Executive Summary The aim of this proposal is to further explain the details of the Integrated Marketing Communications plan of our unique multi-concept restaurant and pub, The Getaway. As its name suggests, The Getaway is a place for everyone to look forward to going to - a hide-out even, from the throngs and bustles of urban life; - a chance to escape to various universally loved locations of the beach, rainforest and the Mediterranean – spoiling its patrons for choice all under one roof. The previous proposal covered the first three steps of Duncan’s zero-based planning, Its focus was on The Getaway’s SWOT analysis, prospective segments, the chosen target market, as well as its marketing and communications objectives. This proposal is a follow through of the first, encompassing the proposed execution measures required to fulfill the objectives set out in the original proposal. Continuing with Duncan’s zero-based planning, this proposal focuses on steps four to six which covers The Getaway’s marketing communication mix, media executions, message strategy, media planning and media mix. Continuing with that, we shall be looking at the budget that we have for the campaign. After that we will be examining the scheduling of the promotional tools. Lastly we will see if the media and message are effective or not. 1

Intergrated marketing Communication- Zero based Planning 2

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The aim of this proposal is to further explain the details of the Integrated Marketing Communications plan of our unique multi-concept restaurant and pub, The Getaway

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Page 1: Intergrated marketing Communication- Zero based Planning 2

Executive Summary

The aim of this proposal is to further explain the details of the Integrated

Marketing Communications plan of our unique multi-concept restaurant and pub, The

Getaway. As its name suggests, The Getaway is a place for everyone to look forward to

going to - a hide-out even, from the throngs and bustles of urban life; - a chance to escape

to various universally loved locations of the beach, rainforest and the Mediterranean –

spoiling its patrons for choice all under one roof.

The previous proposal covered the first three steps of Duncan’s zero-based

planning, Its focus was on The Getaway’s SWOT analysis, prospective segments, the

chosen target market, as well as its marketing and communications objectives. This

proposal is a follow through of the first, encompassing the proposed execution measures

required to fulfill the objectives set out in the original proposal.

Continuing with Duncan’s zero-based planning, this proposal focuses on steps

four to six which covers The Getaway’s marketing communication mix, media

executions, message strategy, media planning and media mix. Continuing with that, we

shall be looking at the budget that we have for the campaign. After that we will be

examining the scheduling of the promotional tools. Lastly we will see if the media and

message are effective or not.


Page 2: Intergrated marketing Communication- Zero based Planning 2

1.0 IntroductionThis second proposal develops The Getaway’s marketing communications

strategies and tactics, budget, and measures as well as evaluates its Marketing

Communication Mix’s tools. The tools will be chosen based on the scale of our

available budget. The Getaway, being the latest Food and Beverage (F&B) outlet

from a string of other successful F&B subsidiaries of our parent company (eg. TGIF

and Italiannies), has strong financial backing for a relatively large Marketing

Communications Campaign budget.

The Getaway being a service-based organization, combined with its relatively

substantial budget, will choose Marketing Communications and Media tools that are

most suitable to its nature and financial constraints.

The strategies and tactics include establishing the Marketing Communication

(MC) and media mixes, outlining its mass media advertising tools, establishing The

Getaway’s message strategy and its execution, as well as Media Planning.

Budgeting, being crucial as it is, is divided into two:- firstly, the method of budgeting

we propose to use, and secondly, the detailed break-down of the campaign’s budget.

This proposal will also portray The Getaway’s planned marketing communications

scheduling, test marketing, and finally, the measurement and evaluation of their


2.0 Marketing Communication (MC)/ Promotional Mix

The objectives and SWOTs identified in the first proposal are able to be implemented

or addressed and leveraged using a tailor-made mix of MC functions, aimed at our

yuppie target market, in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley. In the second proposal,

we use the various promotional-mix elements such as the following to fulfill our

previously defined marketing communications objectives.

