International Civil Aviation Conference. Chicago, Illinois, 1944 International Civil Aviation Organization Chicago Conference Site Index • Search • FAQ • Contact ICAO • Français • INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION CONFERENCE Chicago, Illinois, 1 November to 7 December 1944 In response to the invitation of the United States Government, representatives of 54 nations met at Chicago from November 1 to December 7, 1944, to "make arrangements for the immediate establishment of provisional world air routes and services" and "to set up an interim council to collect, record and study data concerning international aviation and to make recommendations for its improvement." The Conference was also invited to "discuss the principles and methods to be followed in the adoption of a new aviation convention." Proceedings of the International Civil Aviation Conference Copyright ©1995-2006, ICAO – All Rights Reserved Disclaimer Webmaster Optimized for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels ICAO Home Introduction Invitation List of delegates Committees Proceedings Convention Photo gallery http://www.icao.int/icao/en/chicago_conf/index.html16-02-2006 16:06:43

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International Civil Aviation Conference. Chicago, Illinois, 1944

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INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION CONFERENCE Chicago, Illinois, 1 November to 7 December 1944

In response to the invitation of the United States Government, representatives of 54 nations met at Chicago from November 1 to December 7, 1944, to "make arrangements for the immediate establishment of provisional world air routes and services" and "to set up an interim council to collect, record and study data concerning international aviation and to make recommendations for its improvement." The Conference was also invited to "discuss the principles and methods to be followed in the adoption of a new aviation convention."

Proceedings of the International Civil Aviation Conference

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List of delegates




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In response to the invitation of the United States Government, representatives of 54 nations met at Chicago from November 1 to December 7, 1944, to "make arrangements for the immediate establishment of provisional world air routes and services" and "to set up an interim council to collect, record and study data concerning international aviation and to make recommendations for its improvement." The Conference was also invited to "discuss the principles and methods to be followed in the adoption of a new aviation convention."

Exploratory conversations with a number of governments had already been conducted bilaterally by the United States Government, and the conference met with the texts of four draft proposals already prepared for its consideration by the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Canada, and by Australia and New Zealand jointly.

The Conference immediately set up, in addition to the normal working committees (Executive, Nominations, Steering, Credentials, and Rules and Regulations Committees), four technical committees with appropriate subcommittees. These were as follows:

Committee I. Multilateral Aviation Convention and International Aeronautical Body

Committee II. Technical Standards and Procedures

Committee III. Provisional Air Routes

Committee IV. Interim Council

The work of the conference was divided into:

1. The establishment of a permanent multilateral convention and international aeronautic body.2. The creation of international technical standards and procedures.3. The perfecting of arrangements for provisional air routes.4. The establishment of an interim council to function in international aviation pending ratification

of a full convention, which might take as long as three years.

Early in these discussions the Committee on Multilateral Aviation Convention and International Aeronautical Body rejected the joint proposal from the New Zealand and Australian Delegations for

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international ownership and operation of civil air services on world trunk routes. The rejection of that proposal indicated the tendency of the Conference away from extensive international control of air services.

Of the three other plans which remained before the Committee, the United States plan called for an international aviation authority with powers limited to the technical and consultative fields; the Canadian plan aimed to set up international authority with power to allocate routes, review rates, and determine frequencies of operation, but with that power curbed by specific formulae under which the authority would operate; and the United Kingdom plan proposed more discretionary power to the international authority in allocating routes, fixing rates, and determining frequencies.

It was soon obvious that none of the three plans would emerge intact from the discussions and that the final Conference proposal, if agreement were reached, would be a composite of all plans.

When it was found that agreement was not going to be readily reached, open committee meetings were suspended, and from Sunday, November 12, until Monday, November 20, the Delegations from the United Kingdom, United States of America, and Canada were in almost continuous closed conference in an effort to reconcile their divergent proposals. At the end of that period they were able to place before the Conference "without committing themselves" pro- posals for a joint "partial draft of a section of an international air convention relating primarily to air transport", with certain articles and provisions left open as being still under discussion.

Early Conference discussions on the functions of the proposed world air body had centered on the questions of whether it would have power to allocate routes, determine rates, and fix frequencies of operation over specific routes. The joint plan answered the first two questions in the negative but left the third open. Thus it was indicated that the proposed body would have purely advisory and consultative functions so far as economic matters were concerned.

As to the body's composition, the joint plan suggested an Assembly of representatives of member states, with each state having one vote in the election of a Board of seven which would represent the member states "of chief importance in air transport". The Board would carry out the Assembly's directions, establish the working personnel of the world air administration, and publish information relating to international air services, including costs of operation and data on subsidies paid to operators from public funds.

Among other important provisions of the plan were these:

1. Each State would reserve to its own carriers traffic originating and terminating within its borders and territories.

2. The board would have power to appoint regional and subordinate commissions to conduct research into all fields of international air transport.

3. The board would receive complaints about inadequate landing facilities and recommend and help finance improvements.

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4. Passenger and freight rates would be determined by regional operators' associations at reasonble levels. At the request of one or more member states, the Board could recommend changes in the rates fixed by operators conferences. If the operators failed to observe the recommendations, the Board could set its own rates, which would be effective unless a state concerned disapproved.

