Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam

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  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    The Internal and ExternalAspects of Taijiquan

    By Tu-Ky Lam

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam



    1) How to Increase the Internal Force Through Strength TrainingPrograms;.......................................................pag.03

    2)The Essence o !hen St"le Tai#i$uan%s Torso &etho's;.........pag.0(

    3) How to Improe *i an' Internal Strength;.....................pag.1+

    +) The Importance o ,cheiing Song;............................pag.20

    -) Power ischarge in !hen St"le Tai#i$uan;.....................pag.22

    /)How to ,lign our o'" For etter *i Flow , ui'e to the !orrectPractice o Tai#i$uan;..........................................pag.24

    () !hen St"le Tai !hi !huan%s Secret 5eapon the 6otation o an7Tian;.pag.31

    8) 5hoeer !an Follow9 5ins the attle;.........................pag.3+

    4) The Essence o in an' ang in Tai#i$uan;....................pag.38

    10) How to et the est out o Tai#i$uan;.......................pag.45

    11)The eelopment an' "namic o !hen St"le Tai#i$uan as Taught :"Hong ung7Sheng;................................................pag.+8

    12) The Internal an' E

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    #$%o& to Increase the Internal 'orce Through(trength Training )rogra*sBy Tu-Ky Lam

    Al&hough Taiiuan loo!s so2& an% slo17 p#a'&i'ing i& 'o##e'&ly ee#y%ay 'an in'#ease one9s in&e#nal 2o#'e. o1ee#7 &his is a e#y slo1p#o'ess. To spee% &hings up7 Tai 'hi mas&e#s &ea'h &hei# s&u%en&sseng&h aining7 o2 1hi'h &he impo#&an'e 'an :e seen &h#ough &hisol% Taii saying7 a'h s&yle o2 Taiiuan has i&s o1n seng&h aining p#og#ams 1hi'ha#e no& !no1n &o ou&si%e#s. < 1as ama?e% &o see a pho&og#aph o2 ap#a'&i&ione# lying on &he g#oun% 1hile a 2ello1 s&u%en& o2 his umpe%2#om a heigh& o2 &1o o# &h#ee ya#%s on &o his s&oma'h. Appa#en&ly &hisp#a'&i&ione# 1as %oing a !in% o2 ha#% *i-gong* &ha& 'oul% help him&a!e song :lo1s 1i&hou& 2eeling pain. o1ee#7 mos& seng&haining p#og#ams aim &o in'#ease in&e#nal 2o#'e as mos& Taiip#a'&i&ione#s y &o neuali?e an in'oming 2o#'e :y 'i#'ula# an%spi#al moemen&s.The#e a#e &1o %i22e#en& !in%s o2 Chen s&yle Taiiuan seng&haining@ one inoles &he use o2 euipmen&s an% &he o&he# %oes no&.The 2o#me# is ui&e physi'ally %eman%ing an% so only sui&s people:elo1 &he age o2 5 1hile &he la&&e# is :asi'ally *i-gong* e=e#'ises71hi'h sui& people o2 all ages7 an% 'an g#ea&ly enhan'e &he heal&h an%2i&ness o2 p#a'&i&ione#s.

    Chan7Chuang BStan'ing Postures)The 2i#s& o2 &he seng&h aining p#og#ams no& inoling ainingai%s is han-?huang. These s&an%ing pos&u#es a#e in #eali&y 6i-gonge=e#'ises 1hi'h :ea# %i22e#en& names a''o#%ing &o &he %i22e#en& s&yleso2 6i-gong p#a'&i&ione#s7 su'h as /i-uan 6i-gong7 "u-i 6i-gong an%

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    :ene2i&s o2 han-?huang. They 'an us& s&an% &he#e7 ge&&ing &hei#pos&u#es aligne% (hea% an% &o#so saigh&7 !nees sligh&ly :en&7 hipoin&s 2le=e%7 '#o&'h #oun%e%7 'hes& sligh&ly %#a1n in7 an% shoul%e#san% el:o1s %#oppe%)7 #ela=e%7 an% 'on'ena&ing on main&aining &hei#'en&e# line7 an% &hei# 6i 1ill 'i#'ula&e.

    2 &he &h#ee s&an%ing pos&u#es %es'#i:e% in my a#&i'le en&i&le% *o1&o

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    2oo&); a& &he same &ime moe :o&h 2is&s %o1n (shun 'han7 &ha& is#o&a&e you# a#ms so &ha& &he 2is&s 2a'e up) in a sligh& le2&1a#% 'u#e&o &he lo1e# pa#& o2 you# 'hes& (signi2ying pulling you# opponen&&o1a#% you#sel2). T#y &o !eep you# a#ms #oun% as 1ell. "hen you %o&his moe7 inhale an% &he le2& si%e o2 you# %an-&ian moes %o1n in ale2&1a#% 'u#e 1i&h you# 2is&s.

    &oe 2@ Ro&a&e you# 2o#ea#ms so &ha& &he palm o2 :o&h 2is&s 2a'es%o1n; a& &he same &ime e=&en% (%#op) you# 1#is&s (?huo 1an) so &ha&&he heel o2 you# palms %#op7 :e2o#e #eleasing you# 2is&s an% pushing&hem ou& ui'!ly (%is'ha#ge po1e# &o &h#o1 you# opponen& a1ay) in a#igh&1a#% an% up1a#% 'u#e &o &he s&a#&ing posi&ion. o1 you e=hale7an% &he #igh& si%e o2 you# %an-&ian moes in a #igh&1a#% an% up1a#%'u#e as 1ell.o 2a# you# han%s hae %#a1n a %iagonal 'i#'le in 2#on& o2 you# &o#so(an% so %oes you# %an-&ian in &he lo1e# pa#& o2 you# &o#so). This is'alle% one #oun%. Beginne#s a#e a%ise% &o %o only 3E #oun%s 2o# &he2i#s& mon&h 1hen &hey %o &his e=e#'ise.

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    a#e goo% a& using &he 2o#'e p#o%u'e% 2#om %an-&ian hae e#y songan% &ough lo1e# a:%omen 1hi'h 2eels li!e a 2ully in2la&e% :as!e&-:all.

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    ho#se s&an'e &o li2& &he :all 1i&h one han%7 lean i& agains& &he 1all7an% #oll i& :y &u#ning ou# han%. As &he moemen& is also 'onolle% :you# 1ais&7 p#a'&i'ing Taii :all is also goo% 2o# %eeloping &he 2o#'eo2 &he 1hole :o%y.

    !onclusioneng&h aining plays a signi2i'an& #ole in in'#easing ou# in&e#nal2o#'e7 an% so gies us an e%ge in push-han%s an% spa##ing. o %ou:&p#a'&i&ione#s 1ho hae song in&e#nal seng&h a#e e#y ha#% &o%e2ea&. >i%en'e sho1e% &ha& in China &eams &ha& spen& &he mos& &imeon seng&h aining 1on mo#e gol% me%als in push-han%s 'ompe&i&ions.eng&h aining %oes no& hae a :a% e22e'& on #ela=a&ion7 1hi'h is2oun%a&ion o2 Taiiuan. Rela=a&ion :asi'ally means no& &o use :#u&e2o#'e an% loosen an% se&'h all &he oin&s in ou# :o%y. Beginne#s'anno& aoi% using :#u&e 2o#'e7 so &hey a#e &ol% no& &o use 2o#'e(mainly 2#om &he &ense%-up mus'les). A2&e# &hey hae #ea'he% a highe#leel o2 &hei# aining 1he#e &hey 'an :e *song*7 &hey 1ill nee% &olea#n ho1 &o %is'ha#ge po1e# o# use 2o#'e e22e'&iely. This is 1ha&

    seng&h aining is all a:ou&.The saying D=se min' an' not orceDshoul% :e gien a :e&&e#in&e#p#e&a&ion. The 1o#% *2o#'e* means :#u&e 2o#'e (1hi'h is so s&i22an% 'an :e easily use% :y &he opponen&)7 :u& no& in&e#nal 2o#'e. n'e1e hae o:&aine% song in&e#nal seng&h7 &he#e is no #eason 1hy 1eshoul% no& use i& &o ou# a%an&age. "hen 1e %o &his7 use ou# min% &o%i#e'& ou# moe. "hen ou# min% an% ou# :o%y a#e uni&e%7 1e 'an p#o%u'eeno#mous e=plosie po1e#. Tha& is 1ha& &he Taii 'lassi's say7 "henyou use in&e#nal seng&h7 you# ing shoul% :e li!e e#y #e2ine%s&eel7 &hen &he#e is no&hing &oo ha#% 2o# you &o %emolish.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


    2)The Essence o !hen St"le Tai#i$uan%s Torso &etho'sBy Tu-Ky Lam

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    %iao &ing &ou =ian7 :ai lian 3 nian.) ne o2 my &ea'he#s also sai%7"i&hou& ing ing (&he ing :#ough& a:ou& :y li2&ing &he &op o2 &hehea%)7 you 1ill hae no ing (in&e#nal seng&h) a& all.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Place our Torso on a Firm ase

    u# &o#so7 1hi'h is 2#om ou# shoul%e#s %o1n &o ou# hips7 is &he mos&impo#&an& pa#& o2 ou# :o%y.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    'o''y= has &o pull in &o '#ea&e an impe&us &o sen% i an% ing up.

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    &o#so (usually #igh& o# le2&) &o e=e'u&e a moe (ma!ing i& easie# 2o#us &o es&a:lish ou# 'en&e# line).

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    ins&ea% o2 ou&1a#%s 1hile ou# 1#is&s moe up1a#%s.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    han%s7 ou# &o#so an% ou# 2ee& a#e 'onne'&e%. As a #esul&7 1hen anopponen& &ou'hes ou# han% (o# a#m) &he 2o#'e 1ill :e ui'!lyans2e##e% &o ou# 2ee&7 an% 1hen 1e a&&a'!7 &he 2o#'e 1e %is'ha#ge is1ill go ui'!ly 2#om ou# 2ee& &o ou# han%s (so i& is &he 2o#'e o2 &he1hole :o%y7 1hi'h is mu'h songe# &han &he lo'al 2o#'e 2#om ou#a#ms).

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    oon ou# in&e#nal seng&h 1ill :egin &o %eelop.

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    Th#ee mao# 2a'&o#s 'oni:u&e &o &he 'i#'ula&ion o2 i. ne is &hea%us&men& o2 &he :o%y &o a *i-2lo1* posi&ion7 an% &he o&he#s a#e &o#ela= an% &o 'on'ena&e. $o# e=ample7 1hen p#a'&i'ing &he Taii 2o#m7i2 1e !eep &he &o#so saigh&7 #ela= &he 'hes& (ma!e &he #i: :onessin! as 1ell)7 an% %#op &he shoul%e#s7 &hen i 1ill sin! &o *%an-

    &ian*7 a small a#ea in &he lo1e# a:%omen. Anyone 1ho p#a'&i'esTaiiiuan an% 'an ma!e i sin! &o &he %an-&ian 'an :e sai% &o haegaine% a small a'hieemen& in &he 'ou#se o2 lea#ning Taiiuan.

