Candidate name: Sara RistićCandidate number: 001258-0033 UK consumer confidence tumbles in October on job insecurity - survey (Reuters) - Consumer confidence in Britain took its biggest tumble in four years this month as workers in low-paid sectors worry about losing their jobs in an economic slowdown, a survey published on Thursday showed. The Consumer Confidence Index, produced by polling firm YouGov and economic forecasters CEBR, slid by 2.9 points to 111.2 points, its lowest level since January and its biggest monthly fall since October 2010. "While employment levels are up, many jobs are low-paid and unsecure, and it is these workers that are looking ahead to the coming year with some trepidation," Charles Davis, director at the Centre for Economics and Business Research, said. Britain's unemployment rate fell to 6.0 percent in the three months to August, its lowest since late 2008, but job creation has slowed and wage growth remains very weak. Official data on Friday is expected to show that British economic growth slowed to a quarterly 0.7 percent in the July-September period, down from 0.9 percent in the second quarter but still above the average growth rate. The YouGov/CEBR survey showed employees increasingly expect slower growth in business at their place of work over the coming year, feeding already growing concerns about job security. The Bank of England has said it expects British economic growth next year to ease to 3 percent from 3.5 percent in 2014 although that forecast was made in August, before signs of a sharp slowdown in the euro zone and weaker growth in emerging markets. The BoE is due to announce fresh forecasts next month. The YouGov/Cebr Consumer Confidence Index collects data on a daily basis throughout the month, conducting up to 7,000 interviews per month with people aged 18 and over. 1

internal assessment from macroeconomics

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internal assessment from macroeconomics in the ib diploma program, subject: economics

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Candidate name: Sara Risti

Candidate name: Sara RistiCandidate number: 001258-0033UK consumer confidence tumbles in October on job insecurity - survey(Reuters) - Consumer confidence in Britain took its biggest tumble in four years this month as workers in low-paid sectors worry about losing their jobs in an economic slowdown, a survey published on Thursday showed.The Consumer Confidence Index, produced by polling firm YouGov and economic forecasters CEBR, slid by 2.9 points to 111.2 points, its lowest level since January and its biggest monthly fall since October 2010."While employment levels are up, many jobs are low-paid and unsecure, and it is these workers that are looking ahead to the coming year with some trepidation," Charles Davis, director at the Centre for Economics and Business Research, said.Britain's unemployment rate fell to 6.0 percent in the three months to August, its lowest since late 2008, but job creation has slowed and wage growth remains very weak.Official data on Friday is expected to show that British economic growth slowed to a quarterly 0.7 percent in the July-September period, down from 0.9 percent in the second quarter but still above the average growth rate.The YouGov/CEBR survey showed employees increasingly expect slower growth in business at their place of work over the coming year, feeding already growing concerns about job security.The Bank of England has said it expects British economic growth next year to ease to 3 percent from 3.5 percent in 2014 although that forecast was made in August, before signs of a sharp slowdown in theeuro zoneand weaker growth in emerging markets. The BoE is due to announce fresh forecasts next month.The YouGov/Cebr Consumer Confidence Index collects data on a daily basis throughout the month, conducting up to 7,000 interviews per month with people aged 18 and over.

Schomberg, William. UK consumer confidence tumbles in October on job insecurity survey. Reuters UK. Oct 23 2014, (1.3.2015.)

The article UK consumer confidence tumbles in October on job insecurity survey was posted on the website Reuters in October 2014. Its main concerns are the fall in consumer confidence (the degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy and their personal financial situation[footnoteRef:1]) due to high numbers of jobs with low wages and the way this wave of unsatisfaction is affecting UKs economic growth (the increase in the market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over time, measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product per capita). [1: Consumer confidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, unknown, (1.3.2015.)]

The first part of the article talks about the fall in consumer confidence by 2.9 points in October 2014 resulting in the lowest consumer confidence index of that year. Consumer confidence is a factor in consumption (total spending by consumers on domestic goods and services) that in turn is a factor of aggregate demand (total spending on goods and services ina period of time at a given price level). If consumer confidence falls, that means that there will be a decrease in the overall consumption of products, which, if not leveled out by other factors of AD, investment, government spending or net exports, can lead to an overall fall in AD which in turn lowers the money supply in the economy, causing producers to have to cut costs of production, usually in the number of available jobs leading to high unemployment. Graph 1

In this case, the fall in confidence is due to a high number of low paying jobs, because people are [having] concerns about job security. Britain's unemployment rate fell to 6.0 percent in the three months to August, its lowest since late 2008, but job creation has slowed and wage growth remains very weak; this shows the attempt at creating more jobs to lower the unemployment rate. But these jobs are not attractive because not all people are willing and able to work at any given wage rate; this is called natural or equilibrium unemployment which occurs when he market is in equilibrium.Graph 2


Graph 2 shows the relation between ADL (aggregate demand for labour), ASL (aggregate supply for labour) and LF (total labour force). When the market is at equilibrium, the number of jobs match the number of people looking for jobs (ASL). There is enough jobs, but people are unwilling or unable to take them (LF) causing unemployment a-b. This is the case in the UK; there are many unstable jobs, like working in fast foods, seasonal, underpaying, and people do not feel safe about their job security, causing lower consumer confidence, and so it is more likely that they will save their money in banks (a leakage in the circular flow of income) than spend it which in turn lowers the money supply in the country leading to a number of problem like inflation (sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services) and greater unemployment.The second part of this article says that the economic growth has slowed to a quarterly 0.7 percent in the July-September period, down from 0.9 percent in the second quarter but still above the average growth rate. As defined before, economic growth is the increase in real gross domestic product per capita, GDP being "an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident, institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs).[footnoteRef:2]" It is reasonable to see that economic growth has slowed due to the lack of consumption due to the lack of consumer confidence. If such a situation persists in the short term, the quarterly GDP growth rate may become lesser in comparison to other quarters, but if the consumer confidence changes i.e. the consumers have securer job positions, they recive informataion that the economy is expanding, they will have a moer optimistic outlook and seek to spend more money. But, if this problem is not taken care off, the long term conequences could first lead into a negative growth of GDP and as the people believe less and less in the strength in their economy, they will save more, imploring the government to increase their intrest rates that isf not managed can cause inflation. [2: OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms - Gross domestic product (GDP) Definition, July 1 2002, (1.3.2015.)]

Table 1

[footnoteRef:3] [3: Quarterly National Accounts : Quarterly Growth Rates of real GDP, change over previous quarter, Mar 1 2015, (1.3.2015.)]

BibliographyBooksBlink, Jocelyn, and Ian Dorton. Economics: Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. Print.WebsitesConsumer confidence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, unknown, (1.3.2015.)Quarterly National Accounts : Quarterly Growth Rates of real GDP, change over previous quarter, Mar 1 2015, (1.3.2015.)YouGov | Collapse in consumer confidence even greater than first thought, 2015, (1.3.2015.)OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms - Gross domestic product (GDP) Definition, July 1 2002, (1.3.2015.)