International Business Prelim

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  • 8/9/2019 International Business Prelim


    St. Josephs Evening College

    Department of Business Management

    International Business



    International Business Globalization

    Welcome to India

    Preliminary RoundSubsidiary Company

    We are the world!!

    Preliminary Round

    Subsidiary Company

    The growth in International Business has been

    more than 7% annually. A scope for

    improvement, mind blowing performance on

    stock market, the global effects on culture and

    heritageweve seen it all.

    Diversities of all four corners of the country

    make India an opportune place for international

    business. Are you ready to go International??

    Go India first!! Entrants are required to come

    up with a comprehensive business plan for a

    subsidiary company of an existing international

    company. Apart from basic requirements, there

    are no restrictions whatsoever on which

    company to choose, modes of entry or amount

    of capital. So just cut your brain loose from

    monotony and spew your creative genius.

    Requirements to NoteThe subsidiary venture idea you choose must be a brand new one. The

    company you choose must not have its foot in India.

    You are required to assume that you and your teammate are foreign

    nationals and are working for an international company. You have comedown here to India to set up this subsidiary company of the parent company

    you work for.

    It is totally left to the contestants to choose what they will describe in the

    business plan. Scroll below for suggestions on what we would like to see in

    the report and presentation.

    You are required to prepare a presentation and a comprehensive report for

    the same. You are also required to prepare 3 (three) print advertisements

    and 1 (one) video advertisement. Total time allotted is 8 (eight) minutes for


    Contestants are to submit 1 (one) soft copy (on a CD) and two hard copies of

    the same to the event head before the event begins.

    There is no leeway available for late submission.

    It has been said that arguing against international business is

    like arguing against laws of gravity.

    International Business is a

    fact of economic life.

  • 8/9/2019 International Business Prelim


    St. Josephs Evening College

    Department of Business Management

    International Business



    The below are only suggestions of particulars that we would like to see in the Business plan. It is the

    contestants discretion on what they would like to include in the Business plan presentation and


    Logo and Tag Line Executive Summary Mission and Vision of the Enterprise. Objectives: Financial, Social and Economic. Company Profile : Name, Domain, Location, Organizational Structure and Background/ Strategies/Modes used to enter Business Feasibility: Market Study and Financial Feasibility. Risk Analysis Crisis Management Initial Capital / Startup Finances Facilities and Services provided for the employees. STP (Segment, Target and Positioning) SWOT Analysis Marketing Strategies and Budget for marketing Human Resource Break Up, Recruitment and Training Social Corporate Responsibility Projected Final Accounts for three (3) years and Break Even Point