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    The route o the internal orce

    As 2o# &he #ou&e o2 &he in&e#nal 2o#'e7 &he#e a#e %i22e#en& &heo#ies.Dos& in&e#nal s&ylis&s :eliee in&e#nal 2o#'e :egins 2#om %an-&ian.Das&e# Da ong7 a 2amous Chen s&ylis&7 sai%7 $a-ing (po1e#

    %is'ha#ge) shoul% o#igina&e an% :e e=e'u&e% 2#om %an-&ian an% &he1ais&. Bu& &he Taii 'lassi's say7 ing is #oo&e% in &he 2ee&7#elease% &h#ough &he legs7 'onolle% :y &he 1ais&7 an% mani2es&e%&h#ough &he 2inge#s. These &1o s&a&emen&s may appea# 'ona%i'&o#y7:u& in 2a'& &hey a#e 'ompa&i:le.

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    Be2o#e moing &o ano&he# poin&7 < 1oul% li!e &o a%% &ha& &he lining upo2 &he :ones 2#om &he !nees &o &he an!les is mo#e %i22i'ul& :e'ause7e='ep& in &he ho#se s&an'e7 ou# legs a#e usually in %i22e#en&posi&ions%i#e'&ions7 pe#2o#ming %i22e#en& &as!s. 0e#y o2&en one legis use% &o main&ain &he su'&u#e o2 &he Taii 2o#m o# suppo#& &he:o%y 1eigh&7 1hile &he o&he# is use% &o pe#2o#m &as!s su'h as s&epping

    2o#1a#% o# :a'!1a#%7 !i'!ing o# 2oo&s1eeping. o &he :ones in &he &1olegs a#e line% up %i22e#en&ly@ &he leg &ha& main&ains &he su'&u#e o#suppo#&s &he :o%y 1eigh& is mo#e o# less line% up e#&i'ally (&he !neean% an!le a#e mo#e o# less in e#&i'al line) 1hile &he o&he# leg71hi'h is use% &o !i'!7 2oo&s1eep7 s&ep 2o#1a#%7 e&'. is line% upho#i?on&ally o# %iagonally. a'h &ime 1e 1an&&o moe o# &u#n ou# shoul%e#s7 1e hae &o moe ou# 1ais& an% 'hes&2i#s& so &ha& ou# ing 'an #ea'h &he #oo& o2 ou# a#ms7 &he shoul%e#s.

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    Shiting 5eight

    hi2&ing 1eigh& 'an help i an% ing 2lo1.

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    han%s o# een 2#ee spa##ing. The :ones in &he :o%y 'an :e line% upmo#e easily7 an% you 'an 2eel &he moemen& o2 i an% ing mo#eui'!ly. A:oe all7 you in&e#nal po1e# 'an in'#ease &1i'e o# &h#ee&ime mo#e ui'!ly &han us& %oing &he 2o#m. >uippe% 1i&h &hise=pe#ien'e7 you 1ill a'hiee Taiiuan !ung-2u (po1e#7 s!ill7e&'.)ui'!e#. o 1on%e# D#. Cai ong $ang sai% Das&e# /ang Cheng-2u use%

    "ui i-gong &o a'hiee :#ea!&h#oughs in his ma#&ial a#&s s!ill. ($o#mo#e %e&ails7 see &he une +,EE issue o2 Tai Chi maga?ine.)The simples& s&an%ing e=e#'ise i& &he #epa#ing $o#m7 1he#e you s&an%up#igh& 1i&h you# 2ee& shoul%e#-1i%&h apa#& an% palms pla'e% on :o&hsi%e o2 you# &highs an% &hen a%us& you# :o%y &o &he *i-2lo1*pos&u#e. ull in you# 'hin sligh&ly &o !eep you# hea% up#igh&7 an% y&o 2eel as i2 a pie'e o2 sing 1e#e pulling you# hea%-&op up1a#%s.Rela= you# 'hes& an% %#op you# shoul%e#s. in! you# 1ais& :y2le=ingyou# hip oin&s an% :en%ing you# !nee. Keep you# '#o&'h #oun%7an% you# &oes 'ling gen&ly &o &he g#oun%. m:#a'e a Balloon.* The :o%yalignmen& is li!e &ha& in &he #epa#ing 2o#m7 :u& ins&ea% o2 pla'ingou# han%s on :o&h si%es o2 ou# :o%y7 1e li2& &hem up &o &he 2#on& o2ou# :o%y a& &he heigh& o2 ou# shoul%e#s7 (le2& palm 2a'ing ou# le2&shoul%e# an% #igh& palm7 #igh& shoul%e#s). o1 1e 'an ma!e ou# i 2lo1:y imaging &ha& 1e a#e hol%ing a :alloon. The :alloon e=pan%ssligh&ly7 an% ou# a#ms an% een &he 1hole :o%y 'an e=pan% 1i&h &he:alloon. Then 1e %o no& 1an& &he :alloon &o e=pan% &oo mu'h so 1esuee?e i& gen&ly &o #ein i& in. o ou# i e=pan%s an% 'ona'&s 1i&h&he :alloon. "e 'an also imagine 1e moe &he :alloon &o &1o o# &h#eeme&e#s a1ay in 2#on& o2 us7 an% &hen :#ing i& :a'!. This happens onlyin ou# min%. Bu& ou# i 'an 2lo1 2o#1a#% an% :a'!1a#% 1i&h hisimagina&ion.!onclusionRela=a&ion plays a e#y impo#&an& #ole in ma!ing i an% ing 2lo17 :u&i& %oes no& ma!e Taiiiuan so2&. /ang Cheng-2u sai% &ha& Taiiuan1as a mi=&u#e o2 so2& an% song7 an% &he Taii 'lassi's go een2u#&he# :y saying7 /ou# ing shoul% :e li!e #e2ine% s&eel7 &he#e isno&hing &oo ha#% 2o# you &o %emolish.The #eason people 1ho hae p#a'&i'e% Taiiuan 2o# many yea#s an% a#es&ill e#y so2& (1i&hou& in&e#nal po1e#) is &ha& &hei# pos&u#eis noigh&. They li2& &hei# shoul%e#s7 %o no& #ela= &hei# 'hes&7 %o no&sin! &hei# 1ais&7 e&'. so &hei# i 'anno& sin! &o %an-&ian. Thei#moemen&s a#e no& e=e'u&e% 2#om &he 'hes& an% &he 1ais&. They %o no&!no1 &ha& so2& an% #ela=a&ion is a means &o ma!e &hei# i sin! &o &he2ee& &o :e #e2ine% an% :e'ome song7 an% &hey hae no& %one push-han%s.

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    +) The Importance o ,cheiing SongBy Tu-Ky Lam*ong* (p#onoun'e% li!e *so1n*) is &he !ey &o mas&e#ing Taiiuan (TaiChi Chuan)7 an% :eliee i& o# no&7 many people a2&e# p#a'&i'ingTaiiuan 2o# + o# H yea#s a#e s&ill no& *song*7 meaning &hey a#e

    ou&si%e &he %oo#s&ep o2 &his ama?ing Chinese ma#&ial a#&.nglish language7 &he#e is no euialen& &o &he Chinese'ha#a'&e# *song*7 1hi'h means #ela=e% an% no& using :#u&e 2o#'e7 an%mo#e impo#&an&ly se&'hing an% loosening all mus'les7 &en%ons7 an%oin&s in &he :o%y7 e&'. /ou 'an &ell i2 a p#a'&i&ione# is song o# no&only :y &es&ing him in a push han%s 'on&es& o# 2#ee spa##ing.A lo& o2 people loo! e#y song 1hen &hey %o &he Taii 2o#m7 :u& a#ea'&ually no& i2 &hey a#e &h#o1n o22-:alan'e ea'h &ime &hei# opponen&spush o# apply o&he# push-han%s &e'hniues.eneits o eing Song

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Dany people %o no& !no1 &ha& song 'an p#o%u'e song po1e#. ne o2 my&ea'he#s7 1hen sho1ing me &he ma#&ial a#&9s appli'a&ion o2 a pos&u#egen&ly su'! my lo1e# a#m 1i&h his han% (han% !ni2e). Dy a#m hu#& somu'h &ha& < 1as una:le &o moe i& 2#eely 2o# &en o# 2i2&een minu&es.

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    in&e#nal po1e#. "e shoul% #ese#e a& leas& one &hi#% o2 ou# aining&ime 2o# %oing &hese po1e# in'#ease e=e#'ises.

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    The o&he# !in% is sen%ing ou# opponen& 2lying a1ay in push-han%s. Thee=e'u&ion is &he same e='ep& &he &ime a& &he poin& o2 'on&a'& is mu'hlonge#. "hen 1e ge& hol% o2 &he 'en&e# o2 ou# opponen&7 ou# han%7el:o1 o# o&he# pa#& o2 &he :o%y s&i'!s e#y 'losely &o i& an% &henpush him a1ay. The &ime a& &he poin& o2 'on&a'& is only a spli& o2 a

    se'on% 1hen 1e hi& someone 1i&h a pun'h o# a !i'!7 :u& &he 'on&a'&&ime 1hen 1e push someone a1ay is mu'h longe#. Bo&h &hese ins&an'esa#e 'alle% po1e# %is'ha#ge.!ultiation o Internal StrengthA 1ell-e=e'u&e% po1e# %is'ha#ge shoul% in'lu%e &hese elemen&s@ songin&e#nal seng&h7 &he use o2 &he /i (min%in&en&)7 6i (:io-ene#gy)an% 1hole :o%y 2o#'e7 an% &o&al #ela=a&ion. $o# a po1e# %is'ha#ge &o:e e22e'&ie7 you nee% &o a''umula&e song in&e#nal seng&h 2i#s&;o&he#1ise i& is useless.

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    To ma!e ou# i 2lo1 :e&&e#7 1e nee% &o align ou# :o%y p#ope#ly. "e2le= ou# hip oin&s an% si& :a'! on ou# #ea# leg. Then 1e &u#n ou##ea# hip sligh&ly in1a#%s &o push ou# 2#on& !nee sligh&ly 2o#1a#%(e#y small moemen&)7 1hi'h 'an ma!e us 2eel ou# legs a#e 'onne'&e%.u# :u&&o'!s s&ay %o1n 1hile 1e leng&hen ou# &o#so an% ne'! :y li2&ing

    &he &op o2 ou# :a'! an% &he &op o2 ou# hea% up. This is &he mos&impo#&an& an% %i22i'ul& &as!7 1hi'h #eui#es &ha& ou# hea% go up1a#%1hile ou# 2ee& go %o1n1a#%. "hen &his is %one p#ope#ly7 ou# :u&&o'!s1ill pull in &o 'onne'& ou# &o#so &o ou# legs. (This means ou# :o%y:o1 an% &he &1o :o1s in ou# legs a#e 'onne'&e% &oge&he#7 an% &hey a#e#ea%y &o 'onol an% moe &he &1o :o1s in ou# a#ms &o ma!e &he 2ie:o1s in&o a 1o#!a:le uni&.) /ou 'an 2eel you# legs a#e 2i#m an% you#ene#gy go 2#om &he :o&&om o2 you# 2ee& &o &he &op o2 you# hea%. Thesuppo#& line o2 you# :o%y is also es&a:lishe% (

