Chapter 4 Geoarchaeology and Archaeostratigraphy: View from a Northwest Coast Shell Midden JULIE K. STEIN Geoarchaeology is a fundamental part of archaeology because artifacts, by their very nature, are found in the ground and require analysis of more than just their manufacture, use, and age. Approaching the archaeological record with questions other than those about an artifact’s technological or chronological aspects has been popular since Butzer (1964) introduced the environmental approach and Schiffer (1972) introduced archaeologists to site formation processes. From these leaders, archaeologists now know that artifacts experi- ence changes in the ground and that these changes affect interpretations of technology and chronology. The following study of a northwest coast shell midden provides an example of how geoarchaeology (Butzer 1982; Goldberg et al. 2001; Rapp and Hill 1998; Schiffer 1987; Waters 1992) and a modern stratigraphic approach (Stein 1987, 1990, 1993, 2000b), combined with artifact analysis, improves our understanding of the past. The midden displayed a two-layered structure that has been used to group artifacts and to contrast changes in artifacts over time (Stein 1992b, 2000a). Stratigraphic analysis suggested that this two-layered stratification should not be used to group artifacts because it was created by 61

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Chapter 4

Geoarchaeologyand Archaeostratigraphy:

View from a Northwest CoastShell Midden


Geoarchaeology is a fundamental part of archaeology because artifacts, by theirvery nature, are found in the ground and require analysis of more than justtheir manufacture, use, and age. Approaching the archaeological record withquestions other than those about an artifact’s technological or chronologicalaspects has been popular since Butzer (1964) introduced the environmentalapproach and Schiffer (1972) introduced archaeologists to site formationprocesses. From these leaders, archaeologists now know that artifacts experi-ence changes in the ground and that these changes affect interpretations oftechnology and chronology.

The following study of a northwest coast shell midden provides an exampleof how geoarchaeology (Butzer 1982; Goldberg et al. 2001; Rapp and Hill1998; Schiffer 1987; Waters 1992) and a modern stratigraphic approach (Stein1987, 1990, 1993, 2000b), combined with artifact analysis, improves ourunderstanding of the past. The midden displayed a two-layered structure thathas been used to group artifacts and to contrast changes in artifacts over time(Stein 1992b, 2000a). Stratigraphic analysis suggested that this two-layeredstratification should not be used to group artifacts because it was created by


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weathering processes that occurred after the deposits were laid down. In thiscase study, I describe the two-layered stratification observed at this coastalshell midden, provide data that explain how archaeological stratigraphy wasused to dissect the complex formation history of the site, and discuss theimplications for using geoarchaeology and stratigraphy.


Throughout the coastal regions of the Americas, archaeological deposits contain-ing shell dominate the archaeological record (Claassen 1998). Such shell middenshave larger than average volumes compared to archaeological sites without shell.The presence of shell increases the volume of each deposit, yet the number ofartifacts per deposit remains the same. These characteristics force archaeologiststo excavate in large units and to use large stratigraphic layers if they want torecover enough artifacts to use in constructing chronologies (Stein 1992a).

Shell is not the best attribute to use when creating and defining contrastinglayers within shell middens because shell is everywhere, often in frequenciesthat change only slightly from layer to layer. A more common attribute used isthe color of the matrix (fine-grained fraction) surrounding and supporting theshell (Stein 1992e). On the Pacific Northwest Coast, shell midden matricesoften present sharp contrasts between dark deposits at the base of the middenand light deposits at the surface (Figure 4-1).

Figure 4-1. At the excavation of the English Camp shell midden the dark/light boundarycan be seen in the profile of unit 310/300 behind the students. The light, shell-bearinglayers lie over the dark, shell-bearing layers. The dark/light distinction dips to the right(toward the water), which is related to the flow of groundwater through the shell deposit(Photo by J. K. Stein).

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Such a site would be excavated so as to keep the artifacts found within thesetwo large layers separate. The frequencies of artifacts found in each layer wouldthen be compared and, if found to change, would be used to define chronologies.