This was the substance of the plan laid before the delegates. Subsequently when the United States and United Kingdom Delegations submitted to the Conference their separate proposals on freedoms of the air and frequency of operations, the hub of the problem became evident. It centered on differences in the concepts of the United States and United Kingdom of how pickup traffic on long hauls should be controlled. The problem revolved about the Fifth Freedom of the Air, the right of an airline to take on and discharge passengers at intermediate points along a through route traversing a number of countries.

The United States and United Kingdom Delegations were both agreed that this right should be limited so that the airlines of nations comprising the links of a through route could have reasonable opportunity to compete with an airline traversing the whole route. They diverged, however, on the formula to achieve the limitation.

Whether agreement on ultimate goals could be reached depended on the solution of that problem. Otherwise it would be necessary to revert to the Conference's original plan of arranging for world routes through bilateral negotiations between nations rather than through a blanket grant of commercial transit privileges by each member nation to all others.

Exhaustive discussions revealed that no one formula could be found to satisfy all points of view and all situations. The United States then proposed that separate agreements embodying the extent to which nations would grant each other reciprocal air rights, referred to as the "Freedoms of the Air", be prepared by the Conference and made available for signatures, by these states which wished to exchange the rights.

These Five Freedoms of the Air are:

1. Freedom of peaceful transit.2. Freedom of non-traffic stop (to refuel, repair, or refuge).3. Freedom to take traffic from the homeland to any country.4. Freedom to bring traffic from any country to the homeland.5. Freedom to pick up and discharge traffic at intermediate points.

It is clear that the unqualified granting of all of these Five Freedoms to any other nation involved such a multitude of factors, many of which had nothing to do with aeronautics, that it was impossible for agreement to be reached. It was in endeavoring to achieve this difficult task that protracted discussions on plan and counterplan took place and created the entirely false impression that the Conference had failed.

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On the contrary, the positive gains of the Chicago Conference were outstanding. They included:

1. A permanent international act of great importance, the Convention on International Civil Aviation, was concluded and opened for signature. Although lacking the controverted economic articles, this instrument provided a complete modernization of the basic public international law of the air. It was intended to replace the Paris Convention on Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919, and did so when it came into effect on April 4, 1947. It also provided the constitution for a new permanent international organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, which has now replaced the previous international organization of more limited scope, the International Commission for Air Navigation.

2. The International Air Services Transit Agreement, commonly known as the Two Freedoms agreement, was concluded and opened for signature. This agreement had been accepted by 36 states as of June 30, 1947. It has done much to strike the shackles previously limiting the development of world-wide air commerce.

3. The International Air Transport Agreement, commonly known as the Five Freedoms agreement, was also concluded and opened for signature. Although it was known at the time that this agreement would not be acceptable to a number of states, it served a temporary useful purpose for the states that did accept it. The number of accepting states reached a maximum of 17, but it is now declining, 4 having denounced the agreement. The United States gave notice of denunciation of its acceptance on July 25, 1946, and ceased to be a party to this agreement on July 25, 1947.

4. A standard form of bilateral agreement for the exchange of air routes was prepared and recommended by the Conference as part of its final act. This standard form has subsequently been widely used and has done much to bring a measure of consistency into the many new bilateral agreements which have been necessary.

5. An Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation was completed and opened for signature. It came into effect on June 6, 1945, thereby providing an interim basis for many phases of international civil aviation and a constitution for the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization. The interim agreement was replaced when the convention came into effect on April 4, 1947.

6. Finally, a world-wide common basis was established for the technical and operational aspects of international civil aviation. The technical contributions of the Conference, as printed in the present volume under the title "Drafts of Technical Annexes", run to some 188 pages of recommendations on such matters as airworthiness of aircraft, air traffic control, and the like. This comprehensive body of technical material undoubtedly represents the most striking advance ever achieved at a single conference in the field of international technical collaboration. The technical recommendations prepared at Chicago and the later revisions prepared by the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization have served as a guide to practice

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throughout the world and have been of basic importance in the extraordinary expansion of international civil aviation which has occurred since 1945.

In the light of this record of achievement, it can safely be said that the International Civil Aviation Conference at Chicago was one of the most successful, productive, and influential international conferences ever held.

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Invitation of the United States of America to the Conference

On September 11 the Government of the United States sent the following invitation to the Governments and Authorities listed below:

"The Government of the United States has concluded bilateral exploratory conversations with a number of other governments which have displayed a special interest on the subject of post-war civil aviation, with particular emphasis on the development of international air transport.

"These discussions have indicated a substantial measure of agreement on such topics as the right of transit and non-traffic stops, the non-exclusivity of international operating rights, the application of cabotage to air traffic, the control of rates and competitive practices, the gradual curtailment of subsidies, the need for uniform operating and safety standards and the standardization of coordination of air navigation aids and communications facilities, the use of airports and facilities on a non-discriminatory basis, and the operation of airports and facilities in certain areas. It was also generally conceded that international collaboration, probably by means of an international aeronautical body, would be desirable in achieving and implementing the aforementioned objectives, although there was some diversity of opinion as to the extent of regulatory powers on economic matters which should be delegated to this international body.

"The approaching defeat of Germany, and the consequent liberation of great parts of Europe and Africa from military interruption of traffic, sets up the urgent need for establishing an international civil air service pattern on a provisional basis at least, so that all important trade and population areas of the world may obtain the benefits of air transportation as soon as possible, and so that the restorative processes of prompt communication may be available to assist in returning great areas to processes of peace.