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    seng&h o#igina&es 2#om %an-&ian #e2e# &o almos& &he same &hing."hen 1e %is'ha#ge po1e#7 1e hae &o use ou# 1ais&7 1he#e ou# %an-&ianlo'a&es. Bu& %an-&ian o# &he 1ais& alone 'anno& moe ou# a#ms. m:#a'e &he Balloons&an'e7 i2 1e 'len'h ou# 2inge#s an% &hum:s &o ma!e 2is&s7 1e 1illhae a 2igh&ing pos&u#e. u# a#ms 1ill gie us goo% p#o&e'&ion 2#oma&&a'!s 2#om &he 2#on&; an% 1e a#e #ea%y &o a&&a'!. o1 1e p#a'&i'e&h#o1ing pun'hes 2#om a le2& :a'!-1eigh&e% s&an'e. "e &u#n #igh& an%use ou# &o#so &o &h#o1 ou# le2& 2is& ou& &o &he 2#on& &o pun'h7 1hilea& &he same &ime 1e :#ing :a'! ou# #igh& 2is& &o &he 2#on& o2 ou##igh& shoul%e#. "hen 1e %o &his7 ou# le2&:a'! leg moes 2o#1a#% an%ou# le2&:a'! 2oo& pushes :a'!1a#% agains& &he g#oun%; a& &he same&ime ou# 2#onigh& leg (!nee) pushes %o1n agains& &he g#oun%. Then1e :#ing :a'! ou# le2& han% &o &h#o1 a #igh& han% pun'h. The legmoemen&s a#e #ee#se% 1hen 1e &u#n le2& an% use ou# &o#so &o &h#o1 a#igh& han% pun'h. Al1ays li2& &he &op o2 &he hea% up an% y &o use&he :a'! han% &o help &he &o#so po1e# &he 2#on& han%. #a'&i'ingpun'hes in &his 1ay un&il i& :e'omes a ha:i&7 &hen ea'h &ime 1e%is'ha#ge po1e# 1e 1ill !no1 ho1 &o ma!e use o2 &he 2o#'e 2#om &heg#oun%7 an% ma!e ou# po1e# %is'ha#ge po1e#2ul. < li!e &his e=e#'ise asi& helps in'#ease &he po1e# o2 pun'hes.

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    e#e is a &es&.

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    $o# in&e#'ep&ing o# :lo'!ing &he opponen&*s a&&a'! 1e p#a'&i'e &hemoes &ha& :lo'! up1a#%s su'h as &he 2i#s& moe in oun%s &heDo#&a#7 &he las& moe in p#ea%s &he "ings an% Ba'!1a#% T#i'!.Does &ha& :#ush asi%e &he opponen&*s a&&a'! a#e B#ush Knee7 RollBa'! e&'.

    The#e is no p#essu#e 2o# s&u%en&s &o p#a'&i'e all &he a:oe singlemoemen&s. They 'an 'hoose 1ha& &hey li!e &o p#a'&i'e an% %o one o#&1o a& a &ime o# %o as many as &hey li!e. Bu& &hey 1ill nee% &o ainun&il &hey 'an si!e 1i&h any pa#& o2 &he :o%y a& any gien &ime.#a'&i'ing in%ii%ual moemen&s li!e &his is mo#e meaning2ul an%in&e#es&ing. An% 1e 'an :o##o1 some use2ul &e'hniues 2#om o&he#sys&em an% a%% &hem &o ou# s&o'!. us& p#a'&i'ing &hem is no& enough7you nee% &o 1o#! 1i&h you# aining pa#&ne# &o see ho1 song you#po1e# %is'ha#ge is an% imp#oe i2 &he#e is any %e2i'ien'y.

    ,utomatic Power ischarge"e hae hea#% s&o#ies a:ou& mas&e#s 1ho7 1hen a&&a'!e%7 'oul% sen% &heo22en%e# o22 2lying ins&ea% o2 ge&&ing hu#& &hemseles. $o# e=ample7

    Chen $a-!e*s 2a&he# us& s&oo% &he#e 1i&h &his han%s in &he po'!e&s o2his a'!e& &o #e'eie &he a&&a'! 2#om his 2amily 1ho 1e#e all &h#o1no22 :alan'e 1hen &ou'hing his :o%y. ong un-sheng sai% in his :oo!Chen hi Taiiuan hi /ong 6uan $a &ha& one %ay one o2 his s&u%en&su%%enly &h#e1 a pun'h a& him7 he us& #aise% his #igh& han% (2i#s&moe in oun%s &he Do#&a#) an% &he s&u%en& 1as seen 2lying ya#%s a1ay."hen "ang iang-?hai7 2oun%e# o2 /iuan7 1as a&&a'!e%7 his a&&a'!e#so2&en 2el& as i2 &hey 1e#e hi& :y ligh&ning. Das&e#s 1hose s!ill has#ea'he% &his leel 'an %is'ha#ge po1e# 2#om any pa#& o2 &he :o%y 2#omany posi&ion. This is 'alle% au&oma&i' po1e# %is'ha#ge7 1hi'h is po1e#%is'ha#ge a& &he highes& leel.$e1 people 'an e=plain ho1 au&oma&i' po1e# %is'ha#ge happens. Dy guessis &ha& &he suppo#& line o2 &hese g#ea& mas&e#s a#e song li!e s&eel7an% &hei# #ea'&ion is ui'! li!e ligh&ning. They hae :een a:le &oans2e# &he opponen&*s ene#gy in&o &he g#oun% an% hi& :a'! 1i&h &hea&&a'!e#*s o1n 2o#'e a& &he momen& &hey a#e a&&a'!e%. o &he ha#%e#&he a&&a'!e# si!es &he mo#e ene#gy he 1ill ge& :a'!.!onclusiono1e# %is'ha#ge s&a#&s 1i&h s&an%ing e=e#'ises &o in'#ease ou#in&e#nal seng&h (eople 1ho spen% 2i2&y minu&es a %ay %oing han-?huang 'an o2&en &ell you &his e=pe#ien'e@ &hey 2eel &hei# :ones a#eha#% li!e s&eel an% &hei# :o%y is so 2ull o2 i &ha& i& is li!e a :om:1ai&ing &o e=plo%e - a sign &ha& &hei# in&e#nal seng&h is :eing2o#me%. The in&e#nal seng&h %eelope% 2#om s&an%ing e=e#'ises 'an :e'a##ie% oe# &o push-han%s7 po1e# %is'ha#ge7 &he Taii 2o#m7 e&'.) an%:uil% a su'&u#e 1i&h 1hi'h 1e 'an %is'ha#ge 1hole :o%y 2o#'e. oingseng&h aining p#og#ams 1ill 'e#&ainly help. "e nee% &o ain ha#%on single moemen&s so &ha& ou# po1e# %is'ha#ge 'an :e seng&hene%."hen %is'ha#ging po1e#7 1e nee% &o #ela= an% le& ou# i sin! &o /ong-uan (:u::ling 1ell)7 &hen a& a &1is& o2 ou# 1ais& (ou# %an&ian#o&a&es a& &he same &ime)7 'hes& an% legs7 ou# &o#so po1e# an% sen%ou# han%(s) &o 1he#e 1e 1an& &o a&&a'!.

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    /)How to ,lign our o'" For etter *i Flow ,

    ui'e to the !orrect Practice o Tai#i$uanBy Tu-Ky Lamu#ing ou# Taii p#a'&i'e7 1e all 1an& ou# ene#gy &o 2lo1 an% %eelopin&o in&e#nal seng&h7 a sign &ha& 1e a#e p#a'&i'ing Taiiuan'o##e'&ly. To a'hiee &his7 1e nee% &o a%us& ou# :o%ies &o 'e#&ainposi&ions 1hen 1e p#a'&i'e Taiiuan. The 2ollo1ing a#e some hin&s onho1 &o go a:ou& &his."e 1ill s&a#& 2#om &he :o&&om an% 1o#! ou# 1ay up7 so...en' "our nees an' le< "our hip #ointsThis is impo#&an& :e'ause ou# legs a#e &he :ase &ha& suppo#&s ou#&o#so. Ben%ing ou# !nees an% 2le= ou# hip oin&s 'an gie you a goo%:ase. Do#eoe# 1he&he# you 'an &ell you# su:s&an&ial an% insu:s&an&ialo# no& also %epen%s on &his. "hen you %o s&an%ing pos&u#es o# p#a'&ise&he #ou&ine al1ays #emem:e# &o :en% you !nees an% 2le= you# hipoin&s."hen you %o &his an% 2eel &ha& you a#e si&&ing on an inisi:le s&oolan% mo#e impo#&an&ly you# legs a#e 2i#m &hen you a#e on &he #igh&a'!. "i&h 'ons&an& p#a'&i'e you 1ill g#a%ually :e a:le &o 2eel you#i an% ing sin! &o &he :o&&om o2 you# 2ee&7 an% a& a la&e# s&age moe:a'! up &o you# han%s.eep "our crotch roun' an' looseThe '#o&'h is 1he#e you# legs oin o# 2o#! you# :o%y.

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    ?oosen an' 'rop "our shoul'ers/ou shoul% y &o loosen you# shoul%e# oin&s an% &hey shoul% 2eel asi2 &hey 1e#e going &o %#op &o &he g#oun%.

    o no& li2& you# shoul%e#s up.

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    :egan &o sp#ea%.6otation o 'an7tianThe #o&a&ion o2 %an-&ian is a'&ually #ee#se a:%ominal :#ea&hing7 plus&he &u#ning o2 &he %an-&ian7 1hi'h is ou# lo1e# a:%omen. The Taois&mon!s 'onsi%e# %an-&ian &he mos& impo#&an& a#ea in &he human :o%y an%

    so 1o#!ing on i& 'an main&ain goo% heal&h an% slo1 %o1n &he agingp#o'ess 1hile &he ma#&ial a#&is&s 'onsi%e# %an-&ian &o :e &he sou#'eo2 in&e#nal po1e#7 aining on i& 'an p#o%u'e e=plosie po1e#. An%&hey :o&h hae :een p#oe% 'o##e'&.u# o#%ina#y :#ea&hing only inoles &he use o2 ou# lungs7 espe'ially&he uppe# lungs. "hen 1e inhale &he ai# goes in&o ou# lungs7 an% ou#'hes& e=pan%s.

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    "hile %an-&ian 'i#'les in &his 1ay7 i& 'ona'&s 1hen &he p#a'&i&ione#inhales an% e=pan%s 1hen he e=hales. "hen e=haling7 %an-&ian e=pan%s&o all si%es@ &o &he 2#on& (&he lo1e# a:%omen p#ou%es) an% &he :a'!(&he *ming-men*7 1hi'h is a poin& on &he spine opposi&e &he nael7moes ou& &o &he :a'!); an% &o &he le2& an% &he #igh&.

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    1ais& shoul% &u#n an% moe :a'! a& &he same &ime. By %oing &his7 1e'an #e%i#e'& ou# opponen&9s ene#gy &o go pas& us. Doing :a'! 'an !eepus a& a %is&an'e 2#om ou# opponen& an% #e%u'e #esis&an'e; 1hile&u#ning 'an pa#&ly #e%i#e'& ou# opponen&9s push an% pa#&ly moe ou#:o%y ou& o2 his 1ay an% !eep us sa2e. "e %#op ou# el:o1s an% :en% ou#a#ms only 1hen ou# opponen& pushes - le& his 2o#'e ma!e ou# a#ms :en%

    o# moe :a'!. Al1ays #o&a&e ou# a#ms7 1hi'h shoul% :e e=e'u&e% :y ou#1ais& an% legs - shun 'han an% ni 'han.

