sense of superiority. Melissa pushed me to the class. I sat in front of

Connor, like yesterday.

- Whatever, hello everyone. My name is Peter and I'm your new math teacher.

- Maybe today we will have a free lesson? ... The boy who asked me out, touched my back.

- Hi there!

- Uhh, hello Connor - I turned back.

- How do you know my name… maybe you want to show me school after the lessons? - he

asked me with a big smile on his face. Wait, wait, wait... Am I experiencing the same day?

My sister, Melissa, the teacher and Connor. All of them are acting like it's Monday. But it's

Tuesday. Is it? I checked the date on my phone, it showed, “Monday, 15 September”.

What's happening... I'm sure that toda...

Story 6: The Amazing Life of Jack

opening by Maja Byczyk and Marta Keńska

I'm going down the street. I'm wearing black glasses and suit, honestly, I look like James

Bond. This is why everybody is looking at me. Uh ... that's funny, but I can't smile and laugh.

I must be serious. Oh, by the way, my name's Jack Smith. For sure now you are wondering

why I'm going down the street wearing a black suit. Ah ... I'm like a superhero, but nobody

knows me. I'm entering the church, it's my wedding today. My fiancée Rose, oh ... I love her

so much. After seeing her, my heart is beating faster and faster. This is the happiest day in my

whole life. She looks so beautiful. We got married. I hardly remember our wedding reception.

In the evening, we were driving to the port by a limo. And then, suddenly, someone shot our

driver. We didn't know what was going on. David kidnapped Rose.

David is my ex best friend. Long time ago, David and I were studying together. Then we met

a girl. We both fell in love with her, but she preferred me. I thought that she will stay with me

till the rest of my life. David couldn't accept that he had lost, but still pretended that we were

best friends. One month later, in a car accident, this girl died. I was driving ... that accident

was the hardest thing I have ever experienced. David was depressed as well and started to hate

me. The only people at the funeral were her parents and I, David didn't appear. I've never

talked with David again.

I tried to save my wife, but that was impossible. I woke up in a black big room. I was tied to a

chair, my wife was next to me. She was unconscious. David was standing in the middle of the


- Remember me?

- Why are you doing that?

- You will never be happy with any girl.

- Why?!

- Have you ever thought how she died?

- I know !!!! That was my fault, I regret that, but that was so many years ago, Can we move


- Hahaha... Oh.... You are the same as in college, so foolish, so stupid. Still I don't - - know

what she saw in you, but now it's better - - if she didn't want to be with me - - But in this

accident it was you who should have died, not she !!!!

- What?!? How dare you?!!!! That was your fault!! You killed her, and WHAT - - are you

happy now?!

- Not yet, now I must steal your girl, the same way like you stole mine!!

- I will never let you!!!

- We will see ...

Then someone hit me with a frying pan.

Ending by Hannah Cashford and Anna Holmwood


The sticky, ebony substance surrounded me; humidity filled the air. I struggled to breathe,

each miniature movement excruciatingly painful. Whilst I frantically scanned the room I was

imprisoned in, fear built up in my body faster than the speed of light. Was there any way out

of this? The thoughts racing through my brain were only plans of how to escape the mess I’d

got myself into, and it was all over a stupid girl that never really mattered in the first place.

What on earth was wrong with me?

I shut my eyes tight and imagined I was in a world of my own. I peeled my eyelids open,

light slowly filtered through the growing gaps. Finally, there was light! I could see again! I

breathed in relief, the wonderful emotion soon flowing through my bloodstream in my body.

I was awake, and every day is a fresh start, a new page turned over with the past left behind.

Starting to remember yesterday’s events, I planned to end my long argument with David. Two

lives had already been lost and we couldn’t afford to lose any more.

Boom! A door was slammed shut and the sickly sweet smell of aftershave wafted up my

nostrils. David, who I was hoping would forgive me and realise that he had made mistakes as

well, strode into the room with confidence spraying off him endlessly like a waterfall. Would

he act like I hoped? My fingers and toes were crossed and I was shivering with fear.