“The Government of the United States believes that an international civil aviation conference might profitably be convened within the near future, for the purpose of agreeing on an increase in existing services and on the early establishment of international air routes and services for operation in and to areas now freed from danger of military interruption, such arrangements to continue during a transitional period. This conference might also agree so far as possible upon the principles of a permanent international structure of civil aviation and air transport, and might set up appropriate interim committees to prepare definitive proposals. Definitive action on such proposals, based on practical

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experience gained during the interim period, might be taken either as a result of a later conference, or by direct approval of the governments without the necessity of conference.

"This Government suggests that the international conference proposed for the immediate future could have the following objectives:

"I. (a) The establishment of provisional world route arrangements by general agreement to be reached at the Conference. These arrangements would form the basis for the prompt establishment of international air transport services by the appropriate countries.

"(b) The countries participating in the conference would also be asked to agree to grant the landing and transit rights necessary for establishing the provisional route arrangements and air services referred to above.

"(It would be highly desirable if each delegation were sufficiently familiar with its country's plans for international air services to permit formulation of an international air transport pattern referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.)

"II. The establishment of an Interim Council to act as the clearing house and advisory agency during the transitional period. It would receive and consider recommendations from each of the working committees referred to in item III; it would report upon desirable revisions in routes and services during the interim period, subject to the approval of the countries served by these routes and services; it would maintain liaison with each of the participating countries; it would supervise studies and submit information to the interested governments concerning the development of air transport during the transitional period; and would make recommendations to be considered at any subsequent international conference.

"III. Agreement upon the principles to be followed in setting up a permanent international aeronautical, body, and a multilateral aviation convention dealing with the fields of air transport, air navigation and aviation technical subjects; and, for the purpose of developing the details and making proposals for carrying into effect the principles so agreed, the establishment of the following working committees, which would be under the supervision of the Interim Council:

"(a) A committee to follow developments relating to the establishment of the routes and services to be established under item I, to correlate traffic data, to study related problems and to recommend desirable revisions in routes and services. This committee would also make studies and recommendations concerning the future pattern of these routes and services.

"(b) A central technical committee, with subordinate sub-committees, which would work closely with the committee described in subparagraph (c) below, to consider the whole field of technical matters including standards, procedures, and minimum requirements, and to make recommendations for their application and adoption at the earliest practicable time.

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"(c) A committee to draft a proposal with respect to the constitution of a permanent international aeronautical body and a new multilateral aviation convention.

"Having in mind the foregoing considerations as a basis for discussion, the Government of the United States extends a cordial invitation to your Government to participate in an international conference along the above lines, to take place in the United States beginning November 1, 1944; and in view of the time element would appreciate receiving an early response as to whether your Government can arrange to have a delegation at such conference.

"This invitation is being extended to the following governments and authorities:

"(a) all members of the United Nations;

"(b) nations associated with the United Nations in this war;

"(c) the European and Asiatic neutral nations, in view of their close relationship to the expansion of air transport which may be expected along with the liberation of Europe.

"The Danish Minister and Thai Minister in Washington will be invited to attend in their personal capacities."

List of Governments and Authorities to whom invitations were extended

Afghanistan Greece Peru

Australia Guatemala Philippines

Belgium Haiti Poland

Bolivia Honduras Portugal

Brazil Iceland Saudi Arabia

Canada India Spain

Chile Iran Sweden

China Iraq Switzerland

Colombia Ireland Syria

Costa Rica Lebanon Turkey

Cuba Liberia Union of South Africa

Czechoslovakia LuxembourgUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics

Dominican Republic Mexico Uruguary

Ecuador Netherlands Venezuela

Egypt New Zealand Yugoslavia

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El Salvador NicaraguaThe Danish Minister in Washington

Ethiopia Norway The Thai Minister in Washington

French Delegation Panama

Great Britain Paraguay

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List of Delegates

The Governments of Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippine Commonwealth, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia;

Having accepted the invitation extended to them by the Government of the United States of America to be represented at an International Civil Aviation Conference;

Appointed their respective delegates, who are listed below by countries in the order of alphabetical precedence:

AFGHANISTAN ABDEL HOSAYN AZIZ, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation SAID TADJEDDIN, First Secretary, Afghan Legation, Washington SHER MOHAMED QURAISHI

AUSTRALIA ARTHUR S. DRAKEFORD, Minister for Air and Minister for Civil Aviation; Chairman of the Delegation DANIEL McVEY, Director General of Civil Aviation LIEUTENANT COLONEL W. R. HODGSON, Secretary, Department of External Affairs CAPTAIN E. C. JOHNSTON, Assistant Director General of Civil Aviation

BELGIUM VISCOUNT ALAIN DU PARC, Minister Plenipotentiary, Belgian Embassy, New York; Chairman of the Delegation JOSEPH JENNEN, Commercial Counselor for Supply, Belgian Embassy, Washington JOSEPH NISOT, Legal Adviser, Belgian Embassy, New York EMILE ALLARD, Professor, University of Brussels and Liège MAJOR JEAN VERHAEGEN, Belgian Air Force

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BOLIVIA LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALFREDO PACHECO, Military and Air Attaché, Bolivian Embassy Washington; Chairman of the Delegation FEDERICO A. ROCHA, President, Lloyd Aero Boliviano

BRAZIL HAHNEMANN GUIMARAES, Solicitor General; Chairman of the Delegation ALBERTO DE MELLO FLORES, Director of Construction, Ministry of Aeronautics LIEUTENANT COLONEL CLOVIS M. TRAVASSOS, Air Attaché, Brazilian Embassy, Washington