2.1 Advertising Advertising is the best-known and most widely used form of promotion,

mainly due to its pervasiveness. The Getaway proposes to use Local Advertising,

as it is typically used to encourage customers to patronize a specific

establishment. Using various mass media (as will further be discussed in the next

segment), we will be targeting the local Klang Valley crowd, to create awareness


Page 3: Intergrated marketing Communication- Zero based Planning 2

as well as emphasize specific patronage motives such as our location, operation

hours, atmosphere and image. Mass media advertising would be crucial especially

for The Getaway’s launch and the first few months of operation. This would

successfully fulfill our objectives of building brand awareness and recognition,

excitement as well as stimulate trial.

2.2 Public Relations (PR) We propose to apply the traditional and new roles of PR to The Getaway.

Following the traditional perspective, PR’s primary responsibility is to maintain

mutually beneficial relationships between the organization and its publics.

We also apply the new role perspective because here, public relations act

primarily as a marketing communication function – where PR together with

marketing blend their talents together to provide the best overall image of The

Getaway. Here, assessing public attitudes is just as important as our other


2.2.1 Publics

In this case, The Getaway shall focus on its Public Affairs that is, mainly

the general public and local community, as well as its media publics. In order to

appease the local consumers public, part of our PR efforts will involve thorough

staff training that ensures the best service that will contribute to our overall good

image. Furthermore, our staff will be encouraged to build and maintain long term

good relationships with our patrons in hopes of building long-term loyalty. Our

headquarter (HQ) staff are also expected to build and maintain positive

relationships with the media publics to encourage favourable publicity. We will

focus on gaining access to media gatekeepers especially, such as reporters and

editors, who select stories for their publication.


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2.2.2 Community Involvement

The Getaway seeks to enhance our public image through our involvement

in the local community. Concurrent with the Government’s efforts to create a

more environmentally sensitive society, as well as to cater to the existing

environmentally-aware members of society, The Getaway will be the local

community’s recycling centre, providing the recycling bins in our compound.

This would cater as well as promote this civic conscious act to the neighbouring

community (apartments and office blocks).

2.2.3 Press Release

As previously established, press is one of the most important publics,

which seeks factual and interesting information for its audience. Our opening and

official launch of The Getaway, by Minister of Tourism and Heritage, Dato’ Seri

Dr. Rais Yatim will be in line with the “Visit Malaysia 2007” tourism campaign.

The Getaway is uniquely positioned because it offers a variety of popular

settings all under one roof - particularly the rainforest themed restaurant “Tropical

Zen”, and the beach-themed café “The Laguna” – the two most tourist attracting

features of Malaysia (our jungles and beaches). As such, The Getaway could be

publicized as a tourist attraction location in itself, along with the officiating

minister; justifying the launch’s newsworthiness.

2.3 Publicity

In essence, PR and Publicity are two sides to the same coin. However, PR is the

long-term strategy we have control over, whereas publicity is our focus for the short-

term, which we lack control of.

One of the key things in publicity is to deliver brand information designed to

positively influence the existing and prospective customers through non-paid forms of

media messages. Brand publicity is vital to create brand visibility, build credible

position with the consumers and suppliers, as well as access hard-to-reach target

audiences, on top of being cost-effective.


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2.3.1 Building Buzz

The announcement and launch of The Getaway, being a new multi-

concept restaurant, is our opportunity to obtain publicity and dramatize the

product, thereby increasing the effectiveness of our subsequent ads. The idea is to

build marketplace excitement before our media advertising breaks out.

Here, The Getaway will utilize our parent company’s existing consumer

database (those patronizing TGIF, Italiannies and The Laundry), and invite these

existing consumers to the launch. Furthermore, we will highlight the presence of

our existing celebrity customers through mass media, who will be there to grace

the launch of our parent company’s latest subsidiary.

