Intercultural Communication Dr. Carol Reade SJSU SAL Global Leaders Program for Keimyung University, South Korea July 16, 2010

Intercultural communication.sal july 2010

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Intercultural Communication

Dr. Carol Reade

SJSU SAL Global Leaders Program for Keimyung University, South Korea

July 16, 2010

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What do we mean by “intercultural communication”?

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Learning Objectives

1. Examine the role of culture and perception in communicating across cultures

2. Identify and experience intercultural verbal communication styles and nonverbal behaviors

3. Consider ways to overcome intercultural communication challenges

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The Basic Communication Process

Communication: The process of transferring meanings from

sender to receiver.

On the surface, the process of communication appears straightforward

However, there may be a failure to transfer meanings correctly

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Communication Challenges Culture


Verbal communication styles and non-verbal behaviors

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The Role of Culture Culture is acquired knowledge that people

use to interpret experience and generate social behavior Values, attitudes, behavior

Culture has several key dimensions (Hofstede) Individualist/Collectivist Uncertainty avoidance Power distance Masculinity/Femininity

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Perceptual Barriers Perception: a person’s view of reality

How people see reality is shaped by their cultural experiences

Our cultural experience influences our judgment, our decision making, and the way we see ourselves and others How others see us may be different than we


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What do you see?

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Culture, Context & CommunicationContext is information that surrounds a

communication and helps convey the message

High-context cultures Messages are often highly coded and implicit

Low-context cultures Messages are explicit and the speaker says

precisely what he or she means

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Explicit and Implicit Communication

High-context/implicit communication


Low-context/explicit communication



Swiss Germans


North Americans




Latin Americans



Adapted from Figure 7–1: Explicit/Implicit Communication: An International Comparison

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Table 7–1Major Characteristics of Verbal Styles

Verbal Communication Styles

Adapted from Table 7–1: Major Characteristics of Verbal Styles

Indirect vs. direct


Implicit messagesExplicit messages

Collective, high contextIndividualistic, low context

Succinct vs. elaborate

Elaborate High quantity of talk

Moderate uncertainty avoidance, high context

Exacting Moderate amount of talk

Low uncertainty avoidance, low context

Succinct Low amount of talk

High uncertainty avoidance, high context

Cultures in WhichMajor Interaction Focus Characteristic It

Verbal Style Variation and Content Is Found

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Table 7–1Major Characteristics of Verbal Styles

Verbal Communication Styles

Cultures in WhichMajor Interaction Focus Characteristic It

Verbal Style Variation and Content Is Found

Adapted from Table 7–1: Major Characteristics of Verbal Styles

Contextual vs. personal

Contextual Focus is on the speaker and role relationships

High power distance, collective, high context

Personal Focus is on the speaker and personal relationships

Low power distance, individualistic, low context

Affective vs. instrumental

Affective Language is process oriented and receiver focused

Collective, high context

Instrumental Language is goal oriented and sender focused

Individualistic, low context

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Summary of Verbal Styles

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Nonverbal CommunicationBody movement/facial expression (Kinesics) Eye contact, posture, gestures

Color (Chromatics) Color to communicate messages

Time (Chronemics) Schedule versus relationships

Physical space (Proxemics) Physical closeness

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Personal Space in the U.S.

Intimate distance 18”

Personal distance 18” to 4’

Social distance 4’ to 8’

Public distance 8’ to 10’

Adapted from Figure 7–3: Personal Space Categories for Those in the United States

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Intercultural communication in action Negotiation between a US seller and a

Japanese buyer of Mustang Jeans.

Can you identify the verbal communication styles?

Would you consider this a successful intercultural communication?

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Suggestions for effective intercultural communicationBe aware that communication styles vary

across culturesUse common words and avoid slangLearn about other culture beforehandBe observant during communicationUse active listeningBe aware of own reaction Step into other’s shoesBe cooperative, respectful and open-