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    %oing some&hing li!e a #oll-:a'!). This 1ill ma!e his yang mo#e yang7an% so he 1ill 2in% i& ha#% &o !eep his :alan'e an% 1an&s &o moe:a'!."hen he moes :a'!7 you shoul% no& p#een& him 2#om %oing so7 :u& giehim a push &o ma!e him moe :a'! een ui'!e#. This 1ill ma!e his yin

    mo#e yin. o1 he 1ill 2in% i& ha#% &o !eep his :alan'e again.

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    :asi' aining is li!e :uil%ing a house 1i&hou& a 2oun%a&ion.$#om %oing s&an%ing pos&u#es you 1ill :e a:le &o 2eel &ha& you# :o%y1ill saigh&en an% :es& o2 all 'onne'&e% as one pie'e. "hen you 2eel&ha& you# legs a#e 2i#m an% you hae a goo% #oo& &hen you :egin &o!no1 you# su:s&an&ial an% insu:s&an&ial.

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    &1o han%s 'an moe in an% ou& 'on&inuously as 1e li!e in &he manne#."e 'an apply &he same &e'hniues 1hen 1e %o push-han%s. Thein&e#'hange o2 su:s&an&ial an% insu:s&an&ial li!e &his 'an 'on2use ou#opponen& an% gie us &he uppe# han%.The in&e#'hange :e&1een su:s&an&ial an% insu:s&an&ial is e=e'u&e% 2#om

    &he 1ais&. "e &u#n &o shi2& 1eigh&7 'hanging &he su:s&an&ial an%insu:s&an&ial an% in &his 1ay pe#2o#m all ou# moemen&s. "e %o no&moe 2o#1a#% o# :a'!1a#% &o %o a moe7 :u& us& &u#n ou# 1ais&. >en/ang Cheng-2u in his Ten m:#a'ing &he ee* %es'#i:e%a:oe. (o&e i2 1e ma!e &he s&an'e high7 1e 'an s&an% a lo& longe#.)&an%ing 1i&h all si= %i#e'&ions 1ell-:alan'e% 1ill help you p#o%u'ean ene#gy 2iel% a#oun% you# a#ms an% &he 1hole :o%y. /ou# i (:io-ene#gy) 1ill 2lo1 songly. "i&h 'ons&an& p#a'&i'e i& 1ill :e'ome a

    ha:i&7 &hen ea'h &ime you moe7 you 1ill :e a:le &o :alan'e you#moemen&s in %i22e#en& %i#e'&ions SC &op7 :o&&om; le2&7 #igh&; 2#on&7


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    :a'! -au&oma&i'ally 1i&hou& een &hin!ing o2 %oing i&.@pening an' closing

    All &he moemen&s in Taiiuan 'an :e g#oupe% in&o &1o 'a&ego#ies@opening an% 'losing. pening happens 1hen &1o pa#&s o2 ou# :o%y moe

    a1ay 2#om ea'h o&he# 1hile 'losing means &he &1o 'ome 'lose &oge&he#an% &hei# in&e#nal seng&h a#e lin!e% &oge&he#. $o# e=ample7 1hen 1epush7 ou# han%s moe a1ay 2#om ou# :o%y. This is opening. "hen 1e %o a#oll-:a'!7 ou# han%s moe 'lose# &o ou# :o%y. This is 'losing. This!in% o2 opening an% 'losing is e=&e#nal7 an% shoul% :e e=e'u&e% 2#omou# 'hes& an% 1ais&.The in&e#nal opening an% 'losing a#e insi%e ou# :o%y in ou# ene#gypa&h7 :ones7 mus'les an% in&e#nal o#gans7 espe'ially %an-&ian (1hi'his in ou# lo1e# a:%omen).

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    Dos& :eginne#s unne'essa#ily use 2o#'e in push-han%s an% Taiip#a'&i'e7 &hin!ing i& 1ill ma!e &hem loo! :e&&e#.

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    'on'ena&ion &o %i#e'& ou# moemen&s7 an% ou# min% 1ill hae &o :e'alm an% ale#& so &ha& 1e 'an #espon% &o &he moe o2 ou# opponen&s.This is e#y simila# &o &he 'ase 1hen a &ige# is 'hasing i&s p#ay7 i&is #unning e#y 2as&7 an% ye& i&s min% is al1ays 'alm an% ale#& &o1o#! ou& &he :es& 1ay o2 'a&'hing i&s &a#ge&. This is an e=ample o2see!ing s&illness in mo&ion.

    o1 a:ou& see!ing mo&ion in s&illnessJ "a&'h ho1 a 'a& is 1ai&ing 2o#a mouse &o 'ome ou& o2 i&s hi%ing pla'e. The 'a& %oes no& moe :u& ison 2ull ale#& &o poun'e a& &he mouse any &ime i& 'omes ou&. o &o see!mo&ion in s&illness means al&hough 1e %o no& moe (e.g. in &he#epa#ing $o#m) 1e mus& ma!e p#epa#a&ion 2o# moemen&s so &ha& 1e 'anmoe ui'!ly 1hen 1e nee% &o. "hen < %o s&an%ing pos&u#es < 2in% &ha&al&hough my :o%y %oes no& moe7 insi%e i& my i moes li!e 1aes in&he o'ean."hen 1e %o &he 2o#m o# push-han%s7 1e see! s&illness in mo&ion :y:eing 'alm an% ale#& so &ha& 1e 'an 'on'ena&e :e&&e# an% spo& &he1ea!nesses in ou# opponen&. "hen 1e %o s&an%ing pos&u#es 1e use ou#

    min% &o ma!e ou# i 2lo1. $o# e=ample7 1e 'an imagine &ha& 1e a#eem:#a'ing a ee7 1e y &o pull &he ee up an% &hen plunge &he ee%o1n7 e&'. u# :o%y %oes no& moe :u& ou# i 1ill 2lo1 1i&h ou# min%71hi'h isuali?es &hese moemen&s.To with'raw is to release

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    How to aoi' 'ou:le7weighte'ness

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    10) How to et the est out o Tai#i$uanBy Tu-Ky LamDillions an% millions o2 people a#e lea#ning o# p#a'&i'ing Taiiuanee#y %ay7 :u& a lo& o2 &hem %o no& ge& &he 2ull :ene2i&s o2 %oing i&.

    To ge& &he :es& ou& o2 ou# Taii p#a'&i'e7 1e nee% &o !no1 &he #ealin&en& o2 ea'h 'omponen& o2 Taiiuan aining7 ma&'h i& 1i&h ou#nee%7 an% &hen 'on'ena&e on %oing &hese pa#&s.reathingDany people :#ea&he no#mally %u#ing &hei# Taii p#a'&i'e. They missou& on a e#y goo% :ene2i& o2 Taii aining7 1hi'h 'an #euena&e&hei# ene#gy7 an% !eep &hem young an% ene#ge&i'. Dany people hae'h#oni' illness7 1hi'h no:o%y (in'lu%ing %o'&o#s) !no1s 1hy.T#a%i&ional Chinese me%i'ine says &he#e is :lo'!age in &hei# ene#gypa&hs. < &hin! &he#e is also :lo'!age in &hei# in&e#nal o#gans7 1hi'h7li!e ou# :ones an% mus'les7 nee% e=e#'ises #egula#ly so &ha& &hey 'an:e 2ull o2 li2e.

    Taii an% 6i-gong p#a'&i&ione#s 'onsi%e# :#ea&hing impo#&an&. They:#ea&he in an% ou& o2 &hei# !i%neys.

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    To :uil% a su'&u#e #eui#es a lo& o2 p#a'&i'e. en&ually7 &hey 1ill :e a:le &o use i& 2o# sel2-%e2ense.The :es& 1ay &o lea#n &he ma#&ial a#&*s appli'a&ion o2 ea'h moe is2#om you# &ea'he#. $ailing &his7 a i%eo &ape o# a :oo! on ma#&iala#&*s appli'a&ion o2 you# s&yle 1ill :e help2ul. A& &he 2i#s& s&ageyou 'an only !no1 ho1 ea'h moe is use% in sel2-%e2ense7 an% 1i&h &he'oope#a&ion o2 you# 2ello1 s&u%en&s you 'an also apply &he &e'hniueson &hem. La&e# on 1hen you# in&e#nal seng&h %eelop7 you 1ill ge&:e&&e# an% :e a:le &o %o i& 1i&hou& &hei# 'oope#a&ion.


    This is &he 2oun%a&ion o2 Taiiuan. Bo&h :eginne#s an% a%an'e%

    p#a'&i&ione#s hae &o %o i& ee#y %ay &o imp#oe &hei# heal&h an%in&e#nal seng&h.

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    Power 'ischarge

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    2un an% 'an in'#ease you# in&e#es& in Taiiuan.

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    o& many Taiiuan p#a'&i&ione#s ou&si%e o2 China an% apan !no1 mu'ha:ou& Chen s&yle Taiiuan &augh& :y ong un-sheng (ong s&yle 2o#sho#&). Al&hough i& %oes no& hae a long his&o#y7 i& is a ne1 2o#'e

    1hi'h shoul% :e #e'ogni?e% as i&s #ep#esen&a&ie7 &he i-nan &eamhea%e% :y ong*s senio# s&u%en&7 1on &h#ee o# 2ou# gol% me%als ou& o22ie %i22e#en& g#a%es o2 &he na&ional Taiiuan push-han%s 'ompe&i&ionee#y yea# in &he ea#ly nine&ies.

    Hong un7sheng

    ong un-sheng 1as :o#n in +,5. Be'ause o2 ill heal&h7 he :egan &olea#n Chen s&yle Taiiuan 1i&h Chen $a-!e in Beiing in +,3. in'e&hen his heal&h imp#oe% ma#!e%ly7 1hi'h a#ouse% his g#ea& in&e#es& inTaiiuan. e aine% un%e# Chen $a-!e 2o# 2i2&een yea#s :e2o#e hele2& 2o# a ne1 o: in i-nan in han-%ong p#oin'e in +,44. isin&elligen'e7 his %iligen'e an% his p#agma&i' app#oa'h &o lea#ningTaiiuan ma%e him no& only e='el in &he Taii #ou&ines7 :u& alsopush-han%s an% ma#&ial a#&s appli'a&ion. is s!ill al#ea%y ea#ne%#e'ogni&ion 2#om his 2ello1 s&u%en&s su'h as Gu Liu-=in %u#ing &helas& 2e1 yea#s he aine% 1i&h Chen $a-!e in Beiing.