2.3.2 Influencing Opinion Leaders and Positive Word of Mouth (WOM)

The launch itself will be a starting point to generate opinion leaders who

will spread positive word of mouth. The invited guests would bring other guests

who will further perpetuate this generation.

Furthermore, the launch, being officiated by a prominent minister will in

itself attract media coverage in television news and the newspapers. This sort of

publicity is most effective because of the pervasiveness of these mediums, its cost

effectiveness on our behalf due to the “free” coverage, as well as the credibility

attached to news material.

Our exceptional services, quality of food, uniqueness in décor, and trendy

eclectic settings are also talking points that should add to positive WOM.

2.3.3 Effective Scheduling and Timing

We plan to launch and start our campaign at the beginning of year 2007,

concurrent with the Visit Malaysia 2007 tourism campaign, where besides our

target market, we can expect more tourists. Along with the Government’s Ninth

Malaysian Plan (MP9) implemented next year, the general national level of

disposable income, and national GDP is expected to increase, being good

indicators of expenditure on the Food and Beverages sector to increase.


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We have also scheduled a ‘pulsing’ campaign, (a combination of the

‘flighting’ and ‘continuous’ scheduling strategies) and have timed it such that

there will be publicity and advertising that is heightened during festive seasons,

and enough to maintain sales even through the quiet months.

2.4 Sales Promotion

The role and importance of sales promotions in a company’s integrated marketing

communications program has increased dramatically over the past decade, including

in the service industries such as our café-restaurant. The Getaway itself spends 60%

of our promotional budget on sales promotion, with the remainder only being

allocated to media advertising. The general shift in the marketing dollars from media

advertising to consumer sales promotions has been due to stiff competition, short-

term focus of many marketers, increased promotional sensitivity of customers, and

fragmentation of the consumer market.

Sales promotion is not to be confused with advertising. This often happens

because sales-promotion activities frequently use advertising through various media

to create awareness of promotional offers. In actuality, sales promotion is defined as a

direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the

salesforce, distributors, or the ultimate customer with the primary objective of

creating an immediate sale”(Belch and Belch, 2004, p.513). There are mainly two

categories, namely, consumer-oriented, and trade-oriented promotions. Here, our

focus will be on consumer-oriented sales promotions to fulfill our MC objectives of

stimulating trial, patronage, repeat patronage, customer retention, as well as building

customer preferences towards The Getaway.

In order to fulfill the aforementioned objectives, we will use the following sales

promotion tools to also speed up the selling process and maximize our sales volumes.

Our focus is on motivating customers who may not have responded effectively to



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2.4.1 Introductory / Seasonal offers

Essentially being an acceleration tool, The Getaway will provide extra

incentive of discounting our prices by 50% only for the first two weeks after its

launch. This will motivate our existing and targeted customers to bring more

patrons (increasing sales by a larger quantity), as well as shorten the purchase

cycle of customers by encouraging them to take more immediate action. The

introductory offer will be publicized through the launch as well as through

integration with our Media Mix, particularly radio and newspaper advertisements.

This would generate awareness of The Getaway, attract as well as create opinion

leaders, and subsequently result in good WOM for The Getaway.

Seasonal offers will be carried out during the most popular festive seasons

or occasions such as New Year’s, Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali,

Valentine’s Day and Christmas, where special menus and special promotions will

be tailored to the event.

2.4.2 Coupons

Limited time offers such as the coupons we distribute with an expiration

date will accelerate the purchase process. Our strategy in using coupons is by

giving discounts to consumers through the distribution of our flyers at various

times during the year to increase awareness and recognition but especially so

during the start of the campaign in order to give them incentive to patronize The

Getaway sooner.

Coupons increase the level of initial trial. However, in order to induce

repeat patronage, The Getaway requires the promotional support of our other tools

outlined, through IMC.

With the use of the coupons attached to the flyers, and orders worth RM

100 and above, customers are entitled to another coupon worth a smaller discount

percentage with their next repeat patronage. The Getaway hopes to establish

ongoing purchase patterns and customer retention for the long run this way.

