Proposal to institute Concerts in Care in Presented by Health Arts Society Music for our families in care

Interior Health proposal

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Page 1: Interior Health proposal

Proposalto institute Concerts in Carein

Presented by Health Arts Society

Music for our families in care

Page 2: Interior Health proposal

2 Concerts in Care / Proposal to Interior Health Authority

“ You gave me so much pleasure to hear you playing – the tears came in my eyes. You’re a sweetheart – a darling.” Resident, St. Vincent’s Langara, Vancouver, responding to a performance by Avan Yu

Mei Han performs at Mount St. Joseph, Vancouver, April 5, 2012 (photo – Al Harvey)

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Who we are, what we do and for whomConcerts in Care, presented by Health Arts Society, bring the richness and joy of fine music professionally performed to people in care. The 45-minute concerts are delivered in series, usually ten in a twelve-month period, and vitally connect audiences in care to the wider culture and directly to the performers. The concerts are recognised by carers as having a highly beneficial effect on residents and adding significantly to their quality of life. Each concert utilises the talents of an average of slightly more than two performers in groups ranging from solos to quartets. A considerable range of musical genres is offered by the Concerts in Care roster of some 300 professional performers.

Health Arts Society, founded in 2006, is one of seven registered charities delivering Concerts in Care to people, particularly frail elders, in long-term institutional care across Canada. The growth of the program in BC, from 200 concerts in its first year to 1,700 in its seventh, has been driven by the impact of the performances on audiences in care.

Presented by Health Arts Society

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Our PerformersConcerts in Care performers are chosen from the ranks of presenting organisations across the country and the community of freelance professional musicians. They are paid for their work, although the audiences also benefit from the performers’ goodwill.

As much as possible Concerts in Care utilize the services of professional musicians local to the homes. A principle value of the program is the quality of the performers, which, given the size of the itineraries, sometimes requires using performers from major centres. The roster of musicians includes some of the best-known public performers in the province.

To date 6,700 Concerts in Care have been given by Health Arts Societies and Société pour les Arts en Milieux de Santé, utilizing over 14,000 performer engagements. In 2012 1,700 concerts will be given of which 912 will have been presented in BC. With an average audience for each concert estimated at 40, Concerts in Care have, to date, brought pleasure to an audience of 260,000.

Support of Concerts in Care by the Government of the Province of British ColumbiaWe wish to thank the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts and the Ministry of Health Living and Sport for their $150,000 contribution in 2009 which enabled Health Arts Society to deliver 450 pilot programmes outside the Lower Mainland. We hope that the Ministry of Health will support the Health Authorities’ completion of the reach of Concerts in Care across the Province.

Adoption of Concerts in Care by Fraser Health AuthorityWe thank Heather Cook for her leadership in adopting the Concerts in Care programme for delivery to all seventy-eight homes of the Fraser Health Authority. Fraser Health Authority’s full-scale commissioning of the programme is the first manifestation of the intended outcome of the 2009 pilot.

Proposal to Interior Health AuthorityConcerts delivered to Interior Health Authority to Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL

Concerts 0 0 0 266 47 104 152 569Homes 0 0 0 44 16 17 25

The proposal is for Interior Health Authority to commission Health Arts Society to provide a series of ten concerts a year in each Interior Health Authority residential care home.

Delivering Concerts in CareHealth Arts Society has a seven-year track record of delivering multiple concerts in series. The Society’s assets are – • stable,highlyexperiencedstaff• proprietysystems• large,establishedrosterofperformersabletoaccept

significantly more work

• existingschedulescanbemultipliedinsizewithoutaproportional multiplication of administrative functions

The itineraries are designed as if “tours” arranged in contiguous daily schedules enabling the same performers to undertake concerts in long series.

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An audience member at a Concerts in Care performance in Vancouver. (photo – Yukiko Onley)

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4 Concerts in Care / Proposal to Interior Health Authority

Implementation by Interior Health Authority The implementation of Concerts in Care requires the services of a Health Authority designate to connect the homes and Health Arts Society. Each home will be given instructions on administration of the programme: advising clients of the programmes, reception of performers and thanking the performers. Each home will be given a log-in to the Health Arts website which provides all details of their schedules and performers.