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    &yle Taiiuan.nli!e &he o&he# &1o o22-sp#ings o2 Chen s&yle Taiiuan7 /ang s&ylean% "u /u-=iang s&yle7 1hi'h mo%i2ie% only &he 2i#s& #ou&ine o2 Chens&yle Taiiuan an% %i% no& mo%i2y o# &ea'h &he Cannon $is& 2o# anun!no1n #eason7 ong s&yle Taiiuan has &1o #ou&ines. The 2i#s&

    #ou&ine has eigh&y-one pos&u#es an% &he se'on% has si=&y-2ou#. The%is&in'&ie Chen s&yle 'ha#a'&e#is&i's su'h as 2a-ing (po1e#%is'ha#ge) an% 2as& slo1 moemen&s in&e#mi=e% in &he 2o#ms a#e#e&aine% in ong s&yle. Chan si ing o# sil! #eeling 2o#'e isemphasi?e%. Bu& ong un-sheng %oes no& &ea'h &he #o&a&ion o2 %an&ian71hi'h #eui#es a p#a'&i&ione#*s %an&ian &o &u#n in e#&i'al7ho#i?on&al o# %iagonal 'i#'les in a''o#%an'e 1i&h &he moemen&s. This:#ea&hing me&ho% is o2 g#ea& :ene2i& &o heal&h as 1ell as sel2-%e2ense. ong un-sheng sai% Chen $a-!e as!e% him &o :#ea&hena&u#ally.Al&hough many names o2 &he 2o#ms in ong s&yle an% Chen s&yle a#ealmos& &he same7 &he moemen&s a#e %one ui&e %i22e#en&ly. The high

    s&an'e in ong s&yle an% &he 2a'& &ha& ong un-shen li!es &o :#ing inhis uppe# a#ms #igh& 'lose &o his #i:s an% sel%om moes his a#ms 1i%eopen ma!es ong s&yle loo! li!e small o# me%ium 2#ame7 a :ig 'onas&&o &he e#y lo1 s&an'e an% 1i%e e=&en%ing moemen&s o2 Chen s&yleTaiiuan.< hae seen &he 0C*s o2 hang Lian-en7 one o2 ong*s senio# s&u%en&s.Doemen&s o2 &he 2i#s& #ou&ine a#e ui&e simila# &o &he 2i#s& #ou&ineo2 Chen hao-!ui 2o#m e='ep& &he moemen&s a#e simple# an% mu'h mo#e'ompa'& (a lo& o2 less use2ul moemen&s a#e le2& ou&) an% so easie# &olea#n. o1ee#7 &he#e a#e lo&s o2 %i22e#en'es in &he se'on% #ou& mo%i2ie% &he Chen 2o#m 2o# p#a'&i'al #easons@ easie# &o lea#n an%use in sel2-%e2ense. All moemen&s in &he Chen 2o#m7 1hi'h a#e lessuse2ul7 a#e 1ee%e% ou& in &he ong 2o#m. An e='ellen& e=ample o2 ho1Taiiuan 'an :e mo%i2ie% &o ma!e i& simple7 easy7 p#a'&i'al7 an% yee&ain all &he 2ea&u#es o2 &he o#iginal s&yle o2 Taiiuan. o 1on%e#ong*s s&u%en&s :oas& &ha& &hei# s&yle is easie# &o lea#n an% 'an ge&ui'!e# #esul&s.The Taii s1o#% #ou&ine has no& :een mo%i2ie%. hang Lian-en &ea'hes&he Taii s1o#% #ou&ine 1hi'h he lea#ne% 2#om Chen ia-yu7 Chen $a-!e*s %augh&e#. o1ee#7 hang a%%s a lo& o2 moemen&s &o Chen*s Taiisa:e# #ou&ine7 ma!ing i& &h#ee &imes longe# - 2#om H4 2o#ms &o E5.The#e a#e &1o o&he# &hings 1hi'h %is&inguish ong un-sheng 2#omo&he#s. ong un-sheng sai% in his :oo! &ha& all o&he# Chen s&yleTaiiuan :oo!s ma!e a :ig mis&a!e in &ea'hing s&u%en&s &o shi2&1eigh& &o&ally &o one 2oo& an% &hen &o &he o&he#. is asse#&ion is:ase% on &he Taii 'lassi's7 1hi'h say7 The 1ais& shoul% :e li!e &hea=le o2 a ehi'le. The a=le only #o&a&es7 an% %oes no& moe :a'! an%2o#&h; so shoul% ou# 1ais&. u# 1eigh& shoul% :e pla'e% 1he#e &he:alan'e o# euili:#ium #eui#es i& &o :e. Th#oughou& his :oo!7 henee# men&ions shi2&ing 1eigh& o# &ells 1he#e &he 1eigh& shoul% :e."hen &he 1ais& is 'ompa#e% &o &he a=le7 i& has a 1i%e# meaning an%#e2e#s &o &he 1hole &o#so. "hen you# 1ais& &u#ns7 you# &o#so (an% een&he 1hole :o%y) &u#ns as 1ell. nli!e &he a=le7 1hi'h lies ho#i?on&al7o# pa#allel &o &he g#oun%7 &he 1ais& (o# &he &o#so an% een &he :o%y)s&an%s up#igh&. The 1ais& usually &u#ns #igh& o# le2& 2o# 45 %eg#eesonly.

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    &u#ning le2& o# #igh&7 :u& no& 3E %eg#ees 'on&inuously.The o&he# &hing ong un-sheng emphasi?es on is D!han si #ingD or silreeling orce. ong sai% &he sil! #eeling 2o#'e is p#o%u'e% &h#ough @1) the turning o our :o'" torso9 arms an' legs on their own a

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    mu'h 1hen 1e a#e pushe%. "e moe :a'! only 1hen 1e a#e pushe%7 an%shoul% no& moe :a'! :y ou#seles. Then 1e a#e no& #unning a1ay 2#omou# opponen&.

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    e=&e#nal elemen&s o2 Taiiuan shoul% :e seen in &his 'on&e=& an% no&:e 'on2use% 1i&h &he e=&e#nal s'hool.

    5hat are the internal elements o Tai#i$uan training an' what aree

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    me&ho%s 2#om &hei# s&u%en&s. Tha& is one o2 &he main #easons 1hy &heyma!e no p#og#ess in &hei# aining.The &o#so me&ho%s a#e li!e &he 2i#s& 2ie poin&s in /ang Cheng-2u*sTen

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    &his e=pe#ien'e7 an% &his is only &he :eginning. The :es& is ye& &o2ollo1.

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    an% &hen #e&alia&e ui'!ly. m:#a'e a Ballooneenly-1eigh&e% s&an'e7 2o# &en minu&es o# so7 an% &hen imagine you1an& &o push a %oo# open 1i&h you# #igh& shoul%e#7 1hi'h moessligh&ly &o &he #igh& (only +5 - H millime&e#s). Then %o &he same1i&h you# le2& shoul%e#. Al1ays &u#n you# 1ais& (ei&he# le2& o# #igh&)&o %o &his. /ou may hae no 2eeling 2o# &he 2i#s& 2e1 mon&hs o# een&he 2i#s& yea# 1hen you push &o &he #igh& an% &hen le2& 1i&h you#shoul%e# an% i'e e#sa.

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    &o#so me&ho%s7 1e 'an ma!e i 2lo17 s&an%ing e=e#'ises help &o%#ama&i'ally in'#ease ou# i an% ou# in&e#nal seng&h an% spi#almoemen&s7 1i&h &he suppo#& o2 &he seng&h o2 'enal euili:#ium7help &o ma!e i %#ie ou# moemen&s.

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    men&ion i in Taiiuan o# i-gong7 1e #e2e# &o &his !in% o2 i.Taois&s 'onsi%e# goo% i is in:o#n an% is s&o#e% in ou# !i%neys. Goo%o# in:o#n i is 'lassi2ie% as 1a&e#* in &he $ie >lemen&s. As 1eg#o17 &he in:o#n i %e&e#io#a&es s&ea%ily. This is one o2 &he #easons1hy some people hae poo# heal&h. #a'&i'ing me%i&a&ion7 i-gong o#

    Taiiuan is 2o# &he #ei&ali?a&ion o2 &he in:o#n i.The#e is ano&he# !in% o2 i 1hi'h 1e ge& 2#om &a!ing in 2oo%7 1a&e#an% ai#. This !in% o2 i is no& so pu#e an% s&o#e% in ou# mi%%le%an&ian o# ou# hea#&.

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    a:ou& Taiiuan7 1hi'h a#e hin%e#ing &he p#og#ess o2 &hei# o2 &he mis'on'ep&ions is@ &o lea#n Taiiuan is &o lea#n &he#ou&ines an% &he mo#e #ou&ines you lea#n7 &he :e&&e# you a#e. Be'auseo2 &his mis'on'ep&ion7 s&u%en&s y &o lea#n as many #ou&ines as &hey'an an% y &o lea#n as many s&yles as &hey 'an. ne o2 my &ea'he#s

    'an %o &he #ou&ines o2 2ou# %i22e#en& s&yles@ Chen7 /ang7 "u an% ao.n'e < &al!e% &o him on &he phone7 he &ol% me 2ou# o2 his senio#s&u%en&s 1e#e lea#ning ao s&yle Taiiuan 2#om him. >a'h o2 &hem 1aspaying him 2o#&y Ausalian %olla#s an hou#. e ma%e +H an hou#. a'h &ime you lea#n a ne1 #ou&ine7you a#e #igh& :a'! a& &he :eginne#*s s&age. Al&hough you 'an lea#n &hene1 #ou&ine 2as&e#7 i& may no& imp#oe you# Taii s!ill.

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    is a 1ay a#oun% &his. #a'&i'e /iuan an%o# ingyi s&an%ing p#a'&i'ean hou# a %ay plus 4 #eps o2 #ou&ine p#a'&i'e a %ay 1ill :#ing &hesame #esul&. &an%ing p#a'&i'e 'an spee% up ou# lea#ning p#o'ess many&imes 2as&e# &han p#a'&i'ing &he 2o#m alone. (# Lu (se'on% #ou&ine)7 :u& no& all o2 &hese (si= all

    &oge&he#. A :ig 1as&e o2 &ime an% you gain no&hing. Con'ena&ing on&1o is mu'h :e&&e# &han lea#ning all si=.) Then you lea#n &he 1eapons#ou&ines su'h as :#oa% 1o#%7 saigh& s1o#%7 spea#7 long s&a227 ma'es7p#ing an% Au&umn hal:e#%7 e&'. These 1eapons #ou&ines 'an ma!e youloo! goo% &hough you may no& :e goo%.o 1ha& is &he 2un'&ion o2 &he Taii #ou&inesJ Taii #ou&ines a#e onlyemp&y shells. They a#e a means 2o# us &o ain on &he &o#so me&ho%s &o:#ing ou& &he su:s&an'e. The mo#e 1e ain on &he &o#so me&ho%s &he:e&&e# 1e 1ill :e. o 1e nee% &o p#a'&i'e 4 o# 5 #eps o2 &he #ou&inesa %ay7 paying spe'ial a&&en&ion on ou# :o%y alignmen& as &o :#inga:ou& &he #esul& 1e 1an&.