The coupons also draw attention to the ads that we run on other media

because it increases involvement with the message and service.


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2.4.3 Frequency/Loyalty Programs

Loyalty card holders are entitled to 10% discount each time they dine in.

However, it is invalid with our other ongoing promotions, but points based on

how much they spend are able to be accumulated, in order to entitle them to

further rewards. This is done to encourage repeat patronage. These programs also

help us to target specific user-status groups, such as our most frequent patrons and

heavy versus light spending patrons. This enables us to build a more

comprehensive customer database, which will help us focus our marketing

communications efforts more effectively, as well as cater to our customers’ needs


2.5 Events

Our first event will be the official opening launch of The Getaway that is

going to be themed a festive carnival.

Many marketers have found that events are a very effective way to reach

target markets. Our focus is mainly on psychographic and demographic markets

when we target the ‘yuppies’. Furthermore, we have the advantage of having an

existing customer database under our parent company that enables us easy access

to our target market and other potential customers. This existing database is also

crucial for our direct marketing tool.

There are no other events planned for the first six months of operation due

to the heavy budget spent on the official launch.

2.6 Direct Marketing

As previously mentioned, our existing database provides solid ground

for us to directly market our events and promotions to customers. Through

IMC, retraceable coupons, feedback cards and the loyalty programs allow us

to build further on our target market database.


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3.0 Media Mix

3.1 Mass Media Advertising

3.1.1 Broadcast -Radio

Radio is one of the mediums with the broadest exposure. Advertising on radio is more

cost-effective compared to ads on television. In Malaysia, there are over 30 radio

channels. The Getaway has decided to run advertisements announcing its launch over the

radio because of its wide coverage and cost efficiency. Hitz.fm and Mix fm are the two

leading radio stations targeted at yuppies. Hitz.fm positions itself as airing the latest and

coolest songs (capturing the Innovators and Early Adopters), whereas Mix.fm targets the

older yuppies, and much of Generation X and Y. Both radio stations are also known to

inform and keep the public up-to-date with the latest happenings in town.

According to Duncan (2005), radio is always a background medium that listeners

are less likely to pay attention to. Therefore, it is crucial that we choose the most popular

time slot that reaches to our target market, the yuppies. The yuppies market tune into the

radio particularly during broadcasting peak hours – that is, during the morning rush to

work (7am to 9.30 am), and on the way back (5 pm to 7.30pm).

The cost of advertising during this peak period is more expensive, but still very

much cheaper compared to television. Our advertisements will run for 25 seconds on both

radio stations, four times a week, for two weeks prior to The Getaway’s Launch. Each

airing of 25 seconds will cost us RM 550. The advertisement creates hype about The

Getaway’s carnival fair launch, highlighting the attending guest celebrities and activities

held for the day. Post-launch radio advertising will run till the end of February,

highlighting our ambiance, location, and operation times instead.


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3.1.2 Print

Readership scores are higher for print ads with coupons than for ads without them. Newspapers

Getaway is going to place advertisements on newspapers, first advertising our launch,

and subsequently throughout the year, advertising our various promotions with coupons.

Newspapers are one of the most preferred media because of its cost-effectiveness (in line

with our budget) , high level of involvement and vast reach. Newspaper is a different

form of media print because the ads feature basic details of our services and our

promotional price. The immediacy of newspapers is advantageous for special promotions,

sales and one-time offers. The newspapers we propose to advertise in are The Star and

New Straits Times, both being predominantly the widest print distribution channels for

English news in Malaysia. Magazines

Magazines are classified by the frequency of their publication, how and where they are

distributed as well as their target readers (Duncan T., 2005). Magazine advertising allows

you to place ads in periodicals that are read specifically by your target audience and are

often focused on creating and building brand image.