For example, the Marpole phase (approximately 2500–1500 years ago) is inpart defined by the presence of chipped stone tools and high frequencies of deb-itage. In the later San Juan phase (approximately 1500–200 years ago), such stonetools are found in low frequencies (Burley 1980; Carlson 1960; Mitchell 1971,1990). In a site with a deeper dark layer and an upper light layer, the deeper, pre-sumably older, layer containing numerous lithics would be tentatively assignedto the Marpole phase, and the shallower layer with fewer lithics would be tenta-tively assigned to the San Juan phase. Assignments would then be checked withradiocarbon dates of appropriate material in each layer. Finally, the lithologicalattributes of the layers (how they looked) would be used to define the groups intowhich artifacts were summed and compared. The artifact groupings are used todefine the phases and thus the chronology. The question remains: Was the bound-ary of the deposits defined by the color of the matrix an appropriate boundary touse for the definition of cultural phases based on the artifacts?


Although the light/dark stratigraphic distinction is noted at many NorthwestCoast sites (e.g., Mitchell 1971:88; Sullivan 1993), and in other parts of theworld (see references in Stein 1992a), its formation was never analyzed indetail or explained. On the basis of archaeological and geoarchaeological infor-mation, this light/dark stratification could be created by any of three possibleprocesses. Stated as hypotheses, they are:

1. People deposited different things in the lower layer than they deposit-ed in the upper layer, reflecting a change in subsistence or technology.This behavioral change is reflected in the archaeological record as achange in the color of the matrix. If this hypothesis is true, then arti-fact change should coincide with changes in the color of the matrix.

2. People deposited similar artifacts throughout the time represented inthese deposits, and the two-layered stratigraphy was created after depo-sition by noncultural soil formation that weathered the profile from thesurface downward. Such events created a light-colored matrix nearthe surface that is heavily weathered and a dark-colored matrix near thebase that is not weathered. If this hypothesis is true, then agents ofweathering should be detected by chemical alterations from the surfacedownward.

3. People deposited similar artifacts throughout the time represented in thesemiddens. The process responsible for creating the two-toned stratigraphyis infiltration of groundwater at the base of the midden, which darkened

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only the lower half of the midden. Infiltration resulted because the areasinto which people threw midden materials were either already low coastalareas susceptible to groundwater infiltration or high areas that were laterinundated when the base level of the groundwater changed through amechanism such as sea level change. If this hypothesis is true, then agentsof weathering should be detected by chemicals leached from the base.


The English Camp site (45SJ24) on San Juan Island, Washington (Figure 4-2),is a Northwest Coast shell midden located in the northwest portion of the islandon Garrison Bay (Figure 4-3). The shell midden, which is part of the San Juan

Figure 4-2. Location of San Juan Island, Washington, showing location of English Camp.

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Island National Historical Park-English Camp, underlies a later British occupa-tion that occurred between 1859 and 1871 (Thomas and Thomson 1992). TheBritish occupation was an outgrowth of the dispute between the United Statesand Britain over the location of the international border between VancouverIsland and the mainland. Both countries sent troops to occupy the San JuanIslands until the border issue was resolved (Vouri 1999, 2005). The Britishencampment happened to be on a site occupied by Northwest Coast peoples forat least the previous 2000 years (Stein et al. 2003). The site was referred to bythe soldiers as English Camp, which the National Park Service reinstated whenmanagement came under the agency’s management. The name, however, hasbeen changed back to British Camp at the request of current inhabitants of thearea. I will refer to it here as English Camp, but the previous name of BritishCamp refers to exactly the same place. The English Camp shell midden wasselected for this analysis because previous excavations indicated that alight/dark stratigraphic boundary was present, and this two-layered stratigraphyhad been used to group artifacts and define cultural phases.

The strategy for collecting samples from the site was developed in 1984,using an excavation trench of 12 continuous 2 m � 2 m units with no balksseparating the units (Figure 4-4).

All layers within each unit were removed layer by layer across the entiregroup of units. Each of the layers (called facies during excavation) was definedon the basis of the quantity of shells, rock, and matrix color (for excavation


Figure 4-3. Topographic map of the English Camp (formerly British Camp) site,Garrison Bay, San Juan Island. (OpA) Excavation unit Operation A; reconstructedhistoric buildings: (Hos.) hospital, (Bar.) barracks, (B.H.) block house, (Com.)commissary. Field measurements and map made by Fran H. Whittaker.