“Hello. What’s it like being my prisoner? I hope you received the complimentary hot

chocolate!” he cackled, with a sarcastic hint to his voice. My hopes and dreams had evidently

been crushed already, so I bit my lip and stayed silent.

Ow! A powerful punch pulled me back into reality. ‘What was that for?’ I wondered.

I had an itching urge to fight back, so I kicked David, my ex-friend, in the stomach. The air

was knocked out of his body as he fell face-first on to the floor. With the door currently

unlocked, I took a chance and made my way to it, ignoring David’s useless protests. The door

creaked open and I found myself in a maze of hallways and doors. I could vaguely remember

coming here once before for a house party (back when David and I were actually friends) and

after a few dead ends, I managed to find my way out! I had escaped!

Yes, I had escaped from the wrath of David, but what about the dangers lurking in every

corner; the dangers of the unknown? I trembled. Feeling alone, I felt goose bumps trickle

down my bony spine and my heart beat rapidly quickened at the thought. Soon, it dawned on

me that I had no food, water, money or spare clothes; all I had was me, and I was lost in a city

I had never come across before.

Days quickly changed into weeks and I soon began to look like I had lived on the streets all

my life. I scavenged what I could by begging on the streets, picking out half eaten sandwiches

from bins and even stealing, but it was nowhere near enough for me to survive on for much

longer. Vulnerable, weak and starving to death, I was desperate for a single drop of water, a

crumb of food, or a jumper.

Thunder boomed loud in the sky, and rain poured down from up above. I suppose I was lucky

when the lightning hit me, putting me out of my misery. Knocked over by the shock, I lay on

the bone cold pavement, the memories of my life flashing before my eyes. It seemed that

David had won that silly argument, because now I was dead and so were two others.

Goodbye world, and hello death.



Story 4

Original ending by Anna Holmwood

Cars came and went, the vehicle I was trapped in sped up and slowed down, but without a

stop, without a single opportunity for escape. Couldn’t we simply stop?

I was urging to escape from the stuffiness, humidity and stink of the car and breathe in the

fresh air, to be outside with no threatening chauffeurs lurking beyond every corner! At last,

we came to a petrol station in a town that I’d never come across before in my life. I felt the

adrenalin pumping in my bloodstream and I felt my heart speed up as the realisation of what I

was about to do began to sink in. Uh oh. I had no decision but to overcome my nerves and do

it. I had to escape, and soon.

“I’m just going to fill up. You stay in there my little prize winner, ok?” the driver said,

breaking into a laughing fit seconds after he had spoken. What was so funny? He strode off,

so cocky and confident that I would stay that he didn’t even bother to lock the car.

As soon as he was out of view, I swung my bag onto my shoulder and stealthily sneaked out

of the car (taking precaution to shut the door without making a sound at all). I ran as fast as

my legs could carry me towards the road, checked for cars and crossed. I made my way

towards the nearest shop and got some directions for the train station. Remembering that the

best way to blend in and stay unnoticed is to act normal and not hide, using all the confidence

I could, I made my way there with a spring in my step because I had managed to escape!

I must have known deep down that it wouldn’t be that easy to escape from the worst, most

sickening situation in my life so far. At the ticket office, I noticed a man that looked

suspiciously like my chauffer but with a moustache and sunglasses buy a ticket after me, for

exactly the same place. I dismissed it, thinking that it would be merely a coincidence and

walked on.

“What on earth do you think you are doing missy? You’re my blogging competition winner

and you will never run away from me!” echoed around the room in the Rolls Royce driver’s

voice, just as the train I was intending to catch pulled up at the platform.

I ran for my life.

Boom! My feet hit the floor of the train as I jumped onto the moving train as it was just about

to leave the station, but the taxi driver wasn’t as fast as me; he didn’t quite manage it. I had

properly done it! I had escaped my captor! On the way back to my village, I reflected on the

events of the past few hours: the man at the door, the tediously long journey, the escape,

bumping into my imprisoner and last of all managing to jump onto the train just before it left

the platform. What a relief that it was all over now!