Magazines advertising is unique in the sense that

Often a reader will pick up the magazine two or three weeks after it was initially

published and the ad should still be of value to the reader. The most wanted magazines

among yuppie are KL lifestyle and KLUE. Both magazines are distributed in Kuala

Lumpur. The targeted audiences are yuppie. The type of advertisements that will be

placed in the magazine will be Gatefolds. The amount that will be spent on magazine

advertising is approximately RM1500 per advertising..


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3.1.3 Out-of Home Signs and posters

The Getaway seeks to create effective brand contact points. Out-of-Home message

delivery includes a wide range of locations where brand messages can be posted (Duncan

T., 2005, p.373). Creating brand awareness has become one of The Getaway’s most

important objectives. By purchasing advertising space and putting posters in public

places such as KLCC, and on public transportation such as on buses (Rapid KL), at bus

stations, on LRTs and train stations for the first 3 months after The Getaway’s launch, it

would help create crucial brand awareness. We will also erect signs surrounding our area

in Jalan Yap Kwan Seng to advertise and direct consumers to The Getaway which is

discreetly located. These signs and mini maps on our posters add accessibility and

convenience to the customers. Flyers

Flyers are one of the most important media to advertise promotions. The use of

this tool can help The Getaway to build awareness among the target audience. The

uniqueness of our distribution of flyers (in conjunction with the launch and other

promotional activities) is due to the coupons attached to them, increasing consumer

involvement. Our flyers have been tailor made to whet the consumer’s appetite by using

vibrant colours such as red and green. These vibrant colours have been proven by studies

to increase hunger in viewers. This strategy has been adopted by many fast food outlets

eg: Pizza Hut, McDonalds. Balloon Blimp

Due to The Getaway being tucked in a discreet location, a mini balloon blimp

bearing “The Getaway” and our logo will be erected from our site to create awareness,

convenience and a continuous advertisement. This strategy has proven most successful

for restaurants in low-traffic areas such as “Soul’d Out” in the quieter area of Desa Sri



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3.1.4 Interactive - Website Marketing

The Getaway’s website contains detailed information about the menu, location,

and operating hours. Besides, online feedback forms will be provided for viewers to leave

feedback which can help us to make improvements in the future.

Furthermore, we will compile an E-mailing list to inform existing and potential

customers of seasonal promotions/events.


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4.0 Message Strategy

– an idea about how to creatively and convincingly communicate a brand message to a

target audience (Duncan, 2005, p.278)

4.1 Creative Brief

The purpose of The Getaway’s MC message campaign is to connect emotionally

with customers and convince the diners/patrons that it is the place to go to in any

event and they will benefit by dining at The Getaway because it lets them escape to

not just one, but a choice of their various ideal and favorite locations in the world – a

“secret” haven hide out in the heart of the city. The tone of the message is exclusive,

comforting and inviting.

4.2 Message strategies

Our main broadcasting strategy is through radio, and is aimed at breaking through

the clutter of other environmental stimuli. We will use a relational strategy – one that

the listener/reader is able to relate to the message communicated. We will seek to

relate to the everyday stresses of life, and offer a solution to unwind and relax at The

Getaway – Where some say it’s Heaven. In our motto, we aim to make our MC

messages more credible by using a third party’s reference and quote.

Even in our visuals such as in print advertising, it will have an intimate style,

which uses soft focus and close-up views. The typography for each of our different

floors will be different to evoke and reflect its own unique moods, but the overall

image can easily be integrated and recognized with other elements of The Getaway’s



4.3 Strategic Consistency

Here, we strive to keep the “one-voice, one-look consistency” in our MC strategy,

by ensuring that all The Getaway’s advertising, sales promotion, publicity, interior

décor (point of purchase), and other MC messages have the same look, sound and

feel, which emanates soothing, yet trendy comfort. This means that the style of the

message has to be mirrored from one medium to another.