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and sampling strategy, see Stein et al. 1992). The sediment samples were nottaken from equal-interval depths, but rather from each layer. The layers are atvarious times adjacent to, overlying, or underlying each other (Stein 2001).Though layers are given sequential alphabetical labels, they are not all super-imposed one atop the other; some are actually side by side. Data concerningthese layers could therefore not be graphically displayed in alphabetical orderor in tabular form. Such an arrangement would give the impression that thelayers are superpositionally arranged (in alphabetical order), when they reallyare only in a general sense arranged in that manner.

This sampling strategy requires that all data be displayed using Harris matri-ces (Harris 1989). A Harris matrix is a graphic representation of layers in whicha rectangular box is used to represent each layer (no matter what size) and linesare drawn to show the vertical relationships of all the boxes (Figure 4-5).

These rectangles can be arranged in superpositional order in the samesequence as they are found in the archaeological record (Stein et al. 1992). Therectangles can be oriented on a two-dimensional graph in a representation oftheir three-dimensional order. All data from this research are displayed insidethe boxes, which allows the reader to visually assess the stratigraphic changesin data throughout a unit.

To evaluate the hypotheses concerning human behavior and weathering,certain data were selected. To address weathering, the parameters of grain size,


Figure 4-4. Three-dimensional representation of Operation A, showing its orientationto wave-cut bank and the grid coordinates. Vertical lines on the walls of Operation Aand dashed lines mark the 12 continuous 2 m � 2 m units. Each of these units isnamed by the NW coordinate with the East/West coordinate given first. Note unit310/300 in the upper right corner. Drafted by Timothy D. Hunt.

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organic matter percentages, and carbonate percentages were selected.Carbonate is highly susceptible to weathering, but breaks apart only in thepresence of an acid. Organic matter is a source for such acid, but is effectiveonly in an aqueous environment, in which solutions can facilitate chemicalreactions (Stein 1992d). Grain size determines the retention of both water andorganic matter; deposits composed predominantly of sand will not hold either,and deposits with predominantly clay will not let water and organic matterflow to and from the layers (Stein 1987).


Figure 4-5. Harris matrix of unit 310/300. The Harris Matrix is a graphic representa-tion of the superpositional relationship of all the facies. Each box represents a facies,the label of which abuts the lower left corner of the box. The number in the box is thenumber of 8-liter buckets excavated from that facies; the volume of that facies in literswould thus be that number times 8. Figure originally drawn by K. Kornbacher; com-puter-generated version designed by Lance Lundquist.

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To address human behavioral changes, chipped stone debitage was chosen asthe appropriate artifact type because historically diagnostic materials (e.g., carvedartifacts or projectile points) were found only in low densities and not in themajority of layers included in the Harris matrices. Debitage, on the other hand,was found in every layer in relatively large numbers and therefore provided largesamples to compare between layers. Also, for the last four decades, cultural his-torians have argued that a change in frequency of chipped-stone artifacts occurredand have used this technological shift to separate new phases (Carlson 1960; King1950; Mitchell 1971). The reason for the change is not entirely understood, butthe change was proposed to be related to a change in reliance on other technolo-gies such as bone or wood technologies or to a change in subsistence (Burley1980; Matson and Coupland 1995; Mitchell 1990). This research, combined withother high-resolution dating studies (Stein et al. 2003), calls into questionwhether the change occurred at all.


Samples collected from the excavation units in Operation A were separated intogravel fractions (grains larger than 3 mm) and matrix (grains smaller than 3mm, the sand, silt, and clay fractions). Gravel fractions were sorted by size andcomposition using nested screens and water washing in the field (Stein et al.1992). The matrix portion was sorted by using grain-size analysis (Stein 1992e,2001). The organic matter and carbonate percentages were determined on asmall subsample of the matrix using loss-on-ignition (Stein 1984). Data fromonly 1 of the 12 excavation units are presented here, as an example of the tech-nique. Additional data can be found in Stein (1992b).