    1+) !han Si ing ,n' Its ,pplicationBy Tu-Ky Lam

    D!han si #ingD or sil reeling orce is a circular an' spiralorce. "hen 1e p#a'&i'e Chen s&yle Taiiuan7 1e 'an see o# 2eel &ha&ou# legs7 :o%y an% a#ms a#e &u#ning o# &1is&ing on &hei# o1n a=isup1a#%s an% %o1n1a#%s7 sen%ing ou# in&e#nal 2o#'e 2#om &he 2ee& &o &hea#ms an% ou&. This also happens in a push-han%s si&ua&ion. $o#

    e=ample7 1hen 1e a#e pushe%7 1e :en% ou# :a'! !nee an% &u#n ou# 1ais&7an% ou# 1eigh& sin!s &o ans2e# &he in'oming 2o#'e si%e1ays an%%o1n1a#%s. "hen 1e push7 ou# :a'! leg saigh&ens up an% &he spi#al2o#'e goes up1a#%s an% 2o#1a#%s.o1e# %is'ha#ge in a #ou&ine loo!s li!e a pun'h7 a palm o# el:o1si!e7 a !i'!7 e&'. in &he e=&e#nal sys&ems. The %i22e#en'e is in i&se=e'u&ion@ 1e a#e s&ill e#y #ela=e%7 hi& ha#% only a& &he poin& o2'on&a'&7 an% &hen #ela=e% again - a e#y e'onomi'al an% e22i'ien& 1ayo2 using ou# ene#gy as 1e 'an sen% all ou# seng&h ou& on &o &he#e'ipien&. The impa'& o2 &his !in% o2 po1e# %is'ha#ge 'an 'ause inu#y&o ou# opponen&.

    ,s !han si #ing is alwa"s present in the Tai#i orm(push-han%s an%

    een spa##ing)7 i& 'an :e sai% &ha& p#a'&i'ing Taiiuan is p#a'&i'ingChan si ing. u# a#ms an% legs !eep &u#ning in :ig o# small 'i#'les.They loo! so2& :u& &he up#igh& :o%y helps &o ma!e &hem song. This


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    po1e# is in&e#nal 2o#'e. The mo#e you p#a'&i'e7 &he songe# you#in&e#nal 2o#'e 1ill :e.

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    a#ms an% legs. The#e is a :ig %i22e#en'e in &he %eg#ee o2 &he in&e#nal2o#'e 1hen 1e hae &he 'han si ing an% 1i&hou& 'han si ing.

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    s!ill is so goo% &ha& he 'an play a#oun% 1i&h you in &he same 1ay a'a& %oes &o a mouse.Das&e# /ao*s 2#an!ness is also e#y imp#essie. e 2#an!ly s&a&es inhis 1e:si&e+ &ha& he 1ill no& hi%e any se'#e&s 2#om his s&u%en&s an%he means i&. e sho1e% me 'lea#ly ho1 un-yuan li (1hole :o%y 2o#'e)is p#o%u'e% an% ans1e#e% &o my sa&is2a'&ion any ues&ions &ha& < as!e%

    him. < men&ione% &o him a:ou& &he 'onse#a&ism o2 some &ea'he#s. esai% i& 1as no& :e'ause &hey %i% no& 1an& &o &ea'h you :u& :e'ause&hey %i% no& !no1 ho1. Anyone 1ho ha% a''ep&e% a s&u%en&*s &ui&ion 2ee1oul% al1ays y &o &ea'h his s&u%en&s some&hing. This may :e &he 'ase1i&h &ea'he#s li!e him.The mao#i&y o2 Das&e# /ao*s s&u%en&s a#e lo'als7 :u& &he#e a#e alsosome 2o#eign s&u%en&s in his 'lasses. ome o2 &hem 'ome 2#om Ge#manyan% $#an'e 1hile o&he#s 2#om 1i&?e#lan% an% &he ni&e% &a&es. Das&e#/ao %oes no& spea! >nglish. The 2o#eigne#s lea#n :y 1a&'hing an% 'opy1ha& mas&e# /ao %oes.

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    an% 2a li.4All shi li moemen&s a#e %one slo1ly an% gen&ly. They loo! li!e Tai'hi :u& a#e mu'h simple#. $o# e=ample7 &he#e is &he push &he 1a&e#moemen& 1he#e you# han%s 2#om a 1i%e open posi&ions on :o&h si%e o2you# :o%y moe &o1a#% &he 2#on& o2 you# 'hes&7 an% &hen moe &hem :a'!

    &o &he s&a#&ing posi&ion. &he# use2ul moemen&s a#e &h#o1ing a :all(pao 'hiu)7 spli&&ing (2en gua) an% spinning (=uan 2a) shi-li.These a#e &he :asi' &e'hniues use% in push-han%s &o 'onol o#un:alan'e ou# opponen&s :e2o#e &h#o1ing &hem ou&. Li!e Taiiuan7 &heshi li moemen&s a#e :ene2i'ial &o ou# heal&h.The#e is a lo& o2 %i22e#en'e :e&1een /iuan an% Taiiuan push-han%s.$i#s&ly7 /iuan %oes no& hae many push-han%s pa&&e#ns. They %o only&1o !in%s o2 push-han%s@ single an% %ou:le push-han%s. The singlepush-han%s loo!s li!e Taii single push-han%s :u& 1i&h smalle#'i#'les. "hen %oing &his !in% o2 push-han%s7 &he s&u%en&s* o#p#a'&i&ione#s* a#m is al1ays main&aine% in &he >m:#a'ing-a-T#eepos&u#e an% 1ill no& le& i& 'ollapse. They al1ays y &o gua#% &hei#

    'en&e# line 2#om a&&a'!s. They 1ill 'hange &he angle o2 &hei# a#m &ole& &he in'oming 2o#'e go %o1n1a#% &o aoi% &he %ange# o2 ge&&ingpushe% oe#. This is &o neuali?e. A2&e# &his7 &hey 1ill moe &o ana&&a'!ing posi&ion :y applying 2o#'e poin&ing &o &he opponen&*s'en&e#. An% &he opponen& 1ill %o &he same %#ills.The o&he# a#m &ha& is no& in 'on&a'& 1i&h &he opponen& 1ill s&ill :ehel% in &he em:#a'e a ee posi&ion &o gua#% an el:o1 si!e 2#om &heopponen& o# push &he opponen& 1hen &he 'han'es a#ise. They o2&en push&he opponen& 1i&h :o&h han%s 1hen %oing single push-han%s.lemen& $is&.


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    They also p#a'&i'e some !i'!s &oo. < 1as some1ha& su#p#ise% &o 2in%&ha& 1e hae &hese !i'!s in Chen s&yle Taiiuan. $o# e=ample &he lo1!i'! &o &he an!le in oun%s &he Do#&a#7 &he !i'! in "a%e $o#1a#%an% Ki'! 1i&h &he eel. They also hae simila# po1e# %is'ha#gemoemen&s &oo. All o2 &hese ma!e me &hin! < am p#a'&i'ing Taiiuan

    an% ingyi uan."i&hou& &he :u#%en o2 lea#ning an% %oing &he #ou&ines7 /iuan s&u%en&san% p#a'&i&ione#s 'an 'on'ena&e on s&an%ing &o %eelop &hei#in&e#nal seng&h an% &hen use i& in sel2 %e2en'e.

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    1/)!=66>!=?=& @ T,II*=,A

    ,) !han si ong B6eeling Sil 5or)

    U A 1i%e a#ie&y o2 elemen&al moemen&s 'oul% :e use% &o p#a'&i'e#eeling sil! s!ill. Belo1 a#e &1o 'han si gong se&s.

    K !hen Liao 5ang%s an' 6en uang7"i%s !han Si ongLin! &o &he#mal images 1i&h Chen iao "ang*s 'oun&s

    1. Stan'ing post MGhan GhuangN

    2. Front spiral single arm reeling sil MGheng mian chansiN3. Front spiral single arm with si'e stepping reeling silMheng ai :uN+. ou:le han's reeling sil Mshuang shou chan siN-. ou:le han' reeling sil with stepping M$ian #in :uN/. acwar' stepping9 let an' right Mhui tui :uN

    (. irect Bnonspiralling) reeling sil Mchuan Ghan chan siN8. Si'e spiral single arm reeling sil Mce mien chan siN4. Single han' small reeling sil B:oth 'irections) M'anshou

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    -. Pressing the shoul'er to the ront an' rear/. ?et an' right arm chan si Bsingle whip)

    (. ?et an' right arm spiralling chan si Bswimming 'ragon)8. ou:le right an' let arm spiraling Bswimming 'ragon)4. ou:le arm chan si Bsimialr to laGil" t"ing coat)10. ou:le arm 'iagonal opening an' closing chan si11. ou:le arm straight spiral up chan si12. ou:le arm straight spiral 'own chan si

    13. ou:le arm straight spiral orwar' chan si1+. ou:le arm straight spiral :acwar' chan si1-. ou:le arm straight spiral horiGontal chan si 7 little inger lea'ing the spiral out 7 thum: lea'ing the sprial out

    1/. ?et up right 'own chan si Bcan inclu'e liting rightnee lie Ogol'en rooster stan's on one leg)

    1(. 6ight up let 'own chan si Bcan inclu'e liting letnee lie Ogol'en rooster stan's on one leg)18. ou:le arm opening an' closing chan si14. ou:le el:ow opening an' closing chan si20. ?et an' right el:ow chan si9 :oth 'irections21. Twisting the waist let an' right9 :oth 'irections or

    each wrist22. ou:le twisting wrists9 :oth 'irections or each wrist23. ?et an' right spiral punch2+. 6otating the a:'omen an' i'ne"s B'an tien rotations inthe arious 'irections)2-. 6otating the waist9 coul' inclu'e e

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    2(. ?et an' right nee spiral28. ou:le nee spiral

    24. ?et an' right chan si si'e ic 7 coul' irst perorm pic up nee an' spiral9 letan' right30. Twisting the oot let an' right31. ol'en coc shaes its wingsIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

    )Fun'amental practices an' principles Eight ates@ The eigh& ga&es (:a men) o# eigh& s!ills a#e me&ho%s use%in &aiiuan. They appea# in many moemen&s 1i&hin &aiiuan 2o#ms an%in push han%s7 some&imes alone an% o2&en in 'om:ina&ion. The eigh& a#esome&imes p#a'&i'e% as a simpli2ie% 2i=e% s&an'e o# 1al!ing 2o#m.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    pun'h 1i&h #igh& 2is&7 pull :a'! le2& el:o1).

    ou or Chou - >l:o1 si!e. The poin& (pie#'ing el:o1)7 2la& o2&he 2o#ea#m7 o# :a'! o2 &he uppe# a#m may :e use% in a a#ie&y o2%i#e'&ions.

    ao- i!e 1i&h &he :o%y. Common si!e pa#&s in'lu%e shoul%e#7hip7 :a'! an% 'hes&.

    !)@ther Sills@

    (some of this material is paraphrased from Jin Taiyang's article in

    The Chen tyle Journal !ol. "# no. $%.

    a) These ie sills are a''e' to the eight a:oe to'escri:e the D13 posturesD o !hen Tai#i.

    Teng- ump7 #ise7 as in agile 2oo&1o#! an% ea%ing ana&&a'! &o &he legs. >=ample@ a%e mai%en 1o#!s shu&&les.Shan - o%ging7 ea%e7 ui'! aoi%an'e7 2lash li!eligh&ening. >=ample@ $lashing &u#n &o :a'!.Che- Ben%7 2ol%

    ong- Leae emp&y7 use% in lea%ing in&o emp&inessHuo- Change7 unp#e%i'&a:ili&y

    :) Sticing an' Following Sills These sills can :ereine' in push han's. The" support Dting #ingD9 listeningsill. These short 'einitions were use' :" ang 5a:iu.Chan - Con&a'& you# opponen& 1i&h some pa#& o2 you agains&some pa#& o2 &hem.