CANADA C. D. HOWE, Minister of Reconstruction; Chairman of the Delegation H. J. SYMINGTON, President, Trans-Canada Air Lines J. A. WILSON, Director of Air Services, Department of Transport

CHILE BRIGADIER GENERAL RAFAEL SÁENZ, Vice President, Chilean National Airline; Chairman of the Delegation COLONEL GREGORIO BISQUERT, Director, Civil Aeronautics Administration COLONEL RAÚL MAGALLANES, Judge Advocate, Chilean Air Force

CHINA KIA-NGAU CHANG, Adviser to the Chinese Government; former Minister of Communications; Chairman of the Delegation MAJOR GENERAL PANG-TSU MOW, Deputy Director of the Commission on Aeronautical Affairs CHIEH LIU, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chinese Embassy, Washington

COLOMBIA LUIS TAMAYO, Minister Plenipotentiary-Consul General, New York; Chairman of the Delegation LUIS GUILLERMO ECHEVERRI, Minister of Communications GUILLERMO E. SUÁREZ, Commercial Counselor, Colombian Embassy, Washington COLONEL ERNESTO BUENAVENTURA, Colombian Air Force; former Military Attaché, Colombian Embassy,Washington LIEUTENANT COLONEL JORGE MÉNDEZ CALVO, Colombian Air Force


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CUBA FELIPE PAZOS, Commercial Attaché, Cuban Embassy, Washington; representing the Ministry of State; Chairman of the Delegation OSCAR SANTA MARIA, representing the Ministry of Communications MARIO TORRES MENIER, representing the Ministry of Commerce ALBERTO BOADA, representing the National Transport Commission; Secretary to the Delegation

CZECHOSLOVAKIA AIR VICE MARSHAL KAREL JANOUSEK, Inspector General of the Czechoslovak Air Forces; Chairman of the Delegation LIEUTENANT COLONEL ALEXANDER HESS, Assistant Military and Air Attaché, Czechoslovak Embassy, Washington; Vice Chairman of the Delegation FLIGHT LIEUTENANT JOSEF DUBSKY, R. A. F. KAMIL KLEINER SQUADRON LEADER STANISLAV KREJCIK, R. A. F. SQUADRON LEADER FRANTISEK MARTINEK, R. A. F. MILAN PITLIK

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC CHARLES A. MCLAUGHLIN, Technical Colonel, Army of the Dominican Republic; Chairman of the Delegation

ECUADOR JOSÉ A. CORREA, First Secretary, Ecuadoran Embassy, Washington; Chairman of the Delegation JORGE J. TRUJILLO ERNESTO BONILLA CARLOS DE LA PAZ FRANCISCO GOMEZ JURADO

EGYPT MAHMOUD BEY HASSAH, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation MOHAMED BEY ROUSHDY, Director General of Civil Aviation MOHAMED ALI FAHMY, Controller, Section of Aviation Inspection OSMAN HAMDY, Controller, Section of Aeronautical Navigation and Aerodromes LIEUTENANT COLONEL MOHAMED ABDEL HALIW KHALIFA, R. E. A. F.

EL SALVADOR FRANCISCO PARRAGA; Chairman of the Delegation

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ETHIOPIA BLATTA EPHREM TEWELDE MEDHEN, Minister to the United States; Chairman to the Delegation GETAHOWN TESEMMA, First Secretary, Ethiopian Legation, Washington; Alternate Delegate

FRANCE MAX HYMANS, former Cabinet Minister; Director of Air Transport; Chairman of the Delegation CLAUDE LEBEL, Chief, Transport Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs PIERRE LOCUSSSOL, Deputy Chief, Office of the Air Minister ANDRÉ BOURGES, Civil Engineer of Aviation; Attaché, Office of the Air Minister


GUATEMALA COLONEL OSCAR MORALES LÓPEZ, Chief of the Guatemalan Army Air Force; Director General of Civil Aeronautics; Chairman of the Delegation FRANCISCO LINARES ARANDA, Second Secretary, Guatemalan Embassy, Washington

HAITI CAPTAIN EDOUARD ROY, Commanding Officer of the Aviation Corps; Chairman of the Delegation


ICELAND THOR THORS, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation AGNAR KOFOED-HANSEN, Special Adviser to Icelandic Government in Aviation GUDMUNDUR HLIDDAL, Director of Posts and Telegraphs SIGURDUR THORODDSEN, Civil Engineer; Member of Icelandic Parliament


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SIR GIRJA SHANKAR BAJPAI, Agent General for India; Chairman of the Delegation SIR GURUNATH BEWOOR, Secretary to the Government of India, Posts and Air Department SIR FREDERICK TYMMS Director of Civil Aviation in India SIRDAR G. D. SINGH, Civil Aviation Directorate S. C. SEN, Civil Aviation Directorate; Delegate and Secretary

IRAN MOHAMMED SHAYESTEH, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation HOSSEIN NAVAB, Consul General, New York TAGHI NASSR, Iranian Trade and Economic Commissioner, New York COLONEL MAHMOUD KHOSROVANI

IRAQ ALI JAWDAT, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation COLONEL SAMI FATTAH, Chief of the Royal Iraqi Air Force AKRAM MUSHTAQ, Director of Civil Aviation of Iraq ALI FUAD, Director of Basra Civil Airport