Throughout the excavation, the color of the matrix in each layer was noted,the allowable descriptions being restricted to black, brown, tan, and gray. Layersat the surface had predominantly gray matrix; layers at the base had blackmatrix. The layers in the middle, however, were problematic, in that they oftenchanged color with shifting light or weather conditions. On average, the shiftfrom gray to black matrix was observed in layers located about 80 cm below thesurface, a surface that was flat in this unit of the site. That depth was influenced,however, by the amount of shell in the layers and therefore by the amount ofmatrix. In one corner of the unit, a facies with large shells and little matrix didnot display the black matrix, while throughout the rest of the unit (where faciescontained less shell and more matrix), the depth of the change from gray toblack matrix was at 80 cm below the surface. It was difficult to assign a color tolayers with coarse-grained shells and little matrix. In addition, layers with tanmatrix (tan because ash was present) displayed no change from light tan to darktan in either the top or the base of the site and were found throughout the site.One reason for using chemical tests as an independent measure of weatheringwas that assigning color to the layers in the intermediate zone was so difficult.


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The percentages of sand, silt, and clay for the 2 m � 2 m unit 310/300, locat-ed in the northeast corner of Operation A (Figure 4-4), are displayed in a Harrisdiagram (Figure 4-6). The percentage of clay fluctuates widely but displays nosystematic increase or decrease from the surface to the base of the midden. Thepercentage of sand fluctuates around 50% (with the notable exception of facies1Q). There is no observable systematic change in grain size that might suggest acorrelation with a two-toned stratigraphic break of light and dark.


Figure 4-6. Percentages of sand, silt, and clay of the sediment less than 1/8-inch in size,for samples from excavation unit 310/300 in Operation A. The numbers are the per-centages of sand/silt/clay for the sample (or samples) from each layer (facies).The facies are labeled as in Figure 4-4.

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The percentage of organic matter (Figure 4-7) varies within a range of6.1–16.2% (excluding the surface layer), but displays no systematic increase ordecrease from the surface to the base of the midden. Organic matter percentagesare highest at the upper surface (24%), caused by the root zone of the grass


Figure 4-7. Percentage of organic matter in sediment less than 1/8-inch in size, for sam-ples from excavation unit 310/300 in Operation A. The numbers are thepercentages of organic matter for the sample (or samples) from each layer (facies). Thefacies are labeled as in Figure 4-4.

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maintained by the National Park Service. No other systematic differencesappear from the upper to the lower deposits.

The percentage of carbonate does show systematic changes (Figure 4-8),with consistently higher values near the surface and lower values near the base


Figure 4-8. Percentage of carbonate in sediment less than 1/8-inch in size, for samplesfrom excavation unit 310/300 in Operation A. The numbers are the percentages of car-bonate for the sample (or samples) from each layer (facies). The facies are labeled as inFigure 4-4.

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of the excavation. The average percentage of carbonate in the upper layers(1A–1L and 1N) is 59%; that in the lower layers (1P–1R) is 27%. The excep-tions to this trend are two layers with tan matrix (1M and 1S). The matrix inthese tan layers seems to be composed of a large proportion of crushed shell,little clay, and less organic matter. Besides examining the carbonate percent-ages in the fine-grained fraction of each layer, the larger gravel-sized shell wasexamined for evidence of carbonate leaching. The exterior of individual shellsin the lower layers is disintegrating, which makes it difficult to assign them tospecies (Ford 1992) and corresponds with lost carbonate (Figure 4-8).

Figure 4-9 shows the weight of lithics found in each excavated layer in unit310/300. The debitage is divided into four size categories: 1-inch, 1/2-inch,


Figure 4-9. Debitage found in layers from excavation unit 310/300 in Operation A isdisplayed by weight in each of the four sizes screened at the site. The heights of the barsrepresent, from left to right, the weight in grams of debitage found in the 1-inch, 1/2-inch, 1/4-inch, and 1/8-inch screens. The shading of the bar indicates whether theweight is 0–8 g, 8–16 g, 16–24 g, or .24 g. Figure designed by Lance Lundquist.

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1/4-inch, and 1/8-inch. A change in the weight of debitage in the layers isobvious; more debitage of all sizes is found in the lower layers and less in theupper layers.


These data can be used to identify changes in the stratigraphic sequence, butthey cannot, by themselves, address the causes of those changes. The data sup-port the first hypothesis: that the layers were created by different culturalevents in that differences in chipped-stone artifact frequencies occurred dur-ing the deposition of this particular shell midden. The data also supportthe hypothesis that a difference in weathering occurred, as measured inthe amount of carbonate, but suggest that weathering did not occur from thesurface and progress downward as predicted in the second hypothesis. Theweathering occurred from the base of the midden and progressed upward aspredicted in the third hypothesis. Thus, artifacts and carbonate data changedsystematically in various portions of the shell midden sampled in unit310/300; however, the relationship of those changes now has to be examined.