An interval is required to install the programme at the outset of an agreement between Interior Health Authority and Health Arts Society for the provision of Concerts in Care across the Authority’s system.

Proposed Interior Health Authority ScheduleConcerts in Care: April, May, June, July, September, October & November 2013, January, February & March 2014

10 concerts in each of 69 homes = 690 concerts

Itinerary and Contribution Calculation attached.

Interior Health Authority Funding ContributionThe contribution required from Interior Health Authority to provide Concerts in Care to the elders under its aegis is made up of the following components:

• contributiontoperformercosts$390/concert (over 21 performers for each ten concerts)

• costsoftravelincludingairfares,carrentals,hotelaccommodation and per diems (at cost)

The proposal envisions that every home in the system is reached by Concerts in Care performers. The average cost of delivering concerts to remote homes is much greater than providing them in larger population centres, but their inclusion increases overall costs by only a small proportion.

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Interior Health Authority Contribution Calculation

18 Kamloops area homes

10 concerts each

32 Okanagan homes

10 concerts each

19 Kootenays homes

10 concerts each


69 homes

No. of concerts 180 320 190 690

Base Contribution ($390/concert) 70,200 124,800 74,100 269,100

Estimated Actual Additional Costs

Fuel 7,570 7,556 10,220 25,346

Hotel 20,160 21,840 13,440 55,440

Per diem 3,360 5,460 5,460 14,280

SUBTOTAL Additional Costs 31,090 34,856 29,120 95,066

TOTAL Contribution (plus HST) 101,290 159,656 103,220 364,166

per concert contribution (plus HST) $562.72 $498.93 $543.26 $527.78


Contribution Payment Schedule: March 1, 2013: June 1, 2013: Sept 1, 2013:Dec 1, 2013:TOTAL:

$182,083 (plus HST) $72,833 (plus HST) $54,625 (plus HST) $54,625 (plus HST) $364,166 (plus HST)

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Selection of Reported Outcomes of the Concerts in Care Programme

I just have to say that the performance we had at Columbia View Lodge in June (String Quartet) was absolutely fabulous. Their music mesmerized everyone. We have a woman in our facility who played a violin in the Vancouver Symphony for years. She is quite unresponsive to most things however she smiled and stayed alert for the 45 minutes that this group played. In addition, the members went and talked to her after they finished and she made eye contact and had facial expression – truly a wonderful program for her.

— Margot, Columbia View Lodge

I really want to express the wonderful impact this wonderful music has on our residents and clients. We have had family members come and enjoy the performances with the residents and clients. They have enjoyed this program as well. It is a wonderful program that enhances the lives of the people we work with daily. Many of our residents look forward to the performances and anticipate their arrival the whole day the performers are to arrive.

— Activity Assistant, Golden

I would just like to express our deep gratitude for the program. The musicians have … been so appreciated by residents, families and staff. What a treat it has been to be treated to these talented musicians! I also commend the musicians for treating the residents so well – they have been so friendly, courteous and understanding of the residents’ various needs.

— Program Coordinator, Cranbrook and Kimberley

We had a wonderful turnout at the performance last Thursday at Hospice at 3:30. We are SO enjoying the music and performers…I hope this can continue. It’s absolutely fantastic and we are awestruck. Thank you!

— Recreation Therapist, Kelowna

Everything went beautifully! What outstanding performers you sent to us!!!!! Our residents and staff, loved every minute of them and were hoping to hear from them again in the near future. Really appreciate your excellent musical offerings and your interest and energy in providing this amazing service to us.

— Staff, Joseph Creek Village-Cranbrook

[The ArtsWay artists] were FABULOUS! It was such an honour to have them here. You could have heard a pin drop in between songs the residents were so quiet and relaxed. Thank you so very much.

— Activity Coordinator, Interior Health

In the 15 years I have worked in extended care, I have never seen the residents more focused and entranced by a performer! It was amazing. Even residents with dementia, who normally can’t sit still for long, stayed and listened intently for the entire 45 minutes. It was educational for even me, how people with dementia can obviously appreciate fine music and respond so differently than with other calibres of music. Thank you so much for allowing our residents to share in this opportunity!