IRELAND ROBERT BRENNAN, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation JOHN LEYDON, Permanent Secretary, Department of Industry and Commerce JOHN J. HEARNE, High Commissioner at Ottawa TIMOTHY J. O'DRISCOLL, Principal Officer, Aviation and Marine Division, Department of Industry and Commerce

LEBANON CAMILLE CHAMOUN, Minister in London; Chairman of the Delegation FAOUZI EL-HOSS

LIBERIA WALTER F. WALKER, Consul General, New York; Chairman of the Delegation JOHN LEWIS COOPER, Chief, Radio Service of Liberia

LUXEMBOURG HUGUES LE GALLAIS, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation

MEXICO COLONEL PEDRO A. CHAPA, representing the Ministry of Communications and Public Works; Chairman of the Delegation JOSÉ L. COSSÍO, representing the Ministry of Foreign Relations GUILLERMO GONZÁLEZ, Engineer, representing the Ministry of Communications and Public Works LUIS ANDRADE, representing the Ministry of National Economy

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NETHERLANDS M. P. L. STEENBERGHE, Chairman of the Netherlands Economic, Financial, and Shipping Mission; Chairman of the Delegation B. KLEIJN MOLEKAMP, Minister Plenipotentiary, Netherlands Embassy, Washington F. C. ARONSTEIN, Member, Netherlands Economic, Financial, and Shipping Mission; Adviser to the Minister of Overseas Territories F. H. COPES VAN HASSELT, Legal Adviser in Aviation Matters, Department of Public Works and Transport

NEW ZEALAND HON. D. G. SULLIVAN, Minister of Industries, Commerce, Supply, and Munitions; Member of War Cabinet, Wellington; Chairman of the Delegation HON. C. A. BERENDSEN, Minister to the United States, Washington FOSS SHANAHAN, Prime Minister's Department (External Affairs Department) AIR COMMODORE ARTHUR DE T. NEVILL, Vice Chief of Air Staff, Wellington

NICARAGUA RICHARD E. FRIZELL; Chairman of the Delegation

NORWAY WILHELM MUNTHE DE MORGENSTIERNE, Ambassador to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation KNUD SOEMME, Member, Board of Directors, Royal Norwegian Air Transport JOHAN GEORG RAEDER, Commercial Counselor, Norwegian Embassy, London MAJOR ALF HEUM, R. N. A. F., Chief, Section for Civil Aviation, Ministry of Defense

PANAMA CARLOS ICAZA; Chairman of the Delegation INOCENCIO GALINDO, Engineer ENRIQUE LEFEVRE, Engineer NARCISO E. GARAY, First Secretary, Panamanian Embassy, Washington

PARAGUAY LIEUTENANT COMMANDER A. DANIEL CANDIA, Naval Attaché, Paraguayan Embassy, Washington; Chairman of the Delegation

PERU GENERAL ARMANDO REVOREDO, Air Attaché, Peruvian Embassy, Washington; Chairman of the Delegation JOSÉ KOECHLIN, Chairman Aviation Committee of the Chamber of Deputies LUIS ALVARADO, Minister Counselor, Ottawa

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PHILIPPINE COMMONWEALTH JAIME HERNANDEZ, Secretary of Finance; Chairman of the Delegation URBANO A. ZAFRA, Economic Adviser to the President of the Philippine Commonwealth; Acting Chairman of the Delegation COLONEL MANUEL NIETO, Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce JOSEPH H. FOLEY, Manager, Philippine National Bank, New York Agency, Philippine Commonwealth

POLAND JAN CIECHANOWSKI, Ambassador to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation ZBYSLAW CIOLKOSZ, Director, Civil Aviation Department, Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Shipping; Vice Chairman of the Delegation STEFAN J. KONORSKI, Legal Adviser, Civil Aviation Department, Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Shipping HENRYK GORECKI, Chairman, Air Communications Committee, State Air Council; former Managing Director, "Lot" Air Lines LUDWIK H. GOTTLIEB, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs STANISLAW SZULC, Industry Department, Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Shipping GROUP CAPTAIN WITOLD URBANOWICZ, Air Attaché, Polish Embassy, Washington

PORTUGAL MARIO DE FIGUEIREDO, former Cabinet Minister; Professor of Law, University of Coimbra; Chairman of the Delegation BRIGADIER ALFREDO DELESQUE DOS SANTOS CINTRA, Vice President, National Air Council DUARTE PINTO BASTO DE GUSMÃO CALHEIROS, Assistant Postmaster General VASCO VIEIRA GARIN, Counselor, Portuguese Embassy, Washington; Portuguese Chargé d'Affaires ad interim

SPAIN ESTEBAN TERRADAS E ILLA, President, Board of the National Institute of Aeronautical Technology; Chairman of the Delegation GERMÁN BARAIBAR Y USANDIZAGA, Diplomatic Officer with rank of Minister; Vice Chairman of the Delegation COLONEL JUAN BONO BOIX, Director General of Civil Aviation COLONEL FRANCISCO VIVES CAMINO, Director General of Ground Construction LIEUTENANT COLONEL LUIS AZCÁRRAGA PÉREZ CABALLERO, Director General of Flight Protection CÉSAR GÓMEZ LUCIA, Managing Director, Iberia Airline MAJOR ULTAKO KINDELAN, Assistant Air Attaché, Spanish Embassy, London