The stratigraphic method is used to correlate changes noted in sequencesthat were constructed using disparate data (Farrand 1993; Stein 1987, 1990,1992c, 2000b). The stratigraphic method groups layers that are alike using avariety of data, such as physical appearance, chemistry, or artifactual content(Browman 2002). At English Camp, carbonate data were used to determineone grouping and boundaries. The resulting groups are stratigraphic unitscalled lithostratigraphic units (Stein 1992c), or units based on the lithologicalcharacteristics of layers. Another type of stratigraphic unit is created usingmaterial culture. Such units are called ethnostratigraphic units (Stein 1992c), orunits based on the artifactual characteristics of layers.

No single type of unit is necessarily “correct.” Stratigraphy is the creation ofmultiple groupings, noting where boundaries of all the different kinds of unitsrelate and articulate. If all the boundaries of all the different types of stratigraphicconstructs occur at the same place in the sequence, then certain hypotheses aresupported. If they all fall at different depths, other hypotheses are supported. Toreiterate, in this example, two kinds of units are constructed: the lithostrati-graphic unit (based on carbonate data) and the ethnostratigraphic unit (based onchipped-stone data). The boundaries’ coincidences or differences then providethe means to evaluate the hypotheses concerning the causes of the two-tonedstratigraphy.

The carbonate percentages indirectly measure the effects of weathering. InFigure 4-8, the carbonate percentages change from values ranging fromapproximately 45% to 65% in the upper portion of the Harris matrix to valuesranging from approximately 30% to 25% in the lower portion of the Harrismatrix. This change is defined as the lithostratigraphic boundary and occursin unit 310/300 between facies 1Q and 1M, about 70 cm below the present


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ground surface. The two groups thus constructed are called Layer H (for highvalues), which comprises all layers above the boundary, and Layer L (forlow values), which comprises all layers below the boundary.

As shown in Figure 4-9, the weight of chipped stone (predominantly flakes)greater than 1/8-inch in size shows a change between facies 1M and overlyingfacies 1N and 1L, about 50 cm below the present ground surface. The ethnos-tratigraphic units defined by these frequencies are named Ethnozone I for thelayer below the boundary containing high weights of lithics and Ethnozone IIfor the layers above the boundary containing low weights of lithics.

Thus, the boundaries of the two stratigraphic sequences constructed heredo not coincide. The artifactual changes occur in layers about 20 cm higher inelevation than those in which the carbonate changes occur. Artifactual materi-al does not change in the same vertical position as the carbonate does. Thesedata suggest that cultural events did change at this site, but that the light/darklayers of the midden and the weathering phenomenon are independent of thecultural change (Figure 4-1).


The data described above, as well as the data from the other 11 units excavated,suggest that the light/dark stratigraphic division is not a product of culturalevents; it is the product of a weathering phenomenon that systematically leachedcarbonate from the lower layers of the site (Holliday 2004). Carbonate is one ofthe most mobile chemicals and is usually leached from surface deposits. Itsremoval starts first at the surface, where rainwater falls and dissolves the carbon-ate locked in mineral or shell. As the water travels through the substrate, the car-bonate is carried downward and removed from the surface layers.

At the English Camp shell midden, carbonate was not removed from thesurface, as expected, but rather was removed from the lower layers. There aretwo possible explanations for this unusual carbonate distribution. One wouldbe that carbonate was originally deposited in smaller amounts in the lowerdeposits, so lower percentages are detected. The other would be that carbon-ate was originally deposited in all layers of the shell midden in equal amounts,but was removed from only the lower deposits.

The carbonate data used to test the hypotheses are based on only the fine-grained fraction of the midden and are presumed to be the product of mechani-cal and chemical breakdown of shell. Carbonate was measured only for materialthat fell through the 1/8-inch screen. The samples measured contain mineralgrains (quartz, metamorphosed chert, ferromagnesium minerals, feldspars, andsome limestone) (Latas 1992) of sand, silt, and clay sizes, as well as shell, bone,and charcoal fragments. The carbonate measured in this sample is believed tohave as its source the shell within the midden. Some limestone is found in thearea, and the glacial drift underlying the area has some carbonate. These mineral


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sources, however, are very low. The shell, on the other hand, makes up 60–90%of the coarser-size fraction (the gravel-size material) in almost every layer in thesite. Shell is the most likely source of the carbonate in the fine-grained fraction.