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Strategic consistency is also upheld where, consistency occurs when The

Getaway’s messages differ but every message contains certain core elements. No

matter who the audience or medium is, The Getaway brand name, and motto “Where

some say it’s Heaven” should be integrated into all messages to leverage our brand


The foundation on which all our communication is built is our corporate culture,

mission and core values which seek to provide comfort in all that we do to cater to the

customer’s needs, as well as being environmentally aware, for the comfort of all in

the long run.

The Getaway seeks strategic consistency by fulfilling the consistency triangle

conditions. In our MC messages, we set expectations that we actually fulfill. We say

that The Getaway is the place to be, for any occasion because it is trendy, but

especially so when you want to just unwind because we provide a comforting

sanctuary - a chance to escape the everyday bustles of urban living. Everything about

The Getaway, from the décor, to the food, music, lighting, staff and overall ambiance,

ensures that these values are delivered to the customer. Furthermore, what we say and

do are reinforced and confirmed by those who patron us - reflecting their easy

recognition of, and trust in The Getaway.

5.0 Message Execution

5.2 The Big Idea (refer to Duncan)

The big idea is what all our marketing communications efforts are going to be

based on. The big idea is captured by our slogan “Where some say it’s Heaven”. We

want to communicate that The Getaway is your sanctuary from the everyday stresses

of urban living, with a trendy twist, that makes it the place to be, and where you want

to be. Futhermore, you need not travel far and wide to enjoy the luxuries of a holiday

when you can have a “holiday to various destinations” all under one roof!

5.3 Message Formats (ad idea, emotional appeal)


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The main idea of the campaign in print media, is to show in visuals, a sequence of

a stressed individual (yuppie), rushing to the airport, then having to travel on the

plane for long hours (visual of frowning at a watch), juxtaposed by a visual of the

same stressed individual blissfully enjoying his food and drink in the comforts of The

Getaway, tucked away, but right in the centre of town. The slogan comes on: “Where

some say it’s Heaven” – not that far after all.

Similarly, the script for the radio ad would be as appended at the end of this

proposal under Appendix 2.

6.0 Media Planning

6.1 Reach and frequency

6.1.1 Reach

Reach refers to the percentage of an audience that has had the opportunity to be exposed

to a media vehicle within a specified period (Duncan T., 2005, p.432).

Hitz.fm and Mix.fm are leading radio stations among yuppie in Malaysia. Hitz.fm has the

average reach of 21 reach per millions users (http://alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?

q=&url=hitz.fm). On the other hands, Mix.fm has more or the same reach as Hitz.fm

which is 20 reach per millions users.

The advertisements in magazines, the reach is based on the universe defined by the

category of interest of interest or use, so the reach for the KL lifestyle and KLUE is to the

customer who are willing visit new and interesting places and try out new cuisines

6.1.2 Targeted reach

Targeted reach is the portion of a communication vehicle’s audience that is in a brand’s

target market (Duncan T., 2005, p.435). Getaway wants to reach yuppies who are

attracted to the new dine-in concept. The population in Kuala Lumpur is approximately

1.5 millions. The yuppie population is approximately 0.5 millions. The targeted reach of


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Hitz.fm is 0.105millions [(21*0.5m)/100]. Mix.fm targeted reach is 0.1millions


Table 1

Gross Rating Points(GRP) based on Total Kuala Lumpur Coverage

Radio Station Station rating Frequency GRPs

Hitz.fm 12 6 72

Mix.fm 9 6 54

Total 126

The number of readers KL lifestyle has 50,000 readers in Kuala Lumpur; however, only

25,000 are yuppies. Therefore, the targeted reach for Getaway is 0.5(25,000/50,000) of

CLEO magazines total reach. KLUE has 45,000 readers in Kuala Lumpur, only 20,000

are yuppies. It is therefore, the targeted reach for Getaway is 0.44(20,000/45,000).