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SWEDEN RAGNAR KUMLIN, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Brazil; Chaiman of the Delegation TORD KNUTSSON ÅNGSTRÖM, Assistant Director of Civil Aviation PER ADOLF NORLIN, General Manager, Swedish Intercontinental Air Lines GUSTAF ALLAN HULTIMAN, Chief of Section, Gcneral Postal Administration

SWITZERLAND CHARLES BRUGGMANN, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation EDUARD FEER, Counselor of Legation, Swiss Legation, Washingon; Alternate Chairrman of the Delegation EDUARD AMSTUTZ, Delegate for Civil Aeronautics LOUIS CLERC, Chief, Swiss Air Office JEAN MERMINOD, Chief, Section for Transports, Division of Foreign Affairs HENRY PILLICHODY, Special Representative, Swiss National Office of Transportation

SYRIA NOUREDDEEN KAHALE; Chairman of the Delegation

TURKEY SÜKRÜ KOÇAK, President, Turkish Aeronautical League; Chairman of the Delegation FERRUH SAHINBAS, Director General of State Airways ORHAN H. EROL, Counselor, Turkish Embassy, Washington

UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA S. F. N. GIE, Minister to the United States; Chairman of the Delegation JOHN MARTIN; Co-Delegate

UNITED KINGDOM LORD SWINTON, Minister of Civil Aviation; Chairman of the Delegation SIR ARTHUR STREET, Permanent Under Secretary, Air Ministry SIR GEORGE LONDON, Government of Newfoundland W. P. HILDRED, Director of Civil Aviation, Air Ministry J. H. MAGOWAN, Minister, British Embassy, Washington W. C. G. CRIBBETT, Assistant Under Secretary, Air Ministry G. G. FITZMAURICE, Legal Adviser, Foreign Office A. J. WALSH, Newfoundland

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADOLF A. BERLE, JR., Assistant Secretary of State; Chairman of the Delegation JOSIAH W. BAILEY, Chairman, Committee on Commerce, United States Senate OWEN BREWSTER, Member, Committee on Commerce, United States Senate

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ALFRED L. BULWINKLE, House of Representatives WILLIAM A. M. BURDEN, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Air REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD, U. S. N., Retired FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA, Chairman, United States Section, Permanent Joint Board on Defense (Canada-United States) L. WELCH POGUE, Chairman Civil Aeronautics Board EDWARD WARNER, Vice Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board CHARLES A. WOLVERTON, House of Representatives

URUGUAY CAPTAIN CARLOS CARBAJAL, Uruguayan Navy; Chairman of the Delegation COGONEL MEDARDO R. FARUS, Military Attaché for Air, Uruguayan Embassy, Washington

VENEZUELA COLONEL JUAN DE DIOS CELIS PAREDES, Ex-Minister of War and Navy; Chairman of the Delegation (absent) FRANCISCO J. SUCRE, Director of Communications, Ministry of Public Works; Acting Chairman of the Delegation JULIO BUNCO USTÁRIZ, Legal Adviser

YUGOSLAVIA VLADIMIR M. VUKMIROVIC, Consul General, Chicago; Chairman of the Delegation SQUADRON LEADER (Captain First Class) NENAD DJ. MIROSAVLJEVIC, Chief, Civil Aviation Division, Yugoslav Ministry of War FLIGHT LIEUTENANT PREDRAG SOPALOVIC

Who met at Chicago, Illinois, on November 1, 1944, under the Temporary President of Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America.

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Committees of the Conference

At the second plenary session of the Conference, held November 2, 1944, it was agreed, at the request of Canada, that the Committee on Multilateral Aviation Convention and International Aeronautical Body be renumbered Committee I, instead of Committee III, as originally proposed by the United States. The following day an organizing meeting of Committee I was held, and three subcommittees established: Subcommittee 1, International Organization; Subcommittee 2, Air Navigation Principles; and Subcommittee 3, Air Transportation Principles.

At the outset there were four basic proposals before Committee I, by the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand, the first two of which were in the form of draft conventions. The steering committee of Committee I, composed of the chairman, John Martin (Union of South Africa), and the respective chairmen of the three subcommittees - Viscount Alain du Parc (Belgium), L. Welch Pogue (U.S.), and H. J. Symington (Canada) - recommended, and the subcommittees agreed, to use the Canadian draft convention as the basis of discussion in Subcommittees 1 and 3 and the United States draft as the basis of discussion in Subcommittee 2.