    Aian- &i'! &o you# opponen& 1i&h a ... s&i'!y 2eeling.?ian- $ollo1 &hem 'on&inuously &o many pla'es7 &o anypla'e &hey go.Sui- $ollo1 &hem %i#e'&ly &o 1he#e &hey a#e going.

    ui 'ao :ui 'un- o& a1ay (%on*& %e&a'h)7 no& agains&(%on*& use 2o#'e agains& 2o#'e).c) &etho's use' in martial arts @ne perspectie in !hinese

    martial arts is that a complete martial art must containstries B'a)9 throws Bshuai)9 an' #oint locs Bchin na 7seiGe9 control).IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam



    1() Forms@

    Chen +iao ,angs #. )osture 'or*

    This 2o#m 1as %eelope% :y Chen iao "ang7 +,&h gene#a&iong#an%mas&e# o2 Chen &yle Taiiuan.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Thir' Section12. un shou B!lou' han's)

    13. ao tan ma BHigh pat on horse)1+. ou 'eng "i gen Bic with heel9 right)1-. Cou 'eng "i gen Bic with heel9 let)

    Fourth Section1/. e ma enn Gong BPart wil' horse%s mane)1(. u nu chuan suo Ba'e mai'en wors shuttles)

    18. in gang 'ao Ghui Bu''ha%s 5arrior poun's mortar)14. Shou shi B!losing)

    !isit the &nternational Chen tyle Taiiuan site ()en *uang+yi% to

    order a ,ideo of the Chen -iao ang's $/+osture 1orm.


    /ao 0ia Yi /uLao ia yi lu (o# ol% 2#ame 2i#s& se&) is a !ey 'on%i&ioning an%aining 2o#m 1i&hin &he Chen &yle &aiiuan sys&em an% i& is also&he pa#en& 2o#m o2 &he o&he# mao# &aiiuan s&yles (/ang7 "u). The2o#m 'on&ains many slo1 'on&inuous moemen&s &ha& uni&i?e &he #eelingsil! moemen& uali&y o2 Chen &aiiuan. Lao ia yi lu also 'on&ains2a ing7 1hi'h is &he e=plosie #elease o2 #e2ine% seng&h. Da#&ialsa&egies 1i&hin &he 2o#m in'lu%e si!es (%a)7 oin& lo'!s ('hinna)7 an% &h#o1s (s1ai). Lea#ning lao ia yi lu is o2 o:ious in&e#es&&o Chen s&ylis&s7 an% i& is alua:le &o p#a'&i&ione#s o2 &he o&he#'lassi'al s&yles in &ha& &hey 'an see &he o#iginal 2o#m an%appli'a&ion o2 &he moes &hey p#a'&i'e. The moemen&s o2 lao ia yi lu

    &en% &o :e la#ge#7 mo#e e=pansie7 an% less 'omple= &ha& &he o&he#Chen 2o#ms (=in ia7 =iao ia7 e# lu) an% &he#e2o#e is s&u%ie% 2i#s&.The 2o#m is #oughly 8 moemen&s in leng&h7 1hi'h in'lu%es #epea&s o2impo#&an& moemen&s an% se'&ions.egin Tai#i BTai i *i Shi)u''ha%s 5arrior ,tten'ant Poun's &ortar Bin ung ao ui)?aGil" T"ing !oat B?an Cha i)Si< Sealing an' Four !losing B?iu Feng Si i)Single 5hip Ban ian)u''ha%s 5arrior ,tten'ant Poun's &ortar Bin ung ao ui)

    5hite !rane Sprea's 5ings Bai He ?iang !hi)

    5aling @:li$uel" BLie Ling)rushing nees B?ou Li)


  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Stepping Forwar' Three Steps BShang San u)5aling @:li$uel" BLie Ling)rushing nees B?ou Li)Stepping Three Steps BShang San u)Hi''en Thrust Punch Ban' 6eoling =pper ,rms) Ban Shou ong *uan)u''ha%s 5arrior ,tten'ant Poun's &ortar Bin ung ao ui)

    Striing own :" Twisting o'" @:li$uel" BPie Shen *uan)reen ragon Emerges rom 5ater B*in ?ung !hu Shui)ou:le Pushing Han's BShuang Tui Shou)Striing with Fist =n'er El:ow BChou i an *uan)Stepping ac an' 5rapping =pper ,rms Bao uan ong)

    5hite !rane Sprea's 5ings Bai He ?iang !hi)5aling @:li$uel" BLie Ling)Flashing Turn to ac BShan Tong ei)Hi''en Thrust Punch Ban' 5hirling =pper ,rms) Ban Shou ong *uan)Si< Sealing an' Four !losing B?iu Feng Shi i)Single 5hip Ban ian)!lou' Han's Bun Shou)High Patting on Horse Bao Tan &a)rushing 6ight Foot Bou Tsa iao)rushing ?et Foot BCuo Tsa iao)icing 5ith the ?et Heel an' Following BCuo eng i en)Stepping Forwar' Three Steps BShang San u)Poun'ing the roun' BChi i *uan)ou:le ump ic BTi Er *i)Protect7the7Heart Fist BHu Ling *uan)Torna'o Foot BLuan Feng iao)icing with the 6ight Heel an' Following Bou eng i en)Hi''en Thrust Punch Ban' 5hirling =pper ,rms) Ban Shou ong *uan)Small !apturing an' Hitting BLiao *in a)Em:racing Hea' an' Pushing &ountain Bao Tou Tui Shan)Si< Sealing an' Four !losing B?iu Feng Si i)Single 5hip BTan Pien)Forwar' &oeB*ian Chao)acwar' &oeBHou Chao)Parting the 5il' Horse%s &ane Be &a Fen Chong)Si< Sealing an' Four !losing B?iu Feng Si i)Single 5hip Ban ian)Fair &ai'en 5ors Shuttles Bu Au !huan Shouo)?aGil" T"ing !oat B?an Cha i)Si< Sealing an' Four !losing B?iu Feng Si i)Single 5hip Ban ian)!lou' Han's Bun Shou)ou:le 5hite ?otus BShuang ai ?ian)Shae Foot an' Fall into Split Bie iao a !ha)ol'en 6ooster Stan's on @ne ?eg Bin i u ?i)Stepping ac an' 5rapping =pper ,rms Bao uan ong)

    5hite !rane Sprea's 5ings Bai He ?iang !hi)5aling @:li$uel" BLie Ling)Flashing Turn to ac BShan Tong ei)Hi''en Thrust Punch an' 5hirling =pper ,rm Ban Shou Hong *uan)Si< Sealing an' Four !losing B?iu Feng Si i)Single 5hip Ban ian)!lou' Han's Bun Shou)High Patting on Horse Bao Tan &a)!rosse' Feet BShi Chi iao)Punch the roin BChi ang !hui)

    ,pe Presents Fruit Buan Hou Lian uo)Single 5hip Ban ian)

    Sparrow ashes Earth ragon B*ue i ?ong)Stepping Forwar' to Form the Seen Stars BShang u *i Ling)


  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Stepping ac to 6i'e the Tiger BLia u ua Hu)Turn ac an' 5ae ou:le ?otus BChuan Shen Shuang ai ?ian)!annon 6ight in Front Bang Tou Pao)u''ha%s 5arrior ,tten'ant Poun's &ortar Bing ang ao Chui)!lose Tai#i Form BTai i Shou Si)

    Qisit the International !hen St"le Tai#i$uan site B6en uang7"i) or

    i'eos o lao #ia "i lu.Contact ushu Taichi Center for information

    on ordering Chen -iao ang's lao ia yi lu ,ideos.

    Contact *reg 4issel for information on the 5nglish translation of Cheng 6hen

    lei's boo7 on lao ia yi lu.

    Aotes on Posture Aames+. yu :ei Xp#epa#eY shi X2o#mY. The same moemen& is some&imes 'alle%&aii i shi X:egin &aii 2o#mY 1he#e i means &o :egin o# s&an% up.H. in gung %ao %ui@ in gung XBu%%ha*s 1a##io# a&&en%en&Y is no& aname o2 spe'i2i' pe#son.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    4. :ao Xhol%ingY &ou Xhea%Y &ui XpushY shan Xmoun&ainY43. ian X2o#1a#% o# 2i#s&Y ?hao Xa ma#&ial moeY44. hou X:a'!1a#% o# se'on% espe'ially 1hen 2ollo1ing ianY ?hao Xa

    ma#&ial moeY48. yu X1omanY nu Xa%eY 'huan shouo7 1hen yu an% nu a#e use% &oge&he#&hey %eno&e a 2ai# gi#l7 so#& o2 opposi&e &o in gong53. shuang X%ou:leY :ai X1hi&eY lian Xlo&usY54. %ie iao X2oo&Y %a X:igY 'ha Xspli&&ingYE5. shi ?hi X'#osse%Y iao X2ee&YEN. yuan hou XapeY =ian Xo22e#s up high7 p#esen&sY guo X2#ui&Y

    N. shang :u Xs&epping 2o#1a#%Y i =ing Xseen s&a#sYN+. =ia :u Xs&epping :a'!Y !ua X#i%eY hu X&ige#Y


    /ao 0ia Er /uLao ia e# lu (ol% 2#ame se'on% se&) is also !no1n as pao 'hui ('annon2is&).

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    6ight Thrust ic Bou !hong) M,, ash 6ightNHi''en Thrust Punch Ban Shou Hong !huan)Sweeping ?egs BShao Tang Tui)Hi''en Thrust Punch Ban Shou Hong !huan)!annons in a Series B*uan Pao *uan)Hi''en Thrust Punch Ban Shou Hong *uan)

    ou:le Forearm Punches Bao Er ong),ttac Twice with ?et Forearm BChuo Erh ong)9 ,ttac Twice with6ight Forearm Bou Erh Hong) R Four punchesTurning Hea' !annon BHui Tong an &en Pao)Punches un'er ,rm Pits B5u i a Chou Pao)

    5aist Hin'er El:ow Bao ?an Chou)Hitting with El:ow BShun ?an Shou)?ower Si'e punch B5uo i Pao)Turn ,roun' an' ou:le Forearm El:ows BHui Tou ing ?an Chi 6u)u''ha%s 5arrior ,tten'ant Poun's &ortar Bin ong ao Chui)Tai#i !losing Form BTai i Shou Shi)

    !isit the &nternational Chen tyle Taiiuan site ()en *uang+yi% to order a

    ,ideo of lao ia er lu.