6.1.3 Gross Rating Points

Gross rating points (GRPs) are a combined measure of reach and frequency indicating the

weight of a media plans (Duncan T., 2005, p.439). Frequency refers to the average

number of times those who are reached have an opportunity to brand message within a

specified time period (Duncan T., 2005, p.437). Table 1 has shown that 126% of target

population (yuppie) is reached. In theory, the maximum level is 100%, it is impossible to

reach more than 100%. The reason behind this is because there is some target audience

may have listened to Hitz.fm program on the other hand they exposed to Getaway ads on

Mix.fm again.

6.1.4 Calculation of Targeted Gross rating Points

A targeted Gross Rating Points (TGRPs) is the number of gross rating points delivered

against just the targeted audience (Duncan T., 2005, p.441). TGRPs provide a more

accuracy figure on how much is the real targeted audience is reached. In this case, the

audience who listened to Hitz.fm and Mix.fm are not 100% yuppie, thus the rating of the

station should be lower to 6 and 4.5.


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Table 2

Targeted Gross Rating Points(TGRPs) based on Total Kuala Lumpur Coverage

Radio Station Station rating Frequency TGRPs

Hitz.fm 6 6 36

Mix.fm 4.5 6 27

Total 63

Given the reduction in the station rating, the TGPRs reduce from 126% to 63%.

Supposed the targeted reach is 21 and 20, it will yield the frequency result of 1.71 (36/21)

and 1.35(27/20) for Hitz.fm and Mix.fm


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7.0 Budget

7.1 Budgeting method

As a new comer in the industry, Objective and Task Budgeting method ( pg 224)

is the best budget method for Getaway. Objective and Task method starts with zero

based planning which determines the marketing communication objectives and tasks

that need to be done to accomplish each objectives.

It is important that objective setting and budgeting go hand in hand as it is

difficult to set as budget without objectives. The Objective and Task method uses a

build up approach consisting of three steps which are: (1) Defining communication

objectives (2) Determining the strategies and, (3) estimating costs associated with it.

The objective of Getaway is to increase awareness of the consumers towards the

restaurant. In order to achieve this, different forms of media is used to reach potential

consumers such as radio, magazines, newspaper, websites, etc.

7.2 Campaign budget

Getaway must spend around RM 256,000 for the budget. Here, the budget will be

divided 5 as can be seen from the table below. The biggest percentage of the

campaign goes to broadcasting in which we advertise on the radio. This is the most

expensive because The Getaway is relatively new and it is important for us to build

brand awareness. Second most expensive will go to print media where we will

advertise in newspaper and also magazines.Sales promotion such as those done

through outdoor media takes a smaller chunk of the budget. The internet’s budget is

not high as it is fairly cheap to maintain. The launching although will be costly is

considered as a one time thing.


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Marketing Communications Tools

Production Costs (RM)

Media Costs(RM)



Hitz FM Mix FM

36,00034,000 70,000



Magazines CLEO KLUE



38,000Out of Home

Blimp Signs Flyers Posters


7,000InteractiveInternet 500 500EventLaunching 70,000 70,000Public Relations 10,000 10,000Total 265,000


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8.0 Scheduling and Timing

Pulsing is a scheduling strategy that provides a “floor” of media support throughout

the year and periodic increases (Duncan T., 2005, p.454). Pulsing scheduling is going to

be used as it is unnecessary for Getaway to promote the café heavily throughout the

period. The pulsing scheduling can help Getaway to create awareness at the café

launching time. Besides, promoting the café at the correct time is recommended which

help to utilize the Getaway’s resources.

Table 3Getaway Media Flow Chart

January February March April May June

1. Broadcast ~Hitz.fm, Mix.fm

2. Printout

~New Strait Times, TheStar, KL lifestyle, KLUE

3. Out-of-home ~Flyers, poster and sign

3.Interative ~www.Getawaycafe.com.my

Broadcast – Hitz.fm and Mix.fm are used to create awareness among the target audience.