Executive Committee

Steering Committee

Committee on Nominations

Committee on Credentials

Committee on Rules and Regulations


Committee I. Multilateral Aviation and International Aeronautical Body

Committee II. Techincal Standards and Procedures

Committee III. Provisional Air Routes

Committee IV. Interim Council

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Executive Committee

Name Country Title

Adolf A. Berle, Jr. United States of America

President of the Conference: Chairman

Abdol Hosayn Aziz Afghanistan

Arthur S. Drakeford Australia

Viscount Alain du Parc Belgium

Lieutenant Colonel Alfredo Pacheco Bolivia

Hahnemann Guimaraes Brazil

C.D. Howe Canada

Brigadier General Rafael Saenz Chile

Kia-ngau Chang China

Vice President of the Conference

Luis Tamayo Colombia

Roman Macaya Costa Rica

Felipe Pazos Cuba

Air Vice Marshal Karel Janousek Czechoslovakia

Charles A. McLaughlin Dominican Republic

Jose A. Correa Ecuador

Mahmoud Bey Hassan Egypt

Francisco Parraga El Salvador

Blatta Ephrem Tewelde Medhen Ethiopia

Max Hymans France

Vice President of the Conference

Major General Demetrios T.N. Botzaris Greece

Colonel Oscar Morales Lopez Guatemala

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Captain Edouard Roy Haiti

Emilio P. Lefebvre Honduras

Thor Thors Iceland

Sir Girja Shankar Bajpal India

Mohammed Shayesteh Iran

Ali Jawdat Iraq

Robert Brennan Ireland

Camille Chamoun Lebanon

Walter F. Walker Liberia

Hugues Le Gallais Luxembourg

Colonel Pedro A. Chapa Mexico

M. P. L. Steenberghe Netherlands

Hon. D.G. Sullivan New Zealand

Richard E. Frizell Nicaragua

Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne Norway

Carlos Icaza Panama

Lieutenant Commander A. Daniel Candia Paraguay

Colonel Armando Revoredo Peru

Jaime Hernandez Philippine Commonwealth

Jan Ciechanowski Poland

Mario de Figueiredo Portugal

Esteban Terradas e Illa Spain

Ragnar Kumlin Sweden

Charles Bruggmann Switzerland

Noureddeen Kahale Syria

Sukru Kocak Turkey

S. F. N. Gie Union of South Africa

Lord Swinton United Kingdom

Captain Carlos Carbajal Uruguay

Colonel Juan de Dios Celis Paredes Venezuela

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Vladimir M. Vukmirovic Yugoslavia

Secretary: Clarke L. Willard

Steering Committee

Name Country Title

Adolf A. Berle, Jr. United States of America Chairman ex officio

Abdol Hosayn Aziz Afghanistan

Hahnemann Guimaraes Brazil

C. D. Howe Canada

Kia-ngau Chang China

Luis Tamayo Colombia

Blatta Ephrem Tewelde Medhen Ethiopia

Max Hymans France

M. P. L. Steenberghe Netherlands

Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne Norway

Lord Swinton United Kingdom

Captain Carlos Carbajal Uruguay

Secretary: Clarke L. Willard

Committee on Nominations

Name Country Title

Colonel Armando Revoredo Peru Chairman

Felipe Pazos Cuba

Sir Gurunath Bewoor India

Hugues Le Gallais Luxembourg

Jan Ciechanowski Poland

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Secretary: Morris Nelson Hughes

Committee on Credentials

Name Country Title

Arthur S. Drakeford Australia Chairman

Mahmoud Bey Hassan Egypt

Group Captain John Hadjinikolis Greece

Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne Norway

Carlos Icaza Panama

Secretary: James Espy

Committee on Rules and Regulations

Name Country Title

S. F. N. Gie Union of South Africa Chairman

Brigadier General Rafael Saenz Chile

Air Vice Marshal Karel Janousek Czechoslovakia

Thor Thors Iceland

Walter F. Walker Liberia

Secretary: Clarke L. Willard


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Committee I. Multilateral Aviation Convention and International Aeronautical Body

Title Name Country

Chairman John Martin Union of South Africa

Vice Chairman Luis Tamayo Colombia

Secretary Paul T. David

Assistant Secretary Virginia C. Little

Subcommittee 1. International Organization

Chairman Viscount Alain du Parc Belgium

Secretary Paul T. David

Subcommittee 2. Air Navigation Principles

Chairman L. Welch Pogue United States

Secretary Virginia C. Little

Subcommittee 3. Air Transportation Principles

Chairman H. J. Symington Canada

Secretary Melvin A. Brenner

Committee II. Techincal Standards and Procedures

Title Name Country

Chairman M. P. L. Steenberghe Netherlands

Vice Chairman A. D. McLean Canada

Reporting Delegate Edward Warner United States of America

Secretary Alfred S. Koch

Assistant Secretary Alfred Hand

Subcommittee 1. Communications Procedures; Airways Systems

Chairman Stanislaw Krzyczkowski Poland

Vice Chairman W. A. Duncan United Kingdom

Reporting Member F. W. Hancock United Kingdom

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Secretary Lloyd H. Simson

Subcommittee 2. Rules of the Air; Air Traffic Control Practices

Chairman Guillermo Gonzalez Mexico

Vice Chairman Timothy J. O'Driscoll Ireland

Secretary Kenneth Matucha

Subcommittee 3. Standards Governing the Licensing of Operating and Mechanical Personnel Log Books

Chairman Major Alf Heum Norway

Vice Chairman Colonel Armando Revoredo Peru

Reporting Member R. D. Poland United Kingdom

Secretary Robert D. Hoyt

Subcommittee 4. Airworthiness of Aircraft

Chairman Air Vice Marshal A. Ferrier Canada

Vice Chairman Wing Commander J. M. Buckeridge New Zealand

Secretary Omer Welling

Subcommittee 5. Registration and Identification of Aircraft

Chairman Colonel Ching-yee Liu China

Vice Chairman Captain E. C. Johnston Australia

Secretary John T. Morgan

Subcommittee 6. Collection and Dissemination of Meteorological Information

Chairman J. Patterson Canada

Vice Chairman Major Jorge Marcano Venezuela

Secretary Delbert M. Little

Subcommittee 7. Aeronautical Maps and Charts

Chairman Paul A. Smith United States of America

Vice Chairman F. H. Peters Canada

Reporting Member Lieutenant Colonel J. C. T. Willis United Kingdom

Secretary Jeremiah S. Morton

Subcommittee 8. Customs Procedures; Manifests

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Chairman Vernon G. Crudge United Kingdom

Vice Chairman Josef Pick Czechoslovakia

Secretary Charles M. Howell, Jr.