— Valerie Watanabe, Vancouver Island Health Authority

[A] severely depressed resident who refused activities...was finally talked into attending the Chris Millington Trio because the staff knew jazz was a favourite. The resident immediately responded to the music, talked about the show, and showed other signs of being more cheerful. This resident died two days after the concert; it was the last live music she heard.

— Anita, Aberdeen-Hillside

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After performing at George Derby Centre, Burnaby, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Music Director and Honorary Patron of Health Arts Society Bramwell Tovey meets Phil Peterson, brother of the great Canadian pianist, the late Oscar Peterson, April 26, 2012 (iPhoto – staff)

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Itinerary (April, May, June, July, September, October & November 2013, January, February & March 2014)

KAMLOOPS AREA DAY 1100 Mile House / Williams Lake

Drive Kamloops to 100 Mile HouseConcert 10.30 am Mill Site Lodge & Fischer Place 555 Cedar Avenue South, 100 Mile HouseDrive Mill Site Lodge & Fischer Place to Deni HouseConcert 2.00 pm Deni House 517 North 6th Avenue, Williams LakeDrive Deni House

Concert 3.30 pm Williams Lake Seniors Village to Williams Lake Seniors Village 1455 Western Avenue, Williams Lake

Drive Williams Lake Seniors Village to Kamloops

DAY 2Kamloops / Clearwater

Drive Kamloops to ClearwaterConcert 10.30 am Forest View Place 640 Park Drive, ClearwaterDrive Forest View Place to Overlander Residential CareConcert 1.00 pm Overlander Residential Care 953 Southill Street, KamloopsDrive Overlander Residential Care to Ridgeview LodgeConcert 3.30 pm Ridgeview Lodge 920 Desmond Street, Kamloops

DAY 3Lillooet / Ashcroft / Kamloops

Drive Kamloops to LilloetConcert 10.30 am Mountain View Lodge 951 Murray Street, LillooetDrive Mountain View Lodge to Jackson HouseConcert 2.00 pm Jackson House 700 Ash-Cache Creek Hwy, AshcroftDrive Jackson House to Kamloops

DAY 4Kamloops

Concert 10.30 am The Hamlets at Westsyde 3255 Overlander DriveConcert 1.00 pm Ponderosa Lodge 425 Columbia StreetConcert 3.30 pm Pine Grove Care Centre 313 McGowan Avenue

DAY 5Revelstoke / Salmon Arm

Drive Kamloops to RevelstokeConcert 10.30 am Mt. Cartier Court 1200 Newlands Road, RevelstokeDrive Mt. Cartier Court to Bastion PlaceConcert 2.00 pm Bastion Place 700 – 11th Street NE, Salmon ArmDrive Bastion Place to Piccadilly Care CentreConcert 3.30 pm Piccadilly Care Centre 821 10th Avenue, Salmon ArmDrive Piccadilly to Kamloops

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DAY 6Enderby / Armstrong

Drive Kamloops to ArmstrongConcert 10.30 am Pleasant Valley Manor 3800 Patten Drive, ArmstrongDrive Pleasant Valley Manor to Parkview PlaceConcert 1.00 pm Parkview Place 707 – 3rd Avenue, EnderbyDrive Parkview Place to SchafferConcert 3.30 pm Schaffer Residence at Oakside 9455 Firehall Frontage Road, EnderbyDrive Schaffer Residence to Kamloops

DAY 7Kamloops

Concert 1.30 pm Kamloops Seniors Village 1220 Hugh Allan Drive


Drive Kelowna to VernonConcert 10.30 am Heron Grove 4900 20th StreetDrive Heron Grove to Heritage SquareConcert 1.00 pm Heritage Square 3904 27th StreetDrive Heritage Square to Gateby Care FacilityConcert 3.30 pm Gateby Care Facility 3000 Gateby Place (Lot 1)Drive Vernon to Kelowna

DAY 2Vernon

Drive Kelowna to VernonConcert 10.30 am Creekside Landing Residential Care 6190 Okanagan Landing Road

Drive Creekside Landing Residential Care to Polson Extended Care

Concert 1.00 pm Polson Extended Care 2101 – 32nd AvenueDrive Polson Extended Care to Noric HouseConcert 3.30 pm Noric House 1400 Mission RoadDrive Vernon to Kelowna