The question concerning the same amount of carbonate deposited throughoutthe midden can best be examined if shell larger than 1/8-inch is examined andcompared to the fine-grained carbonate. Data collected during screening in thefield suggest that shell (and therefore carbonate) was equally distributed through-out the shell midden. Each layer in the site was screened through various-sizedmesh, with the weight of shell recorded in the field. These data indicate a highlyvariable amount of shell in all the layers across the site (Ford 1992); however, spe-cific species of shellfish (mussel [Mytilus spp. and M. edulis], horse clam [Tresusspp. and T. gapperi], venus clams [Protothaca staminea, Saxidomus spp., S. gigan-teus, and S. nuttalli], and barnacles [Balanus spp.]) are found in equal frequenciesthroughout the midden. Only cockles (Clinocardium spp. and C. nuttalli) and seaurchins (Strongylocentrotus spp.) change in their frequencies, with lower frequen-cies of cockle and higher frequencies of sea urchin found in the lower layers.These data, provided for only two of the twelve 2 m � 2 m units excavated, sug-gest that most of the shellfish were originally distributed randomly throughoutthe site. At least there is no overall loss of large-size shellfish in the site.

Because the large-size shellfish were, and still are, distributed in greatfrequencies throughout the site, the fact that carbonate is not found in the fine-grained portions of some layers suggests that weathering has occurred. Small-size particles have greater surface areas than large-size particles and thereforedisappear faster when weathered. As mentioned before, the exterior surfaces oflarge shell fragments show evidence of weathering. The process has notprogressed to the point where the large fragments have been removed from themidden through leaching. Given enough time, however, this process will causeall the shell to dissolve and leach from the deposits. The lower portions of thesite will no longer look like a shell midden.

The hydration of an archaeological site from below is not usually the dom-inant process in humid temperate climates (Holliday 2004), and is surprisingconsidering that no evidence of surface leaching (and therefore soil formation)was found. One would expect water falling as rain to hydrate at least some sed-iment at the surface, with progressively less hydration taking place as the watermoved downward into the subsurface. When the shell midden is observed dur-ing torrential rainstorms, however, one sees that water falling on the porousshell-bearing surface flows through the strata too quickly to hydrate the claysand organic matter in its upper portion. Some water is absorbed at the surfaceand at the root zone, but the remainder travels rapidly through large pores andvesicles, never hydrating the organic matter and clay. My observations suggestthat for many shell-bearing sites with large, connected pore spaces, hydrationoccurs only when coastal lowlands are submerged and the shell-bearing strataare saturated by groundwater.


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Once water accumulates in the lower portions of a shell midden, weather-ing proceeds by saturating the organic matter and clay, which in turn changesthe color of the fine-grained fraction from a light to a dark color. Water allowsthe organic matter to decompose at an increased rate, which in turn producesorganic acids as by-products. These acids travel in solution through the largepores into the matrix as well as around small shell fragments and large shellexteriors. There, the organic acids dissolved in solution attack the chemicalbonds of particles, in particular the carbonate in the shell. The carbonatedissolves into various chemicals that are removed from the deposit either assolutions in the brackish groundwater or as gases.

The water involved in the leaching cannot come strictly from saline seawa-ter. Calcium is supersaturated in seawater, meaning that no additional calciumcould be dissolved from the carbonate and leached from the shell midden ifonly seawater infiltrated the midden. The fresh water flowing off the surround-ing slopes must enter the shell midden from the landward side and mix withseawater to make brackish water. Such a mixture would allow the chemicalreactions described above to take place.

Still left to answer are the questions as to when and for how long the lowerportion of English Camp shell midden has been inundated by groundwater.Information extracted from cores in nearby tidal marshes (Whittaker and Stein1992) suggests that the sea level has risen 2 m over the last 2000 years. Cannon(2000) found evidence for constant rise of sea level farther north on the coastof British Columbia. The radiocarbon dates from charcoal in English Campindicate that the site was occupied at least for the last 2000 years, although per-haps not continuously (Deo et al. 2004; Stein et al. 2003). The original occu-pants must have lived in a landscape overlooking a sea that was 1–2 m lowerthan it is today. They deposited midden in areas well above the water table,aggrading the landscape, and perhaps prograding the shoreline. But the watertable was lower then than it is now. Eventually that situation changed; when thesea level rose, the lower portions of the shell midden were inundated. With theinundation came weathering and the discoloration that goes along with it.