Subcommittee 9. Accident Investigation, Including Search and Salvage

Chairman Air Commodore Vernon-Brown United Kingdom

Vice Chairman Rene de Ayala Cuba

Secretary Claude M. Sterling

Subcommittee 10. Publications and Forms

Chairman Captain E. C. Johnston Australia

Vice Chairman Jean Peset France

Secretary Floyd B. Brinkley

Committee III. Provisional Air Routes

Title Name Country

Chairman Adolf A. Berle, Jr. United States of America

Vice Chairman Max Hymans France

Secretary Howard B. Railey

Assistant Secretary Harry A. Bowen

Subcommittee 1. Standard Form of Provisional Route Agreements

Chairman Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne Norway

Reporting Member F. C. Aronstein Netherlands

Secretary Howard B. Railey

Committee IV. Interim Council

Title Name Country

Chairman Hahnemann Guimaraes Brazil

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Vice Chairman Kia-ngau Chang China

Secretary George C. Neal

Assistant Secretary Erwin R. Marlin

Subcommittee 1. Composition and Organization of the Interim Council

Chairman S. F. N. Gie Union of South Africa

Secretary Erwin R. Marlin

Subcommittee 2. Powers and Duties of the Interim Council

Chairman Colonel Armando Revoredo Peru

Secretary George C. Neal

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Proceedings of the International Civil Aviation Conference Chicago, Illinois, November 1 – December 7, 1944

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Volume I: Preface and Introduction


Work of the Conference: Invitation of the United States of America the Conference, Definitive Agenda of the Conference; Regulations of the Conference, Officers of the Conference, Committees of the Conference, Members of the Delegation, Verbatim Minutes.

Final Act and Appendixes


Joint Meetings of Committees I, III, and IV

Committee I: Multilateral Aviation Convention and International Aeronautical Body

● Subcommittee 1: International Organization● Subcommittee 2: Air Navigation Principles● Subcommittee 3: Air Transport Principles

Committee II: Technical Standards and Procedures


Volume II : Preface

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Committee II: Technical Standards and Procedures

● Subcommittee 1: Communications Procedures; Airways Systems● Subcommittee 2: Rules of the Air; Air Traffic Control Practices● Subcommittee 3: Licensing of Operating and Melchanical Personnel; Log Books● Subcommittee 4: Airworthiness of Aircraft● Subcommittee 5: Registration and Identification of Aircraft● Subcommittee 6: Collection and Dissemination of Meteorological Information● Subcommittee 7: Aeronautical Maps and Charts● Subcommittee 8: Customs Procedures; Manifests● Subcommittee 9: Accident Investigation, Including Search and Salvage● Subcommittee 10: Publications and Forms

Committee III: Provisional Air Routes

● Subcommittee 1: Standard Form of Provisional Route Agreements

Committee IV: Interim council

● Subcommittee 1: Composition and Organization of the Interim Council● Subcommittee 2: Powers and Duties of the Interim Council


Work of the General Committees: Minutes; Committee on Rules and Regulations; Committee on Nominations; Committees on Credentials


● List of documents Issued at the Conference● Commentary on the Development of the Individual Articles of the Convention on International

Civil Aviation● Status of Civil Aviation Agreements


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Convention on International Civil Aviation Convention relative à l'aviation civile internationale Convenio sobre Aviación Civil Internacional Конвенция о международной гражданской авиации

Doc 7300

Current Edition Status

Convention on International Civil Aviation (also known as Chicago Convention), was signed on 7 December 1944 by 52 States. Pending ratification of the Convention by 26 States, the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (PICAO) was established. It functioned from 6 June 1945 until 4 April 1947. By 5 March 1947 the 26th ratification was received. ICAO came into being on 4 April 1947. In October of the same year, ICAO became a specialized agency of the United Nations linked to Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The Convention on International Civil Aviation set forth the purpose of ICAO:

"WHEREAS the future development of international civil aviation can greatly help to create and preserve friendship and understanding among the nations and peoples of the world, yet its abuse can become a threat to the general security; and

WHEREAS it is desirable to avoid friction and to promote that co-operation between nations and peoples upon which the peace of the world depends;

THEREFORE, the undersigned governments having agreed on certain principles and arrangements in order that international civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly manner and that international air transport services may be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and operated soundly and economically;

Have accordingly concluded this Convention to that end."

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International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Eighth edition

● Eighth edition, 2000. Quadrilingual text: English/French/Spanish/Russian (Doc 7300/8)

Seventh edition

● Seventh edition, 1997. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300/7)

Sixth edition

● Sixth edition, 1980. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300/6)

Fifth edition

● Fifth edition, 1975. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300/5)

Fourth edition

● Fourth edition, 1969. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300/4)

Third edition

● Third edition, 1963. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300/3

Second edition

● Second edition, 1959. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300/2)❍ Addendum No. 1. 15 September 1961. Trilingual text: English/

French/Spanish (Doc 7300/2 Addendum No. 1)

First edition

● First edition. Signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944. Trilingual text: English/French/Spanish (Doc 7300)

❍ Amendments. 12 December 1956

Original version

● Certificate of Authenticity. 13 April 1948● Original version. Signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944

Note: Dates shown are the publication dates. TOP







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