DAY 3Kelowna

Concert 10.30 am Lake Country Lodge 10163 Konschuh Road, WinfieldConcert 1.00 pm Brandt's Creek Mews 2081 Cross Road, KelownaConcert 3.30 pm Three Links Manor 1449 Kelglen Crescent, Kelowna

Itinerary (continued) (April, May, June, July, September, October & November 2013, January, February & March 2014)

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Concerts in Care: Northern Health Authority(April, May, June, July, August, September 2013)

DAY 4Kelowna

Concert 10.30 am Sun Pointe Residential Care Village 700 Rutland Road NConcert 1.00 pm Spring Valley Care Centre 355 Terai CourtConcert 3.30 pm Sutherland Hills 3081 Hall Road

DAY 5Kelowna

Concert 10.30 am Cottonwoods Care Centre 2255 Ethel StreetConcert 1.00 pm Mountainview Residential Care Village 3070 Burtch RoadConcert 3.30 pm Village at Mill Creek 1450 Sutherland Avenue

DAY 6Kelowna

Concert 10.30 am David Lloyd Jones Home 934 Bernard Avenue, KelownaConcert 1.00 pm Brookhaven Care Centre 1775 Shannon Lake Road, West KelownaConcert 3.30 pm Pine Acres 1902 Pheasant Lane, West Kelowna

DAY 7Kelowna

Concert 10.30 am Village at Smith Creek 2425 Orlin Road, West KelownaDrive Village at Smith Creek to Gillis HouseConcert 3.30 pm Gillis House 1699 Tutill Court, MerrittDrive Gillis House to Kelowna

DAY 8Penticton

Drive Kelowna to PentictonConcert 10.30 am The Hamlets at Penticton 103 Duncan AvenueDrive The Hamlets at Penticton to Haven HillConcert 1.00 pm Haven Hill Retirement Centre 415 Haven Hill RoadDrive Haven Hill Retirement Centre to Village by the Station Concert 3.30 pm Village by the Station 270 Hastings AvenueDrive Penticton to Kelowna

DAY 9Oliver / Penticton

Drive Kelowna to OliverConcert 10.30 am Sunnybank Retirement Centre 6553 Park Drive, OliverDrive Sunnybank Retirement Centre to Westview PlaceConcert 1.00 pm Westview Place 550 Carmi Avenue, PentictonDrive Westview Place to Trinity Care Centre Concert 3.30 pm Trinity Care Centre 75 W. Green Avenue, PentictonDrive Penticton to Kelowna

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DAY 10Summerland / Osoyoos

Drive Kelowna to PrincetonConcert 10.30 am Ridgewood Lodge 95A Ridgewood Drive, PrincetonDrive Ridgewood Lodge to Summerland SeniorsConcert 2.30 pm Summerland Seniors Residential Care Village 12803 Atkinson Road, Summerland

Drive Summerland Seniors Residential Care Village to Dr Andrew Pavilion

Concert 3.30 pm Dr Andrew Pavilion 12815 Atkinson Road, SummerlandDrive Summerland to Kelowna

DAY 11Osoyoos / Oliver / Keremeos

Drive Kelowna to OsoyoosConcert 10.30 am Mariposa Gardens 8816 97th Street, OsoyoosDrive Mariposa Gardens to McKinney Place Extended CareConcert 1.00 pm McKinney Place Extended Care 911 McKinney Road, OliverDrive McKinney Place Extended Care to Orchard HavenConcert 3.30 pm Orchard Haven 720 Third Street, KeremeosDrive Keremeos to Kelowna

KOOTENAYSDAY 1Grand Forks / Castlegar

Drive Nelson to Grand ForksConcert 10.30 am Hardy View Lodge 7649 – 22nd Street, RR#2, Grand ForksDrive Hardy View Lodge to Talarico PlaceConcert 2.30 pm Talarico Place 709 – 10th Street, CastlegarDrive Talarico Place to Castleview Care CentreConcert 3.30 pm Castleview Care Centre 2300 – 14th Avenue, CastlegarDrive Nelson to Grand Forks