In table 3, it show that Getaway uses radio to delivered the message to the consumer

which in turn creating consumers’ awareness and further generating consumer demand.

The advertisement on radio will continue for two months (January and February).

Printout – The scheduling strategy applied in this media channel. It is where Getaway

heavily promote the café at the month of January, February and May. The important


4. Launching

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festival and public holiday generally located in these three months which are New Year,

Chinese New Year, Hari Raya and Labour Day.

Out-Of-Home – Getaway uses this channel to act as an supporting media which was fully

used in the off-peak season which are March, April and June. After the long festive

month of January and February, the purchasing power of the customer will decrease

which in turn lowering down the Getaway’s sales. Therefore, it is wise for Getaway to

distributed flyers with voucher to attract sales and attention.

Interactive – Setting up, maintaining and operating a websites is relatively cheaper than

any other media channel discussed above. Therefore, the website advertising will be

maintained throughout the time.

Launching – The heavy public relation and sales promotion that is done for this event is

during the pre-launch and the launch itself.


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9.0 Measurement and Evaluation

The purpose of this stage is to determine whether MC efforts were in fact successful

in meeting objectives, determine whether the MC efforts worked or not. From this

evaluation, corrections can be made to better the message and avoid costly mistakes.

Measuring and evaluating are crucial because the process is not only costly but also

takes up a lot of time and can be somewhat complicated. The process is done in 2

stages, the first is conducted during the development of the brand message strategies

and after the completion of the campaign.

9.1 Measurement of effectiveness of message

Here, the effectiveness of the message that is delivered to the consumers through

promotions and advertisements is measured. This is done by conducting 2 test

which are done on the field :-

9.1.1 Pre-testing

Pre-test are measure taken before the campaign has been launched. Here, we

can use focus groups as a mean of testing in which they will discuss on the the

ambiance and also the whole theme of Getaway.

9.1.2 Post testing

This test will run when the campaign has ended. Inquiry tests, tracking studies,

recall and recognition tests and day after recall tests are common tools that are used

for post testing. The main objective for post testing is to acquire feedback

9.2 Measurement of the effectiveness of the media

Each media uses different measurement techniques and each holds different

levels of priority. The types of measurements The Getaway proposes to use for

each media is as following:


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9.2.1 Sales Promotion

Feedback cards will be made available in The Getaway to gauge response from

the customers about our food, services, and even the communication methods or

mediums the patrons had come across to know about The Getaway. This increases

interactivity with the patrons and increases consumers’ involvement.

9.2.2 Radio

One of the ways in which to measure effectiveness is by using the average

quarter-hour rating (AQH RTG) in which is estimates the number of listeners as a

percentage of the survey area population. Another way of measuring is by using

RADAR (Radio’s All- Dimension Audience Research) where audience estimates are

collected twice a year on the basis of 12,000 daily phone interviews covering radio

listening behavior. Although this is more extensive, it is more meant for long term

planning compared to AQH RTG that provides information then and there.

9.2.3 Newspaper

To test whether newspaper is an effective media to use in our case we chose the

recognition method that is closely related to Roper ASW. This test is made to

determine the recognition print ads and compare them to other ads of the same


9.2.4 Magazines

Tracking studies have been used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements

on awareness, recall, interests and attitude toward the ad or brand as well as purchase

intention. Getaway has chosen this from of measuring effectiveness as the study can

be tailored to a specific campaign hence giving more comprehensive and accurate


9.2.5 Internet


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One of the ways in which the effectiveness can be measured is the using an

online method called ‘Alexa’ that not only track the “hits” but also collects

information regarding demographics, psychographics and buying habit. So a more

comprehensive database is acquired. Not only that but also The Getaway may also

use online surveys to determine everything from internet usage to attitudes towards

the site.

10.0 ConclusionWith all the plans set in motion, we hope that the integrated marketing

communication plan will lead us to a successful venture and profitable business.