About forty-five minutes later, I arrived home after a train journey and a taxi ride. I unlocked

the front door because nobody was in and slumped onto my bed, tiredness slowly beginning

to overcome me. My legs were numb with over use, my feet were coated in blisters and sores,

my head throbbed madly like it would never stop and a volcano of blood erupted from a gash

on my leg I never realised I had gained. I deserved a rest.

I woke from my deep sleep hours later and scanned my room because something felt wrong.

What was it? The room had an un familiar scent. My eyes checked past my desk, my laptop,

my phone, man, sofa, light. Wait a minute, man? I had to get out…


Story 1: Agnes in Dream

Original ending by Julia Erecińska and Maria Kostrzak


Time was passing by. She lived with animals and forgot about the bitterness of life. She was

feeding them, taking care of them and just treating them like family, family that she lost. She

didn't count days, weeks, months. She didn't know if they arranged her funeral. But she just

accepted how things would end. She had made a mistake. But what else she could do? Daniel

left, probably forever, maybe he is gone... But everything is possible. Sometimes when she

thought about her past, fresh air moved the trees and tall grass. This time it happened again.

The Angel appeared before her eyes. He was there. Standing in front of her. Animals

surrounded her to make her feel safe.

-What do you want? - she asked calmly.

-So you accepted living here, didn't you ?

-Oh, is this even your problem ? - she replied with a question.

-You may see someday. - he smiled.

-Is Daniel alive ? Or is he in heaven ?

-He is alive. - when he said that her eyes opened just like when she was happy.

- That's good. Now I can see the point of life. I just want them all back. I'm so thankful to you.

- the angel just smiled. - Why did you try to kill me in hospital?

-I didn't.

-I don't understand.

-I knew that they will rescue you.

-Well, thanks?

-You're welcome. So any ideas how you can get back ?

- No, but I think that if I want it badly, it will just happen.

- Great way to think about it.

- You're so much nicer than you were before.

- I would like to say that the difference is in you. - she just smiled, and thought about her

family, and Daniel. About how much she wants to go back. Suddenly, she felt happy, like

everything had sense. She wondered about Daniel, his arms and voice. In an instant, she

was in hospital. With open eyes, taking a deep breath. Just wanting to live.

- Life has sense, a lot of beautiful days and evenings. Amazing people, lovers and family.

And everyone is supposed to go through it.


One month later

-I must dress up. I'll be late for dinner with Daniel! I have nothing to wear. Oh, here is my

dress!- she took her jacket and ran to the restaurant.

She was afraid that her makeup would mess up, but everything was ok. She saw Daniel.

-Hi! - he looked at her and hugged her slowly.

-Hi honey - she whispered to his arm.

They sat by the table and ordered their dinner. Then she interrupted the silence,

-I'm really happy that I'm here now.

Story 2: David, George and More

Original ending by Aleksandra Bonusiak and Milena Karpińska

She was out of breath. Her legs wouldn't obey her. She thought she is free and nothing bad

will happen. In this moment, two guys in black suits caught her. She tried to tear herself free,

but they were stronger. They were holding and leading her to the alley. Suddenly, she heard

him. David said:

- Hello lady. I think you would like to know why you are here.

- You're reading my mind. - she answered with sarcasm.

- Look at this photo - he took out of his pocket a creased photo. - This is my lovely brother,

he lives in Britain, you know him. He was in your class. His name is George. He fell in

love with you in 6th grade, but you turned him down.

- And you are his brother? You are so different.

- Yes, I know. I wanted to talk with you to give him a chance. But, I fell in love with you...

- Whaaaaaaaaat? I decided to do it because I didn't love him. I had a boyfriend in Britain at

that time. I am not ready for a relationship, you are a nice man, you will find a nice woman

... And I? I must fly further. You did all this because I was your brother's first love?

- Partly... I don't have enough time to explain everything, but the answer is yes, and yes, I am

the boss of Mafia, I have connections so I ordered to rob you- he pointed towards the door.

- There you can find your baggage and money. I am really sorry, but my feelings were

stronger. Jasmine, I fell in love with you at first sight.

- David, seriously, I will never be with you. YOU ARE THE BOSS OF MAFIA! I don't

wanna die... I must go... Bye David.

- So bye bye Jasmine, I will never forget you.

- I know, I'll also never forget about this.