DAY 2Trail

Drive Nelson to TrailConcert 10.30 am Rose Wood Care Village 8125 Devito DriveDrive Rose Wood Care Village to Columbia View LodgeConcert 1.00 pm Columbia View Lodge 2920 Laburnum DriveDrive Columbia View Lodge to Poplar Ridge PavilionConcert 3.30 pm Poplar Ridge Pavilion 1200 Hospital BenchDrive Trail to Nelson

Itinerary (continued) (April, May, June, July, September, October & November 2013, January, February & March 2014)

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Itinerary (continued) (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October & November 2013)

DAY 3Nakusp / New Denver / Kaslo

Drive Nelson to NakuspConcert 10.30 am Minto House 97 - 1st Avenue NE, NakuspDrive Minto House to Slocan Community Health Centre Concert 1.30 pm Slocan Community Health Centre 401 Galena Avenue, New DenverDrive Slocan Community Health CentreConcert 3.30 pm Victorian Community Residential Care 673 A Avenue, KasloDrive Kalso to Nelson

DAY 4 Creston

Drive Nelson to CrestonConcert 1.00 pm Crest View Care Village 800 Cavell StreetDrive Crest View Care Village to Swan Valley LodgeConcert 3.30 pm Swan Valley Lodge 818 Vancouver StreetDrive Creston to CranbrookHotel Cranbrook

DAY 5 Kimberley / Cranbrook

Drive Cranbrook to KimberleyConcert 10.30 am Kimberley Special Care Home 386 - 2nd Avenue, KimberleyDrive Kimberley Special Care Home to Joseph Creek Care VillageConcert 1.00 pm Joseph Creek Care Village 1701 Willowbrook Drive, CranbrookDrive Joseph Creek Care Village to Dr GreenConcert 3.30 pm Dr Green Memorial Home 1700 – 4th Street South, CranbrookDrive Cranbrook to FernieHotel Fernie

DAY 6 Fernie / Invermere

Drive Fernie to Rocky Mountain Care VillageConcert 10.30 am Rocky Mountain Care Village 55 Cokato Road, FernieDrive Rocky Mountain Care Village to Columbia HouseConcert 3.30 pm Columbia House 1030 – 10th Street, InvermereDrive Invermere to GoldenHotel Golden

DAY 7 Golden

Concert 10.30 am Henry Durand Manor 803 9th Avenue SouthDrive Golden to Nelson

DAY 8 Nelson

Concert 10.30 am Mountain Lake Seniors Community 908 Eleventh StreetConcert 1.30 pm Nelson Jubilee Manor 500 West Beasley Street West

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Funding Partners

Health Arts Society is an established registered charity which has operated on a sustainable model, without deficit, for nearly seven years. Contributors to the Concerts in Care programme of Health Arts Society, other than health authorities and individual homes, include:

National Contributor:

Corporate Funders:

  Golden Life Management

Government:BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the ArtsBC Ministry of Healthy Living and SportBC Gaming CommissionCentral Kootenay Regional DistrictCity of KamloopsRegional District of East KootenayRegional District of Kootenay BoundaryTown of GoldenVillage of New Denver 

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Foundations:Carter Deux-Mille FoundationDelta Community FoundationKamloops FoundationKMC FoundationMartha Lou Henley Charitable FoundationMichael O’Brian Foundation for the ArtsOsprey Community FoundationRix Family FoundationSchein FoundationStollery Charitable FoundationThomas Foundation

Health Care Foundations:

Delta Hospital Auxiliary SocietyNew Denver Hospital AuxiliaryPeace Arch Hospital and Community Health FoundationQueen’s Park Healthcare FoundationRevelstoke District Health FoundationSouth Okanagan Similkameen Medical FoundationSouth Cariboo Health FoundationTrail Hospital Doctors’ Association

Institutions:Castlegar Arts CouncilColumbia Valley Arts CouncilCommunity Arts Council of CrestonNelson & District Arts CouncilTrail & District Arts CouncilUniversity of British Columbia School of Music

Individual donors and service providers:

Frances Mastrandrea TrustKimberley ElksKnights of Columbus (Kimberley)Mark Creek Lions ClubA generous contribution in memory of Elda NardelliIndividual donors

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“ This program is amazing and brings so much to the lives of seniors that often can’t get out to see live musical performances.” Site Manager, Mountain View Assisted Living

For more information about Health Arts Society, please go to www.healtharts.org