    Chen 1illage 2roads&ordThe image o2 &he :#oa%s1o#% is an ang#y &ige# 'ha#ging %o1n amoun&ain. This 2o#m is in&en%e% &o :e 2ie#'e an% igo#ous. The 2o#mis o2&en e=e'u&e% 1i&h long7 lo1 s&an'es7 1hi'h a#e in&en%e% p#ima#ily2o# 'on%i&ioning. "hen 2o'using on &he appli'a&ions &he s&an'es

    shoul% :e highe# an% mo#e nim:le.@pening M'an 'ao $i shiNroa'swor' protects the heart Mhu

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Technical Aotes

    Aature o Sa:er@ The 2o#m is in&en%e% &o :e e=e'u&e% e#y 2as& an%igo#ously7 so :e min%2ul leaps &ha& #api%ly in &o 'lose %is&an'e o#

    a#e e#y nim:le &o ea%e you# legs. The#e is a saying VThe image o2&he :#oa%s1o#% is an ang#y &ige# 'ha#ging %o1n a moun&ain.W Tige# iso2&en use% &o %eno&e a you&h2ul ene#gy o2 po1e# an% spee%. A simila#you&h2ul :#ashness is o:se#e% in 1es&e#n sa:e#@ V$oil 2en'e#s &al!a:ou& &he &e'hniue o2 2en'ing; >pZe 2en'e#s &al! a:ou& &he eso&e#i'so2 2en'ing &heo#y; an% a:e# 2en'e#s &al! a:ou& &hemseles.!on'itioning s &artial ,pplications@ /ou 'an pe#2o#m moes%i22e#en&ly %epen%ing on you# goals. e#e a#e see#al 'onsi%e#a&ions@

    Fa #ingM The :#oa%s1o#% 'an :e use% as a mass 1i&h ine#&ia &ha& youmoe a#oun% o# #api%ly &h#us& &o gain seng&h 2#om &he #esis&an'e an%%eelop 2a ing7 #espe'&ie.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    !han Tao ao@

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    () Full circular moement BStep ac 1st Full Turning Flower)8) Tiger leaps su''enl"4) Parting mane

    10) !ross cutting11) Turning waist an' twisting root12) !irculate an' loo or opportunit" to cut orwar' BHal TurningFlower an' !ut =pwar')13) Hol'ing the moon to wait or opportunit" to attac1+) !irculate an' strie 'ownwar' BHal Turning Flower an' Strieownwar')1-) Hol'ing the moon again to wait or opportunit" to attac1/) Entire circular moement twist :o'" strie B2n' Full TurningFlower an' reat Impetus Turn)1() acwar' strie to righten18) !irculate an' strie 'ownwar' BHal Turning Flower an' Strieownwar')14) !lou's oer the hea'20) !irculate an' cut upwar'21) ?it up the green 'ragon22) !irculate an' cut 'ownwar' BHal Turning Flower an' !ut ownwar')23) !lou's oer the hea'2+) @er wine9 pic up cloa su''enl" turning :ac2-) nie turns aroun' an' han'le :ecomes :ronGe gael2/) ou:le leg2() Turn nie an' it :ecomes iron :ar to :loc attac28) 6olling a curtain lie waing a lower going :ac24) Hol' nie up in a cross30) reen 'ragon come 'own9 touches water an' comes :ac upContact ushu Taichi Center for information

    on ordering Chen -iao ang's 8wan 9ao ,ideo.

    Aotes on techni$uesCa##y on :a'! posi&ion@ The sha2& is hel% agains& &he 2o#ea#m an% upagains& &he :a'! o# :a'! o2 &he a#mpi&. The &ip o2 &he :la%e is ou& a

    li&&le 1ay 2#om &he #igh& &oes7 an% &he L han% is o2&en a& hea%heigh&.. To s&a#& &he s1ing ou& o2 &his posi&ion you 'an hi& one en%


  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    o2 &he sha2& 1i&h you# :a'! 1hile pulling &he o&he# en% o2 &he sha2&1i&h you# a#m7 &he hi& an% pull :eing po1e#e% :y you# 'en&e#.G#ea&

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    se#ies o2 3 is any la#ge num:e#7 possi:ly in2ini&e. e#ies o2 3 o2&eno''u# 2o# a 'hase o# #eea& seuen'e.:any than7s to the friends that pro,ided tranlastions.


    )ear-'lo&er (pear and ,hite Ape (taff of Chen

    'a*il6 Taijiquan 3/i-%ua 7iang 0ia 2ai-Yuan 8un$e !ha BAight host) e

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    ownwar' thrust B8)Full marital lower B29 +-)Er ?ang carries mountain B+/)Hal martial lower B1/)Fair ?a'" threa's nee'lea'e ?a'" wors shuttle

    ,ssassins ThrustTurn aroun' an' hitFull martial lower B29 +-9 -+)Protect the neeTwo coering thrusts B229 24)lac ragon swa"s its tailForwar' hitForwar' hit againThrust to let B11)loc to right B12)Hal martial lower B1/9 -/)@l' man ishing B1()Turn aroun' an' 'ownwar' thrust B-2 an' -3)Finish!isit the &nternational Chen tyle Taiiuan site ()en *uang+yi% for a ,ideo

    of the Chen !illage spear form.

    Contact ushu Taichi Center for information

    on ordering Chen -iao ang's spear ,ideo.

    Aotes on Posture Aamese !ha@ The Chinese &e#m Vye 'haW ansla&es &o Vnigh& ghos&.W Thesym:ol o2 &he nigh& ghos& is a 2o#!e% 1eapon. Ano&he# possi:le meaningo2 &his &e#m 'omes 2#om

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Er /ang (tories:

    ># Lang 1as suppose% &o hae spe'ial ision7 li!e a &hi#% eyein&ui&ie ision. This migh& :e 1ay some ># Lang moes a#e use% as2alse #eea&s an% &he :a'! is &empo#a#ily &o1a#% &he opponen&.e 1as &he se'on% son (li&e#ally 2#om &he name) o2 a 2amous gene#al.># Lang7 himsel2 1as 2amous 2o# %e2ea&ing &he Don!ey King an% :e' 2a&he# is Lau yin Cheung a s'hola#. is mo&he# oly Do&he# o2Doun& ua . he 1as 'on%emne% 2o# &his unla12ul human-go%%ess ma##iagean% seale% un%e# D& ua. Thus 1hen ># Lang g#e1 up7 he use% an a=e &o'hop open &he moun&ain &o sae his mo&he#. This is a 1ell-!no1n s&o#yan% lea%s &o a 'ommon name use% in many ma#&ial a#&s. V>#-Lang spli&sD& uaW 'onno&es seng&h. Ano&he# 'ommon moe is V># Lang 'a##ies &he

    illW Xeh-lang %am sanY.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Pipaa musi'al insumen& li!e a lu&e.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam



    18)Tui shou 3)ush %ands$ush han%s p#a'&i'e is !ey &o %eeloping p#a'&i'al s!ill in &aiiuan.An opponen& o# pa#&ne# allo1s you &o 1o#! on you# alignmen& 1hen2a'ing a#ious 2o#'es7 neuali?a&ion s!ills7 sense o2 2eeling7&iming7 ... The 2ollo1ing 'olle'&ion o2 push han%s %#ills a#ep#a'&i'es &ha& 1e hae &a!en 2#om Chen7 "u7 an% /ang s&yle.

    AeutraliGation 'rills Btransorming)7 Four corners7 QerticalSingle han' metho's

    7 HoriGontal circles with a

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    Slow an' astThe a:oe e=e#'ises shoul% :e p#a'&i'e% a& %i22e#en& spee%s.

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    7 e" !oncepts ,ttac open target9 :ut "iel' when 'electe'9 learn to'elect "our turning o "our hip an' torso.7 6elate' moe in tai#i orm rush nee twist step

    7 Strengths !learl" an' simpl" 'istinguishes attacing power romemptiness. This is one o the most un'amental aspects o push han'san' most practitioners 'o not e

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    moe.7 @ther comments Instea' o attacing the chest or ri:s9 the ingerscan attac the throat or area un'er the #aw. !oul' also :e use' in athrow Bpush :ac) i "ou can get the opponents arms :ehin' them an'the" are hol'ing tension in their arms Ba lot o Ois).

    2. Turning lowers- Key Con'ep&s@ Con'ep& o2 1#apping pe#2o#me% in an e=emely la#gese&&ing. Can also ain p#in'iple o2 e#&i'al 2o#'e 'an :#ea!ho#i?on&al 2o#'e. n&e# 1i&h g#oun%e% po1e# &h#ough &he ga&e o2 an

    opponen&9s s&an'e.- Rela&e% moe in &aii 2o#m@ Dany s&eps.- eng&hs@ 0e#y impo#&an& 'on'ep& &o ma#&ial a#&s- "ea!nesses@ /ou 'oul% lea#n in'o##e'& &iming &o a pa#&ne#7 sin'e &hepa&&e#n %oes no& a'&ual en&e#7 #a&he# i& is se& up 2o# a mu&ual :ump.- &he# 'ommen&s@ on9& #a&&le you# pa#&ne# &oo ha#%. The#e is no&mu'h &o :e gaine% :y ha#% :anging. Lea#n &he g#oun%e% eny ha:i&7 no&maso'his&i' hi&&ing an% #e'eiing.

    2. Entrapment7 e" !oncepts , common outer leg7wrapping metho' that :reas 'own an


  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    opponents stance.7 6elate' moe in tai#i orm &an" steps with a toe7in in orms can :ean entrapments

    7 Strengths Important to hae attacs a:oe an' :elow. This moe can:e threat to 'raw the opponents attention :elow9 while "ou attaca:oe9 or it can :e the ollow7up attac ater an upper attac. ,lso9

    maes "our legs more sensitie an' aware.7 5eanesses Practitioners oten loo 'own at the leg the" are goingto trap. That glance leaes them open an' gies awa" their intention7 Interesting 'etails =se a $uic nee press9 lie a hit9 ollowe' :"

    pull in the 'irection o the si'e o their oot.

    3. nee circles Bsame si'e9 opposite si'es)

    - Key Con'ep&s@ Lea#n &o :e so2& an% yiel%ing 1i&h &he legs. /iel%7#ee#se7 an% a&&a'! 1i&h &he !nee7 all 1i&hin a 'on&inuous 'y'le.- eng&hs@ $un%amen&al leg1o#! use% &o %eelop leg a:ili&ies simila#&o uppe# :o%y a:ili&ies.- "ea!nesses@ /iel%ing 1i&h you# !nee 'oul% ge& i& :#o!en unless youa#e 1ell aine%.-

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    2a'e. A&&a'! i& 1i&h you# palm 1hile a%an'ing. Conol &hei# el:o11hile a%an'ing. n &he #oll :a'!7 2ollo1 &hei# a&&a'! &o you# 2a'e1i&h you# han%7 no& you# 2ull a#m. Lea% &hem in %eep &o &a!e &hei#:alan'e. Lea#n &o 2ollo1 'en&e# &o 'en&e# (%#a1 &hei# 'en&e#7 a&&a'!&hei# 'en&e#).

  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam


    o# hae a'&iely p#a'&i'e% Chi un. "TK num:e# &1o s&u%en&7 Lee Cheunghi!7 &augh& Chi un on a #egula# :asis. LC :i#&h%ay :anue& al1aysin'lu%e% Chi un %emonsa&ions. The :asi' o:e'&ie o2 Chi-un is &oain a pe#son &o %ynami'al #espon% &o a&&a'!s in #eal &ime :y using'i#'ula# 1al!ing me&ho%s7 an% a a#ie&y o2 &h#o1 %o1n &e'hniues in'onun'&ion 1i&h &he eigh& elemen&s o2 Tai-Chi. Chi un 'onsis&s o2

    &1o aining me&ho%s@

    1. Stationar"J5aling2. !ircle waling

    The stationar"Jwaling inoles one person waling in semi7circlesaroun' the ront o the stationar" partner. This prepares the personor the ootwor9 weight transers an' techni$ues use' in the circle

    waling training metho'.

    The circle waling metho' inoles waling in a circle with "ourpartner. Either partner can initiate a change in 'irection9 an' thesiGe o the circle. @ne person controls the waist9 while the other



  • 8/13/2019 Internal and External Aspects of Taijiquan by TuKyLam