- Please don't tell anyone that I am the boss, that you met me, I have to travel to other


While she was walking away, she thought, "I wonder what will happen in other countries?".


Story 3: False Accusations

Original ending by Michał Cysewski, Łukasz Kifner, Mikołaj Kuźnik and Kamil


Fortunately, he lost the police for a moment. He saw the house where the killers lived. He saw

the police cars driving after him so he ran into the house. Then he heard two guys talking

about a secret agent named Natasha Suitkov. He realized that his date was an agent working

for the Russian Federation. They were bounty hunters, and one of them started calling the

boss who promised them money for doing the job. Their reward was 20 million dollars. One

of the killers decided to kill his partner to get all the money. John got into the room to clear

up the situation and his involvement in the case. After he peeked around the corner, he got

shot. When the police arrived, they arrested the murderer.

Story 4: Jelly and the Company

Original ending by Magdalena Kardaś, Zofia Markowska and Zofia Stopa

The boys started a conversation.

-You know what? You should give up. Our father is not worth your revenge.

-But I have to do it! He left us and my mum died because of him!

-Yes, but we will never find him. We should forget about our dad.

-You are right. So what we will do now?

-I don't know... We don't have money.

-Maybe we should go to the farm.

-Ok, let's do that.

Jerome came back and went to his room. He was so scared that Jelly would find out about his

love affair. He didn't meet his wife. He didn't know that Jelly was dead. She was lying in the

kitchen. There was a strawberry jelly all over the floor. Jelly slipped on the jelly. Jerome

packed his things and ran from his family. He never came back. Daisy went on tour with her

boyfriend. Rowley and John planted a garden with fruit trees for jelly. Then they set up a

company selling jelly and started to be best friends.

Enjoy your jelly!

Story 5: Same Day

Original ending by Marta Sztabińska

- Hello? Are you listening?! - Connor interrupted my thoughts.

- I'm sorry, I was just thinking. Yes, I will show you around - I said. After the lessons I

showed him the school. So yesterday he asked me on a date, maybe I will say yes today? -

I thought. Then he asked me, and like I said, I agreed. We were supposed to meet tonight

at 8 p.m. in a new restaurant round the corner. Now I will meet one of my fans … She

came to me and I gave her my homework, but didn't ask for coffee from Starbucks. Then

Melissa drove me home. I went to my room.

- Tani you said that I was on a date with Dylan, didn't you? And I said that you are crazy or

something, but guess what?! He asked me out today! Are you a fortune-teller or did you

just tell him to invite me? - Sus talked very fast. I told her that I didn't tell him anything,

and we started preparing for our dates together. Connor and Dylan were waiting outside

talking. It turned out that we were going to the same place. We spent an amazing time.

After taking a shower, I went to bed and set the alarm clock. I hoped that when I wake up,

I will see the right date on my phone.


My favorite song woke me up. I looked at my pink iPhone and read the date, “Tuesday, 16


Story 6: The Amazing Life of Jack

Original ending by Maja Byczyk and Marta Keńska

I woke up and I saw that nobody was there. I wasn't tied to the chair so I stood up. Suddenly,

someone knocked to the door, I didn't open, I knew that he is bad, standing in the other room

with a weapon. I ran away through the window. I was at the Guana Island.

You probably think how I knew that this is Guana. Because there was a sign. I didn't know

where to look for my wife. But I told myself, “I will never give up!”.

I spent the whole night searching for my wife on the island, I felt that someone followed me,

but when I turned around there was nobody. I found a cave and fell asleep there. In the

morning, after waking up, I found a knife and a ring (my wife's wedding ring) next to me. I

took the ring. I could hear something in my heart, that was a sound which told me that I must

go further inside the cave. On the big rock there was a letter. I took it and I hid it in my

pocket. I found the exit of the cave. There I opened the letter, it was from my wife. She wrote


"I can't live this way. I have a deal with David. He will let me go but you have to die. I'm

sorry but I want to live happily ever after but without you."

When I read this letter I wanted to kill myself. I just couldn't live without my love anymore. I

jumped from a cliff to the sea with both wedding rings in my left hand.