In this example, data from one excavation unit at one shell midden in theNorthwest Coast demonstrate the need to consider geoarchaeological phenom-ena when doing all kinds of archaeology. The point of the stratigraphic methodis to use a separate sequence for each type of data and compare the locationswhere changes occur. In this case, the changes caused by cultural depositionalevents had to be considered independent of those caused by postdepositionalevents to construct multiple stratigraphic sequences. All types of data collectedfrom the excavation units were displayed separately, and locationswhere changes occurred in each data type were identified. This study compared


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grain-size data, organic matter, carbonate, and weight of debitage. Furtherresearch could be done, however, in which such categories as the amount ofbird, fish, and plant remains as well as the quantity of bone tools and microbladescould be considered. Results would indicate which of these artifacts, resources,and weathering values change at the same or different locations. This procedureis the stratigraphic method.

At English Camp, the lithic debitage changed from large amounts inthe lower layers to small amounts in the upper layers, but that change did notoccur at the same place that the carbonate percentages changed. Therefore, thechanges in carbonate percentages and the color of the lithostratigraphic unitsare not related to the behaviors that lead to the deposition of the artifacts. Thesignificance of this interpretation is that the stratification of these archaeolog-ical sites is related only partially to cultural events. Cultural events dictatewhether sufficient quantities of organic matter and clay particles are depositedin any one site or layer, but the infiltration of groundwater entering the stratafrom below is dependent on local topography and sea level, as well as oncultural depositional events.

Thus, grouping artifacts using the light/dark visual criteria will likely resultin an inappropriate comparison of artifactual material and descriptions ofcultural boundaries. One of the reasons the Marpole and San Juan phases are sopoorly defined is that their boundaries are confused as a result of excavationpractices. Some older artifacts are lumped into the more recent phase and morerecently manufactured artifacts are lumped into the older phase. If matrix coloris used to group artifacts, then a change in artifacts will be found, but it willappear as a sudden change, occurring lower in the deposits than it actuallyexists, and will be assigned an inappropriate older age. The physical stratigra-phy (lithology) should not be used to group artifactual data. The stratigraphicmethod clarifies the situation, allowing cultural changes to be separated fromlithological changes.

The reason the light/dark, two-toned stratification is observed so frequentlyon the Northwest Coast, and at other coasts around the world, is relatedprimarily to the proximity of human occupations to the marine shoreline andto the dynamic nature of these shorelines. In any location where sites containshells and are porous, where clay is present, where organic matter is a productof human activity, and where the occupation occurred close to the groundwatertable, this two-toned stratification could be observed. All that is required is foreither the land to subside or the sea level to rise.

When excavating sites, archaeologists excavate layers following natural (phys-ical) stratigraphic breaks. The research at English Camp shell midden suggeststhat at least one of these stratigraphic boundaries is not related directly to cultur-al events and should not be used to group artifacts for comparative purposes. Thisdiscovery was made by combining stratigraphy, geoarchaeology, and archaeology.If archaeologists do not wish to continue using a single stratigraphic sequence todefine cultural and depositional units, and thus force into one sequence all the


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variability represented in time, technology, and subsistence, then geoarchaeologyand stratigraphy need to be considered. In this way, the artifacts can be properlyunderstood.


This research was conducted at San Juan Island National HistoricalPark–English Camp, supported by the University of Washington and theNational Park Service, especially with the assistance of Jim Thomson and KentBush. The excavation of Operation A was accomplished as part of a summerarchaeological field methods class instructed annually from 1984 to 1989 byG. Thomas Jones, Charlotte Beck, Pam Ford, and Margaret Nelson. The sedi-ment analysis was conducted in the Archaeological Sediments Laboratory atthe University of Washington. The Harris matrices were drawn by KimKornbacker and linked to the database by Lance Lundquist. The photos wereprepared by Christopher Lockwood. The ideas expressed in this chapter ben-efitted greatly from the insights offered by Mary Parr, Gregg Sullivan, and Fran(Whittaker) Hamilton.


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